Truly one of the most amazing personalities modern society you can name the Australian Nicholas James Vujicic. Deprived of arms and legs, he leads an active lifestyle, writes books and reads sermons that help thousands of people accept their shortcomings, raises his own and adopted children with his wife, and is sincerely happy.

Some admire Nick Vujicic, others are indignant about his public display social activities. But it is definitely impossible to remain indifferent to his extraordinary biography.

Birth and illness

December 4, 1982, Melbourne. The long-awaited first-born has appeared in the Vujicic family of Serbian emigrants - nurse Dushka and pastor Boris. The anticipation of joy from the expected event gave way to shock and stupor. The new parents, and the entire hospital staff, were confused by what they saw - the baby was born without arms and legs, although during the pregnancy the ultrasound did not show any deviations from the norm.

Pity and fear - a mixture of exactly these feelings was experienced by parents in the first months of their son’s life. A sea of ​​shed tears and endless questions tormented them day and night for several months, until one day they made a decision - to live, just live, not look into the distant future, solve the assigned tasks in small steps and rejoice in what fate has given their family.

early years

Nicholas grew up in a devout family. Every morning and evening for him was marked by prayer to the Almighty. What could I ask for? a little boy in his situation, it’s not difficult to guess.

When a child regularly asks for something, in the depths of his soul he hopes to receive it equally or later. But, alas, arms and legs will not grow from prayers. Faith was gradually replaced by oppressive disappointment, which over time grew into severe depression.

At the age of 10, the one whom millions of healthy, prosperous people will want to imitate in the future firmly decides to commit suicide... Then Nick was saved from a terrible step by love, yes, yes, it was precisely this notorious feeling. Lying in a bathtub filled to the brim with water, he saw his parents bending over his grave as if in reality. There was love in their eyes, mixed with pain from loss.

Refusing suicide did not save the teenager from suffering, but it instilled in him the realization that even with congenital tetra-amelia syndrome, one can live a full life. Nick began to intensively train his only limb - a tiny semblance of a foot.

At first, Nick attended a specialized school for the disabled, but when the law on disabled people changed in Australia in the early 90s, he insisted on going to a regular school on the same basis as ordinary children. Needless to say, cruel children bullied and hated their peers, who were so different from them. Nick found solace in weekly Sunday trips to church school.

How Nick Vujicic lives

Later, Brisbane's Griffin University will gladly accept a guy who has already matured and gained worldly wisdom into the ranks of its students. During this time Nick suffered surgical intervention and received the likeness of fingers on the appendage he had in place of his left leg. Thanks to his fortitude, he learned to use them to work on a computer, fish, play football, surf and skateboard, take care of himself in everyday life, and even move around.

The way forward

Nick Vujicic received two higher educations - he has a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting. However, this high merit did not give him personal respite: Nick, seemingly fragile and helpless, continued to improve himself.

In the end, Nick Vujicic found his purpose in life. If earlier he was sure that God had deprived him of his mercy, then later the awareness of the significance of his own illness elevated him above the rest. It was thanks to his external inferiority that he was able to show contrasting strength and fortitude.

Nick Vujicic in "Let Them Talk"

Since 1999, he has been conducting preaching activities, which today are unprecedented in geographical breadth and strength. psychological impact work.

As Nick himself claims, hundreds of thousands of roads are open to him, and the world is filled with people, and each of them has their own difficulties. He, as a messenger of goodwill, has something to tell them.

Schools, universities, prisons, orphanages, churches - this is where Vujicic began his work, which he now succinctly defines as “motivational speaking.” The disabled person gained universal fame through his participation in talk shows and programs, and the organization of motivational meetings. At one of the first rallies, people lined up to hug the man who had helped them so much. Subsequently, this grew into a pleasant tradition.

"Butterfly Circus", a 2009 short film in leading role with our hero, gained well-deserved fame and received a $100 thousand award as part of the Dorpost Film Project charity project. In a couple of years, Nick will write and perform the song “Something More,” followed by a video adaptation, in the middle of which the author will make a personal confession.

