Today we will talk about how to look into the future. Every person has faced a situation in his life when he said with annoyance: “Oh, if only I had known in advance!” But predicting the outcome of certain events is often quite easy.

It is enough to analyze the already available information to make correct conclusions and prepare for the consequences. If your colleague comes to work with initial signs colds and does nothing to stop them, then you can accurately predict that in a couple of days he will go on sick leave for at least a week, and you will have to finish the report alone. But for this, ordinary observation and logic are enough.

But how to develop the ability to see future events? After all, history knows people who amazed the whole world with their ability to see the future of not only individuals, but also all of humanity.

Who has the gift of foresight?

The gift of foresight is rarely given to anyone from birth. Sometimes it appears in a person after some sudden events (lightning strike, serious illness, clinical death, great nervous shock). In these cases it manifests itself very clearly, and such people become known to many.

In a more modest manifestation, every person can develop such abilities, because in their infancy, everyone has them. This skill is very useful even at the everyday level. It will help you take right decisions, protect your loved ones from sudden troubles, keep them from doing the wrong thing.

How to learn to see the future

If you decide to develop this gift, commit yourself to a long process and regular classes. Find motivation for this decision. It should only be positive.

Let's start with the most famous exercise. Seclude yourself in a separate room, choose a time when you are sure no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Clear your internal screen of extraneous images and try to remember today in as much detail as possible. What events happened during the day.

The most popular example: on the way home it started to rain, but there was no umbrella. Replay this episode in memory with all the details, including sounds, smells, sensations, emotions. Now mentally transport yourself to yesterday and try to send this information to yourself from today.

IN this moment you are in the past and received information from the future. By using this simple exercise every day, you will develop the ability to move from today to yesterday. The plot of the exercise, of course, should be different each time, taken from the reality of today.

By practicing every day, you will gain a solid ability to connect to the information channel at the right time for you.

Then move on to more serious forecasts for tomorrow. Don't be surprised if you notice that you start spontaneously making unexpected decisions with positive result. This means that the hitherto dormant intuition has awakened. And every person also has it.

Necessary signs and tips from the Universe

All these abilities relate to extrasensory perception. The literal translation of this word is supersensing. If you develop one side of this ability, then others automatically begin to develop, and who has which is individual.

Learn to notice necessary signs around you. Very often, fate sends us the necessary clues, but we ignore them. If you are going somewhere and suddenly the lock on your boot breaks or your car tire goes flat, think about whether it is possible and whether you need to go there right now? Good help for the development of any psychic abilities various meditations. There are a lot of them, and everyone can choose the most suitable ones for themselves.

The Almighty has endowed man with many abilities, but over the centuries these abilities have fallen asleep. So wake them up and use them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. And God help you.

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Many people would like to know how to learn to see the future. In their opinion, this would save them from many troubles, solve a number of problems, and save them from unpleasant surprises in life. The opinion that only selected psychics can have this ability is false, simple people Having learned a couple of techniques, through intensive training of their consciousness, they can achieve the desired result and learn a little about what awaits them ahead.

Preparation for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The following is a daily practice. Nothing happens right away, it has to be training every day. If you don't take the process of acquiring this new skill seriously, then you shouldn't wait. good result. However, you should not be upset if the ability to see the future does not appear in you after a week of training; some time must pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable, so that no one will distract you.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it by collecting important information, which might be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Go ahead. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data from the past day and send it to yourself in the present moment. We convey information not just through sentences, but through images, tastes, smells, and feelings. This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both the past and real life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you are faced with some kind of choice, and you feel nervous, afraid or uncertain, and in the end you decide wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics advise us several exercises. Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to place something small in a matchbox (a button, cotton wool, a pea). Clear your brain of unnecessary thoughts, take a box and place it in your fist.

Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Please note that the first sensations will be the most correct. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after several trainings you will be able, by analyzing your feelings, to recognize various items. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday by getting from it necessary information. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which will be transmitted as sensations through the established channel between you and the box.

A very important thing in the process of learning how to learn to see the future is the ability to hear your intuition. We can ask our inner voice exciting questions, and then analyze your feelings, since the answer will be obtained through feelings and images. At first, you may make mistakes in deciphering what your intuition is telling you, but eventually you will learn to understand the correct answers to your questions. It is recommended to write down your feelings after completing the tasks. This will help you analyze what signals your inner voice is trying to help you with.

The future depends on the present

There is one more tip, but there is no practice in it. It's just universal known fact, but for some reason many people miss this, neglecting their present, but still believing in a bright future. Your actions today directly affect what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, beware of wrong decisions and bad deeds, because they can lead to complications in your life. later life. Therefore, before you learn to see the future, learn to see your present.

Is it possible to learn to predict the future? Yes, definitely! Learn an amazing technique for traveling to the future!

Traveling to the future attracts many. People always look forward, go beyond the limit, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout human history.

Latest Scientific research together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge, they say that there is only the moment “here and now”, that the future and the past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you will be able to predict upcoming events and know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this manifests itself most clearly while falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). A person’s task is to learn to evoke this state in himself, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our website you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness; one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The state of the gap can also be called a deep trance; it is developed through regular training.

Techniques for predicting the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should distract from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, paying attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply observes how inhalation and exhalation occur, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not fall asleep (to do this he needs to concentrate on breathing), this will gradually bring him into a state of in-between.

