On the eve of March 8, Ivona launched a special project about women presidents. Find out the names of those who stood behind the most powerful men in the world and made history with their fragile female hand.

Life, and even more death, Marilyn Monroe remains a mystery for many generations. The bright blonde, who managed to get both Kennedy brothers, forever changed the history of not only America, but the whole world. Film director Only girls in jazz once said: "There are books about the life of Marilyn Monroe, and there are about the Second World War. They are united by two words "hell" and "necessity."

Seven years would elapse between JFK's first meeting with Marilyn Monroe and her mysterious suicide. Seven years of intrigue, scandals, secret meetings and phone calls. But before the love affair turns into a farce, Monroe will survive his most happy moments hopes and faith that she managed to meet a real man.

In the summer of 1954, a party was held in Hollywood in honor of the ambitious young Senator from Massachusetts John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife Jackie. Actor Peter Lawford, the organizer of the fun, was aware of Kennedy's interest in the beauty actress Marilyn Monroe. To please his friend, Lawford did his best and sexy blonde appeared at the reception.

Despite the fact that the star was married to the modest baseball player Joe DiMaggio, who was against the noisy fun, Monroe loved Hollywood and local entertainment. Knowing that the appearance at the party portends another scandal with her husband, Marilyn nevertheless went to have fun. And she was rewarded. Subsequently, Marilyn will say: "Kennedy did not take his eyes off me for a second, and at some point I even felt embarrassed."

A few days later, in DiMaggio's house, there was a phone call. Joe picked up the phone: "I'm listening." There was silence on the other end of the line, and he hung up in a rage. Later, during one of their first secret meetings, John will tell her, "You must warn me so I can call without risking your husband."

Thus began the most dangerous and exciting story in the life of Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Still not realizing with whom and with what she contacted, the star wrote poems about her lover and admitted to her assistant that from the age of 15 she had dreamed of such a companion. The blonde had no doubts that John would divorce his wife and introduce Marilyn to the whole world as the first lady of the United States. Can a woman in love be blamed for shortsightedness?

A smart girl kisses, but does not love, listens, but does not believe and leaves before she was left," the beauty thought philosophically in her interviews, but in life she was far from prudence.

A secret romantic relationship under palm trees, on the shores of the azure sea, with a millionaire and a famous politician inspired the actress. They both had to work hard to secret relationship did not become the property of journalists. Marilyn had to dodge and lie. But she couldn't stop. The future president of the United States beckoned her. She dreamed of them. It was her ideal. She believed that it was he, like no one else, who suited her for the role of husband.

The connection with the world-famous blonde inspired John, inspired self-confidence and helped to achieve heights. Marilyn supported her man in everything and was ready to listen to him. The happy actress took part in the election campaign of her lover and in many respects he owes her popularity among the people.

After becoming president, John still did not break ties with Marilyn. They met already in the apartments of the presidential plane. Now Marilyn had to put on a wig, dark glasses, and in this form climb the ladder, posing as a secretary. Peter Lawford, who organized these meetings, had photographs in which John and Marilyn showed off their naked charms. Tough politician in public, in company sexy actress Kennedy relaxed and rested.

But over time, even the blonde Marilyn, who chose the image of a naive ugly girl in the cinema, began to understand that John F. Kennedy's intentions were not as serious as in her dreams. The Kennedy family of millionaires and politicians was too clannish to let a girl of unknown origin in. No one there could seriously think about marriage with Monroe. Millionaires do not like scandals with divorces and revelations that are characteristic of movie stars.

At the same time, Jeannette Carmen, a relative of the actress, claims that "Marilyn never stopped believing that she could rise to the level of John F. Kennedy, both physically and intellectually. She hoped to become a real lady, whom he could not be ashamed of" . About what to do next, the star did not think for a long time: to fight for your happiness!

We women have only two weapons ... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time ... "- said the actress.

When it became clear that the most desirable woman in the world was not enough for the president, Marilyn Monroe began to roll scandals. John did not immediately understand this change. He was satisfied only with a closed game. And Marilyn became more insistent. She abused direct dial telephone numbers given only to her. Constantly called John The White house, demanded unscheduled meetings, wrote letters. Receiving no answer, she began to threaten with exposure. In the end, out of spite, she called the president's wife, telling her what young mistresses usually say to the wives of their partners.

This made the situation critical. The President got nervous. He held emergency meetings with his brother, Attorney General Robert. Then he invited FBI Director Hoover. From him, he learned the shocking news - the mafia has a film with a video of his love games with Marilyn. They were filmed naked in Palm Springs. This was the beginning of the end. The president didn't want to take any more risks. But he understood that Marilyn was in such an excited state that she would stop at nothing. She has nothing to lose.


