Behind Harry Potter - for the boy who survived !

This post will be entirely dedicated to Harry Potter , films and books about the most beloved wizard all children. I know this post will be easy huge. But I have a tradition - so that summer good and successful It's passed, we need to see everything on June 1st and 2nd Harry Potter films . I'm anticipating the first two magical days summer, I just couldn't do this fast because my love is for the boy who lived - Just limitless .

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The first novel in a series of books about a young wizard Harry Potter, written J. Rowling. It tells how Harry finds out that he wizard, meets close friends and many enemies in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and also, with the help of his friends, stops the attempt to return the evil wizard Lord Voldemort who killed Harry's parents when he was one year old.

You can't cling to dreams and dreams, forgetting about present, forgetting about your life.

Eat events, having experienced which one cannot help but be imbued with sympathy for each other.

Larger required courage, in order to resist enemies but much more to go in defiance of friends.

Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets

The action of the second novel is about Harry Potter starts on his 12th birthday, July 31, 1992. Since the beginning of summer, Harry has not received a single letter from Ron or Hermione. Nobody congratulates him on his birthday either, which is why they gloat cousin Dudley. At night they come to Harry Weasley brothers - Ron, Fred and George- on the flying aircraft belonging to their father " Forde England", rescued and taken to their home. On the way they say that Dobby probably serves Draco Malfoy - Harry's sworn enemy.

After all Human- this is not a property character, and made by him choice.

Our solutions show who we really are, much more better than ours capabilities.

Even the most the best of us are sometimes forced take their words back.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

The book begins during summer holidays 1993, one month after expiration previous book when Harry celebrates alone again my birthday at the Dursley's house. They try ignore his. For this birthday he received gifts and cards from his friends from Hogwarts. « Night Knight b" delivers Harry to " Leaky Cauldron", where he encounters Cornelius Fudge, minister of magic, who was waiting for him.

You think that dead whom we loved, forever have they left us? But we are their we're calling when we feel bad.

The more you ask, the more lies you will hear.

The consequences of our actions always so complicated, so varied what a prediction future truly incredible difficult task.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

1994, a month after the end of the previous book. Harry saw off summer holidays at the Dursleys. He received a letter from Molly Weasley with an invitation to the final Quidditch World Cup. The night after the Championship, the wizards' tent camp was attacked Death Eaters. Harry noticed that he had lost magic wand . Harry, Ron and Hermione ran into the forest, unexpectedly next to them someone formed an image of an emblem in the sky Death Eaters.

He felt what the three of them understand each other so much so that already dont need in words.

If pain muffle it for a while, it will become even more more unbearable, when you you'll feel her again.

We are strong so how much we united, And weak as much as disconnecteds.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The events of the book begin in the summer 1995, one month after expiration previous book. Harry Potter holds summer holidays at the Dursleys. Walking in the park In the evening, Harry sees Dudley in the company of friends. They do not notice Harry. When Dudley returns home alone, Harry and mockery talks about their hobby - fighting with singles teenagers. Dudley threatens Harry and forces him to take him out magic wand. Suddenly on Harry and Dudley Dementors attack. Harry manages to call Patronus, drive away the Dementors and thereby save myself and Dudley.

Wounds, applied thoughts, heal longer any others.

Indifference and neglect often brings much more harm than open dislike.

Human dies when he dies last memory about him.

Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince

In summer 1996 of the year occur in England mysterious incidents who even notice muggles. Meanwhile Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy at Snape's house (where Peter Pettigrew is also located) discuss fate Draco Malfoy. Then Albus Dumbledore takes Harry from the Dursley's house. At the same time, he finds out how legally issued Sirius Harry's inheritance of his property: after all, the house on Grimmauld Place, where the headquarters was still located Order of the Phoenix might go to Black's cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. But Sirius I did everything right.

We fear unknown when we look at death and darkness, Nothing more.

Much easier forgive people for what they do wrong than for rightness.

Greatness awakens envy, envy gives birth to anger, anger breeds lie.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Joanne Rowling finished writing a book January 11 2007 at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh. It was announced that the novel would be published 21 July 2007 at 00:01 p.m. Greenwich. Through little time this text has been translated into several languages, including Russiansth. ABOUT book title the author reported on December 21, 2006 on her official website, but to to know, had to be done mini-quest.

