BDOU "Kindergarten No. 56 combined type" Role-playing game in the middle group


Group teacher No. 5

Ulrich Elena Arturovna

What is a game (A. S. Makarenko)

Play is a special type of activity for a child. The game has important in a child’s life, has the same meaning as activity, work has in an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play. And the entire history of an individual person as an actor can be represented in the development of play and in its gradual transition into work.

Role-playing game


the basis

  • The world
  • Life and activities of adults and peers
  • An imaginary or imaginary situation in which a child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him or herself

Main features role-playing game

  • Emotional intensity
  • Children's passion
  • Independence
  • Activity
  • Creation

The structure of a role-playing game

  • The plot is the area of ​​activity that is reproduced by children. The plots are conventionally divided into:

Household (family, kindergarten, etc.)

Industrial (hospital, store, etc.)

Public (library, school, etc.)

  • Content is what is highlighted by the child as the main point of adult activity, reflected in the game.
  • The role is a means of realizing the plot.

Conditions for creation and development play activity

  • Creating a subject-development environment
  • Having a specific time in the day
  • Professionalism of the teacher

Criteria for creating a game

  • the game should be free from themes and regulation of actions imposed by adults “from above”;
  • the child must be able to master the increasingly complex “language” of the game - in general ways its implementation, increasing the freedom of creative implementation of his own plans;
  • the game should be joint activities teacher and children, where the teacher is a playing partner, so that play at all age stages is an independent activity of children.

The game develops:

  • Ability to imagine
  • Creative thinking
  • Mental development
  • Ability to interact with other people (communication skills)
  • Speech development, communication
  • Social development

Tasks of a middle group teacher

  • improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan;
  • teach children to prepare the environment for the game - select objects and attributes
  • develop in children the ability to create and use attributes for playing from building material, develop the ability to use substitute objects.

Organization of role-playing games in kindergarten Pedagogical advice - interactive game (for preschool teachers)

Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 79

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

deputy head

on educational and methodological work

“Plot-role-playing game”


Goal: to systematize teachers’ knowledge about role-playing games, to improve teachers’ skills in organizing and conducting role-playing games.

Slide navigation

  • Change presentation slides by clicking the left mouse button
  • Selecting a question on the game field is done by clicking on the number (cost of the question), after which a slide with the question appears.
  • To go to the correct answer slide, click on the “Correct Answer” link.
  • To go to the game field, click on the “Home” icon
  • For questions in the “Pedagogical Situations” category, correct answers are not provided.

Rules of the game

  • Teachers are divided into 3 teams. The discussion is conducted in teams, with one person answering.
  • Playing field – slide number 6, which presents categories, questions and tasks different levels difficulties. Each question has a point value.
  • The beginning of the game is determined by drawing lots (pulling out a piece of paper with the number 1, 2 or 3).
  • The sequence of task selection is determined in the order of elongated pieces of paper with numbers.
  • You are given 1 minute to think about a theoretical question, and 3 minutes for a pedagogical situation.

Rules of the game

  • If the answer is correct, the cost of the question is counted towards the team’s treasury; if the answer is incorrect, points will be deducted. (The jury keeps a record: counting the points of each team, both correct and incorrect). If the answer is incomplete, the jury may reduce the score.
  • If the answer is incorrect, the other team can answer and earn points.
  • Getting into the “Pig in a Poke” sector means a common task for all teams (time to complete the task is 10 minutes).
  • The winner is the team that scores large quantity points.
Pedagogy of the game - 10 Name the components of a role-playing game

Correct answer

Components of a role-playing game:

  • plot
  • content
  • game actions
  • playful use of objects (substitution)
  • real relationships between children
Pedagogy of play - 20 What are the conditions for the development of play activities in kindergarten?

Correct answer

Conditions for the development of play activities in kindergarten:

  • place
  • time
  • subject environment
  • management
  • interaction with family
Pedagogy of play - 30 Name the stages of formation of a role-playing game.

Correct answer

Stages of forming a role-playing game:

  • Subject-game actions
  • Role-playing and interaction
  • Plot summary
Pedagogy of play - 40 How does the game's plot differ from its content?

Correct answer

Game plot- this is the area of ​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game (hospital, store, etc.)

Pedagogy of play - 50 Pedagogy of play - 50 What is the comprehensive guidance of a role-playing game?

Correct answer

Comprehensive role-playing game guidance:

  • Getting to know your surroundings
  • Enriching the gaming experience
  • Organization of the subject-game environment
  • Activating communication between the teacher and children
Game Guide – 20 Game Guide – 20 Name main principle organizing role-playing games in kindergarten

Correct answer

The basic principle of organizing a role-playing game:

In order for children to master gaming skills, the teacher must play with the children.

Game Guide – 30 Game Guide – 30 Name three positions of a teacher when guiding a preschooler’s role-playing game.

Correct answer

Positions of the teacher when leading a role-playing game:

  • The teacher is a partner, a bearer of gaming skills and skills of organized communication in the game.
  • Teacher – coordinator of children’s play plans and communication
  • A teacher is an observer of children’s games and a consultant in case of difficulties.
Cat in a poke Cat in a poke Game planning - 30 Game planning - 30 Assignment to all teams Compose short plan comprehensive guidance for role-playing games (on separate forms) Game Guide – 50 Game Guide – 50 Name direct and indirect methods of managing the game.

