(Kate Middleton) - mother of two children, wife of Prince William and heir to the throne. She simply must, according to her status, look confident, cheerful and graceful. How does the Duchess of Cambridge cope with such challenging task, supporting the figure of a young and active girl, the site with the hollywoodlife link will tell.

Mom to adorable children Prince George (2 years old) and Princess Charlotte (1 year old). Many ordinary mothers envy the Duchess, looking at her slender figure. However, envy is clearly inappropriate here.

Katherine Elizabeth (girlhood), despite regular appearances, constant trips abroad with business visits, caring for young children and attending numerous events, finds time to keep herself in shape.

The main thing is regular classes sports. Kate goes in for swimming, tennis, cross-country, and rides a bike. Physical exercise allow you to maintain tone and vigor. Given the limited time for such activities, the Duchess even plays sports in short breaks of 10 minutes.

She also said that a lot depends on how the pregnancy progresses. Wife Wilma, in turn, signed up for yoga and Pilates classes while pregnant. She had and still has her own personal trainer.

After giving birth, Kate did not stop doing yoga. Her younger sister, 32-year-old Pippa Middleton, supported her in this.

However, everything is not limited to sports. You also need to watch your diet. Products must be fresh and low in calories. The Duchess truly fell in love with vegetable dishes, fruits and lean meats. Insiders also report that Kate Middleton loves to eat berry puree with almond milk. As part of what is available, the Duchess of Cambridge still sometimes allows her to eat a piece of dark chocolate or candy.

Adhering to the basic rules, the figure of Prince William's wife remains unchanged since her studies at the University of St. Andrews, where, in fact, she met her future husband.

Focus on education. While you may not have the means to go to private school, as was the case with Kate, you can simply pay special attention to your education. Kate studied hard and did well in her exams in England, and then went to university in St. Andrews, where she met Prince William. Therefore, if you want to be like Kate, you need to study well to get into a prestigious university.

Develop an interest in art. As mentioned earlier, Kate received her BA from the University of St Andrews, majoring in Art History. Therefore, for the sake of imitation, you should develop your own interest in art. Try taking an art history class at your local college or visiting your local art museum. You can also find books on art history in the library.

Keep a low profile. Kate has always been a model of restraint. She kept her relationship with the prince secret for several years, mainly because he did not want intrusive press attention.

Be down to earth. Despite all royal titles, Kate and William try to lead ordinary life. For the first two years of their marriage, they lived on a farm in the woods, which gave the couple the opportunity to enjoy each other's company. So, despite her ducal title, Kate is a very pragmatic person. Strive for down-to-earthness in your life by prioritizing family values.

Do what is asked of you. As a Duchess, Kate has many responsibilities, including attending all royal events and accompanying the Queen. She does what is expected of her. If you want to copy Kate, you have to do what your family expects of you.

  • While Kate is required to attend all royal functions, you, in turn, must attend a family function, prepare dinner for loved ones, or be where your presence will be needed at some point.
  • Play sports. Kate has always been athletic and fit. IN high school she played tennis, field hockey, and participated in competitions such as the long jump. She continued to play field hockey in college. You definitely need to exercise to be like Kate.

    Stay decent. Kate has always demonstrated her integrity when it comes to royal family. For example, when Kate and William separated in 2007, she did not tell the press any secrets about William and his family. She kept this information secret, even when she could make a lot of money from it.

    Royal luxury, royal scope, royal style - these words bring to mind associations with famous monarchs from the past or fairy tales in which, after a magnificent wedding, everyone lived happily ever after. What about modern royalty? Westwing will tell you how ordinary princes and princesses live today using the example of the famous couple- Prince William and Kate Middleton.

    Modern princess

    What does it mean to be a princess? Live in luxury, dance at balls and have everything your heart desires? Nowadays, this is not only a privilege, but also a serious responsibility and long working hours. Kate Middleton copes with her responsibilities simply superbly: a girl from a simple family quickly became the favorite of not only Great Britain, but the whole world. And if Prince William was prepared for royal duties from childhood, then for Kate her new role became ordeal which she successfully overcame. Today, she has achieved the recognition of Queen Elizabeth II, made friends with Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles, and has taken her rightful place in the royal family of Windsor, proudly bearing the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

    My husband William has become my best teacher

    Kate when asked how she managed to fit into high society so easily.

    Lifestyle: receptions, charity... and solitude

    The life of a prince and princess is Full time job, which includes attendance at official events and ceremonies, participation in charity, domestic and international travel, visits and other public appearances. In addition, Prince William works as an ambulance pilot, and Kate spends a lot of time raising their young children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. They both promote family values, healthy image life, play sports and even have their own brand of natural products.

