Macron's wife: a love story between the new French President Macron and his wife, 24 years older!

Macron's wife. Photo. Today these words are typed into Google searches by millions of people around the world. Who is she? What does it look like? How, being 24 years older, was she able to become the wife of the future president of France - such a handsome man as Emmanuel Macron? What's special about it? And maybe it was thanks to her that he became president? What's unique about their love story?

Indeed, their love story is very similar to the plot of the novel. It's just like in the movies. After all, while still a teenager, at the age of 15, he fell in love with his teacher and leader of the theater group, Brigitte Tronier. Before today There is a video in which 15-year-old Macron plays a garden scarecrow in a straw hat and at the end of the performance the head of the theater group kisses him on the cheek. Surprisingly, this incredible story sincere love for my teacher continued...

The young guy confessed his feelings to the teacher back then at school. But then the teacher, who was 24 years older than Emmanuel Macron, could not accept the offer. And at the age of 17, Macron told his teacher: “Still, I will marry you.” The boy's parents, frightened by the seriousness of his hobby, sent Emmanuel to study in another city. The student and teacher simply corresponded by letters. Let us remember that before meeting with Macron, Brigitte Tronier was married and gave birth to three children. But persistent and sincere Emmanuel Macron did not give up. And in 2007, Brigitte decides to file for divorce, comes to Macron in Paris and accepts his proposal to marry.

Macron's wife: after 15 years he carried his love away and finally married a teacher

In 2007, Emmanuel and Brigitte were painted by the then mayor of the French town of Le Touquet and close friend Makronov. Even then he spoke about this unusual couple. "They - real couple. I have rarely seen spouses who were so united, despite the age difference,” says the man.

At that time, the future president of France was already 30, and his wife was 54 years old. That. Macron carried his love and faith that he could be with his soul mate, regardless of the condemnation of others, 15 years later. And he didn’t betray his love. This story is simply amazing. There are no material or any mercantile interests in it, but only the sincerity and light of both, which attracted them to each other. She is the daughter of wealthy parents who owned a very successful confectionery factory in France. He is a famous banker. Those who were next to them and saw this loving couple, they talked about the great power of their love and extraordinary similarity, reminiscent of two halves of one whole...

Macron's wife: "She helped me become who I am"

After the wedding, the former teacher devotes herself entirely to her husband, Emmanuel Macron. And during the presidential election campaign, it was his wife who was his main adviser, the author of speeches and was always by his side. “If I am elected, I apologize if we are elected! “She will be with me, she will have her own role and place,” Macron, 39, said about his 63-year-old wife Bridget, speaking on March 8 in Paris. “I owe her a lot: she helped me become who I am.”

Have you seen what Brigitte, now named Macron, looks like at 64 years old? There are no words. That's for sure, the next time you're too lazy to pump up your abs, you need to remember this amazing woman. Look at her, at them together - again. This is a couple that can teach us a lot and motivate us all to a lot. After all, if a woman 24 years older than you loses her head and this woman has something to inspire and inspire a person and even help him become president - this deserves respect and admiration!

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Figure current president France is a bright personality and attracts interest from not only his compatriots, but many other people from all over the world. Emmanuel Macron, whose biography will be discussed in detail in this article, is a young, energetic and ambitious politician. His life in Lately is under the radar of the media and average people. Let's join them.

brief information

Emmanuel Macron (his biography may well be an example to follow) was born on December 21, 1977 in the French city of Amiens. His father is professor of neurology Jean-Michel Macron, and his mother is doctor Françoise Macron-Noguez. By religion, Emmanuel considers himself a Catholic.


Almost all of it school life was held at a local Christian high school. But already in high school, the future politician became a student at an elite lyceum named after Henry IV. After graduation, the young man began to deeply study philosophy at a university called Paris X-Nanterre, and then began to delve into the intricacies of public relations at the Institute of Political Studies, located in the capital of the country. Between 1997 and 2001, Macron was assistant famous philosopher In 2004, the young man graduated National school administration.

