- Today my morning begins 15 minutes before Mashkinovo - a quarter to seven. I jump up, run into the shower, and drink a cup of coffee. I wake up Manya. And when I realize that I have 15 minutes left, and now it’s winter, I fly down like a bullet to warm up the car. I take Manya to school and rush to work. Sometimes make-up artists, to save time, come to me at 06:00 or even at 05:30. They put on makeup and leave for the playground, and I, having collected Manya for school, run into the frame!

...In the middle of last fall, I noticed that something was wrong with my child. Manyasha gained weight sharply: in a couple of months she gained several kilograms, without increasing in height. I was worried, I couldn’t understand why a child who plays tennis, swims and moves a lot is getting fat. And her diet, believe me, is very strictly selected. Knowing about the tendency to be overweight that was passed down from me, I have been watching her figure since Mashenka’s birth. “What’s happening to my baby?!” — I panicked, getting ready to rouse all the doctors to their feet. But then everything suddenly opened up: in the corner, under the table where Masha was studying, I found a whole mountain of hidden chocolate wrappers. It turned out that the teacher who was doing homework with her daughter encouraged her with sweets for every solved example!

Masha is able to surprise me like no other. I remember I was looking for a gift for Andryusha Fedortsov (actor - TN note) for his birthday. She chose green glasses and said: “Manya, I like them so much that I’m even sorry to give them away!” She says: “Mom, Lena (grandmother) always taught us that you should only buy a gift that you would be sorry to give away, like yourself, otherwise you shouldn’t give it.” I thought: “She’s right!” Andrey really liked my gift. How surprised I was when the same surprise awaited me on my birthday - wine glasses that I liked so much! Manyasha, just before my fortieth birthday, earned her first money - 500 rubles - for filming an episode of Liteiny. She came to my family and said: “There are glasses in the store that mommy really loves. I want to buy them for her birthday. I have money." They went to the store and, finding that her fee was not enough for even half of one glass, they immediately added the required amount.

She is a very sensitive girl. He takes care of me, gets up earlier on weekends and brings breakfast to bed. And on the tray there is always a vase of flowers. Manyasha picks them right on the way to my room - a blooming hibiscus, a small rose, a gardenia... You know, when my daughter was little, every morning I brought a cup of cocoa to bed on a tray with a snow-white napkin. And I placed a small flower next to it for beauty. I did this to please the child, and not to get something in return when my daughter grew up. The fact that I suddenly receive such feedback from seven-year-old Manyasha was a shock to me...

However, we recently had an unpleasant incident. And Masha sharply shouted in my face: “You don’t understand me! It is not true!" I stood there confused and looked at her and suddenly burst into tears. I immediately went to my room so that Manya wouldn’t see my tears. Five minutes later, a crying child ran up to me: “Mommy, forgive me, I did it by accident, I didn’t want to upset you. I offended you like that for no reason. Mom, just forgive me!” Her little heart almost broke because she made her mom cry. And I realized that it would be better to spank Masha, shout at her, put her in a corner, but not play on her feelings. Although I didn't play...

The attic is now mine!

— While filming the film “Demon” in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, I read the inscription on the gate of a mansion built in medieval style: “Success begins with a dream.” I really liked her.

When I was 12 years old, I came to my mother and said: “I want a baby.” The answer was: “School, diploma, married and ten children. Only in this sequence." This remains a dream for now. But I’m a persistent girl, I hope that I will still have everything. I want sons. Because there can’t be a better young lady than Masha... Of course, the older I get, the more I worry that my time is inexorably running out.

But I don't despair. IN Lately I began to dream about adopting a child. But the family is still against it.

Ideas are constantly swarming in my head. Now a dream has been born - to build Vacation home in Melnichnye Ruchi. This place is dear to me. I grew up there at my grandfather’s dacha. And now I desperately want to buy a plot of land and build a beautiful white estate. I have already bought tiles with the letters of my last name, which will be placed at the entrance, taking the first small step towards making my dream come true.

