There is a lot of talk about Valery Meladze’s divorce. But the singer himself has not yet commented on this event. The 7D correspondent went on a tour with Valery to find out the details, since it is difficult to find Meladze in Moscow...

- Valery, when we talked a year ago in Jurmala, you said: “I’m so tired of everything this!

Everyone around is getting divorced, leaving, coming... Why exactly am I being tormented like this?” Back then you could, as they say, “light a cigarette.” Now you have become a little calmer...

Yes, gradually everything calmed down, the situation returned to normal - as far as it could, of course, normalize at all.

- But they still write a lot about you. For example, that Albina is pregnant. Recently, photographs of her in the perinatal center appeared in the press...

Fuck them... Let them film, let them catch. Maybe at the same time they will learn how to live. What's wrong with a woman being pregnant? I'm a normal person, she's a normal person. Another normal person will be born. What can be used to create a sensation here?

- They began to write about your breakup with your wife much earlier than the divorce took place...

To be honest, I didn’t care what the press wrote. I was much more concerned that this would not affect my children.

- How did the children react when everyone read this? You can't hide anything from them.

Oh, I don't know, I don't know. Is it only thanks to Ira that they survived all this more or less normally... In general, I have to thank Irina that she never started any showdowns in front of the children. But we really had a very serious disagreement. But she endured, I am grateful to her for that. So the children always understood that I still loved them. They say: “he left the family.”

Well yes, I left. But still, my daughters will forever remain mine. This does not depend on the relationship with the woman. And Ira is still a dear person to me...

- Your daughters are already adults...

How are the adults? They may be adults now, but all this lasted seven years. And for the first four years, Ira and I had a simply monstrous relationship.

- I'll ask a tactless question. If all this lasted for so many years, why couldn’t the situation be ended sooner?

What to finish? Formality? To me, this seal means nothing. There was so much talk about this idiotic seal, which I personally don’t care about! But the point is that Irina and I had a disagreement.

The relationship ended here and began elsewhere.

- What did your parents tell you about the appearance of Albina in your life?

My parents are very considerate and fair people. They have great respect for Irina as the mother of their grandchildren and as a decent person. The parents are grateful to Irina, and they love her very much. But they love Albina too. I hope this doesn’t offend either Irina or Albina. But it’s clear that the parents’ relationship with Ira has changed. They now communicate less than before.

- In fact, this really happens all the time: love passes, and even if there is children, the man leaves the family.

But it seems to me that it is still not easy for you.

It’s not easy for me, but is it easy for them, the poor? It was incredibly difficult for Irina, and for Albina too. This is actually true! It would seem that one lost, the other seemed to gain... But it was hard for both. After all, for a normal person it doesn’t happen that in one place it’s bad, and in another it’s just so that he can live and be happy. What kind of bastard do you have to be to get high and rejoice that everything is fine with you in such a situation? So these seven years were a test for both that family and this one.

- Is your song “Parallel” about this?

This song certainly does not express the full depth of feelings and complexity of the situation.

Well, okay, God bless him. One way or another, it seems to me that the most difficult period is now behind us.

- How often do you communicate with your daughters now?

I love to relax with my daughters. I take them and we go somewhere. Just me and them! No mothers, no nannies. This teaches them to be organized and collected. Teaches us how to be housewives, after all! Well, the rest of the time - there’s not a day when the middle one, Sophia, doesn’t call me several times. And not only for me, but also for mine older sister- Inge. I think that Sophia will remain such a unifying center in the future - she will be the one who will bring the whole family together.

- Your eldest, Inga, is now in England, graduating from Oxford. Why did she decide to study there?

In fact, Irina insisted on this. I was sorry to part with my daughter. But she studies there with dignity, she is smart. Oxford is one of the best universities in Europe... Although, you know, Inga is one of those who, no matter where she ends up, will remain in any case normal person. It has a core. So she would be smart in Moscow too.

- Has she already got a young man in England? Englishman?

Yes, his name is Nori.

- And what do you think about this? You once said that if you look at a person and realize that your daughter doesn’t need him, you will do everything to prevent her from communicating with this scoundrel. And if you see that he suits her, then this guy will become like a son to you and you will teach him everything.

I’ll say it now: if a guy is a notorious scoundrel, then of course I’ll catch him and talk to him myself, the girls won’t even know it. But Nori is no rogue. But it looks like there’s no need to teach him, he’s smart.