All Maybe, if no one didn't prove that this is not exists.

Just be alive, watch how Sun rises above shining snowy hills - this is greatest treasure on the ground.

Last or enemy will be destroyed - death.

I also want place to this post small item about a chapter from a book" Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"which is bigger than me amazed. The chapter that made cry me most of all. This chapter is called " Prince's story".

Prince's Story

Harry was still kneeling next to Snape just looking at him , when suddenly it sounded very close high cold voice.

You fought bravely , - said this voice. - Lord Voldemort knows how to value courage. However, you suffered heavy losses . If you continue to resist me, you will all die in sequence . I this Don't want . Every drop you spill magical blood - loss and waste. Lord Voldemort merciful . I order my troops immediately retreat . I'll give you an hour. Say goodbye to yours with dignity dead . Help your wounded . And now I'm speaking directly to you, Harry Potter . You allowed friends die for you instead of meet me face to face. All this hour I'll be waiting for you at Forbidden Forest .

Harry came closer to the boy. Snape looked years old nine ten - pale, wiry runt . He looked at him with greedy eyes younger of the girls who swung higher and higher - higher than her sister. There was no one on the site except them and Snape , but the girls didn’t know about him. Lily picked wilted flower from the bush behind which Snape was hiding. Petunia slowly moved to her, clearly torn between curiosity and disapproval. Lily waited until her sister came closer so she could see everything clearly, and revealed palm. The flower lay on her, opening and closing its petals, like strange many-lipped oyster.
- Stop it ! - Petunia squealed.

Snape was clearly excited . Glancing at Petunia standing quite far away, behind the swing, he lowered his voice and said:
- I know who You .
- IN sense ?
- You witch , Snape whispered. The girl seemed offended.
- Calling names not good !

Are you true witch , - said Snape Lily . - Is it true. I've been following you for a long time I'm watching . But there's nothing wrong with that. My mom too witch , and I myself - wizard .

Wizards, apparently , stick their nose into everything! - Petunia turned pale A now as strongly as before it flared up. - Freak ! - she threw it in the face sister and rushed to her parents.

Professor McGonagall said:
- Evans Lily !
He saw how he mother She walked forward on trembling legs and sat down on a rickety stool. Professor McGonagall put it on her head Sorting hat . Barely touching auburn hair, hat proclaimed:
- Gryffindor !
Harry heard Snape a quiet groan escaped. Lily took off hat , handed it to Professor McGonagall and hurried towards the cheerfully applauding Gryffindors . As she passed by, she looked back at him with a sad smile. Snape .
Professor McGonagall said the last name Snape. Harry went with him to stool and watched him put on his hat.
- Slytherin ! - announced the Hat. And this scene disappeared.

Snape was silent without taking your eyes off Dumbledore .
- Well, hide them everyone , - he croaked. - Save her, them. I ask you to .
- What will I get in return? Severus ?
-In return ? - Snape looked at Dumbledore, stunned, and for a moment Harry expected him to argue , however, after a short silence, Snape said: - Anything . The top of the hill disappeared and Harry found himself in Dumbledore's office.

I thought you will save her.
- She and James trusted the wrong person. person , said Dumbledore. - Just like you, Severus . You also hoped that Lord Voldemort was her will spare ?
Snape was out of breath .
- Her son survived .
Snape shook head, as if driving away an annoying fly.
- Her son is alive. He has it eyes , exactly the same. You remember the eyes Lily Evans ?
- Stop it ! - Snape shouted. - Died forever .
- Do you know how and why she died . Make sure it's not in vain. help me protect Lily's son.
- To him need not protection. The Dark Lord has left.
- The Dark Lord will come back , and then Harry Potter will be in dire danger.