Correct answer

Leadership Techniques Children's games can be conditionally divided into: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect techniques- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a play environment before the start of the game).

Direct techniques- direct involvement of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, explanation, help, advice during the game, suggestions new topic games, etc.).

Game Guide – 60 Game Guide – 60 What does the teacher’s playing position include?

Correct answer

The teacher’s playing position includes:

  • The teacher’s pronounced interest in children’s games;
  • Reflection as the ability to see a real situation from the outside and identify game opportunities in it;
  • Infantilization as the ability to establish a trusting relationship with others;
  • Empathy as the ability to feel the game states of other people;
  • Creativity as the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve a goal.
Pedagogical situation – 25 Pedagogical situation – 25 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Masha fenced the toy chickens with cubes - it turned out to be a poultry yard. Plays, rejoices, feeds the chickens. Alyosha took aim with the ball: bang-bang! And there is no yard! Alyosha stands proud - he hit the target! He’s only sorry that the guys didn’t see him. What should the teacher do? How to teach how to play without ruining your neighbor's game? Pedagogical situation – 30 Pedagogical situation – 30 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. The teacher organized the game “Bus”. The children sat down, bought tickets and went. During the game, the bus stopped at two stops, where more than half of the children got off and stood watching as the remaining children prepared to get off at the third stop. A minute later the bus turned out to be empty, the driver was upset that he had no one to carry, and the rest of the children scattered throughout the group. Why didn't the game work out? What should the teacher have done? Pedagogical situation – 35 Pedagogical situation – 35 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Maxim quickly took toys for himself to play “Space Travel: a control panel, a commander’s helmet, a tablet with a map, and “space power,” and “ solar panels" to recharge the engines. "What should we play with? Once you have taken everything, then play it yourself. “We won’t play with you,” the guys said. What should a teacher do in this situation? What work can be done with children to prevent possible similar situations? Pedagogical situation – 40 Pedagogical situation – 40 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. The teacher introduced a new construction set to the group. Vova (5 years old) began to lay out the details of the construction set with great pleasure. “What do you want to build?” asked the teacher. “What... what will happen,” answered Vova. - How? - I will build from cubes and bricks. Starts to build. I put the cubes and bricks on them. - No, I better than a rocket I’ll build... Lays the cubes one on top of the other. The column is swinging. He tries to hold it with his hand, but the entire structure collapsed. He leaves, leaving behind a pile of construction parts. The teacher says: “Try again.” Another failure. How to evaluate the actions of a teacher? What should a teacher do before giving a child a construction set? Pedagogical situation – 45 Pedagogical situation – 45 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Masha, Vanya and Kirill decided to play "Sea Voyage". “Cheers, I’m the captain of the ship,” says Vanya. “Yesterday you were a captain. You are a captain every day,” Masha and Kirill protested. How can a teacher be allowed this situation? What rule can you come up with so that other participants in the game have the right to interesting roles? Psychology of the game - 10 Psychology of the game - 10 What is the peculiarity of a role-playing game and its difference from other types of games?

Correct answer

The main feature of a role-playing game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it. The imaginary situation consists of a plot and roles.

Psychology of the game - 20 Psychology of the game - 20 Game is the leading activity of the child preschool age. What is leading activity?

Correct answer

Leading activity is an activity in which: major changes(new formations appear) in individual mental processes; the child’s personality as a whole develops; new forms of activity are emerging.

Psychology of the game - 30 Psychology of the game - 30 What are the new formations in the child’s psyche that arise in role-playing games?

Correct answer

New formations of the child’s psyche and personality in the game:

  • Visual-figurative thinking
  • Imagination
  • Arbitrariness of behavior
  • Formation of self-awareness. Subordination of motives
Psychology of the game - 40 Psychology of the game - 40 What types of relationships between children develop in the game?

Correct answer

There are two types of relationships in the game - gaming and real. Game relationships are relationships based on plot and role, real relationships are relationships between children as partners, comrades who perform a common cause.

Psychology of the game – 50 Psychology of the game – 50

Correct answer

Fill the table. Children age 4 – 5 years

Well done!



List of sources used

  • Solntseva O.V. Preschooler in the world of play. Accompaniment of role-playing games for children. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010
  • Akulova O.V., Solntseva O.V. Educational field “Socialization. A game". How to work according to the “Childhood” program. - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2012

Organization of role-playing games in kindergarten Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development 58 according to Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A.

Free story play is the most attractive activity for preschool children. In play, the child experiences an internal subjective feeling of freedom and internal emotional comfort. The game develops the ability to imagine and think creatively. While playing, the child tries on different roles. Masters the rules of interaction and learns to explain his actions and coordinate them with others.

Principles of organization story game 1. The teacher must play with the children (the “playing partner” position) 2. The teacher must play with the children throughout preschool childhood 3. At each stage of preschool childhood, develop play skills, orienting the child to carry out the play action and explain its meaning to the partner game.