“Butterfly Circus”: a film with Nick Vujicic (2009)

In 2010, the first and most famous book Nick Vujicic - “Life Without Borders: The Path to Amazing happy life" On its pages, Nick spoke frankly about his life, hardships and difficulties and his experience of overcoming them. The book became a bestseller and forced hundreds of thousands of readers to reconsider their attitude towards life and become happy.

The following works were devoted to the same theme: “Unstoppable”, “Be Strong”, “Love without Borders”, “Boundlessness”. Translated into several languages ​​of the world, they are not just psychological reading material, they allow you to see solutions even through the prism of deep despair.

Nick Vujicic has charitable foundation, which launched a campaign on a global scale. For his significant contribution to the development of humanity, he was awarded many awards - from his native Australia (“Young Australian of the Year”) to Russia (“Golden Diploma”).

Personal life of Nick Vujicic. Family and Children

It may seem that if a person can come to terms with such serious physical disabilities, then others will never accept them. But the most a famous person without arms and legs he lives a more than full life. He has a beautiful wife and absolutely healthy children.

Nick (Nicholas) Vujicic(Serbian Nik Vujicic English Nicholas James Vujicic; December 4, 1982, Brisbane, Australia) - Christian preacher and professional motivational speaker, born with Tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare hereditary disease, leading to the absence of four limbs.

After worrying about his disability as a child, he learned to live with his disability, sharing his experiences with others and becoming a world-renowned motivational speaker. His speeches are mainly addressed to children and youth (including disabilities), in the hope of intensifying their search for the meaning of life and developing their abilities. Nick talks about his Christian belief that God changes people's hearts and does his work, and that God is great because he gives a person the opportunity to overcome any difficulties.


Born on December 4, 1982 in Brisbane into a family of Serbian emigrants, he had a rare pathology: the boy was missing limbs - both arms and both legs (partially there was one foot with two toes, which allowed the boy to later learn to walk, swim, skateboard, play computer and write).

Despite his physical disabilities, the boy was born healthy and, as soon as the law in Victoria changed, his parents insisted that their son attend a regular school.

In 1990, greatly worried about his physical disabilities, the boy attempted suicide, but over time he realized that his achievements in life could inspire others. He began to study simple things: learned to write using two toes on his left foot, learned to brush his teeth, shave, comb his hair, answer the phone and type on a computer. In the seventh grade, the boy became a class leader and participated in campaigns to raise funds for charity.

In 1999, he began performing for his church group and soon opened non-profit organization Life without Limbs, becoming a motivational speaker.

In 2005, Nick Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year award.

In 2009, he starred in the film “The Butterfly Circus,” which tells the story of a man without limbs, Will, and his fate.

He has traveled to more than 24 countries speaking at schools, universities and other organizations. Participates in television shows and writes books. His first book was published in 2010.

Currently lives in California, USA.

On March 28 and 29, 2015, Nick Vujicic spoke for the first time in Russia (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) with a motivational lecture “Life without borders.”


On February 12, 2012, Nick Vujicic (Vujicic), a Christian without arms and legs, married the beautiful Kanae Miyahara. wedding ceremony took place in California. This marriage became a symbol of God's faithfulness and a testimony to countless people. Fans from all over the world flooded Nick's Facebook page with comments. They congratulate him on this special occasion and express their joy and delight at being able to see and hear such good news.

Birth of a son

“Thank you so much for your love and prayers. Mom feels great.

Nick and Kanae named their son Kiyoshi James Vujicic. He was born weighing 3.9 kilograms and measuring 55.2 centimeters tall. - the preacher wrote.


  • 2010 - Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life, Random House, 2010
  • 2013 - Unstoppable. The Incredible Power of Faith in Action
  • 2014 - book “Be strong. You can overcome violence (and other stuff that keeps you down)" (Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying (and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down))
  • 2015 - book “Love Without Borders. The path to amazingly strong love"


  • Father - Boris Vujicic, Protestant pastor
  • Mother - Duska Vujicic, works as a nurse
  • Wife - Kanae Miyahara
  • Son - Kiyoshi James Vujicic

Video with Nick Vujicic:

Musical Video with Nick Vujicic:

"...Where do we go when there is no hope left?
It can sometimes be so difficult to find peace for the heart
I look at the sun, feel its comforting warmth

I see great peaks reminding me that I'm alive and don't want to die,
And I don't want to miss another day, another night.
I know there's something else...
What we live for, I see the answer in the distant stars

I hear it on the ocean shore
I know there's something else...