The time will come when lord Voldemort will stop send the snake to carry out its orders, but will keep it in security next to you, surrounding magical protection. Then, I think, it will be possible to say Harry .
- Say Harry What?
Dumbledore took a deep breath and closed my eyes .
- Tell him that on the night when Lily put hers between them life , like a shield, a killing spell flew back , hitting the lord Voldemort , and a fragment of his soul, breaking away from the whole, slipped into the only Living being , surviving in a collapsing building. Part of Lord Voldemort lives in Harry , and it is she who gives the boy the ability to speak with snakes and that connection with the lord's thoughts Voldemort which he himself does not understand . And while this soul fragment , which Voldemort himself is unaware of, lives in Harry, under his protection, Voldemort can not die.
- Means, boy … boy must die b ? - asked Snape.
- And you have to kill him yourself Voldemort , Severus. Exactly this important .
It's here again long silence. Then Snape said:
- So you kept him alive so that he could die at the right moment?
- This will shock you Severus ?
- I spied for you, lied for you, exposed myself mortal danger for your sake With. And I thought I was doing all this to save my life Lily's son . And now you tell me that you raised him like pig for slaughter .
- This is straight forward touching “Severus,” he said seriously. Dumbledore. - Haven't you become attached to the boy in the end?
- To the boy ? - Snape shouted.

- Expecto patronum !

From the tip of it sticks broke out silver doe , jumped to the floor, crossed the office in one leap and flew into open window . Dumbledore looked at her following . When silver glow went out, he turned to Snape and his eyes were full of tears .

After so much years ?

-Always "Oh," replied Snape.

Harry emerged from Pensieve and ended up on the carpet in the same office : it seemed Snape just covered behind you is the door .

From myself I just want say that story is about a boy, who survived will always live in mine heart . I just I don't have enough strength forget this story that captivated me . Harry Potter was with me my everything childhood , youth. They Now with me. He never me don't quit T . Because history who taught you live - simply impossible forget . Whatever new hobbies and interests I didn’t see - Harry Potter will be main of them. I I remember you , Harry and I will never forget . Thank you for my happy childhood .

Scar wasn't sick already 19 years . Everything was Fine .

Straightness, complex nature and strange charisma made British actor Alan Rickman famous around the world. Most viewers remember him for his roles in the films "Rasputin", "Die Hard", " Winter guest" and "Harry Potter". In the latter he played Severus Snape.

Alas, on January 14, the world lost this talented artist. not having lived a little more than a month before his anniversary (February 21).

Rickman is survived by his wife, with whom he has lived together since he was 19 years old. The spouses have no children.

"KP" in Ukraine" remembered best aphorisms and Alan Rickman quotes

  1. When I'm 80 and sitting in my rocking chair, I'll read Harry Potter. And my family will ask me: “After all these years?”, and I will answer: “Always.”
  2. On film, all your energy is in your gaze.
  3. You try to find things that motivate and interest, and hope that it will be just as interesting to the viewer.
  4. I don't like talking to journalists because most of them want to reduce your life to a one-page article and always force you to compare something.
  5. No, I've never been sexually interested. Although, maybe I will next week. I'm often told that actors need to go on stage wearing a T-shirt that says, "Believe it or not, I'm doing the best I can."
  6. It gets on my nerves, like anyone else’s, when you constantly have to demonstrate character traits that you don’t have and never had. Everyone dreams of a director who has enough imagination to break away from the standards: "nervous blond" or "dark brunette."
  7. What could be better than meeting with friends? good wine, conversations, mutual understanding? Except for sex. Or images of him on stage.
  8. There are many people who are much “difficult” than me.
  9. Talent is a random combination of genes and responsibility.
  10. Have the courage to have your own opinion. Have the wisdom to hide it.


Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman was born on 21 February 1946 in Hammersmith, London. His father died when the boy was 8 years old, and his mother had to raise four children alone.

Alan Rickman's father is Irish, and his mother is Welsh. So the actor can be considered a purebred Celt.

Since childhood, the future actor was fond of art: he drew well and participated in school theater productions. Despite his passion for acting, he chose graphic design as his profession.

Alan attended the Royal College of Art, and after graduating he opened his own design firm. In college, Alan Rickman met Rimma Horton, with whom he lived for 60 years.

At 26, Alan Rickman gave up everything for the theater. He entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where he studied for three years. While still a student, Rickman managed to receive a number of prestigious awards for his theatrical works, and after graduation he quickly became one of the leading actors in London. Alan developed himself in all genres: he played in plays by Shakespeare and modern authors, in dramas and comedies.

