You've probably watched more than once how cheerful flocks of sparrows splash in the dust or take water baths in a heated puddle. If not, be sure to try to catch the birds performing hygiene procedures - it’s a really funny sight. However, in old times The sight of the birds bathing did not touch people, but made them take a closer look at which bath the sparrows chose this time - water, road dust or sand. What was at stake, scary to say, was the harvest!

What does a bathing sparrow predict?

Nowadays, few people doubt that animals can sense weather fluctuations long before they occur. At least such significant progress atmospheric fronts, like thunderstorms and droughts, rarely escape their keen attention. In Rus' they understood this even without scientific research. And even though some signs now seem absurdly naive to us, some of them still have the right to exist.

In dust and sand

If you notice that sparrows have begun to diligently scurry around in sandy holes along the side of the road, do not wash your car and check how far you have put away your umbrella. According to the feathered barometer, heavy rains are coming. By the way, a pair of warm socks won’t hurt either, because there is a high probability of cold weather.

In a puddle

Sparrows in a puddle - to the heat

A completely different desire portends gray birds install a hot tub in a pothole full of water. Seeing sparrows splashing in a puddle, the peasants' faces darkened and began to mentally count their losses: the omen promised a great drought. After such a forecast, only skinny awns of ears should have remained from the crops.

The rationale will be

Although one does not exclude the other. Why not assume that before the big dry land, the puddles warm up under the scorching sun, and the baby birds do not enjoy splashing around in warm water? Accordingly, when the rains are about to begin, splashing through puddles becomes unpleasant, and sparrows switch to less cold sand.

Or maybe the birds choose the first bath nearby, not having the slightest idea that someone is checking the weather on them at that moment. But you have a great chance to keep your children busy for the summer. Set up an impromptu sparrow observation station and make a contribution to science by proving or disproving the sign yourself. It’s fun and the kids are busy.

If a resident of Oman purchases a new car, then according to popular belief he should turn on the audiobook “Koran” and listen only to it for 1-2 weeks. In this way, the car owner protects himself and his car from the evil eye.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in soon.

Signs about sparrows

Such a bird, like a sparrow, loves to settle next to a person. In the 20th century, scientists even found that where sparrows live, humans live very well. If these birds have disappeared from your area, it means that something is wrong with the ecology or other parameters important for life. And this can be considered the first and most important sign about sparrows. But there are others.

Sign: a sparrow flew into a room or onto a balcony

In search of food, as well as a suitable place to live, sparrows often fly under the roof or into the windows. What does such an arrival promise to the owners of the house? This birdie, impudent and noisy, was not very popular among the people. Hence folk signs- the sparrow, according to their interpretation, brings only some kind of grief on its wings.

  • A sparrow flew out the window: a sign that promises unpleasant news and, in general, a series of minor everyday misfortunes for the owners of the home.
  • The sign of a sparrow flying into the door indicates that your bad premonitions will come true. It’s worth doing everything you can to stop this before it’s too late.
  • It is very rare, but still happens today that a bird has entered a house through a chimney. This option is the worst. He promises serious illness one of the household (usually the one who sees the grimy bird first).
  • A sparrow on the balcony is a relatively harmless omen. She promises you news that will not please you, but will not bring you much grief either. But if the feathered guest decides to burst into loud chirping, then you can expect drastic changes in life. And these changes will be somehow connected with other people - any meeting can become fateful, especially for those who are looking for their soul mate.

Signs about sparrows and the weather

This bird predicted not only events in people’s lives, but also changes in the weather.

  • Sparrows bathing in a puddle are a sign of warming.
  • Sparrows bathe in dust - a sign of rain.
  • Chirped under the window or on the nearest tree in winter time? There will be a snowstorm or heavy snow soon.
  • - There will be no more cold weather.
  • Birds are trying to bury themselves in heaps of straw or hiding under the ruins of houses - wait for colder weather.

Other folk signs about sparrows

By listening to folk wisdom, you can reverse the sign or prepare in advance for upcoming events so that they do not take you by surprise.

Among large quantity omens, significant place are occupied by beliefs about birds. Sparrows bathe in a puddle - a sign that is one of the most famous. Basically, this portends changes in the weather, but there are also broader interpretations.

Sparrows bathing in a puddle are a common sign

To changes in the weather

People have long determined by the behavior of bathing sparrows what kind of weather is expected in the near future. Walking on fresh air, you can always meet these little birds. After watching the birds, you can find out whether you should arm yourself with an umbrella or put a Panama hat on your head today. If a sparrow splashes in a puddle on a spring day, then we should expect warming. If sparrows behave this way in the summer, then hot days are approaching: feel free to prepare a swimsuit or have a picnic. But when the birds chirp cheerfully and loudly while swimming in a puddle, a thunderstorm will come. After heavy rain there will be a rainbow in the sky.

Our ancestors knew that birds bathing in water foreshadowed drought, which would result in a poor harvest. Sparrows, feeling the lack of rain, begin to playfully splash in the puddles. By the sparrow's behavior they know what to expect from winter. If sparrows bathe in puddles in the fall, the warmth will linger for a few more days.

Influence of circumstances

The belief can also be explained based on the circumstances in which the bird was seen.

  1. If by chance through open window If you see sparrows swimming in a puddle, then in the evening expect guests in the house.
  2. On the way to visit, you will meet sparrows splashing in the sand - a warning that you should not drink too much alcohol. If you are fairly drunk, you can become the instigator of a fight and ruin your reputation.
  3. It is fortunate to meet swimming birds on the way to the registry office. The life of the bride and groom promises to be rich and eventful, there will be no place for betrayal and betrayal.
  4. If you see birds bathing in dust on your way to work, remember that you may have an unpleasant conversation with management. Birds give a sign that you should not persist and prove that you are right, because you may lose your bonus or get demoted. You should show restraint and calm during a conversation with your superiors.
  5. If, on your way to an interview or a deal, you happen to meet sparrows bathing in a puddle, this is good omen. It means success: the employer will decide to hire you or you will sign a successful contract.

If you encounter bathing sparrows on the way to a party, you should limit your drinking

Effect of time of day

IN different time day sign can be interpreted in different ways:

  1. If early in the morning you see a sparrow cleaning its feathers in a puddle, then you should not dress warmly, the weather will be warm all day. The sun will shine brightly and warmth is guaranteed.
  2. If birds bathe in sand or dust during the day, then in the evening you can expect thunderstorms and warm rain.
  3. If you watch sparrows bathe in the dust late in the evening, then the next morning you can prepare rubber boots or take an umbrella for the trip: it will rain.


Practice shows that folk signs in determining the weather rarely fail.

It is worth learning to see and understand the signs that a small bird gives in order to avoid surprises in the weather and life.

In cities you can often see sparrows swimming in puddles among other birds that inhabit the city. However, few people think that the actions of birds contain a hidden meaning. To understand why a flock of sparrows bathe in a puddle, you need to look at signs. Folk wisdom may explain this phenomenon, given the number of birds and the time of day when they took baths.

Why do sparrows swim in a puddle?

Birds splashing in the water are a good omen. Depending on how many sparrows there were and with whom they shared the puddle, you can give an exact interpretation of what you saw.

  • If the sparrow was swimming alone or there were 2-3 birds in the puddle, then the person will experience changes in his personal life. He will unexpectedly meet his soulmate or realize that they have no future together with their current partner. In this case, the individual will not think about the consequences, which is why he will make many unforgivable and stupid mistakes.
  • If a whole flock of sparrows bathe in a puddle, then the person will soon become the owner of wealth. He will be able to fulfill his dreams, but after this a crisis situation will come. The habit of spending a lot will collide with an absolute lack of money, which will make a person feel like a failure.
  • If sparrows bathe with pigeons, then a person will advance in career ladder. The long-awaited promotion will be the result of hard work. The reward will give the individual the strength to work hard so that his further work will also be rewarded.
  • If jackdaws swim in a puddle together with sparrows, then a person will receive good news from relatives. But due to the fact that a person will not be able to see his family, he will feel offended, and envy will creep into his heart.
  • If a magpie flew into the water with the sparrows, then the individual will soon receive a fee or a bonus. This will not be encouragement or support. Money will go to a person without any reason.

It is also worth paying attention to the behavior of birds in a puddle.

  • If the birds fought among themselves, then what was predicted would not come true soon. A long period of time will pass before these events occur in life.
  • If the birds stood apart from each other, and each was engaged in its own cleanliness, then what was foretold would soon begin to come true.

What to expect if sparrows bathe in sand or dust?

In the warm season, sparrows often wallow in the sand. The people also noticed this and created superstitions. This event can portend both good and bad.

  • If one or more sparrows are bathing in dust, then the person will soon come face to face with his rival. The fight will be difficult. If a person can maintain concentration and attentiveness, then victory will be his. If he tries to do several things at once or tries to cheat, then the championship will go to the enemy.
  • If a small flock of sparrows bathe in the sand, then good luck awaits the person in his endeavors. Whatever he undertakes, be it study, a new business or continuation career growth, the result will please the individual. However, he should not abuse this and take on several things at the same time. This will lead to a person losing his fortune in the hustle and bustle, and the work he has started will result in debts and large financial losses.
  • If sparrows bathe in the sand along with other small birds, then a person will face a moral test. For several days he will have to choose between what is easy and what is right. Correct decisions will bring a person new opportunities and powerful acquaintances. However, every mistake will be fatal. After it, one of the areas of a person’s life will change significantly.
  • If sparrows are floundering in the dust along with large birds, such as jackdaws or crows, then a person should expect bad news. This will affect one of your close relatives or friends. At the same time, other people will be at risk. Despite a person's wishes, he will not be able to help. But the situation will soon be resolved.
  • Signs say that if you see sparrows fiddling around in the sand and then swimming in a puddle, then the person will be lucky in his personal life. He will finally find his soulmate, and his feelings will be mutual. At the same time, the couple will find harmony, thanks to which their relationship will become stronger every year.
  • If sparrows fight with each other in sand heaps, then a person should expect a child. The baby will appear with the individual himself or with his close relatives. The sign also indicates that the newborn will have health problems.

It is worth paying attention to the age of the birds. The outcome of future events will depend on this.

  • If adult sparrows bathe in the sand, then what is predicted will leave a strong mark on a person’s life. Not only will he gain valuable experience, but he will also change his mind about certain things.
  • If an individual sees chicks frolicking in the dust, then routine events await him. They will quickly become unnecessary memories.

Scientific justification will be accepted

Ornithologists have another explanation for this bird behavior. Due to rising temperatures in summer period the sparrows are getting hot. Therefore, they try to cool off in cool puddles. In addition, dust clogs the coccygeal and supratail sebaceous glands, which is why an insufficient amount of oily substance reaches the plumage. To clear skin covering, birds take baths.

Other folk signs about sparrows

The actions of sparrows often indicate to people future events.

  • If, then the person will soon receive bad news. If a bird got inside through the window, then the news will concern the love sphere. An individual will break off a relationship with someone under unpleasant circumstances or find out about his significant other’s infidelity. If the bird entered the house through the loggia, then the news will be related to work and job responsibilities.
  • The found corpse of a sparrow is also bad omen. If it was found near the threshold, then the owner of the house will face financial problems. If a dead bird was in the garden, then the children in the house will get sick.
  • If a sparrow flies over a person’s head, and there is a long road ahead, then you should be careful. Travel can be life-threatening for an individual. And if a whole flock flew over the wanderer, then due to failures the trip would be disrupted.
  • If a family of sparrows has settled on the roof of a building, then soon a young man will come to the house to woo. Moreover, he will find his bride in this very building. However, the sign says that if before wedding will take place less than 7 months, the newlyweds will face constant conflicts and difficulties with the family budget.