The Holy Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana) lived at the end of II - beginning of III century in Rome. From childhood, she was raised in the Christian faith and was distinguished by virtue and hard work. She was martyred after refusing to worship pagan gods. In Russia, Saint Tatiana is the patroness of students. It is believed that prayer addressed to the martyr helps not only in studies, but also in official matters, promotes career growth. The saint is the protector of all women named Tatyana.

How an icon will protect you and your loved ones
First of all, the Holy Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students. If you receive higher education, or someone you know, or your children - Saint Tatiana is your first assistant. Even if an applicant turns to Saint Tatiana, it will be a very correct appeal. So, before a test or examination session, in addition to knowledge, it is good to support your success in the exam with the intercession of the patron saint, and if you or your child decide to get a higher education, purchase this icon. This will be very useful as a gift for a newly minted student, as a reward for entering a university. And, of course, Saint Tatiana is the intercessor and patroness of all Tatianas, and it would be nice for them to have their own personal icon.

What does an icon help with?
In 1755, on January 25 (new style), Tatiana’s Day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree “On the establishment of Moscow University,” thereby forever uniting the name of Saint Tatiana and future masters and bachelors.
Students of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, where there has long been a home church of St. Tatiana, which belongs to the Compound of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', certainly and for the most part, before taking an exam or if they have problems mastering a subject or material, they come to talk and ask her for prayerful help before God. If you or your children and loved ones are preparing to receive higher education, get this icon. Saint Tatiana really favors students greatly. The author of these lines is well acquainted with students and indeed, young friends say that Saint Tatiana helps, but, however, in the case when the student is at least a little ready, the saint will not patronize lazy people, but will help them overcome a difficult subject or support them in an exam, so that you don’t forget what you’ve learned in a fright - it will always help!

How to pray in front of an icon
Troparion, tone 4
Thy Lamb, Jesus, Tatiana calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer and am crucified and buried in Thy baptism and suffer for Thy sake, for I reign in Thee and die for Thee, and live with Thee, but as a sacrifice Accept me immaculate, lovingly sacrificed to You: through your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4
You shone brightly in your suffering, passion-bearer, covered with your blood, and like a red dove you flew to the sky, Tatiano. The same pray ever for those who honor you.

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! To the Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering, like a royal garment, covered with the face of heaven, now rejoicing in eternal glory, from the days of her youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord above all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: heed the petitions of our hearts and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us onto a virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect us, grant us a painless and comfortable old age, help us in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant us joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, instruct us in repentance quickly, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, let your suffering be glorifying, we send praise to the Lord, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Tatiana the martyr. Gallery of Shchigry icons.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter devoted to God and the Church. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to the Church. She was installed as a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need through fasting and prayer. Tatiana was to crown her righteousness with the crown of martyrdom.

When sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus (222 - 235) began to rule Rome, all power was concentrated in the hands of the worst enemy and persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. Christian blood flowed like a river. Deaconess Tatiana was also captured. When she was brought to the temple of Apollo to force her to make a sacrifice to the idol, the saint prayed - and suddenly an earthquake occurred, the idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and many pagans. The demon that lived in the idol fled screaming from that place, while everyone saw a shadow flying through the air.

Then they began to beat the holy virgin and gouged out her eyes, but she endured everything courageously, praying for her tormentors, so that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes. And the Lord heeded the prayer of His servant. It was revealed to the executioners that four Angels surrounded the saint and deflected the blows from her, and they heard a Voice from heaven addressed to the holy martyr. All of them, eight people, believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Saint Tatiana, asking them to forgive them their sin against her.

For professing themselves to be Christians, they were tortured and executed, having received baptism in blood. The next day, Saint Tatiana was again given over to torture: they stripped her naked, beat her, began to cut her body with razors, and then instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance filled the air.

The torturers were exhausted and declared that someone invisible was beating them with iron sticks, nine of them died immediately. The saint was thrown into prison, where she prayed all night and sang praises to the Lord with the Angels. A new morning came, and Saint Tatiana was again brought to trial. The amazed tormentors saw that after so much terrible torment she appeared completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before. They began to persuade her to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana.

The saint pretended to agree, and she was led to the temple. Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray. - and suddenly there was a deafening clap of thunder, and lightning incinerated the idol, the sacrifice and the priests. The martyr was again cruelly tortured, and at night she was again thrown into prison, and again the Angels of God appeared to her and healed her wounds.