At John's 45th birthday celebration, Marilyn had to sing Happy birthday to you, Mr. President! (Happy birthday, Mr. President!). Peter Lawford, who played the role of master of ceremonies, called Marilyn on stage. Once... the second time. Nobody. He tried again, this time with irritation: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, Marilyn Monroe, who has left us." This terrible joke (built on the double meaning English word late, which can mean "late" or "left us, dead") made Marilyn leave her bathroom ...

Then Lawford sent Robert Kennedy to her. The young Minister of Justice and father of seven children stayed with her for about a quarter of an hour. He encouraged the actress, saying that the president was pleased, but perhaps he had other reasons to linger with her ...

Watch online video of Marilyn Monroe's speech at John F. Kennedy's birthday party:

“Robert Kennedy seemed to go crazy, running around her with goggle eyes, as if mesmerized by her defiant dress,” said one of those present. And Marilyn fell into an increasing dependence on alcohol and pills. And finally, she noticed that John was avoiding her. Robert Kennedy began to appear more and more often in her house. From that time on, Marilyn became the mistress of another Kennedy. But after a while, when the heat of the first passion cooled down, with Robert, Marilyn began the same difficulties as with John: he was not at all going to marry her.

Lost the last remnants common sense, the film star began to pursue Robert. Marilyn had already publicly announced that she was head over heels in love with Bobby and that he had promised to marry her. This was becoming unbearable and very dangerous for the entire Kennedy clan.


In the early days of August 1962, Marilyn learned that Robert and his family were vacationing in the Palm Springs villa she knew so well. She called there and demanded that he immediately come to her. She wanted to explain. On the phone, Marilyn, already with a threat, told him that she had been keeping a diary for a long time, where she wrote down everything that both high-ranking brothers told her in moments of relaxation.

All further happened, as in the climactic scenes of Hollywood melodramas. A stormy showdown began, tears, accusations, threats. She shouted that on Monday, August 6, she would call a press conference in the morning and tell the journalists the whole truth. How vilely both Kennedy brothers treated her and how they used her, and what state secrets they blurted out to her. All this is allegedly recorded in her diary, which she will give to the press.

Marilyn was found dead on the night of August 4-5, 1962. More than half a century has passed since the death of Monroe, but her death still remains a mystery to many. It is known that the star was in a neurotic state and used sedatives and stimulants. Both of these factors justify the version of suicide. But still, many are sure that behind the death of Monroe long years a secret is hidden.

Marilyn Monroe was assassinated by the CIA

One theory claims that Monroe was ruined by a close connection with the Kennedy family. The actress was “ordered” by the CIA to take revenge on President John F. Kennedy for the failed invasion of Cuba. But why Monroe? In 2003, Matthew Smith, in his book Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe, writes that the CIA knew about the actress's affair with both Kennedy brothers. By killing her, the authorities wanted to put pressure on the president and his family. In 2015, Smith's theory was fueled by the confessions of a retired CIA officer who confessed on his deathbed that he was the one who killed Monroe. However, it was later revealed that the officer's confession was nothing more than a hoax courtesy of a fake news site.


Marilyn Monroe was killed by Robert Kennedy

One of the first versions that arose after the death of Marilyn says that younger brother President Kennedy, Robert himself killed the artist, as he was afraid that she would talk about their romance and his political career would go downhill. The same version was voiced by Frank Capell in 1962 in his book The Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe. Capella's version did not receive much support, and passions subsided. But in 1973, writer Norman Mailer "added fuel to the fire" by releasing another biography of Marilyn, where he claimed that the actress was killed by her lover, Senator Robert Kennedy. Mailer had no conclusive evidence, but the high-profile advertising worked - the book was sold in crazy numbers. Two years later, another follower of this theory, journalist Anthony Scaduto, wrote an article. Based on several sources at once, he explained why Kennedy killed Monroe. In his opinion, the actress knew too many political secrets and wrote down information in her secret diary.

Marilyn Monroe Killed Robert Kennedy, But He Didn't Act Alone

Another theory was put forward by the "yellow" journalist Anthony Summers, who in 1985 wrote the book Goddess. Secrets of the Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe. The author claims that Robert Kennedy encouraged bad habits Marilyn. Moreover, the politician personally took care of the last, fatal dose of sleeping pills. According to Summers, the president was afraid that Marilyn would tell about their romance, and therefore, together with his son-in-law Peter Lawford, he organized an overdose. The author also claims that J. Edgar Hoover, who served as director of the FBI, helped arrange everything as a suicide.

