Pavel Soltan was happy when his youngest daughter Anastasia got married earlier this year. No one knew then how quickly and horribly it would all end. Photos from social networks

A terrible tragedy on Butlerov Street: the youngest daughter of Pavel Soltan died

22-year-old Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan left this world following her parents, having experienced several shocks during these months.

25.11.16 memory

Daughter deceased deputy Pavla Soltana, a survivor of a terrible August road accident, fell out of a window on her birthday. Anastasia was never able to recover from the tragedy and recent months spent her life in depression.

A terrible tragedy took place on Butlerov Street, 13, on the evening of November 24. Anastasia Plotnikova (nee Soltan) fell from the window of an apartment located on one of the top floors. The girl, who turned 22 that day, died on the spot. It has not yet been established whether this is a suicide or an accident. But the first option is more likely.

Anastasia was in the car with her parents during a terrible accident that occurred on a suburban highway near St. Petersburg on August 14 of this year. Vice-chairman Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, Nastya’s father, died immediately. Svetlana Soltan, Nastya’s mother, died in the hospital. The girl herself remained alive, but was seriously injured and underwent a one and a half month rehabilitation course. After leaving the hospital and until this day, she walked on crutches.

Nastya was grieving the loss of her parents. In an interview with Life78 two days before her death, she formulated the main psychological problem, which she had to face: “I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I am offended by them because they did not let me understand how I can live without them. How to live without them. And that life doesn’t end without them.”

On top of the trauma - physical and psychological - were other difficulties. Nastya filed for divorce from her husband, aspiring politician Alexei Plotnikov. On her social network page, she accused him of betrayal. According to her, her husband never visited her in the hospital, he was only concerned with elections (he ran for the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly, but was unable to get into either). In an interview " Komsomolskaya Pravda“The girl directly stated that, in her opinion, her husband only needed money and connections of her deceased father.

It got to the point where it appeared in the public space open letter Anastasia to her husband. It was filled with despair. The media reported that a few days before Nastya’s death, the divorce took place.

Nastya also quarreled with her older sister- Veronica. Veronica stated that Nastya does not want to undergo further rehabilitation, and this could result in lifelong lameness. She tried with all her might to pull her sister out of depression and convinced her to undergo rehabilitation. The media reported that on November 21, Nastya was actually forcibly admitted to the hospital. She escaped from there and received the keys to her parents' apartment from Veronica.

In any case, the drama on Butlerov Street was the result of the catastrophic psychological state of a young girl who suffered several shocks at once. Unfortunately, there was no one nearby professional psychologist. Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan experienced her tragedy almost in all alone. But the most unpleasant thing is that the children of Pavel and Svetlana Soltan were almost immediately forgotten by the politicians who made speeches and made promises on the day of the farewell.


Anastasia Soltan, youngest daughter dead Paul and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.

In which the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, another family was torn apart. Youngest daughter a parliamentarian who got married shortly before the tragedy is filing for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for his wedding. A split in the young family began almost immediately after the accident on August 14. Anastasia received serious injuries and ended up in the hospital, where she spent more than a month. At first, they didn’t tell her that mom and dad were no more, since the patient’s condition directly depended on her psychological mood.

However, as Anastasia told Life, during treatment her husband sharply changed his attitude towards her - he did not come to the hospital and avoided talking about money.

When everything happened, my loved ones were with me in intensive care - family and friends. Everyone except him. And he was in my parents’ apartment, moved his things there and generally behaved strangely. Because everyone went to the hospital at once, and he did his business in the apartment. I called him to come, asked for help from family and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But he had a goal - a career, even before the accident he said that his work came first, Anastasia said." src="https://static..png" alt="" data-extra-description="


"> Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexey also transferred them to his own account.

At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money was ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up and spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital and said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my friend in a conversation that he would live in the hospital after the elections, in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatskoe, he doesn’t show up at home in his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks,” says Anastasia.