The next day, Saint Tatiana was brought to the circus and a hungry lion was released on her; the beast did not touch the saint and began to meekly lick her feet. They wanted to drive the lion back into the cage, and then he tore to pieces one of the tormentors. Tatiana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr. The pagans, thinking that she was a sorceress, cut her hair to deprive her of magical powers and locked her in the temple of Zeus. But the power of God cannot be taken away.

On the third day, the priests came, surrounded by a crowd, preparing to make sacrifices. Having opened the temple, they saw the idol cast into dust and the holy martyr Tatiana, joyfully calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All torture was exhausted, she was sentenced to death, and the courageous sufferer was beheaded with a sword. Together with her, as a Christian, the father of Saint Tatiana, who revealed to her the truths of the faith of Christ, was executed.

Just recently, when the name Tatyana was mentioned, Pushkin’s heroine came to mind. And our Tatyanas were most likely named after her - a girl in love with the arrogant Onegin, who was “Wild, sad, silent, / Like a timid forest deer.” In his family of origin“The girl seemed like a stranger.” And that’s why “often the whole day alone / I sat silently by the window.” Moreover, it was not clear why, having called his heroine this way, Pushkin seemed to justify himself: “For the first time with such a name / We will willfully consecrate the tender pages of a novel.”

Today we probably won’t find a person who doesn’t know that all Tatianas, including Pushkin’s, have one heavenly patron saint, Tatiana of Rome, and her memorial day is January 25.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family. But its name is of ancient Greek origin, from the word “tatto” - to establish, to determine. The name means organizer, founder, ruler, installer, installed, appointed. When choosing a name for the heroines of their works, writers, of course, took into account the meaning of the name, its literal meaning in Russian. And to call the dreamy rural girl a “founder”, “set” was, of course, defiant courage.

Nevertheless, real Tatianas living today felt the influence on their fate, most likely, not of the obedient girl from Pushkin’s novel, but of the holy martyr Tatiana, who was both an organizer and a commander. In a word, an active person who devoted his life to public service.

Her father was elected consul three times. In the Roman Empire, consuls had the highest civil and military power, recruited legions, led them, convened the Senate, presided over them, appointed dictators, and so on. In emergency situations, the Senate gave the consuls unlimited powers.

Occupying the highest position in the state, Tatiana’s father was a secret Christian and raised his daughter devoted to God and the Church. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to the Church. She was installed as a deaconess in one of the Roman churches, that is, she was engaged in social and public service. She cared for the sick and helped those in need.

When sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus began to rule Rome, all power was concentrated in the hands of the worst enemy and persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. Christian blood flowed like a river. Deaconess Tatiana was also captured. When she was brought to the temple of Apollo to force her to make a sacrifice to the idol, the saint prayed, and suddenly an earthquake occurred, the idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and many pagans. The demon that lived in the idol fled screaming from that place, while everyone saw a shadow flying through the air.

Those who have read the lives of the holy martyrs know that they are often similar to each other, as if compiled according to the same pattern. This happens because in the era of persecution great amount martyrs suffered for Christ and it was impossible even for their contemporaries to collect information about the lives of each. Often, the compilers of the lives of this or that martyr knew only that the person was a Christian, that he was arrested, forced to renounce Christ, tortured and sentenced to death penalty. In this the fate of all the martyrs was similar. As a rule, other information simply did not exist, and therefore the biographies of the majority of Christians who suffered for their faith were built according to this scheme, the same for all.

In addition, often the only source where one could glean information about the life and especially the death of a particular martyr was the so-called acts of martyrdom, that is, the records of Roman law enforcement who tried and imposed death sentences on Christians. It is clear that these acts were written in dry legal language, written in the same type, according to a certain template and did not differ in variety. Consequently, also for this reason, the lives of martyrs that have come down to us are often very similar to each other.

The life of the holy martyr Tatiana is also typical and similar to the lives of many other martyrs of that era. We know little about her life. But there is detail about her suffering, about the executions to which she was subjected.

They beat the holy virgin and gouged out her eyes, but she endured everything courageously, praying for her tormentors, so that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes. And the Lord heeded the prayer of His servant. It was revealed to the executioners that four Angels surrounded the saint and deflected the blows from her, and they heard a Voice from heaven addressed to the holy martyr. All of them, eight people, believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Saint Tatiana, asking them to forgive them their sin against her. For professing themselves to be Christians, they were tortured and executed, having received baptism in blood.