    Charity also plays important role in their activities. In 2009, Prince William took part in an event to draw attention to the problems of homeless people by spending the night on the street. Together with his secretary and manager charitable organization Centrepoint the prince spent the whole night outside in a sleeping bag. The prince said that in this way he was able to feel for himself what it is like for the homeless, and hoped that in this way he was able to draw attention to this problem.

    From the very beginning, William and Kate said they wanted to live like ordinary people, and not hide behind the high fence of your royal residence. However, in Lately their lifestyle is criticized for large expenditures from the state treasury, as well as ignoring their direct responsibilities. Yes, last year married couple attended only 198 official events, and in 2016 Kate did not appear at the St. Patrick's Day celebration, which greatly angered the British.

    Interior by Kate

    Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge have several residences, including a luxury apartment in London, but most recently moved to... Vacation home Anmer Hall on east coast England, given to them by Queen Elizabeth. Kate Middleton took part in the interior design - as a result, it was possible to realize classic style in light and light colors. For the furnishings, Kate used a mix of purchases from their antique store, including oriental lamps and a tapestry rug, and contemporary furniture and accessories from famous brands, like Vaughan Designs and Sanderson. The Duchess has proven that she has good taste and can create a truly royal style with a modern touch, which perfectly matches the image of the monarchy of our days.

    At the end of August, it became known that Kate Middleton was hospitalized in the royal hospital. Later it turned out that Prince William’s wife was expecting a child and because of this she was suffering from severe toxicosis. Having stayed in medical institution just one day, she returned home, but has not been shown in public for a long time. The royal family reports that Kate, as in her first two pregnancies, suffers from severe toxicosis and does not even leave the house.

    Kate's two previous pregnancies did not go smoothly; the expectant mother constantly complained of severe toxicosis and sought help from doctors. Recently, information appeared in the media that Middleton was diagnosed with a serious complication - hyperemesis gravidarum, or vomiting of pregnancy. For most women, this condition does not pose a threat, but the Duchess has the most severe degree of the disease. Kate cannot take food or even water, and the nausea continues all day. Her weight drops catastrophically, which leads to changes in blood composition and metabolic disorders. Intoxication of the body occurs, which can threaten the death of the mother or child, write the Daily Mail.

    This is why Her Highness canceled her planned visit to child Center in London. The Duchess is currently in Kensington Palace, where she receives the necessary help,” Woman.ru quotes.

    According to the press, Kate is in the second or third month of pregnancy and the baby is expected in April or March next year. Most likely, Middleton will be hospitalized and will be fed intravenously to save the life of the unborn baby.

    All relatives of the royal family already know about the good news; Prince Harry was very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law, and Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith commented on this event as follows: "This is definitely best news this year. Being a mother suits her very well. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don't think so. She and Will dote on children.", - the businessman told The Daily Mail.

    Many remember that until recently the spouses’ plans did not include expanding their family, so after the shocking news they began to spread different stories about why the duchess finally decided to do this.

    Saving a Marriage

    Kate and William seem happy and loving couple, but, as it turned out, their relationship is not so cloudless and wonderful.

    In March of this year, the Duke of Cambridge went to ski resort with his friends to Switzerland, and, as eyewitnesses say, behaved inappropriately for a married man.

    Witnesses also reported seeing William flirting and acting quite provocatively. These rumors also reached the duke’s wife, who, as the media wrote, did not even speak to her husband for several days after the incident.

    “Kate seriously believed that William’s parties and dubious friends were a thing of the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and is terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no question of separation.”, - said an insider in Buckingham Palace Vanity Fair.

    However, after some time, the couple smiled sweetly at each other in public, which may have happened thanks to the efforts of the psychologist to whom the couple turned. Based on this situation, many conclude that Kate’s next pregnancy is just a way to keep her husband.

    Lazy Duchess

    Another interesting version is that Kate chose to become a mother again in order to extend her already long maternity leave.

    The Duchess is said to have a great fear of large audience, so she often canceled meetings at the very last moment.

    Recently, the Duchess was even nicknamed the laziest representative of the British royal family, but this does not particularly bother her.

    To spite my husband

    Just this summer, one magazine wrote that William does not want to expand his family and is very pleased with the current state of affairs. This can only mean one thing - Kate’s third pregnancy is only her decision. “He is sure that their family has already been formed. And Katherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in large family» – say those close to the family.

    More recently, this version was confirmed by the words of Kate herself, when one journalist talked to her about motherhood, the duchess said that if the couple had a third child, her husband William would turn around and leave.

