The charming beautiful actress and former (alas) passion of Sean Penn Charlize Theron today, August 7, celebrates her 40th birthday. You can't tell she's older than 28, and at heart Charlize is just as young and cheerful. In 2012, the actress played the Evil Queen and part-time witch in the fantasy Snow White and the Huntsman, so Love2Beauty decided to delve into the depths of cinema and recall other spectacular witches in cinema.

As already mentioned, Charlize played in new version a fairy tale as old as the world, the Evil Queen Ravenna, who achieves power by deceit. She only cares about eternal youth, the kingdom and the opportunity to harass poor Snow White (until she managed to sneak out of the dark tower). Ravenna is cruel, cold-blooded, inhumane and merciless. To preserve her youth, the Evil Queen tortured beautiful and young girls, sucking the soul out of them, and as if the Queen of Egypt plunged headlong into a milk bath. It is impossible not to note the Queen’s gloomy but impressive outfits (in total, 20 unique dresses were created for the film, each of which was not only very heavy and uncomfortable, but also personified death). Despite the evil nature of the heroine, Charlize was incomparable in the image of Ravenna and rightfully takes first place among the sexiest and most spectacular witches in cinema!

Unlike Snow White's previous stepmother, Clementiana (played by Julia Roberts) was distinguished by her witty humor, although she was an arrogant bitch. She loved young boys, ridiculous outfits, and took care of herself carefully - as you remember, she used not only masks made from bird food and snail mucus, but also cheiloplasty from bees and massage with snakes. Clementiana, after getting rid of the King and ruining the kingdom, finds herself new passion- the wealthy Prince Andrew Alcott, whom he bewitches with his charms. Clementiana's outfits were distinguished by their pomp and extravagance.

In an interview, Julia Roberts admitted that each dress was so huge and heavy that she even pulled her muscles on the set. Roberts in the role of the Evil Queen was incomparable - critics unanimously argued that she was the pillar on which the picture rested.

The character of Monica Bellucci in the fantasy "The Brothers Grimm" is by no means a work of fiction. Her prototype is the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth Bathory, who killed virgins for their blood, believing that it would make her forever young.

The Mirror Queen was distinguished by her charm, flawless face and luxurious scarlet dress, like blood. Critics say that without this image there would be no Maleficent performed by Angelina Jolie. Yes, there is something in common in these two Hollywood divas and their on-screen characters, you just have to take a closer look...

Here we come to Angelina Jolie's terrifying but undeniably spectacular witch Maleficent from an unusual variation on the classic tale Sleeping Beauty. It is here that Maleficent appears to us from two sides - pure, kind and innocent in her youth, and her transformation into a terrifying monster, directing her anger at the defenseless Princess Aurora.

Jolie's image turned out to be incomparable - bloody lipstick, porcelain skin, cunning eyes, artificial cheekbones, a hoodie dress, heavy horns and amazing wings...

According to the directors, during filming, small children were scared of the actress, seriously mistaking her for the Wicked Witch. But we know that this is not so, because, ultimately, Maleficent reformed!

Who we definitely couldn’t ignore was Voldemort’s crazy, hot-tempered, hysterical and reckless henchwoman played by Helena Bonham Carter. Her sadistic tendencies, unkempt mop of hair, withered face and strange black outfits could not help but frighten.

Bellatrix could instill fear not only in good sorcerers, but also intimidate death eaters. However, Helena always succeeded in eccentric roles of crazy freaks. And yes, Bellatrix is ​​not the only witch in Bonham Carter's collection. Just remember her Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, who has a capricious and tyrannical disposition.

Tilda Swinton, with her androgynous appearance, fits like a glove into the image of the White Queen, keeping all of Narnia in fear.

The actress so successfully embodied the image of her heroine that the directors decided to film her in the second part (although there was no trace of her in Lewis’s book).

White Queen knows how to manipulate people, is ruthless towards servants and enemies, calculating and ready to eliminate anyone who gets in her way. She not only wears a crown and beautiful dresses made of ice, but also animal skins, looking like a real savage in them.

In this tale, the evil queen was played by Michelle Pfeiffer. She, like many of her colleagues in the witchcraft workshop, longs for beauty and eternal youth.

But unlike the others, she does not have to drink the blood of virgins, bathe in milk, talk to the mirror and harass her stepdaughter. Lamia (note: “Lamia” is the common Latin word for witch) just needs the Star, or rather, its heart.

And so the witch goes in search of her, eliminating her enemies and bending the people needed to achieve her goal.

Pfeiffer not only demonstrated her excellent acting in the film, but also her ideal figure. And this despite the fact that at the time of filming she was almost 50 years old.

Or the Evil Queen played by Lana Parrilla, who keeps Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest at bay. IN real world Regina is the authoritarian mayor of Storybrooke, remembering her life before the curse, and in the Enchanted Forest she is a fiend of hell, ruining the lives of Prince Charming and Snow White.