The next day, Saint Tatiana was again given over to torture: instead of blood, milk flowed from her wounds and a fragrance filled the air. The torturers were exhausted and declared that someone invisible was beating them with iron sticks, nine of them died immediately.

The pagans, thinking that she was a sorceress, cut her hair to deprive her of magical power and locked her in the temple of Zeus. But the power of God cannot be taken away. On the third day, the priests came, surrounded by a crowd, preparing to make sacrifices. Having opened the temple, they saw the idol cast into dust and the holy martyr Tatiana, joyfully calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. When all the tortures were exhausted, the saint was sentenced to death, and the courageous sufferer was beheaded with a sword.

Together with her, as a Christian, the father of Saint Tatiana, who revealed to her the truths of the faith of Christ, was executed. This happened The 25th of January(according to modern times) 226 years.

When we read short life Saint, we have a question: where did these people have so much courage that they could endure all the torment to which they were subjected? Especially Tatyana - after all, she was still a young girl, from a rich and noble family, seemingly completely unaccustomed to the horrors of dungeons and the torture of executioners? How could she withstand all this? Indeed, it is impossible to withstand this with human strength; such a test is higher human nature. However, what is impossible for man is possible for God, and if He comes to the aid of His faithful suffering children, He gives them the strength to overcome their own nature.

The reason for the supernatural feat of the martyrs lies in the help sent down to them from God, in the co-presence of Divine Grace. Where did they get such great Grace, why did God give it to them? The answer must be sought in the previous lives of these people.

Before their suffering for Christ, the martyrs lived a high Christian life, and therefore they appeared worthy of being shown extraordinary Grace, mercy, and help from God. That is, they prepared themselves for the fiery test destined for them in advance, long before it. These people fulfilled the words of Christ about a house built on a stone foundation. “Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does them,” says our Savior, “I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on the rock; and the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it did not fall, because it was founded on rock. But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand; and the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and he fell, and his fall was great.” The martyrs built the house of their soul on the unshakable foundation of a holy and righteous life, and therefore this house stood when the storms of trials fell upon it.

A person who lives his life according to the commandments of Christ attracts the Grace and help of God to himself, and therefore during trials God gives him the strength to endure them. Who was faithful to God when there were no trials yet. Whoever does not leave God during a prosperous life, God does not leave him in sorrows and adversities.

Saint Tatiana, as a martyr of the first centuries of Christianity, is revered in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches, however, her veneration spread widely only among Eastern Christians. In the West, the name Tatyana is considered Russian and is used only in some Slavic countries.

Right hand – relics of the holy martyr Tatiana

IN Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, January 30, 1977, the right hand of the holy martyr Tatiana was transferred. The path of the shrine from the city of Rome to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery was long. It was given to the monastery by the brother of Archimandrite Athanasius (Moskvitin), Hieromonk Vladimir. Father Afanasy served for 22 years in the village of Spassky, Klinsky district, Moscow region, and all these years he kept the relics of the saint. At one time, he received this shrine from pious spouses of an eminent family, his spiritual children, who later took monastic vows from Father Athanasius. Previously, the saint’s relics were kept in the Tsarskoye Selo sovereign palace. During the looting of the palace, they saved the relics from desecration by ransoming them for gold coins. Due to the cruelty of those years, the shrine was kept secret both by the spouses and by Father Athanasius, but always with due reverence and prayer.

In the monastery, the right hand of the martyr Tatiana was re-clothed and placed in a reliquary, in which she rests to this day in the temple of the Archangel Michael of God, with right side royal gates. The holy martyr does not let those who come with faith go without miraculous help!

Saints Tatiana of the 20th century

Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome long centuries was the only saint with this name. And all Tatiana had only one heavenly patroness. In the 90s of the XX century the situation changed. In Russian Orthodox Church During these years, nine Tatians, who suffered for their faith during the years of Soviet power, were canonized. The first among them is the Holy Blessed Tatiana Tsarevna-Martyr, the second daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. She was 21 years old when she was shot by the Bolsheviks along with her entire family on July 17 (according to the present day) 1918 in Yekaterinburg.

