The leaders of the well-known criminal gangs of the Gomel region of the 90s have long been convicted. Some of them were shot. Meanwhile, the "Morozovtsy" and "firemen" who fled abroad continue to be on the international wanted list.

Code of Honor of Thieves

Criminal authorities have their own rules and regulations. According to them, a thief in law should not swear, steal from his own people, take up a firearm, and should not work under any circumstances. According to criminal concepts, such a person does not commit crimes, but only leads the criminal world of his region and collects money in the common fund.

In Gomel, crime flourished in the 90s of the last century, when racketeers imposed tribute on many entrepreneurs in the Central collective farm market. Monthly taxes were set depending on the location of the outlet and ranged from $ 20 to $ 50. According to the operative information of the police, up to 150 thousand dollars were sent to the common fund every month.

Gomel organized crime dates back to 1956. Then the thief in law was crowned Ivan Chernigov named Ivan-ruka, who managed to live to 66 years. His fellow countryman and colleague named Globus ( Valery Dlugach) did not live up to 50. At the end of the Soviet era, he was one of the five most influential crime bosses in Moscow. A native of the Gomel region, who was repeatedly convicted for committing robberies and robberies, was overtaken by death in 1993.

Crowned in 1996 thieves-in-law Mamontenku ( Sergey Kovalenko) and Timokha ( Alexander Tymoshenko) at the time of his death was just over 40. As noted in the underworld, Timokha earned the reputation of a thief for hooliganism, bodily harm and for a long general experience in places of imprisonment. They say that the same Timokha and the famous Yaponchik stood shoulder to shoulder against the Russian criminal authority grandfather Khasan. As a result, the whole trinity went to the next world.

Soldier era

The so-called Gomel Watching Soldier ( Nikolay Soldatenko) experienced many fatal moments. In the era of violent and illegal business development, new criminal movements decided to arrange a "palace coup" in Gomel. However, the hired killer could not get into the Soldier sitting in the car. At the same time, he killed two policemen who were chasing the shooter, Konstantin Borisenko and Eduard Seregin... Their names are forever included in the lists of the personnel of the regiment of the patrol-guard service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Regional Executive Committee. In those years, Soldatenko invested criminal capital in legal Russian business. He was arrested only in 2009 and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Starting from the 90s, organized criminal groups controlled prostitutes in Gomel, sent girls to foreign brothels. Businessmen who refused to pay tribute had dachas, cars, apartments, booths on fire. Disassembly was not complete without murders. One group was called "firefighters" because one of its leaders ( Gennady Berezin) was a master of sports in applied fire-fighting all-around, and the second - "Morozovtsy" by the name of its leader ( Sergey Morozov).

A number of small businesses came under the control of bandits. The criminals set up private businesses to launder criminal proceeds. The leaders of the gangs built luxurious multi-storey cottages in the center of Gomel, bought expensive cars, drank in restaurants, held gatherings and showdowns.

Execution of crime leaders

According to the prosecutor's office, they began to work closely and specifically against the Morozov group in 1999. In December 2004, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee opened the first "Morozov" criminal case.

On December 1, 2006, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus passed a guilty verdict against about three dozen members of the Morozov criminal organization who were involved in the case. Its leader and creator Sergey Morozov, as well as two of the most active participants Valery Gorbaty and Igor Danchenko sentenced to the death penalty. The verdict was carried out. The rest of the members of the criminal organization were sentenced to imprisonment from 6 to 20 years.

The former head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Gomel Internal Affairs Directorate who covered the bandits Nikolay Losev was sentenced to 18 years in prison and stripped of the rank of police colonel. Anatoly Susolkin, the former prosecutor of the department for overseeing compliance with the legislation in the field of combating organized crime and corruption of the prosecutor's office of the Gomel region, suspected of having links with criminals, managed to escape, as did some crime bosses who committed lawlessness.

In September 2004, the first criminal case was opened against the "firefighters"; in November 2005, almost 30 of its participants began to be tried, who were sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 14 years. Then the leaders of the groups managed to escape, but the guards of the law, with the help of foreign colleagues, found the wanted ones.

Are on the Interpol lists

Belarusian law enforcement officers sent documents to Interpol on the search for 22 suspects in serious crimes in the Gomel region. "Firefighters" Oleg Chirkov(Zyan) and Gennady Berezin(Fireman), Vyacheslav Litsenstein(Litsen) were detained in an apartment of a prestigious building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow with the assistance of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The commandos neutralized them in one of the apartments of a multi-storey building. To communicate with accomplices, they used about a dozen different mobile phone numbers, said the head of the department of the 8th department (in the Gomel region) of the main department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Kashin... Chirkov and Berezin were sentenced to 19 years in prison, Litsenstein - to 17 years.

Their "bro" Valentin Shkurko broke away from the gang, conducted official business in Bryansk. At the same time, he was sentenced to 15 years for what he had done earlier. There was another "fireman" Oleg Goncharov(Goncharik), who spent more than a year in the basement of his partner's house on his native land, and when he got out, he received 15.5 years in prison.

He lived under an assumed name in the Urals. He got a family and got to know the local criminals until he was exposed in 2013. He was assigned 20 years behind barbed wire.

Gomel citizen crowned at a thieves' meeting in the United Arab Emirates Alexandra Medvedeva(Bear cub) was detained in Moscow for drug possession. After serving his sentence in Russia, he returned to his homeland, where last year he received 7 years in prison for extortion.

According to the main department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, the international search continues for six persons involved in criminal cases of the "Morozov" and "fire" groups. Among them Sergey Derbenev(Derben), Victor Retskiy(Boxer). According to the data received by the Belarusian police, Alexey Litvinov may be hiding in Sweden, Anatoly Susolkin- in Ukraine. Igor Kulevsky(nicknamed Ferret) was seen in the Tula region, Vladimir Petrov- in Poland, Germany and Spain. The militiamen are working to find them, arrest them and extradite them to Belarus.

The search was stopped in 2015 Gennady Rubankov, who was not in custody and regularly attended court hearings, but disappeared on the day of the sentencing. It turned out that the one who escaped punishment in Belarus (sentenced to 11 years) died in Russia.

As it became known to “Belarusian partisan” from unofficial sources, one of the former leaders of the criminal world of Belarus Nikolai Soldatenko, aka Kolya Soldat, was released after a long stay in a colony.