From 1976 to 1979, Rickman toured all over England with the unusually specific theater company Ruby Wax, after which he returned to more traditional productions. His Valmont in the play Dangerous Liaisons (1985) was an extraordinary success, and posters for this production became a separate source of income for the theater for the first time in the history of London. In the early 80s, Rickman begins television career and stars in several TV series.

In 1986, Dangerous Liaisons was shown on Broadway, where Alan was noticed by producer Joel Silver. The actor was invited to play the role of the main villain in Die Hard, which made him famous throughout the world and became his first work in a big movie. Since Die Hard, Hollywood has seen Rickman as the ideal villain, although in English films he often plays positive characters. Over the next few years he was largely trusted negative roles, in which Alan Rickman sometimes outshone the rest of the actors. Rickman's fame increased enormously. For the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, 1991), he was awarded the British Academy Film Award for best role supporting actor and the Evening Standard newspaper award for best actor. Despite his successful film career, Alan Rickman often turns down film roles in favor of theatrical productions.

In the 90s, Alan Rickman starred in a number of successful films, and in 1997 he decided to try his hand at directing. Based on the play by Sharman MacDonald, he directed the film “The Winter Guest,” for which he also wrote the script. In 2000, work began on the first film about Harry Potter, where Rickman got the role of Professor Snape. Alan was one of those actors whose participation was insisted on by the author of the "Potter" series, JK Rowling. This role became the most popular of Rickman's career.

By the way, the actor did not like to talk about his personal life. Alan Rickman's dream is to own his own theater. And the actor’s voice and manner of speaking were influenced by a congenital defect - in childhood he had problems with speech.

Chapter 1

Severus, really... after all these years?


The memories are paralyzing. Sometimes they are too strong to resist.

"There's still a little time left."

Thoughts immediately echo in my head. There is someone nearby, but the voices seem so far away. As soon as you look up, tears immediately well up. In front of him are ordinary guys. There are three of them. And only one, a brunette, attracts attention. His emerald eyes remind Snape of Lily's. There's a lump in my throat. Instead of words, muffled wheezing comes out.

Professor, hold on! - such a distant, such a hated and beloved voice. So hated, but beloved boy.

Thin streams of tears had already laid paths along the professor’s sunken cheeks. He could only gesture for Harry to collect them. The priceless tears of the current dying headmaster of the school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"Lily, a little more."

And a whirlpool of memories takes Severus into the distant past.

There is a lake, a small clearing. Apparently it's May. And here she is, a little girl, about thirteen years old, with dark red curls. She sleeps peacefully while her peace is guarded by the one who never dares to leave her one step. A black robe with a snake, a silver-emerald tie, a hooked nose and black hair - undoubtedly, Snape could not help but recognize himself. With gray hair, he looked a little like that boy.

"Lily, I remember. I remember you like this."

Severus knelt beside her. He tried to touch her hair, her delicate skin, slightly touched by a blush on her cheeks.

"Why did you leave?"

No matter how callous the potion master may seem, there was a time when he could still love and hope.

But the young girl was still lying in front of him. With her arms outstretched, she looked more like an angel than a human.

"Why did he take you?"

The memories only teased Snape. He couldn't even touch the ends of her red hair, because his fingers only passed through them.

"Perhaps it's for the best."

As soon as the professor rose to his feet, his memory transported him to a more recent past. The office of the headmaster, then still Albus Dumbledore, dissolved the shore of the lake and young Lily and Severus.

He stood behind his own back. Of course, he was younger: with a straight posture, no gray hair, and he held his wand more confidently.

At the same moment he appeared, his own patronus - a doe - rushed past with all the speed and grace.

Severus, really... after all these years?


"Lily, this is your doe. I could never, ever forget you."

The director's office melted into a light haze in the air of the dilapidated building. Nagini's poison gradually permeates the muscles, paralyzing the director's body.

Take them to the Pensieve of Memory,” he was able to say hoarsely, with a whistle and only pain in his soul and tears in his eyes.

Left a little. And so. One last look at the young brunette in round glasses.

You have your mother's eyes.

That's all that came out of his mouth as he said goodbye.

A bright light blinded the potion master and he saw Lily in front of him. The same as he held her in his arms that night, when her body was still warm, and the usual blush had not left her cheeks.