Among the famous new martyrs is Tatiana (Grimblit), a pious girl and a zealous Christian, who exchanged almost all the money she earned, as well as what she managed to collect in churches, for food, things and transferred them to prisoners in Soviet prisons. For the persecuted Russian Church of the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, she became the visible embodiment of the Gospel.

Our Tatianas will also find examples for imitation and strengthening in faith in the lives of other new martyrs: the Venerable Martyr Tatiana (Besfamilnaya) - October 8/21, the confessor Tatiana (Byakireva) - December 10/23, the Venerable Martyr Tatiana (Gribkova) - September 1/14, martyr Tatiana (Egorova) - December 10/23, Martyr Tatiana (Kushnir) - Council of New Martyrs, Martyr Tatiana (Chekmazova) - September 28/October 11.

Tatyana's day in the history of Russian education

In Russia, the day of remembrance of St. Tatiana of Rome has long been special meaning. Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, the future curator of Moscow University, submitted a petition to the Empress for its foundation on the name day of his mother Tatyana Shuvalova. On January 25 (new style) 1755, the day of remembrance of the martyr Tatiana, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the founding of Moscow University for “common glory to the Fatherland” so that “all useful knowledge would grow in our vast empire.”

From that time on, Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated first as the birthday of the university, and later as a holiday for all students. Subsequently, in one of the wings of the old university building, a house church of the holy martyr Tatiana was created, and the saint herself was declared the patroness of all Russian students.

Celebrating Student's Day in Russian Empire it was noisy and fun. At first, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow, but almost the entire city took part in it. The holiday began with official ceremonies in the university building. Then noisy and cheerful festivities took place throughout the city. During the student party, the Frenchman Olivier, former owner"Hermitage", even gave away the restaurant hall where students and professors celebrated the holiday.

After the October Revolution, Tatyana's day was rarely remembered. Only after the opening of the temple in honor of the martyr Tatiana at Moscow University in 1995, this holiday came to life again. Since 2005, January 25 has been celebrated in Russia as “Russian Students' Day”.

The symbolism of the holiday, as a student holiday, is emphasized by the coincidence with the academic calendar - January 25 is at the same time last day the 21st academic week, the traditional end of the examination session of the first semester, after which the winter student holidays begin.

They pray to the Martyr Tatiana for difficult teaching and enlightenment.

A particle of the relics of the martyr Tatina is located:

– Pskov-Pechersky Monastery (Pskov diocese);

– House Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Moscow);

Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery (Moscow);

Icon of the Martyr Tatiana with a particle of her relics:

– House Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Moscow);

– Novospassky stauropegial monastery(Moscow).

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tatiana

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! To the Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering, like a royal garment, covered with the face of heaven, now rejoicing in eternal glory, from the days of her youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord above all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: heed the petitions of our hearts and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us onto a virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect us, grant us a painless and comfortable old age, help us in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant us joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, instruct us in repentance quickly, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, let your suffering be glorifying, we send praise to the Lord, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy MartyrTatiana

January 12, Art. / January 25th New Year

As presented by St. Demetrius of Rostov

Holy Martyr Tatiana was born in ancient Rome from noble parents. Her father, who was three times consul, was a secret Christian and was distinguished by his fear of God. He raised his daughter, Saint Tatiana, in piety and fear of God, and taught her the Divine Scripture. When Saint Tatiana reached adulthood, she wanted to spend her life in virginity and chastity; she was the bride of Christ; flaming with love for Him, she served him alone Day and night, mortifying her flesh through prayer and fasting and enslaving it to the spirit. For her virtuous life, she was honored to serve the Church: she was ordained a deaconess and, like the disembodied angels, she served God in the flesh. And Christ God crowned His bride with the crown of martyrdom. She suffered as follows. When the wicked king Antoninus Heliogabalus 1 was killed by his own Romans, and his body, dragged through the city with desecration, was thrown into the Tiber River 2, Alexander 3, a young sixteen-year-old boy, was elevated to the royal throne. He had a Christian mother named Mammaya; from her he learned to honor Christ, but in disagreement with the faith of Christ, for at the same time he continued to serve idols and worshiped them as the ancient Roman gods. In his palace there were images of Christ and Apollo 4, revered by the pagans, the Old Testament Abraham and the pagan Orpheus 5 and many others. Alexander himself, as the son of a Christian woman, did not persecute Christians, but his governors, regional governors and consuls, greatly oppressed Christians. Since Alexander himself was too young, the government of the state was entrusted to some of the council members; Chief among them was the city eparch 6 Ulepian, a tough-tempered and great enemy of Christians. These advisers managed everything on behalf of the king. They sent out a command everywhere to force the Galileans (as they called Christians) everywhere to worship the Roman gods, threatening them, in case of disobedience, with severe torture and even death. The following fierce enemies of Christians and faithful servants of the devil were chosen to monitor whether Christians were fulfilling this command: comite 7 Vitaly, cuvicular 8 Vass, domestic 9 Kai. Then in Rome and in all areas of the Roman state, the blood of Christians flowed like water. They were not spared, but were tortured and put to death.

At that time, the holy virgin Tatiana was captured by the pagans and brought to the temple of Apollo. They wanted to force her to bow to this idol. She prayed to the true God, and suddenly an earthquake occurred: the idol of Apollo fell and broke into pieces, part of the temple also collapsed and crushed many pagans and priests. The devil who lived in the idol fled from that place with a loud cry and sobbing, and everyone heard his cry and saw a shadow flying through the air.

Then the wicked dragged the holy virgin to trial and torment. First they began to hit her in the face and torment her eyes with iron hooks. Due to the long torment, the tormentors themselves became exhausted, for the body of the sufferer of Christ was hard for those who inflicted wounds on her, like an anvil, and the tormentors themselves suffered more torment than the holy martyr. And the angels invisibly stood near the saint and struck blows to those who tormented Saint Tatiana, so that the tormentors cried out to the lawless judge and asked him to order an end to the torment; they said that they themselves suffered more than this holy and innocent virgin. Tatyana, courageously enduring suffering, prayed for her tormentors and asked the Lord to reveal to them the light of truth. And her prayer was heard. Heavenly light illuminated the tormentors, and their spiritual eyes were opened. They saw four angels surrounding the saint, heard a voice from heaven to the holy virgin, and fell to the ground before her and began to pray to her:

Forgive us, servant of the true God, forgive us, for it was not our will that we caused you torment.

All of them (there were eight of them) believed in Christ and were baptized in their own blood, for they were cruelly tortured for confessing Christ and, finally, their heads were beheaded.

The next day, the unrighteous judge, having sat down at the judgment seat, again ordered Saint Tatiana to be brought to torture. She appeared before her tormentor completely healthy. Her face was calm and joyful. The judge began to convince the holy virgin to make a sacrifice to idols, but his efforts remained in vain. Then he ordered the saint to be naked and cut with razors. Her virgin body was white as snow, and when they began to cut it, instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds, and a great fragrance spread, as if from a vessel with aromas. The saint, looking up to heaven, prayed in the midst of this torment. Then they spread her crosswise on the ground and for a long time They beat them with rods, so that the tormentors were exhausted and were often replaced. For, as before, the angels of God stood invisibly near the saint and inflicted wounds on those who struck the holy martyr. The torturer's servants were exhausted, declaring that someone was striking them with iron sticks. Finally, nine of them died, struck by the right hand of the angel, and the rest fell to the ground barely alive. The saint denounced the judge and his servants and said that their gods were soulless idols. Since evening was already approaching, they threw the saint into prison. Here she spent the whole night, praying to the Lord and singing His praises. Heavenly light illuminated her, and the Angels of God praised her along with her. In the morning she was brought back to court. Seeing the holy martyr completely healthy, with a face even more beautiful than before, everyone was amazed and surprised. At first they began to gently and flatteringly persuade her to make a sacrifice to their great goddess - Diana 10. The holy virgin showed that she agreed to follow their advice. She was taken to the Temple of Diana. The demon that lived in the idol of Diana sensed the approach of the holy virgin and began to cry out loudly:

Woe is me, woe is me! Where can I run from Your Spirit, O Heavenly One, for the fire that flares up from all corners of this temple drives me away?