- So you don’t forbid Inge from meeting him?

Who's asking me? She is already 23 years old, she has every right. This is why we raise them until they become adults, so that they can do it themselves. right choice. Life will show whether this choice was made correctly or incorrectly. Parents should no longer interfere here. Although I will turn fifty in almost a year and a half, I still listen to the advice of my parents. I can smile, I can do it my way despite everything they say, but I will always listen to my parents and respect their opinion. I think that we have the right - both I and Irina - to give advice to our daughter.

Because we have life experience. Another thing is that she has the right not to listen to us.

- Who do you treat more gently - your daughters or your son?

I love my children madly. But, if I need to explain something to them, I sometimes do it quite harshly. Still, I probably generally raise boys tougher than girls. I'm not yelling at him, no. I talk to him... And I give him an example of how to behave in a given situation. After all, a man must be confident in himself. Be reliable, honest. There are some things that need to be instilled in boys from childhood. And I just love girls, I spoil them. Of course, until they start going overboard, then I immediately become strict.

- So you don’t spoil your son Kostya...

It depends on what. I will never refuse to buy him an extra designer set. After all, he already collects much more complex things than his age should. He looks at the diagram once, then puts it aside and instantly builds some kind of colossus out of hundreds of parts. Being an engineer myself, I am only surprised. It would seem that I wrote my PhD thesis, I have been to all sorts of internships many times, I love technology, I can disassemble and assemble an internal combustion engine... But an engine is simpler than those completely crazy designs that Kostya copes with. He generally has the right outlook on life, he feels like a man, and that’s cool.

- Have you ever been afraid that, having such a famous and wealthy father, your children will grow up not knowing where the money comes from?

They certainly have everything you need. Moreover, all four have completely different attitudes towards money. They don’t earn money yet, so they probably haven’t really understood what money is yet. But Irina is a strict mother. And Albina is also strict. And I strict father In this sense.

- Do your daughters communicate with their younger brother?

Not good. At least for now. So you asked why it was impossible to divorce immediately, abruptly? I'm usually in a hurry with everything in my life. But there are things you can't rush into. Everything must be done carefully, delicately and carefully.

Women very often push men on. But being tactful is, perhaps, the manifestation of wisdom. I think everything will work out. Kostya good boy, my daughters - good girls, they will only become richer from the fact that they feel like close people.

- Is Kostya like you or Albina in character?

In any case, there is nothing particularly Caucasian in his temperament. Just a normal, calm, very kind boy.

“I talked to Albina a couple of times and realized that, despite all her restraint, she has an iron character. Figuratively speaking, it will bite through the spine - you won’t have time to notice.

No, she won’t just snack on anything. She just, like all mothers, is ready to protect her children. And your personal life too. I think it's ok. It is much worse if a woman is unprincipled.

- What is the highlight of Albina that you couldn’t pass by? After all, beauty alone is not enough here - you are surrounded by many very beautiful women...

I never thought about it. I just fell madly in love. We men, when we fall in love, usually don’t think about why it happened. I fell in love for the first time in first grade. It was a crazy love that lasted for many years. That girl moved to another school. But given that Batumi is not such a huge city, I only met her somewhere once or twice a year. Mainly for some reason at demonstrations - May 1 and

If I catch a glimpse, everything will flare up in me again. And so on until the tenth grade.

- Did you have a strict upbringing? After all, the Caucasus...

In fact, Konstantin and I (Valery’s older brother and the author of his songs - composer Konstantin Meladze - Ed.) were brought up not so much in the Caucasian spirit, but in the spirit of internationalism. We had a very strict grandmother of the Stalinist type. Everything was clear with her, she did not allow herself or us children any liberties. In general, it was such a time that you couldn’t spoil it! The child could not walk down the street and smoke. I couldn't wander around during lessons. Because any adult will come up and ask: why aren’t you at school, who are your parents?

On the one hand, we didn’t like this. On the other hand, there was probably something very right in this.

-Have you and Kostya tried to wander around the street during lessons?

In high school, Kostya could just calmly leave through the window. And go somewhere to the river.

- Was he a rebel?

Kostya was not a rebel. It felt like he was in suspended animation. It was as if he was still waiting for something in this life.

- Did you get along with him as a child? Didn't fight?

We fought, but I couldn’t defeat him, even though I was involved in martial arts. He's two years older.

