Why do you dream about the platform?

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself standing on the platform means trying to avoid solving important problems. You must remember that your destiny is in your hands.

A dream in which you meet someone on the platform in a dream means that you have to romantic trip in pleasant company. But be careful, do not trust random acquaintances, appearances can often be deceiving.

To see people seeing you off on the platform in a dream means that in reality you will make every effort to restore order in your family. Pay attention to raising your children.

If in a dream you missed the train and were left alone on the platform, you will be in trouble due to the deceit of your friends.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

Seen unpleasant dream warns of problems: hardships, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

22 lunar day

A dream can reveal important information for the sleeper: the answer to a pressing question, a hint in difficult choice, an indication of possible errors and ways to prevent them. Treat it more responsibly in order to make the most of the chance to improve your life.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 26

Dreams on this day of the month are rarely filled with negative meaning. A joyful dream predicts for the dreamer success in business, happiness and a surge of emotions after a successful vacation, which are just around the corner.

Millions of people travel by rail every day. Trains have become a part of our lives. They have not lost their relevance for many years, despite the development of road and air transport. It is not surprising that many people dream of train stations, railways and trains rushing along them. If you had such a dream, be sure to remember all the details. After all, its decoding depends on the events occurring in a dream.

General information from dream books about the train

A train seen in a dream promises a variety of events in later life. Here is how popular dream books interpret this dream:

This is interesting. According to esoteric dream book A passing train seen in a dream promises melancholy and disappointment in life. The more carriages you see, the longer the depression will last.

Type of carriage: regular, freight, fast, metro train

Interesting to know. Looking for your place in the carriage portends troubles and minor troubles. But you shouldn’t be upset, because you can overcome them and achieve what you want.

Near the train: platform, railway, rails, station

  • Seeing yourself standing on the platform suggests that you are avoiding making decisions. complex problems, falling on you. But do not forget that you build your own destiny, and your well-being depends on the actions taken.
  • Meeting someone on the platform - such a dream promises romantic meetings and dates, a good time in the company of the person you like.
  • According to the latest dream book, the railway symbolizes a trip to another city. But the family one warns that, having seen such a dream, you need to be extremely careful, your enemies want to harm you.
  • Railway rails seen in a dream are a good omen. The dream suggests that you are on the right path and will soon achieve your goal.
  • Cordoned off cars on the rails do not bode well. Soon you will make an unpleasant discovery, and obstacles will appear on your way.
  • A station with many trains symbolizes that you are now at a crossroads: you have a lot of ideas, plans, and you can’t decide which field to go into. It’s worth weighing everything up; the advice of a wise, experienced friend won’t hurt.

You should know. If in a dream you worked for railway, then wait for a showdown with your superiors.

To see off or meet someone

  • A dream in which you had to accompany someone to the train is symbolic. It promises separation from a loved one, a change of job or place of residence. Crying on the platform speaks of imminent losses that will be difficult for you to come to terms with.
  • Meeting the train promises tempting business offer. If one of your friends or relatives gets out of the carriage and you are glad to meet you, then expect good events in life and meeting someone influential people. If only strangers get off the arriving train, then disappointment and empty hopes await you. When they escort you onto the train, soon someone will do you a good service.

It is important to know. If in a dream someone you know got off the train, but you stayed in the carriage and moved on, then in life you will have to part with this person.

Actions with tickets: buy, lose

This is interesting. Giving a ticket to the inspector for inspection means that you are not satisfied with your chosen one, and you dream of meeting someone else.

Now about the culprit of the dream

Wait, rush to catch the train, catch up with it, run after it, be late for the train

A dream in which you were waiting for a train to arrive can symbolize different events:

  • do not enter into transactions in the near future, because they may lead to losses (Miller);
  • you will have a chance (Vanga);
  • waiting for news from afar (English dream book).

Rushing to catch a train means slander and gossip behind your back. Someone is jealous of your success and is trying to denigrate you in every possible way. There is no need to be sad about this; soon the lies of the slanderers will turn against them. Rushing and not catching the train is a bad sign. The dream symbolizes deception. Be careful in your reasoning, because ill-wishers will use the information received and harm you.

Catching up with a train in a dream indicates that you cannot come to terms with the failures that have overtaken you. Such a dream also indicates an inappropriate attitude towards your soulmate. You are so caught up in your problems that you have completely stopped thinking about your loved ones. This attitude offends them.

Running after the departing squad is a sign that you are looking for problems where there are none. Calm down and start enjoying life, being happy with what you have.

