In a modern, constantly changing world, in the age of digital technology and the need to constantly learn new things, a person often faces the question: “ How to quickly fall asleep at night if you can't sleep?». Night sleep– one of the features of our body that helps to relax, restore efficiency and tone.

But what if every day ends the same way: you don’t fall asleep for a long time, you turn over, go through the memories of the past day, dream about the future, you are tormented by anxious thoughts and your dreams are only about how to quickly fall asleep at night?

Insomnia, as a chronic phenomenon, occurs extremely rarely and indicates a malfunction of the nervous system. - this is a failure of night sleep. You cannot fall asleep for a long time, wake up early and sleep lightly and restlessly. Causes of sleep disturbance:

long-term use of sedatives and other psychotropic medications;
anxiety states;
various diseases.

If you want to sleep, but can’t, many resort to medication. Sleeping pills and sedatives are used. All this can lead to a feeling of lethargy, a feeling of exhaustion, and fatigue quickly sets in. Often a person does not distinguish between dreams and reality. It becomes difficult to concentrate, causeless irritation sets in, hysterical states become frequent occurrences - these are the next reasons for sleep disturbances.

Before going to bed, you need to try to relax, detach yourself from the problems and projects that worry you. You need to throw away all thoughts, as if you are away from them, or imagine that you are putting them in a box and locking them with a key. Most people benefit from training aimed at music for relaxation. If you can't sleep, go to bed and do some deep breathing exercises. You need to calm down and remember something pleasant and positive. Convince yourself that your arms and legs have become heavier, and a pleasant warmth has spread throughout your body.

Scientists who study sleep advise. One of the first steps is to bring your sleep and wakefulness patterns back to normal. If sleep has not come to you for a long time in the evening, you should still get up at the same time in the morning. Don’t break your routine on weekends, even if you really want to get some sleep. Otherwise, you risk disrupting the body’s day and night rhythms, which entails difficult adaptation to weekdays and, again, sleep disturbance.

If you have trouble falling asleep more than four times a week, reduce your sleep time by an hour for a short period.

If you relate to people who are suspicious and restless, you may have a fear of insomnia. The likelihood of panic occurring when preparing for bed, turning into nightmares, the plot of which will be repeated over and over again. In this case, you should be alarmed and contact a specialist. But still, the majority are not threatened by such a sad outcome.

Below are a few simple tricks to help you fall asleep quickly at night if you can't sleep.

11 effective ways to fall asleep if you can't sleep

Method 1: Arrangement of a sleeping place

If you have trouble sleeping, try to find a position that is most comfortable for you. Each of us has a favorite “sleeping position.” Scientists recommend positioning on the right side with slightly legs bent, as the most optimal for healthy sleep - muscles are relaxed, the heart works without interference, it’s easy to fall asleep.

Disturbances to sleep include very soft or very hard beds and underwear in bright, eye-catching colors. Bedding sets in white, blue or pink shades will help you fall asleep quickly at night. Sleepwear should be comfortable for you and not restrict your movements during sleep. Try to give preference to sleeping attire that does not cause discomfort with tight elastic bands or rough seams, preferably made from natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body.

Method 2: Ventilate the bedroom

To fall asleep as quickly as possible, experts advise keeping the bedroom temperature 4–5 degrees lower than in other rooms of the house. To do this, it is advisable to ventilate the room half an hour to an hour before going to bed.

Method 3: Walk before bed

If you can't sleep, try taking a walk where the air is clean and fresh: in the courtyard of your house (if the house is private), in the park. Fresh air– an excellent “sleeping pill.”

Method 4: Moderation in food

Eating fatty, heavy foods at night will also prevent you from falling asleep quickly at night, especially in large quantities. But sleep will also not come to you if you go to bed hungry - thoughts about food will come again and again. Undesirable: alcohol-containing drinks, tobacco products, caffeine - they will negatively affect your condition.

You can allow yourself a light snack one and a half to two hours before bedtime. Drink kefir, yogurt, or treat yourself to warmed milk with a spoonful of honey and cinnamon.

Method 5: Herbal tea

Hops, valerian, mint, chamomile, motherwort, linden - they are classified as medicinal plants, which has a calming and relaxing effect. You can drink Herb tea not only before going to bed, but also after lunch.

