The journalists found out how the fate of the children of Zhenya Belousov, who suddenly died of a stroke at the age of 32, developed. From two different women, the popular singer in the early 90s had a son, Roman, and a daughter, Christina.


The girl is now 27 years old, the guy is 21. Former lovers of the artist keep in touch, and children never found a common language... Roman Zhenya was born by a former keyboard player in the Belousov group and his common-law wife Oksana Shidlovskaya. She said that since childhood, her son has been fascinated by technology, not music.

“He doesn't need anything else, only motorcycles, cars, friends. Now he walks with a stick: last week he was running around on a motorcycle, fell and bruised his leg. Together with his friends, he endlessly repairs something, welds parts, tunes motorcycles of wealthy people. By the way, that's what he earns. ”After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but unlearned a year and left: not interesting, he says. became what he wanted - a welder. Perhaps in the future will open a car service... "- quoted by Oksana Starhit.

Daughter Belousov gave birth to his official wife Elena Khudik. Christine's father was left with a three-room apartment. Five years ago the girl called her stepbrother Roman and offered to meet... He agreed, but for most of the walk, both were silent, never finding common topics for conversation.

As a child, Christina studied at a music school. Having matured, she got a job in a modeling agency and graduated from the psychology department of the University of Medicine and Dentistry. I tried myself as a music site editor. In excellence having learned English and Spanish, she became a translator in a large company... If Roman loves motorcycles with all his heart, then Christina is passionate about equestrian sports. Neither the son nor the daughter of Belousov even think about show business.

June 2 marks twenty years since the death of one of the most popular singers of the 90s, Zhenya Belousov. He passed away very young, the musician was only 32 years old. The release of the Saturday program "Tonight" with Andrey Malakhov was dedicated to the memory of the vocalist, who performed such hits as "My blue-eyed girl", "Night taxi", "Alyoshka", "Cloud of hair". Producer Zhenya Belousova Lyubov Voropaeva, concert director of musician Nikolai Agutin, singer, presenter and others came to the studio. The beloved women of Zhenya Belousov, his widow Elena Belousova, the former keyboardist of Zhenya Oksana Shidlovskaya, the last love of Belousov Elena Savina were invited to the program.

Elena Belousova said that she knew about her husband's many hobbies. “I accepted that Zhenya was fond of. She accepted, and did not forgive. These are different things, ”the woman emphasized.

A couple of years after the musician and his wife got married, an illegitimate son was born to Belousov. His mother is the same keyboardist Oksana Shidlovskaya. At some point, Eugene decided to confess to his wife that he had a child on the side.

“Zhenya told me: Roma is my son, I leave you alone with a glass of wine. What are your thoughts, tell me tomorrow. I don't want to divorce you, - recalls one of the most dramatic moments from her personal life, Elena Belousova. - I decided that I also want to be with Zhenya. And life began ... Children and women require attention. I couldn't stand it. She said to Zhenya: here is God, and here is the threshold. To be honest, I myself asked him to leave. "

Both heirs of Zhenya Belousov came to the studio of the program. Zhenya Belousov's son became a welder, and his daughter became a translator

The first appeared daughter Christina from marriage with Elena. The girl will turn 30 this year. The stately red-haired beauty immediately captivated the audience. Christina is a clinical psychologist by education, and enjoys esotericism. The girl's young man knows perfectly well who her father was.

“I often think about my dad, I think about how it would be if he was alive,” said Christina. - I often watch videos with him. I see that we are similar to him in manners. "

Then the illegitimate son of Zhenya Belousov, 24-year-old Roman, came to the studio. Seeing the guy, the studio gasped - the young man is strikingly similar to his famous dad. The same gait, luxurious hair and voice. Roman performed a song that his father once sang "Where the maple rustles." The audience was also able to be convinced that the son of Zhenya Belousov inherited both his timbre and intonation.

// Photo: Tatiana Kuzmina / ITAR-TASS

The performer of the hits of the 1990s "My blue-eyed girl", "Evening", "Alyoshka" on September 10 could have celebrated his 50th birthday. Zhenya
Belousov died suddenly, from a stroke - at the age of 32. Today his daughter Kristina is 27 years old, and his son Roman is 21. StarHit learned that their mothers communicate, but the children themselves do not.