Summers' theory is backed up by Monroe's housekeeper Eunice Murray, who first discovered the actress's body. In an interview with a reporter, Murray admitted: “Oh, why do I have to keep covering this up? Well, of course, there was Bobby Kennedy, and, of course, they had an affair.

Marilyn was accidentally killed by her own doctors

Another book about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe was written by Donald Spoto in 1993. According to the author, Monroe lied to doctors about her treatment, which resulted in her being prescribed the wrong dose of medication. With the help of that same housekeeper, Eunice Murray, Marilyn's death was framed as a suicide. Despite police reports and the housekeeper's statements, Spoto's version received little support and was dismissed.

Marilyn Monroe was killed because she knew too much about UFOs

One of the most insane versions of the death of Marilyn Monroe was put forward by extraterrestrial conspiracy theorist Dr. Steven Greer. He claims that Monroe knew too much about ... UFOs. In his film Unrecognized, Greer stated that Marilyn planned to leak top-secret information about the 1947 Roswell Incident (the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA). To stop the leak of classified information, the CIA officer got rid of the dangerous blonde by faking suicide.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by the mafia

In 1982, private detective Milo Sperillo made a startling speculation: Monroe had been murdered by union leader Jimmy Hoffa and Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana. Sperillo explains his theory in detail in the book The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed. Despite questionable evidence, the detective's book led to the reopening of the Marilyn death case. However, after a new investigation, the Los Angeles District Attorney closed the case: Sperillo's theory was not confirmed.

September 10, 2012, 12:25

Society will never know the full truth about the relationship between the 35th President of the United States and the sex symbol of the last century, Marilyn Monroe; is it safe to call the connection between John and Marilyn a novel, because Kennedy was never interested in anyone for such a long time and seriously that numerous connections could be attributed to novels ... Despite great amount love affairs, John always tried to avoid close emotional contact with women and kept them at a certain distance from him. He himself admitted that he never lost his head in a fit of passion: "I am by no means a tragic lover." The tragic death of Marilyn Monroe in August 1962, and the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963, forever put an ellipsis in this mysterious history, the truth will never become known ... Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy based on the memoirs of Marilyn herself, John F. Kennedy's entourage and the statements of biographers ... (The post does not contain assumptions about the participation of the Kennedy brothers in the death of Marilyn Monroe) Here is how Marilyn recalled the first (held long before the Kennedy presidency) meeting with John. From oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "The Feldmans lived almost opposite us and often held various parties to which they invited guests far from the world of cinema. On that occasion, we came with Joe DiMaggio. Among the guests was a couple that attracted my special attention - young Senator John F.K. . with his wife Jackie. They were also newlyweds, but it was not too conspicuous.
John and Jacqueline Kennedy
Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio You know, there are people who you feel when you look at them. unusual fate and strength. Here in DiMaggio you instantly feel physical strength and willpower, it has reliability, perseverance and simplicity. John K. was immediately conquered by a completely different strength, not physical or even moral, he was the Lord, looking at him I understood that this man had a great future, so great that it was even scary to think.