Start of work

Where did I start my adult life Emmanuel Macron? His biography says that his first official job was the position of financial inspector at the Ministry of Economy in the period 2004-2008. He was personally invited to this department by Presidential Advisor Jacques Attali. After which the young talent became an investment banker at the Rothschild & Cie Banque, where for his active work he received the very respectful nickname “Financial Mozart” from his colleagues.

First steps in politics

Macron's activities in this field started in 2006. It was then that he found himself in the ranks of the Socialist Party, where he spent the next three years. But here it is immediately worth noting the fact that many French publications pointed out: Emmanuel did not pay membership fees and did not take part in any public events.

Moving to a new job

In 2012, Macron found himself at his next duty station - in which none other than the then-current head of the republic, Emmanuel, became his boss; at that time he began to replace the chief secretary of the president. Our hero stayed in this statue for two years, namely until the summer of 2014. And a couple of months after his dismissal, he became the youngest minister of state, taking the post of head of the economic department.

Once in power, Emmanuel began to initiate the adoption of a number of laws, among which was a document establishing amendments regarding trade, transport, business, construction and other things. The so-called “Macron Law” provided for permission for stores to trade on Sundays 12 times a year, and not 5, as was previously the case. And as for tourist areas countries, then these restrictions were completely lifted there. In addition, the document contained a clause that stated the creation of cheap intercity buses, significant liberalization of lawyers, appraisers and other representatives of the “liberal” professions. According to the minister, this should have led to a reduction in prices for their services. At the same time, the law was perceived ambiguously by society and provoked various mass demonstrations and protests.

A year later, Emmanuel Macron, whose career at that time was going uphill, created a political force called “Forward!” In the fall of 2016, the politician announced his candidacy for the presidency. Moreover, during preparation election program he managed to publish the book “Revolution”, in which he outlined in great detail all the subtleties of the vision of the future of the country. This publication immediately sold out in enormous quantities and was recognized as a real political bestseller.

Progress of the election campaign

What did Macron Emmanuel offer his voters? The President of France, in his opinion, had to ensure:

  • height wages workers with low incomes;
  • expand the list of services included in compulsory health insurance;
  • increase the number of teachers and police officers;
  • attract investment in the agricultural sector;
  • eliminate pension benefits for government employees;
  • reduce taxes for the wealthiest citizens;
  • consistently reduce the deficit state budget, which the European Union insisted on.

At the same time, during the race for the presidency, Emmanuel’s headquarters repeatedly accused Russian media that they were allegedly spreading untrue rumors about their candidate. According to the results of the first round, Macron advanced to the second, where he was able to beat his rival Marine Le Pen. Moreover, the gap young talent was almost double. In many ways, experts explained his victory by saying that voters were simply afraid of the relative instability that could threaten them if Marin came to power.

On the top

Macron Emmanuel, President of France, spent his first working day in this position on May 14, 2017. He ended up on this moment the youngest head of the republic in its history. After he officially took over, he immediately even held telephone negotiations with top officials in the UK, USA, Turkey, Germany and Canada. And the next day I went to Berlin, where I talked with Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor, in turn, also greeted her colleague and noted high degree the importance of relations between their states.

Two days later, Macron held business meeting with the chairman European Union Pole Donald Tusk. Together they announced their desire to strengthen the Eurozone.

On May 18, 2017, Emmanuel Macron, whose biography by that time had already shone on the pages of the world's leading newspapers, carried out phone conversation with Vladimir Putin and discussed with him issues of resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

A week later, the Frenchman attended the NATO summit, where he spoke with US President Trump and Turkish President Erdogan.

There is also an interesting scandalous fact associated with Macron. When asked by an African journalist how many powers were willing to provide African continent assistance like the Marshall Plan, then Emmanuel replied that he did not think this project effective. Moreover, Africa's problems are quite “civilized”. For this president users social networks considered an absolute racist. In addition, Macron called it wrong for African women to give birth to 7-8 children.