Lily, I'm sorry, I was never able to keep my promises.

Oh god, Severus. You did everything you could. And only thanks to your care over the past seven years, my son has lived to this point.

But I couldn’t, I promised to go with him to the end. But he himself died at the hands of Voldemort. Just like you seventeen years ago. And I couldn't save you, I'm sorry, I promised. And every time I looked into Harry’s eyes I saw you in them.

Thank you Severus, everything is fine. And you know very well that we all did not die in vain. Thanks to us, Harry is alive. He's strong, he'll win, you'll see.

Lily Potter... no, Evans. I believe in him.

“Our deaths were not in vain. He lived at the cost of Lily’s life, and at the cost of the lives of his friends he was able to win.”

Many of us grew up watching films about a boy wizard named Harry Potter. And, of course, we all remember that professor with black hair, who sometimes seemed to us angrier than Voldemort. Those who have watched all parts of this saga keep only warm memories of Severus Snape in their hearts. 2 years ago we said goodbye to the actor who played Severus, Alan Rickman, and today he would have turned 74 years old. Incredible...

Interesting and unusual facts One can write almost endlessly about Alan Rickman. You've probably heard so much talk about the actor's voice...

And a little interesting about the character of Severus Snape...

I spied for you, I lied for you, I put myself in mortal danger for you. And I thought that I was doing all this in order to save the life of Lily’s son. And now you tell me that you raised him like a pig for slaughter...
“This is truly touching, Severus,” Dumbledore said seriously. - Haven't you become attached to the boy in the end?
- To the boy? - Snape shouted. - Especto patronum! A silver doe burst from the tip of his wand, jumped onto the floor, crossed the office in one bound and flew out of the open window. Dumbledore looked after her. When the silver glow faded, he turned to Snape, his eyes filled with tears.
- After so many years?
“Always,” Snape answered.

/Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows/

Alan Rickman, even after many years...Always...

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I stopped being a Harry Potter fan a long time ago. I was in 5th grade when I became “infected” with the story about a boy wizard. Yu. gave me the third book for my birthday, and I practically went crazy. The book still looks like the most read one and, perhaps, can rightfully be considered the favorite in the series. A little later, Yu and I “founded” KFGPiV - “Harry Potter and Valeria Fans Club”. The signatures in my notebook dedicated to books and films were signed only by me, Yu. and my sister. However, as the craziest fan of JK Rowling’s work, I made myself a cardboard icon - my hands are golden, but both are left, so you can easily imagine what this creation looked like. The notebooks themselves contained all the songs of the Sorting Hat, most of the poems and riddles, like the mirror of Erised or the riddle of the Sphinx from the Goblet of Fire. I didn’t have the almighty Internet then, and life was much busier. Yes, I couldn’t, like now, join the group of like-minded people on VKontakte, but how much pleasure the process of writing out and even sometimes memorizing poems gave me! I couldn't download pictures and photos, but I had a great package with Snape in the foreground (I really liked him in that package, although at the time I considered him a bad character).
I don’t remember exactly when I “got sick” of GP. Judging by the old diaries, I was waiting for the 5th book like crazy and read it in almost 2-3 days; I reacted more coolly to the appearance of the 6th book, but bought it to replenish the collection. And by the time the 7th and final episode was released, the places of Harry, Ron and Hermione were firmly occupied by the heroes of The Lord of the Rings, which did not “let go” of me for several years. I’ll probably write about him too, but later.
So, in 2007, I didn’t even bother to buy the 7th book - I borrowed it from Yu., and then abandoned my collection, which was missing only the last book. So this collection remained unfinished, incomplete - until this year. And here I am - almost 20 years old, and again I’m like child(moron?) I read and re-read Harry Potter. I finally, after 4 long years, collected all the books.
This probably wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the release of the last part last movie, some scenes in which just killed me. Why are there “some scenes”! I cried throughout the second half of the film, secretly wiping my tears under the 3D glasses and trying not to sniffle too much. The Battle of Hogwarts, the long-awaited kiss between Ron and Hermione in the Chamber of Secrets, the transformed Neville... The death of Fred. Death of Lupine and Tonks. This scene evoked particularly strong emotions. The Weasley twins exist in our imagination only together; the death of one of them is as tragic as the loss of Sirius in the Order of the Phoenix, which was the first serious loss (it would seem that Harry had just found loved one, but fate deprives him of this last thread). But the deaths are not enough; Joan was determined to “kill” all the Marauders, because in tragic ends has its own greatness... But no one expected a “happy ending”, right? Sad endings are better remembered...and Lupine dies along with his wife, dies without seeing his child. Lying next to each other, almost holding hands, the dead Tonks and Lupine evoke such strong feelings, that I don’t even have to watch the scene again to cry.

