Tashla is clean forest air, the turquoise Holy Trinity Church, the healing icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” and the eponymous miraculous spring. What else does a pilgrim need to visit this wonderful place?

The best way to get to the village of Tashla is by car.

The distance Samara - Tashla is about 120 kilometers. Travel time is about two hours.

In 2015, Samara and Togliatti were connected by a new four-lane highway. Part of the road has already been opened with a new speed limit of 110 kilometers per hour. In the coming months, they plan to make the entire road about 80 kilometers expressway. In the meantime, look at the signs. There are traffic police cameras all around, and in order not to spoil your impression of your vacation in the future, it is better to follow the rules. Last year I went and got a 1,500 ruble fine.
Along the route:
Immediately after Zelenovka you can turn right and then through Vasilyevka to Tashla, but this maneuver will not save time. The road from Zelenovka to Vasilyevka is bad. It is better to drive along the Togliatti bypass highway, where the road is excellent.
The distance from Tolyatti (city center) to Tashla is about 40 kilometers and about 40 minutes on the road.

Bus Samara - Tashla.

There is an option to get to public transport with a transfer in Tolyatti. The downside is that you spend a lot of time on connecting flights and Tolyatti itself.
You can also sign up for a pilgrimage trip. They travel from Tolyatti and Samara to the village of Tashla regularly. At each monastery you can get information. The downside is that you eat in a group and will have to stand in a long line to get to the source.
As you can see from the initial photos, our trip to the village of Tashla was by car. The day chosen for the trip was a weekday. In such places you want more privacy and regularity. Therefore, let's hope that there will be few people.

Tashla is a very visited place. Pilgrims and tourists come here not only from Russia, but also from all over the world. And some, having been healed, even stay to live here.


Tashla appeared in the Samara province in the middle of the 18th century, when a small settlement of state peasants went to Colonel Zubov. In 1775, he built the Holy Trinity Church and named the village Tashla.

There are two possible origins of the name Tashla:
I. Bashkir and Tatar. Translated as “stone”.
II. Chuvash. Translated as “fun”.

Holy Trinity Church, Tashla.

In the wooden Holy Trinity Church, painted in the color of the sky, there is the main relic of the village of Tashla - Healing icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from troubles.”

Two 32's summer women: Ekaterina Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, and Feodosia Aktyasheva lived in a cell on the outskirts of the neighboring village of Musorki. Since childhood, they went through the ritual of humility and piety and became cell attendants. The girls lived by teaching village girls and women lessons in embroidery, knitting, cooking and other household chores. In addition, village residents turned to them for help in preparing the dead for burial and reading prayers for them.

As chronicles tell, in 1917, before the revolution, the whole country was overwhelmed by the phenomenon of icons. Icons appeared from rivers, wells, earth and trees only to believers. Ekaterina Chugunova was chosen for the mission of apparition of the icon.

A wonderful story happened in the village of Tashla on October 21 (new style), exactly 17 days before the start of the armed uprising of 1917 in Petrograd.

For three days in a row, the Mother of God appeared in Catherine’s dreams. In a dream, the Mother of God ordered Catherine to dig an icon out of the ground and showed her the place. When Catherine came to the village of Tashla to the place shown by the Mother of God, she saw two angels hovering above it.

Tashla icon.

Arriving home, I shared what I saw with Feodosia. Together with her and the local residents, they went to the village to look for the icon. Imagine the surprise of the people when the icon was found at a depth of about a meter, and in the place of the found icon a spring began to flow.

The icon was solemnly brought into the Holy Trinity Church. With this action, a woman who had been ill for 32 years was healed. Believers who learned about the miracle began to come from neighboring villages to venerate the icon. They served a prayer service and left the church open for believers for the night. Many people were healed at that time, and a chapel and a well were built at the source in honor of the icon.

The Soviet government made its contribution here too. In 1925, the Holy Trinity Church was closed, and a cattle yard was built on the site of the source.

Only thanks to the local residents of Tashla, passing the icon from house to house, it was possible to save it. The icon returned to the church during the Great Patriotic War and never left her again until our time.

Unfortunately, filming inside the church was not allowed. I had to be content with just contemplation. Permission is issued only by the priest, and the priest was in Samara at that time. Therefore, it will not be possible to see the icon in the photo.

After venerating the icon, we will explore the territory of the church. An entire farm was discovered on the territory: a huge vegetable garden and an apiary.

And modern cells are very good.