Soldatenko was detained in the summer of 2007 in the Moscow region, and in 2009 the Supreme Court of Belarus sentenced him to 11 years in prison with confiscation of property and serving his sentence in a high security regime.

In the case, the Soldier passed as an active member of the notorious Morozov gang. He was charged with Art. 285 of the Criminal Code (creation and participation in a criminal organization). However, under this article, the case against authority was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Kolya Soldat sat down under Part 3 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code - for extortion. Four more people were convicted along with him.

Soldatenko, 63, was released a year earlier. It is possible that one of the past amnesties was applied to him. Although it is hard to believe in it.
According to the information of the "Belarusian partisan", from the first months of imprisonment, the prisoner, as they say, showed character and quickly earned himself a prison regime. Soldier spent at least three years in Grodno prison No. 1. Soldatenkov spent his term in Gorki in IK-9, a strict regime colony.

In the 90s, Kolya Soldat was the "watchman" for the Gomel region and, according to the investigators, headed a criminal group that monitored medium-sized business transactions, including in the oil product market, as well as illegal operations at the Kristall Production Association.

They say that with the participation of the Soldier, Sergei Morozov, whose gang has left the bloodiest trace in the history of Belarus, received the status of “looking after” Gomel. On the conscience of the "Morozovskaya" - two dozen murders and hundreds of other grave crimes. In total, about 50 people were convicted. Three leaders of the gang - Sergei Morozov, Valery Gorbaty and Igor Danchenko - were sentenced to death. The verdict was carried out in 2008.

According to operatives, Sergey Morozov's gang was involved in the murder in October 1997 of another crime boss - Viktor Osipenko (Kaban).
According to operational data, a group of former athletes led by Viktor Osipenko controlled several rather lucrative places in the city, including the car market.

In 2003, an attempt was made on Nikolai Soldatenko. According to his soul, a hired killer came from Russia. The authority escaped with minor injuries, after which he went into the shadows, moved to the Moscow region, where he was engaged in legal business.

While Kolya Soldat was in prison, a split into two opposing camps occurred in the Belarusian criminal world due to the "coronation" in Moscow in 2011 of Gomel resident Alexander Kushnerov, aka Sasha Kushner.

It is difficult to say how much the information really matches, but because of the thick walls of the Grodno prison it was leaked that Kolya Soldat did not recognize Kushner, and sided with his opponents from among the thieves in law Timokha, Galey and the so-called "Dubai Four".

Timokha was shot, Galya is serving a 10-year sentence in Gorki, two of the "four" - Paste Minsky and Bear Gomel, also in places known, Mumu Slutsky was released, but is under supervision, Lebed Borisovsky is still at liberty somewhere in the EU. Sasha Kushner left for permanent residence in Turkey, occasionally visits Belarus.
Simply put, all more or less significant Belarusian crime bosses are either localized or queued up for landing, and therefore they are not in a position to start bloody showdowns on the topic “who is the main thief in Belarus”.

So there is no reason to believe that with the release of Kolya Soldat, something significant in the Belarusian criminal world can happen.

The first murder (at least the first, the involvement of the gangs in it) was committed back in 1991. In November 1990, a misfortune happened in the family of a friend of Morozov's, Mikhail Gavrilenko. His brother died in a car accident. Somov was driving a Toyota, which jumped into the oncoming lane and collided with a bus. Even at the funeral, Gavrilenko threateningly declared that he would kill everyone for his brother. And for Somov, black days began, stretching into weeks and months of waiting for blood feud. In April of the following year, the avengers, among whom were Sergei Morozov and Igor Danchenko, forced Somov into a car and took him into the forest, not far from the village of Chkalovo, Gomel region. First, the man, stripped to the waist, was beaten, then alternately shot from a pistol. And they buried it in the ground. Still alive. Perhaps this “successfully” executed “act of retaliation” gave Morozov and his team the confidence that any problem can be solved with the help of force. In addition, the cold-blooded murder of a man by the leader of the gang strengthened his omnipotent position among the "subordinates." New thugs are more actively drawn to strong leaders. The gang included: - at the initial stage: Sergey Morozov (aka Moroz), Alexander Ostretsov-Gutyro (Afonya), Igor Danchenko (Danik), Alexander Semchenko (Sema), Vitaly Zaitsev (Krestya), Sergey Makeev, Pavel Yakishkin, Albert Kaverzin, Igor Leonov (Leon), Oleg Fomenko, Nikolay Losev; - in 1993: Valery Gorbaty (Fascist); - in 1994: Alexander Ivanov (Ivashek); - in the mid-90s: Vladimir Bordun (Borman), Alexander Gutorov, brothers Oleg and Igor Yankovs (Yaneki), Igor Leonchikov (Limon), Alexander Kovalchuk (Camel). Mikhail Gavrilenko (until 1994), Nikolai Zhostkiy (until February 1995), Sergei Kuznetsov (until April 1995) took part in the gang and the attacks committed by it.

