A small number of entrepreneurs decide to delve into the process of creating and promoting an advertising campaign for their product. Most often, such people turn to agencies who will be happy to do everything in a professional format.

A person who is a specialist in contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct is called a directologist, and to confirm his status, Yandex offers to perform appropriate testing, which anyone can pass, subject to certain conditions.

Who is a director?

People roam the Internet, and accordingly, it is profitable to display advertising on Internet resources. But often, to run a successful advertising company you need to have a special person.

A director is a specialist who makes advertising effective, maintains the necessary statistics, and adjusts the advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct. This person selects keywords and analyzes the benefits of this advertisement. It attracts traffic, determines the cost per click and adjusts the ad display rules.

If you want to become a directologist or are already working in this environment, then it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules and conditions of this profession, which are put forward by the Yandex.Direct service to candidates.

Naturally, the candidate does not need a mandatory Yandex.Direct certificate. Moreover, an unprepared person is unlikely to cope, therefore minimal amount experience is simply necessary. And successfully passing the qualification test will have a good effect on your chance of getting a job. Also, this test will be an indicator of your knowledge, and you will be able to make sure that you are really capable of working as a director.

How to obtain a Yandex.Direct certificate?

As previously mentioned, the Yandex.Direct test is a way of free electronic certification of both specialists from advertising agencies and independent directologists, if the following conditions are met:

  • The total duration of advertising campaigns is more than six months.
  • To run a company, you need a special interface.
  • The advertiser managed a budget of more than 300 y. e. (about 18,000 rubles for Russian Federation), and money spent from different accounts is not summed up.

As a result, we can say that the test was created for experienced users who want to consolidate their status on an official basis and obtain the status of a professional. This can be done thanks to the created Yandex.Expert service, which is designed to train people who regularly work with various services of this search engine.

Testing procedure

In order to receive a Yandex.Direct specialist certificate, you will need to pass a test that includes 42 questions. They are theoretical and practical in nature. To receive a positive grade, you must successfully pass a minimum of 39 questions. The topic of this test directly corresponds to everything that a directologist should know, and it is divided into categories:

  • Negative words and key phrases.
  • CTR, statistics calculation.
  • Advertising campaign parameters.

If you want to check compliance with the specified conditions, you must go to the link under your professional login. If everything is fine and you can enter, then you should immediately proceed to the beginning of testing, but before that you need to carefully prepare because this is an exam.

There is only one correct answer for each question, and a maximum of 30 minutes is allotted to complete the entire test. If you fail to pass the test successfully, you are offered several attempts to retake it.

The Yandex.Direct certificate is valid for one year from the date of receipt, which is due to constant changes to the system. Be prepared for recertification. Using the certificate number and the owner's last name, you can check the authenticity on Yandex.Expert.

You need to know that this testing does not include topics about exporting ads to API Direct, Excel or knowledge about working in Yandex.Matter. There are other special tests for the exam in this system.

What does the test include?

A certified agency for working with Yandex.Direct must have experience of successfully working in the system, constant growth customer base and other successful indicators. A prerequisite is the successful completion by one of the advertising agency employees of the annual qualifying exam. The Yandex.Direct certificate is verified by its number, so attempts to mislead anyone are practically useless.

Knowledge testing is carried out online. The examinee logs in using the login of a representative of his agency and begins testing.

As already noted, the test has 42 questions, and 30 minutes are given to complete the entire task. The maximum permissible number of errors in work is 3. You can pass the Yandex.Direct certificate (exam) only in four attempts.

If you fail the test, the next opportunity to retake it will be given in a week. This is enough time to analyze your mistakes and improve your knowledge.

After the second unsuccessful attempt to take the test, two more will be given at an interval of three months each.

Each test question contains several answer options and only one of them is correct.

What do you need to pass successfully?

How to get a Yandex.Direct certificate on the first try? For successful completion The exam requires knowledge not only of theory. Important has experience in running advertising campaigns. Its absence can significantly affect positive result exam. Years of experience in the advertising business and the ability to write competent ads can greatly facilitate testing. Every year, in order to increase the efficiency of the exams, Yandex complicates the tasks. This forces the candidate to work more responsibly to improve their professional level.

Search for clues

During the Yandex.Direct certificate exam, you are allowed to use the Internet to complete tests. In this case, the risk of not meeting the allotted time for response increases. Each question is given less than one minute. This time is not enough to search for an answer on the Internet or other sources. The most reliable and proven option is to know the answers yourself.