The couple has not yet officially filed for divorce, but Anastasia has written a power of attorney to the lawyer who will handle the divorce process.

“Before the wedding, many people told us, people who had known my husband for many years, tried to convey to the parents: they say, aren’t you afraid to give your daughter to such a person. But we didn’t believe them,” continues Anastasia. - We have known Alexey since this moment just a year. He asked my parents for political help; they were very trusting people and wanted to see only the good in people. I think that he took advantage of his connections, and I am sure that this marriage was of convenience. This is exactly what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding.

According to the girl, Alexey Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the A Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Anastasia’s sister, Veronica Soltan, told Life that for the first two weeks Alexey Plotnikov played the role good husband, came and supported. But then he disappeared and said that because of the elections he had no time for Nastya.

I publicly reproached him for not being with Nastya in intensive care when she was being treated very seriously. major surgery, but is at a funeral and shakes hands with everyone: high-ranking officials arrived and, accordingly, he could not miss this, - said Veronica. - I said that Nastya is currently undergoing surgery, he was hooked. Everyone understood that he should be next to Nastya. He came up and started shouting at me, saying that Nastya has a husband, she’s like friends with him. stone wall. I told him: “Where is this stone wall?"

Life contacted Alexey, who is now in Donetsk. The young man told his version of the family conflict.

The fact that I was not in the hospital is not true. I lived with my wife constantly, with the exception of the last 10 days, when I had to focus on the elections. I asked: “Nastya, we need to pay attention to the matter,” - there were elections. For which there was no counter-understanding, - said Plotnikov. No problem, get yourself debit card"Unfortunately, due to all the scandalousness of what is happening, everything has to be formulated exactly like this.

The money donated to the newlyweds was in Alexey’s account even before the accident. However, after the tragedy, when his wife needed them, he was not ready to return them.

I am in Donetsk. I needed to leave urgently. I said that as soon as I return, I will immediately convey everything. We are husband and wife. We single budget We live, and I, as the head of the family, am responsible for the resources. And that's okay, that was the general idea. As soon as Nastya makes herself a card, she will receive all the money. The situation, unfortunately, is heading towards divorce, which is extremely unpleasant. We just got married a few months ago. “I think we need to react calmly to everything and not get too excited,” commented Plotnikov.
Alexey is inclined to believe that his wife’s behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

Immediately after the tragedy, I was advised to protect Nastya from communicating with my sister, but after all, these are relatives. If after every quarrel all young girls take everything out on social networks, involve their relatives... You see, the situation is generally dirty, someone may like to sort through dirty rags, but I think it’s obscene. The most important thing is to protect honor from a young age. It’s extremely unpleasant for me that journalists call. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya’s sister’s husband changed the locks in their parents’ apartment. He said that until 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing wrong with this, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I needed to move into that apartment. Now her ex-boyfriend comes to Nastya’s hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well, Plotnikov complains.

Anastasia Soltan is now undergoing rehabilitation after treatment. She tells her friends about the conflict with her husband and the divorce on her VKontakte page. There, her subscribers write words of support to her - they wish her recovery and resolution of the situation. In each of her publications there is resentment towards Alexei, whose action she considers a betrayal.

After this tragedy, the only things that warmed me and gave me strength to live were that I would continue my father’s work and, when I could, give birth to children for my husband,” Anastasia wrote. - But I won’t give up, I can handle it!

The defender of the “Russian world” in the south-east of Ukraine, constantly boasting on social networks various signs differences (for example, badge“Donbass Volunteer”), does not comment on the situation.

Nastya Soltan is only 21 years old. She is a student at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of RANEPA.

The girl grew up in friendly family- with loving parents and older sister Veronica. She often came to see her dad at work - at the Mariinsky Palace, as evidenced by photographs on social networks. One day she posted a photo of her father looking at St. Isaac’s Square, captioning it: “When dad thinks about something good, he looks out the window at our beautiful city.”

