Dear readers, we have a surprise for you! We contacted a participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics - Nicole Kuznetsova and she told us a little about herself.

Surprisingly, the red-haired beauty immediately responded to our proposal - to tell the readers of the site about herself. We admit, we expected a refusal))

So, let's go......

white witch. From birth he has psychic abilities and has been helping people for 15 years.

She is strong and self-sufficient, so she conducts sessions with people on her own, without assistants and does not practice in tandem with other psychics or witches.

During work, he uses stones and his personal power (his energy). Doesn't use tarot cards. Does not perform rituals with attributes in order to see the situation or possible developments of events.

Book by N. Kuznetsova:

It is known that what stronger magician or a witch, the less paraphernalia this person will use in his work. Remember, for example, the winner of the 15th season - she talked about people only by touching them and could tell about a person’s problems only by looking into his eyes. Remember the other winners of the show, whose working tools were only their hands...

“I absolutely love my job and go to the office (personal appointments) with joy. This makes me happy :-)” N.K.

These are the words of a man who, in our opinion, has found his “path of the heart.”
Everyone should strive to find their own path that will meet simple rules:

  • bring pleasure and joy
  • benefit not only yourself personally, but also those around you
  • and, as a consequence of the implementation of the first two points, generate income

Having found his “path of the heart,” a person begins to live in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Filming of Nicole Kuznetsova in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics

Of course, we cannot get the secrets of the battle. Participants do not have the right to disclose the process and the entire situation behind the scenes. But the main thing for us was to find out how Nicole herself experiences this process. This is what we asked.

TM: Are trials in battle difficult?

Nicole: At the Battle I get pleasure, not fatigue and stress. It's difficult for me, but interesting!

TM: How does communication between participants take place? No hostility?

Nicole: I communicate well with everyone and am glad to see everyone. Great team and worthy opponents. Only one participant causes negativity in everyone. But more on that on air...;)

From childhood:

"I don't know the exact date birth... I was taken from an orphanage when I was dying from my illness. Thank you mom for not being afraid of a sick child.” N.K.

The girl has a congenital disease. At one year old there was the first clinical death. At 6 years old the second. Since 2011, she has been wearing a scarf around her neck, thereby hiding the tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

Nicole studied and lives in Moscow. Received a higher education in the humanities.

Personal life:

Today, in the personal life of the red-haired witch, harmony and comfort reign - this is the main thing

Her husband doesn’t like it when Nicole talks about him, so there is very little information: a famous person, works on air on a major federal channel.


Bracelets from natural stones, lava, with additional accessories and pearls will surprise you not only with their beauty, but also with their magical component.

While collecting the bracelet, Nicole puts protection against black magic, damage, and the evil eye. After payment for the product you can order additional program, for example, to unlock magical potential, harmonization or something similar.

An important component of the whole process is the pleasure of creation. A thing really gains power if it is done with positive emotions and pure intentions.

Interested? Then go to

The new star of the latest season of “Battle of Psychics” Nicole Kuznetsova, ex wife the late famous authority Slava Jap. The fascinating biography of Nicole Kuznetsova is striking in its brightness.

They first learned about Nicole Kuznetsova in 1988 in Moscow; since the late 2000s, she has also been known in certain circles like Agata Matveeva. No one knows their real parents, but Nicole-Agatha herself claims to be the daughter of one of the crime bosses. However, it is reliably known that she was the wife of Slava Yaponchik, a thief in law who died of peritonitis. Now you know who Jap's wife.

The girl considers herself a “white witch” and claims that as a child she experienced a clinical death, which later became a catalyst for Nicole’s development of psychic abilities. Nicole Kuznetsova says that when she was 15 years old, she received a mentor who helped her develop her gift of clairvoyance.

Nicole Kuznetsova photo:

Nicole Kuznetsova and her biography is of interest to many now, because it has become a real find for the 16th season of the television program “Battle of Psychics.” There are many doubts about whether Nicole was really Jap's wife, why she speaks in a whisper and always wears a scarf. All this gossip is easily refutable, because this bright girl does not hide how she met and lived with Yaponchik and that she raised the deceased’s 4-year-old son. Nicole Kuznetsova met Yaponchik when she was still a girl, because the thief in law was a frequent guest in the house of the girl’s father, who, she claims, was also a crime boss. Subsequently, Yaponchik became her future first husband.

Nicole's personal life is shrouded in secrets, like the girl herself. Now many believe that the current Nicole Kuznetsova- this is the host Alexander Sadokov, who covers sports news on Channel One. There are many photos that confirm their connection; the press claims that it was in her second marriage that Nicole had a second son, Stepan, younger than Yegor.