    Together with my sister

    News of a possible pregnancy younger sister Kate Peppy quickly spread throughout the Internet. There is no official confirmation of this fact yet, but many really hope so.

    “Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of one day being pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is located in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when the sisters go to children's store buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women", - said one of the family friends.

    Overtake Megan

    Another funny version lies in Prince Harry’s girlfriend Meghan Markle, of whom Kate has long been jealous of the media, because the girl appears more and more every day in many sources.

    Kate, who prefers to pay all attention to herself, decided that if she suddenly became pregnant with Megan, then her popularity could be put to rest.

    Therefore, in order to prevent this nightmare, the duchess tried with all her might to get ahead of her rival, which she succeeded in doing very well.

    Want to see the Countess of Cambridge's wardrobe and jewelry? Then we suggest you read this article carefully.

    Agree that it is pleasant to the soul when a fairy tale can actually turn into reality. At first it’s hard for you to believe this, but the fact remains and you need to accept it. But it is worthy to accept.

    Oh so fairy tale which happened to her in real life, maybe the future princess of Great Britain, Kate Middleton, dreamed of it as a child. It was she who managed to charm the Prince of Wales, himself, with her beauty and inner charm. eligible groom on the planet. Since their engagement, the fashion world has been closely monitoring the Duchess of Cambridge's wardrobe. Millions of beauties on the planet strive to imitate her and dress in the same style as her. Her elegant image became a role model for many girls her age. This is not strange, because for several years she has been considered the most stylish woman. She is called a style icon, and all fashion critics endlessly praise her outfits.

    She is often compared to everyone's favorite Princess Diana. But unlike Lady Di, Kate Middleton prefers domestic designers and brands.

    By the way, in England there has long been a tradition that the first people of the country should appear in society only in outfits of domestic designers. Kate Middleton dresses to please, first of all, the Queen of Great Britain, members of her family and English aristocrats.

    Even down the aisle, Kate wore a modest wedding dress that was very reminiscent of the dress of another royal, Grace Kelly.

    Princess Kate Middleton's clothing style

    Her first visit, as Prince William's wife, was to Canada. For the official event, she chose a white suit, which was complemented by an ironic hat with the symbol of Canada, which charmed the residents of the country.

    Kate Middleton's dress style

    At official receptions, she always looks sophisticated and stylish. The style of her dresses makes others admire her. Kate prefers monochromatic outfits in calm shades.

    If you need to add a little romance to your look, then Kate chooses dresses made of lace.

    For important occasions, Kate prefers Sarah Burton's designer products. Pay attention to the dress the Duchess wore to the BAFTA Awards. A soft lilac chiffon dress, with a white belt that successfully emphasized her figure, looked very interesting on the red carpet. US fashion critics and Vivienne Westwood call Kate's clothing style "ordinary". But is he so ordinary? She tries her best to look elegant, but does not use any frills in her wardrobe that would catch the eye.

    This is why her wardrobe uses lace and pleating as decoration. At first glance, this is an ordinary decor, but with a correctly designed dress design, they appear stylish, original and at the same time, modest.

    For official meetings, the Duchess allows herself to choose dresses with a tight-fitting silhouette, where there is not a deep neckline and covered shoulders.

    Kate Middleton princess dresses. Photo

    Kate Middleton blue dress

    Dress appropriately for any event, while maintaining a subtle sense of style, elegance and luxury. This is how the duchess's clothing style is assessed. Some consider her appearances gray and boring, but only envious people can refer to such an opinion.

    Kate was recognized ideal woman according to surveys conducted. Its external and internal characteristics appeal to most men - beautiful and a slim body, green eyes, brown hair, prestigious education and aversion to bad habits.

    But let's go back to her fashionable look again

    One of her best outputs is blue dress, which is made from flowing material, knee-length and a V-shaped neckline. It was his style that was able to turn the princess’s figure into an hourglass, while maintaining ideal proportions.

    Her look was not loaded with unnecessary accessories. A stylish blue dress, black high-heeled shoes, a delicate chain with a small pendant and a ring with a blue stone unobtrusively decorated her natural curls and light makeup, which, by the way, she applied herself.

    And how beautiful it looks on her White dress up to the knees? Stylish cut and again lace, which in this model acted as raglan sleeves and peplum.

    The color of the dress harmoniously matched her dark hair, light tan, well-chosen black high-heeled shoes and was complemented by an elegant clutch handbag. To enhance her style, the Duchess wore her hair in an elegant updo that featured small earrings. Everything together created an elegant image and emphasized her refined taste. Speaking of the white dress.