Being late for the train portends melancholy and disappointment. Sitting on the platform and watching the train leave means that you are missing something important. Think it over and take action instead of sitting idly by. This is the only way you will achieve what you want.

It should be remembered. If in a dream you were late for the train and experienced great anxiety because of this, then soon you will have to fear for your life.

Catch the train at the very last moment, jump on it, go somewhere far away

This is interesting. Crossing a bridge by train or climbing a slope indicates that a promotion awaits you. But if the lineup is moving downward, be prepared for losses and failures.

Get off, jump off while moving, fall behind

Getting off the train at the right station portends success in creativity and interesting work for you.

Jumping off a train, according to Miller’s dream book, indicates that you will soon change your mind about the people around you. Vanga explains such a dream as an opportunity to avoid major troubles.

If you got off the car at another stop, and the train left along with your things, then be prepared for great shocks. A dream in which you are behind the train may promise that you will be involved in some unseemly business. Be careful and do not give in to provocations.

This is interesting. Seeing another person jumping off a train symbolizes that you will soon witness a crime.

Dream about the road: riding on the roof, rushing

This is interesting. Stand on the platform and see a train rushing past breakneck speed- a sign that something unusual will happen in the life of someone close to you, and you will witness it.

A trip in a carriage: with a man, a loved one, a child

  • Ride in a carriage with by a stranger promises interesting acquaintances and long-term relationships. If your travel companion is a woman, then expect a showdown, slander and minor troubles at work.
  • Traveling by train with a loved one foreshadows the resumption of faded feelings. A real honeymoon awaits you in your relationship.
  • Finding yourself in a carriage with someone else's child promises difficulties that you will have to overcome. If this is your baby, then soon someone close to you will get sick.

You should know. A dream in which you are traveling in a crowded carriage indicates that you pay too much attention to public opinion. It ruins your life.

Did you dream of an accident, crash or disaster?

  • A derailed train portends failure and upheaval. To be in the carriage at this moment - to the emergence life problems out of the blue; watch from the side - soon one of your relatives will need your help.
  • Getting into a train accident, but not getting hurt, is a favorable sign. The dream tells you that, despite all the difficulties, you will achieve success. If the train was a passenger train, then good luck awaits you on the personal front, if it was a freight train - in the professional sphere.
  • Observing an accident from the outside foreshadows the emergence of problems for someone in the household. You will have to help your loved one at a loss.
  • Seeing a train wreck is a sign of dramatic changes. To be present in the carriage at this moment, but to survive, predicts danger. You will find yourself on the verge of life and death, but you will be able to escape.
  • The railway disaster speaks of troubles on a national scale. A coup in the country, re-elections, an economic crisis, a flood or an earthquake is possible.

It is important to know. A dream where you find yourself inside a train that overturns in a dream predicts severe shocks. Observe from the side - soon one of the relatives will get sick.

A train hit a man and ran over the dreamer

  • If a train hits a person in a dream, then expect obstacles on your way. If several people are hit by a locomotive, then there will be many obstacles and it will not be easy to achieve what you want.
  • A train running over you symbolizes a serious illness or personal tragedy. To avoid this, be careful, don’t get into trouble and monitor your health.
  • Lying under a train symbolizes excitement and the upcoming black stripe in life. Gain strength and patience, you will need them in the near future.

It should be remembered. Seeing a burning train means problems at home and at work. If you behave correctly, you can get by with little blood.

A dream about a train foreshadows various events prepared for you by fate. Don’t be confused if the prediction promises trouble - it didn’t just come in advance. It is important to remember all the details of the dream for a competent and most accurate interpretation, not to panic and arm yourself with positivity.

To see such a dream, in which the platform is unusual and looks a little fantastic, means that in reality you should expect incredible events.

If in a dream a person meets someone on the platform, then this is an event for a romantic trip in reality in pleasant company. If close people are present with him in a dream, then such a dream indicates that it is time for the person to restore order in family relationships.

If you dream that a person missed the train in a dream and was left alone on the platform, then in reality he will face troubles due to the deceit of his friends.

It should be said that the symbolism of dreams is often ambiguous. Any interpretation must be comprehensive: you need to look for a solution not only in one important symbol, but in the totality of the details surrounding it. Every little detail is important in solving a dream. For example, a dream is possible in which a person is alone on a deserted platform, with a lot of dirt and debris around, but suddenly a butterfly flies in and lands on his shoulder. In such a dream, despite the fact that dirt and garbage mean, according to dream books, gossip and disorder in personal life, the butterfly, as a symbol of hope, completely changes the meaning of the dream for the better.