Let us take another look at this beautiful building, where thousands of pilgrims flock to venerate the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer of Troubles” in the hope of getting health for themselves and their loved ones.

Now all that remains is to visit that wondrous place where angels appeared to Ekaterina Chugunova and where the icon was found. The walk from the Temple to the source is quite a long one and a half kilometers; we will go by car. But first let's visit local store with very delicious bread(pictured to the left of the quality factory).

Located nearby two-storey house for pilgrims.

A procession once walked along this road from the source to the temple. On the horizon you can see the turquoise dome of the chapel above the source.

Tashla, holy spring.

There is a large parking area in front of the entrance to the source area. At the very entrance sits a woman with a begging box.

There is also an Orthodox refectory here. It says on the door that it is open and you can enter. But for some reason the door did not open.

There is also a helipad for powerful of the world this.

On the territory itself there is a beautiful chapel.

Houses and gazebos for relaxation. We also had lunch in the same house.

Facilities for pilgrims and nuns.

Another gate leads into the ravine to the source.

We approached the place where the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” was found by Ekaterina Chugunova.

Interesting modern history I heard it at the source from one pilgrim. It was a day off and a large pilgrimage group arrived from Samara. There were so many people that it was impossible to approach the source. It got to the point that people began to quarrel with each other for the right to enter the font. And so, when the scandal took on strong shape, the water at the source simply disappeared. Some time later, after everyone had calmed down, the water returned.

Photos (from right to left) :
Place of occurrence miraculous icon Mother of God“Deliverer from troubles” in the village. Tashla
Trinity Church in the village. Tashla, where the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” is located

About Tashla
The small Volga village of Tashla was chosen by the Mother of God herself - here, on the site of the appearance of Her icon "Deliverer of Troubles", in 1917 the spring gushed healing water.
It is no coincidence that the icon appeared precisely in 1917, during the period from the February to the October revolution. This, without a doubt, became a sign of Her special mercy towards Russia. Anticipating severe trials, which will fall to the lot of our long-suffering Motherland, the Queen of Heaven appeared in those days as the Deliverer from troubles.
In this place one can feel the presence of Heaven, where God’s mercy is manifested so clearly, so abundantly! More and more healings are happening at the source.
And anyone who has been here at least once, felt all the grace of this place, returns to Tashla again and again.
An endless stream of Orthodox people from all over Russia flows here; near the source you can also meet pilgrims from neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus. People are coming from the Baltic states, Germany...
The glory of the holy place is so great that not only Orthodox Christians visit it, but also people of other faiths. Out of their faith in the boundless mercy of our Intercessor, they receive healing at the source, and many of them then take holy baptism at Holy Trinity Church.
What attracts so many pilgrims here? They come to swim in the spring and collect healing water for themselves and their loved ones. They strive to venerate the miraculous image kept on the left choir of the Holy Trinity Church, to pour out their heart troubles to the Mother of God, to talk with the rector of the Trinity Church - Father Nikolai Vinokurov, to visit the graves of the righteous - nuns Seraphim(Denisova), Blessed Stepan Nikiforov, recently deceased schemanun Margarita, known and revered by many in the Samara region.
The Educational Pilgrimage Center “Holy Rus'” invites you to make a pilgrimage to the village of Tashla, with a visit to the Holy Trinity Church, (where the miraculous icon is kept), the holy spring and the necropolis (optional).




Departure from the Bishop's Compound at 7-00 am.

Pilgrimage trips to Tashla are made regularly.
Departure from the Bishop's Compound at 7-00. Duration – 9 hours.

Arrival at St. source.
Visit to the Holy Trinity Church, where the miraculous image of the Mother of God is kept. Water-blessing prayer service. Visit to the Tashlin necropolis, where the ever-memorable ascetics of the Samara region are buried, lithium for the deceased (if possible).
Return to Tolyatti – 16-00 h.

The story of the discovery of the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer from Troubles"

In October 1917, before terrible trials Holy Mother of God showed Her icon “Deliverer from troubles”, reminded of Herself, of Her mercy to the Russian land.