I know we're all afraid, afraid to be alone
We all want to believe, I want to believe, just believe

This world could shatter and disappear into the ocean,
The world could end today
Some will say that my words are a sign of weakness.
But maybe my only source of light will be revealed to you
I breathe by it, I live by it.

When I was 10, I wanted to commit suicide
There was no hope
I wanted to throw myself into the water and never come up
But God sent me into the world to give people hope...

His birth was a shock for his parents - the boy was born without arms and legs, which was the result of a rare genetic disease - tetraamelia. However, willpower, unbending spirit, faith and optimism helped Nick Vujicic get higher education, become famous preacher, author of popular books, happy father and a millionaire.

Failed suicide

The metric certifies that Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, into the family of a pastor and nurse. Parents - Boris and Dushka Vujicic - emigrated to Australia from Yugoslavia in search of a better life.

When Dushka became pregnant, Boris lived with hope: to see a healthy strong baby. When the doctors showed the newborn to the father, he fainted. The baby was missing his arms and right leg, and instead of the left there was a pathetic stump with an underdeveloped foot and two toes. Later they will play important role in Nick's life.

My father could not believe that he, a famous Protestant pastor, could give birth to such a freak! - Nick later recalled. - It seemed to him that God had played a cruel joke on him.

As a child, the disabled person was often tormented by attacks of despair. At the age of 10, he firmly decided to commit suicide, for which he asked his mother to take him to the bathroom.

“I want to splash in the water,” said the boy.

“I waited until the door closed behind my mother and tried to turn my face into the water to choke, but it was very difficult to stay in this position. Nothing worked for me. I made several unsuccessful attempts, the desire to migrate to the next world was enormous. I was tired of the ridicule of evil boys and offensive nicknames like “pathetic stump” or “creepy freak.”

But a short time while I was floundering in warm water, I very clearly imagined the picture of my funeral - my dad and mom were standing there, swallowing tears, there was despair on their faces... Suddenly I realized that I couldn’t hurt them, I couldn’t kill myself, because they surrounded me with great love and parental care. This love, care and faith in God gave me the strength to live on!”

Sensitive and loving parents helped their son understand that he was born for a higher purpose. Thanks to this, Nick completely changed his attitude towards life. He got rid of the blues and realized that no matter how hard it was for him, many people have it even harder.

Nick realized that he could not engage in the sports that were available to his peers, although he learned to skateboard and even learned the basics of surfing. But nature endowed him sharp mind, thirst for knowledge, amazing memory and amazing eloquence.

Using two toes of his underdeveloped foot, Nick learned to operate a computer and type text. After school and college, he graduated from the university as an external student and began giving lectures - primarily to those who needed psychological support.

Highest goal

Vujicic visited hundreds of hospitals and prisons, and everywhere his performances were a stunning success.

It’s a sin to complain about fate if I have arms and legs! Thanks to you, I believed in myself, I now have hope of returning to an honest life! - Melbourne prison inmate Dick Robinson told him.

When my arm was amputated after a terrible accident, I fell into depression, but with your example you gave me optimism. I believed that I could live a full life again! - a patient at a trauma clinic in Chicago addressed Nick with these words.

After such confessions, Nick realized that he was on the right path and founded the non-profit organization “Life without Limbs.” Under her auspices he began his official career as a preacher.

Communication with people helped Nick formulate the basic principles that could make the life of a person with disabilities easier. To do this, according to Nick, it is necessary to: understand the meaning of life, gain faith, hope, fortitude, accept yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages, learn to have a correct attitude towards life, logically assess your risks, be ready for change, constantly look for new opportunities , and most importantly - to gain the desire to serve people, to become useful and even necessary for them!

The list of cities where Nick performed was rapidly expanding. He gave up to 300 lectures a year, attracting huge audiences. Large firms and universities vied with him to invite him, promising the highest fees.