Death as a guarantor of silence

The investigation succeeded in shedding light on the murder of four people, whose corpses surfaced in 1994 in the Sozh River. The initial search activities carried out by the Homel police, as well as in the case of Ignatenko's disappearance, did not lead to anything. A decade later, it became obvious not only the involvement of the Morozovites in this group murder, but also his motive - the concealment of another crime, which became, perhaps, the most atrocious in the history of the gang. Between taking up his main activity - organizing extortions and collecting tribute - Morozov was very fond of having fun with the girls. He could not stand the refusals of the beauties he liked, because he was used to always taking what he liked. He could grab a girl he liked in a restaurant or on the street and drag her into the car by force. In the course of the investigation, a very indicative episode was established (no charges were brought against it only due to the absence of the victim in Belarus). Morozov tried to drag the intractable girl into the car by the hair, whom he liked in the “Light” disco club. The poor man miraculously managed to escape, which, quite possibly, saved his life. Tatyana Solovyova turned out to be one of those who fell on the lustful eye of Morozov in July 1994. A pretty girl on the street was forced into a car and brought to a private house on the outskirts of Gomel. It is impossible to describe on paper in what terrible agony the sadistically raped Tatyana was dying. To make it difficult to identify the girl's corpse, the scum chopped off her head and hands with an ax and buried her near the cemetery, and drowned her body in a quarry. A few days later, the dismembered corpse was discovered, the parents of Tatyana, who was listed as missing at that time, could not identify the remains of her daughter. The doubts of the relatives, who refused to believe in the most terrible thing, were confirmed by the examination, the conclusion of which ... excluded kinship. The girl's corpse was buried in the cemetery at number 900 as an unknown person. It was to this unmarked grave that loved ones brought flowers all these years. And only a second genotyposcopic examination after exhumation at the end of 2004 proved that the deceased was Tatyana Solovyova. And at first, her close friend, Viktor Nekrasov, was suspected of the disappearance of the girl. He guessed that this was the work of Morozov, with whom he was familiar, and once voiced his suspicions to him. The decision to remove the unwanted witness was taken immediately. But Nekrasov also understood what interest in the fate of his girlfriend could turn into for him, so he and his brother hurried to Vilnius, hoping that they would not look for him there. In search of the Nekrasovs, two members of the gang were "sent" to the Lithuanian city. They found the brothers when they, together with two acquaintances, were about to return to Gomel. As an overnight stay, according to a previously thought out plan, the Nekrasovs and their friends were offered a dacha not far from Gomel in the Promburvod garden partnership near the village of Starye Dyatlovichi. And there they were already expected. As soon as the Nekrasovs and their friends entered the house, they shouted "Stop, police!" everyone was thrown to the floor and beaten. Under the threat of firearms, the bandits demanded that the brothers tell all about their suspicions about the murder of Tatyana Solovieva. Having satisfied their interest and realizing that they had not had time to report anything to the police, the Nekrasovs were stabbed to death. The fate of the friends who came with them from Lithuania and became involuntary participants in the bloody showdown was a foregone conclusion. Together with the dead they were brought to the bank of the Sozh. Having strangled them with a stranglehold, they took off their clothes from the resisting men. Metal tracks were tied to their feet and the corpses of their comrades and taken by boat to the middle of the river. First, the bodies of the brothers were thrown into the water, and then they drowned their still living friends. We also got rid of the car of the killed in Sozh. It was she who was discovered a few days later at the cargo port near the village of Osovtsi. After that, within several days, one by one, four corpses surfaced in the river. Even then, law enforcement agencies suspected that the group murder was committed in a dacha, about which bad talk had been going on for a long time. When, after the discovery of another corpse, the operatives decided to inspect the ill-fated house, there was nothing to inspect. The dacha was completely dismantled.

Fatal phrase

Meanwhile, in 1995, after the elimination of rivals and the pacification of their most active associates, the gang was gaining momentum. Believing in his own uniqueness, Morozov himself did not tolerate the slightest disobedience, a rude word, a bad look in his direction. And if for some reason he was out of sorts, a casual passer-by could become a victim of his bad mood. The reason for the quarrel between him and the policeman Yegorov remains a mystery. Only its sad result is known - on the night of April 29, 1995, a law enforcement officer was shot dead near one of the houses on Bogdanov Street in Gomel. That evening, Morozov accidentally ran into a policeman near the entrance, who, being not on duty, was waiting for his friend and, apparently, inadvertently dropped a harsh phrase about Morozov. She became fatal. In response, he took out a pistol, which he always carried with him, and fired three times. A day later, not far from the place of Yegorov's murder, in the courtyard of secondary school No. 45, the body of Zhulin, who had abused alcohol during his lifetime, was found. Behind the belt of his trousers was the same pistol from which Yegorov had been shot the day before. But none of the members of the operational-investigative group, who arrived in the school yard early in the morning, could believe that a local alcoholic got hold of an expensive weapon somewhere, killed a policeman, and then drank and died. And, of course, Nikolay Losev, who was working at the Criminal Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, who was working here for some reason earlier than others, did not believe in this “obvious” version. He probably knew that at night his "wards" bandits with one well-aimed and strong blow "turned off" Zhulin and thrust a pistol carefully cleaned of fingerprints into the belt of the unconscious man's trousers. And then they poured more than 1.5 liters of vodka into the victim's mouth, which killed the poor fellow.

Fall of the last fortress

... No matter how the leaders of the group tried to protect themselves, in 1996 Mikhail Matyushkov was shot dead in Gomel by an unknown person at a gas station on Dokutovich Street. After his death, Sergei Morozov became the sole and full-fledged leader of the gang. There remained only one obstacle - the leader of another criminal group opposing the Morozovites, Viktor Osipenko, nicknamed the Boar. It was he who Morozov suspected of having connections with the people who organized the murder of Matyushkov. But not only and not so much this was the reason for the removal of Osipenko. He prevented Morozov from seizing the sole criminal power in the city. Viktor Osipenko himself understood this, so he was finishing things up and was going to leave Gomel. But he was only a day late. When strong guys appeared on the doorstep of the real estate office (and they were Gorbaty and Kaverzin) and wanted to rent an apartment for a short time in the area of ​​the Davydovsky market, the employee of the company was surprised that the clients were not interested in the dwelling environment. The main factor was the location of the apartment, namely, that from its windows the house number 60 on Oktyabrya Avenue was clearly visible. The house where Osipenko's parents lived, whom he often visited. On October 23, 1997, Osipenko, along with his wife, son and friends, came to his parents for dinner, after which he was going to disappear from Gomel. At the same time, in a three-room apartment on the ninth floor of house No. 19 on Studencheskiy proezd, Kaverzin did not take his eyes off the entrance. Two shooters armed with machine guns were waiting for his conditional signal in the street. As soon as Osipenko with his one-year-old son in his arms, wife, driver and security guard left the entrance and got into the car, two people in black caps appeared from the aisle between the houses, took out machine guns from under their jackets and opened fire. The driver managed to leave, but the criminals continued to shoot after him, and when the car disappeared from sight, abandoning the machine guns, they quickly retreated. Everything happened at eight o'clock in the evening in a crowded courtyard, miraculously, none of the bystanders was hurt. The wounded driver of the shot car rushed to the hospital at high speed. Alas, Osipenko and his son no longer needed medical assistance. They were dead. The guard later died in the hospital. The woman was seriously injured. So the last of the criminal bosses who interfered with Morozov was defeated. And soon at a gangster meeting, he was declared "looking out of the city." FROM THE MATERIALS OF THE CRIMINAL CASE Since June 1997, Morozov's gang acquired the characteristics of a criminal organization, since by that time it consisted of several organized, autonomous, but subordinate to Morozov groups and other members. The criminal organization included in the late 90s - Andrei Ivanov, in June 1997 - Oleg Shlyapin and Valery Filatov, in September 1998 - Nikolai Sachev, in March 1999 - Nikolai Yakovlev, in January 2001 - Sergei Meleshko, in September 2002 - Alexander Khokhov, in 2004 - Eduard Sandler. Some members of the gang and criminal organization were at a certain stage in places of imprisonment, but after serving their sentence they resumed their criminal activities.