Dreams Come True! For many years I dreamed of having an attic above my apartment. For ten years, my lawyer brother and I collected papers to achieve this. Our path was long and difficult. And finally, at the very beginning of the year, I became its rightful owner. I have my own plans for this area: 120 m2, if necessary, can be rented out so that there is a constant income. And I’ll add 80 m to our apartment, and this will be Masha’s room. There she can rest peacefully and be in silence when guests come to visit me.

After all, our house is often noisy. Friends stay up until twelve, three or five in the morning. On the one hand, I worry: the child cannot rest properly. On the other hand, she’s happy that Masha hears everything, sees everything and has the opportunity to communicate with talented people. And here we gather the entire elite of the acting, medical, and legal elite. Communicate with outstanding people of your time is incredibly useful for a child. I am sure that she will forever have the memory that tenor Joe Cassidy, performing on Broadway, sang the aria from West Side Story for her personally: “I just met a girl named Maria...” (“I met a girl named Maria.” ...").

The love just passed...

“I often remember how I rehearsed in America for the role of Anita in West Side Story.” But I never went on stage, because my husband asked me to return to St. Petersburg, and I obeyed him. We got married, my husband’s decision was law for me. It’s just a pity that my career on Broadway, where I had a successful internship, never took off. Although why regret it... Apparently, it was predetermined from above.

It is no one’s fault that my life in my first marriages did not work out. I don't judge anyone. Everything is in the distant past. There is a simple truth: two people either need each other or they don’t. Not because someone is bad, but someone is good. The love just passed...

But basically I was lucky. Next to me, with rare exceptions, there were always real men. Brothers, partners on the set - Seryozha Selin, Lesha Nilov, Andryusha Fedortsov, Zhenya Sidikhin. When they tell me that there are no men today, they have degenerated, I cannot agree with this. All of the above people are strong, talented, handsome men. I am glad that my daughter sees their attitude towards family and profession. And it’s a pity that she never saw her grandfather, my father.

I bear the blows with steadfastness

— Daddy has not been with us for 17 years. And every year I miss him more and more. I categorically disagree with the expression “no one is irreplaceable.” They are. Someone like my dad can never be replaced by anyone. I am happy that he was by my side for 24 years. He is still somewhere close. I know this because I talk to him all the time. And when I play in a complex performance, I purely physically feel my dad’s presence in the audience. He sees me and prays for me. And this knowledge helps me...

And I, in turn, pray for my family and, of course, for Masha. Along with her, an insane fear was born in my soul. I'm so afraid for her that I can't live in peace. The state of panic was aggravated by the fact that I began to host the “Plot” program, in which they talk about horror stories about what can happen to children in schools, on the streets, even at home. Fear and anxiety accompany all loving parents.

As a child, I feared God. I was afraid and loved. I fear and love Him even now. I’m afraid and love my mommy too. Only recently, already being adult woman, I told my mom about this and she was upset. She said: “Nastya, that means I did something wrong in my life!” But I explained: “Mom, you don’t understand. For the child at that moment, fear was associated with incredible respect. I was afraid to upset you." I am also constantly afraid of offending my loved ones, I think through every word, every step. If my adored mother and brothers are offended by me, I don’t sleep at night, I go crazy.

I don’t believe people who say that they wouldn’t want to change anything in their lives. I am incredibly grateful for what the Lord has given me. And I go to church not only to ask, but also to give thanks. But I admit: I would like to change a lot in my life. Mashunya grows in huge family, who adores her, the Melnikov clan is always around her, but there is no main man who should be in the life of every girl. I'm worried, but apparently it's fate.

And fate is a given. When I get hit, I never ask myself why or why.