What if you dream about a platform?

The human subconscious speaks to us in the language of symbols. They can be both universal and personal.

General symbolism comes from the collective subconscious, is located in a deeper layer and always carries with it the meaning of an important, major event.

Perron is associated with expectation, hope, anticipation of a meeting or, conversely, parting. Seeing a platform in a dream means standing on the threshold of solving issues that are important to a person. But no less important is how the platform looks: deserted or crowded.

What state is the person in, is he crying, laughing, or looking at him indifferently? the world. Every little detail is important in interpretation, especially those that are too intrusive. For example, a cat may run past a person several times, as if specially attracting attention. And again, how she looks is important too.

What does it portend?

So, in order to understand why you dream about the platform, you should write on a piece of paper a list of symbols that you remember. And opposite it is how they are interpreted, according to dream books. And look for the answer to the dream in the synthesis of all these meanings. Despite the fact that dreams play a significant role in a person’s life, we should not forget that they can relate not only to the future, but also to the past.

Also, a dream can simply be a reflection on the present. In any case, you should always look for and focus only on positive points, which will bring an optimistic mood in everyday life.

Modern combined dream book

  • See yourself standing on the platform- try to avoid solving important problems. You must remember that your destiny is in your hands.
  • A dream in which you meet someone on the platform in a dream- means that you are about to go on a romantic trip in pleasant company. But be careful, do not trust random acquaintances, appearances can often be deceiving.
  • To dream of people seeing you off on the platform- in reality, make every effort to restore order in your family. Pay attention to raising your children.
  • If in a dream you missed the train and were left alone on the platform- troubles await you because of the deceit of your friends.

General dream book

A dream in which you meet someone on a station platform means that your hidden problems will make themselves felt and require solutions. In addition, you will receive news from afar. Seeing an empty platform is a symbol of the fact that you are not paying due attention to the people close to you. One day you risk waking up and being horrified to realize how alone you are. If you dreamed that you were standing on the platform, people were scurrying around you, but you couldn’t hear anything, then in real life you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion. You need to give yourself a little rest.

The dream very convincingly tells the Dreamer that if we Sit, doing nothing and Wait for something (someone) properly, then nothing worthwhile will happen (it won’t come to the threshold on its own), because all causes and effects are only in Us. . First, we need to assess where we are moving away from, and then decide where we will end up. In short, the Dream says that you cannot neglect any area of ​​life, because the further you go into the forest, the more firewood there is. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Bear, train, cities

You need to get over internal conflict(bear) associated with a revision of one’s attitude towards ex-husband. Aggression, resentment, fears are the product of habitual, generally accepted stereotypes (train), they also feed hopes (mountain) and disappointments from their unrealizability (down). You have the opportunity to manage your life yourself, but you are not doing this yet (in the cabin, but the driver is driving the train). It seems to you that by slightly changing your habits, although this seems difficult to you (transfer, without a ticket, cleaning) you will be very good... Yes, indeed, there will be an improvement. Any change leads to expansion of awareness (huge city). Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - The train is leaving

Your grandmother is very worried about you and is afraid of protracted separations, a dream about separation in a ridiculous way- she is on someone else’s platform, and you are leaving on the train - such a dream speaks of worries and fear of losses, a leaving train is a harbinger of a period of melancholy and sadness, loneliness, a sign of great worries due to fear of bad luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of a platform” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Seeing yourself standing on the platform means trying to avoid solving important problems. You must remember that your destiny is in your hands. A dream in which you meet someone on the platform in a dream means that you are about to have a romantic trip in pleasant company. But be careful, do not trust random acquaintances, appearances can often be deceiving. To see people seeing you off on the platform in a dream means that in reality you will make every effort to restore order in your family. Pay attention to raising your children. If in a dream you missed the train and were left alone on the platform, then you will be in trouble due to the deceit of your friends.

Your personal dream book Perron

If in a dream you meet someone on a station platform, then in reality all your hidden problems will soon appear and require an immediate solution. Moreover, you will be able to receive news from afar. An empty platform in a dream is a sign that you are not paying due attention to those people who are close to you. You run the risk of waking up and being horrified as you realize the extent of your loneliness. If in a dream you are standing on the platform, and people are scurrying around you, but you cannot hear anything, then in reality you are experiencing the limit of nervous exhaustion. You need a little rest.

If you dream of Perron and you want to know why Perron is dreaming, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Perron:

Passenger platform at a railway station

PERRON - at the railway station - a passenger platform.

Perron - interpretation of sleep

Perron is dreaming - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Perron means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Perron is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people in the dream where Perron is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will take part in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Perron with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online interpretations dreams on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what Perron dreams about depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and address Email, to which we will send an interpretation (Your E-mail is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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Station... Most of us associate this word with trips, with people meeting and seeing off, with trains, buses, business trips, suitcases... In general, a lot of things come to mind. But why do you dream about a train station? This is interesting to know! Indeed, often the meaning of dreams completely contradicts our usual associations.

Miller's Dream Book

So, usually a train station is dreamed of as an unexpected turn of events or even meetings. But there is one key feature- they will happen along the way. Perhaps a person will go on a business trip in a train compartment, and at one of the stations a neighbor will join him, who turns out to be an old acquaintance. This is just an example.

Why do you dream about a train station and a lot of people? The book of interpretations explains this as the wind of change. Most likely, that hectic period is approaching in a person’s life when unexpected turns and situations await at every corner. You should be prepared for this and forget about stability for a while.

But to see the platform crowded with people with bags and suitcases waiting for a late train is a sign from above. Probably, a person in real life is very much waiting for something. And so much so that waiting became a part of his life. Well, it is advisable to at least try to distract yourself. The expected is most likely about to happen.

Esoteric dream book

Another book of interpretations that will help you understand why you dream about the station and people. If the dreamer runs towards the train, pushing other passengers along the way, then this is a disappointment. It is possible that the dreamer will soon find himself very upset by the people he trusted. Perhaps his closest and dearest will disappoint him.

If the dream leaves a feeling of anger, then probably all of the above will come from colleagues or partners. They may turn out to be clueless.

But standing on the platform as a greeter and seeing how a train is approaching, in the carriage of which the one for whom the dreamer is waiting is traveling - this is something else. Such a vision warns that soon the dreamer will have to deal with someone who is unpleasant to him. Or he will have to do something that he did not want and for a long time avoided it.

By the way, seeing yourself at a bus station means stagnation in your work. And being at the marine terminal means ruined plans. Moreover, their implementation will be hindered by ill-wishers or simply interfering people. Therefore, if something is planned, it is better to hide it and trust what is planned only to yourself.

Modern book of interpretations

This dream book also talks in detail about why you dream about a train station. Most likely, the dreamer is bored and wants to go on a trip or meet new people. interesting personalities. And this vision is a sign that should not be ignored. Now is the time to accomplish what you have long wanted.

By the way, there is another interpretation, quite mystical. Allegedly, the station in our dreams is a meeting place with the dead, with those who are not with us. And the people coming and going are themselves. This is what dreams of a station and a train with passengers mean. Interestingly, if the dreamer accompanies someone close to him on a trip, this means the following: his support is actually very important to this person. And he appreciates her, even if he rarely talks about it. And even when he is far from the dreamer, he continues to miss and yearn for him.

But to see the station and the arriving train, which the dreamer must board, means new prospects and chances in life. And you will definitely need to use them.

English dream book

Another book that explains in detail why you dream about a train station. If a person dreams of this, it means it’s time for him to rest. He has probably been feeling the desire to rid himself of the burden of responsibility for a long time. And it's time to do it. Why force yourself to do something you don’t like, to put effort into something you’re not passionate about?

It also happens that the station is deciphered as a symbol of news from afar and interventions higher powers into plans. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that something planned for a long time will fall through. It happens.

When a person dreams that he is late for the train, this is not very good. He runs, tries to keep up, gets knocked down, and still misses the locomotive. This means extreme fatigue and moral exhaustion in reality. You urgently need a few days (and in general, the more, the better) of rest. Real, full-fledged - preferably without affairs, worries, the Internet, phones and fresh air. In nature, outside the bustle of the city. This will help restore your strength - this is what the dream book says.

According to Freud

This dream book can also explain why you dream about a train station. In this case, it is associated with discomfort and fear. And regarding everything – life, people, one’s activities. Most likely, the dreamer is too critical of everyday life, lifestyle and his environment. Because of this, he is constrained, distrustful and does not want, as they say, to spread his wings. In this case, you need to take care of yourself. Caution and similar sensations are good, but in moderation. If it is in excess, then there is no common sense.

When the dreamer sees himself in the waiting room of a station, this is a sign of love experiences. Getting ready to go to the station (getting dressed, putting things in bags) - to frivolity, which in the near future will be manifested by other people in relation to the sleeping person. Standing on the platform with a trunk is a sign of deception. Moreover, the person will be deceived in his own expectations. Seeing a porter means wealth and financial well-being.