Nastya, following the example of her mother Svetlana Valentinovna, tried to help her father, whose main activity was helping the disabled. It is no secret that Pavel Mikhailovich himself lost his arms and legs at the age of 20, having been hit by a train while saving a man.

Having become involved in party work (after all, her father is one of the leaders of the regional branch of A Just Russia), a year ago Anastasia met party activist Alexei Plotnikov at one of the events. A couple of years before meeting the daughter of an influential politician, a 35-year-old guy came from Saratov, where he worked as a municipal deputy and headed the local Socialist Revolutionary youth group. In St. Petersburg in 2014, Plotnikov managed to become a deputy of the Malaya Okhta Municipal Association. This was, in general, a ceiling that probably did not correspond to his political ambitions.

At first, Anastasia and Alexey were just friends, after a while they began dating, and three months later (at the end of February 2016) a marriage proposal followed. And she said, "Yes."

There were six months left before the long-awaited elections.

Already on June 5, the couple got married - in numerous photographs published by the girl, a happy mother, a proud father, a smiling sister Veronica with three daughters and her husband. In addition to those closest to you, in the photographs you can see the actress, people's choice Anastasia Melnikova, State Duma deputy Oleg Nilov and employees of the Mariinsky Palace staff.

Exactly a month later - on July 5, the city branch of A Just Russia approved the newly-made son-in-law Pavel Mikhailovich as a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma.

Started election campaign- father-in-law and son-in-law walked hand in hand, and a little more than a month later the Soltanov family got into a terrible accident on the Scandinavia highway. “The deputy head of the city parliament died on the spot, his wife is in the hospital,” the headlines of all newspapers were full of. “A Just Russia” lost its main “locomotive” - Soltan had an impeccable reputation. Only Nastya was left alive after the accident.

She was taken in serious condition to the intensive care unit (multiple fractures of the hip, pelvis, blood loss), where doctors fought for her life, and her older sister Veronica (she had a newborn daughter at home) spent days in the hospital and tried her best not to burst into tears , when Anastasia woke up and asked how her parents were. It was impossible to tell the truth - the doctors forbade it.

“She has very serious injuries to her pelvis and hip. The state of shock goes away. Convulsions appeared. Shakes a lot and often. At the same time, her body is in great pain. We tried to learn to breathe. Breathe out this state. It’s not quite working out yet,” Veronica wrote on August 16. - Tomorrow I won’t be able to be with her after the operation, because there will be a funeral. Our good friend will be with her. Poor strong girl! She faces a very long rehabilitation. You can't get away with three months. Two years..."

And at the beginning of September Anastasia publicly admitted for the first time that she also no longer had a husband. However, maybe it never existed.

The girl openly told subscribers on the social network about problems in the family: her husband does not visit her and the most important thing for him is the elections.

Most considered it an emotion. The girl feels bad, she is capricious and requires increased attention to herself in a tragic situation.

If in the first days, judging by Nastya’s posts, there was still a glimmer of hope in her (“many asked me if I was sure that he loved me? I answered that I knew that he loved me. But now I don’t know. It seems to me that that when you love a person, you don’t behave like that. On the other hand, I remember the wedding and think that my parents and I could not have made such a mistake”), then literally a week later she admitted that the marriage had failed.

Despite the fact that it is difficult for any girl to accept that she was married for convenience and was actually used, Soltan’s daughter did it.

“My dad accepted him as his son, helped him with advice and deeds, even asked that Lesha be included in the list of candidates for deputy. It’s bitter to realize that he used me and my dad,” she wrote. - Those people who knew and respected my dad, and there are a lot of such people, do not believe Alexey Plotnikov. Some people ask why am I making this public? At first, it was a cry from the heart, but now I think that people should know the real face of this person. And I don’t want people to think that since this is my dad’s son-in-law, and my dad was a very decent person, then Lesha too good man and he can be helped. He showed his true face. He doesn’t come to see me at the hospital, but takes photographs of his newspapers, which, by the way, my father’s friends helped make. I made my conclusions, time will put everything in its place. The only thing I don't want him to use is good name my dad."