And after the G20 summit, Emmanuel condemned Trump’s decision to withdraw from the climate agenda.

Political Views

Emmanuel Macron, whose personal life has recently become the subject of much public discussion, is a true Europhile and Atlanticist. He does not recognize the existence of a Palestinian state and is a supporter of a tough fight against terrorism. At the same time, it adheres to a policy aimed at accepting immigrants. Believes that it is necessary to increase funding for the special services, police and military. He insists on limiting the attraction of foreign investment and has a negative attitude towards the open demonstration of religious feelings by believers, but at the same time he believes that the current laws are quite strict for believers.

Family status

Who is Macron Emmanuel married to? He and his wife have an age difference of 24 years. At the same time, today it is difficult to meet a person who does not know the name of his wife. Brigitte Tronier is the name of the legal half of the current President of France. Their love story deserves a separate story.

Macron fell in love with his chosen one while still a fifteen-year-old boy. And he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that she was his teacher, was a married lady and had three children. And at the age of seventeen, the young man completely confessed his feelings to Brigitte Tronier.

However, Emmanuel's parents were against this state of affairs and sent the guy to study in Paris. Getting a place in an elite educational institution Grandma contributed a lot young man. Leaving for the capital, Macron, in love, told Brigitte that he would marry her in any case. It is not known whether this confession served as a signal for her, but after some time she divorced her husband, with whom she gave birth to three children.

It is worth noting that the woman’s parents were the owners of pastry shops for five generations and gained fame for their almond cakes and macaroons. It is because of this that later the couple Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron were often referred to as “pasta” by some sarcastic individuals.

Ultimately, the lovers legalized their relationship in 2007. Thus, the now famous politician kept his word given many years ago in his youth. And despite Macron’s criticism, Emmanuel and his wife (the age difference does not matter to them) have been living in perfect harmony for ten years.

What is Emmanuel Macron like as a father and head of the family? His wife’s children from her first marriage became like family to him. But the president has no blood heirs yet.

The wife of the current 25th President of France, Brigitte Macron, has quite a noble origin. She is more than 25 years older than her husband, and successfully copes with her responsibilities as First Lady.

Macron's wife: photos now and in her youth

The story of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Marie-Claude Tronier is the sixth child in a family of famous chocolatiers. Her father is Jean Tronier for a long time was the owner of a chain of confectionery stores.

Despite her prosperous childhood, Brigitte mastered the profession of teaching French and Latin.

Her family had lived in Amiens since 1872. When Brigitte married the future President Macron, many of her relatives moved to live in Paris.

Before her second marriage, Brigitte Tronier was married to banker Andre Ozier. In this marriage, the woman had three children:

  • Sebastian;
  • Lawrence;
  • And Tifeng.

The couple divorced in 2006, but the whole family keeps in touch with her. Today, Brigitte has seven grandchildren.

The work of the First Lady of France

Brigitte Macron taught at the behest of her soul. She is certified in humanities. For some time, the first lady worked as a teacher in Paris and Strasbourg.

In 1991, Brigitte left for her homeland to work there at the Jesuit Lyceum. After three years of work, it was at this lyceum that she met Emmanuel Macron.

Macron was a teenager then, and was in the same class as her daughter Laurence.

Brigitte Macron at school

Since the future Mrs. Macron led a theater group in addition to her main job, she became close to Emmanuel during the production of plays.

Teenager Macron's parents were shocked by his relationship with adult woman. They sent their son to finish his studies in Paris. Emmanuel did not stop communicating with Brigitte at a distance, and promised to marry her as soon as he became an adult.

In 2007, Macron kept his promise and married Brigitte, who by that time was already divorced. Her first appearance as a politician’s wife took place in 2015.

Then Brigitte actively helped her husband during the election campaign. When Macron became president, he decided to strengthen the status of the first lady by making her activities transparent and official.