Happiness in kilograms

“I can’t find an equivalent to the word “love,” but I know exactly what happiness is. These are certain seconds of my life. There was a lot of happiness in my life. And when the doctors told me about my mom, with whom it happened heart attack that the danger has passed. And when she herself got sick as a child and could run to her parents’ bed, press her back to her mother, hug her daddy tightly, and so lie in the circle of her family’s bodies, warming up from the chill. Sometimes I even ate ice to make myself sick. And when in her third year of theater she entered the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Tovstonogov. Forty outstanding artists stood behind me, and I, a girl, danced in front of them, opening the performance.

But absolute happiness was the moment when I woke up and mom said: “Masha is alive, she’s so shaggy!” The daughter was supposed to be born on September 11, but was born on July 24. I didn’t know that a girl would be born, I just had a name ready for the newborn: we decided that if it was a boy, we would call it Rurik, and the girl Maria. I had some kind of idiotic complex; I was very afraid of bald children. They reminded me of light bulbs. And, pregnant, I sewed great amount different caps with frills so that the baby can wear them until his hair grows. But they were not needed, my beauty was born with long black hair. She was tiny - 2 kg 200 g, and by the time she was discharged from the hospital she had lost up to 2 kg. Tiny child. Two kilograms of happiness.

And at the beginning of this year, around Christmas, happiness happened in my life. Manyasha and I went on vacation to Tenerife for seven days. On January 6th, Christmas Eve, we rested in Laura Park, where the world's largest collection of parrots is collected. We arrived from there to the hotel barely alive. There was no strength to go to the restaurant, and Manechka suggested having dinner at home. We ordered dinner, sat in a luxurious room with a huge terrace overlooking Atlantic Ocean. Manya picked up the juice, I picked up a glass of red wine and said: “Manya, I’m sorry, I think I ruined your Christmas. After all, we meet him without his family. I was just very tired and wanted to rest...” For me it was the happiest Christmas of my life. Masha filled the space that is usually occupied by the entire Melnikov clan... And then my cub interrupted my mother’s thoughts, cheerfully saying: “Marry Christmas, My Little Funny Mummy!” - and laughed. For this girl, I am a funny little mommy. And this is happiness!..

I have enough fans. Some give armfuls of flowers, others write declarations of love in large letters on the frozen river. Recently Masha was asked if she gets jealous when her mother is taken care of. She laughed: “Why should I be jealous?!” I know that mommy loves me more than anyone in the world!”

I remember how before giving birth I hugged my mother and cried: “I don’t understand! Now, at the very happy moment, I don't want to live. I'm a believer. This simply cannot be! But that's exactly how it was. Then I learned what despondency is. The priest and, above all, the newborn Masha helped me get out of this state.

Recently I ended up in the hospital. I am convinced that besides the doctors, Mashina’s presence also saved me. Every time she came to me, I felt that I felt better. She is my little big miracle...

We named the new Mercedes Musya

— The other day I realized the dream of a white Mercedes, which settled in Mashka’s head. I came to the dealership and immediately told the salesman that my daughter wants a car. white. He nodded understandingly: “Ahhh... that means you’re buying a car for your daughter!” I got angry: “Boy, if you understand a little about psychology, you should understand that a middle-aged woman does not want to hear that she is buying a car for her daughter or granddaughter, even if it is so!” And as a result, I bought another Mercedes. Now Mashenka and I have new car, which we named Musya. Previous cars also had names: one was called Murzik, the other was Murzilka...

My main unsolved sign

— Life is full of miracles and amazing coincidences. In first grade, in my friend’s notebook, I wrote “Actress Anastasia Melnikova was born on September 19, 1969.” It's practically a miracle. I don’t remember how I wrote these lines. They were recently shown to me by a friend who now lives in Moscow. She kept an old notebook with this historical inscription. I have a feeling that these lines were not written by me, but that someone from above was guiding my hand. In my family, becoming an actress was incredible. Until I turned 16, it never occurred to anyone that I wanted to go on stage.

I asked my priest about how the inscription could have appeared. He answered me: “Everything happens in life. When you reminded me of what I told you at the first confession, I was very surprised because I didn’t remember a single word. And then I realized that this had nothing to do with me. At that moment the Lord spoke to you and instructed you on what you should do in your life...”

