Natalia Blinova
Puppet show "Masha and the Bear" new way»


« MASHA AND THE BEAR. ON NEW LAD» (play can be shown by older children)


Show the ugliness of laziness

Foster a desire to help others and work together

Develop children's creative abilities

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! I am the Cockerel - the Golden Scallop. I get up early in the morning and don’t let anyone oversleep! Ku-ka-re-ku! On the back-rr-row, everyone's-rr-ra!

Fun Exercise "Radiant Sun"

Grandmother (hums): Cabbage is greener, thick, thick, thick, carrots grow up quickly and smartly, you, potatoes, don’t - yawn and grow up more!

Grandfather: You, little cow, go and take a walk in the open field. (Mooo). And come back in the evening, treat us with milk. (Mooo)


Bunny: Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! Through a branch and a stump! Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

Bunny: Oh! Who is this?

Bear: Who-who! Don't you see - Bear!

Bunny: Scared me, clubfoot! Why are you wandering around? You should sleep in winter. In the den.

Bear: Tired of it! All sides rested. If only there was a pillow!

Bunny: The pillows are hard from rabbits! Go to Masha for a pillow. Hers is the softest, most downy.

Bear: To Masha - so to Masha! Lead me, long-eared one!

Masha: Don’t make noise, don’t moo, don’t wake me, Masha!

I don’t want to get up and work, but I want to be lazy all day!

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! Masha, let's go sweep the yard!

Masha: Here we go again, I was crowing!

Barbos: Bow-wow! Masha, let's go chase the chickens out of the garden!

Masha: Here's another! Got it out!

Murzik: Meow! Masha, help me catch mice! They gnawed all the bagels.

Masha: Here's another! Meowed!

Grandmother: Mashenka! Let's go cook some porridge.

Masha: Here's another! It will cook itself!

Grandfather: Granddaughter! Help herd the cow!

Masha: Your cow will drive herself.

Bunny: Oh! Masha! Come on from Bear hiding. He came for the pillow!

Masha: Here's another! Let bear He's hiding from me!

Bear: Look! How brave! Come on! Give me a pillow here! (takes away).

Masha: Help! Help! Catch up with the bear! Take away my pillow!

All in unison (from behind the screen): We have no time!

Masha: Oh no no no! Poor me-me-me, pillowless!

Masha: And you know, I liked working. It's more fun than lying on your side. Look how I learned to make jam.

Cartoon song « Masha and the Bear» - « Masha makes jam» . Children sing along or dance happily.

Publications on the topic:

A fairy tale in a new way “Masha and the Bear” based on the animated film of the same name“Masha and the Bear” is a fairy tale in a new way, based on the animated film of the same name. The roles are played by children preparatory group With.

Puppet table show “Goat-dereza” Puppet table show Goat Dereza Characters: Presenter Bunny Rooster Granddaughter Wolf Goat Grandfather Bear Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.

Puppet show “Piggy is not dirty” Puppet show for children preschool age Piggy is not dirty. Piggy appears with a basket of carrots; leaning over the basket.

Puppet show "Dunno's Mistakes" Goal: To form in children the idea that beautiful, healthy teeth are the result good care after them. Characters: Dunno.

Puppet show “Teremok in a new way” Puppet show “Teremok in a new way” for children (3-5 years old) Characters: Snowman Mouse Frog Hare Fox Wolf Bear Goal:.

Puppet show “Zaykina’s hut” SOGBU SRCN "Istok" Lesson summary Puppet show "Zaykina's hut" Prepared and conducted by Educator: T. N. Kapshurova

Puppet show on healthy lifestyle in kindergarten Puppet show healthy lifestyle in kindergarten Leading. Hello, dear guys! I am glad to see your cheerful faces, mischievous and joyful eyes.

Script for production
Russian folk tale
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 25 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 6.



On the left is a village house, on the right is the Bear's house, in the middle are several trees. In the background from the village side is a meadow, with right side forest.

The roosters are crowing. Mashenka’s friend is knocking on her house. The Girlfriend has an empty basket in her hands.


Mashenka, get up quickly,
Don't miss all the mushrooms.
The roosters crowed the dawn.
Stop lounging in bed!

Grandma looks out of the window.

Do not be noisy! You'll wake me up, right?
There's a bear living in the forest there.
God forbid he catches you
It will tear or break.
And I won’t forgive myself
If I let my granddaughter into the forest!

Mashenka comes out of the house with a basket. Grandmother comes out after her and begins to take away the basket.


Grandma, let me go!


It's high time for us to go.
The sun is so high
And it's far from the forest.
We'll pick strawberries
They say let the foxes go
Boletus mushrooms in a row
There are standing near the clearing...


Grandma, let me go!

A yawning Grandfather looks out of the window.