She for a long time was the main antagonist of the series along with Rumplestiltskin, until her heart melted from kindness, love and memories. Lana's outfits as the Evil Queen were incredibly luxurious, stylistic, and simply radiated fear. Regina, since she is forced to live in the modern world and rule Storybrooke, adheres to a conservative style of clothing, preferring classic-cut trousers, shirts, cloaks and suits.

Few people have not watched the series about four powerful witches who fight demons, saving the innocent. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Paige are the main virtues of the series. And although Paige appears in it only after Prue's death, this does not make her the “fifth wheel in the cart.” The witches were played by Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan. Each of them had a unique gift, style and character, but together they could move mountains and rid the world of universal evil. Prue was the eldest of the sisters, therefore the wisest, most responsible and strong.

Piper is the kindest, most vulnerable and quiet of the sisters, although over time her character becomes stronger.

Phoebe is a carefree and cheerful witch who, despite her bad luck, feels people and cannot stay away when someone is feeling bad.

Paige was half witch and half guardian as her father was a guardian angel. She is willful, but at the same time she is kind and cannot ignore trouble.

One fine day, the girl decided to give up the world of magic, moved to Los Angeles and began to live an ordinary life. human life However, she's not very good at it...

By the way, Nicole Kidman has previously played the role of a witch - in 1998 she played the frivolous and flighty witch Gillian Owens in Practical Magic, who, together with her sister, resurrected an obsessive boyfriend.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, favorite hobby- watching a good movie, and a personal recipe Have a good mood- beach holiday.

Lana Parrilla (Once Upon a Time)
Lucille La Verne (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Suzanne Blakesley (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
Louise Charmis (present)

The Queen is the evil, cruel and treacherous stepmother of Snow White, whose main goal in life is to be the most beautiful woman in the world. That is why she forced her stepdaughter Snow White to dress in rags and do the hardest work in the palace.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    The Snow Queen (2012) / Cartoon

    The evil queen has escaped!

    Snow White's Team vs. the Evil Queen's Team | Ever After High

    "A New Snow White Story" movie in HD

    Princess Elsa (Frozen) and Spider-Man vs. the Evil Queen - Witches - Trash TV series



Regular image


The Evil Queen's design was done by artists Joe Grant, Gustaf Tenngren and Albert Hurter, while her animation was entrusted to animator Art Babbitt. Initial sketches showed the Queen as a rather plump, middle-aged lady with a very caricatured appearance, somewhat similar to the characters in Silly Symphonies. However, over time, the animators decided not to renounce the image of the evil queen in original fairy tale, and tried to focus on the personification of beauty, evil and danger. The creation of the villainess was entrusted to animator Art Babbitt. He, along with other artists, later created the image of a “cruel, cold and evil woman.” At the request of Walt Disney himself, the writers added a mixture of the characters of Lady Macbeth and the Big Bad Wolf from the cartoon The Three Little Pigs. Art Babbitt also distinguished himself from other animators in that he did not use a live model as a support when creating the queen's facial expressions and gestures. There is a version that a live model was still used for the queen (the name of the model is not mentioned in any source). However, despite this, the animator still continued to claim that he did not use a live model and he did not sketch the queen.

Prototypes for the heroine

To create the new appearance of the evil queen, the animators used very a large number of images, full of beauty. One of the main prototypes were fairy-tale eternally young beautiful witches, such as Circe and Fairy Morgana. The villainess's face and figure were also based on famous Hollywood actresses such as Disney favorite Joan Crawford and Gale Sondergaard. In addition, in addition to Crawford and Sondergaard, two more became prototypes for the queen famous actresses: Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. Also, two more prototypes of the image of the villainess were the statue of Uta, the wife of Margrave Ekkehard II Meissen, widely known as the most beautiful woman of Medieval Germany, and Princess Kriemhild from the film “Nibelungen”. The Queen's dress was based on Queen Aisha from the 1935 film, She, where she was played by actress Helen Gaghan Douglas.


The evil queen's appearance was later used to create images of other animated Disney villains, such as Lady Tremaine ( Cinderella, 1950), Maleficent ( Sleeping Beauty, 1959) and Queen Narissa ( Enchanted, 2007), mainly due to their appearance and character traits.

Witch image

The Queen's witch-like appearance was animated by animator Joe Grant. As a prototype for the witch, Grant used ancient images and descriptions of fairy-tale witches, among which was the witch from Walt Disney’s series of short cartoons “Silly Symphonies”, “Children in the Thicket” ( ), including illustrations from the German fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". But the great inspiration for creating a villain in the guise of an old hag was the image of actress Lucille La Verne, who voiced the heroine in two guises. Live models were used for the witch, based on actor Don Brody and dancer, also the founder of the American Ballet Theater, Paul Godkin. And he was chosen for this role because of his outstanding nose.