In August 2017, the French President issued a “charter for transparency in the activities of the President’s wife.” So Brigitte began to have certain responsibilities, which she does for free in her new status.

Private life of the first lady

In numerous interviews, Brigitte Macron has repeatedly said that her relationship with her husband is very simple and sincere. They love to go out into nature together. Emmanuel Macron was even seen babysitting Brigitte's grandchildren.

The first lady fully supports all her husband’s decisions. In public, this couple also does not hide their feelings; they can easily be seen hugging and kissing.

Brigitte's elegant style also helped her win the favor of the French public. At 64 years old, the bold and progressive woman is not afraid to wear minis and tight trousers. Although lately she is increasingly seen in elegant suits of delicate and restrained shades.

President Macron's wife: photo now

The love story between the French president and a simple teacher causes a mixed reaction in society. Some people don’t believe in such stories, while others sincerely admire the courage of this couple.

Brigitte Macron, née Tronier, does an excellent job as First Lady. She always attends official events with her husband, accompanies him on trips, and does everything possible to help him in such a responsible and high position. She also promotes her own social projects.

Well, they elected a new president in France and chose, not everyone cares about politics, except that for general erudition and out of curiosity it is useful to know what is going on in the world. But look at the current first lady France, and especially knowing that she is on 24 years older than her husband, very interesting. And if you also know that the affair between the president and his wife began back when Bridget, at that time bore the surname of the banker's husband Ozier, was a teacher of French language and literature in high school, where he drew attention to her Emmanuel Macron- a witty, erudite, promising guy. So here's the young one Emmanuel b Macron So he fell in love with his teacher, his young blood was boiling, his heart demanded an ideal - what schoolgirl could compete with a mature, intelligent, charming and sparkling literature teacher? He was 16 , and to her 40 ! By that time Brigitte Ozier had three children, one of her daughters studied with Emmanuel in one class. At the time of writing this article Emmanuel Macron turned 39 years old, and his wife B Rigit Macron 64 year, by the way, this pretty grandmother already has eight grandchildren. But the spouses have children together Macron no, but the president has his wife’s grandchildren France He considers them his children, babysits them, plays with them, changes diapers and gives them milk from a bottle. Originally a novel Emmanuel And Bridget would be simply platonic, the teacher hoped that the student would grow up and cool down, but future president France decided not to give up, he confronted his beloved with the fact that no matter what she did, no matter how she tried to forget him and erase him from her life - he would marry her at all costs. Husband Bridget was furious, he thought that the cute schoolboy was carrying bouquets of flowers for his daughter, the parents Emmanuel Macron They were all furious, but what would you say if your sixteen-year-old son fell for his forty-year-old teacher? Mom and dad urgently sent a schoolboy in love to study in the city Paris, and there were strings of letters and endless conversations on the phone. Emmanuel wrote beautiful poems, he still carefully keeps them all in his desk drawer Brigid, she didn’t prophesy for her handsome boyfriend Emmanuel Presidential chair, she still considers politics a dirty business - it’s much better to be a writer. By the way Bridget from a wealthy family - her father is a chocolatier - the owner of a chain of confectionery stores. Dad died Bridget aged 85 years, exactly the same year when it became known about his daughter’s relationship with a schoolboy.

First husband Bridget for a very long time he did not give his unfaithful wife a divorce, only when 55 summer woman, she was able to become madam Macron, the groom was already mature - he was 30 years! He calls her affectionately Bibi, and she him Mani. But still, I personally think that this is all a PR stunt. These two already know each other 24 years, the passions should have all subsided, fiery feelings are replaced by deeper, more meaningful ones, one might even say that a warm affection appears.

In public French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget demonstrate Shakespearean passions, he kisses her so that you want to say: “Turn off the lights, cover the children’s eyes!”.