In the fall of 1917, a native of Tashla, temporarily living in the neighboring village of Musorka, cell attendant Katya, the Queen of Heaven appeared three times in a dream and indicated the place where she needed to go and dig Her miraculous image out of the ground, she was told that if she did not fulfill the request of the Mother of God , then will be punished. The girl told her friends Fena Atyaksheva and Pasha Gavrilenkova about the vision. Together they went to the Tashlin ravines. On the way, Katya again had a vision: in front of her were Angels in white robes carrying an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Soon Katya showed her friends the place that Preblagaya herself had pointed out to her in a dream. As they began to dig the ground, people gathered. Many looked at what was happening in disbelief and even laughed. So, Zakhary Krivoichenkov decided to help and began to dig with a shovel, but after digging a little, he said: “Well, what did she come up with, there’s no point in digging here.” As soon as he had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown to the side, as if by the wind, and lay in a faint for some time, and when he woke up, he picked up a shovel and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva pierced this hole with a hammer from time to time. And finally, Pasha felt something solid and took out of the ground an icon of the Mother of God, small, about the size of a notepad, which lay face up. As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring appeared in that place.

The crowd buzzed when they saw the face
Icons – Queen of Heaven
And then a spring came out of the hole
Wonderful healing moisture.

They decided to send to the village of Musorka for a priest, Father Vasily Krylov, to move revealed icon to the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Tashla. On the way to the temple, the first healing happened: Anna, who had been ill for thirty-two years, venerated the icon and suddenly felt a surge of strength. Great joy swept over the people.

The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon spread very quickly throughout the surrounding areas, and whole crowds of people constantly went to venerate the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where a religious procession from the temple went to serve prayers. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, but despite this, in the rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, priest Fr. Dmitry Mitekina, all the time there was some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon. And then a miracle happened: on the night from Saturday to Sunday (from December 23 to 24), the icon disappeared from the closed church. At the same time, the church watchman of the Trinity Church in the morning saw lightning flashing from the temple towards the source. In the morning the icon was not found in the temple.

After the Liturgy, we went in procession to the source and served a prayer service there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. Catherine tearfully told Feodosia Atyaksheva that the icon had disappeared and asked her to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as they approached the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining above the chapel!” Believers gathered at the holy spring. One of those present ran after the priest to the temple. When Fr. Demetrius arrived, he happily scooped up the icon from the well with a bucket. But the icon was not given into the hands of Fr. Dimitri. Then the priest fell to his knees and began to tearfully repent of his doubts and ask the Mother of God for forgiveness. Then the icon surfaced again and the same Pasha Gavrilenkova took it. Since then, the holy image has never left the village. The news of what happened in Tashla spread throughout the area. People walked and walked to the source. This place has become one of the most revered in the Volga region. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” is still located in the Trinity Church in the village of Tashla. Message from Feodosia Davidovna Atyaksheva, a native of the village of Musorki, Stavropol district, Kuibyshev region, in 1885, about the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, which took place in 1917 on Sunday October 8 (old style) in the village of Tashla.

“I, Atyaksheva Feodosia Davidovna, lived in the village. There were trash cans in a separate house, like in a cell, and the girl Ekaterina Nikanorovna Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, lived with me, 1885.

I, Theodosia, before the Cross and the Gospel, assure how this phenomenon happened: on the morning of October 21 (new style), when we woke up, Catherine told me that she would go to mass at the church in the village. Tashla and left, and I decided to go to my temple. Trash cans. When I returned from church, Catherine came and said: “There was no service in the church in Tashla, because the priest left for Samara and did not return; but here's what I have to tell you. Tonight the Mother of God appeared to me in a dream for the third time and said sternly that if I do not fulfill Her orders, I will be punished. Each time, appearing to me in a dream, She said that I should dig Her icon out of the ground in the indicated place. This morning, when I walked to the village of Tashla, over the ravine I saw two angels carrying an icon of the Mother of God, illuminated by a bright radiance, and when they sank to the bottom of the ravine, this vision disappeared, and I fainted. When I woke up, I went to my relatives and told them about all this, and they told me that some people heard church singing there, in the ravine. I ask you, Fenya, let’s go together to that place now, maybe you’ll see what I saw.” We went together to Tashla, and when we approached this ravine, Catherine screamed: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon in radiance, heading to the same place, and again everything has disappeared...”. After these words, Catherine fell unconscious.

I was very scared, not knowing what to do with her, since the place was deserted and there was no one to be seen. Thank God it didn't last long. Ekaterina woke up and asked me if I saw anything, but I didn’t see anything. We went to Gavrilenkova Paraskeva, who lived near the ravine, and begged her to go with us to the ravine. Pasha took the cleaver and we went. When we approached the ravine, Catherine shouted again: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon and disappearing in the same place,” and she herself fainted again.