Formation of a conditional play action What the child actually does What this action means The conditioned action of “feeding” with the help of a plot toy - a copy of the real thing. The conditional action of “feeding” with a stick is to act as a substitute object. The conditioned action of “feeding”, performing movements reminiscent of “feeding” with a spoon, is to act with an imaginary object

Eliminating “getting stuck” in children during the organization of a story game. Connecting the teacher to an already existing game. Goal: expanding the meaning of the play situation for the child. Connecting to the child’s independent activities. Goal: having started a game parallel to the child, the adult verbally, through a story, “attributes” a plot, conventional meaning to the simple objective action of the child.

Formation of game action The ability to take on a game role and designate it for a partner. The ability to perform role-specific conditional objective actions. The ability to develop specific role interaction - role dialogue. The ability to change your playing role depending on the unfolding plot.

Formation of role behavior Use of complementary roles - require interaction with another role (mother - daughter, doctor - patient, seller - buyer) Use of “independent” roles - indirect connection with other roles (builder, driver, astronaut, fireman)

Conditions for the development of the game 1. The use of multi-character plots with a specific role structure, where one of the roles is included in direct connections with all the others. 2. Refusal to unequivocally correspond the number of characters in the plot to the number of participants in the game (there are more characters than players).

The teacher’s play with each of the children and subgroups, stimulating flexible role behavior and role changes, produces significant changes in children’s independent activities. Children interact more freely, connect with their peers who are already playing, taking on appropriate roles. In joint play with peers and individual play, the range of play roles actualized by children expands (actions with story toys, substitute objects).

Summary On each age stage The pedagogical process in relation to the game should be two-part, consisting of the situation of developing gaming skills in a joint game between an adult and children, where the adult is a “playing partner,” and an independent children’s game, in which the adult is not directly involved, but only provides the conditions for it.

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“Organization of a plot-role-playing game in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education” Completed by: Beskinskaya Angelina Borisovna Educator of the children’s school “Zvezdochka”, Zernograd

Regulatory requirements for organizing a developing subject-spatial environment When organizing a developing subject-spatial environment for a preschool educational organization, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory requirements of the following documents: The Constitution Russian Federation; Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; Federal Law No. 185 dated 07/02/2013 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption Federal Law"On education in the Russian Federation"; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education"; Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 02/28/2014 No. 08-249 “Comments on the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”; The concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level), approved by the Federal Coordination Council for general education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2003; Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating regime of preschool educational organizations"; Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013. No. 68 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock”;

Play is the main activity of children. Play is an end-to-end mechanism of child development, through which the content of five educational areas: Social and communicative development Cognitive development Speech development Artistic aesthetic development Physical development

One of the targets is “at the stage of completion of preschool education,” the child must master in different forms and types of games, distinguish between conditional and real situations, be able to obey different rules and social norms."

The main source that feeds the role-playing game is the world around him, the life and activities of adults and peers.

Plot-based role-playing game is the queen of games. General motive of the HRE Main feature of the HRE

Main features of the HRE: 1. Compliance with the rules; 2. Social motive of the game; 3.Going emotional development child; 4. The child’s intelligence develops (how?); 5. Imagination and creativity develops; 6. Speech development.

Tasks for developing children’s skills in story-telling role playing games: 2nd junior group - enriching children's gaming experience through joint games with adults. Middle group- mastering and developing role behavior. Senior group- enriching the gaming experience by developing and complicating the game plot. Preparatory group- formation and pedagogical support children's group as a children's playing community.

Levels of development of a role-playing game: Stage 1 – the main content of the game is action with objects. Children's actions are monotonous and often repeated. Stage 2 – the main content of the game – action with objects. The same game is repeated many times. Stage 3 – the main content of the game is action with objects. Actions are aimed at establishing various contacts with game partners. Stage 4 – the main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other.

Enriching life experience Goal: to give children vivid impressions of the environment, to create the basis for the development and enrichment of the content of the game (children’s understanding of the purpose of objects, the meaning of actions, people, etc.) Observations, targeted walks; Examination of paintings, illustrations, photographs; Examination, experimentation with objects; Reading, storytelling, learning text by heart; Free communication; Listening to discs, audio recordings; Enabled participation of children in the work activities of adults; Productive types of children's and joint activities with adults.

Development of communication skills with children and teachers during the game Goal: development independent play, searching for new game problems and ways to solve them, developing communication skills with adults and with each other. Paired assignments Creating problematic situations Encouraging role-playing statements Telephone conversations Game exercises Maintaining role dialogue

Creating a subject-based play environment Goal: creating conditions for independent play that are adequate to the level of development of children’s play skills and the content of play activities. Toys - characters; Game space markers; Operating items; Subjects are substitutes; Zoning premises.

Name of the game Younger group Middle group Older age Dressing up + + + Family Mom, dad, children association with a hairdresser, doctor, household stories, transport Doctor Doctor nurse, patient card, pharmacy, registry, ambulance, doctors - specialists Shop Vegetables, fruits, dishes, toys departments: bread, dairy, confectionery departments: deli, fish, meat, shoes, clothes, furniture, Appliances.

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