Appearance Brigitte Macron very interesting, to your 64 Over the years, she has wrinkled excessively, but her figure is just right! The beautiful ones are especially admired slender legs, madam Macron displays them with pride. And also the president's wife France loves to spend time in the solarium, forgetting how harmful it is to aging skin.

And here Emmanuel Macron the sultry handsome guy is the youngest president by the way! Most French women dream of getting him into their bed, but the heart of this politician is forever given to a woman who is older than him. 24 of the year. Myself Emmanuel Macron perplexed - why is the public in shock? What if it were the other way around? If Macron was a teacher for forty years, and Bridget would be his sixteen-year-old student? And then, seeing her blossoming bud beautiful body, would he dream all day and night about how to pick this delicate flower? Calm down Macron, and the public would condemn this, well, at least because she’s beautiful Bridget was married, and you, talented child, broke up her family.

In these photos from Brigitte Macron it is clear that powder with reflective particles has been applied to the face. More than one star has already fallen for this treacherous powder. In photographs, this decorative cosmetics is very noticeable.

On this photo Brigitte Macron with one of his daughters.

Pay attention to this photo, the president and his wife are walking holding hands, like little children, probably Emmanuel Macron he is afraid that his wife will get lost in such and such a crowd of people.

They know that the paparazzi cameras are always aimed at them, so they always pretend to be idyllic.

Please note the photo dated 1993 year, he is sixteen years old Emmanuel Macron whispers with her teacher, even then she looked like a granny, but you can’t control your heart.

On this photo Brigitte Macron with one of his granddaughters.

On the left you see Brigitte Macron, this is how she was in her youth.

The French presidential election caused almost the same resonance in the world as the US presidential election six months ago. All because of the candidate Emmanuel Macron, a 39-year-old energetic handsome man who served as France's finance minister. It was he who was given the majority of votes by the French. And now they are not discussing election promises Macron, and his personal life. New President France is married to French teacher Brigitte Tronier, who is 24 years older than him. We tell you amazing story love of a French politician.

They met more than 20 years ago in a small provincial town, when Macron studied at a Christian religious school, and Tronier was his French and Latin languages. He was 15, she was 39, he was a student at the lyceum, she was a teacher. Their first one-on-one meeting took place when Emmanuel was in high school. Then Bridget and the future president of France were quite innocently staging a theatrical play, and therefore spent every evening together. Now, looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Thick blond hair, long Thin legs and a charming smile, so beloved by Emmanuel Macron.

Joint studies lasted for two years. Emmanuel followed his teacher like a tail, accompanied her home, which, naturally, her husband did not like, but there was no way to confuse the stubborn teenager. On his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: “No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.” Then the woman only laughed at the arrogant young man - in addition to her husband, with whom Bridget lived for quite a long time, the teacher already had three children. However, a few years later, the future Madame Macron divorced, unexpectedly, perhaps even for herself, and married Emmanuel in 2007, so the lovers have been happy together for almost ten years.

Brigitte first came into the spotlight in 2014, when her husband was appointed to the post of Ministry of Finance in the Socialist government of Francois Hollande. It is interesting that she did not give up her teaching career in one of the best Catholic schools in Paris, saying only one phrase to her students: “You will hear a lot of things - both truth and lies. But I will never talk about it."

A year later, Bridget nevertheless left school, saying that she wanted to devote herself to her husband’s career. She immediately began attending planning meetings and a short time became an integral part of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, knowing everything about the affairs of the institution.

Not all French believe in beautiful love the newly-minted president. Some believe that Macron is using his marriage to Bridget to hide the fact that he is homosexual. Journalists, of course, did not find any evidence. Macron himself, on the contrary, benefited from this situation, accusing his opponents of “homophobia” and “misogyny towards mature women.”

“If I were 20 years old older than wife, no one would say a word about the legality of such a relationship. People say that our relationship is unreasonable just because my wife is older,” Macron told reporters at the time.

Teacher and student: a love story between the new French president and his wife was last modified: May 18th, 2017 by Bella Kovtun