There is such a role - to collect curses and mockery of social networks on your head.

She performed wonderfully in this role this weekend Ksenia Sobchak, who recorded on "Rain" video message to Petro Poroshenko:

Dear Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko!

Thank you for everything you did for our quilted men, for Alexander Zakharchenko, Zakhar Prilepin and Dmitry Kiselev. You can now add them as friends on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. But bad luck - you banned both VKontakte and Odnoklassniki in your Ukraine.

Historical experience shows that everyone who challenged social networks lost. Now, having deprived 25 million residents of Ukraine of the opportunity to communicate, you have lost 25 million votes. So far, technically, these networks have not been closed, and you can admire what you look like there and what your country looks like now.

Only a political suicide can fight with social networks and memes. Because you are alone, and half of your people, who are famous for their rebellion and humor, are on these social networks. The people who organized the Maidan, volunteer battalions through social networks are tools of fascist propaganda that you prohibit. The people who paid for the “Revolution of Dignity” with thousands of lives.

And you merged this dignity with one decree into cesspool.

So, has Ksenia Anatolyevna already been brought onto the “Peacemaker”? I’m ready to give her part of the bench for hanging. I'm on "P", she's on "S", side by side.

There is nothing more false and vulgar than Ksyusha Sobchak teaching “correctness”. Her appeal to Poroshenko is the apotheosis of modern liberal falsehood. That is... when on May 2 in Odessa they burned living people and mocked their corpses... was it ok? When do rockets arrive in Donetsk and Lugansk every day? When thousands are in prison just for speaking and thinking in their native Russian language? Okay too? And now Navkontakte has been closed to Ukrainians and this has become a reason for indignation? I’m not a moralist, but “performances” like this make me want to stick two fingers in my mouth.

Alexander Kots is also dissatisfied with Ksenia and shares his dissatisfaction on the pages "Komsomolskaya Pravda":

“You have been fighting with Russian artists for three years, and now with your own people. A worthy opponent, isn’t it?” - Sobchak shoots a rhetorical question in the forehead. And here one could only applaud. Really?! They got it! One of the most prominent representatives The liberal intelligentsia finally openly admits that Poroshenko is at war with his people. But why “now”, Ksenia? He has been doing this for the same three years that he has been “at war with Russian artists.” He only fights the latter on paper, while he destroys his people physically.

“Half of your people, who are famous for their rebellion and humor, are on these social networks. The people who organized the Maidan, volunteer battalions through social networks are tools of fascist propaganda that you prohibit. The people who paid for the “Revolution of Dignity” with thousands of lives. And you poured this dignity into a cesspool with one decree,” Sobchak slashed. (Read the full text of the appeal)

Here, of course, I suddenly stopped wanting to applaud. In Donbass they would be very surprised that they pay for the “Revolution of Dignity” with daily victims of Ukrainian artillery shelling. Ksenia Anatolyevna is not talking about them at all. In the coordinate system of the fighters against “Putin’s Russia” there are no residents of Donbass. There are only quilted jackets (about them socialite also mentions) and the best people with the only possible correct outlook on life. In their parallel world there is no sorrow for the thousands of dead in the LPR and DPR, but there is regret that Poroshenko has “an incredible ability to create enemies for himself from previously loyal citizens.” But there was such a democratic European leader. But he didn’t allow a disabled person to participate in Eurovision and VKontakte banned “memasics”. What a disappointment. By the way, he also sent a batch of new tanks to the east of his country, but Ksenia is not interested in knowing about this.

Not pleasing the supporters of Novorossiya, Ksenia Anatolyevna and the so-called did not please. "trans-Ukrainians" (not to mention the most ordinary Ukrainians).

Ksenia Sobchak is now on Dozhd reminding Petro Poroshenko about the values ​​of the Revolution of Dignity. The same Ksenia Sobchak who did quite a lot in 2011-2012 to ensure that there was neither revolution nor dignity in Russia.

The moral and spiritual leader of all Les Ryabtsevs, Katya Vinokurovs, Mash Baronovs and Zakharovs, Natash Poklonskikh, Margarit Simonyan, Christine Potupchik (there are countless numbers of them, and they are advancing).

Regarding Sobchak’s bold appeal to the Ukrainian president, one can only remember the joke about “and we also have freedom of speech in the Soviet Union, I can also go to Red Square and say “Reagan”<чудак>".

That's all. Nothing else.

Ksenia, don’t blame the President of Ukraine while drinking juice in Mordor.

I would like to convey to Ksenia Sobchak that the overwhelming pathos of her appeal about Vkontakte, to put it mildly, is out of place. It’s not that I know everything about social networks and revolutions, but specifically #Euromaidan, which she so insistently refers to, began, was coordinated and was calmly managed by Facebook and Twitter. I think little has been heard about VC in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and other countries of the Arab Spring.