Okay, you can go.
Grandma, stop fighting!
The bear hasn't wandered there for a long time,
This is already the third year
Fedot shot him.

It would be nice if it were like this
But your Fedot is an expert at lying!
He's early on Tuesday morning
He talked about the goat with a button accordion,
Well, on Thursday evening
He himself denied everything.


Grandma, let me go!

Okay, granddaughter, go.
Just come back before dark
Don't get lost in the forest.

Grandfather and Grandmother go into the house, and Mashenka and her friend slowly walk towards the forest.

Mashenka and Podruzhka (singing)

Standing in the dense forest
Birches and oaks.
Clouds are floating across the sky,
There are mushrooms growing below!
A bumblebee is circling over the meadow,
Satisfied with himself.
Birds sing on the branches,
And we will sing with you!

Suddenly Mashenka runs forward and bends down near the tree.


Oh, look, I found a mushroom!

Mashenka shows her friend the mushroom and puts it in the basket. The friend catches up with Mashenka.


Where did you go alone?
Don't go far.


There's still a mushroom ahead!

Mashenka runs away behind the trees. Only her voice can be heard.

Here are pigs, here are honey mushrooms,
Here are the foxes, here are the fox cubs.
Oh, how many strawberries
And blueberries and lingonberries!
So as not to bend your back in vain,
Ten in your mouth - one in the basket!

The friend bends down, picks a mushroom and puts it in her basket. Then he looks around.


Mashenka, where are you? Aw!
Don't leave me alone.
Where are you, Mashenka, come back,
Well, oh! Well, answer me!

The girlfriend listens. Mashenka doesn’t answer. The girlfriend picks another mushroom.


Apparently Masha got lost.
I'm really tired.
It's starting to get dark
And it's time for me to return.

The girlfriend goes to the village and hides behind the decorations. On the other side of the forest, next to the bear’s hut, Mashenka appears with a basket full of mushrooms.


Answer me! Aw! I'm here!
The village has been waiting for us for a long time.
Where are you, my friend?
Oh! And here there is a hut!
If anyone lives here,
He will take us home.

Mashenka approaches the hut and knocks on the door. The Bear opens it and grabs Mashenka.

If you've arrived, come in
Yes, put things in order.
Will you light the stove for me?
Baking raspberry pies,
Will you cook jelly for me?
Feed porridge with semolina.
Stay forever
Otherwise I'll eat you!

Mashenka (crying)

How can I stay here?
After all, my grandparents are waiting for me.
Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying,
Who will cook dinner for them?

You live with me in the forest,
I'll take them lunch.
I need you more on the farm.
Morning is wiser than night!

Mashenka and the Bear go to the hut. It got completely dark. Grandma and Grandfather come out of the village house with a lantern and head to the edge of the forest.

Grandma (wailing)

She said: “Don’t go”
And you all: “Go, go!”
My heart felt it.
Where to look for her now?

Am I supposed to have forgotten?
Why did she let her in?!
Who knew that before dark
She will not return to us.

Granddaughter, oh! Answer!
Maybe a bear ate you?

A Bear comes out from behind the trees to meet Grandma and Grandfather.

Well, stop yelling here!
You are disturbing my sleep.

The bear raises its paws threateningly and roars. Grandma and Grandfather rush to run.

Grandfather and Grandmother (in unison)

Oh, save me! Guard!

The bear returns to his hut again, reasoning along the way.

I did a good job of intimidating them.
There is no point in going into my forest.
Okay, I climbed onto the stove.

The bear goes into the house. Soon the rooster crows and morning comes. Mashenka comes out of the hut with a large box. Immediately the Bear runs out of the house.

Wow! Where are you going?
What do you have there?


I baked pies
The old people will be happy.
Here with blueberries and raspberries.

Mashenka points to the box.

Do you want to leave me?
Maybe your plan is good
You can't fool me!
There is no one smarter than me in the forest,
I'll carry the box myself.


Take it, but I'm worried
That you will eat everything along the way.
Don't open the box
Don't take out the pies.
I'll climb a pine tree!

Don't lie, I won't deceive you!


And so that I cook porridge,
Bring me some firewood!

Okay, Masha!
Break up wood for the stove
Your Bear is always ready!

The bear hides in the forest, and Masha climbs into the box. After a while, the Bear returns with firewood, brings it into the house, comes out, puts the box on his back and slowly walks towards the village.

Bear (singing)

If the bear is alone in the forest,
He is his own master.
Once upon a time there were three bears,
Yes, Uncle Fedya killed them.
He is not an example for the guys,
Uncle Fedya is a poacher!
I'm a clubfooted Bear,
I can sing songs.
I don't like competitors
I'll step on everyone's ears!

The Bear stops in front of the forest.

