You can often hear that girls en masse strive for the same fashionable images looking like chickens in an incubator. Indeed, the same hairstyles, makeup and clothes are not uncommon in schools, on the streets and at parties. On the other hand, modeling agencies and fashion houses value unique faces and non-trivial looks. Let's get to know these unusual beauties who have achieved success thanks to non-standard appearance.

Tsunana from Tibet was a discovery at London Fashion Week. This model shines a great future in the world of the fashion industry thanks to her non-standard appearance.

Anok Yai was accidentally noticed by a photographer at the festival, the pictures were leaked and the 19-year-old girl with ebony skin was noticed by Next Models. Now she has excellent prospects, fame and expensive contracts.

Vivid images and bold experiments made Nouanea Lebajoy famous on Instagram.

Katarzyna Yuzhetska is a model from Poland. Her fresh face was accidentally spotted on the train and is now filming for the brands Prada, Calvin Klein and Christian Dior.

Russian woman Yuniya Pakhomova wanted to prove that with such unusual appearance you can break into model business... And she succeeded, she demonstrates outfits of Gucci, Alexander Wang, Balenciaga and other brands on the catwalks.

Ksenia Rein is not a model, she is an artist. And fame was brought to her not only by her work, but also by the creative images that she creates herself.

Maria Oz is best known for her short animation videos under the nickname "Spiritual Person". Many users thought that the girl draws huge eyes in photo editors, but she claims that she got the unusual eyes from her father.

18-year-old Willow Hand has not been compared to cute Disney princesses. Probably, for this cute appearance, she is loved by such companies as Prada, Valentino, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Alexander McQueen other.

One of the most sought-after models in Sweden is Marjan Jonkman, who became Saint Laurent's muse.

March 27, 2010, 17:30

Hair length 2 meters 10 centimeters has Written Tatiana from the city of Elista (Kalmykia). Twice winner of republican competitions for the most long hair.
A the longest braid in the world American Diana Wit braids her hair, which has grown to 3.12 m, every day. However, she cannot cope with the curls that hang so magnificently from her head. Due to the absence of the maid during the procedure for combing and braiding her husband and children should help her to calm others, since she is already alone single hair in soup can cause it to become the last straw that overflows the barrel. The longest hair in the world - 528.3 cm - has Jagadambika Jagatmata, or Mata Jagamba (born August 10, 1913), a religious wanderer from India. American Katie Jung has today the most slim waist in the world - 38.1 cm. The record holder has practically not taken off her corset for 14 years, and she has about a hundred of them.
The Russian woman in four years has grown one and a half meters of nails Larisa Budyanskaya from the city of Yekaterinburg. Moreover, all nails are of the same length and evenly painted. And the world record for the length of nails belongs to a 65-year-old resident of Salt Lake City, Lee Redmond. Last year she entered last issue The Guinness Book of Records has grown the longest nails in the world - their total length is 7 meters 51 centimeters. Sridhar M. Chillal (born 1937) from India has a total length of 593 cm nails on the hand. Nail thumb is 135 cm, index - 106 cm, middle - 113 cm, nameless - 121 cm and little finger - 118 cm. Chillal works as a photographer, using only his right hand. He hasn't cut his nails since 1952. Lee Redmond Recently, another "achievement" appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: the volume of the most immense female waist is 160 cm.
Impressive the length of the hair on the legs, which is 41 mm, has Abdulganeyev Ilyas, born 1980 from the city of Samara. With a height of 150 cm, weighed only 36 kg in 1997 Ptitsyna Irina 18 years old from the city of Pavlov Posad. Longest nose. The figure, created in the image of the German nobleman Gustav von Albach, who lived in the 18th century. in Bremen. He was famous for his extraordinary long nose... Gustav turned his ugliness into an object of fun, jokes, was a universal favorite, especially of children. Participated in carnivals (since he didn't need a mask) beard length 183 cm Shamsher Singh, a bank clerk in Panjab, India. His religious beliefs (a beard is a sacred sacred attribute of a Sikh) does not allow cutting his facial hair. 533 cm long beard was with Hans N. Langset (1846-1927) from Norway when he was buried in Kensett (Iowa, USA). In 1967, the beard was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. "The bearded woman" was Janice Devery (born 1842) from Kentucky (USA). In 1884 her beard was 36 cm long. Hans N. Langset The longest mustache in the world belongs to Kalyan Ramji Saini, 70 years old, from Rajasthan (India). Their total length is 339 cm. Moreover, he began to grow them by accident: after an eye operation in 1966, the doctor advised him not to wet his face for 2-3 weeks. By the end of the third week, the mustache had grown by 70 cm. The longest mustache in the UK was believed to be carried by John Roy (1910-88) from Willy. They began to grow in 1939 and have achieved their maximum length- 189 cm in 1976. In 1984, they shrank 42 cm when Roy accidentally stepped on them in the bathroom. Then Roy cut off the same amount on the other side to trim them. The record holder for mustache length in the UK is currently Ted Sedman of St Albans (Herts). The length of his mustache is 1.6 m. Ramji Saini The largest palm in India is that of Gautam Turami of Mumbai. The distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger is 28.5 cm. Palm parameters right hand J.S. Goyal, 51, from Batinda is 27.1 cm, with a height of 179 cm.The normal size of a human palm is 23-24 cm. 14 fingers and 15 toes were in little boy discovered in September 1921 in the East London area. Several representatives of the Wadomo tribe from Zimbabwe and the Kalanga tribe from Botswana have only two toes on their feet.
The world's largest foot size was recorded by Matthew McGrory (born 1973) from Pennsylvania (USA). He wears US size 26 shoes. Women of the Kareni tribe, Myanmar (Burma) stretch their necks by increasing the number of copper hoops they wear. The record neck length achieved in this way is 40 cm.