    Kate Middleton's wedding dress

    As mentioned above, the princess’s wedding dress was modest, but at the same time, it remained in the memory of her fans and others for a long time. The news that the daughter of a flight attendant and pilot is the prince's fiancée caused a strong reaction in the masses and the media.

    Everyone lived in anticipation of what dress the lucky chosen one of the cherished groom would appear in, and which fashion designer would be the lucky one who would be entrusted with its design. Passions ran high, but the name of the creator wedding dress remained strictly secret until the very end. Just on wedding ceremony this secret was revealed - the happy chosen ones were Sarah Burton's sketches.

    The charming cut of the long train and the original sleeves of the princess's snow-white wedding dress are made in accordance with English traditions certainly emphasized the impeccable taste of its owner.

    In England there is a belief - the longer the bride's train, the longer it will last. happy life. Cable length wedding dress Kate reached 3 meters and was carried to the altar of the newlyweds by the bride’s sister, Philippa.

    Contrary to what everyone expected to see in a luxurious outfit, the princess came to the ceremony in a very modest dress. But this modesty stunned fashion critics, which certainly noted his impeccable style and elegance.

    Of course, many compared it with the wedding dress of Elizabeth I, believing that the young lady wanted to attract the queen’s favor with this. In any case, she did not lose with her choice.

    Evening dresses Kate Middleton

    To complete your acquaintance with the outfits of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, we invite you to familiarize yourself with her evening dresses. Among the colors, pearl-colored outfits, turquoise, snow-white and smoky shades lead. Everyone has already understood that the Duchess prefers simplicity of style and chooses light, airy and feminine outfits. In addition, she happily complements them with equally sophisticated clutches.

    In choosing the elements of her wardrobe, the princess follows the rules of the style of the aristocracy: classic length slightly above the knees, laconic style, minimal presence of details. She manages to skillfully complement, at first glance, not very memorable outfits with stylish accessories that clearly emphasize her femininity. Kate does not deviate from these rules when choosing costumes.

    Please note that there seems to be nothing supernatural, but the costume clearly emphasizes her figure, giving the overall image a touch of aristocracy. Her wardrobe includes both trouser suits and suits with skirts. All of them are carefully selected in color and made from exquisite fabrics.

    Moreover, in this case, she ideally selects the tones of the costume, taking into account the traditions and characteristics of the country she is going to visit. For example, for a holiday visit, dedicated to the Day Canada, she successfully managed to choose an outfit in the color of the Canadian flag - a white suit and an elegant red hat.

    And at the rodeo in Calgary, Kate wore a cowboy hat, denim pants and an original shirt with traditional embroidery.

    It would seem that these two outfits are complete opposite. But in both cases, the Duchess of Cambridge looked very original and natural.

    Kate Middleton coat

    The duchess's coat collection was no less interesting. All of them have a strict style and perfectly highlight her figure.

    Kate Middleton bag

    In the Duchess's wardrobe, an important niche is occupied by her bags, which successfully highlight all her outfits.

    The Duchess of Cambridge is unconditionally recognized as a style icon of Foggy Albion. In addition to the fact that she managed to subtly select her outfits, she managed to highlight them correctly with handbags. In her hands you will rarely see models of bags such as a briefcase or baguette.

    No matter what royal receptions or diplomatic dinners she attends, she always carries a small clutch in her hands. Their collection consists of universal models of classic shades - white, black, red, blue, gray, gold, and none of them are distinguished by decorations in the form of glitter, spikes, etc. Kate complements them not only with evening looks, but also with everyday ones.

    Kate Middleton Jewelry

    On globe There is no woman who does not have a weakness for jewelry. Kate Middleton is no exception. Her jewelry collection consists of both unique jewelry in elegant frames worth over a million dollars, as well as ordinary jewelry, which is relatively not so expensive. But the most beautiful decoration of the Duchess of Cambridge is the famous ring of Princess Diana. This ring reminds William of his mother, which is why he gave it to his beloved during their engagement.

    Besides the rings, princess, how real woman, is proud of his earring collection. But the most luxurious of all are the earrings she wore at her wedding. Their design is based on the Middleton family crest, which features acorns and oak leaves.

    How to order Kate Middleton style dresses on Aliexpress?

    Well, did you like the wardrobe of the princess, who is considered a style icon? If you also want to dress in her style, then you have a unique opportunity to purchase dresses in the style of Kate Middleton in the Aliexpress online store. It's easy to do. Login to official page online store, register by filling out a formal form and start viewing the attached wardrobe items in the style of Kate Middleton.

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    Good luck with your choice.

    Video: The Duchess of Cambridge remains stylish even during pregnancy