You know, as a child I had a picture in front of my eyes - I was getting into my Mercedes with the number 777. And when I got the money, I wanted just such a car and with exactly these numbers. My family convinced me that this was a whim, but I stubbornly waited for two months until it was my turn to get to this number. I just loved this combination. In the end, I was born in house number seven! Is this a coincidence or some kind of sign - I don’t know. But I can say for sure: the moment I got into a Mercedes with three sevens, my life changed dramatically. I got back on my feet, paid off my debts, moved into my own apartment, was able to cross the line of despair and failure, when I had to count every penny, and began to breathe full breasts. I always enjoyed life, but I was always a survivor. And finally everything started to look up.

When I was still a little girl, I dreamed that everything in my life would be as fabulous as my parents’. Love is the same as theirs. Dad first saw Mommy as a small child, she was about five years old, and he was 27. When she was 12 years old, he first asked her to dance. He began to seriously court the 16-year-old and proposed. They got married, and everything was fine with them... And in my youth everything began to develop exactly the same. It so happened that I was born in front of my mother’s classmate Tomaz. When I was 12 years old, we danced with him. And at the age of 16, on vacation in Sukhumi, he began to court me. Everything was going fabulously. And when I was 18, literally two months before the wedding... Tomazik died. I will love and remember him always. I have his portrait next to my dad’s portrait. I still don’t understand why everything went wrong, for some reason the happiness did not continue. I thought that the coincidences were signs of fate, we were destined for each other... But sometimes I think that perhaps it was a sign that someone was waiting for me ahead. This is probably the most big sign in my destiny, which I have yet to unravel...

P.S. Shall I tell you another dream of mine? I want that, as a great-grandmother, at the age of 95, between rehearsals and filming, I rode in a luxurious convertible - in a tight, tight skirt to the middle of the knee, in high heels, with long well-groomed nails - and took my great-grandchildren to their classes. One - on French, another for English, a third for ballroom dancing or fencing. I really want the Lord to give me the strength to help them all, because living for myself is uninteresting and meaningless. But life for others - for children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - this is a fairy tale!

Anastasia Melnikova

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Family: daughter - Masha (7 years old)

Education: in 1990 she graduated from the acting department of LGITMiK (course of Igor Vladimirov). Trained in the USA on Broadway

Career: Since 1993 he has been working at the St. Petersburg State Academic Drama Theater named after. Komissarzhevskaya. She became one of the creators and artistic director of the Russian-American festival of musicals “Let's Play a Musical Together!” She starred in almost 30 films and TV series, including: “Giselle Mania” (1995), “Streets of Broken Lanterns. Cops" (1997, 2001, 2003), "Idiot" (2003), "Opera. Chronicles of the Homicide Department" (2004), "Always Say "Always"-2", (2004), "Kukotsky's Case" (2005), "Sonka Golden Pen"(2007), "Liteiny, 4" (2009), etc. In 2006 she participated in television project“Dancing with the Stars” (Russia), was also the host of the program “Dashing 90s” (NTV), “Private Visit of Anastasia Melnikova” (100 TV St. Petersburg). Since September 2009, he has been hosting the “Plot” program (Channel One)

Flavors: food - meat; drink - coffee

Pets: bobtail dog Porthos, two budgerigar, two turtles, pony Cinderella

The daughter of the star of “Streets of Broken Lanterns” Anastasia Melnikova Maria starred with the grandson of Andrei Mironov in war drama"Save Leningrad."

Anastasia Melnikova came to the premiere of the film “Save Leningrad” with her daughter Maria, and journalists interviewed both Melnikovs. The fact is that 16-year-old Masha played in the film main role, and Anastasia got the role of the mother of the main character. Mother and daughter are very similar in appearance, which added authenticity to the film story. By the way, Melnikova Jr. has not only acting genes, but also a cinematic godfather: her godfather was the famous Soviet film director Alexei German.

