Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I probably wore it for the first month. I can’t stand it - it’s kind of yellow and wide. And for me all these attributes mean nothing.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends and acquaintances wear these attributes. I never paid attention.


To live well!

Our city is currently hosting an annual trade exhibition, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr - year and Markt - market, bazaar.
I invite you to take a walk through the German province in the rain, where would we be without it?

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the children!"



We are talking about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of the annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and staying there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points of contact, something to talk about or at least some family relations, but everything is quiet there.

The mother-in-law comes to her home, hangs out her towels, plants and digs up trees at her own discretion, brings some fragrant fertilizers, in general everything is “just the way I like it.” You can’t leave a child with her, there’s no trust, because she’s “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home while she goes off on business, I haven’t heard about hygiene: her hands and nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after using the toilet, all the dishes are done after it in greasy and sticky spots. This is so disgusting girls!

According to the first one, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited her into the house, set the table, gave me expensive wine, but in the conversation I heard that the cutlets were a bit dry and that I was still a bitch! And I decided that she and I didn’t need to sit at the same table. Apparently I can’t save my family, no matter how much I want to. I'm not ready for such impudent attacks on my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, my husband, and my 5-year-old daughter. The house was built by my husband. I would like to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so as not to be upset anymore. I haven’t slept for two nights... I can’t do anything... She’s sitting there at our dacha, and we’re toiling in the stuffy city, and on the weekend my husband suggested (apparently that mommy should stay there) that we go to his friend’s dacha (who he doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and earn normal money. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the Moscow region myself, but it’s such a shame that I do everything myself. And I take my child to the sea myself, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, and now it has been occupied.

Next week, my sister-in-law is sending her children to us... So that they can live there for another month... The house, I tell you, is not made of rubber, and all of us will not fit there even if I get over my disgust towards my mother-in-law's sloppiness...


Fairy, just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you don’t need to get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, it’s not a problem, the person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his own family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just crawling out of the ground. She would like to live at least a year without her mother, just alone, but love is carrots, we ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they united the premarital, bought three rubles in a new building, got pregnant, it’s like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model “father is the breadwinner, mother is the keeper of the hearth,” and mother’s Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughter, instead of help, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband’s dirty socks washed on the same day and for her husband there should always be first, second and compote. They inserted Sashka’s brain, he began to actively help Dasha, and his mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dashka had a breakdown. During the next scandal, she rushed out of the house in only a robe at 3 a.m. and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her, but she had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the ICU for almost six months, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to the metropolis, got a job, 2 years later she got married a second time and gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed while pregnant, inherited her husband’s business, and now everything is fine with her. I started communicating with my son as soon as I left the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadya, a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as one of her own and adopted her as a common child.
When Sasha was filing for divorce, she said that they should determine the child’s place of residence with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything and calls them both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mom Nadya, who is always with him, dad and his adored little brother, dad and mom promise to buy a little sister. And holiday mother Dasha, who takes her with her on weekends and on all sorts of trips across the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is that Dasha decided that she needed to take Andryushka. Sasha and his family live in small town, she in regional center, wants to give to good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
People are sane, so far everything is quiet and peaceful, but a scandal is brewing.
The question is - what is best for the child? Should I leave my dad in the family or give it to my mom, where there will be more opportunities for education?


Fans of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov know that this couple does not like to talk about their personal life. The singer hid her pregnancy for all nine months and only shortly before giving birth confirmed her situation. And she decided to reveal the name of her daughter, who was born in October 2017, only now, in April 2018.

Let us remind you that in October last year Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time. The singer gave her husband Alexei Chumakov a charming girl. Fans learned about the joyful event in the life of the couple from social networks. The artist posted a photo of the baby and admitted that she was very happy. “There are no words in the world, no emotions that can describe this new feeling... Now it’s as if there is no time, but there is inexplicable love and dependence,” Kovalchuk shared on Instagram.

In a recent interview former soloist group “Brilliant” openly spoke about the heiress and declassified her name.

It turned out that Yulia and Alexey decided to name the girl Amelia. Here's how Kovalchuk herself explains this choice:

“I dreamed of this name when she [my daughter] was still a very, very tiny dot in my stomach. And the gender was not yet known. I woke up and told Lesha: “Listen, honey, I saw her. It's a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: “Okay, let it be Amelia.” – Yulia Kovalchuk shared

“So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. A male names We didn't even think about it. We subconsciously felt that it would be a girl from the very beginning. I remember when they told us the gender of the baby during the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it,” the singer said.

Also, according to Yulia, the media incorrectly indicated the baby’s date of birth: “I gave birth on October 12, and not on the 13th, as they say from hearsay,” Kovalchuk claims.