6. A person mentally turns to the left and enters a thick fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it consists of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know that...”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform, part, until at a certain moment the practitioner will be able to see upcoming event, information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for its help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates the intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; After counting to five, begin to feel your body again.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of in-between is a very deep level.

Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said in this state will definitely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

The most important thing: to catch the state of the gap! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to guide your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism is a body of knowledge, information inaccessible to the uninitiated, people ignorant of mystical teachings, special ways of perceiving reality that have secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices” (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of spiritual, religious or health practices, or a special mental state arising as a result of these exercises (or for other reasons) (

Having a number of knowledge, you can independently learn to predict the future without turning to. Your mind is actually aware of all the events that are going to happen to you in the future. Learning to hear your own mind means learn to predict.

Sit at the table, light candles around and place in front of you Blank sheet paper Take a fountain pen in your dominant hand and start writing down the questions that interest you most. Then put the pen in the opposite hand and start answering them. Moreover, write down what comes to your mind, even if the given answers do not completely suit you. This method never fails, the prediction obtained in this way will coincide one hundred percent. With constant training, you will no longer need a pen and paper, you will hear your mind and become the oracle of your own destiny.

If you would like to answer questions regarding loved one, then you should connect to the Information Field of the Earth. First of all, you must observe for two weeks strict fast. For the same time before connecting, give up sex. The purpose of the connection must be clear and clearly stated.

So, if you have met all the above conditions, proceed to practice. It is better to do this alone and in perfect silence. The best place for this there is an empty room. Lay a blanket or blanket on the floor, undress and sit down (cover your genitals with a scarf or towel). Cross your legs in lotus position, close your eyes and place your hands with open palms up. Let go of all thoughts and relax as much as possible, breathe evenly, as if you are sleeping.

Proceed to the practical part of connecting to the Information Field of the Earth. Having freed your brain from thoughts and desires, having calmed down so much that you feel emptiness around you, clearly formulate the question to which you want to receive an answer. Practical knowledge of any field of science will be open to you. The main thing is lack of pressure and patience.

However, you may not be allowed to access the Information Field for any reason. You will feel a barrier or wall in front of you. In this case, it is worth immediately returning to reality and soon do not repeat attempts to enter. Your time has not yet come, wait a little.

If everything went well, you will be picked up by a clean light stream and carried in an unknown direction. It feels like you're on a roller coaster, don't resist or be afraid. Listen carefully to emotions and sensations, observe. You will experience joy and exciting excitement. Usually flight via Information field lasts no more than twenty minutes. If Higher power They think it’s enough, you will feel a push and become aware of your body in reality. You may feel chills and shake your hands, but this will pass soon.

Wonderful question, isn't it? Millions of people want to know what the future holds for them! Someone turns over the pages of the horoscope every day, hoping to see the inscription: “ Today you will become a millionaire“, others use a more professional level and go to Baba Vara, who rolls eggs for your money, plucks her beard, casting spells, tells fortunes on her feet, or sits on a dragon and brews a potion... She is ready to do anything as long as she gets paid...

The worst thing is that these people always have clients who are very happy to pay for guesses about their future. I recently heard that there is a man in Africa to whom people from all over the country come to hear his predictions. This man uses goat entrails to guess the weather for the next day... Not a bad way to have fun and earn money for the next goat.

I hope you have already realized how absurd the above methods are. Today I will share with you a secret, thanks to which you yourself can predict your future.

The thing is that those thoughts, actions, reactions to the events that happened in your life led you to where you are today. The way you think is instantly reflected in your results. You can remember this simple formula:

M + D (+/-) = P (WISDOM)

Thought + Action (positive or negative) = Result

Where do thoughts come from? The formation of a person’s personality is influenced by his environment: who he communicates with, where he lives, what he sees, what he hears, what he does. New information, new knowledge, new communication - push for the emergence of new thoughts and ideas. For example, after completing my training or talking with me, new ideas and thoughts will be born in your head, because... the information that I will present to you will be positive, which means your thoughts will be positive.

If you watch the news on TV every day and feed on the information that comes from the mouths of correspondents, you will receive corresponding thoughts.

Once you have a bright thought or idea, write it down urgently, because... it has been proven that it will stay in your head for exactly 37 seconds, after which it will leave without a trace. I am sure that you have noticed more than once how a good thought comes in the evening, which is simply impossible to remember in the morning.

The next step is ACTION. If you have written down your thought or idea, you have 72 hours to implement it. After the expiration of the term, you will only have a good memory of the fact that you once had a wonderful thought or idea.

Action (+) is a positive action aimed at a positive result.

Action (-) is an inaction or negative action that will lead to undesirable results.

The most interesting thing is that you yourself have the right to decide how to act: positively or negatively, which means that 100% responsibility for all your actions lies with you! I recommend that you do positive things that are aimed at building you and this world. Do not under any circumstances do actions that are contrary to the laws of the country in which you live and that violate the Commandments of God.

By receiving a thought and acting, you instantly get the result in the form of where you are today, what you have, what you feel and experience... Don’t like it? You can change everything!

When life hands you a lemon, don't complain - make lemonade out of it. Napoleon Hill

As you can see, a lot depends on our thoughts, which are formed by our environment. Surround yourself with positivity: read inspiring literature, communicate with good and positive people, do good deeds and get the desired result.

There is no need to go to fortune tellers and psychics - watch your thoughts and actions today, which will determine where you will be tomorrow!

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