By colloquial-everyday, or simply colloquial, style we usually understand the features and flavor of the spoken language of native speakers. literary language; at the same time, the conversational style also manifests itself in written form (notes, private letters).

Although the typical sphere of manifestation of conversational style is the sphere everyday relations However, apparently, communication in the professional sphere (but only unprepared, informal and, as a rule, oral) is also characterized by features inherent in the conversational style.

Common extralinguistic features factors that determine the formation of this style are: informality and ease of communication; direct participation of speakers in the conversation; unpreparedness of speech, its automaticity; the predominant oral form of communication, and usually dialogical (although an oral monologue is also possible).

The most common area of ​​such communication is everyday life. It is associated with substantive features and the specific nature of thinking, reflected in the structure of colloquial speech, primarily in its syntactic structure. An emotional, including evaluative, reaction (in dialogue) is typical for this sphere of communication, which is also embodied in the speech features of the conversational style. The conditions that accompany the manifestations of spoken speech are gestures, facial expressions, the situation, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors and a number of other extra linguistic factors that influence the characteristics of speech.

This unique extralinguistic basis of colloquial speech determines its special position among other stylistic and verbal varieties of literary language.

Conversational style is contrasted with bookish styles; it alone has the function of communication, it forms a system that has features on all “tiers” of the language structure: in phonetics (more precisely, in pronunciation and intonation), vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax.

The term “conversational style” is understood in two ways. On the one hand, it is used to indicate the degree of literary character of speech and is included in the series: high (bookish) style - medium (neutral) style - reduced (colloquial) style. This division is convenient for describing vocabulary and is used in the form of corresponding marks in dictionaries (words of the neutral style are given without marks). On the other hand, the same term denotes one of the functional varieties of the literary language.

The conversational style is a functional system, so isolated from the book style (it is sometimes called the literary language) that it allowed L.V. Shcherbe make the following remark: “Literary language can be so different from spoken language that sometimes you have to talk about two different languages.” Literary language should not be literally opposed spoken language, i.e. take the latter beyond the limits of literary language. This refers to two varieties of literary language, each with its own system and its own norms. But in one case it is a codified (strictly systematized, ordered) literary language, and in the other - uncodified (with a freer system, less degree of regulation), but also a literary language (beyond which lies what is partially included in the literary speech, partly beyond its scope, the so-called vernacular).

Conversational speech is characterized by special operating conditions, which include:

1) lack of preliminary consideration of the utterance and the associated lack of preliminary selection of linguistic material;

2) the immediacy of verbal communication between its participants;

3) ease of speech act, associated with the lack of formality in the relationship between speakers and in the very nature of the utterance.

The context of the situation (the setting of speech communication) and the use of extra-linguistic means (facial expressions, gestures, the interlocutor’s reaction) play a major role.

Purely linguistic features of colloquial speech include:

1) the use of extra-lexical means: intonation - phrasal and emphatic (emotionally expressive) stress, pauses, speech rate, rhythm, etc.;

2) widespread use of everyday vocabulary and phraseology, emotional and expressive vocabulary (including particles, interjections), various categories of introductory words;

3) originality of syntax: elliptical and incomplete sentences of various types, words of address, words of sentences, repetitions of words, breaking sentences with inserted constructions, weakening and violation of forms of syntactic connection between parts of the statement, connecting constructions, etc.

  • Active fusion of extralinguistic factors.
  • Expressiveness, emotionality, clarity, imagery.
  • The activity of synonymy and the lack of formalization of structures.
  • Tendency to shorten and redundant speech.
  • High degree of standardization.
  • Vivid individualization.

Linguistic features of conversational style

Among the most common linguistic features of conversational style are the following:

  • greater, compared to other styles, activity of non-bookish means of language (with a stylistic connotation of colloquiality and familiarity), including the use of extraliterary (colloquial) elements at all language levels;
  • incomplete structure linguistic units(at the phonetic, syntactic, and partly morphological levels);
  • the use of linguistic units of specific meaning at all levels and at the same time the uncharacteristic nature of means with an abstract generalized meaning;
  • weakened syntactic connections between parts of a sentence or their lack of expression, lack of formality; the activity of linguistic means of subjective assessment (in particular, suffixes), evaluative and emotional-expressive units of all levels from phonetic to syntactic;
  • activity of speech standards and colloquial phraseological units;
  • the presence of occasionalisms;
  • activation of personal forms, words (personal pronouns), constructions.

When characterizing colloquial speech according to language levels Especially highlighted are such functional phenomena that are not characteristic of other styles or are little used in them. Only dialogical speech in artistic prose and drama it is close to colloquial speech, but here stylization is manifested and the function also changes. In the post-perestroika period, colloquial speech began to be used more widely in journalism.

At the phonetic level: relaxed articulation; strong reduction of sounds; loss of words and parts of words; richness and variety of types of intonation.

Pronunciation. The colloquial style also appears in various classifications of pronunciation styles. Its peculiarity is, firstly, that it, like the “high” (bookish) style of pronunciation, is expressively colored, in contrast to the neutral style. This is explained by the fact that the conversational style is associated with the corresponding lexical layer (colloquial vocabulary). Secondly, the conversational style of pronunciation is characterized as incomplete: less distinct pronunciation of sounds, strong reduction, which is associated with a rapid rate of speech (as opposed to full - with a slow rate of speech with a clear pronunciation of sounds, careful articulation).

Often words and their forms in colloquial style have an emphasis that does not coincide with the emphasis in more strict styles of speech:

sentence(cf. normative verdict), you call(cf. calling), got drunk(cf. stuck), will attach(cf. attach), obituary(cf. non-krolog), developed(cf. developed) etc.