Alexander Morozov is a person known not only in the South Urals. In the first post-Soviet years, he made a lot of noise with his extravagant antics in the political arena and in.

Alexander Ivanovich Morozov was born in 1969 in Zlatoust in the family of a kindergarten teacher and a railway worker. After the eighth grade of secondary school, he entered the Zlatoust Metallurgical College, but never finished it.

Alexander Morozov, master of sports in boxing, formed a group in his native Zlatoust back in the early 90s. The backbone of his brigade was made up of former and current athletes, as well as veterans of the war in Afghanistan.

Like other gangs, they began by seizing tents and small shops, whose owners, under the threat of physical harm, imposed "security services." By 1994, Morozov became the owner of most of the commercial kiosks of Zlatoust.

Quite quickly, the group of Alexander Morozov ousted competitors from the city - purely criminal gangster groups.

The business that Morozov took up fit quite well into the business and everyday environment in the glorious city of Zlatoust. Vodka from the kiosks was available around the clock, the demand at first exceeded supply, there was enough space for everyone in the sun. Morozov bought grain, handed it over to distilleries, and the Cossack Uralsky combine paid off with vodka. In Tyubuk, the distillery was headed by Dyatlov, who drew attention to the grasping guy, and he, greedy and tenacious to the people he needed, brought the Tyubuk director into his computer memory. Even then, they started talking all around about privatization, Morozov was catching new concepts by ear, Dyatlov complained that one man was interfering here ... Soon this man was hit by a car, and Dyatlov, talking about this, carefully peered at the grain supplier. They will part for several years, but at the right time they will remember each other ...

Cool morals

Having strengthened and replaced baseball bats with automatic weapons, the Morozovites decided to take control of the already large enterprises of Zlatoust.

To this end, Alexander Morozov and his people began to "run into" the top managers of the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant, which produces hundreds of grades of high-quality steel. The bandits kidnapped one of the leaders of the enterprise several times, bringing him to their leader, who, in turn, offered to share the profits. But nothing came of this venture. The directorate of the metallurgical plant complained to the FSB, and the counterintelligence officers intelligibly explained to the racketeer Morozov to moderate his appetite.

The plant "Kazak Uralsky" in the future completely fell under the control of "Morozovtsev"

He was forced to go to the bottom for a while, and when the counterintelligence lost interest in him, he decided to go into the vodka business. Under his control were already several firms selling vodka, which was produced by the local state-owned enterprise Kazak Uralsky. But Alexander Morozov decided that they did not have to settle accounts with the supplier for alcohol. Traditional threats followed, and Kazak Uralsky began to sell vodka to Morozov companies free of charge. As a result, the state-owned enterprise almost went bankrupt. There was a change in management, and the new CEO Georgy Podshivalov, having learned that the debt of the distributors had reached several hundred billion rubles (non-denominated), ordered the release of products only on prepayment.

At that time, there were three vodka trade in Zlatoust: Morozov, Mikhalchenko and Bykovsky. Bykovsky agreed to work with Morozov, and Mikhalchenko, a tough, strong man, responded to the threat briefly: "I'll rip your head off." It was no longer possible to talk to Alexander Morozov in that tone.

Bykovsky, Mikhalchenko traded all by themselves, and the time of loners has passed. For a long time and carefully studied Morozov young guys who returned from service, staggering around idle. I gave the task to my younger brother, who brought the guy. "Boar" - introduced him to Morozov. The nickname corresponded to both appearance and disposition. In the troops of Uncle Vasya (Airborne Forces) they teach well, only you will not immediately fit into civilian life. Paratrooper Mikhail Kobelev swore an oath for the second time and did not break his oath to Morozov. The group, which he created on the orders of Morozov, took Zlatoust without a fight.

Boris Mikhalchenko did not calculate his strength. He was killed in the street, near his house, in front of his neighbors. It's even good that before our eyes: let everyone know who is the boss in the city. The vodka trade was completely transferred to Morozov. Kiosks operate on all streets. The plant has increased its supply. Money was brought to the common fund in sacks.

Morozovtsy do business in Moscow

If you don't pay for the goods right away, you can run the combine's money through banks rather well. So the commercial director advises Morozov - his people go to the Russian Acceptance Bank, to the April bank. Both banks control Moscow groups - Oleg Malakhov, a bandit and at the same time a member of the board of directors in an acceptance bank. In the Moscow tavern "Likhobory" they shook hands, cashiers from Zlatoust fly to Moscow weekly, the amount of Morozov's deposit in acceptance makes him the actual owner of the bank, and the Moscow authority Malakhov likes the Zlatoust lads less and less. We'll have to fly to Moscow if someone needs problems there ...

Not only in Chelyabinsk, but also in the capital, they now lived on a grand scale. At the airport, they met their cars, their people set up the cottage, they drove along the Moscow streets in a column, just without flashing lights. Alexander Morozov was quick to make decisions, felt at home everywhere and did not look back at Moscow customs. In the bank "April", as predicted, someone twisted it with money. The owner, who responded to the nickname Schwartz, surrendered immediately and offered a decent apartment in compensation, which was issued on the same day for Morozov. The owner of the company "Scarlet Flower", as reported to Morozov, continued to persist and refused to pay a fine of 30 thousand dollars assigned to him. "Is the grave ready?" - Morozov asked briefly. He did not like to order twice, and his people tried not to do what he did not like. Therefore, the grave was ready.

In the forest, where the owner of the "Scarlet Flower" was taken, he was tied to a tree next to a freshly dug hole. “This is for you,” they told him and shot him in the legs to tickle him a little. In the forest near Moscow, they behaved as if they were under Zlatoust, without looking back, without hiding, without lowering their voices.

The world is small in Moscow, the owner of "Flower" was associated with Oleg Malakhov. We met again in "Likhobory", where Malakhov paid money for the debtor, but did not restrain his displeasure: they say, I don’t understand who is the boss in Moscow now. "Of course you are," Morozov assured him. Oleg Malakhov was killed under unclear circumstances, and who will find out: the police are encouraging to intergroup showdowns. Well, everyone who wanted problems, they all got them. Now home - to the ancestral city of Zlatoust and its suburb, Chelyaba.