Veronica and her sister agree: “If it weren’t for our parents, Lesha Plotnikov would never have had an election. His parents helped him, thinking that he would be a support for their daughter. They were sorely mistaken about this man.”

In addition, Anastasia was outraged by the statements of Alexei’s friends, who began to accuse Soltan’s eldest daughter and her husband of seeking profit, claiming that they wanted to take over the four-room apartment deceased deputy speaker. By the way, Soltan’s parents and Anastasia and her chosen one lived in it.

Before the attacks of people from Plotnikov’s entourage, no one financial issue didn't even touch on it. It is also interesting that Alexey’s friends began to artificially inflate the value of real estate by spreading false information that the apartment was located in the center of St. Petersburg.

Alexey himself does not comment on the situation. If you don’t consider the thrown phrase as a comment: “Can an adequate person freeze up like that?!”. Who he meant remains a mystery.

A few days before the elections, in private conversations, he noted that “this situation is inadequate” and “I’m ashamed of this - in order to support it in the future, I work to the maximum, I asked to wait just a week.”

Plotnikov also said that he “literally spends the night in the hospital.”

“My husband spent the night with me, not mine, but my sisters. It was Slava, whom Alexei’s entourage accuses of self-interest, who came with his sister to my hospital every day. But he has three more children to support. Those who really don’t have time, but they found it!” Nastya tells MR7.

According to Soltan (namely, she insists on this surname, claiming that as soon as she can walk, she will return maiden name), the application for divorce has not yet been filed, since she just left the hospital, but “today I am meeting with a lawyer who will handle the divorce process.”

Now Anastasia asks one thing from the once beloved man - to return the wedding money (part of the amount donated by the guests by right). In addition, as the girl explains, their parents gave them a gift - they paid for a trip to the sea, where the newlyweds were supposed to fly in the fall. However, when she ended up in the hospital, Alexey ran to the travel agency, took the money from there, and also took her to the investigator so that he could be recognized as a victim. “We have nothing to share except the money he stole,” sighs MR7’s interlocutor. “There are no parents, no connections, therefore, a wife is not needed. He wouldn’t dare behave like that in front of his parents! He constantly plays the positive hero, the edge of the house. How is he doing? propaganda posters it was written - “Real. Reliable. Mine!"? He also said that he was naive. Well, he naively and reliably left his wife in the hospital, naively and reliably stole her money. Well done!".

In total, Plotnikov is required to return about 325 thousand rubles. There is no question of any millions - the family of the deceased ex-deputy head of the Legislative Assembly lived modestly. Anastasia guesses what her husband could have spent the money on - on the elections, which he, by the way, lost miserably.

Nastya is generally in a fighting mood. She hopes to get a divorce as soon as possible (and even manages to see in the current situation positive point- saw the true face of the chosen one without living with him too long) and do without academic leave at the university, starting to study as soon as possible.

After all, she wants to continue her father’s work, and it is possible that in 10 years, when the DPR will have three lines in the history textbook, and Plotnikov will vegetate in his municipality, Anastasia will be elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. She has a healthy anger towards crooks and a proper level of empathy for the victims.

Anastasia Soltan died after falling from the 12th floor of a building on Butlerova Street in St. Petersburg, where her parents’ apartment is located. Before her death, 22-year-old Nastya left a message on social networks. A few hours before her death, she posted a link to an article entitled “I’m offended by my parents for not teaching me how to live without them.”

And a little earlier, Anastasia wrote a long message about how she was feeling on the eve of her birthday, November 24th.

“Now I’ve arrived home, to my home, to my parents. At first it was hard, I was waiting for them, but now it’s good, with Lunka (the dog - ed) we’re sitting in their room) It smells like mom and dad,” Nastya wrote. Judging by the text of the large message, the girl had no thoughts about death. She even shared what she would like to receive as a birthday present.