In the conversational style of pronunciation, certain types of intonation predominate.

At the lexical and phraseological level: use of stylistically reduced vocabulary; activity of variants and syntactic means; use of semantically empty vocabulary; metaphorization; activation of phraseological units.

Colloquial vocabulary, part of the vocabulary of oral speech, is used in casual conversation and is characterized by various shades expressive coloring. Colloquial words belong to different parts of speech.

Individual words acquire a colloquial character only in one of the meanings. This is the verb fall apart(“sit or lie down carelessly”), onomatopoeic words bam, fuck in the function of the predicate, etc.

In vocabulary and phraseology, units of conversational coloring, including everyday content, and specific vocabulary are widely used. On the other hand, the composition of abstract vocabulary and book words, as well as terminology and unknown words of foreign language origin is limited. Conversational speech is characterized by the activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary and phraseology, especially such colors as familiar, endearing, disapproving, ironic and other evaluative ones with a lowering of style. The author's neologisms (occasionalisms) are high-frequency. Polysemy is developed, not only general linguistic, but also individually occasional (cf. family “languages” and friendly “jargons” of a narrow circle of people). Phraseological activation occurs associated meanings. Synonymy is rich, and the boundaries of the synonymous field are quite vague; situational synonymy is active, different from general linguistic one. The possibilities of combining words are wider than the normative general linguistic ones.

Actively used phraseological units, especially colloquially reduced stylistic coloring. The updating of stable phrases, their reinterpretation and contamination are widespread.

Phraseology. A significant part of the phraseological fund of the Russian language is colloquial phraseology. Stylistically, it is very expressive, containing a variety of expressive and evaluative shades (ironic, dismissive, playful, etc.). It is also characterized by structural diversity (different combinations of nominal and verbal components): absolute hell, a week without a year, the wind in the head, keep your eyes peeled, it’s all in the bag, you can barely move your legs, can’t wait, make a mess, play a comedy, it’s like sinking into the water, go out of your way, desperately need to fill your hand , circle your finger, don’t touch your finger, just a stone’s throw away, dance away from the stove, ears wither, bat your eyes, rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, topsy-turvy, there’s nowhere for an apple to fall and etc.

At the morphological level: high frequency and originality of the use of pronouns; activity of all verb forms; moving into the passive of the active and passive voice; relatively low frequency of nouns, adjectives, numerals; specific use of nouns: the presence of a vocative form, the use of nouns ending in -a in the plural, the indeclinability of the first part of compound names, the declension of abbreviations, the activity of nouns with the suffixes -sha, -ikh, -k; the frequency of words in the state category; high activity of particles, conjunctions, interjections, interjection verbs.

In the field of morphology, the frequency of parts of speech is peculiar. IN conversational sphere there is no predominance of the noun over the verb, which is usual for the language. Even in the “most verbal” artistic speech nouns occur 1.5 times more often than verbs, while in colloquial language verbs occur more often than nouns. (See, for example, the frequency dictionary data: 2380 words, the most common in Russian colloquial speech, as well as: Sirotinina O.B. Modern colloquial speech and its features. M., 1974.) Significantly increased frequency of use (several times higher against indicators for artistic speech) give personal pronouns and particles. This is characterized by the activation of conversational particles, well, after all. Possessive adjectives are very common here (the foreman's wife, Pushkinskaya Street); but participles and gerunds are almost completely absent. Rarely used short adjectives, and they are formed from a very limited range of words, as a result of which in colloquial speech there is almost no opposition between short and full forms adjectives.

Among case formations, variants of the genitive and prepositional case forms with %у (from home, on vacation, no sugar, sugar) are common.

Characteristic of colloquial speech is weakening grammatical meaning at pronouns (So it is) and using them to enhance expression (That bespectacled guy of yours came). There is an active tendency towards non-declension of the first part of compound names (to Ivan Ivanovich) and compound numerals (from two hundred and fifty-three) and, on the contrary, to the declination of some abbreviations (I received the book from BAN).

Let us note the variety of specific shades of the verb with the meaning of multiple actions in the past (spoken, walked, extinguished, prepared) and one-time action (pushed, dolbanul), as well as the activity of expressive forms of moods with a variety of intensifying contextual means, the widespread use of forms of one mood in the meaning of another.

The temporal meanings of a verb are surprisingly diverse when using one tense to mean another. The palette of meanings of the present tense is especially rich (the present of speech, the extended present, the historical present), as well as the past and future in the meaning of the present.

The widespread use of verbal interjections turns out to be a specific feature of colloquial speech (jump, skok, shat, bang); V fiction these interjections are a reflection of it.

Form comparative degree adjectives in colloquial speech are easily combined with the prefix po-: better, more beautiful and has the suffix -ey: faster, warmer(cf. in book styles:

faster, warmer).

Colloquial variants are infinitive forms see, hear(cf.: neutral. see, hear); also form measure (measure, measure) has a conversational character compared to measure (measure, measure).

At the syntactic level: incompletely constructed proposals; abbreviation of phrases; in the actual division of the sentence, the word with the most important meaning comes first; activity of parceled structures; the presence of special types of complex sentences.

The syntax of colloquial speech is characteristic. It is here that its ellipticality, as well as emotionality and expressiveness, are most clearly manifested. This is expressed both in the high frequency of different semantic shades of infinitive and incomplete sentences (Well, that’s complete!; Great!; Be silent!), and in the nature of the incompleteness of the latter (“omission” not only and not so much of the secondary, but of the main members: Tea? - Me half a cup), and in a large number of interrogative and incentive sentences. Specific trait- actual intonation, emotional-expressive transmission of meanings (affirmative, negative and others).