Method 6: Therapeutic pillow at the head of the bed

Sew it yourself from any natural fabric of loose texture. For filling, it is recommended to use hop cones, which have a calming effect. But you can use other plants with the same effect, such as lavender, sage, etc.

Method 7: Method used by intelligence agencies

If you can’t sleep, lie on your back, with your arms parallel to your body, palms facing out, close your eyes and roll them up - this position is considered optimal for sleep.

Method 8: Water procedures

Warm baths will also be very effective, and the water should not exceed thirty-seven degrees. And again herbs will come to the rescue: string, linden blossom, you can add pine extract. Frequency of use: 3 times a week for 10 minutes. For some, three to five sessions are enough to improve their sleep. As an option - foot baths with the same medicinal plants.

Method 9: Reading before bed

The book should be quite boring and have small print. For example, something scientifically oriented: a school textbook, encyclopedia or reference book.

Method 10: Meditation

Take an aromatic or regular candle and look at the flame for a long time, detaching yourself from all thoughts and experiences. After some time, sleep will come to you.

Method 11: Eye Exercises

Quickly move your gaze from object to object. Your eyes will close and you will want to sleep.

We have listed several of the most proven and effective ways fighting insomnia. We hope one of them will help you find peace of mind, healthy sleep, as well as vigor and energy for the whole day!

After have a hard day sleep becomes a real salvation from fatigue and the bustle of the day. But you can’t sleep, you toss and turn and have difficulty falling asleep when it starts to get light. In the morning, without sleep, you go to work with bad mood. We'll tell you how to quickly fall asleep if you can't sleep, without sleeping pills.

How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep - properly prepare the bedroom for bed

The bedroom is a place of comfort and silence. Prepare the room for normal sleep:

  • Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. stuffiness and heat will cause insomnia and nightmares. In summer, leave the window open all night;
  • pay attention to the bed. Use bedding made from natural materials. Cover it evenly and smoothly - without lumps or folds. Choose a small, comfortable pillow and a blanket that is not too hot;
  • draw the curtains on the windows. Moonlight or the reflection of a lamp flashing before your eyes street lamp not allowed to sleep;
  • take flowers out of the bedroom. Many plants interfere with sleep;
  • Use earplugs if noise prevents you from falling asleep;
  • change your sleeping position in bed. Roll over to the other side or onto your back;
  • Listen to calm music in bed before going to bed. Imagine how your mother sang a lullaby to you as a child and you will immediately fall asleep.

How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep - fighting the cause of insomnia

Determine why you have trouble falling asleep. Insomnia can be caused by:

  • a hearty dinner before bed. Avoid tea, coffee and foods that are heavy on the stomach before bed. Drink a glass of kefir or eat a light salad;
  • severe physical activity or emotional distress. If you suffered a stressful situation during the day, intrusive thoughts will creep into your head in bed. Try not to think about anything, you won’t be able to solve the problem at night anyway. Heavy physical labor also contraindicated before bedtime;
  • incorrect daily routine. Try going to bed an hour earlier in the evening and getting up an hour earlier in the morning. The habit will develop quickly, and by the evening you will feel pleasantly tired;
  • lack of walks in the fresh air. Have you been sitting in a stuffy office all day, have barely been outside and want to fall asleep quickly? Take a walk before bed in any weather. Fresh air will have a relaxing effect on the body, and you will quickly fall asleep;
  • watching TV programs before bed. Do not watch TV 2 hours before bed, especially horror films. Better read a romantic story;
  • disease. If all else fails, get examined at a clinic. Many diseases cause insomnia.

How to fall asleep if you can't sleep - an effective technique

Breathing techniques will help you fall asleep quickly. Train daily and do the exercise before going to bed in bed:

  • Lie down comfortably and place your hand on your stomach;
  • touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue;
  • count to four and inhale deeply through your nose;
  • hold your breath for 7 seconds;
  • leave your tongue in the same position and exhale through your open mouth, counting to eight.

Repeat the method 4 times. Increase the repetitions to 8-10 times and you will be able to fall asleep without any problems.