And to refresh Ms. Sobchak’s memory, let me remind you that exactly three years ago, the founder of VK Pavel Durov personally admitted that he parted with his share of the social network due to the fact that in December 2013 the FSB demanded to hand over the personal information of the organizers of the #Euromaidan groups. I’m embarrassed to ask, but is there somewhere on the Internet a link to Ksenia’s appeal to Nikolai Patrushev or Vladimir Putin demanding an end to this disgrace. I didn't see something.<...>

As for the rest, I will not comment on what we all already agree with. Thank God, Ukraine has enough influential journalists and experts who regularly lay out the full scale of problems of the economy, corruption, courts, etc. much more competently and in less general phrases. The same cannot be said, for example, about Russia, where the best critics have either fled to London, or grovel on Federal channels, or, like Ksenia herself, are forced to eke out a living on the Internet. So there is only one piece of advice - take care of yourself.

It seems to me, and this applies not only to Sobchak, but also to other “liberals”, that before telling the Ukrainian president, it would be nice to achieve similar things from his own. Almost from my family. Well, for starters, repeal the laws of Dima Yakovlev and Yarovaya. Least. Stop blocking not only Ukrainian, but also Russian (sic!) news sites. Get Putin to lift the embargo and return to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Return to Internationally Recognized legal status peninsula, which was until March 2014. Achieve an end to support for Donbass terrorists.
Well, here it is, again, at a minimum.
And then we can talk about Yandex and 1C. Although...
Boeing flight MH17 will never land again. Never. And the dead, military and civilian, killed in Donbass will not be resurrected.
So it's better to close your mouth.
And get ready for the next yell - this is when, in a dozen days, Ukraine will introduce a visa regime with Russia.
And he will do the right thing.
Run, Ukraine, run!

“If you don’t respond, we will write to Sportloto.” Ksenia Sobchak's social penis has apparently shrunk completely. She decided to teach the Ukrainian president a little something, to draw attention to herself. What courage! Why not your own? Regarding the torture of gays in Chechnya, for example. Attempts to ban communication platforms disgrace the Ukrainian authorities. But where does this attitude of a redneck come from - to meddle in someone else’s business, to teach, to tell? Another classic of Russian literature recorded this manner in the fable about Moska. I wonder if this is a phenomenon of the Russian mentality or, after all, the imperial-Soviet one?

This most glamorous diva, who has already committed an act of national debauchery through her “House-2”, has undertaken to teach the President of Ukraine wisdom. She doesn’t teach Putin anything, because it’s not appropriate for a “goddaughter” to teach.” godfather"But the Lubyanka itself ordered to spit on Poroshenko.
Ksenia Anatolyevna, Ukraine is a country at war. And she is at war with Russia, if you don’t know. Since Putin is your spiritual parent, ask him. He won't lie to you. He lies to the Russians, but I think he will tell you the truth. And since Ukraine is at war with Russia, it would be very strange for enemy TV channels to be broadcast on the territory of Ukraine, enemy newspapers and magazines to be published, enemy propaganda films to be shown, and to have access to enemy social networks.
It's no secret that Usman's fiefdoms - all these VKontakte and Odnoklassniki - are breeding grounds for xenphobia and fascism.
I would leave the social network VKontakte if I were Ukrainian. But I live in territory captured by the enemy, and I will use his platforms in every possible way to open the eyes of my duped fellow citizens.
But Ukrainians don’t need to be taught life. And it’s not for you to talk about Maidan. You didn’t hold anything heavier than a balloon at rallies, you didn’t walk with wooden shields to face bullets, and you know nothing about the real struggle against tyranny. Moreover: the real struggle scares you, and you are only interested in continuing to blow all sorts of glamorized nonsense into the microphone - just to attract attention to your ambiguous person with loud statements.
In a nutshell: shut up, Ksenia Anatolyevna. And you will be happy. Although I doubt it. You certainly cannot avoid lustration after the collapse of Putinism. I hope you have enough sense not to teach the lustration commission how to correctly interpret the law, according to which you will most likely be deprived of your civil rights.

Ksyusha Sobchak! And now everything is the same, in the same tone, only about Putin and his affairs. Just don’t play around and don’t replace Right words and expressions for soft-slimy, ok? Forward.
Otherwise, we can talk about someone else’s president, but about our own?

What could be worse than the current government?
Only when Sobchak and her friends come to power!
It couldn't be more disgusting.

the difference between Poklonskaya and Sobchak... disappears

Ksenia Sobchak in a negligee teaches the president of a foreign power, Poroshenko, about life. Interesting shape. It turns out especially well when no clothes are visible in the frame, but only the naked body. If you turn off the sound and imagine that the conversation is about love, or, at worst, sex, then it’s really great. If you turn on the sound and listen to the words... it doesn’t work, you still bury your head in bewilderment in your chest)))

The girl Ksyusha S. first turned to Uncle Volodya, but did not receive an answer. Now the girl turns to Uncle Petya. She's a fool, but thanks to her dad she's a dollar millionaire, and millionaires have their own quirks. In general, these three millionaires will somehow sort it out among themselves.