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Just a few years ago, it was impossible to imagine a girl with imperfect facial proportions as a model. But today, things are different: fashion photographers are increasingly choosing models with memorable looks.

site reminds: do not worry about the imperfections of your face, because they make our appearance unique. These girls do just that, and now they are one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Daphne Greeneveld

Daphne is the face of Dior Addict and has also starred for Calvin Klein, Dior, Miu Miu, Gucci and Prada. In 2011, she was named Best Dutch Model at the Marie Claire Fashion Awards.

Julia Zimmer

This model of German origin combines gentle and rude features, which gives her a special charm. Today Julia collaborates with Vivienne Westwood and Prada and, apparently, we will hear more about her in a couple of years.

Liza Ostanina

Lisa - young model originally from Izhevsk. When a representative of a world famous modeling agency wrote to her and invited her to work, she did not believe it, since she had never considered herself pretty. But it all ended with the fact that at the age of 15, Lisa went to work in Japan and continues to conquer the fashionable capitals of the world.

Issa Lish

The model is half Mexican, half Japanese. She became famous for her angular, androgynous and even slightly alien features. Issa studied at the Faculty of Art History and was going to be a sculptor, but life turned out differently. By the way, this model has a rather non-trivial and psychedelic Instagram.

Laura O'Grady

As a child, Laura was teased because of her large protruding ears, but she says that it never occurred to her to get rid of this feature surgically. The girl has already done brilliant career models.

Sierra Sky

The appearance of the girl is often compared with the appearance of heroines from the paintings of the Renaissance: wavy long hair, an oval face, barely noticeable eyebrows, sensual lips and thin nose... Behind the extraordinary appearance hides interesting person- Sierra is fond of literature, writes prose and poetry.

Magdalena Frakoviak

One of the most famous models Poland. The main highlight of her appearance was her high cheekbones and an unusual oval of her face. Magdalena collaborated with Karl Lagerfeld, and French Vogue included her in the top 30 models of the 2000s.

Damaris Goddry

The Belgian woman with Hispanic roots is equally successful at both feminine and unisex looks. Vogue Italia and Garage Magazine are already working with the girl, and the tabloids write that she has a great future ahead of her.

Lindsey Wixon

One of the most successful and promising models in the world is Lindsey Wixon. A very small mouth with full lips, a dimple on her chin and a chink between her teeth make her appearance childishly cute - she certainly cannot be confused with anyone.

Alec Veck

When Alec was little, she and her parents had to flee to Europe from Sudan. In London, the girl was noticed by a representative of a modeling agency. Alec is now a successful model. It is impossible to look away from her - and all because of her perky smile and proud posture.

Kelly Mittendorf

It was the extravagant appearance that became Kelly's pass in Big world fashion. She does not hesitate to appear ugly and loves bold images, which is why fashion photographers love her. The images that Kelly embodies are mesmerizing.

Models with non-standard looks are eye-catching. The immaculate, retouched faces of the beauties are boring. Leafing through magazines, people are increasingly studying unusual appearance, not focusing on the ideal divas, nor on what they advertise. Meanwhile, the main objective- sell goods

The viewer "clings" with his gaze to the "terribly beautiful", as they say in the world of fashion, models. Focusing on them, you pay attention to clothes, cosmetics, accessories of girls, that is, everything that you have to buy.

Gradually unusual models are changing the standards of beauty. After all, once and Twiggy's appearance was controversial. Meanwhile, it was this Englishwoman in the 60s who introduced the fashion for thin, tall girls boyish appearance. Seemingly recently "scary models" with gaps between the front teeth have already been recognized as adorable, as well as persons covered from head to toe with freckles. Perhaps the ten most non-standard models listed below will become the measure of beauty. In the meantime, they remain distinctive, but successful.

