In this short article we will try to understand where you can and cannot buy icons and why.

Buying icons in churches and monasteries

The most natural place to purchase icons is the Church of God.

  • Firstly, all the icons sold there have already been consecrated.
  • Secondly, the risk of buying “the wrong thing” is minimized.
  • Thirdly, by buying an icon in a temple, you help its well-being.

The only relative disadvantage of such a purchase is the final price of the icon. How is the price determined? First, the icon is purchased from a large wholesaler. Then traveling salesmen deliver the icons in small batches to churches, adding their percentage to the wholesale price. Then in the temple to the price small wholesale make their own markup.

Another relative disadvantage of purchasing an icon in a church is the limited assortment. The temple is the house of God, a place of prayer. An icon shop or a church store at a church cannot have a large and comprehensive assortment of icons and utensils. This is the lot of specialized stores.

Purchasing icons in specialized stores

Special shops for icons and utensils exist both at some churches and independently. Some of them specialize in selling candles and icons. Others also offer goods for sale for internal church needs. These could be vestments, church utensils (candlesticks, censers, lecterns). Icons specifically for temples and churches may also be on sale. They have big size and are not suitable for home use.

Prices for goods in such stores are approximately comparable to prices for similar goods in icon temple shops.

It is also worth paying attention that when buying icons or crosses in such stores, you should not forget that they need to be consecrated. This is done, of course, all in the same churches and monasteries.

VERY IMPORTANT: Any requirement in Russian Orthodox Church is done absolutely free. They cannot impose any fixed amount on you. However, you should not forget that you did not come to visit. After all, this is your church, your temple. And he needs your donations. And the rule of good manners, and church etiquette, yes and simply common sense suggest some kind of reward for the priest’s labors. In some places it is more convenient to leave the money behind a candle box, and in others it is more convenient to give it directly to a sacred or church minister.

Buying icons in online stores

This is where things get a little more complicated. It is very important to understand what this or that online store that sells icons is. It’s one thing if it’s a specialized resource (by the way, many online stores of icons and utensils exist in churches and monasteries), and it’s completely different when it’s some kind of gift store, where a certain assortment of icons is presented in a separate section.

In the latter case, questions arise:

  • What kind of icons are these, are they canonical?
  • Where are they made and purchased?
  • Who will receive the profit and what will it be used for?

The last question is one of the most pressing. Businessmen have long realized that they can make a good business selling Orthodox icons. And this happens all the time. Even Muslims successfully trade in icons... But the profits from such trade can even be used to fight Orthodoxy. It's scary to even say. By buying an icon in such a store, you may, without knowing it, sponsor some sect or terrorist organization. And this is no joke!

A specialized Orthodox online store is a completely different matter. The advantages include:

  • Large assortment, not limited by the store’s exhibition space
  • Lower prices due to optimization of the trading process
  • Prompt consultation by phone or email
  • Delivery of purchased icons and other utensils

How do you know whether you should trust the Internet resource where you want to purchase an icon? It is not difficult. Take a closer look at the assortment, at the descriptions of the icons, at the general tone of the site. As a rule, “Orthodox slang” is always present and pops up on church Orthodox resources ;)

Particular attention should be paid to article content. Orthodoxy and icon painting, as well as the assortment of icons, require certain qualifications and immersion in the material. It is difficult for random people to compete with churchgoers who, as they say, are “in the know.”

Where not to buy icons

Oh, where do they not sell icons now? We would not recommend purchasing icons in supermarkets, fair trade, markets, or any other random places, or in subway passages.

Although it is worth making a reservation. Sometimes a temple or other church organization can rent a pavilion or place at a fair and sell icons. But it is very difficult for the average buyer to understand who exactly is doing this and what exactly is being offered for sale. Even Scientologists do not shun trading in icons, let alone “softer options.” So in Moscow, for example, the so-called “Solovetsky Church” actively manifests itself Mother of God" Ordinary scoundrels, enjoying the authority of the Solovetsky monastery, to which they have nothing to do, and hiding behind the Holy name of the Mother of God... God is their judge, but is it worth purchasing Orthodox icons from such people?..

Many people believe that icons cannot be sold. Allegedly, as a result of such a transaction, the person who sold the sacred image will face trouble, illness, and God's punishment will overtake him. But if you look at it, then sale of icons doesn't mean anything bad.

Anything that has a price can be sold. This applies to divine images, antique paintings, and family heirlooms. Sometimes an icon is passed down from generation to generation for several centuries. In another case, the image can be given as a gift or purchased. Some put their value on display, allocate a special place to place it, admire it, and say prayers near it. These are deeply religious people, clergy or collectors.

Others protect icons from prying eyes, storing them in closets, closets, and attics. This is definitely not the way to do it. Firstly, the whole meaning is lost. After all, for many, an icon is a symbol of faith. Storing images in this way is like being ashamed of your faith or not recognizing it at all. This begs the question, “Why keep the icon?” If it can be given or sold to someone who needs it more. Secondly, if old icon I, she is a valuable property of the past that must be protected. If stored incorrectly, the icon may be damaged, the colors may crumble, fade, and it will simply be impossible to pass on a piece of history to the next generation.

Back to the past

An icon is the result of the work of an icon painter. And every work must be paid. At all times, isographers received money for their work. The exception was the monastic icon painters; they did everything for free for the glory of the Lord, including painting his images.

The icon painter could sell the images himself at fairs or use the services of intermediaries, while he himself continued to work. Often, isographers worked in villages, and passers-by turned out to be intermediaries. It is not surprising that some icons are located far from the place where they were created. When stores of church utensils appeared in cities, in the provinces buy icons it was possible from traveling traders, who were called "ofeni". They offered various handicrafts, books, paintings, etc.

Around the 18th century, interest in the icon as a cultural value began to develop. The upper strata of society began to collect collections, which means that the process of buying and selling was inevitable. Divine images were (and still are) bought not only by collectors, but also by clergy. They are very friendly towards both the trade in icons and the antique dealers who promote this trade.

Selling icons in Moscow or any other city has never been considered something criminal. The only time when buying or acquiring divine images was a problem was during the Soviet period. But at that time everything related to the church was persecuted. Now buy icons You can buy it in church shops, antique shops, monasteries, from collectors, or just second-hand in the market.

Back to the Future

Over time in human life changes are taking place, including in the religious sphere. The Internet is becoming an integral part of everyday life. And even many church ministers have their own websites or pages on social networks. Because this way you can reach a larger audience, convey more information, answer questions from parishioners, and purchase the necessary utensils.

It’s good for those who live in a metropolis, where you can find on sale everything your heart desires. What about those who live far from cities? Of course, order the necessary things on the Internet. With the help of the World Wide Web, people buy everything from a wall calendar with pictures of cats to trips to places of pilgrimage.

A collector who is creating a unique collection can, in just a few clicks, buy an icon in Moscow or any other subject that interests him, living thousands of kilometers from the capital. It's comfortable. This saves time and money. The only thing you need to know is where can I buy icons so that the product is of high quality and the seller is honest.

Is a blessing needed to sell an icon?

If a person is a convinced atheist, then sell icon, you just need to find a buyer. However, sometimes even non-believers have doubts. Especially in the case when antique icon and has its own history. But if you are not interested in church canons or long-standing traditions, then there is no point in asking permission to sell the icon.

If a person is a believer, but does not take part in church life, you can ask for a blessing from the priest of any church. Not all clergy will condone the decision sell icon, but they shouldn’t ban it either. It's not a sin.

Often people are afraid to sell family heritage or donated images. A blessing in this situation will help psychologically. The responsibility for selling will disappear. But if there is a firm decision or circumstances force sell icon, there is no need to doubt - nothing bad will happen.

How to sell icons correctly?

The divine image in an elegant frame or without it is not easy consumer item, which can be said to be beautiful and useful. The icon, nevertheless, requires special attention and treatment. Not in every antique store you can find ancient icons.

To sell something profitably, you need to know market prices and find a worthy buyer. Can sell icon on one's own. Find a collector and make him an offer he can’t refuse. But most often the seller is refused, because collectors may simply not trust unknown person. It would be better to turn to specialists who know the situation on the icon market very well. They will find a buyer faster and help you avoid selling out.

As a conclusion, it is possible and necessary to sell icons and other unique items on the Internet, because there is a need for it. The main thing is to do it competently and respectfully.

and an icon

The antique store "Golden Council" has been buying icons in Moscow for many years. We are ready to offer the best market value for the redemption of your icon. For preliminary assessment you need:
  1. Send photos of the product in a way convenient for you (to email, WhatsApp or Viber)
  2. The expert contacts you and tells you how much we are willing to buy the icon for;
  3. We arrange a meeting at the office on Old Arbat in Moscow;
  4. We produce visual inspection icons in your presence;
  5. You receive an immediate payment of funds.

From our article you will find out whether it is possible to give icons for the holidays, and also get acquainted with the opinion of the church on this matter.

Orthodox icon- this is not just an image of a face, but a shrine that helps human soul cope with all life's temptations and troubles. That is why a consecrated Orthodox icon is an ideal gift for loved ones. With its help you will get closer loved one to God and give him the opportunity to communicate with him as often as possible.

But still, before presenting such a gift, first ask the hero of the occasion how he feels about this kind of gifts. After all, if for some reason a person is far from the Christian faith, then your surprise will not bring him much benefit.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs

Signs about Orthodox shrines
  • Probably, each of us has heard that a donated Orthodox shrine can bring disaster to the person who accepted it as a gift. Our grandmothers took this sign quite seriously, so most often they acquired images for themselves in church. Now let's figure out what their fear was based on.
  • Previously it was believed that it was through the icon envious people caused damage to a person. And since it was most often hung in the most visible place, the damage acted faster and people began to quarrel and get sick for no reason. But in fact, this sign has no basis in reality. After all, if a brother, sister or mother gives you such a surprise, they are unlikely to try to harm your family with their gift.
  • Moreover, such a gift is presented only to the sanctified, which means that it can protect you from the most evil intentions. There is also an opinion that you cannot give hand-embroidered or painted icons. It is believed that due to the fact that they were made not by clergy, but ordinary people, you cannot turn to God through them. Some believers generally consider this a very great sin.
  • But in fact, even an embroidered icon can become a real Orthodox shrine. Simply, before giving a gift to a person, it will need to be brought into the temple and consecrated. After the priest performs the necessary ritual on it, it will be no different from the icons that are sold in the church.

Is it possible to give an icon for a birthday?

Birthday icons

Birthday- this is a special event in the life of every person, that’s why you want to receive the most sincere gifts on this holiday. And what could be more soulful than an Orthodox icon? Such a gift will show the hero of the occasion how warmly and well you treat him. And most importantly, it will remind him of your friendship all his life.

And you shouldn’t listen to people who say that you can’t give icons as gifts. Believe me, if you do this with the most sincere feelings, then your gift will bring exclusively positive emotions to the birthday boy. But if you have already decided to give an icon for your birthday, then take its choice very seriously.

Since there are shrines that can be given exclusively to men or exclusively to women, it would be better if, before you finally decide on your choice, you try to study this issue more deeply.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Shrines that can be given to women:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God(capable of healing diseases and giving family well-being)
  • Vladimir icon(relieves heart disease and conveys mothers’ prayers for children)
  • Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands(will help get rid of sad thoughts and protect the house and its household from everything bad)
  • Iveron icon(you need to pray to this image for forgiveness of your sins)
  • Bethlehem icon(given to those women who dream of children and family well-being)

Shrines that can be given to men:

  • Savior Not Made by Hands(should be given to those representatives of the stronger sex who do not have the opportunity to attend church often)
  • Face of Saint Nicholas(a great gift for those men who travel a lot or simply have work that involves traveling)
  • Guardian Angel Icon(will help protect your loved one from temptations and troubles)
  • The image of the Patron Saint in business(will help you choose the right direction in life, and can also help you sort out family matters)

Is it possible to accept an icon as a gift?

It is best to accept an Orthodox shrine as a gift
  • As mentioned above, you should not believe in signs that a donated icon can cause harm to a person or his environment. If you know the giver of this gift very closely and are absolutely sure that he has exceptionally warm feelings for you, then you can safely accept his surprise. If you have any doubts, then just take the gift and go to church, tell the priest about everything that worries you, and ask to bless the gift.
  • Yes, and do not forget that such a surprise cannot be accepted as an ordinary gift. The usual words of gratitude in such cases are not spoken for the icon. If you want her to really bring only positive emotions to your home, then thank not only the donor, but also God for this gift, and be sure to venerate the face of the Saint with your head. But whether to take an icon as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people is up to you to decide.
  • If you feel that they are giving it to you with the purest intentions, then you can accept the gift. If you have even the slightest doubt, then try to tactfully refuse the gift. After all, if you take it and then realize that it was given with malicious intent, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. You cannot simply throw an icon into the street or burn it. Such actions are considered a very strong sin. To get rid of such a gift you will have to go to church and ask the clergy to take it from you.

Why and for what purpose do they give an icon?

Icons are given to show respect and favor

In the old days, icons were given exclusively for weddings, christenings and housewarmings, and this was done mainly by parents, godparents or simply the closest relatives. It was believed that in this way it was possible to protect the house and its household from damage and the evil eye. Nowadays, few people pay attention to signs and most often give icons solely because such a gift is considered very fashionable.

But any clergyman will tell you that you need to give such a gift wisely. If you just want to give a gift to yourself to a loved one, then present him with an intercessor icon. This image is selected by date of birth or by the name of the Guardian Angel. If you know that a person needs to heal mental wounds or get rid of some physical illness, give him Mother of God of Pochaev. She will be able to restore health to a person and restore his faith.

Also, with the help of an icon, you can try to bring a relative who is very far from God to faith. But keep in mind that such a gift should be presented only if you are absolutely sure that it will not bring discord to your friendship. In general, an Orthodox icon presented for a birthday, wedding or christening is a guarantee that the heroes of the occasion will have a long and happy life

What icon do parents give newlyweds for their wedding?

Icons for newlyweds from parents

Nowadays, not a single wedding is complete without a wedding ceremony, so the parents of the newlyweds are obliged to ensure that the newly formed family has its own personal wedding couple. If they wish, parents can give their children the icons with which they themselves were married, but it will still be better if they buy the icons in the church and consecrate them Saint and Our Lady.

It is believed that these two shrines are able to protect a young family from discord and give them family well-being. You can also choose icons as a wedding couple Peter and Fevronya. It is these saints ancient Rus' were considered patrons of married couples. In addition, a good gift from parents can be Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

She is considered the best assistant to expectant mothers, and also helps to conceive and bear a baby without any problems. In addition, parents can give it as a wedding present. image of the Holy Forefathers. Such a symbolic gift may be a wish that the newly formed family in the future become the founder of a strong and united clan.

In principle, there are no special rules that would say that only the above-mentioned icons can be given for a wedding celebration. If you walked into a church and liked e.g. image of Ksenia of Petersburg, then feel free to buy it too. The main thing is that your gift is given with the purest thoughts and good wishes and, of course, it must have been consecrated even before the wedding.

What icons are given to a boy and a girl for christening?

Shrine for a child's baptism
  • For the baptism of a child, as for any important event in life you have to prepare very seriously. Moreover, both parents and godparents should do this. Of course, the most the best gift For little man there will be an Orthodox icon. Such a gift in the future will protect the baby from everything evil and bad, and will also help his fragile soul move in the right direction.
  • Godparents should definitely give the baby Measuring icon. It is generally accepted that it must be made to order so that its dimensions strictly correspond to the height of a small person. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to make such an image, then calmly buy a ready-made one from the church, consecrate it and give it to your child for christening. It might be a good option Nominal icon. It should depict the face of the Saint, who is the patron saint of the baby.
  • Such an image is also necessarily consecrated in the temple before the christening and is presented to the child after the ritual itself. Usually such a gift is placed near the baby’s crib so that he can look at it freely. It is believed that in this way the child, albeit still unconsciously, will communicate with his Guardian Angel.

In addition, the following shrines can be given at christenings:

  • Panteleimon the Healer
  • Matrona of Moscow
  • Our Lady
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker

What kind of icon do you give as a housewarming gift?

Tolga prayer icon

The best housewarming gift is Icon of the Mother of God "Protection". It is believed that with her holy cover she can protect the house from fire, and from water, and from an evil gaze. It is best to give such a gift without witnesses and preferably before guests begin to gather in the house. Ideally, of course, with this image the family should enter new house and only after that begin to settle in it.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to give a gift before the housewarming, then be sure to do it. If you know that the owners already have such an image, then you can purchase a so-called folding for them. This shrine consists of three connected icons, which depict Christ, Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Such a gift can replace an iconostasis, which is simply a must-have in every believing family.

Shrines that can be given as housewarming gifts:

  • Image with a cross(will protect the house from envy and filth)
  • Icon "Unbreakable Wall"(will protect your home from thieves and natural disasters)
  • Image " Burning bush» (this gift can protect the house from fire and thunderstorms)
  • Icon " Impenetrable door» (can take people with bad thoughts away from you)
  • Image of the “Bread Spreader”(will help you find strength to overcome spiritual and material difficulties)

What icons are given for a wedding?

Wedding icon
  • As mentioned a little above, the best wedding gift can be icons of the Saint and the Mother of God or image of Peter and Fevronya. But such a gift can only be given to newlyweds by parents or godparents. The rest of the guests can present the spouses with icons that will protect their young family.
  • For example, you can give your spouses image " Unexpected joy» . Before him, the bride and groom will be able to ask God for a peaceful marriage for themselves and happy life for their future children. Such a gift should be placed in matrimonial bedroom and every morning or evening thank the Saint for the day lived in peace and harmony.
  • But perhaps the strongest intercessor married couples counts icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. This saint can help solve almost everything family problems. People turn to her if they cannot conceive a child, beg her for health for a loved one and always ask her to protect the family from anger and envy. Therefore, if you want the newlyweds to live happily ever after, then give them exactly this image.

Is it possible to give icons: the opinion of the church

The Church allows you to give icons to your family and close friends
  • People began giving icons as gifts in ancient times. At that time, shrines were very expensive as most were decorated with gold or silver. Therefore, such a gift was a fairly good investment. Most often, the image was placed in the “red corner”, and this was done so that visiting guests could see it.
  • And although modern shrines can be made of wood and paper, in their beauty and spiritual content they are in no way inferior to ancient images. Therefore, in our time, people do not stop giving them to each other, and they do it with great joy. Moreover, absolutely all priests recommend the icon as a spiritual gift that can cleanse a person’s soul from bitterness and anger.
  • In view of this, if you decide to give a loved one Orthodox icon, then feel free to buy it and don’t pay attention to any bad omens. The main thing is to give your gift with pure thoughts and best wishes.

Number of entries: 327

Hello! Every year my husband and I buy church Orthodox calendars for a year. A year passes, we buy new calendar, but what to do with the old one? The hand does not rise to just take it and throw it away, because they depict icons. Tell me what to do with such calendars?


Svetlana, we usually burn such things, for example, at the dacha, and the ashes can be buried under a tree.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Recently I found an icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” stuck in the fence of a house, broken in half! What does it mean?


Lydia, this means that someone threw away the icon. It’s a pity that people do this to a shrine. Take this icon and take it to church.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Is it necessary to reconsecrate an ancient icon, bought second-hand through an advertisement?


Oleg, yes, of course, an icon purchased second-hand must be consecrated in the church.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon Bless, father! Tell me, the grandmother who sells icons in our church said that it is forbidden to hang icons in the bedroom, since my husband and I are in sin. And we are married, we have three children. We try to live correctly. I really want our wedding icons have fun in our room. Thank you.


Marina, you shouldn’t really listen to grandmothers in church. You have a priest in your church; try to resolve all such issues with him. Icons should be in every room and in the kitchen. It is very commendable that your marriage has been completed. Your wedding icons should definitely hang in your bedroom; pray in front of them.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. I really need your answer. In our house there is someone else’s ancient icon of the Holy Virgin Mary; it was brought to us by a stranger who lived with us for some time as my mother’s roommate. But in the end, he turned out to be not who he said he was, and he put my mother into huge debts, left somewhere, and has been hiding for several months, and people are demanding their money from us, they have already given us a period of 10 days. We would like to somehow get out of these debts through the sale of this icon. I think this is not some kind of bad intention, but probably for good... We’re just tired of living for a whole year waiting for him to return these debts to us so that we can pay off with people. What will happen if we do sell it, will it turn into a great sin for us, or will God still forgive us in our situation and for deception on his part?!


Olga, I think in your situation it is possible to sell. This happened before, icons were bought and sold, so you shouldn’t be too embarrassed by this. Just try, please, so that the icon does not fall into the hands of traders who will strip it of gold and everything else they deem necessary, but into the hands of decent people.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Father, please explain how the Church views the depiction of God the Father in Orthodox churches and on icons? When I see them, I involuntarily feel embarrassed. Thank you for the answer!


Hello Julia! God the Father - First Hypostasis Holy Trinity- we won’t depict it at all. And according to the rules Orthodox cathedrals It is forbidden to depict God the Father in the form of an old man, as well as the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove (except for the icon of the Epiphany). Only the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, was seen by human eyes when the Lord deigned to become incarnate. The other Persons of the Holy Trinity - God the Father and the Holy Spirit - appeared to the prophets only in mysterious spiritual visions. By worshiping the image of Christ the Savior, we confess the Incarnation, the appearance of God the Word into this world. According to St. John the Theologian: “No one has ever seen God; the Only Begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed” (John 1:18), therefore the Image (in Greek - icon) of God the Father is the Son of God Jesus Christ. How should we relate to the depiction of the New Testament Trinity? Don't be embarrassed, but know that these images are not canonically correct. If such an icon is already in the house, there is no need to burn it or throw it away. You can leave it in your home “iconostasis”.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to hang icons at the head of the bed? Thanks for the answer.


Alexandra, there should be icons in every room and kitchen. They can be placed on shelves or hung on walls. Icons can also be hung at the headboard.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Father, hello. Please tell me, is it possible to give away the icon of the Mother of God that was given to me? It was purchased in Greece at the Holy Temple.


Irina, giving icons is a good tradition. It is possible to give an icon that was given to you to another person.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. Now I wear a baptismal metal cross on a string. I have a gold chain with an icon. Can I buy a gold cross and wear it with the icon, and put a metal cross? Also, can I hang the metal cross on a gold chain? But the chain and icon are not consecrated.


Julia, everyone Orthodox Christian must carry pectoral cross. You can buy a new gold cross and wear it with the icon. You can also hang a metal cross. Of course, the chain and icon must be consecrated in the church.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon. Please help me solve my problem. The fact is that I purchased the icon of the Image of the All-Seeing Eye of God. I admit that I am not well versed in icons, but I was told that this icon is very good and can be safely purchased. I decided to buy it. But then it became interesting what kind of icon this was, and I began to look for information. As it turned out, many people are interested in the question regarding this icon. Some sources write that this icon must be destroyed. In others, that you can pray to her for all troubles. What do i do? Have I been deceived? Did you lie about the icon? But at the same time, without being convinced exactly what would be the right thing to do: destroy the icon or leave it, I won’t raise my hand to burn it, as one person who asked the question was advised. Clear my doubts. If this icon is indeed prohibited or inappropriate, then is it necessary to go to church to atone for the sin of buying the wrong icon out of ignorance? I hope my question will be clear. Thank you.


Hello Olga! The icon "The All-Seeing Eye of God" is not canonical. Her fate in the Russian Orthodox Church is very difficult. In Russian iconography, this plot appears relatively late - only at the end of the 18th century. It was then that Freemasonry, with its symbols and attributes, penetrated into Russia and even came into fashion. One of the main symbols of Freemasonry is the All-Seeing Eye. By the beginning of the 19th century, this image gained some popularity, already as self icon, although it still does not become canonical. The icon's shape is more reminiscent of a graphic image for Eastern meditation. In modern spiritual practice, occultists happily use this image. There is no sin in the fact that you bought this icon. It is also not necessary to burn it; you can leave it at home, unless you do “meditation” in front of it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello everybody! Please help me with advice. I have an old grandmother’s icon at home. It is made like a window frame; inside, behind the glass, there are 4 framed images, around which there are artificial flowers, completely blackened by time. Tell me, can I open the frame to wash the glass on both sides, paint the wooden frame, and most importantly, change the old flowers for new ones? And if I can, then where should I put the old flowers? Thank you in advance.


Oksana, icons need to be looked after and kept in proper condition. Of course, it is not only possible, but necessary to put the old icon in order. Wash everything and paint it. Old flowers can be burned on summer cottage or bury it in the ground in a place where people do not walk, for example, under a tree. With God blessing.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me what is the right thing to do? Arriving at the temple, should you first light a candle near the icon, and then read a prayer and ask for help, or vice versa? And in general, how to approach an icon correctly? Thank you.


Lyudmila, it doesn’t matter what you do first, the main thing is your heart during prayer, your trust in God and faith in what you ask for. When approaching the icon, you can first cross yourself and then kiss the icon.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, I watched a video about the Mother of God icons, I was very interested in the icon Holy Mother of God“The Appearance of the Most Holy Trinity and the Mother of God the Savior in Kosin”, but in our city (I live in Kazakhstan, in Almaty) I did not find a list of this icon in church shops. Maybe because this icon is still completely new and has not been brought to us yet? Or are new icons not recognized yet? I ordered this icon for a friend who lives in Russia, but for some reason I began to doubt whether it could be placed in the red corner? Thank you.

r.b. Tatiana

Dear Tatiana, this painting cannot be recognized as an icon, if only because it is based on a false vision, which, in turn, is based on the pagan belief that the Most Holy Theotokos is more merciful than God. Of course, such images (like the “icon” “Resurrecting Rus'” mentioned in this video) cannot be in the home of Christians. I advise you to read the material, which discusses in detail the reasons for the emergence of such “icons” ( God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello, father! Having begun the construction of the red corner in my room, I was faced with the fact that the icon of the Savior that I bought, which I really liked, was missing a crown. In the church shop, where I turned for help, they explained to me that this was an icon with an incomplete robe; You can pray, but... To feel complete reverence, you either need to attach a new crown. Is it possible to do without this? After all, the Lord is not on the icon, but in heaven, and the icon is a window into His world.


Hello, Ilya! Your icon has been consecrated and purchased from a church shop, so don’t be embarrassed, leave everything as it is and calmly pray in front of it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

My parents are Muslims, and I want to be baptized, can I do this? And is it possible to wear the Matrona icon if I am unbaptized?


Hello, Hellas! You can be baptized. If you are an adult, then godparents are not needed at baptism. Just come to the temple, go through public conversations and the priest will allow you to be baptized. And you will wear the icon after baptism.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, please tell me, at home I found a body icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”, where it came from, I don’t know, and whose it is, especially. We looked for the owner and couldn’t find him; no one had lived in the apartment before us. What to do with it? And can I keep it and wear it? Thanks for the answer.


Yes, Christina, of course you can leave it, just take it to the temple and ask the priest to bless it. This is God's blessing to you.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

hello, I want to buy pendants for my children with the image of the Mother of God, tell me, will they protect my children or is it better to use a cross? Thanks in advance,


Olga, in the church there is no such concept at all - “amulet”. Every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear a cross on his body as a visible sign of our involvement in Orthodoxy. It is necessary to confess and receive communion regularly - for you and your children. When we are in close communion with Christ, God Himself protects us.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Every believer can see an icon, or even several images, in their home. But how to buy an icon correctly so that it protects the home and the people living in it, brings joy and peace?

It is worth emphasizing that the choice and willingness to buy an icon is personal and intimate. It happens that at a certain moment a person begins to feel a slight need for prayer addressed to a specific holy image. Or a certain inner peace around a certain icon, knowing exactly which icon is his.

There are no rules regarding the purchase of an icon. The main thing is to know why it is needed

We can say without a doubt that you need to choose an icon with your heart, when you have felt in your soul the response to the image you saw. Then there is no need to doubt - this image suits you 100%.


An icon is not a simple work of art. Behind it are the dogmas and experience of the Church. Its canons thoroughly affect not only the process and technology of making the image or its individual details, but also the artistic component of the icon - the spiritual and creative approach to creating the image. It is like a sacred sacrament, a ritual. Therefore, it is important that the one who works on the icon saturates it only with positive and bright thoughts.

An icon is a talisman for you and your family for many years

Very often we think about how to buy a quality icon. To get as a result Good work, which will take its rightful place in home iconostasis or will be used as a gift for a loved one. The fact is that now it is very easy to find “icon painters” who can paint any image for fabulous money. Keyword draw here. But something else is important. I would like to receive an image CREATED by a master of his craft. Where to buy an icon in Kyiv at an affordable price and excellent quality? Contact our online store. We have been working in this field since 2003. Our icon painters are true masters of their craft, who put not only physical labor into the icon, but most importantly, their soul. Our images convey all the subtleties of the image of a saint. The store manager will tell you how to choose the right icon in accordance with the event or purpose of the icon. A nice bonus will be free themed, unique gift wrapping and a business card, if you collect 5 of them, you will receive a discount on your next order. Before buying an image, you need to know what types of icons exist.

Holy faces - main types

Very often, people who are planning to buy an icon find it difficult to decide what how to choose the right icon for a specific case. We have prepared for you a selection of the main types of icons to make your task easier.


  • Measuring icons.

This is an icon that depicts the face of a saint in whose honor a person received his name during the sacrament of baptism. The basic rule for making such an image is that its height corresponds to the height of the baby at birth. That is why it is called measured. As a rule, it is presented as baptism to an infant or an adult, if he was baptized at a conscious age. It is given either God-parents, or close relatives.

  • Personalized icons.

Personalized icons come in any size. They depict the patron saint of the person to whom it is presented as a gift. Also personalized icons people buy not only with images of their patron saints. We all know that every individual saint helps in some matter, helps to get out of a difficult situation. Believers turn to them with prayer for a solution certain needs. For example, an icon with the face of Saints Peter and Fevronya helps to find your soul mate and maintain family happiness. Therefore, it is given to those who are getting married or those who are looking for their soulmate. The icon of Panteleimon the healer is given to those who need healing from ailments and the defeat of diseases.

  • Icons depicting the Mother of God.

The Kazan Mother of God is the most common image of the Virgin Mary

Icons with the face of the Mother of God are always especially revered in Orthodox world. There are many options for its image. The most famous among them are: Vladimirskaya and Kazanskaya. The appearance of any image of the Mother of God is associated with a miracle - the icon either appeared on its own, was found miraculously, or was created on its own. And people turn to each image with prayers and requests.

The wedding couple of icons is blessed with a happy and long life family life

The wedding pair of icons consists of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Mother of God) and the Lord Pantocrator (Savior). They are customary to give to newlyweds. They bless married couple for a happy family life during the wedding sacrament. It promotes strong marriage ties and relationships, overcoming adversity and troubles, gives health and well-being to the family.

  • Icons of the Savior.

The icon with the image of Christ the Savior occupies a central place in the Orthodox world. The first icon with the image of Christ shown to people was the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

  • Icons of the Archangels and Guardian Angel.

The icon of the Archangel is rarely found in the home iconostasis

In the Orthodox world there are eight main Archangels, headed by the Archangel - Archangel Michael. As for the icon of the Guardian Angel, according to legend, every Orthodox believer at baptism is given by God a Guardian Angel, who constantly stays with him. He protects his “ward” and conveys his prayers and requests to the Almighty.

  • Symbol of faith.

The symbol of faith includes the image of the Holy Trinity. This is God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

  • Family icons.

Family icons are often passed down from generation to generation

Family icons are icons that combine the faces of the patrons of all family members and their ancestors. A family icon can depict two, three or even eight saints. Such an icon unites the family in a single endeavor and combines prayers into one.

  • Icons with several saints.

The most famous icon depicting several saints is the icon of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Such images are characterized by the fact that they depict saints who were connected with each other during their lifetime or by some idea.

  • Holiday icons.

These include icons depicting historical plots that are described in Holy Scripture. For example, the Nativity of Christ, the Resurrection of Lazarus, and so on. The main holiday icons are 12 images with different plots, symbolism and content.

  • Triptych.

A triptych is three icons that are united by content, size and design. A triptych consisting of the following icons - the Savior, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - is considered a classic. Knowing what types of icons exist, you will be guided in what who to give an icon to, who to buy and for what reason. It's quite simple.