I wouldn't break my word,
If only I weren't so tired.
I'll sit down on a tree stump
I'll eat just one pie!

Mashenka looks out of the box.


I sit very high
I'm looking very far away.
Don't sit on a tree stump
And don't eat my pie.
Bring it to your grandparents.
Don't shake it along the way!

What a big-eyed one
It sits there, and I carry it!

The bear comes out to the edge of the village, stops and looks around.

This is how I sit on a tree stump,
Eating blueberry pie
And with raspberries two, after all
She won't be able to see me.

Mashenka looks out of the box.


I sit very high
I'm looking very far away.
Don't sit on a tree stump
And don't eat my pie.
Bring it to your grandparents.
Don't shake it along the way!

The bear sighs and goes to the village.

This is where she sits
Why is he looking so far away?!

The bear approaches the hut and knocks on the door.

Hey, grandparents, open up,
Yes, accept the gift.
Mashenka sends her greetings to you!

Grandfather looks out the window.

Go away, we're not home!

A dog runs out from behind the house and barks at the Bear. The bear throws the box and runs into the forest. The dog is behind him. Grandma and grandfather leave the house. A dog returns from the forest. Grandma strokes her.

Oh, what a good dog!

What did the bear bring us?

The box opens. Masha looks out of it.

Masha, granddaughter! Is that you?

Grandma hugs Mashenka.

They thought they were no longer alive.
Hey Masha! Well done!


in the middle group

Visiting the children middle group An adult in a Russian costume comes in. She is holding a box in which dolls and riddles are hidden.

Presenter: Hello, my dears! Both small and large!

Who is this? (takes it out of grandfather’s box)

Children: Grandpa!

Who knows about grandpa's nursery rhyme?

Let him read it to us now!


Old beard.

You are a gray beard,

Yes, smart head.


I'm baking pancakes.

Pancakes are hot

They don't want to sit in the oven.

Children: Grandma!

Who knows about grandma's nursery rhyme?

Let him read it to us now!

Like Grandma Arina

All the cattle danced.

The ducks started playing their pipes,

Cockroaches to the drums.

Goat in a blue sundress,

In linen scarves,

In woolen stockings.

So he dances and waves his legs.

The cranes went to dance

Debts to show your legs,

Wag your gray tail.

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. They had a granddaughter Mashenka.

There is a theater screen on the stage. The child takes the Mashenka doll out of the house.

Once Mashenka’s friends invited her to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries! Mashenka walks through the forest, sings a song (song improvisation “Magic Flower”), calls out to her friends, collects mushrooms and berries, and leads round dances.

Let's play with you too game “Like Grandma Malanya”. (Children as a group play the game.)

Presenter: From bush to bush, from Christmas tree to Christmas tree, and Mashenka got lost in the forest. She wanted to go further, but she just looked - there was a hut in front of her!

Masha: Who lives here? Why is no one visible?

(The child turns the doll right and left.)

Presenter: And he lived in that hut A big bear. Only he wasn’t at home then. The bear returned in the evening and said...

Bear: Now I won’t let you go, you will live with me. You will light the stove, you will cook porridge, you will feed me porridge.

Presenter: The bear will go into the forest for the whole day, and Masha is told not to go anywhere. Masha began to think about how she could escape from the bear. One day a bear comes from the forest, and Masha tells him...

Masha: Bear! Let me go to the village for a day: I’ll bring pies to my grandparents.

Bear: No, you will get lost in the forest. Give me some gifts, I'll take them myself!

Presenter: And that’s what Mashenka needs! She prepared a large box and told the bear...

Masha: Bear! Go into the hut, you will see a large box. It contains pies. You take them to your grandparents. Just be careful, don’t open the basket on the way, don’t take out the pies. I’ll climb up the oak tree and keep an eye on you.

(Masha and the bear enter the flat house so that they can be seen through the window.)

Bear: Okay, give me the box!

Masha: Go out onto the porch! Look! Is it raining?

(The bear leaves the house.)

Presenter: As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Masha immediately climbed into the basket and put pies on top. The bear returned, threw him on his back and went to the village.

(The bear enters the house, the child puppeteer replaces his bear with the same one, but only with a box on his back, and leads the doll to his grandparents’ house.)

Presenter: The bear walked and walked, got tired and said...

Presenter: And Mashenka says from the box...

(The child playing Masha remains behind the house and speaks so that he is not visible to the audience.)

Masha: I see, I see!

Don't sit on the tree stump, Don't eat the pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

Bear: Look, she's so big-eyed. Sees everything!

Bear: I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie!

Presenter: And Mashenka is screaming from the box...

Masha: I see, I see! Don’t sit on the tree stump, Don’t eat the pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

Bear: That's how cunning! He sits high and looks far away!