The saint, approaching the temple, marked herself with the sign of the cross and, raising her eyes to heaven, began to pray. Suddenly there was a terrible clap of thunder and lightning flashed: fire that fell from the sky burned the temple with the idol of the sacrifice and the priests; Many of the unbelievers, scorched by lightning, fell to the ground dead. Then they took Saint Tatiana to the praetor 11, hung her there and tormented her with iron hooks and even tore out her nipples. After this, the saint was imprisoned, and again the radiant angels of heaven appeared to the holy passion-bearer, completely healed her of her wounds and praised her courageous suffering. In the morning, Saint Tatiana was brought to the circus 12 and a terrible lion was released on her so that he would tear the saint to pieces. But the fierce animal did not touch the saint. The lion caressed her and obediently licked her feet. When they wanted to take the lion back from the theater to the cage, he suddenly rushed at one noble dignitary named Eumenia and tore him to pieces. They hung Saint Tatiana again and again began to plan her body, but again the Angels invisibly struck her tormentors and they fell dead. Then they threw the saint into the fire, but the fire did not harm her: the power of the fiery flame subsided, as if honoring the servant of Christ. The wicked attributed all these wondrous signs not to the power of Christ, but to sorcery; They cut off the saint's hair, hoping that her spell would no longer be effective. They thought that the saint had some magical power in her hair, so that nothing could harm her. Therefore they cut off her hair and imprisoned her in the temple of Zeus 13 . The godless thought that the saint could no longer harm their deity, because with the loss of her hair she also lost the power of sorcery. The saint spent two days imprisoned in that temple. The heavenly light that always shone upon her spread in the temple, and the Angels encouraged and consoled her. On the third day, the priests and the people came to sacrifice to their god Zeus. Having opened the temple, they saw that their idol had fallen and broken, and Saint Tatiana remained in joy in the name of the Lord God. Then she was brought to the court. The judge, not knowing what else to do with her, pronounced a death sentence on her and Saint Tatiana was beheaded with a sword 14. Her father was executed along with her, because they found out that he was also a Christian. First, the torturers deprived him of his honorary title and took away all his property. Condemned to death, he died by the sword along with his daughter for the name of Christ. Both of them were honored by the Lord to receive the crowns of martyrdom from Christ God, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

Kontakion, tone 4:

You shone brightly in your suffering, the passion-bearer, covered with your blood, and like a red dove you flew to the sky, Tatiano. In the same way, pray constantly for honoring you.


1 Antoninus Heliogabalus, Roman emperor, reigned from 218 to 222; was an extremely depraved person, which is why he soon incurred the contempt of the soldiers. He adopted his cousin, the noble Alexander Severus, but when he repented of this and began to attempt the latter’s life, he was killed by the soldiers.

2 The Tiber is a river flowing from the Apennines near which the city of Rome is located.

3 Alexander Severus reigned from 222 - 235.

4 Apollo is one of the most revered Greco-Roman pagan gods; I am the god of the sun and mental enlightenment, as well as public welfare and order, the guardian of the law and the deity of foretelling the future.

5 Orpheus - singer-hero Greek myths The power of singing, which, according to the Greeks, was so great that it set trees and rocks in motion and tamed wild animals.

6 Eparch - regional commander; sometimes this name meant the head of the fortress, the commandant. - Ulpian was one of the nobles closest to the king.

7 Comites were originally called the companions of the highest official in the province, and later the companions of the emperors, who made up their closest retinue.

8 Cuvicularium - royal bed sheet, sleeping bag.

9 Domestiki - security guards of the Roman emperors.

10 Diana aka Artemis - Greek goddess moon and hunting.

11 Praetor - the judicial seat where the Roman chief, or judge, sat.

12 A circus was a square enclosed by a row of benches or a wall. There, competitions between fighters and animals took place. Christians were also thrown into this square or arena and then wild animals were released, which were kept in special cages at the circus.

13 Zeus or Jupiter is a Greco-Roman god revered by pagans as the ruler of heaven and earth, the father of all gods and people.

14 The Holy Martyr Tatiana suffered during the persecution launched against Christians in the fourth year of the reign of Alexander Severus, in the year 226.

Saint Tatiana- early Christian martyr who suffered in Rome in the 3rd century under Emperor Alexander Severus. In Russia, Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of enlightenment, students, and education. That's why her memorial day The 25th of January(January 12, Old Style) is called Students' Day. They ask her for help in mastering the sciences and protection from evil forces.