John Kennedy and Grace Kelly (not related to the topic of the post, I wanted to publish this picture) If the most famous athlete in America was sitting next to me, then the most famous politician was staring at me. No, he was not somehow particularly handsome or courageous, rather the opposite, quite ordinary in appearance, and yet. And he just stared, forgetting about his Jackie. Not good, ugly, messy, but I did the same, I just couldn’t take my eyes off John K. Now I can say that I was not mistaken, he became what he was supposed to be, and I put a lot of effort into his popularity. Do you understand what I mean? Of course we understood. But then it was still far away ... "Given John's love for Hollywood beauties, a closer acquaintance with Marilyn Monroe, the greatest sex symbol of the era, was only a matter of time. Marilyn, who survived a divorce from her first husband, DiMaggio, and parting with her second , Arthur Miller, often attended parties hosted by Sinatra and Peter Lawford.It was thanks to Sinatra that Marilyn frequented the Lawfords' house in Santa Monica.
Patricia and Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis The meeting that marked the beginning of an intimate relationship took place at Lawford's home in Santa Monica on November 19, 1961. John had already delivered his speech, and now, having changed into jeans, he was relaxing, immersed in the familiar atmosphere. According to Lawford's second wife (Pat Lawford), Marilyn then literally settled with the Lawfords. “Sometimes John had sex with Marilyn, and behind the wall the Loufrods slept, who not only tolerated, but even indulged such relationships. The room had a very beautiful bathroom, finished with marble and onyx. John liked to fetch water, and Marilyn jumped on him, and they had sex in the water, and sometimes invited Peter to photograph their games. After John's death, almost all the photographs were destroyed ... ”According to Peter Lawford:“ The fact that Kennedy became the head of state, in the eyes of Marilyn, gave their novel a special symbolism. She was now truly in love with him. At the same time, she experienced a deep depression: she took strong sleeping pills, drank, she even had to go to a psychiatric clinic ... "
Jackie was in Glen Or when John was tumbling with Marilyn at his sister's house on the West Coast, but on December 5, when Peter secretly brought Monroe to meet with the president at Carlisle, she was in the White House. Pat Lawford wrote: "Peter said he dressed Marilyn in nondescript clothes, forced her to wear a wig, gave a pen and notepad in his hand, and pretended to be his secretary." The report, which was sent to FBI Director Hoover, claimed that orgies were held at the Carlisle Hotel, which included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (two names blacked out) and Marilyn Monroe. According to Judith Campbell, “John was well aware that Hoover was watching his every move, but he didn't really care. The Kennedys wanted to get rid of Hoover, but they could not, because he had collected a bunch of dirt on the whole family, not just on John.
F. Sinatra, Peter Lawford and Bobby Kennedy After his divorce from Patricia Kennedy, Peter Lawward became persona non grata in the homes of former relatives. He especially hated Bobby, whom he blamed for breaking off his friendship with Frank Sinatra in 1962. After John's death, when Bobby and Jackie became close, Peter met them sitting together in a bar and publicly declared: "This Son of a bitch sleeping with her!" Monroe, meanwhile, dreamed that her relationship with John would continue. She did not consider herself a temporary lover at all, but sincerely believed that John would leave Jackie and marry her. In the spring of 1962, her ex-husband Arthur Miller remarried, which hurt Marilyn very much, and she again began to abuse pills and alcohol and brought herself to a terrible state. She showed up drunk at the Golden Globes, with difficulty moving her legs and hanging on to her Mexican lover. When she was presented with a golden statuette, Monroe perched on the stage and made a speech with a slurred tongue. Many then predicted the end of her career. The same month that Jackie arrived in London on her way from India and Pakistan on March 25, 1962, Lawford brought Marilyn to Palm Springs for the weekend.
It is unlikely that Jackie could not know about the connection between Monroe and her husband. Monroe even had her own room in the White House, and one day, apparently under the influence of alcohol or drugs, she told Jackie that she intended to marry the president. No wonder Jackie didn't go to her husband's 45th birthday performance, where guest star Marilyn Monroe performed "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." Jackie was visiting a horse show with her daughter Caroline at this moment in Glen Ora.
From the oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "D.K. became the most important person America, I had no doubt that this would happen, he definitely had to become one! I will fly to congratulate D.K. happy birthday. I'll do it and I don't care if they kick me out of the studio again! ...At DK's birthday party, it will be remembered for a long time. ...You can't help but know that I congratulated D.K. on his birthday. It was an unheard of scandal ... "
Marilyn's speech was so provocative that journalists described it like this: "Monroe made love to the president in front of 40 million Americans." Kennedy smiled and said that after such a sweet congratulations, you can resign, but in fact it became a fat point in their relationship with Monroe, and so everyone started talking about the romance between the president and the movie star, and the appearance of rumors in the press is only a matter of time.