How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep - folk recipes

TO grandma's recipes This includes a glass of warm milk with honey, chamomile tea before bed, baths with hop cones and even buns with poppy seeds. Take baths an hour before bedtime; they help relieve tension and calm the nervous system. Helpful Tips:

  • wash in hot water legs 20 minutes before bedtime;
  • apply a heating pad with warm water to your feet;
  • drink some wine at night;
  • ask your household members to give you a head massage in bed;
  • Mix motherwort and valerian tincture in equal proportions and drink before bed. Decoctions of mint, lemon balm and thyme also have a relaxing and calming effect;
  • eat kiwi or banana. They are rich in endorphins and promote good sleep.

Do not take sleeping pills unless prescribed by a doctor. If you can’t sleep and have tried all methods, consult a doctor and he will prescribe you treatment. Follow a daily routine, take a walk before bed and throw away all anxious thoughts, and you will quickly fall into the arms of Morpheus.

Tense rhythm modern civilization leaves its negative imprint on our lives. Just yesterday you only had to lay your head and you were already immersed in the arms of Morpheus, but today you are tossing and turning, you don’t want to sleep and you don’t know what to do about it.

We will help, from the article you will learn how to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute if you can’t sleep at night, how to fall asleep in 5 minutes if you don’t want to, but need to sleep.

Sleep is an important component of our life and it is very important not to break the schedule and get a boost of energy on time. To fall asleep quickly, regardless of the situation, you need to follow general tips:

  1. Down with caffeinated drinks! If you are prone to restless sleep, then caffeine is your #1 problem. This component is found not only in coffee, but also in green tea, for example, or the famous Coca-Cola drink. To understand how to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute, you need to approach the problem armed with all the methods.
    If you can improve your sleep, then you can return to caffeine after some time, but in smaller portions.
  2. Train your brain! Our body is made up of muscles that need to be trained so that they do not sag and become useless. Who said that the brain is an exception? Force yourself to go to bed at the same time, get full sleep (7-9 hours), create comfortable conditions. At first, you will have a lot of difficulties, but then, when the brain adapts to the changes, all this will happen automatically.
  3. Forget about all worries! Learn to relax and dream. To reduce brain activity, you need to help it relax. Think about your dream, what you love. The closer it gets to sleep, the less active we should be. Finish working at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Train in the morning! Exercise stress And restful sleep- things are incompatible. Nobody forbids you to exercise, but you need to do it 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Forget the way to the kitchen! Before going to bed, refuse food that will take at least several more hours to digest, thereby preventing our body from completely relaxing.

You should already understand how to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, but that’s not all the secrets. As you have already seen, in order to normalize your rest, you need to use different areas life: work, nutrition, sports.

Breathing exercises will help you fall asleep in 5 minutes

We have prepared a lot more for you useful tips. For example, did you know that you can speed up the process of falling asleep by breathing? The 4-7-8 method is very popular and is actively used around the world. Key moment This program is precisely breathing.

Principle 4-7-8:

  • IN calm state and inhale slowly (4 seconds)
  • Hold your breath (7 seconds)
  • Exhale slowly (8 seconds)

Hmm, it’s so simple, you might think. But in pharmacies they offer us so many ways, but here everything can be done in 4+7+8 = 19 seconds! And the whole secret is that such an exercise slows down the heart rate and calms our nerves. For positive result You need at least a few repetitions. But nothing will work if the exercises are performed at a fast pace and in a restless state. Try to free yourself from your usual life and mentally transport yourself to some quiet place, for example, on the ocean shore.

Throughout the day you encounter different problems and spend some time in a restless state. The reasons for this may be elementary: you got caught in the rain, the printer ran out of paper, your favorite cup was broken, you didn’t receive your salary. Therefore, breathing accelerates, the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases, and these are the most important opponents of restful sleep.

There is a group of people who fall asleep perfectly at the right time, but then wake up in the middle of the night, full of strength and energy, which disappears in the evening. For them, all of the above will also be relevant.

The 4-7-8 technique has the same effect as any sedative drug purchased at the pharmacy. You can check this by reading the “Action” item in the instructions. You will find exactly the same information, only in different words.

The difference between drugs and exercise is that the former negatively affect the entire body and are not cheap. During breathing exercises, your body relaxes, all negative thoughts that haunt you throughout the day go away.