The murder of Podshivalov and the change of leadership

In Chelyab, there are also wizards for creating problems. Podshivalov issues an order to terminate the supply of goods for sale to Morozov's firms. For debts that really amounted to a huge amount. Morozov goes to the general director of “Kazak”, but he is adamant: “No. I will not let the Zlatoust boys twist my money. " He said this in vain, and Morozov patiently repeated his request. "Without prepayment - not a bottle," said Podshivalov. “And while I am the director here…” He emphasized this all the more in vain.

The fact is that human life is expensive only for its owner. In general, it is not the most expensive product lately, and there are people who will tell anyone exactly what their price is today. The disruption in the supply of vodka brought Morozov a loss of several million rubles, and rarely what person is so expensive. Morozov immediately called the commercial service and offered to issue an express analysis. The current losses have been accurately identified. It was noted that the plant needs its own person for a long time, all the more it is time to think about privatization. “More specifically,” Morozov ordered, and his commercial director issued a unique financial and organizational verdict for a financial worker: “Fail tightly.”

Morozov summoned Kaban. A year ago, Podshivalov was beaten at the entrance, and Morozov decided to imitate the continuation of last year's case. But tight. "Can you handle the rods?" He asked Boar. He chuckled.

At the base where they kept a vodka warehouse, they took three reinforcing bars about a meter long. Morozov decided to control the case and watched Kaban from the car. He waved him a cane: don't waste yourself, chief. Podshivalov came out of the entrance with a briefcase in his hand. He nodded to the woman who was walking the dog, and another one with a stroller. It was just February, the day had arrived, and Morozov saw everything well. With the first blow, the boar knocked out the case so that he would not be covered by it. With the second blow to the head, he knocked him to the ground. The women screamed and ran. The boar struck two more times on the head and heard the familiar crunch: he had a good command of the means of combat at hand. “All right, Chief,” he said as he got into the car. They left. Podshivalov, without regaining consciousness, died in the hospital.

Still strange. One, the other, the third was killed in front of our eyes and are not hiding, they are not running at breakneck speed, but are leaving in cars as if they were guests. No one is a witness, no one writes secretly. Fear? It is secondary. The root cause of silence is social. They kill each other, their own, the same as they are. An ordinary man will not be fined $ 30,000. Ordinary people do not work as directors, do not run a vodka trade. The rich beat the rich. The rich do not share their joy with us, we do not share their sorrows. Of course, a butterfly will scream out of fright, a passer-by will cram into the entrance, and through the window, into a crack, slightly touching the curtain, he looks and sees everything a curious neighbor's eye. Even a good neighbor will rejoice, looking at what until recently was rich, a loud, impudent reproach to his poverty, lethargy, and boredom.

Soon, a respectable businessman and promising young politician Alexander Morozov paid business visits to the leaders of the region. He is concerned about the situation with the production of vodka and recommends an experienced, serious specialist for the position of general director of the Kazak Uralsky plant. The then head of the regional legislative body gets acquainted with this specialist and asks for the opinion of the head of the department of agriculture, to which the plant was subordinated at that time. Altynbaev ran for the State Duma, and, wow, the world is small again! - in the Zlatoust district, where Alexander Morozov cannot be avoided. Therefore, the head of the department supported the Morozov nominee, and he became the general director of "Kazak". Have you forgotten Dyatlov from Tyubuk yet? Alexander Morozov did not forget him either. Morozov sent two people from his group, excellent commercial specialists, to Dyatlov as deputies, and all four chief accounting posts were occupied by Morozov's relatives. The money went to Moscow banks like a river.

His large farm worked with colossal dedication, guarded all around by his people. He channeled huge vodka revenues into the legal tourism business, into real estate in Moscow and abroad. Morozov paid generously to his comrades-in-arms, spared no money on the militants, and gradually the Morozovites became idols of the Zlatoust youth. Power and money worked for the authority of the group and for the owner himself.

Morozov treats Chechen militants

Over time, Mr. Morozov, who was apparently tired of all this criminality, took up politics and charity. He organized the Terek fund, which managed to agree with a number of enterprises in the Chelyabinsk region on the allocation of money (or products) for the rehabilitation of war veterans in Chechnya and the ransom of captured soldiers from militants. The foundation even has a branch in Grozny.

Later it turned out that most of the protocols of the founding meetings of the foundation and its branches were forged, despite the fact that the lists of participants included guys who really did military service in Chechnya. And in fact, "Terek" was led by a 27-year-old businessman Alexander Morozov, who had not fought in Chechnya for a single day. On behalf of the foundation, signed by D. Mukhitdinov, and then other chairmen, letters were sent to enterprises of Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Zlatoust, Satka and other cities with convincing requests for charitable assistance to Terek. In response, some of the enterprises allocated their products, while others transferred monetary sums to the Terek account. Companions of Morozov unanimously claim that their leader did not earn a dime on the Terek. On the contrary, he spent about 200 thousand dollars of his money. These funds were used to purchase food sets and gifts, which were sent to all participants of the Chechen war without exception, and charity concerts were organized.

Salman Raduev - 1996

The South Ural enterprises allocated money to Terek, of course, not for the idea, but specifically for the personality of Morozov. He knew how to persuade. Having once gathered many Zlatoust businessmen in a restaurant for a gala dinner, Morozov managed to knock out a billion rubles from them in one night (with old money, of course).

In 1996, representatives of the foundation, in the presence of numerous journalists, handed over 100 million rubles to the soldiers of the Zlatoust OMON, who had distinguished themselves in the war. for the purchase of apartments. The money was accepted with gratitude, but upon returning from a business trip, the head of the local police immediately ordered all funds to be returned to the fund. “I don’t want to deal with people like Morozov,” he said.

Offended by the police "misunderstanding" the leader of "Terek" sent a courier with a sack of money to Moscow, allegedly for medicines for the "Chechens". Before reaching the capital, he "hovered" at one of the camp sites near Moscow. The Moscow police knocked off their feet, looking for the "Zlatoust billionaire", and he was having fun in the company of friends. Finally, the whereabouts of the "Terekovets" were found - a raid was organized at the camp site. Several hours of a thorough search have yielded absolutely no results - the money has sunk into the water.

The head of the task force apologized to the Zlatoust man through clenched teeth, his subordinates saluted, sadly leaving the base. And then the last of those who left decided to drink cold mineral water. The militiaman got into the refrigerator after her, barely opened the door when a waterfall of money "poured" on him. The money was seized without explanation, and, despite Terek's threats to go to court, not a penny was returned to Zlatoust.

Veterans say that the fund saved more than a dozen servicemen, but it all ended in a scandal.

And after a while, the intelligence officers got information that "Terek" was organizing treatment not only for Russian soldiers, but also for militants from the Salman Raduyev detachment. And much more money was spent on Chechens than on Russians.

It is known that Morozov had joint financial projects with a relative of the head of one of the law enforcement agencies, Zlatoust. has repeatedly provided financial assistance to the Department for Combating Organized Crime. He had connections in the capital's financial and criminal circles.

Chechen veterans want to see him as the mayor of Zlatoust. The call of power is sweet and alarming. The young leader is passionate and ambitious. But in the struggle for money, he used to blame tightly. You cannot be mistaken, a freshly dug hole is always ready. No, he is a smart player, and once again the cards were dealt brilliantly, and he takes a good jackpot with someone else's hands. You don't have to be the mayor yourself. You need to elect your mayor.

Big politics

In 1996, a branch of the "Honor and Homeland" movement was opened in Zlatoust, headed by Vladimir Maksimov. Morozov offered him the position of mayor, promising support for the city's youth and, more importantly, financial support for the election campaign. "Honor and Homeland" is associated with General Lebed. The ninety-sixth year was the general's finest hour, the people did not believe in anyone more than in him, and the officers, veterans of Afghanistan and Chechnya went under the banner of Lebed. Morozov's choice was justified, Maximov recruited supporters. Zlatoust, not spoiled by pop stars, brought down Aziza and Kikabidze's concerts, sounded sincerely and powerfully, uniting the stage and the audience: "Honor!", "Motherland!", "Swan!" Morozov, who had long known the taste of money and power, for the first time felt the taste of power over the human heart and human soul.

It was not long before the elections when Morozov learned about the double game of his candidate. “I’ll become the mayor,” Maksimov said inadvertently somewhere, “I’ll see if we need Morozov.” The closest associates were unanimous: death. But a politician, and Morozov was already a politician! - a politician must be able to count. Election eve corpse smells bad this time. The corpse will not return the money spent, two. A living corpse is much more useful. Morozov, keeping Maksimov convinced that he did not hear his careless words (a politician needs restraint!), Unexpectedly nominates himself for the post of mayor. Maksimov's amazement is understandable: why, Alexander Ivanovich? Morozov smiled cheerfully:

- For insurance purposes only. Imagine, you went to Chelyabinsk, and on the way something happened to you. This is where I'll burn.

Sometimes his joke made blood freeze. Morozov called Maksimov the day before the elections, at night: "I want to meet with you." - "When?" - "Now". The conversation was short in an officer's way: “Go to the electoral commission in the morning. Then on television. Take off your candidacy. "

A month later, Maksimov received a piece of paper, where there were no words, but simply an amount that was overstated by about five times: the costs of the election campaign. He rushed about, trying to explain, delay, persuade. At night, gasoline was poured into his office - the office, property, a deaf-mute boy-worker burned down. Morozov called in the morning: "Well, have you eaten the politicians?" - and hung up.

Morozov dropped out of the Terek Foundation and deeply moved into politics. He simultaneously decided to run for deputies of the regional legislative assembly and the mayor of Zlatoust. The campaign was conducted under the slogan "Courageous, resolute, worthy." The methods of agitation were very unusual. So, the brigade of Mr. Morozov for several hours three days before the elections seized the building of the mayor's office. And when the mayor of the city Vasily Maltsev came to work, the applicant who took his chair, said: "The government has changed!"

By that time, Morozov had strong ties with the regional authorities. He was often seen with the first deputy head of the governor's administration, Zhakslyk Altynbaev. Then it was believed that the bandit was almost "hand-fed" a high-ranking official and his boss Vadim Solovyov. Morozov spoiled relations with them when he supported Kostromin in the governor's elections.

Once there was a loud public conflict. The bandit, at his own expense, built and repaired the premises of the Ambulance Center in Chelyabinsk. Soloviev, who had arrived at the opening, began to tell that the regional authorities had done it. Morozov flared up so much that a scuffle, shooting began, the riot police had to be called. And he got away with it. "Show me a prosecutor who will handcuff me!" - Morozov defiantly spoke then at the press conference.

1996 - Alexander Morozov rushes to the office of Vasily Maltsev

But he did not succeed in retaining power - Mr. Morozov did not become the mayor. But he managed to be elected to the regional legislative assembly. He appointed ten of his closest accomplices as assistants to the ZSO deputy. He made one more of his own deputy head of the city for youth affairs. Morozov's support made regional official Altynbaev a deputy of the State Duma. In gratitude, he accepted the Morozov friend to the Department of Agriculture as the curator of the wine and vodka industry. "Cossack Ural" finally came under the control of the group of Alexander Morozov. Commodity-money-commodity, Marx's formula was replaced in our conditions by money-politician-money, which suited the politician Morozov himself, and his financiers, and the guys from the Kaban military unit, who knew how to instill a convincing formula for real power in Zlatoust.

At the end of 1996, speaking on the TV program Moment of Truth, Governor Vadim Soloviev named Morozov the man who controls the region's vodka mafia.

“They call us the mafia,” Morozov said later. “This is beneficial for the current government. But what is the mafia? The Mafia is an organization that has the levers of power in its hands. There is a government that cares about its people who work for it, and there is a government that does not care about its people. "

He was asked: - Some are afraid to vote for you, they think that you are a mafia ... Where does so much money come from in the Terek fund? You are giving away so much!

- We made money on tourism. We started three years ago and made a lot of money. And we are ready to invest them. But for this we need power. Then we will invest this money in Russia.We have money to give people work, and factories - working capital. And then they will work. We will be able to pay salaries and pensions - we guarantee that.

After becoming a deputy, Morozov automatically received immunity under the then regional law. And then he headed the committee for the rehabilitation of victims in Chechnya, and then announced that he was creating a regional commission to combat corruption.

In those days, Morozov shouted at the mayor, when something was not for him, and he was silent, like a schoolboy in front of the director. He himself entered the general's office on the Cossack, and the meeting was interrupted, and he angrily reprimanded if something was wrong. And in the corridors of the Legislative Assembly, his strong, broad-shouldered assistants spoke loudly, not hiding, as they spoke in a forest near Moscow or on the streets of their father city.

Regional leaders, administrators and legislators talked with Morozov as an equal, a man of their circle, one of the most promising young politicians in the region. Perhaps his very big money played a role. Big money, no matter how embarrassed we turn away, inspire respect. Maybe they were secretly afraid of him. Regional leaders, administrators and politicians knew that he killed many people, but in such cases it is better to pretend that you do not know about it. But when they shook his hand, they were afraid. Morozov knew this secret fear of him, and he suited him - like an ace bought to a ten.

Seizure of power in the city hall

It was possible to oust the Morozov henchmen from the "Cossack" only in the mid-90s. In the meantime, the gang, which has accumulated more than $ 35 million in its accounts in foreign banks, has already come to grips with the tourist business and trade in fuels and lubricants.

The law enforcement agencies of the Chelyabinsk region, which have been investigating the activities of Deputy Morozov all this time, have already decided that they will never be able to bring him to justice, but the case helped them. In May 1997, the deputy, as usual, raced in a jeep across Chelyabinsk. The traffic police inspectors on duty on the road tried to stop him, as a result of which Alexander Morozov knocked down a traffic police officer and fled the scene. The deputy was detained, in addition, a pistol was found at Morozov. It was these circumstances that made it possible to put him on trial, which gave the deputy Morozov three years in prison.

The ex-deputy Morozov who ended up in prison received all kinds of support from many famous politicians: Telman Gdlyan, Lev Rokhlin ... And Joseph Kobzon, who more than once called Morozov a friend, handed him his autographed book in the pre-trial detention center: "Sasha, hold on, we will help you out!"

In 1999, Morozov was about to be released, when the regional prosecutor's office brought a new criminal case to court, in which the former deputy and his associates (they had been arrested by that time) were accused of much more serious crimes: murder, kidnapping, extortion, storage of weapons, rape. But the most serious was, of course, the charge of organizing a criminal community.

Judgment of authority

There was no cage in which all the defendants could fit in the Chelyabinsk Regional Court, and four were handcuffed to rods outside. Morozov was quite cheerful. He spoke about politics and violations committed by the investigation.

“During the trial, all accusations against me were fully refuted,” he said at one of the sessions. “Although many of my friends were beaten, and one was made a fool. Mikhail Kobelev opened his veins six times, and Albert Khazhin was generally beaten right during the trial, which was closed to the press. "

The journalists who were allowed to attend the last session tried to get from the defendant Morozov the degree of truthfulness of the information received from the authorities: allegedly one of the defendants, who was under a subscription, did not live to see the end of the trial, as he began to testify against the former deputy. After listening to numerous questions about this, Morozov calmly replied: "In fact, he wanted to tell the truth - that I am innocent."

The judge read the verdict for two days. From it it became clear that not all members of the Morozov gang were arrested. For example, its active participant, known under the nickname Yeltsin, is still at large. He took part in several episodes related to extortion, and when the scandalous mayoral elections were held in Zlatoust, he forced one of the candidates to withdraw his candidacy.

The rest of the bandits could not avoid imprisonment. The longest term was received by the convicted Morozov - 20 years in prison with confiscation of property. Moreover, he must spend ten years in prison and pay 300 thousand rubles. the victim. The rest of the bandits had a total of 171 years in prison and camps.

After hearing the verdict, the main convict said that he wanted to appeal right now, but the judge asked him to think it over carefully and not write anything in the courtroom.
Alexander Morozov and his accomplices faced one more trial: the economic side of the criminal community's activities was separated by the prosecutor's office of the Chelyabinsk region into a separate proceeding.

Already behind bars and under investigation, Alexander Morozov took part in the elections to the State Duma of Russia in the Aginsko-Buryat constituency (Chita region). And he took second place. Among the two candidates. And the only rival of Morozov, People's Artist of Russia Iosif Kobzon, received a deputy mandate.

In 2005, the exposed fraud increased the term of the criminal authority to 21 years.

Authority Morozov added a term for a fight in prison

The last article, according to which the disgraced deputy again landed on the dock - 321 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - disorganization of the activities of institutions that ensure isolation from society. Or, more precisely, the use of non-life-threatening violence against the convict out of revenge, for his assistance to the employees of the colony. The investigation established that Morozov, who at that time was serving time in IK-2, had a fight with the orderly Semenko.

Disassembly took place in the sleeping section of Detachment 12 at about nine in the evening. According to the testimony of Semenko, who actively collaborated with the administration of the penal colony, when Morozov arrived at the detachment after the punishment cell, he went into the bedroom without taking off his slippers. He was reprimanded because there was a carpet in the room. Morozov took off his slippers almost by the bed, while cursing the victim with foul language.

“Semenko went to him to find out the reason for the rudeness, - says the protocol of the interview of the victim, - Morozov tried to punch him in the face, but hit him in the shoulder. Then he hit the body several times ",

The raging convict was stopped by the fight witnesses - convicts Livadny and Askarov. Then the guard came and took away Morozov, who shouted that he hated people like Semenko. Later in court, another witness to the debauchery Fattakhov, a former friend of Morozov, will tell that he actually treated the rest of the prisoners arrogantly. To Semenko's remark to take off his slippers, Morozov replied: "And you, sheep, shut your mouth," says Fattakhov. It would seem that there are enough witnesses, there is nothing to argue with. But the defense of the scandalous inmate thinks differently.

“It is obvious from the materials of the criminal case that the authorities are prosecuting Morozov for his activities aimed at combating corruption in state structures,” said the public defender of the convict, who, by the way, called himself the “legally unregistered son” of the ex-deputy in court. - And they do not disdain anything, they even use convicted criminals-activists. There was clearly a provocation on the part of the IK administration. And judges usually turn a blind eye to such facts. There was no motive for revenge in the actions of Alexander Ivanovich. He was just defending himself. We intend to appeal the decision of the cassation board in the supervisory instance court.

Lawyer Denis Kulikov, appointed to the defendant (Alexander Morozov refused the services of a paid lawyer, believing that he did not need such services), said that the defenders insisted on re-qualifying Article 321, incriminated to the defendant for an easier one. Again, based on the fact that there was no revenge. There were personal grudges and self-defense.