Having woken up, Catherine went to the place where she had seen the vision disappear three times and showed where to dig. Pasha began to dig around this place with a mower, and the boy Petya, who was standing here, was sent to fetch a shovel. Soon Petya came along with his father Zakhary Krivoichenkov, who began to dig with a shovel, but dug a little and said: “Well, what did she come up with, there’s no point in digging here.”

As soon as Zachary had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown to the side, as if by the wind, and lay in a faint for some time, and when he woke up, he took a shovel and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva pierced this hole with a hammer from time to time. And so, when the hole was a yard deep, Paraskeva felt something hard with her pick, she began to tear up the earth with her hands and took out from the ground a small format icon of the Mother of God, which lay face up. As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring of water appeared in that place. By this time a lot of people had already gathered, and Catherine lay in a relaxed state, and she was sent to her sister.

They decided to send a priest to the village of Musorka to transfer the revealed icon to the temple of the village of Tashla.

The priest Father Vasily Krylov came from Musorka. He took the icon and carried it to the temple.

When approaching the temple to meet the icons, they came out with banners and icons while the bells were ringing. From the crowd we could hear the cries of the well-known sick Anna Torlova (a native of the village of Tashla), who shouted: “... A small icon is coming, coming and will drive us out...”. This woman was healed, but she had been sick for 32 years. The icon was brought into the temple, placed under glass along with the icon of the Holy Trinity and placed on a lectern in the middle of the temple.

Priest Fr. Vasily Krylov immediately served a prayer service, and the temple was open all night for access to the icon. At this time there was an incident: one Tashlin woman did not believe the appearance of the icon and began to shout: “This is all fiction...”. After her words, she ran out of the temple, jumped off the high porch, jumped over the fence and ran home, and after that she fell ill.

On Monday, October 22 (new style) I arrived from the village. Garbage priest Fr. Alexey Smolensky. He served the Liturgy and prayer service in the church, and in the evening his priest, Fr. Dimitry Mitekin. He saw that there were a lot of people in the church, and he knew that the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” had appeared, and he served the all-night vigil. On Tuesday, October 23, the Liturgy was served, and after the Liturgy they went in a religious procession with the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon to the place of the apparition and a prayer service was served there.

Many healings were also observed during this time. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon spread very quickly throughout the surrounding areas, and entire crowds constantly went to venerate the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where people often left the temple to serve prayers.

The well was deepened and cleaned, and in the dry years of 1920-1922. he was almost the only one supplying water to the village. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick; but despite this, in the rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, priest Fr. Dimitri Mitekina always had some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon.

And then a miracle happened: on Saturday, December 23 (new style), an all-night vigil was served in the Church of the Holy Trinity, during which the icon “Deliverer from Troubles” was in the church, and on the morning of December 24, on Sunday, they discovered that the icon was not in the church. The icon disappeared from the locked temple.

At the same time, the church watchman Efim Kulikov informed the priest about. Demetrius, that when he went to the temple in the morning, he saw, as it were, lightning flashing from the temple towards the source.

After the Liturgy, we went in procession to the source and served a prayer service there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. On the same day, December 24, I, Feodosia Atyaksheva, heard a rumor about the disappearance of the icon, and as soon as I came from the church, I went to the village of Tagila. When I met with Ekaterina, she tearfully told me about the disappearance and begged me to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as we saw the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining above the chapel.” We returned to the village, came to the head of the temple, Ivan Efremovich, who had the key to the chapel, he called some more old people, and we went to the source. When they opened the chapel and the well was being made, we saw a vision: the ice in the well had melted a little, and in that place the icon of the Mother of God was floating face up. We were all overcome with great joy, and one of those present ran after Father Fr. Dimitri. When Fr. Demetrius arrived, he happily scooped the icon from the well with a bucket, took it in his hands, raised it in front of him and said that they should immediately go to the temple and go to the source with banners and icons, and he himself stood in the same position with the icon until he arrived procession and prayed.

To the sound of the bells they returned to the temple with the icon.

Father Dimitry Mitekin served right there thanksgiving prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”, and he himself tearfully prayed and repented that he took this disappearance of the icon personally for his guilt, for his doubt and lack of faith shown towards this appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”.

The icon was again installed in the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Tashla, and again a stream of prayer books went from different places to venerate the icon “Deliverer from Troubles,” and many who flowed with faith to Her received various healings.”

Signature (Atyaksheva)

All of the above about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from troubles” in the village of Tashla is confirmed and testified, assuring before the Cross and the Gospel, by the mother of Father Vasily Krylov: Anisia Dimitrievna Krylova, born in 1876, who lived in the village of Musorki, Stavropol region from 1900 to 1920 G.

Signature (Krylova)

And Andrina Evdokia Romanovna, born in 1896, a native and resident of the village of Tashla.

Signature (Andrina)

I certify the signatures of these persons

John, Bishop of Kuibyshev and Syzran, 1981


Samara region, Stavropol district, village Tashla, holy spring and temple of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

How to get there:

Tashla from Samara. It's not close. How to get there, how to get there? By car from Samara 110 km. Along the M5 highway, before reaching the city of Tolyatti, turn right onto Obvodnoe Highway. To the village of Vasilyevka and to the right along the main road to the village of Tashla. The first turn to the right, onto Central Street to the Holy Trinity Church. Here is the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”. Then, take the same road back to the main road, turn right, drive 20 meters, turn left to drive to the Holy Spring and the Temple of the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon. There is a convenient, large parking lot in front of the gate.

Among the God-marked places of our land, one of the most famous is a small village Tashla, in which it is located Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”» (Tashlinskaya) - revered in the Volga region and far beyond its borders. There is also a spring with healing, miraculous water that heals mental and physical illnesses.

History of the village of Tashla

We are going from Samara to the village of Tashla. In it Holy place…. Let's learn history and touch the shrine. The first mention of the village of Tashla dates back to the mid-18th century. At that time the village was called Tashlama. The owner of the village was Colonel Zubov. In 1775 he built the Holy Trinity Church and named the village Tashla. Translated from the Tatar and Bashkir languages ​​- “stone, stony”. From Chuvash - “dance, rejoice, have fun.”

Today, it is a small, quiet village, not much different from other settlements in our region. Only the air here is somehow different, special, saturated with the Holy Spirit.

Village Tashla

Holy Trinity Church is located on the edge of the village. In it rests Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”.

Holy Trinity Church

Nearby is a house for pilgrims.

House for pilgrims

Finding an icon

The miraculous icon was found in 1917, just before the October Revolution (October 21). And it is perceived by believers as a sign of the mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos on the eve of terrible events. The day before, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared three times in a dream to local resident Ekaterina Chugunova, who ordered her to find Her icon in a ravine outside the village. When the woman passed by the indicated place, she saw two angels with an icon surrounded by radiance. On the same day, the icon was pulled out of the ground; in the place where it was found, a spring began to flow, which still exists today. The icon itself was transferred to the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Tashla, where the first miracle immediately happened before it - a woman who had suffered from demonic possession for more than 30 years was healed. The monument erected on the territory of the Temple tells about this.

Photo. Monument

In the 20s, the Trinity Church was closed; it housed a granary. The holy spring was filled with manure, but it soon emerged into the light again. The miraculous icon was hidden local residents. They returned it to the temple when it reopened in 1947. The holy spring, which arose at the site of the discovery of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” did not dry up during the drought in the 1920s and was the only source of water for all the surrounding villages.

Modern view of the Temple

Now a bathhouse has been built above the source, and a church has been erected nearby in honor of the icon found here.

Temple of the Icon “Deliverer of Troubles”

Holy spring


Behind Lately this holy place has been transformed beyond recognition. The hands of believers built: a hotel, a refectory, a parking lot, the source itself and the road leading to the temple were ennobled.

Photo. Road to the temple

Photo. Prayer

People come to living water from all over Russia, near and far abroad. Here they are cured of allergies, stomach ulcers, psoriasis, diathesis, asthma, and women's diseases. Many were healed of cancer and non-healing ulcers. Teachers bring entire classes of schoolchildren here. After visiting the spring, children become much calmer and learn better. Many believers see the Mother of God with the Child in her arms above the source. A rainbow often rises above the chapel and the spring. You can be in silence, reflect, drink Holy water and water and eat in cozy gazebos.

Photo. Gazebo for relaxation

To help the pilgrim.

October 21 is always a special day. This is the day of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” which is located in the church. If the weather permits, the believers go in procession from the temple to the source. About 1.5 km. A service is held at the source, and then a procession of the cross returns to the temple.

From Samara, every year, on the day of the beginning of Petrov post is underway religious procession to the village of Tashla to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” Gathering place in Samara, at the intersection of Tashkent and Democratic streets. Procession lasts 3 days, the length of the route is about 70 km.

We recommend organized excursions to holy places to all believers who are interested in pilgrimages around our country. Start with this one, for example -