Voice acting

For the role of the Evil Queen, Walt Disney invited stage actress Lucille La Verne, who he liked because of her roles as heroines in the films Orphans of the Storm (1921) and A Tale of Two Cities (1935) and for her hobby: the witch's laugh. The actress coped well with the role of the queen due to her deep and soulful voice. In addition, Lucille also got the role of a witch, but she started having problems with this: her voice was too smooth. Soon Walt said to Lucille:

Then the actress asked to give her a short break and she left. Returning to the studio a few minutes later, Lucille began dubbing, and when the recording began, she groaned like real witch. After the recording ended, Disney was simply happy:

This is what you need! This is simply wonderful! What did you do, Lucille?

I just took out the artificial jaw.


The villain's real name is Queen Grimhilde. Perhaps it was borrowed from the name main character the film “Nibelungen”, with the letter “” replaced by the letter “”; on the other hand, the name was given to her in comics released after the film, but the Walt Disney film company does not recognize it as a name. Apparently, then they decided to give the heroine a nickname "Evil queen", making her one of Disney's popular villains.



Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The Evil Queen, jealous of the beauty of her stepdaughter Snow White, forces her to work as a maid and dress in rags. However, despite this, Snow White becomes more and more beautiful, which makes the envious stepmother fear that one day the girl's beauty will eclipse her own. Every day the queen asks her magic mirror who is the most beautiful in the world, and every time she receives the answer that she is the most beautiful of all. But one day the mirror tells her that her stepdaughter, Snow White, has become the most beautiful in the world, and then the queen decides to kill the princess.

Summoning her court hunter, the queen orders him to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. She also gives him a casket in which he must bring the girl's heart as proof of her death. The hunter refuses to do this, but the queen threatens him with execution, and he has to agree.

That same night, the queen receives a casket with a heart and learns from the magic mirror that Snow White is still alive and hiding in the forest, in the house of the seven dwarfs, and that the hunter brought her the heart of a boar. Angry, the queen goes down to the secret witch's room and decides to go to the gnomes' house herself, but first change her appearance so that no one recognizes her. Using a recipe from a book of spells, she prepares a potion, drinks it, and turns from a beautiful woman into an ugly old woman. Then, in the same book of spells, she finds a recipe for making a poisoned apple that can put Snow White into a death sleep.

Soon the queen finds the apple and makes it poisoned by dipping it in a sleeping potion. She is confident that her goal will come true. But the sorceress is haunted by the thought that there is an antidote: “only the first kiss of love can destroy the sleep of death.” The villainess still hopes that nothing can stop her insidious plan. After all, the dwarves will decide that the princess is dead and will bury her alive. Taking the poisoned apple with her, the sorceress goes into the forest in search of a forest house.

The next morning, the witch finds the gnomes' house and, waiting for them to leave, finds Snow White alone. She gives the princess an apple, telling her that it will grant her a wish, and tells her to take a bite of the apple. Believing this, Snow White bites the apple and falls asleep in death. Gloating, the witch leaves the house, but stumbles upon the gnomes who have returned home thanks to the forest animals to save Snow White from the witch. The chase begins. The Queen tries to hide in the mountains, but when she finds herself on the top of a cliff, she finds herself in a dead end. She decides to get rid of the dwarves by trying to throw a huge boulder on them, but suddenly lightning strikes the cliff and the witch falls into the abyss.

Once Upon a Halloween

In this cartoon, the evil queen in the guise of a witch on the night before Halloween asks her magic cauldron to show her several villains, one of whom will help her conquer Halloween, including: Captain Hook (Peter Pan), Ursula (The Little Mermaid) and Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove), but at the end of the cartoon, the cauldron shows the queen the defeat of all the villains, and then swallows her.

Once upon a time, in a Fairytail

Like many Disney cartoon characters, the Queen appears in many Disney productions. She appeared frequently as a character in Disney comics, mostly as a witch, where she often pitted Disney characters against her, including Chip 'n' Dale and Tinker Bell.

Disneyland amusement parks

The Queen also appears in the Disneyland amusement parks, both as a character in the attractions and as performed by performers.

Television and films

Like many Disney characters, the Queen appears in some television projects Disney studios, including as an invited guest in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, in the animated series House of Mouse (voiced by Louise Charmis). She also appears in TV specials made specifically for the American Disney channel, such as Our Unsung Villains ( ), Disney's Greatest Villains ( ), Disney's Halloween Treat ( ) And A Disney Halloween ( ).

In 1987, the Queen appeared as the main antagonist in a TV special dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where she was played by American actress Jane Curtin.

In addition to the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” the queen also appears in other Disney films. She appears as a cameo in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit (as a witch). And in the American ABC television series in the fantasy genre Once Upon a Time (eng. Once Upon a Time) .

Video games

The Queen appears as the main villain along with the Ringmaster ("Dumbo"), Captain Hook ("Peter Pan") and the Queen of Hearts ("Alice in Wonderland") in the game Disney's Villains Revenge. In this game, the villains turn in their favor those stories where good defeats evil. At the end of the game, the queen turns into an old woman and dies when she sees her reflection in the mirror. Voiced by Louise Charmis.