Presenter: A bear came to the village, found the house where grandparents lived, and let’s knock as hard as we can.

Bear: Knock-knock-knock! Unlock, open! I brought you some gifts from Mashenka.

Presenter: The dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. The bear got scared. He ran into the house, put the box down and ran into the forest.

(The child replaces one bear with another, without a box.)

Presenter: Then Mashenka got out of the box. Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. They began to hug and kiss their granddaughter and call her smart.

Presenter: But the box turned out to be not simple, not only with pies, but also riddles:

Barks at everyone

But he won’t let me into the house.

Children: Dog!

(The presenter takes out a dog doll from the box.)

Soft Paws,

Are there any scratches on the paws?

Children: Kitty!

(The presenter takes out a cat doll.)

And this is a small gray ball

He's rummaging around under the bench.

Children: Mouse!

(The presenter takes out a mouse doll.)

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil,

With a tail, not a mouse?

Children: Turnip! (The presenter takes out a toy turnip from the box.)

Well done guys

We solved all the riddles.

What fairy tale are all these characters from?

Children: "Turnip"

Presenter: Next time we will act out the fairy tale “Turnip” with the dolls.

Presenter: It turns out that there is still something left in the box. And this is a treat for you guys! (He offers candies.)

The song is beautiful,

And the fairy tale is a warehouse.

The fairy tale ends

And whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". Performance script for puppet theater in junior group 1

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"


Would you like to listen to a fairy tale, dear guests? Listen carefully, clap diligently!


It happened in our village,

There lived a girl named Masha.

She was a nimble, nimble girl,

Masha lived with her grandfather and grandmother.

Once upon a time, girlfriends gathered in the forest,

They say there are mushrooms at the edge of the forest.

I want, I want Masha to go,

I would like to find her a boletus mushroom.


Grandfather, grandmother, let me go into the forest with my friends!


Go, just make sure you don’t lag behind your friends, otherwise you’ll get lost!


I picked up the tuesok,

Masha went into the woods,

Masha went into the woods,

Where is the fungus hiding?

Masha looked around, suddenly -

Every step you take, there are mushrooms all around,

Every step there are mushrooms around

And I fell behind my friends.


Aw! Aw!


Mashenka called and called her girlfriends - the girlfriends did not hear, they did not respond. Mashenka walked and walked through the forest - she got completely lost.


To the tune of Russian. adv. songs "Spinning"

Masha came out to the edge,

He sees a hut there.

She knocked on the door, on the window,

No one answered the girl.

Mashenka entered uninvited,

He sees that everything in the house is abandoned,

She tidied up very cleanly,

I made the porridge quickly.


And in that hut there lived a huge bear, but he wasn’t at home then: he was walking through the forest. He returned in the evening, saw Masha, and was delighted:


Yeah! Now I won't let you go! You will live with me. You will light the stove, you will cook porridge, you will feed me porridge. And if you leave, I’ll catch everything early and then I’ll eat it!


To the tune of Russian. adv. songs “Like thin ice”

What to do? How can we be here?

How to outwit a bear?

And the forest is like a wall around,

Can't find the way home!


Masha thought, thought and came up with an idea!


That's what I'll do!


One day a bear comes from the forest, and Mashenka says to him:


Bear, bear, let me go to the village for a day, I’ll bring gifts to my grandparents.


No, you will get lost in the forest. Give me some gifts, I'll carry them myself.


Mashenka without further ado

I baked pies in a flash,

The box is full to the brim

The bear is ready to go.


Look: there are pies in the box, take them to your grandparents, but remember: don’t open the box on the way, don’t take the pies out! I’ll climb up the oak tree and keep an eye on you!

Bear: Okay!


Go out onto the porch and see if it's raining!

Bear: I'll go and have a look!


To the tune of Russian. adv. songs "Pancakes"

Only our bear is beyond the threshold,

Masha quickly jump into the box!

Hidden away like a mouse

You can't see her there

Our bear carried the box,

Yes, he hurried to the village.

He walked, walked, hurried, tired,

He said under his breath:



And Mashenka from the box:


Bear: Wow, what a big-eyed one! Sees everything!


He walked, walked, got tired, stopped:

Bear: I’ll sit on a stump and eat a pie!


See see! Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!


That's how cunning! He sits high and looks far away. Okay, I'll move on.


To the tune of Russian. adv. songs "In Olkhovka"

He reached the village at sunset,

I knocked quietly on the house,

Holy Fathers, what started here,

The dogs sensed what kind of guest was here!

The bear gave the streamer everything he had to eat,

And the dogs keep barking in my ear.

It seems that they will grab you by the side,

The bear runs as fast as he can.

And Masha appeared from the box,

She bowed to her grandfather and grandmother.

Joy, joy, how much joy we have,

The fairy tale ends here just in time!