The clairvoyant also refutes gossip about why she speaks in a whisper. After all, there are reliable facts about many operations undergone, after which doctors were forced to install a tracheotomy tube in the girl’s throat with the help of which she breathes. Unfortunately, because of this device in the trachea, the girl can only speak in a whisper. For the same reason, she constantly wears various scarves and scarves around her neck. And for those who claim that all this is just a PR stunt, she silently shows her neck, which dispels all doubts.

This is the widow of the famous Yaponchik, Nicole Kuznetsova, aka Agata Matveeva, aka Nika Kuznetsova, aka Nina Matveeva. Bright personality, a charming girl, an amazing psychic and the mother of two wonderful boys.

Biography and photos of Nicole Kuznetsova, taken from her personal page in VK.

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Nicole Kuznetsova and Yaponchik are considered by many to be a real-life couple, especially considering that the girl herself speaks of a close connection between them and considers herself the widow of a crime boss.

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova and Yaponchik - what is true and what is fiction

One of the participants in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project was the popular Po, previously known as the widow of Yaponchik. However, the marriage of Nicole Kuznetsova and Yaponchik is often called into question, because the dates of the events and the ages of their participants do not coincide with the information provided by the clairvoyant herself. So, for example, Nicole had to begin developing criminal talents, about which a little below, at the age of 9-10. At the same time, there is very little information about how the famous clairvoyant spent her childhood and youth.

Nicole Kuznetsova

Shrouded in mystery. Part of it is clearly connected to crime. Even if we question her connection with Yaponchik, there are recordings of conversations that discussed kickbacks and running a criminal business, as well as news articles in which Nicole is accused of fraud and illegal entry into the homes of pensioners.

Many people believe that. This is what people who were really involved with Yaponchik say in interviews. In addition, the discrepancy in information about this, perhaps even non-existent couple, does not add confidence to skeptics.

Nicole has quite a few tattoos on her body. Contrary to rumors, they have nothing to do with the criminal world, they are just decorations with personal meaning. She has not yet earned the right to wear thieves' tattoos, but wants to do everything to get it. This can only be done in prison, and, apparently, Nicole is not particularly frightened by this prospect.

Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) and Nicole Kuznetsova - getting to know each other

In 2012, when the world did not yet know about the psychic and white witch Nicole Kuznetsova, she gave an interview for Moskovsky Komsomolets. This interview is accompanied by her photo - you can see it above, and it is very easy to recognize the clairvoyant in it. It is difficult to say whether what was said to the MK reporter is a fiction, or whether she really deserves the title of crime princess. In addition, records telephone conversations about kickbacks and a photo taken by journalists of Ivankov’s successor arriving for negotiations with influential personalities of the northern capital are still evidence, but more on that below.

Nicole claimed that she was born into a difficult family, and from childhood she was taught to live according to “concepts.” Her parents did not push her to a life of thief, it was only her decision. Nicole says that this is something like the call of the blood, but we will return to the question of her parents later.

If you believe the participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” Vyacheslav Ivankov was a close friend of her family, or rather, her father, who had big influence in a criminal environment. Nicole does not reveal her father's name. While Ivankov was in an American prison, she earned a reputation. Perhaps the audio recording with Nicole’s clearly recognizable voice dates back to that period. Evidence of the existence of a criminal career of a psychic also includes accusations of fraud. Someone recognized a pretty remarkable girl on the show, and now we can say the following:

It is known that in 2005-2006, Nicole Kuznetsova was accused of fraud and illegal entry into apartments. Perhaps this is where she began her journey in crime, which drew the attention of a crime boss to her friend’s daughter. Nicole stole money from pensioners, while her official website indicated that she was betting main goal helping people and volunteering at a hospice.

By the time her lover returned, according to her, Nicole had already become a person capable, as she herself says, of taking a tough approach to solving complex issues. However, if you look at the accusations, the essence of these issues could well be to gain the trust of a lonely pensioner. According to the white witch, it was precisely the qualities acquired in his absence that forced the famous crime boss to pay attention to her no longer as the daughter of a friend, but as a girl.

Nicole says they had to hide their relationship because they were both committed. Nicole had an affair with another man whom she did not want to lose, while Vyacheslav at that time was married to Faina Komissar. According to her, Vyacheslav Ivankov was worried about this. Nicole was not upset by the fact that their relationship was secret. She understood that his life was difficult, and also did not want to traumatize his life partner. By the way, official wife Jap learned about Nicole's existence three years after the death of her husband, like other close acquaintances of the authority, but this no longer relates to the topic of her acquaintance with the crime authority.

Nika Kuznetsova and Yaponchik - details of the novel

Nicole Kuznetsova

When asked if she always liked her life partner, Nika replies that he was liked by everyone he liked. Criminal authority made no demands. But often even his competitors liked him. The clairvoyant not only appreciated the character traits and intelligence of her lover, but also justified his actions that could be considered cruel - throwing people out of a helicopter, for example. He also influenced the education common child, as well as her methods of revenge, but more on that below.