It is believed that this gold Rolex Day-Date watch, commonly known as the Rolex President, was a gift from Marilyn for John's 45th birthday. Allegedly, Marilyn gave the gift to the president after the famous performance with the song "Happy birthday, mister President", and John gave the watch to his assistant Kenneth Donnell with a note "Get rid of them." The following poem came with the watch: “Let lovers breathe their sighs/And roses bloom and music sound/Let passion burn on lips and eyes/And pleasures merry world go round/Let golden sunshine flood the sky/ and let me love/ or let me die!" The veracity of this story remains a mystery, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. The date of the inscription on the clock coincides with Kennedy's birthday. The serial number of the watch and the engraving also correspond to that time, the 60s of the last century. Assistant to the 35th President of the United States, Kenneth Donnell, died in 1977, his family refused to comment on the authenticity of the gold Rolex "a. In October 2005, the watch was sold at an auction in Greenwich, Connecticut for a fabulous sum of $ 120,000 (original price from 40,000 to 60,000) , breaking the auction house record.
At the thought of being abandoned, Monroe flew into a rage and began pestering Kennedy with calls, but John did not speak to her. Marilyn was desperate to save the relationship and called Bobby. Marilyn and John did not meet again, but she saw Bobby several times. Another one was crying in Bobby's vest Hollywood star With broken hearted, Judy Garland.
The top photo shows Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. The photo was taken at a private party at the home of Arthur and Mathilde Krim after the President's 45th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden ~ May 1962. This photo is believed to be the only general photo president and actresses. However, the bottom shot is also circulating on foreign blogs, in which you can see John and Bobby (circled) in the visuals watching Marilyn perform. All other archives were destroyed, and other photographs are From the oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "Doc, don't be afraid, I have friends everywhere. True, true! Frankie and Bobby will protect us from any trouble, they said so. But only if I'm a good girl. What does it mean to be a good girl? Sleep with everyone and keep my mouth shut? I don’t want to be an obedient girl, I just want to live. Doc, I’ll give you all the tapes, just don’t tell anyone about them, it’s dangerous ... "On the night of August 5, Monroe took too much sleeping pills. The last person she spoke to was Peter Lawford. It seemed to him that Marilyn had a sleepy voice, but since the star abused alcohol, this did not alert him. At parting, she said: “Say goodbye to Pat. And John. Goodbye to you too, you're a good fellow." He got excited and called back, but heard short beeps in the receiver. Around 3:00 a.m., Monroe's housekeeper discovered the hostess's body. The star was lying prone on the bed, naked, and clutching a telephone receiver in her hand. She died at the age of 36. The autopsy showed it was suicide. Since this is not the first time Marilyn has taken too much sleeping pills, it remains a mystery whether it was a cry for help, or really an attempt to end a hateful life ...
Marilyn was John F. Kennedy's most stellar mistress, but within 48 hours of her death, when the name of the actress was on the front pages of all publications, Kennedy found solace in the arms of another woman. Jackie at this point stopped in New York on her way to Italy. John was in the midst of an affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer, an artist and ex-wife a prominent CIA officer ... In October 1964, Meyer was found murdered, and her detailed diary disappeared without a trace.
Mary Pinchot Meyer
When creating this post, the following sources were used: "The American Queen. The Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis", Sarah Bradford. "The Great Kennedy" A. Vladimirsky. "One for All" Edward M. Kennedy. Foreign blogs about John and Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe. Updated on 10/09/12 12:44: Post about Jacqueline Kennedy

Marilyn Monroe and left this world young. She was only 36, the president of the country, who left a year later, was 46. The sexiest film star and the charismatic leader of the country simply had to meet and fall in love with each other. And if this did not actually happen, then in the fantasies of contemporaries and subsequent generations, the dream of Cinderella and the prince still turned out to be stronger than reality.

Marilyn Monroe: biography and secret of birth

An actress with an alluring smile, admired by men and envied by women, was born out of wedlock. In the 1920s it had great importance and left an imprint on the rest of his life. Formally, the film editor Gladys Mortenson, the mother of the future star, was married, so at birth the daughter received her husband's surname, spelled out with an error - Norma Jean Mortensen. The girl was born in Los Angeles in 1926 and a few weeks later she was given to an orphanage. Gladys led a wild life, raising neither Norma nor two more children given to her father.

The girl was taken to the foster family of the Bolenders, where the cheerful Norma was brought up in strictness, trying to give her a good religious upbringing. The father of the family was a Baptist preacher and picked a good college for his adopted daughter. Meanwhile, in the girl's life appeared own mother, at first just visiting her, and then deciding to take her away from the Bolenders at the age of 8. Marilyn Monroe's life has changed dramatically: she was left to herself, and soon her mother completely disappeared, entrusting her friend.

First marriage and the beginning of the labor path

Grace, that was the name of her mother's friend, soon married. The husband did not really want to feed someone else's child, besides, in a state of intoxication, he harassed a pretty stepdaughter. Despite this, the girl, who changed her family and visited the shelter, after some time will again have to return to Grace and her hated husband. She will leave them after the Goddard family moves, and at the age of 16 she will marry Jimmy Doherty, a merchant seaman, just to avoid returning to the orphanage. After a while, the girl finds out the reasons why her mother left her at the age of 11, and all her terrible family secrets. Marilyn Monroe was born into a family where her maternal grandparents had psychiatric problems. The brother committed suicide on this basis, and Gladys, diagnosed with schizophrenia, was once hospitalized in a specialized clinic.

Counting only on herself, the girl went to work at an aircraft factory, she was engaged in painting aircraft. The appearance at the plant of a professional photographer who photographed workers for the Yankee magazine turned her whole life upside down. She was an ordinary pretty girl, not too confident, and did not even know how much the camera would love her. A month after the publication of the first photos, the photo agency will offer her the first contract, where the fee per hour of shooting will exceed daily wage at the factory. The husband did not approve of the idea of ​​his wife, who did not hesitate to expose her charms in a bathing suit, and Norma Mortensen's first marriage ended in separation.

