
rich. She's talented. She is beautiful. And now Angelina Jolie also tops the list of the world's most influential celebrities. Forbes version, displacing Oprah Winfrey from first place. Having earned a modest $27 million, she repeatedly blew up the media with reports of another adoption and finally the birth of twins from Brad Pitt, who only got a modest ninth place on this list.

The rightful second place in this “celebration of life” goes to the queen of talk shows, Oprah Winfrey, who has such a solid influence that in an hour live broadcast can unseat a sitting senator, and the expression “Tell that to Oprah!” has become almost an international saying. Among other things, she earns $275 million a year, owns a magazine and the Sirius satellite TV channel, and next year launches The Oprah Winfrey Network with Discovery Communications.

Forbes awarded bronze for services to world PR and good earnings to Madonna, who regularly shocks the public with her hobbies for Kabbalah, writing children's books, and affairs with prominent athletes and models. Coupled with a busy touring program, all this brings her an income of $280 million.

Almost on the threshold of the “Big Three” was the rapidly rising r’n’b star Beyonce Knowles, who sang jazz and blues before achieving worldwide fame. It should be noted that she sang beautifully. A performance at the inauguration of Barack Obama, the release of a double album, filming in two films, the start of an international tour, work on clothing collections and a jewelry line, active fashion charity work - experts and analysts could not ignore this. Who knows, maybe at this rate next year she will move Madonna down a line.

Following the ladies is a company of three gentlemen - fifth, sixth and seventh places, which were taken by Tiger Woods, who was able to promote himself on his own injury; Bruce Springsteen, who earned $166 million on the tour, and world cinema legend Steven Spielberg, whose next version of the adventures of Indiana Jones brought in earnings of $150 million.

Eighth place went to Jennifer Aniston. She distinguished herself in the romantic comedy “Marley and Me” and made a lot of noise with her romance with John Mayer. The result of the year is $25 million and countless covers of almost all famous tabloids.

The top ten is completed by basketball player and Olympic champion Kobe Bryant, who has successfully collaborated with Nike and Vitamin Water.

In addition, such mastodons as David Letterman, Harrison Ford, Michael Jordan, Donald Trump and George Lucas, David Beckham (who only got 28th place), Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Nicolas Cage and even Barack Obama were in the honorable ranking. however, with a modest 49th position. He is followed by Chris Rock, Ronaldinho, Meryl Streep (64th place) and Daniel Radcliffe. The final 100th place was taken by racing driver Danica Patrick.

  1. Angelina Jolie / Angelina Jolie (film)
  2. Oprah Winfrey (television, show business)
  3. Madonna / Madonna (music, show business)
  4. Beyonce Knowles / Beyonce Knowles (music)
  5. Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods (sports)
  6. Bruce Springsteen / Bruce Springsteen (music)
  7. Steven Spielberg / Steven Spielberg (film)
  8. Jennifer Aniston / Jennifer Aniston (film)
  9. Brad Pitt (film)
  10. Kobe Bryant / Kobe Bryant (sports)
  11. Will Smith / Will Smith (film)
  12. Dr. Phillip McGraw / Dr. Phil McGraw (film)
  13. Britney Spears / Britney Spears(music)
  14. David Litterman / David Letterman (TV)
  15. Coldplay (music, show business)
  16. Adam Sandler / Adam Sandler (film)
  17. Harrison Ford / Harrison Ford (film)
  18. Michael Jordan / Michael Jordan (sports)
  19. LeBron James / LeBron James (sports)
  20. Tom Cruise / Tom Cruise (film)
  21. Bon Jovi / Bon Jovi (music)
  22. Donald Trump / Donald Trump (business)
  23. Rush Limbaugh (TV)
  24. George Lucas / George Lucas (film)
  25. Simon Cowell / Simon Cowell (TV, film)
  26. Stephenie Meyer (film)
  27. Roger Federer / Roger Federer (sports)
  28. David Beckham / David Beckham (sports)
  29. Miley Cyrus / Miley Cyrus(music)
  30. Tyler Perry / Tyler Perry (film)
  31. Kenny Chesney (music)
  32. Jay-Z / Jay-Z (music)
  33. Clint Eastwood / Clint Eastwood (film)
  34. Howard Stern / Howard Stern (radio, show business)
  35. Sean Combs / Sean (Diddy) Combs (music, show business)
  36. Phil Mickelson / Phil Mickelson (sports)
  37. Jerry Seinfeld (film)
  38. Dave Matthews Band (music)
  39. Tom Hanks / Tom Hanks (film)
  40. Ellen DeGeneres / Ellen DeGeneres (TV)
  41. Eddie Murphy (film)
  42. Rascal Flatts (music)
  43. Jay Leno / Jay Leno (television, show business)
  44. Ryan Seacrest / Ryan Seacrest (show business)
  45. Nicolas Cage / Nicolas Cage (film)
  46. Kanye West (music)
  47. AC/DC (music, show business)
  48. George Clooney (film)
  49. Barack Obama / Barack Obama (politics)
  50. 50 Cent (music, show business)
  51. Brian Grazer & Ron Howard / Brian Grazer & Ron Howard (film)
  52. Kimi Raikkonen / Kimi Raikkonen (sports)
  53. Jerry Bruckheimer / Jerry Bruckheimer (film)
  54. Chris Rock / Chris Rock (film, television)
  55. Ronaldinho / Ronaldinho (sports)
  56. Jim Carrey (film)
  57. Manny Pacquiao / Manny Pacquiao (sports)
  58. Sarah Jessica Parker / Sarah Jessica Parker (film)
  59. Toby Keith / Toby Keith (music)
  60. Jonas Brothers / Jonas Brothers (music, show business)
  61. James Patterson (film)
  62. Kevin Garnett / Kevin Garnett (sports)
  63. Jeff Gordon / Jeff Gordon (sports)
  64. Meryl Streep / Meryl Streep (film)
  65. Larry David / Larry David (television, show business)
  66. Derek Jeter / Derek Jeter (sports)
  67. Sirena Williams / Serena Williams (sports)
  68. Stephen King / Stephen King (literature)
  69. Taylor Swift / Taylor Swift (music, show business)
  70. Daniel Radcliffe (film)
  71. Reese Witherspoon (film)
  72. Gisele Bundchen (fashion)
  73. Cameron Diaz / Cameron Diaz (film)
  74. Nicole Kidman / Nicole Kidman (film)
  75. Carrie Underwood / Carrie Underwood (music, show business)
  76. Maria Sharapova / Maria Sharapova (sports)
  77. Venus Williams / Venus Williams (sports)
  78. Heidi Klum / Heidi Klum(fashion)
  79. Rachael Ray (literature, television)
  80. David Copperfield / David Copperfield (show business)
  81. Glenn Beck / Glenn Beck (film, television)
  82. Katherine Heigl (film, television, fashion)
  83. Jon Stewart (film)
  84. Jeff Dunham / Jeff Dunham (television, show business)
  85. Anne Hathaway / Anne Hathaway (film)
  86. Tina Fey / Tina Fey (film)
  87. Drew Barrymore (film)
  88. Charlie Sheen / Charlie Sheen (film)
  89. Eva Longoria Parker / Eva Longoria Parker (film, television)
  90. Ana Ivanovic / Ana Ivanovic (sports)
  91. Alec Baldwin (film)
  92. Sandra Bullock / Sandra Bullock (film)
  93. Steve Carell / Steve Carell (cinema, show business)
  94. Hugh Laurie (film, television)
  95. Wolfgang Puck ( catering business)
  96. Penn & Teller (TV)
  97. Kate Moss / Kate Moss (fashion)
  98. Mariska Hargitay (film, television)
  99. Jennifer Love Hewitt (film, television)
  100. Danica Patrick / Danica Patrick (sports)

The names of some people - representatives of a wide variety of professions and activities - are associated in our minds with incredible fame and success. We call them first if we are asked to answer the question of who is the most famous, influential person in economics, art, politics, etc. The most famous people in the world - this list is not subject to final compilation, because each of us has our own priorities and views on life. However, you can't argue with some people's fame.

The most famous people in art


At the dawn of cinema, Charlie Chaplin became its superstar. The comedian's career spanned a total of 80 years.

Chaplin was the founder of his own film studio, a theater and silent film star, one of the creative pillars of silent cinema, the developer of most of the stunts and comic filming techniques, and a witness to the change from the silent era to the sound era. Chaplin twice received an out-of-competition Oscar, and in 1973 the Film Academy posthumously awarded him another statuette with the wording “For making cinema an art.”