The film "Save Leningrad" directed by Alexei Kozlov is based on real events. In September 1941, young lovers Kostya and Nastya find themselves on a barge, which follows from besieged Leningrad on the opposite side Ladoga. At night the ship gets into heavy storm and suffers disaster. But the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy are not the rescuers, but the enemy planes.

These dramatic events marked the beginning of the heroic Road of Life, which became a bright page in the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazis. For the Melnikov family, more than one generation of whom has lived in St. Petersburg, this story had a special meaning.

The main male role was played by 26-year-old Andrei Udalov-Mironov, the grandson of the legendary Andrei Mironov and the son of Maria Mironova, who was also present at the premiere. Andrey actively acts in films and plays at the Vakhtangov Theater.

Among the artists who starred in the film are also Gela Meskhi, Valery Degtyar, Sergei Zharkov, Ivan Lyrchikov, Vladimir Seleznev, Mikhail Morozov, Inga Oboldina.

// Photo: Interpress / PhotoXPress.ru

46-year-old honored artist and deputy Legislative Assembly In St. Petersburg, Anastasia Melnikova is raising her 13-year-old daughter Maria alone and is in no hurry to get married again. Fans of the actress are perplexed, they say, what is the reason that the beautiful and talented Anastasia has not yet found a life partner.

On the air of the program “Mirror for a Hero” on the NTV channel, Melnikova spoke about the reasons for her loneliness. As it turns out, the star’s attitude is rather forced, but it doesn’t bother her at all. For Anastasia, not only her personal life is important, but also the happiness of her daughter. Maria asked for hers famous mother hold off on a new marriage, as it will be difficult for the girl to accept her new dad. The reason lies in the difficult age of the heiress Melnikova.

Anastasia Melnikova on the air of the program “Mirror for a Hero” // Photo: Program frame

“It’s not that I think there isn’t a person in the world worthy of me. It’s just that today the circumstances are such that my daughter is in adolescence. Masha asked me to wait a little. When she was little, she was ready to accept the person I would love. And I understand that having given birth to a child not for myself, but for him to feel good, I must wait. We have a clear agreement that until the age of 18 I belong to her,” Melnikova answered reporters when asked why she was in no hurry to tie the knot.

According to the actress, her decision is completely justified. Melnikova says that she is unlikely to be happy if her child experiences different emotions. The actress calls this “the price of the issue.”

Let us recall that Anastasia Melnikova was married to film producer Vyacheslav Telnov from 1990 to 1998. In 2002, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Maria. The star prefers not to talk about the father of the child. It is only known that he broke up with Anastasia when she was five months pregnant.

Melnikova is very happy about the birth of an heiress, and treats her as a gift from fate. The actress says that Maria is doing well at school, takes extra English lessons and is involved in dancing, as well as tennis, horse riding and swimming. Melnikova does not force her daughter to enroll in different clubs - the girl does it herself, since by her nature she is very active and inquisitive.

// Photo: Anataly Lomokhov / Legion-Media

In St. Petersburg in in full swing filming of the new film “Barge 752”. The plot of the film centers on the crash on Lake Ladoga, which occurred in 1941 during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad. The film directed by Alexei Kozlov stars Andrei Udalov, Gela Meskhi and Anastasia Melnikova. The main role will be played by the 15-year-old daughter of the star of the series “Streets of Broken Lights” Masha. The drama is expected to be released in 2019.

In a recent interview, Anastasia Melnikova spoke about how she reacted to the work of the heiress. The actress admitted that she had a dispute with the director of the film.

“When director Alexey Kozlov offered Masha the main role, I immediately said that I abdicate all responsibility, since I think that she is still small and may not cope. “You don’t believe in your daughter,” the director shouted to me. I told him that I believe in my daughter. She's just still small. And the role in this difficult war film is very important and big,” said Melnikova.

Anastasia added that the film will be shot for several years. The actress regards this circumstance as positive. “This time will provide an opportunity to see how the war has changed main character in just one day,” says the celebrity.