Jacket inherited

A year ago, Roman Belousov told his mother that sometimes he wants to sing. “I sat down at the piano and suggested: come on, and I'll play along! - recalls Oksana Shidlovskaya, a former keyboard player in the group of Zhenya Belousov. - Roma sang something from the repertoire of "Flowers" by Stas Namin. I played with my eyes closed. And goosebumps ran: I heard Zhenya! Voice - one to one ... To be honest, I never forced my son to play music, I believed that nature rested on him. Yes, at school he and his friends made some attempts to form a band, but now these old guitars are out, gathering dust in the garage ... "

However, later the son did not return to the musical theme. In fact, he has been raving about technology since childhood. “He doesn't need anything else, only motorcycles, cars, friends,” continues Oksana. - Now he walks with a stick: last week he was running around on a motorcycle, fell and bruised his leg. Together with friends, he is endlessly repairing something, welding parts, tuning bikes of wealthy people. That, by the way, also earns. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but studied for a year and dropped out: not interesting, he says. So he became what he wanted - a welder. Perhaps in the future he will open a car service ... "

Oksana was the singer's common-law wife. She officially married three years after Zhenya's death. Now he lives in a two-story country cottage with Roma, her husband, an engineer of medical equipment, and his son from his first marriage, 14-year-old Artem. He is engaged in the house, the vegetable garden, makes seasonal twists. She rewrote her apartment in Dolgoprudny to Roman. After all, he only got a red jacket from his father, in which Belousov starred in several videos. Now he puts it on to show off in front of the girls. Roman, like his father, has a lot of them.

“The son comes home on a motorcycle, as a rule, with a girl. If I see the same one more than three times, I go to get acquainted, - says Oksana. - Everything
this is, of course, a frivolous relationship. Only recently, as I realized, he really fell in love with one. But there are difficulties: she already has a boyfriend, and tricks with motorcycles do not work on her. Therefore, Roma is a little upset ... "

Alien relatives

Zhenya Belousov's daughter Kristina was left with a three-room apartment from her father, which the singer bought for her and her mother Elena Khudik, they were
officially married until the wife found out that Zhenya had a son on the side.

Five years ago, Christina called Roman and offered to meet. But, as he later explained to his mother, they did not find a common language, they silently walked around Moscow. Maybe it's because she's older. Or maybe interests did not coincide. As Zhenya Belousov's twin brother Alexander told "StarHit", his niece Christina studied at a music school, worked in a modeling agency, graduated from the psychology faculty of the University of Medicine and Dentistry, and was the editor of a music site. She perfectly learned English and Spanish and now works as a translator for a large company. He is fond of equestrian sports. She was not married.

Evgeny Belousov, better known as Zhenya Belousov, is one of the most popular and sought-after musical performers on the Russian stage. He sang seemingly uncomplicated romantic songs, but became the founder of a number of pop singers who entertained a new generation in this way in discos of the nineties.

He was repeatedly invited to perform in groups, but by that time he was already an accomplished solo performer, therefore he continued to tour independently, not only in the USSR, but also abroad.

Zhenya Belousov was a typical representative of the eighties. Lush curls were much longer than it is customary for men now, shirts of different colors and incredibly fashionable jeans then - this was the image of the artist, remembered by many, in which he was used to going on stage. Zhenya loved to stand out from the crowd, so he always wore bright clothes and some kind of jewelry.

Many who are interested in the life of a singer would also be interested to know about his height, weight, age. Zhenya Belousov's life years: 1964-1997. It is impossible to compare Zhenya Belousov's photo in his youth and now, because the artist already died young. Then he was only 32. His height was average for a man - 176 centimeters. The exact weight is unknown, but there were rumors that he could lose four kilograms during the performance.

Biography and personal life 👉 Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya was born on September 10, 1964, in the village of Zhikhar. Several years later, his father, Viktor Belousov and mother, Nonna Belousova, transported the children to Kursk in search of a better life. Zhenya was not the only child in the family. He also had an older sister, Marina, and a twin brother, Alexander.