Nick explained to listeners how he learned to overcome stress, shared his experience, how to deal with his shortcomings, admitted that love and faith breathed new strength into him and helped him become who he became. Addressing children and youth (including the disabled), Vujicic encouraged them to seek the meaning of life, develop their abilities, and observe biblical principles.

World fame overtook Nick when he was 20 years old. Since then, he has published four books, given thousands of lectures, visited about 60 countries, and met with 20 presidents and prime ministers. He often ends his speeches with an optimistic phrase: “I believe in the limitless possibilities of our innovative medicine, and therefore I keep several pairs of excellent shoes at home!”

Formula of happiness

A sense of humor and constant self-irony help me a lot in life! - Nick often admits. And indeed, in warm California, where he bought a luxurious mansion, they know Nick’s cheerful disposition and appreciate his jokes. Recently, he dressed up in a pilot’s cap and jacket, made himself up beyond recognition and greeted passengers on the Los Angeles-Miami flight at the ramp with these words:

Ladies and gentlemen! The commander of this Boeing greets you. Thanks to new technologies, I learned to fly an airliner without my hands. Please come on board and make yourself comfortable. I hope our flight will take place without negative emotions and unpleasant incidents!

Watching the passengers’ faces stretch out, I couldn’t help but smile,” the comedian later recalled.

Despite the enormous popularity and love of his loved ones, Nick really wanted to have a family and children. On April 11, 2010, his friends introduced him to a charming Japanese girl, Kanae Miyahara.

The young people immediately felt mutual sympathy, which grew into a passionate romance that ended in a cheerful wedding. Before the official marriage ceremony, Nick told curious journalists:

First, a man learns to hold his girlfriend's hand, and then - her heart. I didn't have the opportunity to hold Kanae's hand, so I immediately learned to hold and caress her heart! This is the formula for our family happiness!

A year later, a child appeared in the family. Nick was present at the birth and cried when he saw that the newborn was born with arms and legs. A few years later, the couple had a second healthy baby.

At the end of March 2015, Nick visited Russia for the first time, for which he has long had sympathy. On March 28, he gave a lecture in Moscow, and on March 29, in St. Petersburg (at the Yubileiny Sports Palace). Needless to say, the famous Australian’s programs were sold out. He demonstrated an amazing ability to “hold the floor.” The audience was captivated by Nick's ability to answer questions frankly, witty and with self-irony.

Three hours flew by unnoticed, after which Nick willingly took pictures with those who wanted to, and then took a pen in his mouth and signed autographs. According to Vujicic, he has never met such a warm, understanding, friendly, sensitive and responsive public as in Russia. In the city on the Neva, Nick visited memorable places, museums and even fired a midday shot from the cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Fans of Nick Vujicic have an excellent opportunity to learn more about the “philosophy of survival” by reading his books. One of them is “Life without borders. The path to an amazingly happy life” was translated into Russian.

“I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find your own purpose in life. Your life should be wonderful. What to hide - it often seems unfair to us. Hard times and difficult circumstances make us doubt ourselves and lead us to despair.

Vladimir BARSOV, magazine "Secrets of the 20th Century" July 2016


Was born:

Nick Vujicic biography

Dear site visitors! Today we will tell you about a man whose story shakes everyone to the core without exception. This man's name is Nick Vujicic. He rightfully occupies one of the first places in our list of the most beautiful people peace. This is a very beautiful and very strong person.

Nick was born without arms and legs. It is impossible to even imagine what moral and physical torment he and his parents had to go through. But these people did not give up, and Nick Vujicic became one of the most famous Christian preachers in the world. Through his example, he instills faith and hope in the hearts of millions of people around the world every day.

So, meet Nick Vujicic.

In 1982, the Vujicic family of Serbian emigrants was expecting a new addition. Dushka Vujicic's pregnancy was going well, ultrasound data indicated the health of the fetus, but the mother was still tormented by anxiety.

On the boy’s birthday, December 2, 1982, father Boris Vujicic was present at the birth, and then the baby’s head appeared, then his shoulder - but what was it? – the child did not have a hand. Boris left the room so that his wife would not see how his face changed. He couldn't believe what he saw. When the doctor came out to him, Boris asked him, “Does my child have no arm?” “No,” answered the doctor, “He has neither arms nor legs.” The doctors, fearing for the mother's condition, refused to show her the child. By some evil decision of fate, the baby came into this world with such characteristics that make life simply unbearable.

Imagine how the parents felt, did they hope that their son would one day become someone who would inspire and give hope to people from all corners of the globe?

Of all the limbs, Nick had only part of the foot, with the help of which he learned to do many things - walk, swim, write, skateboard. Nick's parents ensured that their child studied in a regular school and Nick Vujicic became the first disabled child to study in a regular Australian school.

It was very difficult for Nick, he was acutely aware of loneliness and his difference from the whole world, and often thought why he came into this world in the first place. At the age of eight, Nick attempted suicide by diving into the bathtub and trying to choke to death. But could not. He thought about his parents, whom he loved very much and who loved him very much. He thought that his parents would never be able to forgive themselves for his death, they would always believe that it was their fault that Nick decided to die. He couldn't allow this to happen. Nick never tried to kill himself again, but often thought about his purpose in this world.

One day, Mom read Nick an article about a seriously ill man who inspired other people to live. This story deeply touched Nick's soul. This was the first step in his understanding of his destiny.

Over time, Nick learned to adapt more and more to his situation. In the seventh grade, Nick was elected head of the school - he worked with the student council on issues related to charity and helping the disabled.

After graduation, Nick Vujicic continued his studies and received two university education– one accounting, the second in the field financial planning. One day, when Nick was 19 years old, he was asked to speak to university students. His speech was supposed to take 7 minutes. Within 3 minutes of the speech, half the audience was crying. One girl came on stage to Nick and hugged him, crying on his shoulder with the words “No one ever told me that they loved me, no one ever told me that I was beautiful just the way I am. My life changed today."

After this, Nick finally realized that he had found the meaning of his life - and it lies in helping other people gain faith in themselves, joy in life, hope and inspiration.

In 2005, Nick received the very prestigious Young Australian of the Year award in Australia.

Today, Nick Vujicic is just over thirty. And this guy without arms and legs managed to achieve more than great amount achieves people throughout their lives.

Nick is the president charitable organization, he has his own motivational company "Attitude Is Altitude". Over the 10 years of his performances, Nick managed to travel all over the world, telling his story to millions of people, speaking to a wide variety of audiences.

During his speeches he often says: “Sometimes you can fall like this,” and he falls face first into the table he was standing on. Nick continues: “There are times in life when you fall and you don’t seem to have the strength to get back up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to get up even a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. The main thing is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.”

He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.
People in the audience start crying.
Nick says:
"People say to me, 'How can you smile?' Then they realize that 'there must be something more than what meets the eye for a guy with no arms or legs to live longer. life to the fullest, than me".

Nick Vujicic's wife and children

On February 12, 2012, Nik Vucic married a very beautiful girl Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place in California, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Hawaii.

On February 14, 2013, Nick and Kanae had their first son, who was named Kiyoshi James Vujicic.

On August 8, 2015, Nick and Kanae had a second son, the baby was named Dejan Levi Vujicic.

Both children of Nick Vujicic are absolutely healthy.

UPD: On June 18, 2017, Nick Vujicic announced that he and his wife are expecting twins!

Nick Vujicic with his family:

In 2009, Nick Vujicic starred in the film " Butterfly Circus", telling about a man without arms and without legs and about his life.

Nick has traveled to more than 25 countries around the world, speaking at various universities and organizations. He appears in TV shows, writes books, and acts in films. His first book Life without limits"was published in 2010, and in 2012 it was translated into Russian.

In 2011, Nick Vujicic shot a stunning video for “Something More.” Be sure to check it out:

He has money, success, a beautiful wife and children.

There are just no arms to hug them. “But I will hug them with all my heart! I'm the most happy man on the ground!" - says sincerely the one whom in childhood those around him cruelly called “stump”. Then Nick Vuychich didn’t even dare to dream about love or family...


Nick Vujicic was born in Australia, into a family of ethnic Serbs. His birth shocked the medical staff and his father, who was present at the birth.