Life of the Holy Martyr Tatiana

The Martyr Tatiana was born in Rome into a wealthy and noble family consul. Her parents were Christians and raised their daughter in piety. Upon reaching adulthood, Tatiana refused marriage. For her deep faith and virtuous life, Tatiana was made a deaconesses. She participated in the divine service; her responsibilities also included preparing people for the sacrament of Baptism and assisting in this rite. She tirelessly preached the word of God, visited the sick, fulfilling the Lord's commandment to love others. When the wicked king Antoninus Heliogabalus (204-22) was killed by his own Romans, sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus (208-235) was elevated to the royal throne. His mother, Julia Avita Mameya, was Christian. She taught her son to honor Christ, but disagreed with the faith of Christ, for at the same time he continued to serve idols and worshiped them as ancient Roman gods. In his palace there were images of Christ and Apollo, revered by the pagans, the Old Testament Abraham and the pagan Orpheus and others. Alexander himself, as the son of a Christian woman, did not persecute Christians, but his governors, regional governors and consuls, greatly oppressed Christians. Since Alexander himself was too young, the government of the state was entrusted to some of the council members; Chief among them was the city eparch Ulepian, a tough-tempered and great enemy of Christians. These advisers managed everything on behalf of the king. They sent out orders everywhere that Christians everywhere should be forced to worship the Roman gods, threatening them with terrible torture and death if they disobeyed. Then the blood of Christians began to flow in Rome and in all regions of the state. They were not spared, but were tortured and put to death.

During the persecution, Tatiana was also captured. She was brought to the temple of Apollo, where they tried to force her to bow to the statue of this pagan god. Tatiana offered a prayer to the Lord, and the earthquake that occurred destroyed the statue of Apollo and collapsed part of the temple, under which many people died: “ The devil, who lived in the idol, fled from that place with a loud cry and sobbing, and everyone heard his cry and saw a shadow sweeping through the air" After this, Tatiana was tortured, but traces of torture disappeared from her body. During the torture, following the prayer of the saint, four angels and a voice from heaven addressed to Tatiana appeared to the tormentors. These miracles forced the torturers to believe in Christ. After this, her tormentors themselves were executed. It is also known that among the miracles that occurred during the saint’s torment were the destruction of the temple of the pagan goddess Diana and the pacification of the lion to which Tatiana was thrown to be devoured. After that, Saint Tatiana was taken from the arena and again subjected to torture; finally she was thrown into the fire. But the fire did not touch not only her holy body, but even long hair, with which, like a cloak, the holy martyr covered her nakedness during her torment. The executioners, deciding that Tatiana was practicing magic with the help of her hair, cut it off and locked her for two days in the temple of Zeus. On the third day, the priests, having come to the temple to make a sacrifice to Zeus, found his statue broken and Tatiana alive. After this, she was sentenced to death, and she was beheaded with a sword along with her father, who, seeing the suffering of his daughter, did not want to remain a secret Christian and went to suffer with her. This happened on January 25 (January 12, O.S.) 226.

Veneration of the martyr Tatiana. Kontakion and Holy Troparion

The Martyr Tatiana is revered in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches, but her veneration is widespread only among Eastern Christians. In the West, the name Tatiana is considered Russian and is used only in some, mostly Slavic, countries. After Empress Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1762) signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University on January 25 (January 12, O.S.), Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated annually, first as the birthday of the University, and later as holiday for all students.

Troparion, tone 4

Thy Lamb calls to Jesus Tatiana with a great voice, I love You, my Bridegroom, and I seek suffering and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I accept torment for Your sake, for I may reign with You, and I die having hope in You, for I may live with You. But as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me with love and sacrifice. Through the prayers of Christ God save our soul.

Kontakion, tone 4

The passion-bearer was brighter in her suffering, she was purified from her blood. Like a red dove, fly to heaven Tatiyano. Pray forever for those who honor you.


Library of Russian Faith

Holy Martyr Tatiana. Icons

On icons holy martyr Tatiana depicted full-length or waist-length. IN right hand she holds a cross - a common detail on icons of saints who suffered martyrdom for Christ.

Temples in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana

There are no Old Believer churches consecrated in the name of the martyr Tatiana. There is also no information about surviving pre-schism churches in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. Tatian temples are more late period exist in Moscow at Moscow State University (built in 1833-1836), in Vladivostok at Far Eastern State Technical University (built in 2000), in Turinskaya Sloboda Sverdlovsk region(built in 2003), in the village. Bobrava Belgorod region(built in 2004), in Lugansk (built in 2007-2010), in Odessa (built in 2006) and in Warsaw at the men's gymnasium (built between 1820 and 1823).