The first production M1 Abrams tank rolled off the assembly line at the Lyme (Ohio) tank plant in February 1980. The M1 Abrams was the first American tank developed after the end of World War II in accordance with new combat concepts of use. According to American specialists, in terms of its combat characteristics it surpassed the M60A3 in service by almost 2 times. The tank reached a speed of 72 km/h on the highway and up to 50 km/h when driving on a dirt road. In total, over 10 thousand Abrams tanks have been produced since 1980. various modifications. The cost of the tank is estimated at 6 million dollars.

The Abrams tank has a classic layout and is distinguished by fairly strong armor for its welded turret and hull. Their front parts use multi-layer armor, which is similar to the English "chobham" armor used on the Challenger and later German tanks. The Abrams is also characterized by a fairly large angle of inclination of the upper frontal plate of the hull relative to the vertical plane, which is an additional protection factor and reduces its vulnerability to armor-piercing shells.

To protect against cumulative ammunition, the top of the chassis and the sides of the hull are covered with special mounted armored screens. Tank crew members are isolated from fuel and ammunition by special armored partitions, which gives both the crew and the tank additional protection. The tank does not have an automatic loader, so its crew consists of 4 people: commander, driver, gunner and loader.
The tank's controls include a motorcycle-style T-shaped steering wheel, which is linked to an automatic transmission. At the top of the column there is a gear shift lever (4 forward gears, 2 reverse). The fuel supply is regulated by rotating the tips of the steering column handles.

Initially, a 105-mm M68E1 rifled gun was installed in the armored turret of circular rotation., which was stabilized in 2 planes. To the right of the gun are the commander's and gunner's positions, and to the left is the loader's position. In the rear part of the turret, in an isolated compartment in the ammunition racks, the main part of the gun’s ammunition is located (44 out of 55 shells). Access to them opens only when the armor partitions are opened. The remaining shots are in armored containers mounted in the tank hull (8 pieces) and on the turret floor directly in front of the loader (3 pieces).

The gun's ammunition included armor-piercing and sub-caliber shells with a separating pan M774 and M883 (depleted uranium cores), M735 (tungsten core), as well as M737 training shells.

The tank received a fairly modern fire control system (FCS). The main gunner's sight combines a daytime visual channel, a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder. The daytime visual channel has variable zoom (3 and 10 times). The thermal imager also has two zoom levels (3 and 10), which allow you to detect targets in large (7.5 x 15°) and small (2.5 x 5°) field of view modes.

It is noted that other crew members have much less ability to detect targets compared to the gunner. The lower level of instrumentation for the driver and loader is justified by their workload due to their direct functional responsibilities, and for the vehicle commander - by cost savings. The tank commander could find targets either using the gunner's ocular sight or the commander's periscope monocular sight. Observation through the latter was possible only in the daytime, and the monocular outlet did not make it possible to conduct an autonomous (independent of the gunner) search for targets.

To ensure all-round visibility, the commander's cupola has 6 viewing periscopes installed around the perimeter. The electronic (digital) ballistic computer has sufficient high accuracy when calculating angular corrections for shooting. The values ​​of the target range, which come from the laser range finder, the ambient temperature, the crosswind speed and the angle of inclination of the gun trunnion axis are automatically entered into it. Information about the type of projectile, wear of the bore, barometric pressure, as well as corrections for mismatch between the direction of the aiming line and the axis of the barrel bore.

After the gunner detects and identifies the target, keeping the crosshairs on it, he presses the laser rangefinder button. The range to the target is determined, the range value is displayed in the commander’s and gunner’s sights. After this, the gunner selects the type of ammunition by setting the four-position switch to the desired position. At this time, the loader loads the gun. After which a light signal in the gunner's sight indicates that the gun is ready to fire.

Angular corrections from the ballistic computer are entered automatically. As a disadvantage, experts cite the presence of only one eyepiece in the gunner’s sight, which increases eye fatigue, especially when the combat vehicle is moving.

The engine transmission compartment (MTS) is located in the rear of the tank. The AGT-1500 gas turbine engine is installed here, which is located in the same block with the X-1100-3B automatic hydromechanical transmission. American engineers explain the choice of a gas turbine engine by a number of its advantages. Compared to diesel engines of the same power, a gas turbine engine has a smaller volume. In addition, it is almost 2 times lighter, has a relatively simple design and a more significant (2-3 times longer) service life.

Such an engine better meets multi-fuel requirements. Along with this, they name such disadvantages as the complexity of air purification and increased fuel consumption. It is worth noting that the engine produces 1500 hp. provides the M1 Abrams tank with high throttle response - it accelerates from standstill to a speed of 30 km/h in 6 seconds.