According to Melnikova, her daughter dreams of becoming an actress. After the girl starred in Yeralash, that’s all she talks about.

“Masha is still in tenth grade, but I have a feeling that it will be Mokhovaya. She is amazing! This is not my opinion, this is the opinion of the teachers and directors who work with her,” noted Anastasia.

It is not so important for the actress herself what profession her daughter chooses. Anastasia believes that the main thing is to grow up as a “decent, kind, sensitive, educated” person. According to Melnikova, Masha wants to get two degrees at once - acting and journalism. “She saw what happened to me when I sat without a professional work", the publication quotes the celebrity "Petersburg Diary".

Anastasia Melnikova's daughter Masha was born on July 24, 2002. The actress does not like to talk about the child's father. In her interviews, the star mentioned that the man left her in the fifth month of pregnancy. As a result, Melnikova raised the heiress alone. Anastasia put a lot of effort into making sure the girl didn’t need anything. It is known that Masha is an excellent student at school and plays sports, including tennis and swimming.

Granddaughter of Mikhail Boyarsky


A blue skirt, a white blouse, and no ribbon in her braid. But the eyes are blue-blue, blonde. Touching first-grader Sasha Boyarskaya was held by the hand by her father, the head of the TV channel Sergei Boyarsky. Grandfather, the famous "musketeer", did not come to school, otherwise he had work educational institution would be paralyzed. Even without that, people paid attention to the Boyarsky family; someone asked to take a photo with Sergei. Several years ago, Komsomolskaya Pravda already escorted Mikhail Sergeevich’s eldest granddaughter, Katya, to first grade. And now it’s the youngest’s turn.

The most touching moments for the father of his daughters - first grade and a wedding,” joked Sergei Boyarsky. - This is the first time I’m giving it to adult life, the second - to another man. I hope to live to see the wedding, but now I’m very worried. My father's heart beats at a frequency of two hundred beats per minute, no less!

In addition to studying, Sasha Boyarskaya is engaged in dancing and music.

Daughter of Andrei Fedortsov


Another charming first-grader had a whole support group: dad Andrei Fedortsov, mom, godmother Anastasia Melnikova and her daughter Masha.

Varenka Fedortsova is a serious girl. Dad joked all the time:

If you don't want to study, say so!

The daughter thought for a moment and firmly answered:

What happens after 99? - Dad joked.

Well done.

And he explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda:

I don’t know about studying, but she wants to make friends. It's her business. In general, I never force my daughter. I believe that a person cannot be persuaded or constantly given advice. When I was studying, in the 1970s, we didn’t even understand why we were studying. I mastered English only to understand the words of Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin.

Varya Fedortsova will study at the same 157th Princess of Oldenburg Gymnasium in St. Petersburg as Sasha Boyarskaya, in the same class. Maybe they'll become friends.

Daughter of Anastasia Melnikova


Masha Melnikova went to the same gymnasium No. 157 at the age of six, a year earlier than usual. Therefore, at thirteen, I am already in the eighth grade, and not in the seventh.

“I waited all summer for September 1,” admitted Masha. - Oddly enough, I wanted to do my homework again.

The girl has no favorite subjects, nor any unloved ones - everything is the same.

In the future she is thinking of becoming an actress. He has experience, ability too, sings well.

“She’s also an excellent housewife,” Anastasia Melnikova praised her daughter. - She cooks wonderfully, knows how to embroider and clean. When I come home, it’s like I’m in a fairy tale. She cooks tastier, more beautiful, and more varied than me. Loves to read. For her birthday, the main gift for her was a huge stack of books.

Daughter of Evgeny Dyatlov


Actor Evgeny Dyatlov saw his daughter Vasilisa off to second grade.

I didn't really like school. He studied well in humanities, but hated all the exact sciences,” the actor sighs.

But the girl’s favorite subject is mathematics. Dyatlov Sr. is surprised: who is the child growing into?