“I defended my rights in the institution, demanded that the employees treat me with“ you, ”asked that they do not use obscene words in my presence,” Alexander Morozov said in court. - Because of this, I was deprived of my correspondence, recognized as a malicious violator, and put in a pre-trial detention center. Semenko struck the first blow on the head, and then in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

Morozov claims that when a fight broke out, other prisoners began to shout to the guard on duty that he, Morozov, was beating Semenko. And the testimony of three inmates against his one is a losing business from the very beginning.

Friends of Alexander Ivanovich, his aunt (his mother died in a car accident), believe that they simply decided to leave their Sasha behind a "thorn" for life - they are afraid to release them. And the law looks at the unlawfulness of the actions of the ex-deputy and assesses them fairly.

Morozov from prison is suing former partners

In July 2014, the court met 16 times over his claims with a different composition of judges. The plaintiff constantly disputes the actions of the Russian Post, then opposes the qualification collegium of judges of the Moscow region, then complains about the illegal actions or inaction of officials of the Rosreestr Office in the Moscow region.

One of the lawsuits that Mr. Morozov has already filed several times is against Valery Uldanov. The essence of the civil dispute can be seen in the decisions of the court. As you can understand, the litigation is connected with the company "Libel" LLC, which still operates on 1st Nizhne-Zavodskaya Street. Once, the prisoner confesses, he was engaged in criminal activities and legal business. Dirty money was earned, as Morozov himself admits, as a result of fraud with the products of the "Cossack of the Ural". The income received had to be allocated somewhere. And for these purposes I chose the "pocket" company "Liebel". Alexander Ivanovich reports that he sent the funds there in order to legalize them later, investing in firms controlled by him and the members of the group.

The subtlety of the moment lies in the fact that Morozov asserts: in addition to the criminally acquired money, he contributed his personal money to Libel, which he earned in a completely legal way. How exactly is not specified. Now Alexander Morozov is demanding over 500 million rubles.

He says that until March 2013, Valery Uldanov did not give up his obligations and was ready to return the debts at the first request of the representatives of the ex-partner. As we can conclude, they are represented by some KD and OV Bykovskiy - a man and a woman. According to Alexander Morozov, Bykovskaya and Uldanov signed an agreement in favor of the former, and a little later - and an addition to it. It followed from the agreement that, at the request of Morozov, the property of a certain LLC should be transferred to his right hand, or the share in this enterprise from Bykovskaya would be redeemed. Mr. Uldanov could not change the terms of these agreements, because then he ran into fines and the need to pay the lost profits.

But all agreements collapsed. According to the plaintiff, Valery Borisovich nevertheless liquidated the company, and "forgot" to pay. The prisoner even considered that this brought him mental and physical suffering, and therefore asked to compensate for them with a financial equivalent.

As compensation for moral damage, he announced the amount of more than a billion rubles. This judicial story stretched out for a long time. The first lawsuit was filed a year and a half ago, but all instances refused to satisfy his claims. The judges considered: the plaintiff did not provide any evidence that Mr. Uldanov had agreed with anyone at all. In addition, Valery Borisovich did not in any way stain himself with criminal punishment, they said in court, which means that no one has yet proved that he was engaged in criminal schemes, for example, in the same "Libele".

While Alexander Morozov is behind bars, many details of the past remain with him, only occasionally breaking through to the light of individual lawsuits. It is possible that when a well-known crime boss is released, society will have to learn a lot more new and breathtaking things about the history of the city of Zlatoust, which has not gone too far back.

The release of authority from prison

In August 2016, crime boss Alexander Morozov was released from IK-6 in Omsk. According to the latest known data, the authority is going to return to his hometown. He spent 19 years in prison, where he became a religious leader. He intends to create the Monastic Order of the Brotherhood of Chrysostom, and is also going to help the victims of his crimes.

But first, as the authorities say, it is necessary to return their property, which was appropriated by Valery Uldanov, the businessman of Zlatoust. Uldanov practically owns the shopping centers "Katrin", "Nastenka" and others. According to Morozov, the businessman fraudulently obtained the assets of these companies. Now they must be handed over to their rightful hands. But most likely it will be in six months.

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Chelyabinsk authority became the hero of Esquire magazine: "If he shows off, he will be mocked"

One of the most dangerous bandits of the Chelyabinsk region of the late 90s, ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, Alexander Morozov, who served 20 years and was recently released, became the hero of a large article in Esquire magazine. As journalists write, during the years spent in the colony for kidnapping, murder and extortion, Morozov did not lose his will to power.

The publication tells about how Morozov became a criminal authority and created an organized criminal group in his native Zlatoust: how he “entered” the “Kazak Uralsky” distillery; how his people killed partners and those who interfered with business; how Morozov had political ambitions and he participated in the elections of the mayor of Zlatoust and the Legislative Assembly of the region. There is information in the material about the friendship of the authority with the singer Joseph Kobzon and how the people's artist tried to help him during the investigation of the criminal case.

"The organized criminal group is our, the Russian version of the knightly order with its own charter, internal economy and ideas of honor and dignity," Morozov himself told the publication.

Acquaintances and friends of Alexander Morozov hardly communicate with him today. “Those who sat down in the nineties are now going free and looking for themselves. If Sasha doesn't ... (Show off - Esquire's note), rewind time, review the results, he will remain alive. And so - it will mock. As usual - "I swam in the wrong place", "I was hit by a car", "I strangled myself by accident." We swam - we know. My prediction: in six months, Morozov will come to a standstill. While he was enlightened in his "monastery", we went into darkness, we are already in another dimension and time. He has no friends left, for them he is a living and unpleasant reminder of that time. A historical consensus has been reached on the nineties here in the Urals. Those who were without sin were thrown with stones long ago: it's a pity, of course, but you can't bring them back. Of course, the sinners survived, but they are forgiven: they went through the purgatory of the nineties, and this alone deserves, if not indulgence, then at least condescension, "said one of his acquaintances.

Note that Alexander Morozov, after his release, created the brotherhood "Morozov-Zlatoust", his associates submitted documents to the electoral commission to participate in the elections to the State Duma. And this week Morozov said that FSB officers in the Chelyabinsk region searched his house, as well as the apartments of the fraternity members, seized the organization's charter, hard drives, flash drives and a laptop, as well as claims and lawsuits against sellers who violate consumer rights. In addition, Morozov announced that he had been beaten and demanded that criminal proceedings be instituted against the persons who carried out the investigative measures.