It is the conversational sphere that is characterized by the use of special words and corresponding sentences expressing agreement or disagreement (Yes; No; Of course).

Due to the unpreparedness and associative nature of colloquial speech, it is characterized by restructuring of phrases on the go (The telephone is you), parcellation (It’s scary to leave. But it’s necessary; We had a good rest. But not enough) and a generally broken structure with interruptions in intonation. The activity of connecting structures of different types (in particular, with introductory words and particles: yes and, but here, perhaps, not only by the way).

Colloquial speech is characterized by a weakened meaning of introductory words, their redundancy, and in general (with a large number of introductory words with the meaning of indicating the relationship between parts of the statement) their use in a modified function.

The order of words is more free than in book and written speech (postposition of conjunctions, transferring them from subordinate clauses to the main clause, etc.).

There is activity in interjection phrases (Oh, is that so?; Fathers!; Here you go!), predicative phrases reinforced by emotionally expressive particles (What a force!; That’s what he said!), and phrases with constants structural elements(Wow...; There is...; Same for me...; That's it, that...).

IN complex sentences composition clearly prevails over submission ( subordinating clauses make up only 10% in colloquial speech, whereas in other styles there is about 30%), and in complex sentences the composition of subordinate clauses is very uniform, and such a common type of them as attributives is not widely used in colloquial speech. The limited vocabulary content of subordinate clauses is also characteristic (as a manifestation of the standardization of speech). Explanatory clauses are attached to very few verbs: speak, say, think, hear, etc., for example: I don’t know who you had; I'm not saying it's bad. Characteristic of colloquial speech and non-union connections in a complex sentence.

The speed of speech reactions explains the usually short sentences here. The depth of phrases, as a rule, does not exceed 7 ± 2 word occurrences.

In general, it seems possible to talk about some prevailing models and characteristic features literary and colloquial syntax. These include:

1. Predominant use of the dialogue form.

2. Predominance of simple sentences; Of the complex ones, compound and non-union complex compounds are most often used.

3. Wide use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

4. Use of words-sentences (affirmative, negative, incentive, etc.); "Is he young?" - “Yes” (Ch.); “Do you know the trophies?” - “What?” (Tr.).

5. Widespread use of incomplete sentences (in dialogue): “Is Denisov good?” she asked. “Good” (L.T.).

6. Interruptions in speech caused by for various reasons(looking for the right word, the speaker’s excitement, an unexpected transition from one thought to another, etc.): Friend Mozart, these tears... don’t notice them (P.).

7. Using introductory words and phrases of different meanings: “The thunderstorm doesn’t subside,” she muttered. “It’s like the hour is uneven, what didn’t burn” (Ch.).

8.Usage plug-in structures, breaking up the main sentence and introducing additional information, comments, clarifications, explanations, amendments, etc. into it: “I shot,” the count continued, “and, thank God, I missed; then Silvio... (at that moment he was truly terrible) Silvio... began to take aim at me” (P.).

9. The use of connecting structures that represent an additional statement: I paid for everything, absolutely for everything! And so expensive! (Ch.).

10. Widespread use of emotional and imperative (imperative) interjections: “Oh, oh, I’m dying!” - she said, waving her hands sadly.

11. Lexical repetitions: The guy must be prominent and handsome. Yes Yes Yes. So, so (Ostr.).

12. Various kinds of inversions in order to emphasize the semantic role of the word highlighted in the message: And today I bought an interesting book!

13. Special forms predicate (the so-called complicated verbal predicate).

Word formation.

The word-formation features of colloquial speech are associated primarily with its expressiveness and evaluativeness. Active here are suffixes of subjective evaluation with the meanings of endearment, disapproval, magnification, etc. (mommy, honey, sunshine, child; antics; vulgarity; home; cold, etc.), as well as suffixes with a functional connotation of colloquialism, for example in nouns: suffixes -k- (locker room, overnight stay, candle, stove); -ik (knife, rain); -un (talker); -yaga (hard worker); -yatina (dead meat, rotten meat); -sha (in the names of professions: doctor, conductor, usher, etc.). In addition, suffixless formations (illness, dance) and collocations (lounger, windbag) are used here. You can also indicate the most active cases of word formation of adjectives of evaluative meaning: big-eyed, bespectacled, toothy; biting, pugnacious; thin, hefty, etc., as well as verbs - prefix-suffix: play pranks, sentence, set on; suffixal: jerk, speculate; get healthy; prefixed: lose weight, gain weight, etc. In order to enhance expression, doubling words are used - adjectives, sometimes with an additional prefix (He is so huge, huge; The water is black, black; She is big-eyed, smart, smart), acting as a superlative.

Many words of colloquial style are formed using certain affixes (in most cases - suffixes, less often - prefixes). Thus, in the category of nouns, the following suffixes are used with a greater or lesser degree of productivity, giving words a colloquial character:

-ak/-yak: simpleton, fool, good man, big man;

-ak(a)/-yak(a)—for words of general gender: onlooker, scribbler, reveler, bully, playwright;

-an/-yang: old man, rude;

--ach: bearded man, circus performer;

-ash: tradesman;

-hedgehog(s): sharing, cramming, feeding("feeding");

-en: darling, bumpkin;

-l(a): bigwig, thug, crammer;

-lk(a): locker room(other words are colloquial: smoking room, reading room);

-n(ya): fuss, bickering;

-rel(s): running around, getting dirty;

-tai: lazy, slobbery;

-un: chatterbox, talker, screamer, dirty talker;

-uh: dirty, fat;

-ish: silly, naked, strong, baby;

-yag(a): poor guy, hard worker, hard worker.