Melanie Gaidos.

The bald girl is 24 years old. She weighs 42 kilograms, but the lady's height is far from 180 centimeters. Melanie has barely grown to 160. Her curled nose tip and drooping eyelids can be intimidating. However, having starred in the video for the German band Rammstein, the girl suddenly became a part of high fashion. While others were gossiping that Gaidos was a victim of unscrupulous plastic surgeons, the model was invited to photo sessions by eminent couturiers. Designers were not deterred by Melanie's lack of eyebrows, eyelashes and the so-called "cleft lip". Gaidos was dubbed the alternative fashion model. Her name is mainly for shooting in a gothic, gloomy setting. The star "warms up" interest in herself, without talking about the reasons for her such non-standard appearance

Gillian Mercado

Gillian Mercado has muscular dystrophy, but despite her ailment, she is a successful reporter in the fashion world. One day she received an invitation to a casting from the Diesel fashion house. They needed models with diverse cultural backgrounds.

Without expecting a positive response, she submitted her resume. Surprisingly, they became interested in her and offered to send more photos.

Out of 22 participants, it was Gillian who was chosen to represent the face of the Diesel brand in their next campaign. At first, the newly-made model was very shy about her wheelchair... But after she posted photos on Instagram and got a wagon good reviews, Gillian loosened up.

Masha Telnaya

Masha Telnaya, a top model with unusual eyes, which are considered the largest in the world. She is called "Slavic elf", "alien", "space alien", and ill-wishers - even "the legacy of Chernobyl." The daughter inherited her unusual eyes from her father, and on her pretty face they looked just fabulous. Once in the life of sixteen-year-old Masha, a meeting took place that abruptly changed her whole fate. Together with her grandmother, she was leaving the supermarket, when a woman suddenly came up to them from an abruptly stopped car. The stranger introduced herself as Yana Zamekhovskaya, director of the 'Nika models' modeling agency, and invited the girl to a photo session. Masha was shyly silent, and her grandmother reacted to the proposal rather cautiously, not trusting too much the words of the unknown lady. At the family council it was decided that Masha would go to the shooting accompanied by The shooting was a success and Maria received an invitation to Paris three months later from one of the largest agencies "Women", and modeling career Masha Telnaya developed surprisingly rapidly, and her unique data was appreciated by the leading fashion houses and the most famous photographers

The girl's alien appearance brought her to the catwalks of Paris. After working for several years under contracts with rather difficult conditions (when she was not only forbidden to marry and have children, but even to give her phone to new acquaintances), Masha realized that apart from fashion shows, there are many other things to do in the world. She became a student at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, and in July 2013 she married musician and performer Denis Zasteba. In November 2014, their son Artyom was born, and Masha, instead of fashion shows, happily plunged into maternal responsibilities. Her slim figure absolutely did not change after childbirth. Maria Telnaya is currently working on joint project with Tamani Fashion Group and is engaged in teaching activities.

The highlight of the MOffY model is squint

MOffY is very young, beautiful and slim and could be a standard supermodel. But her pronounced squint classifies the girl among the informal representatives of the fashion world.

A physical disability did not prevent MOffY from becoming a very popular model. Rather, he even helped with this, making her image as original as possible. After MOffY took part in a photo shoot for POP Magazine, sincere and pure beauty girls interested in many modeling agencies

Chantelle Brown-Young

20-year-old Canadian Chantelle Brown-Young suffers from a rare incurable skin disease- vitiligo, as a result of which the production of pigments in the epidermis is disrupted. In other words, on the chocolate skin of Chantelle's face (she is dark-skinned), uneven bright spots of various sizes and shapes randomly turn white. However, white spots hit not only the girl's face, but her entire body. At the same time, she has an excellent figure, and then one day she managed to turn her flaw into a dignity - and become a model. According to the official version, Michael Jackson once had such a disease. However, this thought did little to console the girl, who was almost driven to suicide by the ridicule of her classmates.

But then she pulled herself together and decided that by her example she would inspire people who had to face a similar problem. And to destroy stereotypical ideas about beauty, the brave girl went to the casting of the next season of the show "America's Next Top Model", which not only successfully passed, but also reached the final. Chantelle worked in several photo shoots, and it soon became clear that she was quite in demand as a model. Now Chantelle has a lucrative modeling contract, shooting in an advertisement for Desigual, participating in the Ashish show and the main role in Eminem's video.

In addition to modeling, Chantelle spends a lot of time acting as a motivator and speaker in the community of people suffering from vitiligo. She tells them her story, on my own example proving that spots on the skin do not in any way affect success in life. And Chantelle also laughs - there are dark-skinned people, there are white-skinned people, and she easily fits into both categories.

Ashley Graham

Fashion for girls in the body made it possible to become a real star American Ashley Graham, who could only dream of a modeling career 5-7 years ago. Moreover, Graham really has very feminine forms: with a height of 1.75 cm, her weight is about 80 kg. However, this does not prevent her from successfully acting in advertising campaigns for lingerie brands and periodically appearing on the covers of glossy magazines. The bomb blast was produced this year by an ad in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue featuring Ashley in starring: Gloss first approved a photo shoot with a plus size model

But this was not always the case, speaking in front of teenagers, Ashley admitted: once she literally tormented herself because of her fatness. Today this model boldly declares that she loves herself for who she is, "including folds of fat and cellulite."

“Having moved to New York, I gained almost ten kilograms. Looking at myself in the mirror, I repeated: "You are fat and ugly, this is disgusting." What I did to myself was terrible. "

Quotes the words of the Daily Mail model.

This position lowered the girl's self-esteem and had a devastating effect on her life. Only over the years has Ashley learned to accept herself for who she is and love her body.

“I read in one book that if you repeat the same thing every day, it will definitely come true. I learned to love my body, started working on it, take care of myself. No self-deception, I just said to myself: "Everything has changed, you are beautiful and worthy." Neither a man, nor a friend, no one will tell you this. Only I myself can tell myself this. "

Ashley reports.

Ashley's Instagram page is just a holiday for all fans curvaceous forms... The girl boldly publishes her photos in a bikini and in underwear, and in all frames she is exceptionally beautiful. Her fans sincerely believe that overweight is not a reason for complexes, and they praise Ashley for the fact that she raises the self-esteem of others with her pictures. True, there are also those who criticize the position of the model, considering it too lazy to lose weight ...

Those unique traits that are found in humans make them beautiful. And the people below can serve as proof. These 20 people have a very unusual appearance, which is impossible not to admire.

1) The woman with the most piercings

This is Elaine Davidson. She is a woman with the most large quantity body piercing in the world. She looks funny enough.

2) Two-tone eye

We've all seen people with brown eyes and we've all seen people with gray eyes... But have you ever seen people whose eye color combines both of these shades? This person has a third of the left eye with gray pigmentation.

3) African American albino girl

This girl is just adorable. Her name is Ava Clark. Her stunning white hair and blonde eyes are the result of albinism.

4) The need to charge

This girl lost her hand, but not her sense of humor. She has a very high tech arm that needs to be charged. Which is what she does in the photograph.

5) Internal bruising

This man has severe internal bruises on his arm. They are so strong that they can be seen if he places his hand in the light. You may notice that there is more blood accumulation in one part.

6) a man with anisocoria

This man has anisocoria. This means that he has a normally functioning pupil, but with the second there is a problem. It is always in the same position.

7) Girl with tattoos and porphyria

This woman has many tattoos. She also has porphyria. It is a condition that causes burns to the skin if it is exposed to sunlight.

8) Goddess Melanin

This girl is called the goddess of melanin. Her name is Hoodia Diop. She is the model with the darkest skin of all.

9) Eye scar

This man was born with a scar on his eye. Few people even know about such a feature. It looks pretty cool.

10) Thumbs without patterns

This woman's thumbs look super smooth. This is because they lack joints. Since there are no joints, there are also no folds of skin.

11) Scribble on leather

This is not an attempt to hurt yourself. This person has a condition called dermographism. Because of it, you can “write” on his skin, and what is written will look like a rash.

12) Team of bionic arms

Get to know the bionic hand. All of these people have bionic arms. These guys are cool, aren't they?

13) A child with very dark skin

There is no consensus on the Internet as to whether this child actually exists or not. But those who believe in his existence claim that he has the darkest skin in the world. His name is Edam and his skin is super dark.

14) Cold Finger

No, this is not paint. This person has some kind of problem with one of his fingers. His ring finger turns white when it's cold.

15) Freckled face

Freckles are not uncommon. But this guy has a lot of freckles. He is a model and his name is Hamad Jaman.

16) Longest legs

Have you ever seen such long legs? This is the bodybuilder Iya Ostergren, her height is 178 centimeters, and her legs are 108 centimeters.

17) cat eye syndrome

These eyes look like contact lenses, but they are not. This is a boy from Nepal. He has cat's eye syndrome.

18) The Six Toes Man

Indigo Montoya has been looking for this man all his life. Well, he's not really Count Jurgen. But he has six fingers on both hands, not just his right.

19) unilateral vitiligo

Vitiligo affects skin pigmentation. This condition results in a loss of melanin in the skin, most often in the form of blemishes. This person has vitiligo affecting half of his face.

20) Equipment for the eyes

This man had to have his eye removed. He has genetic degradation. However, his optometrist gave him a cool prosthetic as a gift.