Now about what is probably the most important moment of the entire book and the entire film. The moment that caused greatest number tears - I cried both over the book and in the cinema. I think everyone who has seen the film will guess that we're talking about about the History of the Prince.
I never particularly disliked Professor Snape - I often like negative characters (Umbridge being the exception). Maybe the reason for my more than loyal attitude towards Severus was Alan Rickman's Game, namely the Game with capital letters. He not only conveyed the character of his character, he brought something into it, which is why the potions professor can rightfully be called the most striking character in the entire series. Alan literally got used to his character. Facial expressions, gestures, intonation... Rickman-Snegg plays a role that is far from the first plan, but he does it in such a way that he sometimes interrupts the main characters.
The death of this controversial character caused mixed feelings at first, but after The Prince's Tale I mourned Severus Snape more than Dumbledore.

“,” he whispered. -You have your mother's eyes...

The darkest teacher at Hogwarts has the darkest story. Having once made an irreparable mistake that became fatal, he voluntarily paid for it all his life.
In Harry, he sees first of all a father, James, whom he so hates. But Dumbledore hits Severus's fresh wound, and he makes a decision.
"He has her eyes"

Every year he protects Potter's son, her son. We can only imagine how Snape really felt about Harry. Having learned that the Dark Lord is going to kill all the Potters, he asks Voldemort to protect Lily. Let him kill his son, let him kill his husband, just so she lived.
"To the boy? Expecto Patronum!"
Snape's feelings are so multifaceted and contradictory that I don't have enough words to express them. Love and hate, feelings of guilt and duty - and all this at once, simultaneously and constantly. Love is all-consuming, sacrificial and incredibly selfish. Snape has never loved anyone in his entire life except Lily.

- After so many years?
- Always.

Twice a traitor, once a murderer, servant of two masters and the most consummate spy. Severus Snape, not caring about his soul ( "And my soul, Dumbledore? Mine?"), helps Draco Malfoy and kills Dumbledore at his request. What did he feel, what was he thinking, pointing his wand at the weakened Albus?
Throughout the books, it was generally accepted that Potions professors were cruel, evil, insensitive, and even cowardly, and only the last part reveals to us his true face. I cannot describe the admiration I felt after reading Snape's memoirs. A hero who sacrificed more than just his own interests. A hero who sacrificed his entire life.

- What will I get in return, Severus?
- Anything.

Everyone hated him, but only Dumbledore understood him. And I'm going crazy up to madness It’s a pity that after his death only a few people learned the truth.

Of the three children, only Albus inherited Lily's eyes.

“Albus Severus,” Harry said quietly, “you were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts.” And one of them was perhaps the bravest man I knew.

The death of Severus Snape at the very end caused a storm of emotions after “The Prince’s Tale” - indignation, sadness, surprise, sadness... it’s impossible to describe. I feel incredibly sorry for him, but had Joan Snape lived, the tragedy of his story would have been slightly lessened.

It would be better... it would be better if I died...

I could spend a long time trying to fit the abundance of thoughts related to Snape into one post, and if I wanted to do this, I would have to write for a week, or even more. But even during this time I would not be able to correctly express everything that I feel.

Harry Potter is not just a children's fairy tale. This the whole world, into which Rowling was able to immerse almost our entire generation. After the 7th book and film, not just a story ended, an entire era ended, no matter how pretentious it may sound. Someone grew up listening to Russians folk tales and remembers them for a long time, and for some, the boy with the scar became an idol and symbol of childhood.
I don't regret being a fan.

Thank you Joan for creating a legend. For giving us Harry.