A whole series of words with a suffix -sh(a), denoting female persons by their profession, position held, work performed, occupation, etc., refers to colloquial vocabulary: librarian, director, cashier, secretary and etc.

Some colloquial words have the same root neutral variants: nonsense(cf. meaninglessness), double meaning(cf. ambiguity) nonsense(cf. absurdity),

bracelet(cf. bracelet), vest(cf. vest), stool(cf. stool) and etc.

In most cases, suffixes of subjective evaluation are given to words different parts speech conversational coloring: thief, liar, rogue, little man, naughty little man, little land, wait a while, little servant, little town, little house, small town, little place, little milk, little letter; beards, dirt; enormous, furious; in the evening, in the evening, in a whisper and etc.

For adjectives that are colloquial in nature, you can note the use of the suffix -ast-". big-eyed, big-lipped, toothy, tonguey etc., as well as consoles pre-: very kind, very funny, very nice, most unpleasant, most disgusting, most funny and etc.

Colloquial vocabulary includes verbs in -to misbehave: to misbehave, to wander, to simpering, to cheat, to paint, to monkey, to tailor, to do plumbing and etc.

general characteristics

Characteristics of conversational style

The conversational style (RS) is contrasted with all other styles (bookish) for the following reasons:

1. The main function of RS is communicative (communication function), while the functions of book styles are informative and influencing.

2. The main form of existence of the RS is oral (in book styles it is written).

3. The main type of communication in RS is interpersonal (person - person), in books - group (oratory, lecture, scientific report) and mass (print, radio, television).

4. The main type of speech in RS is dialogue or polylogue, in books it is monologue.

5. RS is implemented in a situation of informal communication, and it is assumed that the participants in the dialogue know each other and are usually socially equal (youth, simple people and so on.). Hence - ease of communication, greater freedom in behavior, in expressing thoughts and feelings. Most often, MS is implemented in everyday communication, these are dialogues between family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, study buddies, etc. In this case, topics of an everyday and non-professional, non-official nature are discussed mainly. Book styles are implemented in formal conditions and serve verbal communication on almost any topic.

Main characteristics of conversational style:

1) spontaneity, i.e. unprepared speech, lack of preliminary selection of linguistic means;

2) automaticity of speech, i.e. the use of established verbal formulas characteristic of certain situations ( Good afternoon How are you doing? Are you going out?);

3) expressiveness (special expressiveness) of speech, which is achieved by using reduced words ( go crazy, go crazy, go crazy), emotionally expressive vocabulary ( big guy, kikimora, loafer), suffix formations ( daughter, grandma, cute);

4) routine content;

5) mainly dialogical form.

The formation of speech in a conversational style is also influenced by extra-linguistic factors: the emotional state of the speakers, their age (cf. the speech of adults among themselves and their conversation with small children), the relationships of the participants in the dialogue, their family and other connections, etc.

The conversational style forms its own system and has features that distinguish it from book styles at all levels of language.

On phonetic level, MS is characterized by an incomplete style of pronunciation (fast pace, reduction of vowels up to the disappearance of syllables: San Sanych, Glebych etc.), colloquial stress options are acceptable ( cottage cheese, cooking, gave etc.), freer intonation, unfinished statements, pauses for thinking, etc.

Vocabulary MS is heterogeneous and differs in the degree of literature and emotional-expressive characteristics:

1. Neutral vocabulary from everyday speech: hand, leg, father, mother, brother, run, look, hear and under.

2. Colloquial vocabulary (the main stylistic device) - words that give speech an informal character, but at the same time are devoid of rudeness: spinner, superlative, warrior, know-it-all, go home, fool, antediluvian, prevaricate.

3. Evaluative vocabulary as part of colloquial words, which expresses a playful, humorous-ironic, ironic, affectionate, dismissive emotional assessment: grandma, daughter, kids, baby, little boy; poems, scribblings, hackwork, inveterate.

In dictionaries, colloquial words are listed with the mark “colloquial.” and additional marks “joking,” “ironic,” “disdainful,” “affectionate.”

4. Emotionality large number colloquial words are associated with their figurative meaning : kennel(about a cramped, dark, dirty room), tower(about a human tall), stick(intrusively pester with something) and so on.

5. Due to the fact that the boundaries between colloquial and colloquial vocabulary are often fluid, as evidenced by the double mark “colloquial-simple.” in dictionaries, RS includes crudely expressive colloquial words, the expressiveness of which allows you to “close your eyes” to their rudeness: belly, big, whine, hag, kikimora, freckled, loafer, shabby, hang around, squish and under. They briefly and accurately express an attitude towards a person, an object, a phenomenon, and often contain an additional semantic connotation that is not found in a neutral word, cf.: “he is sleeping” and “he is sleeping.” The word “sleeping” expresses condemnation of a person: someone is sleeping when they should be going somewhere or doing something.

Similar vocabulary may be listed in explanatory dictionaries under the main heading “simple.” additional marks “fam.”, “branch.”, “with a hint of disdain,” “joking.”, for example: clunker - simple. joking (Dictionary by D.N. Ushakov).

On phraseological level, the colloquial style is characterized by the use of proverbs and sayings from folk speech: even stand, even fall; sit in a puddle; break into pieces; turn up your nose; hunting is worse than bondage and under.

Derivational The level of conversational style is characterized by:

1) colloquial suffixes

For nouns: -un, -un(ya): talker, talker; chatterbox, chatterbox;

Sh(a): cashier, doctor, elevator operator;

Yag(a): poor fellow, handsome, mongrel, hard worker;

Their(s): janitor, doctor, cook;

K(a): buckwheat, semolina, overnight, candle,

including abbreviated words with -к(а): soda, e-reader, dryer, locker room, record book;hitchhiker, "Literature";

N(i), -rel(i): running, fussing, bickering, cooking, hustle;

Yatin(a): nonsense, dead meat, vulgarity;

For verbs: -icha (t), -nicha (t): to be sarcastic, to be nice, to be greedy;

Well: say, spin, grab;

2) prefix-suffixal verbal formations of conversational type:

run around, chat, sit up;

talk, shout, look;

get sick, daydream, play out;

3) suffixes of subjective assessment:

Magnifying: house, beard, hands;

Diminutives: house, beard, cunning, quietly, quietly;

Diminutives: daughter, daughter, son, little son; sunshine, honey;

Disparaging: little thing, little house, old man, buffoonery, hillbilly, beard;

4) half names ( Vanka, Lenka), caressing ( Mashenka, Sashok) and babbling names ( Niki – Nikolay, Zizi – Suzanne).

5) doubling words to enhance expression: big-big, black-black;

6) formation of adjectives with evaluative meaning: big-eyed, skinny.

IN morphology:

1) the predominance of verbs over nouns (verbal nature of speech), the predominant activity of verbs of motion ( jump, gallop), actions ( take, give, go) and states ( hurt, cry); Wed in the NS and ODS the most common verbs are obligatory ( must, obliges) and linking verbs ( is, constitutes);

2) high percent use of personal me, you, he, we, you, They) and index ( that, this, this etc.) pronouns;

3) the presence of interjections ( ah, oh, uh, oh etc.) and particles ( here, well, she- that, He de he said they say saw);

4) the presence of verbal interjections ( jump, skok, bang, grab);

5) widespread use possessive adjectives (Petya's sister, Fedorov's wife);

6) colloquial case forms of nouns: genitive singular in -y ( from the forest, from home), prepositional singular case in -у ( at the airport, on vacation), Nominative case plural on -a ( bunker, year, inspector, anchor, huntsman);

7) participles are rare and short forms adjectives, no gerunds are used.

On syntactic level:

1) simple sentences, participles and participial phrases, complex sentences are not used, except for subordinate modifiers with a conjunction word which;

2) free word order in a sentence: I was at the market yesterday;

3) omission of words (ellipsis), especially in dialogue:

- Have you been to the store? - I'm going to college. Are you home?

- Was.

4) lexical repetitions: I tell him and tell him, but he doesn’t listen;

5) syntactic repetitions (identically constructed sentences): I went to him, I told him...;

6) speech patterns like “Well done!”, “What a scoundrel you are!”, “What kind of idiot!”, “Wow!”;

7) designs like “ Do you have something to write about?? (i.e. pencil, pen); " Give me something to hide! (i.e. blanket, rug, sheet);

8) “non-smooth” phrases, i.e. sentences without clear boundaries, which are obtained as a result of the interpenetration of two sentences: In the fall such storms begin, there, at sea...;

9) frequent restructuring of structures during the dialogue, amendments, repetitions, clarifications;

10) rhetorical questions: Will he listen to me?

11) interrogative, exclamatory and incentive sentences;

12) in “non-smooth” phrases the nominative topic is used when the first part of the sentence contains a noun in nominative case, and the second – information about it, while both parts are grammatically independent: Grandma - she will talk to everyone. Flowers, they are never superfluous.

Non-verbal means of communication play a major role in the implementation of MS - gesture and facial expressions, which can accompany the speaker’s words, indicating the shape, size and other characteristics of the subject of speech: I bought this round one(gesture) hat, but can also act at the place of a pause, as an independent means of communication, in the function of individual lines of dialogue, as an answer to a question, a request: nod your head with the meaning “yes”, shrug your shoulders - express bewilderment.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Tolyatti State Academy of Service

Department of Russian and Foreign Languages

Discipline: “Russian language and culture of speech.”

On the topic: “Features of conversational style.”

Completed by: student

Groups T – 301

Averyanova E. V.

Checked by: Konovalova E.Yu.

Togliatti 2005

1. Features of conversational style………………………………………… 3

2. Colloquial vocabulary……………………………………………………… 6

3. Morphology of conversational style……………………………………….. 8

4. Syntax of conversational style…………………………………………… 10

List of references…………………………………………………………… 14

1. Features of conversational style.

Conversational style is a style that serves the field of oral communication or oral communication.

Conversational style (colloquial speech) is used in a wide range of personal, i.e., informal, non-work relationships. This style is more often called colloquial-everyday, but it would be more accurate to call it colloquial-everyday, since it is not limited only to the everyday side, but is used as a means of communication in almost all spheres of life - family, industrial, socio-political, educational, scientific , cultural, sports.

The function of the conversational style is the function of communication in its “original” form. Speech is generated by the needs of direct communication between two interlocutors or more and acts as a means of such communication; it is created in the process of speaking and depends on the response of the interlocutor - speech, facial expression, etc.

Intonation plays a huge role in spoken speech. logical stress, pace, pauses. In conditions of relaxed communication, a person is much more likely than in the presence of official relations, has the opportunity to express his personal qualities- temperament, emotionality, sympathies, which saturates his speech with emotional and stylistically colored (mainly stylistically reduced) words, expressions, morphological forms and syntactic constructions.

In colloquial speech, the communication function can be supplemented by the message function or the influence function. However, both the message and the impact are manifested in direct communication, and therefore occupy a subordinate position.

The most common factors of the colloquial style are the personal, informal nature of the relationship between the participants in communication; their direct participation in communication; continuation of speech during communication without prior preparation.

Although these factors are closely related to each other, their role in the formation of linguistic features conversational style is far from homogeneous: the last two factors - direct participation in communication and lack of preparation for communication - are closely related to the oral form of speech and are generated by it, while the first factor - the personal, informal nature of the relationship - also operates in written communication, for example in personal correspondence. On the contrary, with oral communication, the relationship between its participants can be official, official, “impersonal”.

Linguistic means used during personal, everyday, informal relationships between speakers are characterized by additional shades - ease, a sharper evaluative moment, greater emotionality compared to neutral or book equivalents, i.e. these linguistic means are colloquial.

Such linguistic means are widely used outside of colloquial speech - in artistic and journalistic, as well as scientific texts.

The norms of colloquial style in oral form differ significantly from the norms of other functional styles, for which the written form is decisive (although not the only one). The norms of colloquial style are not established and are not officially regulated, that is, they are not subject to codification, which gives rise to a very widespread illusion among non-specialists that colloquial speech has no norms at all: whatever you say, so be it. However, the very fact of automatic reproduction of ready-made constructions in speech. Phraseological phrases, various kinds of stamps, i.e. standardized linguistic means corresponding to certain standard speech situations indicates the imaginary or, in any case, limited “freedom” of the speaker. Colloquial speech is subject to strict laws and has its own rules and norms, as evidenced by the fact that factors from book and written speech in general are perceived as alien in colloquial speech. Strict (albeit unconscious adherence to ready-made standards is the norm for oral speech that has not been prepared in advance.

On the other hand, the unpreparedness of the speech act, its attachment to the situation, along with the lack of a clear idea of ​​the norm, determine a very wide freedom in choosing options. The boundaries of the norm become unsteady and vague, and normativity itself sharply weakens. Relaxed everyday dialogical speech consisting of short remarks allows for significant deviations from generally accepted norms due to its inherent impulsive nature.

2. Colloquial vocabulary.

Colloquial style vocabulary is divided into two large groups: 1) commonly used colloquial words; 2) colloquial words, socially or dialectally limited.

Commonly used vocabulary, in turn, is divided into colloquial-literary (bound by the norms of literary use) and colloquial-everyday (not bound by strict norms of use), the latter is adjacent to vernacular.

Colloquial vocabulary is also heterogeneous: 1) colloquialism, on the verge of literary use, not rude in nature, somewhat familiar, everyday, for example: potatoes instead of potatoes, ingenuity instead of intelligence, become instead of happen, get fined instead of to be at fault; 2) extraliterary, rude colloquialism, for example: drive up instead of to achieve, to plop instead of fall, weave instead of talk nonsense, wander around, wander around instead of walk around without la; This includes actual vulgarisms and swear words: thorns (eyes), die, die; weakling, lackey etc. Such words are used for certain stylistic purposes - usually when depicting negative phenomena of life.

Colloquial vocabulary, socially or dialectally limited, includes V themselves like that lexical groups, as colloquial professionalisms (for example, names of varieties brown bear: vulture, fescue, antbird etc.), dialectisms (talk - talk, veksha - squirrel, stubble - stubble), slang vocabulary (pleisir - pleasure, fun; plein air - nature), argotic (split - betray; new guy, new guy - young, inexperienced; crusts - boots). Many jargons arose even before the revolution in the speech of the ruling classes; some argotisms were preserved from the speech habits of declassed elements. Slang vocabulary can also be associated with the age community of generations (for example, in the language of youth: cheat sheet, pair (deuce). All these categories of vocabulary have a narrow sphere of distribution; in terms of expression, they are characterized by extreme reduction. The main lexical layer of the colloquial style consists of commonly used words, both colloquial and colloquial. Both of these categories of words are close to each other, the line between them is unsteady and mobile, and sometimes elusive; it is not for nothing that in different dictionaries many words are labeled with different marks (for example, the words squat, really in "Explanatory Dictionary" ed. D. N. Ushakova are classified as colloquial, and in the four-volume “Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language” - as colloquial; words richer, carminative, sour in "Explanatory Dictionary" ed. D. N. Ushakova are assessed as vernacular, but in the “Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language” they do not have a mark, i.e. they are classified as interstyle - stylistically neutral). In “Dictionary of the Russian Language,” ed. S.I. Ozhegova expanded the boundaries of colloquial vocabulary: many words noted in other dictionaries as colloquial are classified as colloquial. Some colloquial words in dictionaries have a double label - colloquial and regional, since many common dialectisms pass into the category of colloquial words. The colloquial style is characterized by the predominance of words with an emotionally expressive connotation, marked “affectionate”, “playful”, “abusive”, “ironic”, “diminutive”, “contemptuous”, etc.

In a conversational style, words with specific meanings are usually used (storage room, locker room), names of persons (Chatterbox, couch potato) and much less often - words with an abstract meaning (superlity, boasting, nonsense). In addition to specifically colloquial words (krohobor, ogoro sew), there are words that are colloquial only in one of the figurative meanings, and 8 others are perceived as stylistically neutral (for example, the verb unscrew e meaning “to lose the ability to restrain”). Colloquial words, as a rule, are synonymous with neutral ones and relatively rarely - with book ones. Sometimes there is a complete correspondence of stylistic opposites (for example: eyes - eyes - peepers).