Everyone knows the image of Chaplin - a clumsy eccentric in a bowler hat and with a painted mustache. It’s hard to believe that he was completely different without makeup.


Walt Disney is a cult figure like Chaplin, only in animation. As an animation director, Disney directed 111 films with his own hands and produced more than 500 more. It is impossible to imagine childhood without “Snow White”, “Bambi”, “Sleeping Beauty”, these films are so bright, so light and kind they are.

Today, The Walt Disney Company's earnings exceed $30 billion a year, but before founding the studio, Disney received more than 300 refusals, because animation was considered a hopeless area of ​​investment.

Wald Disney and the brainchildren of his employees - Mickey, Donald and Goofy


Marilyn Monroe is an actress, a sex symbol of the era, a woman whose name everyone puts in their personal list of the most interesting, beautiful and mysterious women.

Having entered the film studio as an extra, Monroe made a dizzying career and became the most highly paid actress from 1950 until the end of the century. Her films had grossed $200 million by the time she died suddenly in 1962. The legendary blonde acquired condescension towards her own fame and contempt for money, repeating that kisses in Hollywood cost millions, but a soul costs 50 cents.

Most Famous Artist

Vincent Van Gogh is an artist whose influence throughout world culture was only appreciated after his death. During his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting, and the room where he painted was so cold that he was sometimes forced to light the stove with his paintings.

Van Gogh's 800 paintings, which were ahead of their time in terms of art development, became examples of post-impressionism. The artist spent his whole life trying to copy the child’s style of drawing, and eventually created sincere, spontaneous paintings, the most expensive of which today costs almost $150 million.

Self-portrait of Van Gogh


Unconditionally, the palm in politics should be awarded to the most famous dictator, Adolf Hitler, whose name is involuntarily associated with world evil.

A very talented artist and a good musician could have lived a life completely far from politics, but in his youth he became interested in political views nationalists and anti-Semites.

Based on faith in a special mission German nation Hitler built his own empire and became its head in 1934. Hitler began to take over all of Europe and launched the largest and bloodiest war in human history - World War II. Hitler's main political postulates are reflected in the book Mein Kampf, which became program document nationalist parties.

The most famous athlete

Michael Jordan is an American basketball player, NBA player, who instilled a love of basketball in most modern athletes. Jordan is not the tallest or the most gifted, but he is the most ambitious and persistent athlete. Expelled from the school basketball league, the young athlete was able to achieve the status of a basketball superstar and, through many years of training, developed a unique style of play.

Known for completing three times sports career and returned: for the first time after the end of the 1992 Olympics due to moral and physical exhaustion (returned to the NBA in 1995); the second break was in 1999-2001; Jordan returned to professional sports for the third time in September 2001, wanting to transfer all the fees he received to a fund to help victims of the terrorist attack in the United States.

Jordan's accomplishments barely fit on the marble plaque at the United Center.

At times, Jordan played with his tongue involuntarily sticking out, saying that this habit was “in the family”, from his father and older brother, and was an expression of complete passion and concentration on the game.

Literary creativity

They say that a writer must be hungry in order not to relax and create. Perhaps, in this regard, in the “literature” section it is appropriate to mention the name of the writer JK Rowling as a woman recognized as a genius and the highest paid children’s writer. It's hard to believe that the most popular hero, Harry Potter, could not be seen by either readers or audiences in cinemas.

The first book about Harry Potter was rejected by more than 10 publishers, but today the image of the young wizard has turned into a brand, and its creator has become the world's first billionaire writer.

The science

A prominent figure in science, whose scientific research turned the world upside down, is Albert Einstein. The achievements of the theoretical physicist were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, and to this day Einstein’s theories about the structure of the universe have not been challenged or supplemented.

Einstein foresaw several major breakthroughs in physics, including the still unrealized possibility of quantum teleportation.


The most famous media person can be considered the American TV presenter and journalist Oprah Winfrey. The personification of a modern talk show and synonymous with a show journalist, the most influential woman for American women, the first black female billionaire, media mogul with her own studio, publication, and broadcast is Winfrey.

She went through a difficult journey from a teenage girl who gave birth at 13, to the youngest, 17-year-old television reporter and the first black reporter in the state of Nashville, to her own show, which brought her worldwide fame.

The most famous people in the world - they all went through a difficult path, full of failures and hard work, proving by personal example that luck alone is not enough to win and you need to move forward, despite the lack of money, strength, support, even the very desire to live. Their examples inspire or, on the contrary, serve as a counter-example, but the names of famous artists, writers, and leaders will be a symbol of the era for a long time.

In ancient times, people did not understand the nature of the Sun, but today most schoolchildren know that it is a star, and not the largest and brightest, but simply located very close to the Earth compared to other stars. Otherwise, it has no significant differences from them: it is a huge and heavy ball of gas in which reactions occur. As a result, it reaches enormous temperatures and has strong radiation, which is responsible for life on Earth. The sun consists of hydrogen, helium and several other elements; it contains calcium, iron, neon, silicon, and nitrogen in relatively small quantities.

The Sun, together with its planetary system, is located at the edge of our Galaxy, revolving around its center every 200 million years. This is a relatively young star - its age is about 4.5 billion years. The same amount of time must pass for it to turn into.


Sirius is one of the most famous stars in the sky due to the fact that it has the greatest brightness (after the Sun). It is not a record holder for brightness, it is only 22 times brighter than the Sun (there are much more powerful stars), but since it is located relatively close, it is the most noticeable in the night sky. Sirius is visible from almost every point on Earth, except the most northern regions.

In fact, Sirius is a double star: the older of the pair is a white dwarf and is smaller in size than the Sun, and the younger, Sirius A, is just visible from Earth. The age of this space object is about 230 million years.

polar Star

The North Star is famous because it can be used to navigate the terrain. It is always above the northern horizon and is visible only in the Northern Hemisphere. It is located in the constellation Ursa Minor, at the very end of the "".

Polaris is the brightest of the pulsating variable stars. It is a supergiant and has two much smaller companions. It is located 323 from Earth. Her official name– Alpha Ursa Minor.

Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri is not as famous as Polaris or Sirius, but it can also be called famous, since it is closest to the Earth after the Sun. Proxima is small in size and is a red dwarf. It is located just 4.2 light years from our planet. Despite this proximity, it cannot be seen with the naked eye due to the dim light.

The 21st century is defined by technology. In 2000, many were paranoid about the Millennium Problem. This was our fear of losing what technology has given us over the past centuries. But technology is not the only thing that distinguishes the 21st century. It is also characterized by a phase of instability in both political and economic life. But in any case, every era is made interesting by people - those who leave a trace of the history and memory of mankind. Below is our list of the 10 most influential people of the current era.

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Osama bin Laden

Who would have thought that a member of a rich and famous family will become the most wanted terrorist in the world? Osama bin Laden changed people's lives in the 21st century. He made us rethink the concept national security. After September 11, 2001, no one can live the way they lived before that date. The level of attention to safety has increased not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

Osama bin Laden is on our list of the 10 most influential people because of his charismatic influence among Islamic radicals. He was able to convince them of the need to attack the United States and other allies.

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Craig Newmark

You would never know Craig Newmark if you saw him on the street. However, this man is behind, a site that has been called the “newspaper killer.” After college, Newmark worked for IBM. In the 1980s he was a programmer. In 1993, Craig moved to San Francisco, where he later created Craigslist.

What makes Craigslist such a great idea is the concept of an online commune. Here people can exchange information. Over the years, Craigslist has evolved as specific place, where people could post things they want to sell. Craig Newmark is still working on the problem of fighting spammers. He also created the site Craigconnects, which is aimed at charities.

His net income was $400 million in 2010. He is also involved in other ventures, including funding, a website that aims to investigate stories published on the Internet.

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Noam Chomsky

Historian, philologist, social critic and political activist, Noam Chomsky made our list of the 10 most influential people XXI century because of his knowledge concerning world politics and economics. He is the author of more than 100 books and a former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ideologically he can be classified as an anarcho-syndicalist and socialist.

He criticizes American foreign policy regarding open markets and dominating the economies of weaker countries. The purpose of his research is to form in people a negative image of imperialism, which is inherent not only in the United States, but also in other countries. He also stated his opposition to international institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank and the GATT.

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Mark Zuckerberg

This is one of founders of Facebook. He is also a well-known internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. Without graduating from Harvard, he was able to turn the World Wide Web around.