M1 Abrams tanks are equipped with a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction, which ensures the supply of air purified by a filtering unit to the crew members’ masks. It also allows you to create excess pressure inside the tank to prevent radioactive dust or any toxic substances from getting inside. The crew has chemical and radiation reconnaissance instruments at their disposal. You can raise the air temperature inside a combat vehicle using a heater.

The first improved version of the tank appeared in October 1984 and was produced until 1986 (894 tanks were produced). Its main difference from the original was more advanced booking. At the same time, work was underway to improve the tank’s combat capabilities, primarily its firepower. As a result of this work, the Abrams M1A1 tank was born, production of which began in August 1985, and the first production vehicles entered tank units of the US Army in Europe in 1986.

The M1A1 modification received a new 120-mm smoothbore gun of West German design., which is used on Leopard-2 tanks. Due to the use of a larger caliber gun, the ammunition load was reduced to 40 unitary loading rounds, which are placed in a specially designed armored ammunition rack.

The majority of the gun's ammunition consists of two types of shells: armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with a feathered core and a detachable tray (made from depleted uranium or tungsten) and multi-purpose shells (high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative action). All shots have a steel pan and casings with a combustible casing. The armor protection of the tower was strengthened. As a result of all the changes, the tank's combat weight increased to 57 tons.


In 1988, production of M1A1 tanks began, which received armor on the frontal parts of the turret and hull with inclusions of depleted uranium. The density of the latter is 2.5 times higher than that of conventional steel armor. The use of such technology, according to American engineers, has made it possible to significantly increase the armor protection of the tank, including from the effects of cumulative ammunition. At the same time, the weight of the tank with such armor increased by another 1.5 tons and came very close to the 60-ton mark. Experts especially emphasized that the low level of natural radioactivity of depleted uranium is safe for the tank crew.

The next version of the M1A2 tank is a further development of the existing machine. The set of improvements, united under the name "Block-2", consists of an independent thermal imaging sight, which was received by the tank commander, a thermal imaging device for the driver, an on-board information system with means of displaying the situation and new laser rangefinders.

An independent thermal imaging sight made it possible for the commander and gunner to work simultaneously. While the tank commander can search for new targets in smoke or darkness, the gunner can fire at previously discovered targets. The thermal imaging sight is placed on the roof of the turret in front of the loader's hatch; the image of the terrain (the device can be rotated 360 degrees) is displayed on a screen located in front of the tank commander. The use of a new on-board information system, which replaced the fire control systems with a single electronic complex, including a processor for processing signals from all sensors, weapon control units, and situation display indicators, significantly reduced the time it took to prepare the tank for a shot.

According to Western experts, the M1A2 Abrams tank increased its attack efficiency by 54% compared to the base model, and in prepared defense by 100%. The combat rate of fire has doubled. In the course of further modernization of the vehicle, it is planned to use a new 120-mm gun (lightweight) and new ammunition, equip the tank with an automatic loader, a new control system, an automatic search, detection and identification system for targets and a more advanced suspension, possibly hydropneumatic.

/Based on materials, And /

The M1 Abrams main battle tank was developed by Chrysler Defense and produced under the General Dynamics brand.

It was built in 1979, entered service in 1980 and is still in service, albeit in different versions, after numerous upgrades. First used in combat during the Gulf War in 1991, after which it continued to be used in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. It is also exported to Australia, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In total, about 8,800 different modifications of the Abrams were produced, and it itself is still used by both the American army and the Marine Corps.


The tank owes its appearance to the failed cooperation between the United States and West Germany to create the main battle tank new generation, superior to the Soviet T-72. The American army at that time used the M60 Patton, whose roots went back to the second World War, and western Germany Leopard-1. This technology was in many ways inferior to the newest T-72, so it was decided to jointly develop a combat vehicle that would meet all the requirements. The project was called MBT-70 (Main Battle Tank 70).

The MBT-70 had a 152 mm XM-150 main gun with the ability to launch guided missiles in the American version and a 120 mm Rheinmetall cannon in the German version. An additional 20 mm gun was also installed in a remotely controlled installation and, which became standard, a 7.62 machine gun. The tower had a strong slope on all sides and housed the entire crew, whose number, thanks to the automatic loader, was 3 people. The hull had a strong frontal slope, the armor was about 400 millimeters equivalent, and there was an escape hatch at the bottom of the hull. The chassis consisted of a hydropneumatic suspension, which made it possible to adjust ground clearance and tilt from the driver's seat, drive wheels at the rear, 12 road wheels and guides at the front. The engine had about 1500 hp. depending on the version, it allowed a tank weighing more than 50 tons to accelerate to 64 km/h.