And somewhere deep down I understood that I shouldn’t fight him at all. But I truly felt what an older brother was like when he and I went to study in Nikolaev. I thought: I’ll come now, and I’ll have freedom, I can walk, have fun, enjoy life - finally! But when I arrived, Kostya told me: “No, stop, it won’t happen like that. You don’t understand how much effort was spent on you getting in, and what hopes your parents have for you. You must study. Moreover, we have to receive a scholarship because our parents are engineers and they don’t have money to support us, who are already adults.”

- Why did you go to study in Nikolaev?

I was going to the Radio Engineering Institute and after school I even managed to work at a telephone exchange, where, I remember, my adult comrades all tried to get me drunk.

Like, come on, aren’t you a man, or what? But it’s hard to force me to do something if I don’t want to, so I held on. And in the spring I received a summons to join the army, and my entry had to be postponed. The conscription ended on June 24, and I turned 18 on the 23rd. That is, I showed up at the military registration and enlistment office on the last day. And then it turned out that the plan for conscription in Batumi had been exceeded even without me. In a word, I was sent home. But it was too late to submit the documents to the radio engineering department. But you can still go to the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Plant, where Kostya studied. So I went to my brother in Ukraine, where I stayed for eleven years. At first, Kostya and I lived quite modestly. We were helped out by vegetable stores, where everything cost pennies. And every time we went home for the holidays, our parents supplied us with canned food, which we had to transport from Georgia to Ukraine.

Since then I hate carrying heavy things!

- You didn’t make money by singing then?

How can you make money singing in the provinces?! It seemed absolutely impossible. Kostya and I simply loved playing in the institute group “April”. As a child, our parents forced us to study at music school. And then we suddenly got carried away. Or rather, Kostya was enthusiastically behind the “keys”, and I was just as enthusiastically engaged in debugging the equipment. Radio technology did not let me go.

- How did you start singing?

One day we managed to get a reverberator - this is a device that creates an echo. And to try it out, I took the microphone and began to hum something. Oddly enough, everyone liked my voice. And, what’s even stranger, I liked it all myself, too. So I moved from sound engineers to backing vocalists. And when my brother eventually began to write songs himself, he invited me to sing them. Of course, Kostya and I dreamed of achieving success in show business. But where is the outskirts of Nikolaev and where is show business? And still there was some kind of stupid joy and a feeling that everything would be just great! This is a happy feeling, fantastic! I don’t know if it is inherent in all young people or only those who are really charged with something? Kostya and I were charged and knew in advance that everything would be fine.

- And you managed to get through...

I remember then, in Nikolaev, one friend told me: “You, Georgian, are simply unlucky.” This was said with sympathy, but I was offended. Probably, it was then that I made a serious conclusion for myself: you cannot be truly proud if you are poor. Having gone through a lack of money and confidence in the future, I realized that I simply had to do something that brings money. And so, having already made my way, having become a popular artist, I began to do business. After all, the fame of an artist is not eternal. And when it ends, you will either have to depend on someone again (which is unacceptable for me), or have some other income in order to continue living with your head held high.

- Who are your musical abilities?

Yes, every Georgian has them! Although I am not one hundred percent Georgian, I am seventy percent (I have Russian roots through my mother). One of the most vivid memories of my Batumi childhood is our walks with my dad on weekends. Kostya, me and our sister Liana were dressed smartly, and dad took us for a walk to Pioneer Park. He walked and sang all the way, which made us terribly embarrassed. But dad said that when he was young, everyone sang on the street and it was considered the most common thing.

- Let's go back to the memories of Nikolaev. After all, Irina appeared in your life, and soon Inga was born...

Irina and I met when we were both in our third year of shipbuilding, but at different faculties. And Inga was born when I was already in graduate school.

We were given an 18-meter room, from which, however, we could be evicted at any time. And so I was there writing a dissertation on the topic “Intensification of metabolic processes in an ion exchange filter with a pseudo-vibro-fluidized cation layer,” and there were diapers hanging around. Moreover, the young scientist’s salary is miserable. True, Kostya was already making arrangements then - also for pennies. And he gave a significant part of the money to me - he himself was not yet married. He'll come to see us in the evening for about ten minutes. If he leaves, money will be found somewhere under the plate.

- Didn’t your grandmothers help you with your child?