Career in Hollywood

In the future, the Kennedy clan will not be able to accept Marilyn Monroe as an equal, because she did not study anywhere and did not receive an education as an actress. Her past is an orphanage, a crazy mother, a military factory and a job as a fashion model. And the road to Hollywood, in their opinion, ran through the box of the producer. Her lovers included the rich Johnny Hyde, Henry Rosenfeld and even Charlie Chaplin Jr. Be that as it may, the girl used her chance to act in films, and her first work was a small episode in the film "Dangerous Years". In two years, she will completely change her image, turning from a brown-haired woman into a platinum blonde, and will take the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe.

The figure of a girl by today's standards was far from ideal, but her main advantage was amazing femininity. With a small cm) its weight in different years fluctuated within 56 kg. With a waist of 57 centimeters, the chest and hips had a very appetizing forms, being the same size, - 96 centimeters, which gave the figure the necessary proportionality. Having done a few plastic surgery, she reshaped her nose and removed the triangular toe from her forehead hair, creating a baby-dall look. Her face was made unique by a mole above her lip, which gave a certain charm. After roles in the films All About Eve and The Asphalt Jungle, Marilyn was already waiting real success. Her plasticity and incredible sexual energy captivated the audience.

Star 54th

Despite the fact that the directors did not indulge the actress with a variety of roles, exploiting her external data, the Americans really fell in love with her. Marilyn gladly accepted offers to appear on television and became the first star to appear nude in the new Playboy magazine. Men from five continents lusted after the beauty, who shone in the sensational films "Niagara", "How to Marry a Millionaire" and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".

Popularity was added by marriage to the number one baseball player Joe DiMaggio, who completed sports career, but the remaining favorite of America. In February, the 54th, together with her husband Marilyn Monroe, whose biography is described in detail, went to Japan. It was officially called honeymoon trip, although in fact DiMaggio taught the Japanese an exciting American game. Marilyn Monroe did not get bored, visiting the hospital for the US military, from which she received an invitation to South Korea. The war was over there, but there were tens of thousands of US soldiers on the border, cut off from their homeland.

The chronicle of those years will capture the tremendous success of the actress, who gave nine concerts in 4 days. It was the first tour in her life where she had to sing with a live orchestra. She has never been a great vocalist, but her femininity and flirtatiousness made listeners tremble with excitement. In spite of winter time years, she performed in open dress, not allowing himself to interrupt the concert during the rain. This heroism cost her health, she soon fell ill with pneumonia. But still, Marilyn was happy, basking in the love of the male audience.

First meeting with the future president

Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy first met in this happy for the actress, 1954. Native sister Jonah Patricia was married to actor Peter Lawford, who hosted a party for the new Massachusetts state senator. At that time, both were not free. Future President John F. Kennedy recently married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, and Marilyn herself came to the Lawford couple, accompanied by Joe DiMaggio, although their marriage did not have long to exist. The great American was haunted by the glory of his wife, in whose shadow he did not want to live. In addition, he was eaten by jealousy, the reason for which Marilyn always gave.

So this evening, she could not resist the charm of a born leader, radiating confidence. In turn, the senator himself fell under the spell of the sex symbol of the United States. DiMaggio went home alone, and a stormy romance arose between the actress and the politician. For a long time they met either in Lawford's house or in expensive hotels, until the relationship began to weigh on the future president, who dreams of political career. He needed stability and the support of his wife to participate in the upcoming elections. And from the very beginning, he did not take the actress as seriously as she would like. She confessed to a close friend that she had dreamed of such a man all her life, and he probably simply did not know how to love. Why?

The family of the future president

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was the second of nine children of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, whose parents were famous politicians, and Joseph himself successfully played in the stock market, increasing the family income. The father, who grew up in a female environment, was a great lover of the fair sex. This almost divorced the spouses, but the family was Catholic, where divorce was not welcome, so Rose reconciled. As compensation for her husband's infidelities, she received gifts and payment for all whims, not showing much affection towards the children. She was strict with them and often punished for any offense.

Grandfather predicted a brilliant future for his grandson, born in 1917, which later came true, although he grew up as an extremely sickly child. Any infection stuck to John, but he was not allowed to complain. During the Second World War, his father worked hard so that he could pass a medical examination and go to the front. Harvard graduate got into military intelligence US Navy.

The war tempered the character of the future politician, besides, he rose to the rank of lieutenant, having committed heroic deed in August 43rd. His boat was rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Being shell-shocked, he did everything to save the ship's personnel, who were discovered a few days later on the island. The command believed that the crew was killed, and the parents received a message about the disappearance of their son without a trace. Happiness knew no bounds when it became known about the salvation of the team. But later, the war will claim the life of Joseph Jr., John's older brother, a military pilot. Family will create charitable foundation his name, which last days the youngest of the Kennedy sons will govern.

The health of the future president

John Kennedy, whose personal life would be a subject of interest for many years, carefully concealed his state of health from everyone. If in childhood he was pursued by one sore after another, then in his mature years this will find its explanation. He will be diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease - Addison's disease. She explains it a little strange color skin, similar to an unusual tan, and a rather fragile complexion for a man. Its weight was only 54 kg.

With the advent of a new drug - "Cortisone" - this disease did not annoy the politician so much, but John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. suffered from a spinal injury received during the war years. Back in 1944, he underwent several operations: he was either inserted or removed a plate that strengthened the almost completely destroyed fifth lumbar vertebra. Its presence caused complications, so the back problem will remain for the rest of your life, causing untold suffering.

In addition to hot baths and swimming in the pool future president will take amphetamines and other drugs that cause apathy and depression. With them, he will fight with the help of women who played a significant role in his life. But not a single public scandal during his lifetime, which indicates that he was loved and covered. John Kennedy, whose biography is described in detail by historians, had at least seven love stories after marrying Jacqueline, one of them is a secret relationship with Marilyn Monroe, continued during his election campaign.

Resumption of relationship

The 35th in the history of the country and the first president since the beginning of the television era in 1961 was Democrat John F. Kennedy. For the first time, the United States watched his debate with a Republican from TV screens. And gave their hearts to the young candidate answering tricky questions opponent with a charming smile. The whole life of the Kennedy family turned into a continuous photo session, where family values, and Jacqueline became a model of elegance and devotion. Among those who participated in election campaign on the side of the Democrats, was Marilyn Monroe. In January 1961, she divorced her third husband, playwright Arthur Miller, with whom she once dreamed of having children, and bought a house in Los Angeles.

Marilyn Monroe and US President John F. Kennedy resumed meetings on the territory of the Beverly Hills Hotel and even on board the aircraft. The biographers of the actress claim that Jacqueline knew about this connection and even had a telephone conversation with Marilyn, in which she calmly reacted to her message about them. upcoming wedding. She only asked the Hollywood beauty if she was ready to fulfill the duties of the first lady, following her president everywhere.

Marilyn's ambitions cost her her relationship with the Kennedy clan, which concentrated enormous power in their hands. served as Attorney General, the younger Edward replaced his brother as Massachusetts State Senator. John wasn't ready to take the risk political career, therefore, on the eve of his 45th birthday, he stopped communicating with the Hollywood star. She makes one last desperate attempt to repair the relationship by giving him a Rolex watch through a White House employee, which he refuses to accept.

Films of those years captured the many thousands of celebrations in Madison Square Garden dedicated to the anniversary of the president, where Marilyn Monroe congratulates John F. Kennedy. 1962 is the year of the final break, but not a single muscle flinched on the face of the president, blinding the audience of the gala concert with a charming smile. On May 17, the film star interrupted filming and came to the celebration, where host Peter Lawford gave her the floor from the stage. The effect of her dress was amazing: it seemed that she was naked. She came out to sing in her inimitable sexy voice, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!". And just carefully peering into the frames, you can see that the actress is not performing quite in an adequate condition.

The mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe

The unpredictability of the star's behavior not only led to the fact that Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy broke up, but also forced the FBI to closely monitor her. She will spend two weeks in psychiatric clinic, disrupt filming last movie with her participation and will be completely dependent on her psychoanalyst Dr. Greenson, who has found a maid for her. Her depressions became more and more frequent, and alcohol and barbiturates helped less and less. Her tragedy lay in the duality of nature: the sweetest angel of sex, which was considered a sin in those years, she was a person with a thin and vulnerable soul, dreaming of respect. It seemed to her that, becoming the wife of the president, she would rise to his level and feel the reliability of being. It was the self-deception of a person whom everyone perceived through her screen image and that smile that seemed to call men: "Own me."

She dreamed not only of love, but also of a serious role, studying in a theater studio and hoping to play Grushenka in The Brothers Karamazov. She desperately tried to find understanding by starting new novels (Yves Montand, Frank Sinatra), but she was used as a toy, without even trying to penetrate the soul of the actress, in which the little mouse from the orphanage lived. The abuse of sleeping pills became more frequent and led to problems associated with overdose. Everything seemed to foretell imminent death. Marilyn Monroe became close to Patricia Kennedy, thanks to which the president was aware of her intentions. During one of the breakdowns, he allegedly even sent his brother Robert, who also kindled tender feelings for the beauty. However, there is no real evidence for this.