The secret weapon for insomnia when all else fails

If at first our recommendations seem complicated and impossible to implement, you can try the latest natural remedy"Good Sleep" With him, for sure, the question of how to fall asleep in 1 minute will not be relevant. The natural components of the “Good Sleep” product have a beneficial effect on the body, helping you fall asleep quickly, even if you don’t feel like sleeping, without harmful consequences characteristic of medicinal products.

Can't sleep but want to fall asleep?

Insomnia is a tricky lady. But you can outwit her too...!

Little tricks that help overcome any insomnia:

  • Don't overeat if sleep is in your plans (soon)

Better wait until breakfast if you really want to eat something. Bunny, stress and depression are generally better not to “snack”.

  • Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed

You yourself understand what elementary “urges” will distract you from falling asleep. You need to drink in such a way that it does not interfere with you later.

  • Don't drink coffee

Even if you really want coffee, don’t drink it! Wait until morning! You’ll have a drink with him, for company, to wake up. Waking up is easier than falling asleep if you suffer from insomnia.

  • Try green tea

Maybe he wants you to sleep? Nobody knows his dream. But a cup of tea won’t make you feel any worse, unless it’s disgusting to you, of course.

Intoxicating food remedies for insomnia

  • Eat poppy

It has an intoxicating effect. Buns with poppy seeds are an option if you are not on a diet. But remember that this should not be done before bedtime!

  • Have a beer

Oddly enough, it can be a good sleeping pill. Drink it a little, but without snacks and on an empty stomach. Watch how the hops “beg” sleep to return to you.

If you want to fall asleep, but don’t feel like sleeping, create comfort for sleeping

  • Remove any light

Even if he is lunar. Hide it behind the curtain so that it doesn’t distract or bother you. Turn off your computer's system unit and the sun, too. They called you the sun without sarcasm, but to save you from laziness.

  • Take off all your clothes

Take everything off, leaving nothing behind! Sleeping naked is healthy. Trying to sleep is doubly useful. Nothing interferes with the body, at least.

  • Cover yourself with a light blanket, not a heavy blanket

You're probably hot, that's why sleep doesn't want to come to you. Do you have a blanket? The pattern and color don't matter!

  • Choose a different sleeping position

It should bring (deliver) comfort to you, and not the opposite word. There are millions of sleeping positions!

  • Create your own personal silence

If your neighbors knock or make noise, put a pillow over your ear. And no “thunderclap” will interfere with you. Even a strong “thunderclap”.

  • Turn off the TV

The glare that flashes before your eyes seems to be deliberately trying to become irritants to your psychological state. And you need to take care of it! And it’s not just that you lost sleep.

  • Adjust your pillow if you sleep on it

Maybe it lies somehow awkwardly, and you don’t even think that it’s the reason.

  • Remove all the flowers from the room

Some of them, horribly, prevent sleep from penetrating into you. You'll get them back in the morning or afternoon, don't worry! Nobody asks you to part with your favorite flowers forever.

Move the “ticking” clock to another room!

To fall asleep quickly, do something before bed

  • Play solitaire

It’s better to choose not the kitchen table, but the online mode. Otherwise, in the morning you will “vividly” blame yourself for succumbing to the “refrigerator” temptation.

  • Do something physical!

So that you feel physically tired. You will see that you will sleep “without your hind legs.” And you yourself will be surprised...

  • Talk on the phone

Speak so well that your tongue begins to “tangle” from conversations. Sleep will come itself, to save and revive your tongue until the morning.

  • Take a shower. Oh, how relaxing it is!

It is possible that you will fly to bed when you feel the tenderness of water. The main thing is that no one lines up for the bathroom and doesn’t rush you, as often happens.

  • Don't sleep for a few nights

Just don’t sleep, as if you don’t need sleep at all. This way you will let your body know that you are stronger and it will stop any attempts to test you, since it itself will be “exhausted” quite well.

  • Read a book that is boring and “difficult to read”

You'll run to bed! You will do anything to avoid reading something you don’t like at all. Well, the crib will be happy for you.

  • Get caught in cold rain or heavy snow in winter (no less cold)

You will have a great desire to quickly reach the sheets, cover yourself with a blanket, and warm up. And you can fulfill your wish if it’s not summer at all!

  • Take a long time to comb your hair

Many people fall asleep when this “procedure” begins to be performed on them. Maybe you are no exception, huh? Test yourself sometimes to learn more about yourself.

  • Let's have... - sex!

If you feel good, you will fall asleep and not notice. Sex, as you know, incredibly relaxes the entire body. Not just women, by the way. Haven't you noticed?

  • Cry all your tears if there is a reason

Tears will lull you to sleep so much that you will love sleep and will not want to let it go. By the way, if you finish watching the dream, look, by chance, in the “dream book”.

  • Take a walk every evening

If you plan to sleep in the evening and not during the day. You need oxygen. Lots of oxygen! So quench your oxygen thirst so that sleep appears and you can fall asleep peacefully and sweetly.

Use your imagination to fall asleep easily

  • Mentally count some animals or something else...

Consider until the thought “slips through” that it’s better to fall asleep than to suffer from such nonsense!

  • Turn off your thoughts. Any!

Try not to think about anything at all, as if you don’t know how to think at all. Imagine that you decided to lend these thoughts to your best friend or best friend.

Or vice versa - turn on your inner video image of some pleasant moments of life and enjoy that now you are in your “piece of paradise”.

How to quickly calm down and fall asleep peacefully? Folk remedies

  • Light incense sticks

They greatly influence the human condition. They influence so much that you can’t do without sleep! If you need it, don't do without it! Inhale the aroma of splendor as you await the sleep of your eyes. Your imagination will be lost in the aromatic scents, you will calm down and fall asleep.

  • Take a sedative

Valerian is one of the best medicines. If the smell scares her off, drink this “delight” in tablet form. You may not choose valerian. There are many medications for sleep.

Don’t worry, dear: you will fall asleep... When?

Only God himself knows!

If you urgently need to fall asleep, try all the suggested options. It is better not to use medications. If none of the suggested options help, consult your doctors. They will suggest something, if, of course, they “shine” with competence.

Do you want to fall asleep quickly? - Switch...

Every time I go to bed, there is no sleep in either eye. Only silence and millions of thoughts in my head, an endless internal monologue, questions, answers, questions again. How to turn off thoughts? How to shut up your inner voice? Well, I got it already, by God! I only have two or three hours of sleep left. I'll be like a zombie all day. Probably, these characters were written based on people like me: he mumbles something, walks somewhere and doesn’t think a damn thing.

After such climbs, the whole day is haunted by only one desire - to sleep. Finally the working day is over. I return home and think: “Today I’ll definitely fall asleep in a minute.” And as soon as the first star appears in the sky, I feel not universal fatigue, but a surge of strength. What kind of absurdity is this? How can this be? Anyone else would quickly fall asleep and have their tenth dream, but what about me? And I lie in bed and listen to intrusive thoughts for 12 hours. Maybe I'm sick?

Insomnia, insomnia, sleep disorder - all these are synonyms for the same phenomenon, when a person cannot sleep at night and is haunted by drowsiness all day.

Let’s figure out what is the cause of insomnia and how to solve it using the knowledge of the System-Vector Psychology training.

Such different insomnia

To one degree or another, every person can face the problem of falling asleep quickly. Conventionally, two groups of this sleep disorder can be distinguished:

If you cannot fall asleep quickly at night (isolated cases of insomnia)

Several types of people fall under this category. For example, a person with a skin vector cannot sleep if he experiences stress at work, experiences dismissal or loss of acquired property. In this case, he tosses and turns for a long time from the right side to the left, itches and twitches his leg, beating out a rhythm. Once the stress is adapted or the problem is solved, he falls back into a deep, healthy sleep at night.

A person with an anal vector may also have trouble sleeping. For example, when a serious event for him in the form of an exam or interview is about to happen the day before. The natural fear of disgrace prevents a person from falling asleep. Another cause of insomnia in the owner of the anal vector may be resentment. How can you sleep here if the situation where you were offended is constantly spinning in your head and does not allow you to relax?

A visual person cannot sleep due to strong emotional experiences or fears that overcome him at night. It is often said about him that he is shaky nervous system. In fact, those with a visual vector simply have greater emotional amplitude than other people. These are sensual and impressionable natures. But as soon as the amplitude of emotional experiences subsides, they too are forgotten in a sweet sleep.