Today, Facebook has billions of profiles around the world. It is used not only as a tool for communication, but also for business. Over the years, Facebook has been changing its algorithms to be more than just a tool for you to connect with your friends. Although some people don't like the changes, Facebook is still the biggest player among other social networks.

As of May 2016, Mark Zuckerberg's net worth reached $51 billion. He was included in Time magazine's list of the most influential people. But, of course, Facebook has its drawbacks, especially with regard to privacy and political issues.

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Tony Blair

Tony Blair served as Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1997 to 2007. He is the only prime minister to be elected for three consecutive terms. Tony Blair is known for his strong response to

threats of terrorism. He ordered British troops to begin hostilities five times during his term of office.

Tony Blair is also known for his ties to George W. Bush after 2001. This outstanding man was a key player during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He believed that the world was safer because of this invasion. The militaristic approach to leadership led to its decline political career. With the increasing number of British casualties, Tony Blair was forced to resign as his popularity waned as a result of these events.

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Steve Jobs

Everyone knows the name of this man. This is a cult personality. A renowned innovator and pop culture superstar, he is the face of modern technology.

Why Steve Jobs included in the list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century? Because his company, Apple, has revolutionized our daily lives. He was able to introduce technology that changed our habits and daily routines.

Steve Jobs was one of the founders of Apple. He was the owner of the Pixar animation studio. Steve Jobs was known for his ability to create innovations that became a part of everyone's lives. Among the things he invented were the very first personal computer, the iPhone, and the iPad.

But this is not the only legacy he left us. To this day, Apple remains a leader in technology. It is his culture of excellence and innovation that he brought to the company that has made him one of the most influential people in the world.

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Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google, the largest search engine of our time. Google has changed its approach to information. Brin's fortune is $39 billion, Larry Page's is $36.7 billion.

What has made Google what it is today is its ability to adapt to a changing world. These people were able to update the search engine algorithm so that the order of websites on search result pages changed. In the past, Google's algorithm simply looked at backlinks to rank a website and determine its ranking. Nowadays, there are several factors including social media signals, grammar and backlinks. This has made Google the number one search engine on which you can advertise your website.

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Bill Gates

Bill Gates is known to everyone as the richest man on earth. He is one of the founders Microsoft. It eventually became the world's largest IT company. Currently, Bill Gates' assets are estimated at $76.4 billion. He is also often criticized for anti-competitive business practices.

The amazing thing is that Bill Gates never forgets to share and help people. He is a very famous philanthropist. His donations include large sums of money for various scientific endeavors. He and his wife created the most powerful charitable foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was valued at $34.6 billion. They are the second most generous philanthropists in the US with $28 billion in charitable giving.

Their charitable foundation supports various scientific projects, including the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. Another amazing thing that sets Bill Gates apart is his ability to influence people like Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett. Together they signed a pledge in which they pledged to give half of their total assets to charity.

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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is on this list of the most influential people as he is the only political leader of Russia. Since 1999, he has been the Prime Minister of Russia and from 2012 to the present - the President of Russia. Putin is a very colorful political player. Former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin has a black belt in judo.

During Putin's rule, Russia has significantly improved its economic situation since the early 2000s, which is largely dependent on oil and gas exports. The country has become the 7th largest economy in the world. In addition, thanks to oil reserves, Vladimir Putin was able to fully repay the Soviet Union's debt by 2005.

But since the beginning of 2014, with the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, for many others political leaders Vladimir Putin has become a source of concern. Developed Western countries imposed sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin, considering it a threat to the world. But this fact in no way diminishes the position of the leader of the Russian Federation in his influence in the world.

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Barack Obama

Next on our list of the 10 most influential people is US President Barack Obama. This is the first black US president. Unlike other presidents, Barack Obama's electoral success was significant not only for the African-American community, but for all minorities in the United States. This is also the first American President, who was born outside the continental United States.

In 2009, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. It faced one of its biggest economic challenges during the 2008 recession. Was able to implement laws that allowed the US economy to recover.

During his term, Osama bin Laden was killed. Re-elected to a second term in 2012, defeating Romney, Barack Obama called for inclusiveness for the LGBT community. He is also the first US president in several decades to normalize relations with Cuba.

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This was an article TOP 10 Most influential people 21st century. Thank you for your attention!