“Before, Veronica (elder sister - ed.) asked what I wanted as a gift, I answered: nothing. But now I want a gold chain with the letter C: Soltan, Svetlana, Fortitude. This will be my amulet,” wrote Anastasia. Also on social networks, the girl said that she left the hospital, about money problems, that she doesn’t have warm winter boots.

“Now I’ll go for a walk with the dog, then take a bath, and then eat dumplings with a glass of wine, I can’t sleep for 3 days... Sorry that I can’t respond to congratulations, there’s no Internet in the apartment either, I’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I went to the neighbors ask,” Anastasia concluded her long post.

A day after this message, the body of a 22-year-old girl will be found under the windows of the house.

Let us add that Anastasia Soltan divorced her husband a few days before the tragedy and quarreled with her sister Veronica, who insisted on continuing treatment.

Anastasia talked a lot about her feelings and emotions on her VKontakte blog, wrote about her relationship with her sister and her husband, with whom she did not get along very well, and complained about the “betrayal” of loved ones. Veronica was very worried about her sister and tried to help her. As Veronica herself reported, Nastya did not want to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital and found a way to leave there. Her friends helped her by giving the girl money.

“For a month and a half, my husband and I tried to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to intervene by giving her cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, we worry and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently At Olesya Nastya's home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital is fully paid for. Maybe it's worth contacting common sense and return her back for rehabilitation?” - this is how Veronica Soltan responded to all her sister’s accusations.

Let us remind you that the accident in which Pavel and Svetlana Soltan died occurred on August 14, 2016. Anastasia was also in the car with her parents. .

Legislative Assembly of the city of Pavel Soltan Anastasia. Earlier it was reported that on her 22nd birthday - on the evening of November 24 - a beautiful and until recently very happy girl “came out of the window” of the 12th floor of a building in the Akademicheskaya metro area.

As many St. Petersburg media write, her father was a deputy who was loved and appreciated by people because he helped them with their real problems and was a sympathetic person.

At that moment, her husband, with whom she had gotten married 2 months before the tragedy, left her. A number of media outlets in St. Petersburg write that, apparently, on the part of Alexei Plotnikov, this was a marriage of convenience - the young man was running for deputy and, perhaps, hoped that Anastasia’s father would help him make a political career.

However, after his death in a car accident, if the husband appeared in the hospital, he was rude and rude to his wife, which aggravated her already difficult moral state. Nastya wrote about this on social networks at the end of September.

As a result, she filed for divorce, accusing her husband of careerism and misappropriation of money given to him for the wedding, writes the Life 78 portal. Recently, the court decided to divorce the couple.

In addition, according to local journalists, difficult experiences due to the death of beloved parents and divorce from her husband were layered with difficult relationship with her older sister Veronica and her husband.

Nastya was offended that they sent her to the hospital for rehabilitation, taking away her money, keys to the apartment, iPhone and computer. Veronica argued that this was necessary for the good of her sister, since she had previously tried to commit suicide.

According to the sister of the deceased, the day before the tragedy, Anastasia decided not to undergo rehabilitation. Later, Veronica gave her the keys to her parents' apartment. As Neva Today writes, in last days During the girl's life, representatives of the media often visited her, and not everyone was correct in their publications.

"Representatives of some media tactlessly used depressive state Anastasia, gained her confidence and misinterpreted her words, not forgetting to comment on the appearance of her apartment,” the publication writes.

Meanwhile, perhaps the final motives for Nastya’s action can be understood precisely from press publications. In his last interview Anastasia admitted: she is offended by her parents because they “didn’t teach us how to live without them,” Gazeta.Ru reports.

“I’m now confused in this world, a big reassessment has happened for me,” the girl said shortly before the fatal step.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg will provide all necessary help in organizing the funeral of Anastasia Soltan, the chamber’s press service told Interfax. Parliament is also ready to provide support eldest daughter deceased deputy Pavel Soltan Veronica.