In 2006, Nicole gave birth to a son from Vyacheslav. Now she says he grew up exactly the way his father would have wanted him to. At the time of Ivankov’s death, his son was about a year old. Nicole got married a few years after the loss of her lover, and in her marriage to Alexander Sadokov gave birth to another child. Now Yaponchik’s widow is raising her children in accordance with traditional concepts, just as she was raised. But at the same time, she dreams of them becoming surgeons.

Nika Kuznetsova always considered Yaponchik an interesting conversationalist. According to her, she learned a lot from him. But the training was not intrusive; Jap was not distinguished by a passion for total control of his other half. He told Nika stories from her life, commented on the situations she encountered, and often advised her on what to do best. In addition, Vyacheslav, as Nicole says, has not lost interest in criminal activity so much as to remain only a mentor.

Vyacheslav Ivankov taught Nicole that it was very important to do so that no one could guess who she really was. She followed this advice, and therefore her biography is shrouded in mystery. IN kindergarten, which her child attended, Nika was considered a photographer because she liked to photograph children's matinees. Her housekeepers and nannies never knew what their employer was doing.

Nika listened to her lover and mentor. They understood each other well. After Yaponchik’s death, Nika Kuznetsova said that they were of the same blood. She justifies all his actions that might seem cruel. For example, Nick justifies the murder of another crime boss by saying that he was trying to steal from his own people, which is punishable. The aggression that could be seen in this man, according to his widow, was always justified. He did not physically eliminate police officers, nor did he kill those who were innocent.

Vyacheslav never spoke rudely in front of his wife, did not use obscenities. He did not take her to restaurants or give her flowers, but he devoted a lot of attention and his own time to his relationship with Nicole. She especially remembered two gifts from Jap - an expensive ring and the car she dreamed of then.

Nika's parents were not against their daughter's relationship with an adult man. As she herself says, they understood that she was not in danger. In addition, Nicole quickly became independent and did not depend on her parents financially at an early age.

Nicole claims that she foresaw the death of her lover. She tried to convey to him the meaning of her visions, but could not convince him to listen to her opinion. The Jap didn't really believe in psychic abilities her wife, which appeared in her childhood, after her second clinical death. However, the reason why she wears a scarf and speaks only in a whisper is a separate issue.

The clairvoyant does not dispute that she was not in the hospital before the death of her loved one. She says that at that moment there was another woman next to him, whom she respects. Most likely, we are talking about Faina Komissar, the wife of a crime boss. According to Nicole, she lived with Vyacheslav for many years, and these years cannot be called easy.

Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) and Nika Kuznetsova - actions of the widow

Vyacheslav Ivankov

Back in 2012, Nicole Kuznetsova called herself Nika Ivankova, the widow of the famous crime boss Jap. In fact, she could not bear the surname of a crime boss, since the couple was not officially married. She also spoke about marriage with Yaponchik in the first episode of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” But she declared herself the widow of the authority figure Nicole only three years after the funeral of Vyacheslav Ivankov. Her mother Svetlana announced her cooperation with him. She called herself Jap's right hand and a suspect in his murder, but more on that later.

This is what made me remember Jap three years after his death. Nicole appeared in crime chronicle and made it clear that she was going to take the place of her late husband, or at least continue his work. There is a published recording of negotiations in which Nika communicates with a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. She offered him financial support from companies that belong to her people, certain criminal authorities. In addition, Nika Kuznetsova offered him joint action against the “top” of the local police, the removal of bosses undesirable to the mafia, and much more.

Along with the video recordings, photos of Yaponchik's widow, Nicole Kuznetsova, were also made public. Photo Bad quality, but the woman depicted on it is similar to the one we know by that name now.

When asked if Nika Kuznetsov is afraid of the police, she replies that she is back side her activities and she is ready for such consequences. She believes that it is impossible to avoid this if you want to rise to the very top of the criminal business. Nika is in the business of helping people negotiate, and this is known to many in the criminal community. According to her, you can’t get to her from the street, but anyone who needs to know knows what questions to ask her.

In fact, Yaponchik’s widow continued the work of her late husband through mediation services of a criminal nature. These services, according to her, are quite in demand at present. Nicole always leaves the offices of high-ranking officials with what she came for. Perhaps that is why her help is always in demand among not very law-abiding businessmen. Nicole admits that she loves to develop different combinations and gets real pleasure from her work.

During the interview, Nicole hinted that a quarrel with her could lead to very unpleasant consequences. But in order for the surgeon working for her to have to reattach the severed fingers, she says, she needs to try very hard. At the same time, Nicole Kuznetsova considers herself a humane person who loves to be friends with everyone.

The crime boss's widow considers him best example to raise their children. She believes that Vyacheslav sees how she lives. Nicole is sure her late husband would have been proud of her. She really misses the man who loved and understood her like no one else.