Persistent or chronic insomnia

It’s a completely different situation when the same thing repeats from night to night - the inability to fall asleep. And it doesn’t matter how tired you are, how early you started your day and how long you’ve been on your feet. As soon as I go to bed, sleep evaporates and philosophy begins. What do you do: you ventilate the room, and count sheep, and drink warm milk with honey, and taste breathing exercises- how to fall asleep in 1 minute - all to no avail. Until it starts to get light outside, until the first birds start singing, it’s somehow impossible to fall asleep easily. What is this - a disease or a curse? This is a sound vector.

"Owl" or sound player

Of all eight vectors, sound stands a little apart. His nature, inner desires and life aspirations differ from the other seven “brothers” - they are directed towards the world of the intangible. The sound artist is the first who realized the “I” and the first who began to look inside himself. This did not happen by accident.

Each person in the primitive pack fulfilled his specific role, i.e. used his talents for the benefit of the survival of the species. Owners of the skin vector obtained food because endowed with dexterity and agility. People with the anal vector accumulated the knowledge of their ancestors and taught their descendants. Representatives of the visual vector protected the flock in the daytime thanks to the ability to notice the unnoticeable, for example, the spots of a sneaking leopard in the wilds of the savannah, etc. But all of them, one way or another, interacted with each other, were interconnected and worked like a well-coordinated mechanism.

What about the sound player? His keen hearing gave him the ability to pick up the most distant sounds. To this day, no one else hears as sensitively as a person with a sound vector. Therefore, he was “assigned to the position” of a night guard. And while everyone else was in the kingdom of Morpheus, the sound artist was left alone with himself under starry sky, listening into the silence.
Today there is no longer a need to protect the species from a stalking predator, but night wakefulness is firmly imprinted on the psyche. This is why people with a sound vector cannot sleep at night and it is at this time that they experience a surge of energy. The noise of the city subsides, the rhythm of life pauses and a wonderful opportunity arises to use your abstract intellect to reflect on the structure of the universe, the meaning of life and other metaphysical concepts.

Me and the world outside of me

Insomnia for a sound engineer is Feedback from the unconscious, which seems to be telling him: “Hey, buddy, why are you doing this? Your task is to comprehend the meaning of life, to realize it. And you what do you do? Nooo, that's not where you're directing your potential. Until you fulfill your role, you won’t be able to fall asleep at night.”

A sound artist is born an introvert. This is his nature. For him, the “world within” and the “world without” are within himself. Therefore, he looks for answers about meaning in himself, looks inside himself and analyzes only himself. But any development can only be the opposite. For a person with a sound vector, this means extroversion. This does not mean becoming sociable, the life of the party - this is a visual trait, but for a sound artist it is necessary to direct his concentration outward.

Just recently, sound engineers fulfilled their innate desire for knowledge through philosophy, physics, military engineering, software coding - those areas where the abstract intellect has the most freedom. But today this is not enough, because... the volume of the psyche has increased significantly. The request for awareness of the meaning of existence is resolved only through concentration. And not on yourself - there are no answers inside, but on the people around you.

How more people with the sound vector, he “goes” inside himself and breaks away from society, the more he experiences suffering, up to depression and suicidal thoughts. Insomnia is already a loud signal that it is time to change the course of movement from the inside out.

The only way to cope with bad conditions that works flawlessly and always is self-realization. For a sound artist - through concentration.

Understand the world and realize reality

What is other-focused? In the terminology of System-Vector Psychology, this concept means the disclosure of the psyche of another person. Thanks to correct concentration, without speculation, without assumptions and any subjective judgments, you see the world and its structure as they really are, starting with specific person and ending with world events.

To everyone who undergoes the training, the reasons for behavior, actions and decisions not only of themselves, but also of those around them become obvious. You begin to understand and realize how the interlocutor lives, what his life guidelines are, what innate desires drive him.

But this knowledge is not only about others, but also about you. Along with the psyche of those around you, you begin to realize your nature, your desires, your path, and at the same time you begin to understand why you have problems sleeping and how to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep.

When the direction of the thought process is set correctly, the questions of what to do if you can’t sleep at night stop tormenting you. After all, throughout the day the sound artist realizes his potential and therefore calmly falls asleep in anticipation of tomorrow, full of discoveries and new realizations. And neither the neighbor’s snoring nor the rustling of the curtain from open window, not a barking dog on the street.