“12 is our family number. I myself was born on November 12, Lesha - on March 12. I remember how during pregnancy I told my doctor that I really wanted to give birth on the 12th. To which she replied: “Yulechka, everything is in God’s hands. But keep this information in your head, and it’s very possible that everything will be exactly the way you want.” And so it happened!”

A post shared by Julia Kovalchuk/Yulia Kovalchuk(@juliakovalchuk) on Apr 10, 2018 at 9:40am PDT

Having become a mother, Yulia plunged headlong into pleasant chores. The actress goes to children's stores and buys dresses for her baby. “Here, you see, it’s been six months every other day, but there’s no dress,” the artist wrote on her microblog, publishing numerous pictures of children’s suits and dresses. Most fans liked the dress with a full skirt and short sleeves. The cost of the outfit is 12,200 rubles, and given the fact that children grow quickly and in a few months the outfit will be too small for little Amelia, the star mother will have to go shopping again.

We became parents for the first time in mid-September this year. For the first time, Chumakov decided to publicly reveal why he and his wife took so long to have a child. The singer told details of his personal life to the host of the show “Secret for a Million” Lera Kudryavtseva. For example, Alexey dispelled rumors that he and his wife allegedly could not have children due to health problems.

Chumakov said that they didn’t have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child. According to the artist, due to their heavy workload, they previously had no time to even think about having offspring. However, years ago, after seriously talking about this topic, they decided to start by taking care of their health, seeing doctors and, of course, having a good rest.

Alexey Chumakov said that his daughter looks more like him than Yulia Kovalchuk

Having learned about pregnancy, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov made a decision: they would not tell anyone about it, not even their closest people. Star couple was afraid possible complications during pregnancy. As a result, Julia spent nine months calmly until her daughter was born. However, as Alexey explained in the show “Secret for a Million,” they are still not going to show their daughter to the public, at least until the christening. Moreover, the couple also decided not to name the girl’s name for now. But the singer did tell some details. For example, he admitted that he was present at the birth. And I am sure that it could not have been otherwise.

Lera Kudryavtseva’s program showed footage of a happy young dad, Alexei Chumakov, walking near a pond with a stroller. Looking tenderly into the stroller, the singer said that, in his opinion, his daughter was more like him: “Some features sometimes slip through: once - Julia. Sometimes it will turn around - exactly me. Part of Yulin's nose, part - my. Some kind of symbiosis is so beautiful. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes will probably definitely be brown».

“Million Dollar Secret”: Alexey Chumakov

Let us remind you that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013, although they have been living together for ten years. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself a very lucky woman, because she has a strong shoulder nearby: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I remember in time: “No, I can’t do this on my own!” We had a stage in our lives when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adapt. As soon as I began to give in, he began to give in too.”

Grief breaks many. Families and the usual way of life are crumbling into pieces. Close people, unable to cope with the pain, instantly become strangers...

Singer Yulia Savicheva and her husband also experienced a terrible loss. However, it was their common misfortune that became the beginning of their happiness.

Four months ago, Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter, Anna. The girl was born in Portugal. But not at all because mom and dad didn’t trust our doctors and really wanted to give birth abroad. Julia was brought to a foreign country by a misfortune that happened to her several years ago, and serious problems with health.


I dreamed of having a child since I was 25,” says Yulia. - By this time, although we were not officially married, I was sure that Sasha and I had a real family.

Musician Alexander Arshinov appeared in her life somehow by accident, but at the same time once and for all. Yulia was only 16 - yesterday's schoolgirl, the finalist of the "Star Factory" looked even younger than her age, when her friends introduced her to a cool, brutal guy.

He performed alternative music then,” Savicheva smiles. - A tattoo on my leg, a tunnel in my ear, protective pants... Sasha later told me that he was shocked by how small and fragile I was, just a child with his head in the clouds.

He took this sparrow under his wing and protection. Soon they began to live together. They got used to each other and grew closer to each other. We dreamed of a wedding and a child...

Julia realized that she was pregnant while on tour. I felt great, so I didn’t interrupt the tour. But when she finally got to the doctor, he stunned her: there were serious problems, all concerts should be cancelled, not going anywhere, taking medications, lying down. Julia waved it off: “Oh, bullshit!”

It seemed to me that everything was simple. The older generation supported: “We didn’t rush to doctors in our time, so you were born healthy!” Believing in myself, I continued to fly, perform and jump on stage. At every concert I gave my best, I left like a squeezed lemon, but I was happy.


The bleeding started suddenly. Early in the morning, at the hotel provincial town, she was twisted by a sharp pain in her stomach. The ambulance took Yulia to the operating table. The doctors saved her life. There is no child.