Vyacheslav Ivankov did not leave any money for Nicole. She says she wouldn't have taken them. There is a certain amount bequeathed to them common child, which he will receive after coming of age. The widow is not going to be offended by this, because she is sure that she can earn no less.

Nicole Matveeva and Yaponchik - a non-existent marriage

Nicole Kuznetsova and son

Since 2012, Nicole Matveeva claims that she was a member of civil marriage with Jap and is his widow. Many are ready to argue with her statements. For example, people who were close to a crime boss from Moscow claim that she could not be anything more than a mistress who gave birth to a child from Vyacheslav. Famous people and during their lifetime they are surrounded by legends, and after their death their number increases. Previously unknown relatives, children, mistresses and wives begin to appear, some of whom are not related to the deceased.

Nicole Matveeva’s mother, Svetlana Ternova, impersonated right hand Ivankova. Accordingly, her daughter Nina Kuznetsova, also known as the now famous clairvoyant Nicole, claimed to be his widow. Journalists who collaborated with many crime bosses, including Yaponchik, knew absolutely nothing that such people existed during his lifetime. This is what Ivankov’s close people, who did not want to give their names, say. Ivankov’s lawyers call such “relatives” the children of Lieutenant Schmidt.

Svetlana Ternova is a police colonel, the founder of the human rights association of the security business. Like many police officers, she joined security agencies in order to increase her income. Having studied the activities and biography of Vyacheslav Ivankov, which was not difficult, she wrote several articles about him in the magazine “Security Activity”, after which there were several more articles for MK. The latter say that she personally knew Yaponchik, moreover, she is suspected of his murder and is his assistant in criminal matters.

Svetlana Ternova was never involved in the murder of Yaponchik, she was never a suspect and had no problems with the law. After these articles, Nicole Kuznetsova, Svetlana’s daughter, also appeared in MK, who called herself the mother of Ivankov’s son and his widow. But after the interview, more scandalous materials appeared, which were already mentioned above.

Among Ivankov’s real wives are an Assyrian from a princely family, Lydia Aivazova, and his last love, Faina Komissar. He had two marriages. There were also mistresses, but no one from Yaponchik’s entourage had ever heard of Nicole Kuznetsova.

From the point of view of people who are related to the murdered authority, an attempt to declare oneself a “crime princess” is nothing more than a way of gaining authority in certain circles. Many people ask the question - why weren’t measures taken against impostors? The fact is that such actions from the “children of Lieutenant Schmidt” cannot harm the real thieves who have power in criminal world. Moreover, among these people there is less demand for a woman’s words than for what a man would say.

On the TNT channel every Saturday evening releases of a new Season 16 popular TV show Battle of Psychics. This time the participants are not alike and the struggle for victory is not a joke. Black and white magic, necromancers, Vepsians, witches and fortune tellers gathered together to prove their psychic abilities.

One of the representatives of the white magic clan Nicole Kuznetsova amazed TV viewers and sank into everyone’s soul. Nicole says little about herself and her biography is like a secret shrouded in darkness. This is what caused many rumors and gossip around this beautiful red-haired witch. Today, Nicole is only 27 years old, she is married and has two names. Her middle name is Agatha. She is a very creative person with an open and pure soul. Now Nicole is in her second marriage, and her first husband was the crime boss Yaponchik. After him, Nicole left behind their common son. Nicole Kuznetsova has a difficult fate - the death of her first husband, two clinical deaths, a serious illness and subsequent surgery are just a fraction of what the young witch managed to survive.

It would seem a paradox that clairvoyants can help others and cure them of complex diseases, but they themselves cannot protect themselves. The consequences of the disease remained with Nicole for the rest of her life; a tracheosoma tube was installed in her throat. Such a device is installed in the case of, for example, laryngeal cancer, and then the person gains the ability to fully continue to live. But it was these events that influenced Nicole in an extraordinary way and she discovered that she had psychic abilities. Having begun to develop this in herself and open up inside, Nicole Kuznetsova realized that she was a true white witch. According to her, Nicole came to the Battle of Psychics in order to compare her psychic abilities and evaluate the capabilities of other psychics, as well as possibly discover new horizons in herself.

As of today, Nicole is among the potential finalists for season 16. Her main competitors from the female side are two black witches - And, and on the male side, a magician competes with Nicole and demonologist Namtar Endzigal. Of course, among representatives of black magic, Nicole Kuznetsova looks like a light in the darkness. Having successfully passed each test, she still does not receive white envelopes, and, as she already reported once, she is used to this and does not despair. Nicole has a positive attitude towards her competitors and often admires their test results. Nicole dedicates every victory and every success to her son. And despite the strong competition, she is not at all trying to interfere with her comrades in the Battle of Psychics. On the contrary, Nicole sincerely applauds the victories and is truly sad when the next participant receives a black envelope by decision of the jury.