Will practical experience help?

Even long-term experience in contextual advertising in such areas as selecting keywords, drawing up budget forecasts, planning and creating advertising campaigns, developing ads with further monitoring of the effectiveness of the work performed does not guarantee knowledge of the correct answers to questions. And also, annual study of the “help” section, constant monitoring of all changes and additions to the system, application of new opportunities in work, will not give a 100% guarantee of passing the exam on the first try. Therefore, it is highly advisable to undergo preliminary Yandex.Direct training from Yandex.Certificate.

In this year's exam, the test contained questions that were not answered in the "helper". Some of them could be answered by performing a specific practical task. To answer others, you had to contact the service manager.

Yandex.Direct certificate: test questions

Majority questions asked were on the topic of keyword selection. Example:

The given key phrase “buy food (animals/ guinea pigs)", provides the following result when asked:

  • “buy guinea pigs”;
  • “buy food for guinea pigs Sukharevskaya”;
  • “buy food + for animals.”

Checking the answers to this simple question:

  • The phrase “buy guinea pigs” will not appear due to other keywords: “buy food (for) guinea pigs” and “buy food (for) animals”.
  • If you use the "/" symbol, which is the "or" operator, ads for "buy pet food" and "buy guinea pig food" will be shown.
  • In this case, the preposition “for” will not be taken into account, since it is a stop word. When you type the query options “buy guinea pig food” and “buy guinea pig food”, the same ad will be shown.

The next option contains the keyword “buy food+for animals”. In this case, there is a “+” sign before the preposition “for” - this is an operator in “Direct” that is used to force the system to take prepositions and other stop words into account.

This means that when a user types the request “buy guinea pig food” or “buy animal food”, he will not see this ad.

From the above it follows that the right option is the second. In this case, when the user types a query with additional words that are located after the main keyword, the result with our declaration will be obtained.

Questions about key changes

Obtaining Yandex.Direct certificates will inevitably confront you with correct key changes. So, the test usually contains a question that arises for many clients - will the banner click counter reset to zero if the keyword is changed?

If you take, for example, the phrase “flu symptoms” and change it exactly to “flu symptoms” by adding quotation marks, you will receive links to the information you are interested in this request. After adding the above quotes, the click rate on the banner will remain the same.

Will my click through rate go to zero if I change “full survey” to “full survey price”? The answer is no, your click through rate will not change.

If you change the sentence “disease symptoms” to “disease treatment symptoms,” then the click-through rate after changing the word will become zero.

Issues related to advertising tactics

All professionals try to use different ways attracting clients for more productive management of advertising campaigns. Today there are quite a lot of advertising strategies, and even if there is no need to use them, then you definitely need to know them.

  • Candidate No. 1 (Contribution $5.6, 4 clicks).
  • Candidate No. 2 (Deposit $3.7, clicks 10).
  • Candidate No. 3 (Contribution $0.4, clicks 6.9).

Logically speaking, the candidate with the best click-through rate per bid will be shown at the lowest price. Of the candidates, candidate No. 2 will have the minimum price. But where will this participant end up? The winner will be candidate #1. The lower the click-through rate, the higher the ad will be.

Non-standard tasks

The Yandex.Direct certificate test always contains unusual questions that are difficult to answer accurately.

In searching for information using it, search networks did not produce the desired result. As a result, thanks to technical support, it became clear that such capabilities were simply not available in the search network.

It was strange that some questions were unanswered, but if you look at it from a different perspective, the different challenges add a special flavor to victory.

Is it possible to find the answers in advance?

Each test, although it contains many questions that have already been seen before, is different from the previous one. Therefore, it is not so easy to obtain a Yandex.Direct certificate. It is impossible to select the answers in advance and simply “write off” the task.

Before retesting, it's always worth looking at the supporting materials, reviewing the campaign characteristics, repeating the material, and starting to test yourself. Answering the questions again, you will notice that it has become much easier than it was before.

Thanks to this preparatory process, you can learn many subtleties and prepare for the exam.

The value of the received certificate

All tools used are parts of one connected system, and they allow you to effectively collaborate with marketing campaigns, use your budget wisely, and turn your visitors into buyers.

A marketing manager can be compared to a chef. If you add little salt, the dish will be bland and tasteless; if you add too much pepper, the dish will become too spicy, you will want to get rid of it quickly, and if you do not reduce the temperature of what you are cooking with, it will burn. In this work, everything is exactly the same - only a qualified and authorized specialist who knows the entire system, tools and mechanism of work will be able to create a good marketing campaign. That is why it is always important to check the Yandex.Direct certificate before starting cooperation.