In Kursk, Zhenya received his secondary education, learned to play the guitar. He initially wanted to be a musician, but his parents insisted on getting a more mundane profession. Having succumbed to his parents, the future pop star graduated from technical school, having received the profession of a locksmith. But he was much more involved in music. In the evenings, he worked part-time in restaurants, entertaining visitors by playing the guitar.

On one of these evenings, the guy was noticed by the capital's producer Bari Alibasov. He offered Zhenya a job and he, without thinking twice, left with a man to Moscow.

The biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov has always been a subject of discussion, both during the years of his popularity and some time after his death. Zhenya was married twice, had affairs more than once, and shortly before his death he lived in a civil marriage.

Family and children 👉 Zhenya Belousova

The singer was born into a family of Soviet workers who moved from Ukraine to Russia in search of a better life. Zhenya himself has two children. And only one of the kids was born legally.

By the way, it is worth noting that none of the marriages lasted long enough to really be called family life. Especially when you consider that constantly enjoying the enormous attention from the fans, Zhenya simply could not help but have another romance. Where Zhenya Belousov's family and children currently live remains a mystery.

Son of 👉 Zhenya Belousov - Roman Belousov

The son of Zhenya Belousov, Roman Belousov, was born in 1992, when the singer lived in a civil marriage with a certain Oksana Shidlovskaya. The boy's parents lived together for a short time, and as an inheritance, the boy received his father's jacket.

From childhood, Roma was fond of cars and wanted to start his own business in the form of a service station. Currently 25, he is a locksmith by training, loves racing and tinkering with motorcycles. The guy looks remarkably like his father, and wears the same long hair.

Daughter 👉 Zhenya Belousov - Kristina Belousova

The daughter of Zhenya Belousov, Christina Belousova, is five years older than her half-brother. The musician's first official wife, Elena Khudik, became her mother.

Since childhood, Christina adored art, therefore she was drawn to everything at once - she studied music, dances, even worked with models. However, after some time, she finally decided on her life, and decided to take up psychology. Christina is currently working by profession. And he does not maintain any relationship with his stepbrother.

Ex-wife 👉 Zhenya Belousov - Elena Khudik

The ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov, Elena Khudik, met him in the store where she worked at that time. The wedding took place in the 86th year. They lived together for several years, and a daughter, Christina, was born. But Elena left her husband anyway when she found out about his repeated infidelities with fellow singers and other singers.

After the divorce, she got an apartment in the capital. After Belousov, Khudik had three more marriages, but she never gave birth to children again.

Ex-wife 👉 Zhenya Belousov - Natalia Vetlitskaya

The ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, can hardly seriously call herself his wife. The couple met while on tour, when they took part in one concert. The romance between them was so stormy that Belousov even forgot about his wife, who was left to wait at home with the child.

They got married in 1989. But their "family life" lasted only ten days. After the divorce, Vetlitskaya continued the same stormy personal life. The famous singer had two official husbands and as many as six civilians.

Civil wife 👉 Zhenya Belousov - Oksana Shidlovskaya

Zhenya Belousov's common-law wife, Oksana Shidlovskaya, was a keyboard player in his group. And after leaving the decree, she became an accountant and began to engage in financial support for Zhenya's business related to alcoholic beverages.

Together with Belousov, Shidlovskaya lived for a little more than a year, after which she left her civil husband, taking her little son with her. Most likely, the woman also could not withstand the constant betrayal of the singer. And Zhenya, after a short time, has already found himself another "love".

Cause of death 👉 Zhenya Belousov and his funeral

Shortly before his death, the man's condition worsened. Most likely, due to constant hard loads, the man suffered a stroke. Doctors immediately performed an operation, and the singer was saved. After the intervention of doctors, Zhenya did not live long - only about a month. Death came from an apoplectic stroke.

The cause of Zhenya Belousov's death and his funeral were covered in detail on television. The musician found his last refuge at the Kuznetsk cemetery in the capital, where many flowers can still be seen on his grave.

Wikipedia 👉 Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov created songs filled with love and romance. At his performances, he always got sold out, people came to his concerts to recharge with energy and good mood. Zhenya Belousov's career as a musician was as rapid as it was short.

Today, September 10, Yevgeny Belousov, the singer and idol of millions of girls, would have turned 49 years old. Unfortunately, Zhenya lived only 32 years, but his short life was full of love stories that we want to tell you about.

Civil marriage with Marta Mogilevskaya. This woman became for Zhenya both a mistress, a mentor and a friend. He performed with the "Integral" group in the "Shire Krug" program, where he met Mogilevskaya. At that time, she was a very influential person, she worked as an editor at the Morning Mail. The romance began very quickly, and Marta helped Belousov start a solo career. They lived for about a year, and we can say that Mogilevskaya destroyed their relationship with her own hand ...

A short marriage with Natalia Vetlitskaya. In late autumn 1986, Mogilevskaya introduces Zhenya to her acquaintance, the aspiring singer Natalia Vetlitskaya. This evening at the Cosmos Hotel Vetlitskaya and Belousov do not leave each other a step, and Mogilevskaya realizes that Evgeny fell in love at first sight. Marta was an adult and intelligent woman: she understood everything and silently let Belousov go, and in subsequent years she maintained friendly relations with him. Belousov and Vetlitskaya practically never parted for a minute after that evening at Cosmos. Belousov immediately said that he would marry Natalya. They submitted documents to the registry office, and on January 1 they got married. Perhaps this was one of the most thoughtless and short marriages in the entire history of Russian show business. It lasted a little over eight days. Belousov left after the New Year on tour, and when he returned to Moscow, he found a note from Vetlitskaya, where she said that she was leaving. Then in an interview, she said that Zhenya loved her, but she perceived him as a friend, and nothing more. For her it was another flirtation, but for Belousov it was a tragedy.
Marriage with Lena Khudik. He met Elena Belousov in the late seventies, and this relationship lasted for many years. The acquaintance took place at a disco in Kursk, but the young people began to meet only after a few months. Then Elena moved to Leningrad, and Zhenya worked at Integral and toured a lot. They were rare, but Khudik still "managed" to get pregnant from Belousov. At a later date, Lena arrived in Kursk and began to live with Zhenya's parents. Of course, she had heard a lot about the singer's "adventures", but she hoped that the appearance of a child would help Belousov settle down. However, when their daughter Christina was only three months old, he called and said that he would marry Vetlitskaya. Belousov came to his senses only in 1994 after numerous novels. Lena forgave him, they got married, but soon Eugene admitted that he had another child. Khudik could not forgive this fact either, and soon left Belousov.
Civil marriage with Oksana Shidlovskaya. For five years, this girl was a keyboard player in Belousov's group and toured with him throughout the country. She did not demand anything from the singer: she simply loved him. Oksana had “rose-colored glasses” - she forgave the singer's regular drunken romances, regularly saw him in the arms of numerous fans. Oksana had a son, Roman, whom the singer so carefully hid from Lena Khudik. However, this relationship was not easy! The fact is that Oksana was officially married, and her husband Yegor knew everything about the romance of his wife and Belousov. Interestingly, soon after the birth of the child Belousov and Shidlovskaya, her husband Yegor completely changed his attitude towards the singer. And when Belousov invited him to the vacant position of guitarist, he became friends with him. The relationship with Shidlovskaya lasted three years.
Civil marriage with Elena Savina. Elena became the very last woman in the singer's life. They lived together for more than three years. When they met, Lena was only nineteen. Two days after they met, the girl moved to Belousov, but from the very beginning their relationship was not easy at all. By that time, Belousov drank a lot, often broke off on Lena. Many times she even called Hudik and complained about Zhenya's drunken antics. Khudik kept telling Savina to leave Belousov, but the girl simply had nowhere to go. Gradually Savina got used to living with a very difficult person. After Zhenya's death, she said that he was very generous, sympathetic and cordial. In the last days of her life, Lena was next to Zhenya, supported him before the operation. The miracle did not happen: after a seven-hour craniotomy operation, Evgeny fell into a coma. On June 2, 1997, Belousov died.