At this rate, I can only help her with her homework until the seventh grade. Then for me in algebra and all sorts of physics a dark forest begins,” the artist laughs.

Since mid-summer, Vasilisa has been dreaming of starting her studies as soon as possible.

“I like spending time with friends and doing homework,” the girl admitted.

Before first grade, the actor’s daughter went to training courses, so, consider that he has been sitting at his desk for two years. And studying is not a burden to her at all.

Son of Maria Maksakova


Opera diva Maria Maksakova accompanied her son to the Suvorov School. The first of September for a Suvorov student is not just about giving a bouquet to the teacher: you need to take an oath and march.

Blue-eyed blond Ilya moved to the school a few days ago. Preparations for the ceremonial ceremony for the 11-year-old boy began on August 17.

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The son of Maria Maksakova became a Suvorov veteran. Shooting - Alexander GLUZaleksandr GLUZ

On September 1, Ilya Maksakov stood in front of the Vorontsov Palace in formation with other recruits. Maria arrived with her husband, State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, and daughter Lyusya.

When the sounds of the anthem were heard from the speakers, the cadets began to sing along together. Maria Maksakova also supported - her amazing voice was difficult to confuse with anything.

The main feeling I feel now is relief. We trained for a long time, learned to march,” Ilya Maksakov told Komsomolskaya Pravda after the end of the ceremonial part.

According to him, he was looking forward to September 1 with special impatience. His stepfather Denis Voronenkov once graduated from the Leningrad Suvorov Military School with a gold medal. Ilya intends to repeat his success.

“I’m generally a good student,” the guy explained to me in a businesslike manner. - I think I can do it.

Daughter and son of Vadim Bazykin

Phew, we made it!

The family of the honored pilot of Russia Vadim Bazykin spent the whole summer in Sevastopol. There, the famous pilot worked at the new airport. For some reason, the reservation before takeoff did not work, so I had to urgently buy other tickets. We arrived in St. Petersburg at five in the morning, but still made it to the line. Daughter Natalya is going to seventh grade, son Andrei is going to third.

Despite the fact that the preparation was extreme, the children were cheerful and didn’t sleep in either eye. Both with bouquets: dad ran out in the morning and bought them.

Natasha grows up quickly out of everything - she is the tallest among the girls.

I don’t really want to go to school, but I miss my teachers and classmates, the children are surprised at themselves.

But I didn’t really like studying,” Vadim recalls. - And discipline was not always good. I grew up as an ordinary boy. Grandmother came and studied at four and five, and when she left she studied at three and four. Grandma knew how to persuade!

The daughter instantly disappeared into the crowd - she went off to chat with her friends.

Bazykin put on his pilot's uniform. The children said hello and gave military salute, and their mothers asked to take a photo with him.

The younger Bazykins are good people. Natasha sometimes gets C grades in math; she is more of a humanist. And Andrey dreams of becoming a pilot, like his dad.

Daughter and son of Maxim Leonidov


The son of musician Maxim Leonidov and actress of the Lensovet Theater Alexandra Kamchatova, Lenya, went to the same school as his older sister Masha. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” saw her off to first grade four years ago. And now it’s the little brother’s turn.

Lenechka asked ten times in the morning: did I take everything, did I forget to put the diary, where is the shift,” the first-grader’s mother told Komsomolskaya Pravda with humor. “Of course, I was nervous and worried, but I didn’t show it. He behaved with dignity and rang the bell at school.

Have older sister very comfortably. She helped him choose the notebooks and pens he needed, and ran into his little brother’s class four times to check if he needed anything. And when she heard that Lenya was hungry, she fed him. Masha studies well; if there are grades, it is due to inattention. But he quickly grasps the material and knows how to think rather than cram. And Lenya is a very responsible boy.

In the morning I told the family the alphabet - I was getting ready for school. The relatives laughed: “Don’t worry, they won’t ask anyone today!”

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Honored Pilot of Russia Vadim Bazykin: “My son will most likely become a pilot.” Shooting - Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY