), one of its most useful features is improving the quality of pictures. From this lesson you will learn how to improve a photo in Photoshop using standard tools using the CS6 version as an example. Of course, what exactly you need to do depends entirely on the source photo, here we talk about the basic settings that are effective in most cases.

Automatic correction

First of all, use two settings that automatically adjust the tone and contrast of the photo. Perhaps this will be enough.

Settings and "Autocontrast" you will find in the menu "Image". If the quality still leaves much to be desired, we continue manipulations.

How to improve sharpness in Photoshop

If you need to get rid of the blur effect, there is a special filter called "Sharpening" and is in the menu "Filter". There are five of its subspecies. Try them one by one and choose best option. If you are using "Sharpness +", then the intensity can be adjusted. To do this, after applying the filter, open the menu "Editing" and select "Lower: Sharpness +". Move the slider to adjust the sharpness level.

It often happens that the photo is very blurry and this filter does not help. Then you can use one simple trick:

1. Open a window "Layers" via menu "Window", if it is closed.

2. Duplicate the layer by pressing the combination CTRL+J.

3. Being on the second (top) layer, in the menu "Filter" find "Other" and select . The photo will turn grey, adjust the settings until the details are well defined as shown in the picture.

4. In the window "Layers" change the blend mode of the gray layer to "Overlap".

5. If the photo turns out too dark, you can reduce the transparency of the top layer.

This method is sometimes more effective than using a filter. "Sharpening".

How to improve image clarity and brightness

You can improve the quality of a photo in Photoshop by adjusting the brightness and contrast. On the menu "Image-Correction", There is "Brightness/Contrast", but it's best to use more fine tuning "Levels", which is located there. Moving the sliders "Input" And "Output values" on the histogram, you can choose the ideal combination of these parameters for the photo.

Correcting color saturation

If the photo is too faded, you can make the colors brighter and more saturated. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to lose the naturalness and realism of the image. Open menu "Image-Correction", select "Hue/Saturation" and adjust the middle setting, you can also change the brightness and hue.

This is what we ended up with on the sample.

Of course, the program allows you to perform many more operations to improve the quality of pictures (for example), but these basics are useful for any novice “Photoshopper” to know.

The world of photographs contains so many interesting things. Photography is, in essence, a window into the past, an opportunity to preserve a moment, the ability to mentally transport yourself to the world behind the scenes and feel the mood, colors and even smells that a photo composition carries. Of course, the world is much more beautiful than even the most advanced photographic equipment can imagine. The camera conveys only the mathematical part of the idea, the concept that the photographer conceived, and photography combines the idea and implementation into an artistic photograph.

To obtain the most tangible aesthetic result from digital photography, imagination and camera capabilities alone are not enough. Digital photography is convenient because, unlike analog photos, it can easily be improved in quality in one of the photo processing and retouching programs, for example, in the most famous program Adobe Photoshop.

Improving the quality of a photo in Photoshop step by step.

So. It is necessary to improve the quality of the photo by processing it using Photoshop. The photo was taken immediately after sunset and turned out darker, despite the fact that in reality there was still plenty of light, but there was not enough contrast to convey it, while the glare of the just setting sun still remained in the reflection on the water, this will need to be remembered to be emphasized.

Brightness and contrast. First, let's increase the brightness of the photo by going to the tab. Let's add brightness +32 units, and slightly raise the contrast by +9 units.

Color balance. Now let's work with the flowers image - adjustments - color balance. To give the photo more light saturation, you need to add more yellow color and remove excess blue in midtones. In principle, here you can simply turn the knobs in any direction, in the preview all changes will be immediately visible and settle on the most acceptable desired option. In this case, we will focus on the option with the following settings for midtones: +30 +17 -36. In the dark ones we will add only red +5. In the light ones we will leave everything unchanged. Don't forget to leave a tick in the box maintain color brightness.

Sharpness. Now let's improve the colors and sharpness of the photo. Since we now see more saturated colors, we can go to image - adjustments - brightness/contrast and add brightness +20 and increase contrast +26. The next step will be to slightly change the light intensity, because... there are two areas in the photo too bright sky and quite dark colors at the bottom of the image. Image - adjustments - select color where we set the intensity level to 131 and slightly raise the brightness to 107. Of course, everything is achieved by trial and error, so try turning the knobs in different directions, while trying not to get too carried away and try to see the image as much as possible in natural shades, with the exception of “acid-base” experiments with color.

Artistic processing. And now you can add artistic manipulation photos to enhance the effect of the photo. In order for the main frame, and this is the girl at the railing, to be the center of attention, you need to slightly focus the image on the main frame. Visually divide the photograph into main objects and secondary ones. If we divide the visual line diagonally from the upper right corner to the lower left, we will see that the main objects are located in the lower right part of the photo diagonally: a girl - the center of the entire frame, a railing, a sidewalk in the foreground and a little glare on the water. Everything else on the left side of the photo and in the corner, as well as the entire background, remains behind the key frame, as secondary details. Accordingly, to add expressiveness to the photograph, we will blur the background in the background and sharpen the key details of the foreground. For this we need a selection tool Lasso, lubrication tool Spot and a couple of good filters in the tab Filters.

Tool Lasso Carefully select the upper diagonal part of the photo. Next we go to filter - lubrication - Gaussian smear and set a small blur radius of 0.8 pixels. The upper diagonal part is now blurred, as if left behind the focus. Moving on to the bottom right and main part of the frame. Choose selection - invert selection and now you can work with the right adjacent area. Let's improve the sharpness of the selected area of ​​the photo. Choose filter - others - custom and without changing the values ​​(centered in field 5, other fields -1, scale 1) we confirm the action, the image in the selected area becomes much clearer. Now, so that the boundaries of the two areas are not so obvious, let’s take the tool Blur and with small installation With a force of 8%, we will pass along the border of the junction of the two regions.

That's it, the photo is ready! Using photo processing tools, we were able to not only improve the quality of the photo, but also enhance the visual sensation of the photo, focusing the main elements of the image in the center of perception of the frame.

After taking a photograph, almost any photo can be improved, or more correctly, modified in Photoshop, correcting tones, color balance, cropping the photo, cropping it for a better perception of the picture, correcting the sharpness and blurring of the background behind the frame, or, on the contrary, changing the photo beyond recognition. With experiments in photo processing, you need to be careful, “not to go too far,” so as not to deprive the photo of its artistic essence. Often, it will be enough to simply improve the photograph a little, emphasizing several nuances of the plot in the photo, thus setting the general mood of the perception of the picture. But no matter what we do with the image and its colors, the plot will remain an unchangeable advantage in photography.

Greetings, future Photoshop gurus. Today's lesson will be devoted to the quality of photographs. Remember the first time you picked up a camera? And how ineptly did you use it? What was the image quality of the resulting photos that day? In most cases, the photo turns out blurry because your hands shook or someone pushed you while taking it. Or the photo turns out grainy, unclear, with poor color if you took the photo with a bad camera, or in poor lighting. It is almost impossible to correct such photographs, but you can always slightly improve the quality. In such situations, Photoshop comes to our aid. Today we will work with an interesting tab called “Filter”. There are many ways to improve image quality, and we'll look at a few of them today.

Click “Filter”, this is the sixth tab from the left. Then select the “Sharpness” filter group, which, as you guessed, is responsible for sharpness. Don't be afraid "Sharpness" is not a rough form of conversation, but the clarity of our photography. This filter is thirteenth in the Filter table. Another tab appears in which we should find the “Smart Sharpening” filter.

After clicking on this filter, funny at first glance, a dialog box will appear in front of us. In this window we are presented with our image, which we can zoom in and out by clicking on the small plus and minus signs under it. Between the plus and minus the proportion to your image will be shown as a percentage. And in the next column I suggest you play with the “Effect” and “Radius” parameters. By moving the lever, you will see all the changes on the screen with your image. I hope and sincerely believe that you will figure this out on your own.

The “Unsharp Mask” filter, which you noticed when you were looking through the “Sharpness” filter group, has approximately the same effect as “Smart” sharpening. But I still advise you to deal with it.

By clicking on the “Unsharp Mask” filter, oddly enough, the window appears again, but smaller. In the window that appears, there is also an image and now there are three settings, these are “Effect”, “Radius” and “Threshold”. They operate in the same way as in the “Smart” sharpening filter, but be aware that the “Threshold” setting, on the contrary, blurs the image. Experiment with these filters.

Now we will analyze filters from other groups, so be careful! To begin adjusting the image quality, we will need to create two copies of our image. This is done very simply. In the “Layers” window, click and hold the left mouse button on the thumbnail image and smoothly drag it onto the logo called “Creating a new layer”. It is also located below in the “Layers” window, the second one, if you count from the right. After we have created three miniature images, click on the top one giving it Blue colour, and apply the “Color Contrast” filter.

It is located in the "Filter" list in the "Other" filter group. After clicking on this filter, our entire image was painted in grey colour, but don’t be alarmed, that’s how it was intended. By moving the lever in the window that appears, we must make sure that the image contains only light outlines. Then press the “Ok” button.

Make this layer invisible by clicking on the eye next to the thumbnail image in the “Layers” window.

Select the second layer from above by clicking on it. And we already apply the “Embossing” filter to it, and you shouldn’t be upset that this filter has such a name. We can also find this filter in the “Filter” list in the “Styling” filter group.

If you haven’t noticed, when applying this filter our image turned gray. In the window that opens, using the “Angle”, “Height” and “Effect” settings, we need to achieve the same thing that we achieved in the top layer, a slight outline of the shapes of what you are going to make clear.

After applying these filters, we turn on the top layer by clicking on the eye. And to these two layers we need to apply the Overlay blending mode. This can be done by selecting the desired layer, clicking on the thumbnail image in the “Layers” window, and in the list that is located at the top left also in this window, select “Overlay”.

After these steps, our image should become clearer. But, if you are suddenly not happy with the result, then I advise you to copy the layers we worked with several more times. And it is advisable to combine all layers into one before saving. To do this, you need to select all the small images in the “Layers” window by clicking on the top and bottom ones, while holding down the “Shift” key, and pressing the “Ctrl + E” key combination.

There is also another method for increasing image quality. After you have opened the image, you need to go to the “Image” tab, find the “Correction” item there, and select the “Curves” item.

After which a window will appear in front of us, in which we see a window, in it we are shown an image with a line and a black diagonal. Three pipettes with black, gray and white paint inside them. With the black pipette outside the window you need to click on the most dark place photographs, white - to the lightest, and gray - to medium tones. After which, Photoshop will automatically adjust the sharpness of the image for you.

Next, in the window that opens to us, two levers will appear, by moving which we will see what is happening with our image. The main thing is to see what is happening, you need to check the box next to the “View” item. I hope you understand what Brightness and Contrast are, even if you don’t, move the levers and everything will immediately become clear to you.

In principle, everything, in my opinion, our image has become much better than it was.

Today we have learned how to make images of higher quality in several ways, but it’s up to you to choose which one to use. I want to warn you that when changing the image quality using these methods, graininess, in other words noise, may appear. But to the question “How to get rid of noise?” we will answer in the next lesson. Goodbye. May quality and sharpness be with you.

Nowadays, during the craze for social networks, the issue of changing the size and quality of images has become especially relevant. After all, in order to show off your new photograph in social network you need to unload it from the camera and at least reduce the overall size. And reducing the size may lead to a loss of quality. This is how, without even noticing it, we optimize the size and quality of the image.

Of course, to optimize the size and quality of the image, you can use recognized giants like Photoshop or Corel, but in this article we're talking about about quickly and easily changing the size and quality of images.

Having tried several graphic editors, I personally settled on the relatively small and fast-working IrfanView. Moreover, it also has a portable version, that is, one that does not require installation. Still, I believe that if it is possible not to fill up the free space of the system partition, it is better not to do this. After all, the portable (portable) version can work from any media.

How to quickly change the size and quality of an image.

For example, you downloaded a picture you liked from the Internet and would like to insert it into your message. But the problem is that she has too much big size and not really good quality: sharpness, brightness, contrast and so on.

In the IrfanView program, all this can be fixed in two or three clicks. To do this, load the desired image into the program: “file” – “open” or simply by clicking on the icon with the folder that opens. In the explorer that opens, find the desired image and open it. For example, I took an advertisement for the movie "X-Men", the size of this picture is 500x375 pixels and weighs 373 kb, which is too much to insert into my message.

First I want to resize the image to the 300 pixels I need on the maximum side. This is the optimal photo size for inserting into my message. “Image” – “Resize image” or for those who like the hot keys Ctrl+R.

The window that opens provides options for resizing the image. In the "Set new size" block, I will change the existing width (500 pixels) to the 300 pixels I need. By the way, sometimes it is more convenient to change the percentage. That is, check the box “New size as a percentage of the original” and instead of 100% enter 95% or 105% (this depends on what you want to do - reduce or enlarge the image). If the "Maintain proportions" option is checked in the resizing block, it is enough to enter only one size (width or height), the second will change automatically.

I usually resize images with the "Sharpen after Resampling" and "DPI - new size" options checked and have never regretted it. And the default resizing method "Lanczos" does its job perfectly.

You can sharpen an image without changing its size automatically by selecting “Image” – “Sharpen” in the menu or using the hotkey combination Shift+S.

In principle, I am satisfied with the resulting image. Otherwise, you would have to edit the brightness and contrast. To open the color correction window, select “Image” – “Color correction” or the hotkey combination Shift+G.

In this window you can change brightness, contrast, color balance, gamma correction and saturation, and by clicking on the “Apply to original” button you can see how it will look on the original.

So, I changed the size and quality of the image to the parameters I needed, all that remains is to save it to HDD. I click “File” – “Save for Internet” and open the RIOT plugin window.

This plugin is included in the full version of IrfanView. In my opinion, one of the best plugins for optimizing JPEG, GOF and PNG files. In this plugin, I select the extension and weight of the image I need and click on the “Save” icon.

Well, that's all, as you can see, I was able to change the size and quality of the image quite quickly.

IN modern world There is often a need to edit an image. Digital photo processing programs help with this. One of these is Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop).

Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop) is a very popular program. It has built-in tools to improve picture quality.

Now we will look at several options that will help improve the quality of photography in Photoshop.

First you need to download Photoshop follow the above link and install it, which this article will help you with.

How to improve image quality

There are several techniques you can use to improve the quality of your photography: Photoshop.

The first way to improve quality

The first method is the Smart Sharpen filter. This filter is especially suitable for photographs taken in dimly lit areas. The filter can be opened by selecting the menu “Filter” - “Sharpening” - “Smart Sharpening”.

IN open window The following options appear: effect, radius, remove and reduce noise.

The “Remove” function is used to blur an object shot in motion and to blur at shallow depths, that is, sharpening the edges of the photo. Gaussian Blur also sharpens objects.

When you move the slider to the right, the Effect option increases the contrast. Thanks to this, the picture quality improves.

Also, the “Radius” option, when increasing the value, will help achieve the contour sharpening effect.

The second way to improve quality

Improve photo quality in Photoshop There is one more way. For example, if you need to improve the quality of a faded image. Using the Eyedropper tool, you should maintain the color of the original photo.

In the window that appears, scroll the slider until the photo quality appears to improve.

Upon completion of this procedure, you need to open the menu “Layers” - “New Layer-Fill” - “Color”.

Noise Removal

You can remove noise that appears in the photo due to insufficient lighting using the command “Filter” - “Noise” - “Reduce Noise”.

Advantages of Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop):

1. Variety of functions and capabilities;
2. Customizable interface;
3. Ability to correct photos in several ways.

Disadvantages of the program:

1. Purchase full version program after 30 days.

Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop) is rightfully a popular program. A variety of functions allows you to perform various manipulations in order to improve the quality of the picture.