They were far away. I remember how Irina, little Inga and I went to my mother-in-law on two trains. And there they also gave us food - pickles, potatoes.

Again I had to carry these terrible weights. Moreover, it was necessary to somehow squeeze into a crowded train with these bags and the child. In general, I remember these times, and I must say that, of course, life has become a million times better. And not only for me, but for everyone in general.

- How did you move to Moscow?

Kostya and I’s homemade album, by a lucky chance, fell into the hands of the guys from the Dialogue group, which was popular in those years. And they invited us to participate in the recording of their record. And not just anywhere, but in Germany, for German series“Music for the intellect”... Then I had the chance to go on stage with them. I didn’t know what to do with my arms, legs, or how to move. But I saw that I was received well and I was not lost against the background of musicians of such a high level.

As a result, Kostya and I believed that we could break through. And if so, it was necessary to go to conquer Moscow. I had to start all over again. A small rented apartment in a Khrushchev building somewhere behind Voikovskaya, in the area of ​​the poultry farm. They lived there very sincere people, and one woman from the next door sometimes looked after Inga. She was three years old then. I now remember all this with great tenderness... Probably, nostalgia is a feeling when you miss not so much your old life, but the feeling that you still have everything ahead... Our first producer Evgeniy Fridlyand advised taking a pseudonym, considering, that the surname should not be Georgian. It seemed that Russian stage In principle, nothing can shine for me. And my image was not winning.

An intellectual in a classic suit sings songs about love. In the 90s this was considered something archaic. But I couldn’t imagine myself in any other way. While studying at the institute, I experimented with torn jeans. On stage, I didn’t want any shocking or extravagance. But he still had to prove his right to remain himself.

- And suddenly one day you became famous. This happened after the “Christmas meetings” at Pugacheva’s...

It was fantastic! To this day I am immensely grateful to Alla. She, of course, extraordinary woman- that's without talking! I remember we barely said hello, and she said: “Let's start rehearsing. To begin with, let's rock out a little. Play something... Oh, play the song “Limbo.”

Valera, let's start." The music started playing and I went out. All around are superstars: Leontyev, Kristina Orbakaite, Kirkorov, the Rondo group, Buinov, Mazaev, Chelobanov - that is, the whole flower of show business at that time. Not to mention Pugacheva herself. And here I am. Mazay lent me glasses, someone else gave me a jacket. Well, I wasn’t too embarrassed, I thought it was a rehearsal. I sing. I look and Makhmud Esambaev himself comes on stage and starts dancing. Okay, I think we'll continue the rehearsal. I just didn’t notice how Alla quietly whispered to director Sasha Faifman, who was then filming “Christmas Meetings”: come on, they say, the engine. And when Pugacheva, to my surprise, said: “Well, one take was shot. Not bad. Let’s try one more,” I discovered that I no longer felt any fear.

- Is it true that you were supposed to go to Eurovision in 1997, but you got sick and Pugacheva went instead of you?

Everything was different. Back in 1991, after the “Step to Parnassus” competition, I promised myself that I would never participate in any competitions again. They need special, competitive people who know how to pull themselves together and give their best at the right moment. But I don’t know how to do this, and therefore I decided that I would go a different way. Even now, being already an experienced artist, I would not participate in the competition.

- Be that as it may, by the mid-90s you were already popular...

At the same time, for some time I still had nowhere to live in Moscow. I was unsettled and afraid of this huge city.

Self-confidence came later. I remember how I didn’t like leaving the club on Arbat at night, where I often performed. For artists there is a service entrance through the courtyards. And if now the entire Old Arbat is chic and illuminated on all sides, then before there was a landfill there, homeless people lived between the Arbat houses. And at three o'clock in the morning it was necessary to go through dark place, among some garbage containers... I walked and wondered: will they hit me in the head this time or next time? When I got to the Garden Ring, where there was already some kind of life, I slowed down the taxi and exhaled with relief: well, thank God, it seems to have passed this time. And he arrived safely at his Voikovskaya station. Then we got our first own apartment on Molodezhnaya, in a panel house. And I was sure that this apartment was forever. By the way, I am still registered there.

And if someone searches for my address on the Internet, they find exactly that house. The Internet is such a dump where you can find everything...

Many times. Just a week ago I destroyed 47 of my clones. After all, children post some photographs for their friends - and there are people who appropriate these photographs and display them under my name. Most often they do it in a kind way. But it’s still a hoax! And it happens that my friends communicate with these clones, thinking that it is me.