For me and our entire family, this became a tragedy and a cruel lesson. “I paid for my mistakes,” Yulia recalls that time with tears in her eyes. “My husband and I were broken, but we found the strength not to withdraw into ourselves. They talked constantly, both cried, trying to come to terms with common grief. In order to save a family in a difficult situation, you need to talk about everything, you can’t keep anything to yourself. If you want to bang your head against the wall, fight! The main thing is together.

After some time, they finally got married. For some reason, Julia decided that if the marriage became legal, then fate would immediately send them another child.

She rushed to get examined, then treat the sores she found, took up sports, switched to proper nutrition. I was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​giving birth...

I drank it on drink full course hormones, went through the necessary procedures, but we still didn’t succeed. And then I realized: I’m too active, I’m nervous at work and I’m very tired. I reduced my workload... For more than two years, every month I took pregnancy tests and waited with bated breath for the two cherished stripes to appear on it... I constantly thought that time was running out, I was soon 30. But there, in heaven, no one was going to send me a gift...

Savicheva, who was already going crazy with despair, paused her work. With Alexander, they decided to go to Portugal for several months. Walk, eat, sleep, travel and think about nothing. Julia turned off her phone and internet and began... getting to know her husband:

We both realized that we didn't really know each other and weren't real family. We felt and recognized in a new way: he - me, I - him. They started talking about what they didn’t like about each other and why, they even quarreled. We built relationships again. A month later we were already in harmony and decided that if things didn’t work out with the child, it was not a problem, but fate. We must accept it...


But out of long-term habit, Yulia continued to take pregnancy tests. Sasha will never forget how she flew out of the toilet shopping center shouting “Two, two stripes!” When the clinic confirmed that she was expecting a child, Savicheva burst into hysterical tears.

Came with relief panic fear. Julia decided to obey the doctors unquestioningly. And when she was informed that flights were prohibited due to the risk of thrombosis and long-distance travel was extremely undesirable, she firmly said: “We’ll stay in Portugal to give birth,” and she spent the entire pregnancy there. I took my husband and his sister with me to the birth. But at the most crucial moment, she kicked them out of the delivery room and asked for epidural anesthesia.

There was no strength to endure this pain! But when Anya was born and they placed her on my stomach... An unforgettable feeling! I even started singing! Anya cried at first, and then calmed down and listened to my voice. The doctors were delighted - they had never seen anything like this in a Portuguese maternity hospital.

Now she, like all crazy young mothers, jumps up at every child’s sneeze and listens to her daughter’s sniffles at night. Too many fears still live in her soul...

Information has emerged that Russian singer, presenter and actress Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time. The celebrity herself has not yet commented on the news.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov hid the news of pregnancy until the last moment. When hiding was already problematic, Julia shared the news with fans by posting a picture of her rounded belly online.

Let us remember that Kovalchuk and Chumakov have been together for eight years. In 2014, the couple got married in Spain, and since then fans have tirelessly followed the personal lives of celebrities, wondering when the baby will appear.

Information about pregnancy appeared in early autumn. Julia then stated that she would give birth in Russia, despite the fact that she often lives in Spain.

“I can’t imagine how it’s possible in these important points communicate in another language, not feel or see your loved ones nearby,” the singer admitted.

Let us remember that Alexey and Yulia got married in 2012 after 5 years of relationship. Last summer there was talk that the ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” was pregnant, reports the portal Rosregistr.ru. For a long time the couple remained silent, officially confirming that they would soon become parents only three weeks ago

“I really trust my feelings and believe that my body itself will tell me how to react to the magic that happens to me. Besides, pregnancy is a universal joy! From the very beginning I knew that I would not have the whims and speculations characteristic of a large number pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and pushes away the man I love.”

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth in 2017: information about baby Kovalchuk appeared online

According to some reports, the ex-soloist of “Brilliant” gave birth to a daughter. Fans leave their congratulations to the new mother in in social networks. Neither Kovalchuk nor Chumakov commented on the rumors about the birth of a child and did not confirm the birth of the singer.

According to Yulia, pregnancy did not affect her daily life. The artist explained that she did not have any whims regarding food or any other things.

Let us remember that Yulia and Alexei got married four years ago and since then rumors have appeared in the media every now and then that the singer is pregnant. The couple hides details of their personal life from the press; for example, the couple did not reveal the gender of the unborn baby.

Note that the rumor that the artist is expecting a child spread in the media and social networks in the spring of this year. The reason for public suspicion was the rare appearances of the ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” in public, the choice of outfits loose fit, as well as some changes in her appearance.

It is expected that Kovalchuk will remain in maternity leave will not stay. Previously, the singer said that, despite the birth of a child, she was not going to give up her career. The singer is scheduled to appear on stage in November-December.

Kovalchuk said that the child in their family was long-awaited, which is why they hid the pregnancy from fans for so long. Apparently they were afraid of the evil eye.