The way Ksenia used the words again suggests that Russian intellectuals will never learn to perceive the events taking place in Ukrainian life, not through the prism Russian realities, and given that there is actually a war going on in Ukraine. And it is the Russian government that is the aggressor.

In my opinion, this is no longer a secret not only for international community, but for the cotton-minded Russian citizens themselves.

Please admit already, Russian liberals, that your negativity regarding the blocking of social networks is connected only with your own fear that the Russian government could do something like this.

And admit to yourself that by making such appeals you are in no way worried about the fate of the Ukrainian people.

Your words are not about compassion and care. Your cries are about your loved ones.

I watched Ksenia Sobchak’s appeal to Poroshenko. It came out somewhat indistinct. The whole thing with the ban is that a truncated Internet is not the Internet.
There is no Internet in North Korea, no in China, no in Russia and now no in Ukraine. This is precisely the problem with such a ban. And truncation of the Internet in one’s country is always a limitation of its development and a truncation of its IT industry.

It’s just that no one has yet come up with good solutions to combat terrorism and military expansion. This is also a fact

Although there are attempts to protect freedom of speech.

But one cannot help but admit that Ksenia Anatolyevna is an incredibly talented provocateur. Some two-minute video - and in two countries the pages are on fire at the second knock.
By the way, it should be noted that a response in the style of “we were right to ban Dozhd”, “how dare she touch our President”, etc. is not particularly better than a topicstarter.
Ksenia Anatolyevna - like any person - has the right to touch anyone, say whatever she wants, in any way and about whomever she wants.
Like any other person, he has the right to say that what was said is vulgar, shameful and inappropriate, if it is vulgar, shameful and inappropriate.
But this is not a damn reason to justify political censorship.
There are other reasons to justify political censorship.
And Ukraine certainly has them.
But Ksenia Anatolyevna’s speech has nothing to do with them.

I haven’t watched Sobchak, but I sincerely sympathize.
Do you think it's easy for me?
When I come to Minsk or Kiev, I go crazy.
Let’s say I’m sitting in a cafe on Podol,
I communicate and talk about different things. interesting conversation,
but my head is pounding:
inner voice screams
- who are you talking with?!! you are a GREAT RUSSIA!!! they are no match for you!!! shut them up!!! explain how to live correctly!!! teach!!! dominate!!! laugh!!!
I'm holding on as best I can. then I say goodbye, run to the hotel, run a bath, dive in and scream underwater,
what Sobchak said.
It's a disease, I know. it causes suffering and pain.
Therefore, I sincerely sympathize with Ksenia Anatolyevna:
God grant that German medicine finds the pills sooner and saves us all.

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Patriots rushed to criticize Sobchak for criticizing Poroshenko, although she should be criticized for something else - she incorrectly pronounces “in Ukraine” and, together with social networks, defends Russian artists who actually broke the law and quite legally received a ban on entry into Ukraine. There is no way to compare this with blocking social networks.

But the patriots do not mention this, because they did not watch the full video, but only read the headlines of the same patriots - besides, on Dozhd (an organization banned in Ukraine), the full video is available only by subscription.

Be careful not to end up in the crowd of those who “didn’t watch, but I condemn”:

It is clear that Sobchak used the situation for trolling and wanted to provoke just such a reaction from patriots, so to guarantee she mixed artists and social networks into one heap. She's a showwoman and she does it very well.

But the trolling turned out to be on topic.

Poroshenko repeats Putin’s theses, imitates his behavior - and it works. It is unclear where the freedom-loving people who stood on the Maidan went. If Yanukovych had included in dictatorial laws blocking social networks under the pretext that they were controlled by foreign intelligence services, would Maidan have agreed? But such a step seemed unthinkable even to Yanukovych, although it was through social networks that the Maidan was coordinated, which Sobchak reminds our patriots who suddenly fell ill with sclerosis.

There are also Russian liberals, like Babchenko, who approve of Poroshenko’s actions. Apparently, they believe in the real struggle of the Ukrainian government with Russia and that Ukraine is moving by leaps and bounds into the prosperous world of Western democracy. People like Babchenko need Ukraine as a beacon, a guide, an example for him own country. They don’t see or don’t want to see that this beacon has been going out for a long time now, then it will go out.

And if Babchenko, as previously promised, comes to Ukraine to fight against Russia, we will have a surprise waiting for him. For the first post about torn soldiers' boots, they will declare him an agent of the Kremlin, recalling his Russian citizenship. And if he starts writing about open betrayal, agreements and the assistance that the Ukrainian government provides to the Russian occupiers in the occupation of its territory, they may even be denounced as a Russian terrorist, without further ado.

And even if you remain silent and fight silently, you will not be given political asylum, like other foreign volunteers who end up fleeing from Ukrainian democracy to Europe.

Therefore, respect to Sobchak, but it’s better for Babchenko to continue to love Ukraine from a distance, from the Czech Republic and Israel, where he fled from the patriotism of the ideological brothers-in-arms of our Ukrainian patriots.


The scandalous Russian journalist Ksenia Sobchak recorded a harsh video message to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. On TV channel Rain TV presenter criticized the politician’s decree banning Russian social networks, including In contact with And Classmates, as well as a number of others Russian companies, which include Yandex.

“Thank you for everything you did for our quilted workers, for Alexander Zakharchenko, Zakhar Prilepin and Dmitry Kiselev. You can now add them as friends In contact with and in Odnoklassniki. But bad luck - you banned it in Ukraine and In contact with And Classmates“- said Ksenia Sobchak.

The TV presenter noted that, as history shows, everyone who challenged the war on social networks lost.

Historical experience shows that everyone who challenged social networks lost. Now, having deprived 25 million residents of Ukraine of the opportunity to communicate, you have lost 25 million votes. So far, technically, these networks have not been closed, and you can admire what you look like there and what your country looks like now,” Sobchak added.

The celebrity also emphasized that fighting with social networks Only a political suicide can.

“Only a political suicide can fight with social networks and memes. Because you are alone, and half of your people, who are famous for their rebellion and humor, are on these social networks. The people who organized the Maidan, volunteer battalions precisely through social networks are tools of fascist propaganda that you prohibit. The people who paid for the Revolution of Dignity with thousands of lives. And you poured this dignity into a cesspool with one decree,” said the scandalous TV presenter.

We would like to remind you that Russia previously made a harsh video message to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Watch the video message from Ksenia Sobchak to the President of Ukraine:

“Dearly respected Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko. Thank you for everything you did for our quilted men, for Alexander Zakharchenko, Zakhar Prilepin and Dmitry Kiselev. You can now add them as friends on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. But bad luck - you banned both VKontakte and Odnoklassniki in your Ukraine.

Historical experience shows that everyone who challenged social networks lost. Now, having deprived 25 million residents of Ukraine of the opportunity to communicate, you have lost 25 million votes. So far, technically, these networks have not been closed, and you can admire what you look like there and what your country looks like now.

Only a political suicide can fight with social networks and memes. Because you are alone, and half of your people, who are famous for their rebellion and humor, are on these social networks. The people who organized the Maidan, volunteer battalions precisely through social networks are tools of fascist propaganda that you prohibit. The people who paid for the “Revolution of Dignity” with thousands of lives. And you poured this dignity into a cesspool with one decree.

You say Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Yandex are FSB offices. Well, yes, you sing along well with Vladimir Putin when he calls the Internet a CIA project. Ballistic missiles, if anything, was also invented by the Nazis. It doesn’t matter who invented it, what matters is how to use it. Let me remind you that all investigations about Russian troops in Crimea, about who shot down the Malaysian Boeing, were made mainly based on publications on VKontakte.

I know one Ukrainian invention in the field of Internet communications - Jan Kum's WhatsApp. He sold his brainchild for 11 billion dollars. But for some reason Ian is in no hurry to return to your country, whose budget is only twice that amount. The sacrifices made by your country, the patriotic enthusiasm that we here in Russia envied, you could turn into economic and political reforms, as Boris Yeltsin did in 1991. Instead, you have been fighting with Russian artists for three years, and now with your own people. A worthy opponent, isn't it?

For several years now, federal talk shows in Russia have begun with the fact that things are bad in Ukraine. They began to run out of topics, and so you generously poured them a bunch of sweets from your company “Roshen”. Now those in Russia who want to ban Telegram and the Internet in general are giving advice to Ukrainians on how to circumvent your bans. The rankings of the most downloaded programs in Ukraine include TOR and VPN, which allow you to easily jump over your clumsy decree, which will be carried out by your lazy and corrupt officials. What kind of law is this that doesn’t even spell out punishment?

Those who bypass the blocking will not even face an administrative charge - then please explain why? Do you seriously believe that with a piece of paper with a coat of arms you can defeat the people who kicked out Yanukovych and brought you to power? I'm afraid nothing will save your rating - neither the ban on Yandex, nor other extravagant decisions. You have an incredible ability to create enemies out of previously loyal citizens.

With your decree, you rallied international human rights activists, the Azov battalion and Russians who sympathized with you, who one day declared you an enemy of freedom of speech. And when you need to call some European leader, he will ask for you short information. And there it will be written - this is the one who did not let the disabled Russian singer into Eurovision and banned social networks. And Merkel or Macron will ask the secretary - tell him to call back later. And never better."