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to write about such a thing as Yandex.Direct certification or Google Adwords. Because now many beginners have no idea whether they need a certificate showing that a specialist has a sufficient level of knowledge or not.

I decided to format the post in this format: a look through the eyes of a specialist or at certificates and a look through the eyes of the customer, and at the end we will sum up some conclusions. Therefore, the article will be useful to both sides.

Why does a specialist need a certificate?

Of course, a certificate is a way to show the customer that you have the necessary level of knowledge, which is sufficient to create and set up a successful advertising campaign. Or rather, you know the internal structure of the system contextual advertising and you can work in them without any problems.

However, let's return to the question posed: why does a specialist need a certificate? The answer is clear - for the customer, but it is important to consider how you want to receive the certificate. There are three options:

  1. Sit on your own and study Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords support;
  2. Find answers to certification questions on the Internet and pass them;
  3. Simply buy a certificate, or rather pay, knowledgeable person, for passing the test.

The choice, of course, is yours. Personally, I think that the first option is almost ideal: after all, you will not only increase customer loyalty to you, but you will also receive a bunch of interesting and necessary information.

The second option also implies obtaining some specific knowledge, since most of the answers are incorrect or outdated. Trust me, I checked. Therefore, you had to work with support and you will have to if you want to get a certificate.

The third option is generally the most problem-free: you pay and get the result. Although I don’t know, maybe you won’t get it, because the risk of scamming is very high, as it seems to me.

What will the certificate give the customer?

Now let's look at the certificate through the eyes of an ordinary customer. Do you provide some specific service, for example, you are repairing household appliances. You have a good website and you need to drive traffic to it using contextual advertising.

You don’t really want to set up advertising campaigns yourself and delve into the essence of contextual advertising, so you decide to turn to professionals. What will you pay attention to? From my own experience, I will say that most customers pay attention to the following things:

  1. Reviews. Reviews have always worked and will work, because people always tend to pay great attention to the opinion of society;
  2. Expertise. This always gives a great effect, since any person will trust an important matter exclusively to a professional who knows all the intricacies of his work;
  3. Cases. It’s not for nothing that I put this as the last point, because trust in cases is gradually falling, because “some” manage to fake and deceive, thereby harming honest specialists, and customers are already afraid to trust.

By the way, regarding cases. Conducting several audits of advertising campaigns per month, I noticed that so-called agencies (I’m talking about not very honest ones) do this: in Metrica, visits to certain pages, usually those pages to which the majority will go, then link Metrika with Direct, but these goals do not serve any purpose useful information. It turns out that in Direct’s statistics we see impressive numbers: conversion 30%, cost per click 10-15 rubles and other data. After that, they take a screenshot and add it to their portfolio. I don’t know, of course, how correct my judgments are, but it all really looks like that.

Let's get back to business. A Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords certificate is a certain indicator of a specialist’s expertise in his field. It is not for nothing that similar certificates are awarded to teachers, doctors, and representatives of many other professions. However, you should not blindly trust certificates alone.

Today it is Yandex.Direct. In order to order advertising from Yandex, you need to contact a technical support specialist, and in order to place it yourself and provide such services for business, you need to obtain a Yandex.Direct specialist certificate. How to do it?

Stage one - access

First, you need to check if you have the ability to obtain a certificate, since not every user is eligible. Advertising agency employees gain access after 3 months of working with Yandex.Direct. How can an ordinary advertiser obtain a Yandex.Direct certificate? He must:

  • actively conduct content advertising for more than 6 months;
  • when creating, use the professional Yandex.Direct interface;
  • Spend more than $300 on advertising in the last three months.

If these conditions are met, you can log into Yandex.Expert and begin preparation.

Stage two - training

It is worth noting that obtaining a Yandex.Direct certificate is quite difficult. You will have to answer 42 questions that can baffle even an experienced specialist, give 39 correct answers, and all this with a limited time of 30 minutes. Retaking is allowed for the first time after a week, for the second and third time - at intervals of 3 months, for the fourth time - after six months. Therefore, before you start the test, you should think about intensive training for the exam, so as not to waste time on retakes.

You can complete the training yourself by studying the key questions of the exam (the list of topics for the test is located below) or by seeking the help of those who have themselves received the Yandex.Direct certificate.

Stage three - certification

As already mentioned, certification is a free online test consisting of 42 questions, 39 of which require a single correct answer. The test assumes high professional theoretical knowledge in the field of contextual advertising and the ability to apply it in practice. Here is an approximate list of topics that the examinee should focus on:

  • cost per click and advertising campaign payment;
  • display strategies and rules;
  • context requirements;
  • selection of keywords and negative keywords;
  • CTR "Yandex.Direct";
  • statistics analysis, etc.

For clarity, here are a few sample questions, which may appear in the test.

  1. What is a weekly click package?
  2. Where is the block of guaranteed impressions located?
  3. How to prepare a template for statistics?
  4. How many negative keywords can one keyword contain?
  5. What does CTR affect?

As a result of successfully passing the exam, you will receive a Yandex.Direct certificate, valid for 1 year, confirming your qualifications as a directologist.

What does a certificate give to a director?

For companies involved in Internet promotion, a Yandex certificate opens the way to expensive and serious projects. The more certified directologists an advertising agency has, the higher its status will be in the contextual advertising market, the more clients will want to work with it. Moreover, Yandex regularly publishes the results of the year on certification.

This is also for a specialist important step for promotion. A director with a Yandex.Direct certificate is guaranteed to be able to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, determine the optimal budget for it, compose a competent content message, analyze statistics and evaluate the effectiveness of the work done, thereby allowing you to attract a large number of targeted traffic.

Of course, the Yandex.Direct certificate, the questions for obtaining which were presented above, does not imply knowledge about the features of Yandex.Metrica, exporting ads to Excel or the Direct API and other sections of web analytics, also necessary for a competent director, but if necessary you can get a certificate for this knowledge on the same Yandex.

Certificate "Yandex.Metrica"

The article discussed how to obtain a Yandex.Direct certificate, now let's talk a little about the Yandex.Metrica certificate - an equally important, but much more complex tool for an online advertiser.

If the Direct platform confirms the knowledge of a specialist in the field of creating contextual advertising, then the Metrics platform shows how capable the manager is of assessing the results and effectiveness of his work. The Yandex.Metrica certificate evaluates:

  • knowledge of the site's audience;
  • understanding the behavior and activity of resource visitors;
  • the ability to analyze site conversion, i.e. how many of the people who visited the site actually made a purchase;
  • ability to analyze the effectiveness of online and offline advertising;
  • ability to analyze and much more.

By obtaining certifications in these and other areas of Analytics, you prove your competence as a specialist. The more of your knowledge is invested in an advertising campaign, the greater the effect it will have on the target audience.

Don't stop improving, high conversions for you!

The new Yandex.Direct test, as part of the certification of specialists, began “its work” in the fall of 2016. I took the Yandex Expert exam for the first time in 2016. I passed that test, although not the first time. The certificate is valid for 12 months. Now, once again, I have confirmed my status as a contextual advertising specialist from Yandex by passing a new test. You can view my Yandex Expert certificate. In preparation for the Direct exam, the expert collected an up-to-date “collection” of test tasks and answers.

Leave your thoughts about incorrect answers in the comments. I'll join the discussion! This page is specifically intended for exchanging opinions about correct and incorrect answers. In the dispute, the truth will be born, and you will be better prepared to surrender! I assure you it is very productive!

In addition to the video materials, as an example, I provide possible test tasks thematic group “Audience selection” (based on testing materials from September 2018).

  • The owner of an online store wants to offer a discount to people who visited the site but did not buy anything. How to set up advertising most effectively?

1. In the ad, offer this segment of visitors a discount or other special purchasing conditions.
2. Use the audience selection condition: according to the Metrics segment, set up the display of ads to those who have not yet been to the site.
3. Use the audience selection condition: according to the Metrics segment, set up the display of site visitors to this segment.
4. Describe the promotion on the pages linked to in the advertisements.

  • Arthur owns a clothing store. He wants to show the promotions page to those users who have been last time on his website over a week ago. Which of the proposed settings should Arthur choose?

1. In the retargeting condition, select the Metric goal “Visited the site” in 90 days, the rule is “All completed.”
2. In the retargeting condition, select the Metric goal “Visited the site” in 7 days, the rule is “Not a single one fulfilled.”
3. In the retargeting condition, select the Metric goal “Visited the site” in 7 days, the rule is “All completed.”
4. In the retargeting condition, select the Metric goal “Visited the site” in 90 days, the rule is “Not a single one fulfilled.”

  • In Direct, you can target advertising by Yandex.Audience segments based on CRM data. Which statements about this type of segment are true?

1. For this segment, you can target advertising to a specific area of ​​the city from even a separate building.
2. The uploaded file must contain at least 1000 unique entries.
3. Only one type of data file can be uploaded to a CRM-based segment.
4. The uploaded file can be hashed

  • The campaign has set up conditions for selecting an audience using look-alik for fifty thousand contacts. Downward adjustments have been established for men and for all people under the age of 44, and upward adjustments for mobile phones. There are few impressions and clicks. What hypotheses need to be tested?

1. The targeting and conditions for selecting the audience are too narrow.
2. The stakes are too low.
3. Fifty thousand contacts are not enough to build a high-quality look-alike. The technology only works with millions of contacts.
4. Seasonality of demand for a product or service.

  • In Direct, you can target advertising based on data collected using the Yandex.Audience Pixel. Which of the statements below are true?

1. Pixel-based audience segments can only be used in adjustments to Direct campaigns.
2. In the settings for audience selection conditions, a pixel-based segment can be combined with Metrics segments.
3. The segment includes users who have viewed the media banner a specified number of times. The number of views is adjusted in the pixel settings.
4. Pixel-based audience segments can only be used in Direct and Display media campaigns.
5.In the settings for audience selection conditions, a pixel-based segment can be combined with other Yandex.Audience segments.

  • Select all correct statements about the use of goals and metric segments in Yandex.Direct?

1. You can target advertising to a Metrica segment only if the Metrica counter belongs to the same login as the campaign in Direct.
2. Goals and Segments Metrics can be combined with geolocation segments.
3. Using Metrics segments in Direct, you can block impressions to users who have already seen the advertisement.
4.Using Metrics goals and segments, you can increase the likelihood of showing ads to users who were on the site and viewed certain pages.

  • The owner of a restaurant located next to a large office center has approached you: “I want office employees to regularly come to dine at my restaurant, and not at the food court. There is a nearby shopping mall, however, it’s easier for me to work with guests who come to us regularly.” What settings are appropriate in this case?

1. Geosegment in audiences by selecting the “currently located” condition.
2. Target advertising in the look-alike segment in Yandex.Audience to existing clients - the system itself will find users who live in this area.
3. Add key phrases with the name of the office center. For example: business lunch Moscow City.
4.Geo segment in Yandex.Audience with the “working” condition.

  • Is it possible to combine Metrics goals, Metrics segments and Audience segments in one audience selection condition?

1. You can only combine the Metrics and Audiences segments.
2. You can only combine goals and Metric segments.
3. You can.
4. You can't

  • Is it possible to create an audience selection condition that consists only of “unfulfilled goals” (the “not a single one was fulfilled” block)??

1. Yes, but this condition can only be used to adjust rates.
2. Yes, this condition can be used both for impressions on it and in networks, and for adjusting bids.
3. No, the “none completed” block can only be used in combination with the “at least one completed” or “All completed” blocks.

  • You have been contacted by the owner of a restaurant located next to a large office center. “In the office center there is a food court with restaurants, but I want office employees to come to me for lunch. How to attract these people? Leaflets no longer work, and my budgets are small.” What advice would you give to a restaurant?

1. Set up a campaign in Direct for the entire city.
2. Target your advertising campaign using look-alike users similar to restaurant visitors.
3. Add more key phrases with the name of the office center to the campaign. For example: where to eat in Moscow city.
4. Using Yandex.Audience geosegments, target advertising to the location where the office center is located.

  • How to understand that a segment in Yandex.Audience is suitable for look-alike targeting?

1. This cannot be understood in advance. You can only experiment and track impression statistics for the look-alike segment.
2. You can’t give a specific recommendation here. Look-alikes need to be created based on groups of people who have something in common and who behave similarly.
3. In segment statistics, you can see the user similarity index. The higher the similarity, the more suitable the segment is for creating a look-alike segment.

  • Some online store visitors add items to their cart but do not place an order. What advice can you give to the site owner?

1. Launch an advertising campaign on search.
2. Launch an advertising campaign for this segment of users using the audience selection condition.
3. Check the usability of the site and the ease of placing an order.
4. Make sure that the delivery terms are visible and well described.

  • Why is the reach value on the Yandex.Audito page greater than the number of loaded contacts? ?

1. This shouldn't happen. If this happens, it's a bug.
2. One person can use several devices (work and home computers, smartphones, etc.).
3. An ad can be shown to one person several times.