On August 4, 1962, according to Peter Lawford, the actress spoke to him on the phone, saying goodbye unexpectedly, which caused him concern. The next morning, the death of Marilyn Monroe became the property of a shocked America. She was found in bed with a telephone receiver in her hands. At the time of the arrival of the ambulance, the actress was still in a coma with empty packages of sleeping pills scattered everywhere. Until now, the death of a star is a mystery that does not exclude any of the four versions:

  • Suicide of a mentally unstable woman.
  • Drug overdose.
  • Treatment error by psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson.
  • An assassination initiated by the Kennedy clan in order to avoid scandalous exposure.

For a few more weeks, the death of Marilyn Monroe will be the main press sensation that overshadowed the events of the Caribbean crisis, during which the world was on the brink of disaster.


The life of Marilyn Monroe proves that enchanting success is not the same as happiness. Her phenomenon still excites people. Marilyn Monroe, whose figure is often criticized, remains an unsurpassed sex symbol. Beauties on TV screens and catwalks replace each other, but no one can outshine home blonde 20th century, which would have turned 90 this year. Of all her husbands and lovers, one person walked behind the coffin - Joe DiMaggio, who remained faithful ex-wife until the last days. And the one in whom she sought support and consolation could hardly give her true love because he was devoted only to politics. For Americans John F. Kennedy, lost year after the bullet of Lee Harvey Oswald, will remain the most beloved president who has done a lot for the country. His name is still associated with overcoming the Berlin and Caribbean crises, the launch of the Apollo program and the struggle for equal rights citizens of the country, including blacks.

A political observer who has devoted his life to studying America will say in an interview that the death of the country's 35th president will be the most with great grief Americans he had to deal with. He did not really believe in the involvement of the Kennedy clan in the death of a Hollywood star, believing that the vilification of politicians, which was initiated by Frank Capell and Jack Clemmons, could have been initiated by the forces that stood behind Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassin of Robert Kennedy during the 1968 presidential election campaign of the year. And the scandalous details of the relationship in which Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy appear not in best light, began their countdown with a book by Robert Sletzer, known for calling himself Marilyn's fourth husband, but this is not confirmed. America - amazing country, where it is easiest to make money on inflating scandals that will always be in demand. For the fate of two prominent figures in world history will continue to excite the public for a long time to come.

On May 19, 1962, the actress sang the traditional "Happy birthday" for US President John F. Kennedy, at a gala concert in honor of his 45th birthday in New York. Monroe sang a familiar song in such a provocative manner that this news spread all over the newspapers and became a landmark moment of the 20th century. And the dress in which she performed was sold at auction in 1999 for a shocking $1.26 million.

Everyone present in the hall understood that this was not a simple congratulation. Firstly, the song sounded too intimate, much more intimate than etiquette and decency allowed. Secondly, the President's wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, who suspected a possible provocation and did not want public humiliation, was not present at Madison Square Garden and thus attracted even more press attention to the incident. Thirdly, this performance was carefully thought out by Marilyn - she had high hopes for it.

15 thousand people gathered in the hall, and everyone was waiting for this moment - Kennedy and Monroe's romance has long been no secret to anyone. And the performance of the actress only confirmed these rumors. The host of the concert, Peter Lawford, announced her release several times - and she seemed to be delayed. In fact, these hitches were pre-planned - when Marilyn finally appeared on stage, the hall, warmed up by anticipation, burst into applause.

This performance by Marilyn Monroe was more than spectacular. She took the stage in a tight-fitting dress so tight that it was almost impossible to move around in it. And when she threw off her white mink coat, the audience gasped. A translucent flesh-colored dress with a deep neckline was studded with rhinestones and sparkled in the spotlight. There was no underwear underneath. This dress has become as popular as the performance itself. Monroe commissioned it from designer Jean Louis and referred to the outfit as "leather and beading". It originally cost $12,000, and 37 years later it was sold for $1.26 million.

The actress could not boast of outstanding vocal abilities, but no one expected this from her. She sang the song with such a breath that it gave ambiguity completely in simple words: “Happy birthday, Mr. President. Thanks for everything you've done." Journalists later described it this way: "It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans." In addition, Marilyn was noticeably tipsy. John F. Kennedy took the stage and tried to smooth over the embarrassing situation with a joke: "Now, after they sang Happy Birthday for me so sweetly and cleanly, I can leave politics."

John F. Kennedy was very dissatisfied with the too frank behavior of the actress. According to rumors, shortly after that, he decided to break up with her. This famous performance turned out to be one of the last public appearances of Marilyn Monroe - less than three months later she died, allegedly by suicide. Kennedy would be assassinated 18 months later.

No one could have imagined that the actress would pass away so early, and when Vogue magazine invited her for another photo shoot, no one knew what it would be.