3. Morphology of conversational style.

The distinctive features of the morphology of colloquial style are associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the parts of speech in it. Relative activity morphological categories words and individual word forms in colloquial style is different than in other functional styles. Verb forms such as participle and gerund are practically not used in colloquial speech. The absence of gerunds can be compensated to some extent by the second predicate, expressing the “accompanying” feature: “And I’m sitting writing”; "They have
they punish me, but I regret not punishing”; “I see: he’s walking unsteadily.”
A well-known analogy (but, of course, not identity) with revolutions like
“Please take out the pliers that are on the shelf.”(or
"lying on the shelf") makes up the design: "Please get it
pliers... they’re on the shelf over there.”(or: "over there on the shelf")

Conversational style of communication is used in informal settings. It is typical for oral speech, but can be expressed in writing (the text of a note, Personal diary, informal correspondence). In the process of communication, common vocabulary is used. The conversational style is actively accompanied by gestures and facial expressions, and is also influenced by the emotionality of the interlocutors and circumstances.

Main features of colloquial speech:

  • Reducing sentences to simple ones, and removing some members of the sentence if the meaning of the statement is clear without them. Example: I miss you - I miss you.
  • Short phrases, abbreviated to one word, are used. An example of such a word: maternity leave- maternity leave.
  • Pronunciation of the word in a simplified form. This abbreviation is used in colloquial, familiar communication. An example of a similar word: “right now” instead of “now”.

The linguistic features of the conversational style are expressed in the simplification of statements based on the spontaneity of conversational speech. Few people can speak coherently and beautifully without preparation, and spontaneous speech presupposes a certain development of speech abilities.

To avoid the appearance of unrelated parts, pauses, clauses, and profanity, abbreviations are used. Examples of how the law of “economy of speech” works: a five-story building - a five-story building, a utility room - a utility room.

  • Label cliches. A set of template phrases used in recurring situations of daily communication. Example: “Are you going out? Hello".
  • Close contact of communicating people. Information is transmitted verbally and non-verbally.
  • Expressiveness or specific expressiveness of statements with the use of reduced expressions (example: go crazy, go crazy).
  • Everyday content.
  • Imagery.

Linguistic features of conversational style are expressed in specific pronunciation (example: emphasis on the wrong syllable), lexical heterogeneity, morphology and syntax. The everyday style is not used for writing scientific literature or when composing documents.

Signs of everyday style

Main features of conversational style:

  • a relaxed, familiar form of communication;
  • evaluativeness;
  • emotionality;
  • inconsistency, from a logical point of view;
  • intermittency of speech.

The conversational style is most clearly manifested in oral speech in the form of dialogue.

The signs that determine the conversational style are situational, informal and natural communication. This includes the lack of preparatory thinking about speech, the gestures and facial expressions used. Particles, sentence words, interjections, introductory words, connecting constructions, and repetitions are actively used.

Everyday style involves the use polysemantic word, word formation is evaluative in nature: suffixes of diminutive or augmentative, disdainful, and endearing are used.

Functions and purpose of everyday style

Main functions of conversational style:

  • transfer of information;
  • communication;
  • impact.

The goal pursued by the everyday style of interaction between people is communication, mutual exchange of impressions and feelings.

Analysis of conversational genres

The characteristics of conversational style are a narrower concept than colloquial speech. In colloquial speech, non-literary components are used (examples: vernacular, slang words, dialect). Conversational style is expressed language means.

Genres of colloquial speech characterize interactions between people. These include:

  • Conversation. A popular genre, it represents communication for communication. This is an exchange of impressions, emotions, points of view. The conversation is characterized by a calm manner, it is a pleasant pastime.
  • Story. A monologue dedicated to some event. All aspects of the event are covered in detail and an assessment is expressed.
  • Dispute. Here, each interlocutor defends his own view. In colloquial speech, a dispute is characterized by the informality of the relationship between the disputants and the ease of communication.
  • Letter. The text of the letter has a specific purpose: reporting events, conveying feelings, establishing or maintaining contact, calling for something. It is assumed that the etiquette formula must be used - greeting and farewell; further content of the text is free. This is one of the written genres of colloquial speech, informal epistolary interaction. The topics of such texts change arbitrarily, incomplete sentences and expressive expressions are used.
  • A note. Distinctive feature genre - brevity. This is a small everyday text, the purpose of which is a message about what needs to be done, a warning, an invitation, gestures of politeness. Example text: “I’ll be there soon, don’t forget to buy milk.” Sometimes the text of a note is presented as a hint of something.
  • Diary. The genre differs from the others in that the recipient and the author are the same person. The text of the diary is an analysis of past events or one’s own feelings, creativity that contributes to the improvement of words and the personality itself.

Analysis of conversational genres contributes to understanding the style of speech behavior and the structure of natural communication.

Functional speech styles help determine the type of language used in various areas of communication. The sphere of interaction between people at the everyday level presupposes the included functions of the conversational style of statements or texts.

Every time you write a text or simply communicate with other people, you choose the style of speech that is most relevant for the given moment. There are five styles in total, but the success of your dialogue, both with your interlocutor and with the reader, depends entirely on the correct choice of each of them. For the reader, the style of your presentation is even more important, since when reading a person does not have non-verbal information about you, such as facial expressions, gestures, breathing rate, gaze, etc. So, today we will look at what text styles exist, what features they have and, of course, we will look at examples of these styles.

Five Basic Speech Styles

So, as mentioned above, any text that you create can be classified into one of five speech styles. Here they are:

  • Scientific style
  • Journalistic style
  • Art style
  • Formal business style
  • Conversational style

Note: different kinds texts usually refer to different styles, although they can describe the same object. Let's look at an example. Suppose you need to write a text about a washing machine. How can you write it:

  1. You write a review with the main characteristics (scientific style)
  2. You write a selling text (conversational style)
  3. You are writing an SEO article for a blog (journalistic style)
  4. You write hypnotic text (art style)
  5. You write Commercial offer(formal business style)

However, for greater objectivity, today we will not focus on the washing machine, but will simply consider all five styles of speech with various examples.

1. Scientific style of speech

The scientific style is characterized by strict writing requirements, which are described in more detail in the article "". This article provides an example scientific style will be more condensed, but if you are interested in the expanded version, it can be found at.

The scientific style is used among scientists as well as in educational settings. A distinctive feature of the scientific style is its objectivity and comprehensive approach to the issue under consideration. Theses, hypotheses, axioms, conclusions, monotonous coloring and patterns - this is what characterizes the scientific style.

An example of a scientific style of speech

Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that the object has a soft homogeneous structure, freely transmits light and can change a number of its parameters when exposed to a potential difference in the range from 5 to 33,000 V. Research has also shown that the object irreversibly changes its molecular structure under the influence of temperatures above 300 K. When mechanically acting on an object with a force of up to 1000 N, no visible changes in the structure are observed.

2. Journalistic style of speech

Unlike the scientific style, the journalistic style is more controversial and ambiguous. Its main feature: it is used for “brainwashing” in the media, and, therefore, is initially biased and contains the author’s assessment of ongoing events, phenomena or objects. The journalistic style is widely used for manipulation. Let's look at examples.

Let’s say that in the village of Experimentalovo, a local resident, Uncle Vanya, conducted a series of tests of a new chemical drug on a chicken, as a result of which it began to lay golden eggs. Now let's see how the journalistic style can convey this information to us:

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 1

Incredible discovery! A resident of the remote village of Experimentalovo has invented a new drug that makes hens lay golden eggs! The secret that the world's greatest alchemists have struggled with for centuries has finally been revealed by our compatriot! So far there have been no comments from the inventor, he is currently on a heavy drinking binge, but we can definitely say that the discoveries of such patriots will definitely stabilize the economy of our country and strengthen its position on the world stage as a leader in the field of gold mining and production gold products for decades to come.

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 2

An act of unprecedented cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals was demonstrated by a resident of the village of Experimentalovo, who, for his own selfish purposes, with particular cynicism, used unfortunate chickens to create his “philosopher’s stone.” The gold was obtained, but this did not stop the flayer, and he, like an absolutely immoral type, went into a deep binge, without even trying to help the poor creatures who had become victims of his outrageous experiments. It is difficult to say what such a discovery entails, however, given the trends in the “scientist’s” behavior, we can conclude that he is clearly plotting to seize power over the world.

3. Artistic style of speech

When you are overtired by the dryness of the scientific style or the duplicity of the journalistic style, when you want to breathe in the lightness of something beautiful, bright and rich, overflowing with images and an unforgettable range of emotional shades, then the artistic style comes to your aid.

So, the artistic style is “watercolor” for a writer. It is characterized by images, colors, emotions and sensuality.

Example artistic style speeches

Sidorovich slept poorly at night, waking up every now and then to the sound of thunder and flashing lightning. It was one of those terrible nights when you want to wrap yourself under a blanket, sticking your nose out for air, and imagine that you are in a hut in the wild steppe hundreds of kilometers from the nearest city.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the palm of his wife, who was sleeping next to him, ran across Sidorovich’s ear:

“Go to sleep already, you damn traveler,” she moaned, sleepily smacking her tongue.

Sidorovich turned away offended, pouting. He was thinking about Taiga...

4. Formal business style of speech

The main characteristics of business style are accuracy, pedantry to detail, and imperativeness. This style places the main emphasis on conveying information, does not allow dual interpretations and, unlike the scientific style, may contain first and second person pronouns.

Example of business style of speech

I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, express my sincere gratitude to the employees of the Primer LLC company, in particular, S.S. Sidorov. and Pupkov V.V. behind high level quality of service and prompt resolution of all controversial issues right on the spot and I ask you to encourage them in accordance with the conditions collective agreement Primer LLC.

5. Conversational style of speech

Conversational style is most typical for modern Internet. WITH mass appearance blogs, it has become dominant on the Internet and leaves its mark not only in web journalism, but also in selling texts, slogans, etc.

The conversational style essentially blurs the boundaries between the author and the reader. It is characterized by naturalness, relaxedness, emotionality, its own specific vocabulary and adjustment to the recipient of information.

Example of conversational style of speech No. 1

Yo, dude! If you read this text, you will understand the topic. Energy, drive and speed are what define my life. I love extreme sports, I love thrills, I love when the adrenaline rushes through the roof and blows my mind away. I can’t live without this, dude, and I know that you understand me. I really don't care: skateboard or parkour, roller skates or bike, as long as I have something to challenge. And that's cool!

Example of conversational style of speech No. 2

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth switched places with Jupiter? I'm serious! Would New Vasyuki appear on his rings? Of course not! They're made of gas! Have you really bought such blatant nonsense for even a minute? I won't believe it in my life! What if the moon fell in Pacific Ocean, how much would his level rise? You probably think that I am a rare bore, but if I don’t ask these questions, then who will?


So, today we looked at examples of speech styles in all their, albeit not rich, diversity. For different situations, different directions will be optimal, but the main thing you should pay attention to when creating text is the language of your audience and a style that is convenient for them. The emphasis on these two parameters allows your texts to be read in one breath, and, therefore, increases your chances of successfully completing the task assigned to the text.