  • The advertiser offers products with delivery strictly in a certain area of ​​the city. Delivery to other areas has not yet been established. How to set up advertising most effectively?

1. Target advertising by segment based on the geolocation of users with the conditions “currently located”.
2. Target advertising by segment based on the geolocation of users with the conditions “living”.
3. Target advertising according to the look-alike segment based on the segment with customer data - the system itself will find users who live only in this area.
4. In ad groups, key phrases with the name of the area or streets where services are available.

  • The advertiser places a banner on the search. The task is to set up displays of image ads in the networks of those audiences who have seen the banner in search more than three times. What actions need to be taken to achieve this?

1. Collect data about the banner audience using the Yandex.Audience Pixel in the creative.
2. Select ready-made targeting in the image ad campaign settings.
3. Create a condition for selecting an audience based on the Metrics segment “more than 3 advertising visits.”
4. Create an audience segment based on the data collected by Pixel with the appropriate parameters, set up retargeting.

  • Using Yandex.Audience, you can target advertising based on user geolocation data. Which of the statements are true?

1. In segments based on geolocation data, you can select people who fall under one of the conditions: “regularly visits”, “lives” or “works”.
2. Using polygons, you can more accurately identify the desired audience for targeting.
3. You can define an area of ​​any shape to the polygon, for example, select the entire territory of the stadium.
4. You can change the shape of the polygon and its location at any time after creating an audience segment.

  • The advertiser has its own customer base that is interested in the services and which brings in the main income. The advertiser has expanded production and now wants to attract new loyal customers. How to target advertising correctly to solve this problem?

1. By segment in Yandex.Audience, consisting of existing loyal customers.
2. By DMP segment based on data from external providers.
3. For the look-alike segment in Yandex.Audience based on the segment with data from these clients.
4. By segment based on the Metrics goal “visited contact page.”

  • What business problems can be solved using retargeting?

1. Expanding the circle potential clients, similar to existing ones according to some criteria.
2. Increasing the conversion of website visitors into clients by targeting a more interested audience.
3. Remove low-margin goods or services from the market.
4. Increase the frequency of repeat sales.
5.Increasing traffic to off-line points through geo-targeted advertising.

Go to the next video list.

Discussions only on the topic of the page are available in the comments. Advertising of links, products and services is prohibited. Disrespectful messages are not allowed.

As you know, a certified specialist is valued more on the market than a specialist without a certificate. And this is correct, since obtaining a certificate is impossible without passing the exam. And the Yandex.Direct exam is quite difficult.

But after successfully passing the exam, you will receive a certificate that confirms your knowledge.

This is what a Yandex Direct specialist certificate looks like:

The exam contains questions related to advertising campaign indicators such as . By answering these questions, you can find a lot of new things for yourself. For example, to the following questions: ? Or is it necessary to do this?

Much attention is paid to the topic “when creating an advertising campaign.”

How to prepare for the Yandex Direct exam

If you are not an employee of an agency that interacts with Yandex, then you first need to register an account. Registering an account is easy. Enough to do Mailbox on Yandex, then follow the link advertising.yandex.ru/agency/collaboration/ and study the terms of cooperation.

There are only two of them:

  1. Having a desire
  2. Completed application on the page advertising.yandex.ru/agency/collaboration/request.xml

The application looks like this:

As you can see, to cooperate with Yandex you do not need to have special skills or have entity. After the application is sent, the manager will call the specified phone number and clarify the information specified in the application form. After this, the account will become an agent account.

To determine whether an agent account is an ordinary one, just go into it and look at the login in the upper right corner.

Yandex does not allow you to take the certificate exam using your main account. Therefore, you need to register a second regular account.

After registering an account to take the exam, you must make it a representative for this agent account. This can be done by going to the Administration tab in the top menu.

The list will include chief representative– this is the account under which the agency is registered. Customer service representatives at this moment will not be, since they are not registered yet. When registering, a list of representatives will be shown, as in the screenshot above.

To register a representative, you need to scroll down to the links on the page and click on “Appoint a new representative.”

Please note that you need to set the Role to Representative (administrator). This is necessary so that you can work from this account, and not from the main administrative one.

After all fields are filled in, you need to click “Register”.

After completing this procedure, you need to wait 90 days. After this time has passed, the opportunity to take the certificate exam will be available at expert.yandex.ru. If you log in before 90 days have passed, you will see a page like this:

But after this period of 90 days has passed, the page will look like this:

After the test is passed successfully, this will be reflected on the page:

You can also see more detailed information according to the certificate: