Joseph Prigogine spoke about his relationship with his first wife and their common children.

The day before, the famous producer became the hero of the “Actually” program. On the air of the program music producer told why he stopped financially supporting and communicating with ex-wife Elena Prigozhina and their common children.

Let us recall that Joseph’s first wife was Elena Evgenievna Prigozhina, a housewife from a wealthy family. In their marriage, they had two children: son Dmitry Prigozhin and daughter Danaya Prigozhin. Soon after the birth of their second daughter, the marriage broke up.

The producer said that he and Elena always had difficulties in their relationship and they rarely could find mutual language. Later, the ex-spouses had heated property disputes - they divided business and real estate. According to the man, he helped his ex-wife and children for twenty years, but due to real estate fraud that occurred three years ago, he broke off all contacts with them.

On the air of the program it turned out that Prigozhin left ex-wife Elena and the children have two apartments. However, the property in a prestigious area of ​​the capital was sold without his knowledge or consent.

“I just found out one day that the huge apartment in the center of Moscow no longer exists. She sold it for next to nothing. Well, imagine market price such real estate is a hundred million rubles, and she sells it for thirty. And he does it underground so that I don’t find out. I tried to reason with the children, called them and talked for a long time. I wanted them to prevent this, but to no avail. After the incident with the apartment, we practically do not communicate; I do not help them financially. She simply left the children without their rightful home,” he said.

Prigozhin’s daughter Danaya confirmed that the property was indeed sold on her mother’s initiative. According to the girl, they had every right to do this, since the apartment belonged to their family.

Daughter of Joseph Prigogine - Danae

A little later it turned out that the money raised from the sale was used to open a business for the new husband of Prigozhin’s ex-wife. This fact particularly struck famous producer.

“During this entire time I felt remorse. He left his family, a single woman with two children. But it turns out she got married, and no one even told me about it! They were just afraid of losing financial support. And with the proceeds some Kamaz trucks were purchased for this man. He’s supposedly doing business,” the producer commented.

Danae was quick to point out that new chosen one The mother managed her money wisely and regularly brings home the money she earned. The girl herself does not intend to accept from her father financial assistance. The only thing she wants is his attention.

20-year-old Danaya publicly accused Prigozhin of abandoning her with her brother and completely forgetting about them, despite the fact that both children are disabled.

The famous producer emphasized that he loves all his children. He will be happy to start communicating with his daughter, but only on the condition that the girl finds use for her talents. However, he no longer intends to communicate and financially support his first wife.

Joseph Prigozhin is rightly considered one of the most famous producers in Russia, and his marriage to singer Valeria seems ideal. However, his relationship with his first wife was always strained. According to the man, he helped his ex-wife and children for twenty years, but due to real estate fraud that occurred three years ago, he broke off all contacts with them.

As it turned out on the air of the “Actually” program, Prigozhin left his ex-wife Elena and children two apartments. However, the property in a prestigious area of ​​the capital was sold without his knowledge or consent.

“I just found out one day that the huge apartment in the center of Moscow no longer exists. She sold it for next to nothing. Well, imagine, the market value of such real estate is one hundred million rubles, and she sells it for thirty. And he does it underground so that I don’t find out. I tried to reason with the children, called them and talked for a long time. I wanted them to prevent this, but to no avail. After the incident with the apartment, we practically do not communicate; I do not help them financially. She simply left the children without their rightful home,” the producer said.

Prigozhin’s daughter Danaya confirmed that the property was indeed sold on her mother’s initiative. According to the girl, they had every right to do this, since the apartment belonged to their family.

A little later it turned out that the money raised from the sale was used to open a business for the new husband of Prigozhin’s ex-wife. This fact especially hurt the famous producer.

“During this entire time I felt remorse. He left his family, a single woman with two children. But it turns out she got married, and no one even told me about it! They were simply afraid of losing financial support. And with the proceeds some Kamaz trucks were purchased for this man. He’s supposedly doing business,” the producer commented on the situation.

Danae hastened to note that her mother’s new boyfriend managed his funds wisely and regularly brings home the money he earned. The girl herself does not intend to accept financial assistance from her father. The only thing she wants is his attention.

Studio guests condemned the behavior of both sides, because due to a housing conflict, Prigozhin interrupted contacts with children. However, Danae, in their opinion, did the wrong thing by not telling her father about the changes in the family.

One way or another, the famous producer once again emphasized that he loves all his children. He will be happy to start communicating with his daughter, but only on the condition that the girl finds use for her talents. However, dating ex-wife and he no longer intends to help her financially.

This is actually a response to the 2nd topic of the girl who lost wedding ring. It’s just that the topic is closed, and I was thoroughly irritated by the attacks on the girl.
You know, I’m tired of reading how married people fight to the death with their “cohabitants” over the most precise definitions of marriage! It's disgusting to read! This doesn't just happen on this forum. And don’t attribute envy to those officially registered to me. I'm generally the last in this food chain. I'm not a wife or even a cohabitant. I'm supposed to be extremely jealous of both categories and sob into my pillow.
One thing is not clear to me: until when in our country will a woman be judged by the presence of pants in the house? And everyone rushes to the barricades: I have pants in the house, but no, your pants are irresponsible. My pants took responsibility for me and stamped me. Mine are, like, better quality. No one is loved as much as I am, you, the unstamped one, for sure. And after all, everyone writes “I don’t care what the status is” and then casually emphasizes that she has the coveted stamp. Lack of dignity competition.


Kristina Prilepo

The topic is just to whine and read your opinion. Does anyone help you with the child? There is no one to help us, my husband’s parents are far away, mine are divorced and have also moved to different cities 3 thousand km away from us. My husband and I are alone, our daughter is growing up, this month I was urgently called to work because... two more employees went on maternity leave, and we have to look for new ones, train them again, etc. our leadership does not want to. In principle, they took us into the garden and I agreed to go out and work. But the point is that Small child- this is a small child, either a fever or an upset stomach and needs to be urgently picked up from the kindergarten, and I begin to struggle, searching for someone who could help me out, it turned out to be so difficult. The husband works on a shift basis, i.e. He’s not home for months and I have to cope on my own. I have a grandmother, she’s 70, I wanted to ask her to help me out sometimes (for example, get into a taxi I paid for and pick up my child from kindergarten and spend half an hour with him until I get home from work), but my grandmother said don’t count on me. I’m so offended (I understand that she doesn’t owe me, but she could help out from time to time, but she doesn’t care, although she knows very well that I’m alone. She herself is cheerful, although she’s old, but she refused, I was really upset today, or her the words that they gave birth to for themselves offended me so much (it’s like that for you too and it’s normal, but I just feel sorry for myself? Or are my relatives like that (Mom is also not particularly interested in her only granddaughter, doesn’t call, writes on the Internet once every couple of months, sometimes I I feel very, very lonely. I don’t know why I wrote, I’m just not whining to my friends, but I want to talk out.


Tatyana Konyukhova

The male leader in the family. What is he like? How often do women, believing that a man should be a leader and elevating this quality to a virtue, at the same time want to accept many things themselves? global solutions, and not global ones either, manage finances, put forward demands, passing them off as wishes, tell a man what to do with the children and when, and so on, so on, so on. Owners of a soft, kind, compliant husband complain that in some important issues he withdrew himself, went with the flow, or shifted the decision to his wife. There are exceptions, but very rarely. Either he is a leader, and this implies that he takes decisions upon himself (agreed with his wife, but still), or he is a compliant, good-natured person, but then you should not expect great achievements from him. Do you agree?)



I was walking home from work, I met my husband at the entrance, from the first words he asked me if I had seen myself from the outside, he compared me to a collective farmer, as if I just didn’t have enough shovels in my hands. And I’m just in a loose skirt just below the knee, a black T-shirt and sandals. Her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail and she wears minimal make-up. It’s hot, and even the hot water has been turned off, my child and I have caught a cold, there is no desire to make a fuss... what [deleted by moderator] does a man who stands with his shirt unbuttoned to his navel want from me with his hairy belly showing out (I was upset about something specifically



Yesterday a cat jumped from the 7th floor. So the son, shouting: “I’ve come here to kill a cat!”, rushed downstairs. Thank God, I only hurt my knees. And I was saddened to tears... I raised my sons alone. Sold old apartment, I bought a new one, I’m paying extra for the mortgage. I’m retired myself, I go to Moscow and work to pay it off. And he lives in such a mansion with his daughter-in-law, they don’t help with money. And they constantly offend me. The cat tore up the apartment, the smell from her toilet is.... So I put her toilet on the balcony and opened the door a little so that it could be ventilated. And this wild miracle managed to jump there. That’s how it happened!.. I walked around the city all evening in tears and resentment. We should have bought them a one-room apartment right away! And then as they want! And not a two-room apartment, where I have one room, and in the apartment I don’t feel like a mistress. Although she privatized it for herself. 3 years retired. I can’t buy it for myself anymore. But I didn’t want to kill the cat.


18 year old plus model size took part in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2". However, after a negative reaction to the act of the daughter of her father Joseph Prigozhin, the girl was forced to leave the project, Lady Mail.Ru reports.

The day before, Joseph Prigozhin’s daughter broke up with her boyfriend. To forget young man, the girl came to the television set "Dom-2". Having learned about his daughter’s action, the popular producer spoke harshly about her decision.

“I am very ashamed and embarrassed that Danaya went to Dom-2. But what can I do? There is a black mark in the family - I’m not talking about my family now, but in general. Then let him change his last name for the sake of the project. After all, her mother has a husband with the last name Shlapak. Danaya Shlapak would be there, but she won’t do that, because she’s cunning,” said the popular producer.

According to the star of “House-2” Olga Buzova, having learned about her father’s reaction, Danaya Prigozhina looked seriously frightened. “This is terrible. It was very painful for me to hear these insults. At the project, the girl was even a little intimidated,” quotes the TV presenter.

As a result, Danae Prigozhina had to leave the scandalous project. “Guys, I came to the project and left! And I didn’t go to Vengrzhanovsky. Everything that they write is complete nonsense... I didn’t like it there. I had a desire, I came, looked at what it was like, and left,” the girl said.

A resident of Kurilsk, Svetlana Pushkareva, accused Danaya Prigozhina, the daughter of the famous producer Joseph Prigozhin, of deception. Pushkareva claims that she paid a stylist for a dress in an online store, but never received it new clothes. Danaya herself told “360” that in this way people are trying to make PR for themselves in her name.

Svetlana ordered at online store a dress that, including delivery, cost her 9,120 rubles. Danaya promised that the goods would be delivered within three days, but a week later Pushkareva did not receive any parcel.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Then a resident of Kurilsk began writing and calling Danae. She did not respond to the SMS, and due to a poor connection on the phone, it was also not possible to talk. Later, according to Svetlana, the saleswoman blacklisted her number.

Then her friend came to the victim’s aid, contacted Prigozhina and tried to place an order. At the same time, a friend of Pushkareva mentioned that one of the clients complained about the store. To this, according to Pushkareva’s husband, Danaya replied that such reviews are left by scammers. “Things were sent to this girl. “I can change all the checks upon departure,” Prigozhina said then.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

“Like a media personality, daughter famous person… She advertised her store on TV. “We never thought that this could happen,” complained Svetlana’s husband, Stanislav Pushkarev.

He noted that, most likely, they would file a police report against Danae. However, the family hopes that Prigozhin will give them some clothes or money.

“360” discussed the claims with Danae Prigozhina. She stated that all items had been received, and she had receipts and parcel tracks as proof. The stylist will be able to provide all this in a few days when he returns to Moscow. Danaya called the accusations against her a lie and a desire to get on air.

“Yes, I also have documents that these things were obtained. This is already the third girl who receives things and tries to twist it into the fact that they didn’t receive it. I'm a public figure, I don't need all this. This is a lie, of course. I have so many happy clients and one or two or three girls who come up with ideas in order to go on television. Are you laughing? Why do I need this? public figure? - Prigogina said.

The interlocutor added that among her clients there are participants in the television project “Dom-2”. “I have a lot of people who will confirm that I [work] normally. I even have guys from Dom-2 who order,” she concluded.