The Queen also appears in the video game Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, in a world called "Dwarf Woodlands". She is voiced by Suzanne Blakesley in this video game.

Ever After High

According to the cartoon, the Evil Queen has a daughter, Raven Queen, who decides not to follow in her mother’s footsteps, but to write her own story.


According to the animated series and film, her daughter's name is Evie, and she also does not follow in her mother's footsteps. A good cook (except for the explosive cupcakes), a madist and a cosmetologist.


In 2009, a book was released entitled "The Fairest in the World: The Story of the Evil Queen", written by writer Serena Valentino. The book was published by Disney Press. The book tells how the queen became a villain, how Snow White's father, the king, died during a war in a neighboring kingdom, and how the queen's mother was an evil witch.


In her usual form, the queen appears as a cold woman with a contemptuous look, subtle features faces and slim figure. She has pale skin, green eyes, red lips, thin dark eyebrows, a narrow straight nose and long black hair. The Queen wears a dress of blue color with long purple sleeves; her thin waist tied with a red belt. She wears a black balaclava that covers her ears, neck and hair. On her shoulders she wears a long black robe with a red lining inside; the lower part of the mantle is lined with white fur. Around her neck, the Queen wears a gold pendant that connects her white collar to her robe. On her head she has a golden crown with five spikes, on one of which there is a white pearl. He wears yellow-orange shoes on his feet. high heels. The royal attire gives her not just the image of a ruler, but rather the image of a fairy fairy. The Queen's age is about 45 years.

In the form of a witch, the queen looks creepy: she is a terrible hunchbacked old woman with an ominous face and bulging eyes, a long hooked nose, warts, thick black eyebrows, frayed gray hair and bony hands. Dressed in the rags of a beggar woman. He wears gray shoes on his feet.

Character and abilities

By nature, the queen is a vain, cruel and domineering woman. However, she does not put her main goal to rule over the whole world, because she has a different goal - to be the most beautiful in the whole wide world. He hates his stepdaughter, and, wanting to achieve his goal, decides to destroy her. She is jealous because she wants to attract men to herself, but the queen’s pride and vanity only repels them, which greatly irritates and enrages her. She is quick-tempered and responds to any refusal or objection with harshness and outbursts of anger. Despite all this, she remains a cold and treacherous woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

The queen has witchcraft powers, inherited from her great-grandmother, a witch. She has a magic mirror that she always talks to and asks if she is the most beautiful in the world. With the help of magic, the queen is able to take on any form, using it as a disguise. He has his own secret witchcraft room in the castle, the existence of which no one suspects. Her pet raven lives in this room. He does not play any role in the cartoon, but only acts as a spectator, watching the magical actions of his mistress.

In Once Upon a Time, the character of Regina Mills is bright, unique and paradoxical. She was initially noble and kind, selflessly and mutually loved the young groom Daniel. But the powerful, calculating and cynical Cora, her mother, the third sorceress of the worlds and the largest landowner, wanted to elevate her daughter to the throne and for this she killed Daniel, who had already become engaged to the girl. This radically changed Regina's whole fate, and she became obsessed with revenge on Snow White, because of which Cora killed her fiancé. Subsequently, the image of the Evil Queen is one of the key ones in the series. Many events, intrigues, legends and secrets are connected with her, but ultimately Regina chooses her original path - the path of light.


Quotes and sayings

  • In the faces of strangers, sir, you are the only one who sees everything. Come from the mirror depths! Reveal your image!
  • Mirror, reveal the secret, who eclipsed the whole world with beauty?
  • Take her to the forest and far away. Find a secluded place... let her pick flowers there (the hunter obeys). And then, my faithful hunter, KILL her!!! (The hunter objects.) BE SILENT (jumps up from throne)! Do you know what will happen if you disobey me?
  • And so that you don’t suddenly decide to deceive me... bring me her heart in a casket!
  • Boar's heart! Insignificant fool! (throws the box)
  • So, I need a spell to turn beauty into ugliness, and royal attire into beggarly rags. (He flips through the book and immediately finds the recipe.) The ashes of a mummy to become an old woman, and the darkness of the night for clothes. To age the voice - the laughter of an old hag. A terrible cry for your hair to turn grey! And a gust of wind to fan the anger! Thunder from heaven and lightning to turn up the heat! So, let the magic happen! (Drinks the potion, drops the wine glass, grabs his throat and turns into a witch.)
  • My gooool! Aha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Nobody recognizes me! Aha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
  • With a sleepy potion, whoever bites into this fruit will fall asleep (dips apple into potion)! Look at the skin of the miracle fruit: it is a symbol of what is hidden inside. And now blush to hide your essence. Snow White wants to take a bite (laughs).
  • As soon as I take the apple, success awaits me! She will take a bite and immediately fall asleep! And then I will become the most beautiful of all! Ha ha ha ha ha!
  • She will take a bite and fall asleep... Apple, well! (The princess falls dead. The sorceress tries to leave, but, noticing the approach of the dwarves behind her, she takes off running.)
  • I... I'll ask you! I'll break all the bones!!! (Suddenly lightning strikes the rock, and the witch dies, falling from the cliff into the abyss)


  1. La Reine / Sorcière - Personnages Disney  (French)
  2. John Grant. The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules. - P. 160. - ISBN 0786863366.
  3. Didier Ghez. Walt's People - Volume 10 . - P. 74. - ISBN 1456851519.
  4. Robin Allan. Il était une fois Walt Disney: Aux sources de l"art des studios Disney Aller à: Navigation, rechercher. - P. 200. - ISBN 2-7118-5013-7.
  5. Axel Nissen. Actresses of a Certain Character: Forty Familiar Hollywood Faces from the Thirties to the Fifties. - P. 197. - ISBN 0786427469. Footnote error: Invalid tag : The name "Nissen197" is defined multiple times for different contents
  6. Douglas Brode. Multiculturalism and the Mouse. - P. 172. - ISBN 0292709609.
  7. Dave Smith. Queen Character History. Disney Archives. Disney Enterprises. Retrieved January 6, 2013. Archived April 1, 2010.
  8. The Naumburg Founder Statues on Stamps . Stamporama (September 30, 2008). Retrieved September 6, 2013.
  9. Dick Van Dyke, Jane Curtin, Sherman Hemsley. Golden Anniversary of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Disney Channel .().
  10. Leonard Maltin. The Disney Films: 3rd Edition. - P. 30. - ISBN 0-7868-8137-2.
  11. Ollie Johnston, Frank Thomas. The Disney Villain. - P. 57.
  12. Snow White: Marge Champion, a Model Princess!
  13. About pro-Disney animation View theme - Live models
  14. Thomas S. Hischak. Disney Voice Actors: A Biographical Dictionary. - P. 30. - ISBN 078646271X.
  15. Don Brodie at Internet Movie Database
  16. Bill Cotter. The Wonderful World of Disney Television: A Complete History. - P. 22. - ISBN 0786863595.
  17. Vincent Terrace. Television Specials: 5,336 Entertainment Programs, 1936-2012. - P. 337. - ISBN 0786474440.
  18. Lana Parilla Biography. BuddyTV. Retrieved November 2, 2012. Archived November 22, 2012.
  19. Nellie Andreeva. Several Actors Board Broadcast Pilots . 28, 2011). Retrieved November 2, 2012. Archived November 22, 2012.
  20. Pat Williams,James Denney. How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life. - P. 114. - ISBN 0757302319.

Name: Snow White (Schneewittchen)

A country: Germany

Creator: Brothers Grimm

Activity: princess

Family status: Married

Snow White: Character Story

The Brothers Grimm showed girls all over the world what will happen to those who do not listen to wise advice. Snow White asleep dead asleep in a coffin, doesn't look like the sweet girl chirping with forest birds. But the gnomes warned the beauty about the treachery of her stepmother! But the character traits of the gullible princess became the reason for her death. However, we all know that the beauty will awaken and meet the real prince.

History of creation

The tale of a sweet child sent into the forest by his evil stepmother was included in the book “Children's and Family Tales.” Like most ancient tales, the fairy tale has no author. It is unknown who invented the fairy tale about Snow White; the Brothers Grimm only recorded and edited the story that was circulating among the people. Folklorists published a collection of tales in 1812. The legend of Snow White took 53rd place in it.

After the release of the second edition, Ferdinand Siebert, a gymnasium teacher in Kassel, proposed another version of the fairy tale, which the publishers gladly inserted into the book. The new version had much less violence and bloodshed. Therefore, the biography of Snow White, which has survived to this day, differs from the original.

In 1994, a stunning article by German historian Eckhard Sander was published. The scientist said that Snow White was a real-life young lady. The name of the prototype of the fairy-tale heroine is Margarethe von Waldeck. The daughter of a German count was kicked out of the house by her stepmother at the age of 16. The girl fled to Brussels, where she met Prince Philip. The novel developed rapidly, which did not suit the parents of the young people. Margaret died at 21 mysterious circumstances. By the way, the father of the deceased owned the mines where the children worked.

The second German historian insists that Maria Sophia von Erthal served as the prototype for Snow White. The daughter of a Bavarian prince was left an orphan in infancy. The father married a second time, and, as usual, the stepmother dreamed of getting rid of her stepdaughter. A glass factory was located next to the prince’s estate, and there were mines nearby. Rumor has it that a talking mirror hung in the house.


Snow White was born into a family of reigning monarchs. The couple remained childless for a long time. One day the queen made a wish:

“Oh, if only I had a baby, white as snow, red as blood, and black as ebony!”

In the near future, the woman’s wish came true - a beautiful girl was born. But after the birth of the child, the queen dies. A year later, the inconsolable widower marries a local beauty who captures the man's attention.

Even in infancy, Snow White is left to her own devices. The father is busy with his new wife and politics, the stepmother despises and dreams of destroying the child. Despite the difficult family atmosphere, the girl is growing up kind and cheerful. Snow White is hardworking, not picky and friendly with others. The princess spends a lot of time alone with herself. Pleasant appearance and good upbringing made the heroine a favorite of servants, nobles and even forest animals.

When the girl reaches the age of seven, the stepmother's patience comes to an end. The magic mirror that the evil queen looks into every day confirms that Snow White is the most... beautiful child state and will grow into the most beautiful girl in the world. The woman calls the overseer of the hunting dogs and orders him to take his stepdaughter into the forest.

An unsuspecting girl happily goes for a walk with a man she knows. The girl is used to trusting her father's servants and does not ask questions. The hunter takes the child into the forest and abandons him in a clearing.

Left alone in a deep forest, Snow White spends a long time looking for a place to sleep. Suddenly the girl comes across a cozy house. Inside, the trusting child finds a laid table and small beds. The owners of the house turned out to be seven dwarfs working in the mines.

The little people gladly sheltered the girl, and later invited Snow White to live with them. The gnomes worked a lot and needed a person to look after the house and help with the housework. Unlike Snow White, the men were not naive, so they forbade the child to communicate with strangers.

The evil stepmother decides to check her own suspicions and asks the mirror whether she has become the most beautiful woman in the world. The magic mirror confirms the queen's guesses - Snow White is alive. Well, now the villain is taking matters into her own hands.

Snow White lives quietly with the dwarves and is unaware of her stepmother's plans. One day there was a knock on the door of the house. An elderly woman stood on the threshold and offered the girl to buy herself a new lace for her dress. Snow White liked the goods, and the princess let the merchant into the house. A kind woman helped me choose the right lace and try on a new thing. Only the lacing was so tight that the girl lost consciousness. Snow White was saved by the gnomes who returned in time.

Time passed, the incident with the lace had long since flown out of the mind of the carefree girl. One day, an unfamiliar woman knocked on the door again. The merchant offered to buy Snow White a new comb. The trusting girl let the stranger into the house and allowed her to comb her hair. The poisoned comb worked immediately, and Snow White fell to the floor unconscious. The beauty was again saved by the gnomes, who pulled the comb out of the girl’s hair.

The evil stepmother decides to try a third time. To do this, the woman dresses up as a peasant and uses witchcraft to poison half of the apple. The witch comes to the dwarves' house for the third time and calls Snow White to treat the girl.

The beauty still remembers the attacks, so she does not let the old woman into the house. But seeing with what appetite the peasant woman crunches a juicy apple, Snow White extends her hand for the other half. One bite is enough to fall into oblivion. This time the dwarves could not help.

The girl remained beautiful even after death, and the little people decided not to bury her body. The gnomes made glass coffin and they hanged him in the forest at the edge of the forest. The little people took turns standing next to the pet’s body.

A prince from a neighboring state was passing by. One glance was enough for the young man to lose his head from the beauty of Snow White. The young man begged the coffin with the princess from the dwarves. When the court servants were carrying the glass creation, they got caught in the branches. Snow White swayed, and a piece of poisoned apple fell out of the girl’s mouth. The beauty woke up from oblivion.

The prince, the dwarves and servants were stunned by what happened. The young man invited Snow White to become his wife, and she agreed. The princess lived with her lover all her life and wisely ruled the kingdom, helping and supporting her subjects.

Film adaptations

The princess's first appearance on the big screen took place in 1916. The American silent film “Snow White” was shot on a scale unprecedented for those years. Main role played by Marguerite Clark. The film became the artist’s breakthrough to Hollywood Olympus.

In 1937, the cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released. The studio created the first full-length cartoon. The live-action model for the character was dancer Marge Champion. The voice of the painted princess was given by Adriana Caselotti.

In 1997, American scriptwriters moved Snow White to modern world. The horror film “Snow White: A Scary Tale” shows viewers what would happen to the beauty in reality. The role of Lillian Hoffman, nicknamed “Snow White,” was played by Monica Keena.

An interesting take on the princess's story is shown in the TV series Once Upon a Time. During the story, viewers will see an unusual image of their favorite heroine. Snow White will fight for her family and prove that tenderness is not at all synonymous with weakness. The role of the princess went to.

The adventure film "Snow White and the Huntsman" was presented to the public in June 2012. The image of Snow White was brought to life.

She played the evil stepmother. The film is a free interpretation of the classic plot, touching only on the main points of the fairy tale.

  • Snow White is officially recognized as the youngest princess - a girl of 14 years old.
  • The heroine of the fairy tale became the central character in the video of the group “Rammstein”. The girl appears in the image of a tyrant and usurper of gnomes.

  • The plot of "Snow White" has significant similarities with the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Both girls are poisoned and awaken from their meeting with their betrothed. But the creation originates from the legend “Sun, Moon and Thalia”. Snow White's predecessor is unknown.
  • Walt Disney illustrators intended to make Snow White blonde. At the last moment, plans changed.

- What will you call her, Your Highness?

- Regina. Queen.

Mills Regina/Regina.

Evil queen.

Rumplestiltskin. Regina treats him with respect and a bit of awe. Although, in essence, the relationship between them is a typical “teacher-student” relationship that does not go further to any level. Rumple treats Regina like a daughter, with a bit of fatherly concern. Well, neglect, mistrust... what else can you expect from people like them? Constant rivalry, Regina's desire to surpass her teacher... She is still far from a saint, and therefore cannot resist trying to occasionally annoy the Dark One and play against him. However, in general, the relationship between the Dark One and his student is too strong to be easily destroyed.


“On a winter day, while the snow was falling in flakes, one queen sat and sewed under the window, which had an ebony frame. She sewed and looked at the snow, and pricked her finger with a needle until it bled. And the queen thought to herself: “Oh, if only I had a baby white as snow, red as blood, and black as ebony!”

And soon her wish was definitely fulfilled: her daughter was born - white as snow, ruddy as blood, and black-haired; and was named Snow White for her whiteness.

And as soon as the daughter was born, the queen mother died. A year later, the king married someone else. This second wife of his was a beauty, but she was also proud and arrogant, and could not tolerate that anyone could equal her in beauty.

Moreover, she had such a magic mirror, in front of which she loved to stand, admire herself and say:

Then the mirror answered her:

And she walked away from the mirror, happy and satisfied, and knew that the mirror would not tell her a lie.

Meanwhile, Snow White grew up and became more beautiful, and already in her eighth year she was as beautiful as a clear day. And when the queen once asked the mirror:

Mirror, mirror, say quickly,

The mirror answered her:

You, queen, are beautiful;

But Snow White is still more beautiful.

The queen was horrified, turned yellow and green with envy. From the hour she used to see Snow White, her heart was ready to burst into pieces out of anger. And envy with pride, like weeds, began to grow in her heart and grow wider and wider, so that finally she had no peace either day or night." - a good old fairy tale tells us.

But... Wait a minute? What if many fairy tales are, in fact, lies? Everything is not as it seems at first glance! Everything is completely different in the World of Fairy Tales! And perhaps the fairy tale doesn’t end at all with the words “and they lived happily ever after”? Just as villains do not die, magic mirrors do not crack...

And villains don't always turn out to be what they seem at first glance.

- How about a deal? I will spin gold from this straw, and you...

give me your firstborn. She is very important to me, I must admit...

- No. You won't just spin gold. You'll teach me.

- And you know how to bargain, darling!

Once upon a time, in a far, far away kingdom in the World of Fairy Tales... on a hill near the city there stood a lonely mill, where an old miller and his beautiful daughter lived. This girl was hardworking, honest and proud - proud in a way that simple poor people should not be. Every week she carried flour on a cart to the King's palace in order to get some money and somehow survive the next few days.

But one day a foreign princess, arrogant and capricious, was visiting the King’s palace. She wanted to do some mischief, so she accused the miller’s daughter, who happened to be handy, of staining her beautiful, expensive dress with flour. The poor girl was brought to her knees and forced to apologize to the princess, although it was not her fault. Pride did not allow the girl to forgive such a person. And she swore that she would take revenge. That same evening she appeared at the ball in a dress she had sewn herself and a stolen mask and danced with the prince. But the King recognized the girl and humiliated her in front of everyone. And then the miller’s angry daughter said that she knew how to spin gold from straw, that she was capable of making the whole Kingdom rich, but now she would not do anything because she had been offended. The king laughed and ordered the girl to be taken to a high tower and left alone with a spinning wheel and a skein of straw. “If you spin gold from this straw by morning, you will become the prince’s wife, and if not, you will die.” - he said.

Imagine the surprise of the King and the entire Kingdom when the next morning the girl not only showed the gold she had woven, but also wove more in front of the entire court. So the miller’s daughter became the Prince’s wife and received her place in line to the Royal throne...

But this turn never came, and the girl, along with her husband and newly born daughter, began to live outside the castle, near the forest... But is it possible to add “happily ever after” at the end of this story?

- No, my dear, I know what you need.

And this is not life with a groom at all!

The newborn was named Regina - the Queen, and the mother devoted all her strength to raising her into a girl worthy of her name, worthy of the royal crown, the successor of her parent, who became a real witch. But despite all her efforts, the girl grew up kind and honest, noble and decent, not wanting to learn magic, not wanting wealth and power. She loved horseback riding and fencing. And she madly loved her old father, while at the same time, along with him, she was somewhat afraid of her mother.

In a neighboring kingdom at that time there lived a King whose Queen died of a sudden fatal disease, leaving her little daughter Snow White in the care of her husband. The king and princess set off on a journey, hoping to relieve the pain of loss, and so they began to pass through these parts.

However, unexpectedly the princess's horse bolted, and the girl found herself in mortal danger. She called for help, but no one could catch up with the enraged horse. No one except Regina, who happened to be nearby. She saved the princess and instantly found her mutual language. The girl loved her savior with all her heart, and the King could not resist the girl who saved his daughter, his beloved treasure. He proposed to Regina, and she could not refuse.

But what happened next? How did the new Queen turn from a kind and honest girl into an Evil Stepmother? Perhaps this will remain an eternal mystery...

A few years later, the King died, leaving his daughter in the care of her stepmother. And Regina hated the princess with all her heart - but not at all for reasons of beauty. Something else destroyed the goodness in the Queen's heart, causing her to change and change her life forever. No one has seen her mother for a long time, and Regina herself became her worthy successor, having learned witchcraft from the most powerful magician of the Fairytale Lands - from Rumplestiltskin himself. Magic made the Evil Queen immortal and cruel, Regina, with or without Rumplestiltskin, traveled to other worlds, increasingly comprehending the science of magic, but always returning to her world, where not a second passed during all this time.

How many attempts did the Evil Queen make, hoping to drive her stepdaughter out of the world! But again and again she was defeated. Snow White and her Prince Charming always found each other, and True Love broke any spell. People loved Snow White, everyone loved her, but they hated Regina. Snow White and her Prince took back the kingdom from Regina, and the forest around royal palace became thicker and darker, just as the darkness thickened in the soul of the Evil Queen...

On the wedding day of Snow White and Prince Charming Regina burst into their castle and swore that she would destroy the happiness of the newlyweds and everyone present at their wedding, everyone who helped Snow White, everyone who was happy for her.

But how? How can you destroy those who always find each other? How can you destroy those whose shield will always be their Great True Love?!

How to destroy them if True Love's kiss breaks any spell in this world? It is this question that the Queen is still looking for an answer to... entering more and more new worlds.

In our world, she goes by the name of Regina Mills, a very rich person who is not constrained by her means.

- You were right. They will never love me.

- AND...?

- The queen died. Long live the Evil Queen.

Who knows what made Regina the Evil Queen? But, alas, she really is evil. Her heart had long been blackened by all the terrible things she had done in her life. From all the pain that she brought to the inhabitants of the Land of Fairy Tales.

However... can we call her just a villain? After all, in essence, all she ever wanted was her own “happily ever after.” Something made her angry and cruel, something hurt her. And Regina just wants to be happy. And take revenge on those who caused her this pain.

Regina is one of those who loves herself and values ​​herself. She also knows the value of power and authority. “Magic always has a price,” Rumplestiltskin said, and Regina learned this truth. And she is always ready to pay any price for her magic, be it someone else’s life or a new loss. She had already lost everything that was ever dear to her - she was left completely alone, surrounded only by a dense forest and a hundred enchanted servants.

However, she always remains an unspoken Queen for everyone - and with a shudder, the inhabitants of the World of Fairy Tales always call her the Evil Queen, but nothing else.

She is strong in spirit, she is capable of anything - that’s what they know about her. Regina is able to make her plans, is able to hide her emotions and has always been an excellent actress - for how many years she successfully played out her maternal feelings for Snow White! However, she is prone to pathos, loves to make great speeches, there is no greater pleasure for her than to rant about something before killing the victim, and there were many of these victims in her life!

Yes, Regina is cruel, you can't argue with that. She is cruel, but sometimes... Sometimes it seems as if her heart is not hardened enough. Is this just the truth or delirium of an inflamed consciousness? In the World of Fairy Tales, no one believes that there is good in her, and she herself has not believed in it for a long time... She knows only one thing - she can do anything for the sake of her “happily ever after”, for the sake of a happy ending to a fairy tale. But if for the sake of her own happiness she has to destroy the happiness of all other beings... She will do anything.

- I need someone who knows no pity. I need a Hunter.

Name: Hunter Graham.

Race: enchanted man, immortal.

Age: about twenty-five to thirty years old in appearance, actually a little younger than the Queen.


This is the same hunter who was supposed to kill Snow White. Hunter had no family, he grew up in the forest, raised by a she-wolf and having a strong connection with these animals. He visited the village and the city, went to the tavern, and meanwhile was known as a hunter, killing animals for food, but always without much desire. He loves animals, not just people. The Queen hired a hunter to kill Snow White, promising in return to ban wolf hunting. But the Hunter turned out to be by no means a ruthless killer. Somehow, pity melted his heart and he was unable to kill the princess. Instead, he brought Regina the heart of a deer, for which he was punished. His heart was torn out and hidden by the Queen, and Hunter became forever her enchanted servant, who has no right to disobey, although he tries to do so at times.

He accompanies his mistress everywhere, carrying out all her orders. And her power also granted him relative immortality...


Hunter may seem insensitive and cruel at times, but in fact he has much more humanity than many others. He feels both pity and compassion - apparently, wolves are better educators than many people. He is self-sacrificing and brave, although his will is now suppressed, broken, subordinated to the desires of the one who literally owns his heart. But in the spiritual... There is no one to whom he would give his heart, although... Could True Love free him from the spell of the Evil Queen?