Nick's mother tolerated the pregnancy well, and there was no doubt that the fetus was healthy. But when a child was born who had neither arms nor legs, only a body and a head, her husband almost fainted. Moreover, the newborn had a face of angelic beauty, and this caused even greater horror to those who saw him...

The parents were persuaded to leave the “freak” in the hospital. But they took Nick home. They took him to doctors for six months, fearing that he was about to die. But examinations showed that, apart from a genetic disease that caused abnormal development in the womb, the boy was practically healthy. And he will live long life. And if so, the parents decided, let her be... ordinary!

His father taught him to swim, play football and skateboard, his mother figured out how to make the boy’s life easier. Nick underwent surgery and a tiny appendage on his body, like a foot, was divided into two “fingers.” “The Ham,” as Vujicic called him, he first learned to draw, then write and type on the keyboard.

They sewed me clothes without buttons or zippers, which I learned to put on and take off. Even when I was little, I got the hang of combing my hair: I press a comb between two books on a bookshelf and tidy my hair.

Nick went to a regular school and studied like everyone else. They mocked him and laughed at him. Despite his parents' support, he felt worthless.

“I will never be able to work, I will not have a family, friends - why should I live?.. That’s what I thought then,” says Vujicic. He remembers how he once wanted to commit suicide and tried to drown himself in the bathtub. But, imagining the grief of his mother and father, who loved him incredibly, he emerged at the last moment.

I decided: if God gave me life, it means I am needed for something. And I began to inspire other people to live.

He traveled all over the world giving lectures. Talking about how all difficulties can be overcome, Nick often shows a “trick”: he suddenly falls face down, and then, helping himself with his shoulder and head, manages to get up. “If I could do it,” he says, “then you can do it even more so.”


IN adolescence Nick dreamed of love, but the girls openly laughed at him. At the age of 19, after going to a Christian camp in America, the guy fell in love for the first time. The girl was not frightened by his appearance, but her father reared up, and Nick, not wanting to become a cause of discord in the family, retreated.

However, as a strong believer, Vujicic continued to pray to God to send him love. And seven years ago, at one of my lectures, I met the eyes of a girl from whom I could no longer look away.

We immediately felt a strong attraction,” recalls Kanae Miyahara. - Yes, I noticed that he has no arms and legs, but only briefly. Likewise, I could notice that the man I met was tall, thin, or tanned.

Nick has such a magnetic appeal that you forget about his peculiarities literally after 10 minutes. For the sake of Vujicic, the beauty - the daughter of a Japanese man and a Mexican woman - left her boyfriend, whom she had been dating for more than a year.

Nick proposed with an invention: he ordered eclairs, in which he hid the ring. He asked the girl to feed him. He took a bite, took the ring with his lips and put it on his beloved’s finger. How can you do this differently if you don’t have hands?

In the winter of 2012, Nick and Kanae got married. Everything is as it should be: White dress, tuxedos honeymoon in Hawaii. A year later, a son was born. After two - another one. Both are healthy, despite the fact that Nick's disease can be inherited. The twins who will appear at the end of the year will also be physically full-fledged people.


At a press conference one day, a woman asked a question that was on everyone’s tongue, but no one dared to ask: “Nick, how did you even have children? I mean sex - you have no arms or legs...”

Vujicic hesitated, there was a pause. “Well... You don't need legs for this at all. They say they only get in the way,” he answered in his joking manner.

He generally approaches everything with humor. When passersby stare at him in amazement on the street, Nick drives up to them in his wheelchair and “confidentially” says: “It’s all because he smoked a lot!” He has another answer for the children: “I didn’t listen to my mother and didn’t clean the house.”

One day, Nick, in collusion with the airline, staged a prank for passengers: he greeted them at the entrance to the plane in flight uniform with the words: “I am the captain of the ship, welcome aboard.” With this joke he wanted to show: if there is a desire, everything becomes possible.

My wife is who inspires me to achieve great things,” says Nick. “Together with her we skydive, surf and lead an active lifestyle. When I feel bad, she motivates me: “You can do anything!” I love her madly and I want to say that people who have illnesses should not give up on themselves - there will definitely be a person who will love you and make you believe in a miracle...