- You say that you would not participate in a singing competition. What else will you never participate in?

I believe that a person who has already accumulated some baggage - life and creativity - has no right to take rash steps. For example, I will never go to the “One to One” program. Because there are guys who parody much better than me. And I know how to do my job well. By the way, I won’t go to “Dancing with the Stars” and I won’t go on the ice either.

- But you are participating in the “Battle of the Choirs”...

As a presenter, it's a different matter.

- Valery, have you changed a lot since you came to storm Moscow 20 years ago?

Of course, because then I didn’t have four children. True, three or four years ago it seemed to me that I was still a boy.

But now I realized that this is not so.

- Look, he’s already gray...

I've had gray hair for a long time. I just hid it. (Laughs.) But I want to say that sometimes you don’t have time to look in the mirror and realize that you are already an adult. How do artists live? We are always in a hurry somewhere, jumping on buses, trains... The life of an artist is not only spotlights, whiskey flowing like a river, romances and divorces. This is an eternal nomad...

- Yes, I managed to notice this during the time I was interviewing you. First, we drove to Tula in two hours. There, after the concert, we boarded a bus with the rest of the artists of your group - and headed to Kaluga... - And then there will be Bryansk - and then through the cities of the country.

Many people think that all I do is relax or fly on private jets. But I note that somehow I’m more and more on the bus. It happened in winter, at minus twenty, the tires burst, the stove broke...

- In the city concert hall of Tula, where you performed today, you first rehearsed for at least two hours, setting up the equipment.

But I can’t arrive five minutes before the concert, sing along to a soundtrack, get money and leave. You don’t think that if it’s not Moscow, you don’t have to bother? I have never divided my fans by city and did not believe that the audience in the regions deserves less respect than in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

- In Tula there was not a single empty seat in the hall; some of your fans even had to stand in the aisle. I was also surprised by your touring rider. No black caviar or any other delicacies. Everything is very simple: cold cuts, several types of cheese, bread and fresh vegetables. And when it comes to a hotel room, you are unpretentious. I noticed that you did not ask for a presidential suite and did not make any demands on the environment at all.

Yes, an ordinary number is enough for me, I am an unassuming person. (Laughs.)

- Valery, in my understanding, you are one of the few real men who can cry on stage. Is this an image or are these really real tears?

I can even cry at the movies. But only on a serious film. And when I, say, look at what’s happening in Ukraine now, it’s hard not to cry. I'm terribly worried. Because I love the people who live there.

- You have a brother there...

And his family, and many other close people. I hope there is no danger for them there. But I know that Kostya is such a person that until the very end he stubbornly believes in humanity, the good, the good.

- You and your brother are still general business. But they say that it is impossible to do business with friends or relatives...

And with whom then should we have common affairs - with the enemy? You know, there are some dogmas that I don’t want to believe in.

For example, that an artist must be hungry or that one cannot have common affairs with friends. Bullshit. Kostya and I have never had problems in this regard in our lives. Last time We talked about this topic twenty years ago, when the first money was “dropped” into us. And since then they have never returned to this issue. Somehow there is no need.

- When you look at Konstantin, you get the feeling that he is of little interest to money. For him, the main thing is the piano, writing poetry, composing music.

For me, money is not an end in itself either. I need them as a tool in order to live with dignity and implement some plans. I part with money very easily. If I need to help my loved ones, and sometimes not so close ones, I do it.

But I don't like being forced into this. You can't help the whole world. There is a very fine line here. We are all equal before God, and when people understand this, they begin to pull themselves up and climb upward with all their might. Much like Kostya and I did back in the day...

The ex-wife of the famous musician Valery Meladze, Irina Meladze, decided for the first time to openly talk about breaking up with ex-husband, to whom she gave birth to three daughters. The couple officially divorced in 2014, having been married for more than twenty years.

According to Irina Meladze, her pain associated with the collapse of her family is still quite strong. And perhaps, in order to muffle it, the woman decided to make a public confession. In an interview with the “Russian Sensations” program on the NTV channel, Valery Meladze’s ex-wife spoke about how she fought for her husband and how in the end she could not keep him. The conversation with journalists was not easy for Irina Meladze; she left the studio several times and then returned again. “This year marks ten years of this story. I want to put an end to it and move forward,” she explains her decision to tell the truth about the breakup with her famous husband.

“Valery said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. When asked “who,” he did not answer anything. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who,” said Irina Meladze. “I understood that Albina was too nervous. I didn't understand the reasons for this behavior. There were other members of this group there, and they behaved calmly. But Dzhanabaeva behaved very nervously. I saw that her eyes were shifting, she was blinking a lot, and I didn’t quite understand the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach. When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me. I even, in my opinion, congratulated her on the birth of her child. They told me a story that supposedly there was a guy who was a musician, a violinist in some symphony orchestra... And I had no reason to suspect her of anything.”

Irina met Valery Meladze when they were both twenty years old; they got married while still students. Raising three daughters, Irina learned about her husband’s life from gossip columns, but she had to read his poems. “I understood that something was happening. She admitted anything except what actually happened,” admits ex-wife stars.

From articles in the media, Irina learned that her husband had a new backing vocalist Albina Dzhanabaeva, and then she disappeared and after some time was reborn in VIAGRA. “I saw all these young ladies and treated them like an older friend,” says Irina. – I was surprised by Albina’s appearance in VIAGRA, as probably many women in our country were. I recommended her to a good stylist.”

Irina Meladze found out that her husband was unfaithful to her in 2006. They, together with their husband and eldest daughter Inga, came to the music award ceremony. But at some point, Valery disappeared for the whole evening, and when he was announced, he came out from the other side of the hall. At home, Irina asked her husband a question, and he confessed everything to her. “I could not accept such a degree of deception on the part of a man whom I loved and considered a friend,” says the musician’s ex-wife. – Why did Albina need Valery? I wonder if he sold tangerines at the market, would she need him? Love? But it all makes me smile.”

When the first reports about the affair between Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva appeared in the press, journalists began calling Irina asking her to comment on the situation. But the deceived wife decided to meet first with Albina Dzhanabaeva. “I called her,” Irina recalls. - Come, let's talk. Albina refused." Then Irina Meladze decided that she would also remain silent. She only tried to soften the consequences of this story for her daughters, who became unwitting hostages of this love triangle. “It was a shock for my mother,” says eldest daughter Irina and Valeria Inga. “As a child, I also did not foresee that this could happen.” The youngest Arina was three years old at the time, and this whole story is still an open wound for her. “I don’t want this to happen in my future family,” Arina admitted on air. - In our class, everyone has full-fledged families, why did my dad leave? It's not fair." The middle daughter Sonya also didn’t know for a long time what her dad had new family. “The pain remains and will not go away. Such things are not forgotten,” the girl says. - This story still hurts me. But we have to live with it."

Irina Meladze and another one of hers did not hide woman's secret. She talked about the tragedy that may have broken her relationship with her husband at the very beginning. With tears in her eyes, the woman remembered how she gave birth to her son 26 years ago. “I was pregnant and went to my mother,” says Valeria Meladze’s ex-wife. - All was good. I went to bed and woke up with a temperature of 38, the baby inside me is, accordingly, a degree higher. Immediately after birth, my son was admitted to intensive care. I was not allowed to pick him up. I obeyed the doctors. Valera was not around at that moment, he went to Lvov to record a song and arrived on the tenth day, just when our son died. Valera helped to bury, naturally. But he left immediately - work. Everything inside of me is burned out. No anger. It’s just me and my son in this story.” The pain of that tragedy has not subsided in her soul to this day. “I have not three, but four children, just one lives there,” - with this phrase Irina Meladze asked to end a difficult conversation for her.

Irina’s heart, according to her, is not free now. The past is over, and the daughters are ready to accept their mother’s beloved man into the family.

News appeared in the press that Albina Dzhanabaeva is pregnant with her second child from Valery Meladze. Read complicated story love of legendary artists on Ivona!

The name of Albina Dzhanabaeva is inextricably linked with the Meladze family. Ex-soloist of the group VIA Gra carefully hides her personal life from the press; only one man in her life is known for sure. This love story is about a woman who was able to win herself a man and a place in the sun.

The love story of Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Albina Dzhanabaeva is from Volgograd. The young, fragile girl decided to become a star and came to conquer Moscow at the age of 17. In the capital, she studied at the State Music College named after. Gnesins. But despite the fact that I had to devote myself completely to my studies, there was still time for my personal life. Albina began an affair with a classmate, and the lovers began to live together. However, the passion could not withstand frequent separations: even then the artist began to show her creative ambitions.

While studying at the university, Dzhanabaeva acted in films and advertising, participated in theatrical productions and was able to attract attention the right people: She was offered a three-month contract to star in the Korean musical Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The need to learn Korean and sing parts in foreign language didn't bother me creative girl and she agreed to the tempting offer and move. This departure put an end to her relationship with her beloved.

Albina Dzhanabaeva while working as a backing vocalist for Meladze

Busy with dreams of fame, Albina went to Korea, but very soon she caught fire with a new idea: she already liked the artistic beauty famous singer Valery Meladze. He invited her back to Moscow with him... so far only as a backing vocalist. Having broken her contract in Korea, Albina in 2002, without hesitation, flew to a man who turned out to be 14 years older than her.

The beginning of the relationship between Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

This story is as old as time: a young backing vocalist immediately fell in love with a successful singer, whom more than half of the country's women desired. Albina tried not to think about the fact that Valery Meladze belonged to another woman who was about to give birth to the singer’s third child.

Their secret passion lasted two years, after which it turned out that Albina was pregnant. The girl didn’t know what to do and turned for advice to Konstantin Meladze, producer of the then mega-successful group VIA Gra. Konstantin made it clear to the girl that his brother is now not going to leave the family after 15 years of marriage. Besides, he just had a daughter. At the same time, the man assured Dzhanabeva that as soon as the children grew up, she could be happy with her chosen one if she was wise.

Yielding to persuasion, Albina decided to give birth to a child. And do it away from prying eyes, hiding his father’s name from the press. In gratitude for the support of the elder Meladze, Dzhanabaeva named her newborn son Konstantin. “Life sometimes gives such gifts! She gave me a wonderful son,” Albina said in the press.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

Valery rented an apartment for his mistress and newborn son, and Konstantin decided, as compensation, to invite Dzhanabaeva to sing in VIA Gro instead of Anya Sedokova. After long thoughts, Albina decided to refuse after all and devoted the next two years to raising her son. In 2004, after leaving VIA Gra Svetlana Loboda, the elder Meladze repeated his tempting offer. This time Albina's creative ambitions took over.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and the group VIA Gra

Her parents moved from Volgograd to a tiny apartment in the Moscow region, took their grandson with them, and Dzhanabaeva finally made her debut in the VIA Gra group with a video for the song The World I Didn’t Know About Before You. Only her closest friends knew that Albina continued her relationship with the married Valery Meladze, but her colleagues in the group were already beginning to guess. “Everything is fine with my son’s father. We are not married yet. I think a wedding is just a matter of time, although it will not change anything in our relationship. We are already connected with him forever - by our child,” she answered annoying questions from the press at that time, the lead singer of VIA Gra.

So five years passed and in 2009 what Konstantin promised happened: the younger Meladze filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage. He left his wife Irina, who bore him three daughters. According to one version, the initiator of the separation was the wife, who was tired of enduring the singer’s “parallel” love. Later, Irina invited Dzhanabaeva to meet and talk, but she refused.

I experienced this story a long time ago. I found out that in my family life there was, so to speak, a third party, several years ago. Valera himself told me this in a fit of emotion. Like any woman in my position, I overreacted. I felt like my soul was torn apart nuclear bomb"Irina said in an interview.

Later, when Kirill Serebrennikov’s film Betrayal, in which Albina played the main role, is released in wide release, she will say, commenting on the film: “Betrayal is very difficult to survive. strong man, strong-willed".

In March 2010, Tatyana Kotova left the VIA Gra group. The girl admitted that she was forced to do this because of Albina Dzhanabaeva’s jealousy: her man, Valery Meladze, began to pay attention to the fatal blonde Kotova. Some time later, in an interview with the magazine Caravan of Stories, she spoke about the scandals that Dzhanabaeva caused behind the scenes to her bandmates, Tatyana and Meseda Bagaudinova.

Tatyana added that Dzhanabaeva is in a special position in the group, being the mistress of Valery Meladze, and also suggested that she was experiencing her growing up too painfully. “She’s thirty-one. Just a little! And she, apparently, is experiencing her growing up so much that she takes out her anger on those around her: the service staff, musicians, girls,” said Tatyana. “Her media name is only because she is Meladze’s mistress,” Kotova spoke sharply in her interviews. Perhaps Dzhanabaeva was worried that after leaving her husband, Valery Meladze was in no hurry to formalize the divorce.

Dzhanabaeva with her son Konstantin

In November 2012, Konstantin Meladze announced the closure of VIA Gra from January 1, 2013 and promised to take up solo career Albins. Thus, despite the scandals, Albina worked in the group until its closure and stayed in it for 8 years and 3 months.

Getting out of the love triangle

At this moment, Valery takes an unexpected step - publicly recognizes his son Kostya, whom he hid for seven years. “Yes, I have a son. He has my name in the “father” column on his birth certificate,” the singer openly stated.

Further more. On January 21, 2014, the court granted the claim of singer Valery Meladze for divorce from his wife Irina. And today, February 12, news appeared in the press that Albina Dzhanabaeva is expecting her second child from Valery Meladze.

You can say whatever you want. I will not dispel myths and claim that I am not like that. First of all, you need to be true to yourself. Everyone likes to say: “She’s a homewrecker,” but no one knows the essence of what’s happening,” Dzhanabaeva said in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak.

The love story of Albina Dzhanabaeva - the journey of a woman who was a mistress for 10 years famous man, raised a son from him and achieved popularity, winning her place in the sun. And, as one of the songs of the VIA Gra group says: “There is nothing more to blame yourself for, hold me tight...”

It was like this. I returned from South Korea, where she performed for several months leading role in the musical. I didn’t plan to stay in Moscow for a long time, I was going to continue playing in the play in Seoul. This experience greatly helped me grow, believe in myself and that there are no limits or limits. And then suddenly Valera calls: “I’m looking for an artist to join my group. They gave me your phone number. Are you interested in this kind of work?”

At first, their relationship concerned only creativity. They even discussed the fact that there should be no office romances. But fate decreed otherwise.

Valera and I discussed my future job, and he immediately emphasized that his team was entirely male: “You see, there should be no romances within the team, otherwise difficulties may begin.” To which I immediately replied: “Be calm about this, everything is fine with me in this sense.” But a short time passed... When everyone found out about our relationship, there was a crazy wave of condemnation and criticism against us. But on the other hand, if we didn’t want to, then no one would have known anything.

After the media learned about the couple’s forbidden relationship, a flurry of criticism fell on Valery and Albina, because Meladze had a family with three children. By the way, the middle daughter is Valeria. But in his relationship with Albina, the singer also had two sons: Kostya and Luka. The artist promised that he made every effort to ensure that the children different marriages started communicating.

For four years now, Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva have not tired of demonstrating family idyll. Spouses appear together at creative events, but talk about their relationship extremely rarely and with restraint. The reason for this is scandalous divorce singer

When Valery broke up with ex-wife Irina, it became known that the artist has been in a relationship with Albina Dzhanabaeva since 2004. Of course secret romance two popular stars became a sensation and a reason for loud scandal. The ex-soloist of VIA Gra herself does not hide that the beginning of her married life it was extremely difficult with Meladze.

Then, in 2014, Albina was accused of destroying someone else’s family, of wanting to build personal happiness on someone else’s grief. The singer herself is sure that her love with Valery has passed the test of strength, so now there is no point in condemning them for their affair. Next to Dzhanabaeva, Meladze found peace of mind, and now he is trying in every way to please his wife.

“I believe that love conquers all! This probably gives me the strength not to enter into these discussions at all. The situation is ambiguous and difficult for most. That's probably why they judge me. I won’t be able to talk to everyone personally, I won’t be able to explain something to everyone personally. That’s why I chose not to talk about it at all,” Albina emphasized.

Despite the fact that the couple is already raising two sons, the artists still have to deal with the anger and even hatred of haters every day. A few weeks ago, Valery Meladze could not withstand public pressure, harshly responding to ill-wishers in social network. “I fell in love with Albina many years ago and did everything to make her fall in love with me. We have been together for more than 15 years. My daughters are not deprived of my love. I adore them and care for them as if they were the most dear people! Albina and I have two sons, of whom I am proud. Get away from our family and take care of your loved ones. It’s time for everyone to calm down,” the singer said on Instagram.

In an interview for Channel Five, Dzhanabaeva emphasized that she has not been bothered by the comments of ill-wishers for a long time. The artist is happy next to her husband, and for his sake she is ready to go through any trials.