The project budget was constantly growing, the parties' ideas about the future tank diverged, and as a result, West Germany decided to focus on its developments, which ultimately led them to the Leopard-2. By 1971, the Americans decided to curtail the development of the MBT-70, despite its promise, and develop their own tank, without regard to anyone. That's how Abrams came into being.


The Abrams XM1 prototype was developed by Chrysler Defense. Later, in 1979, it was bought by Chrysler Defense Division. The XM1 had the L7 series 105mm cannon, which was standard at the time and was used on many tanks. This version of the vehicle entered production in 1979 under the designation Abrams M1 and, a year later, entered combat duty. The tank received modern armor, fully protected compartments for fuel and ammunition, and a powerful engine. The crew consisted of 4 people due to the lack of an automatic loader. The weight reached 67.5 tons, making the tank one of the heaviest in the world.


After a short period of service, it became obvious that the gun did not meet the new weapons standards. Therefore, it was decided to install a Rheinmetall AG smoothbore gun, known in the USA as the M256, with a caliber of 120 millimeters. This modification of Abrams was designated M1A1 and was produced from 1986 to 1992. The tank also received chemical, biological and nuclear protection systems.

Soon the M1A2 appeared, differing from the previous modification in digital communication and guidance systems, a thermal imager and improved navigation equipment. The M1A2 SEP (optional upgrade package) brought Abrams to even higher standards, including digital maps, a more powerful on-board computer and an improved cooling system. Depleted uranium was added to the armor, and the following modifications, M1A1, M1A1D, M1A1HC. Depleted uranium braiding was also part of the advanced upgrades, while other subsequent upgrade programs produced the M1A1, M1A1D, M1A1HC and M1A2 SEP received reactive armor and the Tank Urban Survival Kit.


Crew accommodation in Abrams corresponds to the usual Western standards. The driver sits in the front, in the center of the body, and has a hatch. The commander, loader and gunner are located in a turret that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, the gunner sits in front of the commander, the loader is on the left. The commander and loader have their own hatches and protective weapons, which, thanks to the special design of the hatches, can be used directly from the turret without being exposed to return fire. The British-developed Chobham armor is used to cover critical areas such as the crew and vital systems. This is a combined armor consisting of many layers of Kevlar, ceramics, plastic and steel.


The tank is driven by a Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel gas turbine engine, which transmits torque to the drive wheels using an Allison DDA X-1100-3B automatic transmission. Thanks to this combination and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 24.5 hp. per ton, a heavy vehicle accelerates to 72 km/h on the highway and up to 50 over rough terrain. The suspension is torsion bar, the range is about 460 km.


The main armament remained represented by the 120 mm M256 cannon as the main weapon. The auxiliary consists of a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun, designed to engage air targets and controlled by the commander through his turret, and two M240 7.62 mm machine guns, one coaxial with the main gun and the second on the loader's hatch on top of the turret. The twin is aimed alongside the M256, and the second can be equipped with a night vision system and additional fencing to protect the gunner from enemy fire and shrapnel.

The following types of ammunition are used: feathered armor-piercing sub-caliber M829, M829A1, M828A2, M829A3, cumulative M830, cumulative fragmentation sub-caliber M830A1, concrete-piercing high-explosive sub-caliber M908, buckshot M1028. The ammunition includes projectiles tipped with depleted uranium, which have high penetration, but due to their high cost, their quantity is limited. In addition, after their use, the harm to the crew became obvious.

Abrams in battle

A baptism of fire in the Persian Gulf showed that the Abrams could easily deal with its outdated rivals like the T-55/62. The greatest losses were from friendly fire due to the lack of identification systems. On the other hand, outdated Soviet tanks did not have night vision systems or modern ammunition, and the level of training of their crews was low. So the Abrams could shoot their enemies from a distance at which they were invulnerable to return fire.

But the war in Iraq has already shown its weak points, when the Abrams were hit by thin side and rear armor and were blown up by mines. But the overwhelming advantage both in crew training and in the air bore fruit and the loss ratio was again in favor of the United States.

Abrams-based vehicles

Due to its high cost and complexity, Abrams was almost never used as a chassis for various vehicles. A heavy tank bridge layer, a roller mine sweeper, an armored repair and recovery vehicle, and several other examples were created.

The tank was named after General Creighton Abrams, who was commander in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972, and was designed to replace the M60 Patton, which was also named after the general. These tanks served together for about 10 years and only then the M1 Abrams completely replaced its predecessor.


Is Abrams best tank in the world, as many sources like to call it? It has very strong armor, but only at the front, a powerful engine, but redundant, it also has huge fuel consumption and heat radiation, manual loading of the gun, the vulnerability of an external additional engine, as well as high price exceeding 6 million dollars. However, the Abrams has been in service for a long time and is constantly being modernized, and one cannot say that the tank is bad; rather, it was simply created for certain needs and with a certain vision necessary qualities. Therefore, we can call it a good car for its tasks and a strong average in the world of modern

The M1A2 Abrams tank's mission is to engage and destroy enemy forces using maneuver, firepower, and surprise. It is in service with tank and reconnaissance battalions. Instead of new production, the Army upgraded 1,000 legacy M1 Abrams to M1A2 levels. This significantly reduced vulnerability by adding redundant components and dispersing data and power supplies.

Course towards modernization

The Abrams M1A2 tank is the second major improvement of the M1 line. Its main distinguishing elements are:

  • IVIS information system;
  • CITV commander's independent thermal imager;
  • POS/NAV positioning and navigation system;
  • improved ICWS fire control panel;
  • double redundancy of MILSTD 1553D data transmission devices and common bus.

In 1999, a package of SEP improvements was launched into mass production, which included:

  • second generation FLIR;
  • EBC software command and control system;
  • armored auxiliary power unit UAAPU
  • TMS management system.

In addition to upgrading previously produced tanks, the US Army is supplying equipment sold to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The program purchased 62 M1A2s and, as of early 1997, had completed upgrading 368 older M1 tanks to M1A2 levels. In 1991-1993, 267 units were delivered. From 1996 to 2001, another 600 improved machines were purchased from the Lima plant.

SEP Program

The program for further modernization of the Abrams M1A2 tank, called the System Enhancement Program (SEP), was aimed at increasing the capabilities of digital command and control, its combat effectiveness and lethal effect.

In 1994, the US Army awarded a contract to General Dynamics Land Systems to develop improvements to the M1A2 and awarded GDLS another contract in 1995 for 240 improved M1A2 SEPs for delivery in 1999. A second generation of airborne infrared was added to the gunner's and commander's thermal sights. FLIR forward vision systems. This sensor also began being installed on legacy M1A2s in 2001.

In March 2001, a multi-year contract was signed for the production of 307 M1A2 Abrams SEP tanks until 2004. At that time, the current plan consisted of 588 M1A2 SEP, 586 M1A2 and 4393 M1A1.

The first M1A2 military tanks entered service with the 1st Armored Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas, in August 1998. Deliveries to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment at Fort Carson, Colorado, were completed in 2000. M1A2s arrived. SEP began in the spring of 2000 with the 4th infantry division, Fort Hood, Texas. Upgrading the M1A2 to SEP began in 2001.

Weapons of the 21st century

The Abrams M1A2 SEP tank has become the digital center of the battlefields of the 21st century army. It implements numerous improvements to command and control systems, increasing lethality and reliability.

The SEP program includes upgrading the computer core, including replacing processors, increasing display resolution, memory capacity, installing a friendly SMI operator interface and an open OS that allows for further upgrades.

But the most important is the integration of the 2nd generation FLIR, the installation of the UAAPU armored auxiliary power unit and the TMS thermal control system.

Sources of financing

Increased funding for Stryker and FCS future combat systems resulted from the US Army's decision in 2002 to cease or restructure spending long term plan Program Objective Memorandum (POM) for 48 systems in fiscal years 2004-09. These included the XM2001 Crusader self-propelled howitzer and the A3 upgrade of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the M1A2 SEP program, the second unit of the Lockheed Martin Army Tactical Missile System and the associated planned upgrade of Northrop Grumman's BAT ammunition, the Stinger missile, and the Raytheon target detection system. and a wide range mine from Textron.

Night-vision device

The second generation FLIR replaced the existing TIS thermal imaging system and independent commander's thermal imager, as well as all components of the first generation FLIR. From the U.S. military's perspective, this is one of the key improvements that provides a fully integrated targeting system designed to provide the gunner and tank commander with enhanced day and night targeting and combat capability. Allows for 70% better target acquisition, 45% faster and more accurate shooting. In addition, the detection and identification radius of targets increased by 30%, which led to an increase in lethality and reduced the likelihood of defeating friendly troops. The CITV commander's independent thermal imager ensures the search and destruction of the enemy. The new FLIR is a targeting system with variable magnification ranging from 3x or 6x wide field of view for target acquisition and 13x, 25x or 50x narrow field of view for long range target tracking.

Efficient power unit

The UAAPU power plant consists of a gas turbine engine, a generator and a hydraulic pump. The generator is capable of producing 6 kilowatts of electricity with a current of 214 A and a constant voltage of 28 V. The hydraulic pump is capable of delivering 10 kW of power. The UAAPU can provide the electrical and hydraulic power needed to operate all electronic and hydraulic components used during combat, as well as charge the tank's main batteries. The power unit reduces operating and service costs by using fuel in an economical mode in a volume of 3-5 liters per hour of operation. Mounted on the left rear sponson in the fuel cell area and weighs 230 kg.

On-board air conditioning

Another improvement to the M1A2 SEP is the TMS thermal management system, which maintains the temperature in the crew compartment below 35 °C and the temperature of electronic components below 52 °C in extreme conditions. This increases the combat effectiveness of the team and the vehicle. The TMS consists of an AHU air handling unit and a VCSU vapor compression unit, which provide 7.5 kW of cooling capacity for the crew and quick-change LRUs. The AHU is installed in the rear of the turret and the VCSU in front of the gunner's main sight. TMS uses environmentally friendly refrigerant R134a and a mixture of propylene glycol and water. The TMS is installed on the left side of the turret compartment and weighs 174 kg.

Battle management system

The military requires all systems to operate within a common ACOE military operating environment to improve interoperability in combined arms operations. Use of digital technologies and Information Support offensive formations are carried out using the 21st century battle management system at the brigade level and below FBCB2. IN Abrams tank FBCB2 software is hosted on separate card, which provides situational awareness across the entire spectrum of tactical operations. Supports 34 report formats, ranging from reports on contact with the enemy to transport and supply reports, as well as automatically informing its systems about the location of the vehicle. SEP provides digital data distribution to optimize combat operations and provide real-time visibility during full-scale operations. This enhancement increases the controllability of the tempo of combat, improving stability and lethality. In addition, to support crew efficiency, each armored battalion is equipped with an enhanced AGTS artillery training system with state-of-the-art graphics.

Objectives of the modernization program

Changes under the SEP and M1A2 Tank in Fiscal Year 2000 programs are aimed at increasing firepower, combat effectiveness, mobility, stability and situational awareness, improving command and control necessary to ensure information superiority of leading maneuver strike forces. The Abrams and Bradley Fighting Vehicle are central components of a digitally controlled offensive strike force.

The main objectives of the SEP program:

  • improvement of target detection, recognition and identification systems with the addition of two second-generation FLIRs;
  • installation of an armored auxiliary power unit to power the tank and its electronics;
  • installation of control system temperature conditions for cooling the crew and electronics;
  • increasing memory and processor speeds and enabling displays to display full-color maps;
  • Ensuring compatibility with the combined arms command and control architecture for joint use and situational awareness across the entire formation.

Additional weight reduction, the introduction of battle management systems, and increased safety and survivability of the M1A2 according to the plan “M1A2 Abrams Tank in Fiscal Year 2000” began in 2000.

First failures

Initial operational testing and condition evaluation of the M1A2 took place from September to December 1993 at Fort Hood, Texas. They consisted of an artillery phase and maneuvers. The results were considered satisfactory; the new US tank was effective, but functionally unsuitable and unsafe. This assessment was based on the vehicle's poor accessibility and reliability, cases of spontaneous movement of the muzzle and turret, spontaneous firing of the .50-caliber machine gun, and hot surfaces causing burns to the crew.

Subsequent tests of two battalions of M1A2 tanks were carried out in September-October 1995 with the aim of training in the use of new weapons. Despite assurances of fixes, there were numerous cases of spontaneous movement of the barrel and turret, display freezes and contact burns. Further testing was suspended for safety reasons. The manufacturer identified 30 causes of problems and after updating the equipment and software testing continued in June 1996.

The Abrams M1A2 Tank Evaluation Test Master Plan was adopted in the second quarter of 1998. It included a coordinated plan for the third operational test in conjunction with the initial testing of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle in 1999 at Fort Hood, Texas. This combined operational test consisted of 16 battles. Fighting machine Bradley A3 and M1A2 SEP on one side versus M1A1 and Bradley-ODS on the other. In addition, testing of the second generation FLIR was carried out simultaneously. This approach was implemented by the Minister of Defense's policy of combining tests in order to save resources and provide a more realistic combat situation.

Work on mistakes

The command came to the conclusion that the plan “M1A2 Tank in 2000” made significant changes to the original M1A2 design and a system level assessment of its survivability is required based on a complete test plan for the two vehicles and their components, modeling and simulation, existing data, and previous test data to assess the sensitivity and resilience of the M1A2 and its crew to likely threats and the possibility of repairing damage.

The new US attack tank, with revisions made by the program manager in 1996, was found to be functionally effective and satisfactory. Combat readiness, reliability, fuel consumption, and safety issues previously identified have been corrected. Subsequent tests were carried out in accordance with the approved plans. There were no cases of spontaneous movement of the barrel and turret, machine gun firing, or hot surfaces.

The greatest risk for the program was the development of built-in battle management software, which provided recognition of "friend or foe" and provided general command and control information about the force. This software is a horizontal implementation of technology included in weapons and operational control systems in 2000.

WMD protection system

In late 2002, there was a tragic accident involving an M1A2 Abrams. While the tank crew was busy driving the vehicle, a malfunction occurred in the defense system against weapons of mass destruction, as a result of which the NBC filter caught fire. One soldier was killed and 9 people were injured. Among the many factors that contributed to this incident, the main cause of the NBC filter fire was a jammed air cycle unit caused by dirt.

The tank's electronics alert and warn crew members in case of problems with the NBC. Messages are displayed visually on the commander and driver displays. In addition, each crew member receives an audio signal via the VIS intercom system, generated by the AIM analog input module and supplied via a Y-cable to the AN/VIC 3 stationary full-function driver control unit via connector J3. Incorrect connection of the latter does not interfere with communications, but because of this the warning signal could not be heard. Command must ensure that every M1A2 in their possession is verified and that the NBC system is properly connected. It should not be used until the verification is completed. This is a critical component of the M1A2 that provides crews with protection in a combat environment and requires proper maintenance and inspection.

Further modernization

The M1A2 Abrams is one of the leading main battle tanks in terms of armor-piercing firepower and protection, but this variant was inferior in some capabilities to battle tanks made in Russia, Germany or Israel. What was missing was a high-explosive fragmentation round, an active protection system and additional overhead armor screens.

The M1A2 SEPv2 modernization program, in addition to increasing the reliability and service life of the tank, placed an emphasis on ensuring compatibility with the “future combat systems” FCS.

This update included two contracts with GDLS. The first, designed for 2007-2009, provided for the reconstruction of 240 M1A2 SEP to the second level with improved sights, displays and communications with the infantry. The second contract, which began in February 2008, provided for the upgrade of 435 remaining M1A1 tanks to SEPv2.

SEPv2 adds the CROWS II remote-controlled weapon system, equipped with a 12.7 mm machine gun.

The SEPv3 modernization program was publicly announced in 2015. Today it is the most advanced version of the Abrams with a number of further improvements in combat capability, fuel efficiency and networking capabilities. These include a new armor design and increased resistance against improvised explosive devices. SEPv3 testing will be completed in 2016 and shipping will begin in 2017.


The American Abrams tank accommodates a crew of four: commander, gunner, driver and loader. The first two are on the right, the loader on the left and the driver in the front in the center.

The commander is responsible for equipment, reporting material requirements, and tank operation. He instructs the crew, directs the movement of the vehicle, submits reports, controls the evacuation of the wounded and the provision of assistance. He is a specialist in the use of weapons, requests fire from a closed position and performs terrain orientation. The commander must know and understand combat mission, control the situation, using all available optics, listening to the radio, monitoring the on-board information system and the overview display. Located on the right and has access to 6 periscopes, providing all-round visibility.

TI's thermal imager allows for all-round visibility regardless of time of day, automatically scans and targets the gunner's sight without verbal communication, and also serves as a backup fire control system. The latter consists of a gyro-stabilized head with sensors, a handle, a settings selection panel, an electronics unit and a screen. The viewing angle is -12°+20° in elevation and 360° in azimuth with a magnification of x2.6 at a field of view of 3.4° and x7.7 at 10.4°.


Searches for a target and controls the firing of the main cannon and coaxial machine gun. Responsible for weapons and fire-fighting equipment. He is the deputy commander and assists other crew members when necessary. Responsible for communications and control systems, monitoring network connections, supporting digital channels, etc.

Sits on the right. The sight and GPS-LOS are developed by Hughes Aircraft Company. Dual-axis GPS-LOS increases first-shot hit probability through faster target acquisition and improved targeting. Azimuthal inertial stabilization allows detection, identification and engagement of a target at greater distances than the previous single-axis system. Excursion -16°+22° in altitude and ±5° in azimuth. The accuracy of stabilization and sight holding is less than 100 microrads.

The Eyesafe rangefinder, developed by Hughes, consists of a Raman resonator that increases the laser wavelength from 1.06 to an eye-safe 1.54 microns. Takes 1 measurement per second with an accuracy of 10 m.

There is an additional Kollmorgen 939 sight. Computer fire control is manufactured by Computing Devices from Canada. It consists of an electronics unit and a data input and testing panel. Automatically calculates data for firing, taking into account:

  • barrel elevation angle;
  • tool deflection measured by a thermal deflection system;
  • wind speed according to the sensor on the roof of the tower;
  • roll from the pendulum sensor in the center of the tower ceiling.

The operator enters ammunition type, temperature and pressure.

To destroy a target, the gunner aligns the sight's crosshair with the target. The distance is determined and the data is transmitted to the fire control computer. The sight, together with computer data and the state of the system, informs about readiness, after which the gunner fires a shot.


Drives, positions and stops the tank. When moving, looks for positions and routes sheltered from fire, maintains a formation position and monitors signals. In combat, assists the gunner and commander in searching for targets. Responsible for maintenance and refueling.

Located in the central part of the tank. The instrument panel monitors fluid levels, the condition of electrical equipment and batteries. Has 3 periscopes with a 120° field of view.

The AN/VSS-5, developed by Texas Instruments, is based on an uncooled 328 x 245 detector array operating in the 7.5-13 micron range and provides a 30° elevation and 40° azimuth field of view.

The AN/VAS-3 thermal imager, developed by Hughes Aircraft, is being supplied to military tanks for Kuwait. Created on the basis of 60 CdHgTe semiconductor elements, recording a wave range of 7.5-12 microns. The device is cooled by a 0.25 W motor. View - 20° in height and 40° in azimuth.


Serves the main cannon and coaxial machine gun. Armed with a machine gun. Stows and is responsible for ammunition and communications equipment maintenance. Before the start of hostilities, he searches for a target.


The main tank armament - the 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun - is produced by the German company Rheinmetall, and its ammunition is produced by Alliant Techsystems and Olin Ordnance, USA. Uses M865 TPCSDS-T and M831 TP-T training rounds and M8300 HEAT-MP-T and M829 APFSDS-T combat rounds with depleted uranium cores. The density of this metal is 2.5 times greater than that of steel, which ensures high armor penetration of the projectile. The length of the gun barrel is 44 calibers.

In the M1A1 tank, the commander has a 12.7 mm machine gun on a platform and with an x3 optical sight. Starting with the M1A2 modification, the rotating platform and sight gave way to a larger armored dome and a machine gun. This was done because the space previously occupied by the sight, platform motor and controls is now occupied by the CID and thermal imager.

The loader has a 7.62 mm tank on a Skate machine. Its rise is -30°+65°, rotation - 265°. The same machine guns are mounted coaxially to the right of the main gun.

Safety and preservation of combat readiness

Six-barrel M250 smoke grenade launchers are located on both sides of the turret. A smoke screen can also be installed by the engine management system.

The turret and hull of the M1 Abrams are protected by armor similar to the British Chobham. The vehicle's combat effectiveness has been proven in combat conditions - it survived direct hits from T-72 shells. Of the 1,955 crew, not a single soldier was killed, 4 tanks were disabled, and 4 were damaged but could be repaired. To withstand modern anti-tank weapon, the armor is made in the form of a composite material of steel and depleted uranium.

Ammunition is stored in reinforced boxes behind sliding reinforced doors. Armored partitions protect the crew from fuel tanks.

The tank is equipped with a Halon fire extinguishing system, which is activated 2 ms after fire and extinguishes the fire in 250 ms. The vehicle is protected against biological, nuclear and chemical weapons by the NBC system, which includes an air conditioning system, radiological warnings and a detector chemical substances. Protective suits and masks are available.

Powerplant and fuel consumption

The tank is equipped with a Honeywell AGT 1500 multi-fuel gas turbine tank engine with a power of 1,500 hp. With. Lycoming Textron company. And Allison Transmission supplies 4 forward and 2 reverse gears on the X-1100-3B.

A tank engine consumes about 1135 liters in 8 hours, but this figure depends on the combat mission, terrain and weather. Refueling time for one tank does not exceed 10 minutes, and for a platoon of four tanks - 30 minutes. Fuel consumption is:

  • 3.92 l per kilometer;
  • 227 l/h when driving over rough terrain;
  • 114 l/h in operational-tactical conditions;
  • 38 l/h at idle.

Performance characteristics of M1A2 tanks

Below is a table with the main tactical and technical characteristics of the tank.


Length (with barrel), m

Hull length, m

Width, m

Height, m

Maximum speed, km/h

Cruising range, km

Climbing, hail

Overcoming the ditch, m

Overcoming the wall, m

Gun shots, pcs.

Cartridges, pcs.

12 400x7.62, 1000x12.7

Currently, the United States is carefully studying the experience of using tanks of this series in combat in order to eliminate all identified shortcomings and develop a new, even more effective version of this combat vehicle.

After the closure of the T95 program, the development of some new systems and components still continued. Everyone understood that sooner or later a new program would be launched in the United States to develop a promising main tank, new basic concepts of a battle tank. At the same time, in the USA and some NATO countries, the emphasis in the development of the main weapon of the tank changed somewhat.

The military's attention was no longer drawn to tank guns firing high-velocity armor-piercing shells kinetic action, and the guns are launchers capable of firing guided missiles with a cumulative warhead. A laser rangefinder and other new components for the fire control system appeared as technical innovations that could be used to create new tanks.

On August 1, 1963, an agreement was signed between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany to jointly develop a new main tank for production and use in both countries. The project was named MBT70 - “Main Battle Tank 70”.

In the MVT70, the designers implemented many technical innovations, such as hydropneumatic suspension, an automated fire control system, automatic gun loading, and combined armor. It should be noted that similar armor and automatic loading in the USSR by this time had already been implemented on the mass-produced T-64 and T-64A tanks. So American designers, without even knowing it, played the role of “catching up” in the world tank building.

The introduction of advanced technical innovations in the MVT70 also led to an increase in the cost of the combat vehicle. The US Congress has revised a number of programs for the development of advanced technology in the direction of reducing the final cost of samples. The MVT70 program was also not included here. The promising tank was considered too expensive and complicated. In addition, there were many disagreements among American and German designers regarding the need and design of a number of systems and components of a promising tank. This led to the cessation joint work by car and each country then went its own way.

In the United States, in order to reduce costs and increase reliability, the design of the promising tank was simplified, but the 152-mm gun-launcher was retained as the main weapon in the new project, designated the XM803 main tank. However, in the West, by the beginning of the 70s of the last century, priorities regarding the main weapon of the tank began to change again. Again, preference began to be given to guns capable of delivering fire with high-velocity armor-piercing kinetic projectiles. In addition, the new XM803 tank being developed was not much cheaper than its predecessor MVT70.

In December 1971, the US Congress terminated work on the XM803 project. At the same time, the need to develop a new tank for the army was recognized. The necessary funding was also allocated for this. We must not forget that the USSR was already armed with the T-64A medium tanks, armed with a 125-mm smoothbore tank gun capable of firing armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with an initial speed of 1800 m/s. New vehicles were on the way: T-72 Ural and T-80.

The “go-ahead” and funding from the US Congress for the development of a new American tank became the third attempt to create a new American tank, which was successful.

A working group was organized in the US Army to develop specifications for a new tank. The development of the TTZ for the tank of the 80s, designated XM1, began in January 1972. The TTZ prepared by the Ministry of Defense proposed using developments on the MVT70 and XM803. However, many uncertainties remained and there was even a moment when the option of abandoning the XM1 program in favor of further improving the M60 was considered.

The final requirements for the new tank and the timing of the program were formulated in January 1973. Most of all, when developing the TTZ, the financial side of the issue was taken into account, which limited the cost of one production vehicle to just over 500 thousand USD when ordering 3,300 tanks. For the first time in the United States, the development of a new tank was decided to be carried out on a competitive basis by General Motors and Chrysler Corporation.

The XM1 development program included three stages: 1974-76. – evaluation of the concept and selection of a prototype based on the results of comparative tests of prototypes from General Motors and Chrysler; 1977-80 – finalization of the prototype, preparation of serial production, production of the pilot batch, acceptance into service; 1981-90 – serial production and modernization. The Pentagon transferred the TTZ and signed contracts with General Motors and Chrysler Corporation for the development and creation of prototypes of the tank in June 1973.

True, in October some provisions of the TTZ had to be adjusted after a thorough analysis of the experience of the Arab-Israeli war “ doomsday" This experience required increasing the effective range of fire against armored targets, increasing the ammunition load of the main weapon, enhancing the vehicle's security, reducing the time to prepare the vehicle for combat use, increasing the reliability of systems and assemblies and their maintainability.

One of the most controversial issues In developing the new American main tank, the question of choosing the main weapon became a question. At that time, USSR tanks already had 125-mm smoothbore guns; the new Leopard 2 tank being created in Germany was planned to be equipped with a 120-mm gun created in Germany. Why did the M1 Abrams go into service in the United States with the 105-mm M68 cannon (a licensed version of the British L7 cannon, developed in the second half of the 50s)?

The answer to this question was given to the author personally chief designer"Abrams" Dr. Philip Leah, during one of the meetings in Nizhny Tagil. It was he who proposed installing on the new tank a 120-mm Rheinmetall L44 smoothbore gun, developed in Germany for the new Leopard. And the American military insisted on the 105-mm M68 cannon, justifying their choice very simply: “there is a large amount of ammunition for the M68 cannon in warehouses, they need to be put somewhere. Then we’ll get back to talking about the 120 mm gun.”

Tank XM1 on display at the War Museum in Aberdeen