Hello, friends!

Many of you probably remember the famous saga about Harry Potter and the moment when Harry acquired his magic wand, with the help of which he later performed real miracles.

His wand operated at a distance, could lift objects in the air, send a powerful fiery stream of energy, with its help he could perform many various actions and rituals. Magic and nothing more!

However, a fairy tale is a fairy tale, but what about the situation in real life? And does a magic wand really exist?

Yes or no

It turns out that such a wand really exists. True, in reality it is called a little differently - “magic wand” or “magic wand”.

Historically, this artifact originated from an instrument of power - a staff, which over time, for convenience, was shortened to a magic wand, and then to a more elegant and easy-to-use instrument - a magic wand.

It has become more convenient to carry such a tool with you, hiding it under a cloak or robe, and quickly take it out at any time as soon as you need it.

Currently, magicians most often use such wands in special rituals performed at home or in secluded corners of nature. IN ordinary life For example, on the street, you and I are unlikely to meet a person who, opening his jacket, takes out a magic wand and, waving it, will shout out spells. So fairy tale characters and a place, as they say, in fairy tales.

You need to understand that a real magic wand is not limitless miracles and magic. It will not turn water into milk, and it will not make a poor man rich the next morning. And you are unlikely to use it to make objects move. Although, if you have the ability and with intensive training, you may be able to demonstrate certain elements to your surprised relatives.

However, the point of a magic item is not to perform tricks. Like any other artifact, a magic wand allows you to work with your consciousness and energy, self-improvement and development.

Magic wand capabilities

What can she do? The answer is simple: she can do everything...the same as you, only faster, more powerful, more accurate. The fact is that the wand in your hands is a conductor of your own energy.

She collects it, concentrates it in herself, and then carries it through external world, due to which energy is directed more accurately and quickly, and it is easier to control. The material from which such an artifact is made (for example, wood) amplifies this energy several times with its vibrations.

The wand is a helper. The main magical instrument is yourself, your thoughts, your energy and will. If you are unable to perform this or that action without a wand, then it will not do it for you!

The same joke applies to it as to the camera - “there is no button“ good photographer" But if you already know how to do something, then with the help of a wand you can materialize it faster and better. And how much better...depends on, as you know, its quality.

Therefore, the issue of purchasing this tool must be taken seriously.

How to buy a magic wand

If you now enter the query “buy a magic wand” into Yandex or Google search and start looking, the very first links will take you to the store of magic wands from, again, the famous Harry Potter, but these, of course, are souvenir products intended for replenishment collections of fans of books about a boy wizard.

Perhaps, with certain skills and knowledge, some of these sticks can be “sharpened” for yourself, turning them into a really working tool, but with the same success you can sharpen an ordinary pencil, or, in general, any elongated object with a pointed tip. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that its quality will be appropriate.

However, if you are not lazy and scroll further through the pages with links, then sooner or later you will come across more interesting and, most importantly, real offers. In fact, there are few such proposals, only two or three, but, in any case, this is already something.

In them, manufacturers offer magic wands (in particular, from India and Tibet), which for the most part are not exactly wands, but rather even wands.

The wand is usually thicker and larger in size (although there are, on the contrary, “shortened models” that fit in the hand), and their main difference is that they are encrusted with crystals on both (!) sides.

That is, both sides of it are working. One, as a rule, is charged at “minus”, the other - at “plus”. Most of them are intended for healing purposes, but there are wands and more wide range actions.

Among the wands you can also find sticks - usually there are not many of them, one or two, but they still exist. These wands also have a crystal tip, and the main part is usually made of wood.

In my opinion, this is a more workable tool, however, without holding it in your hand, you are unlikely to understand how suitable it is for you. And the choice of tree species is quite scarce (this is understandable, since there are only a few sticks themselves).

In addition, the breeds that are offered there are usually not the most the best choice for a resident of Russia, because we are energetically much more powerfully connected with the trees of our strip. And they are the ones who are better able than other breeds to respond to our vibrations and give us their nourishment.

Therefore, I believe that if you want your magic wand to work, then you need to make it yourself. Choose the type of wood yourself, decorate it with crystals, runes or whatever you like (or not decorate it, if it’s intuitively closer), establish contact with it yourself, charging it with your energy.

It may not look as nice as store-bought, but that's not that important. Only if everything is done with your own hands, you can get not just a perfectly working tool, but, literally, an extension of yourself, which will ensure the accuracy and power of magical operations.

I will tell you how this happened in my life in one of the following articles.


In this article I talked about a magic wand and what they are like. The topic will be continued in one of the following posts, where I will share my experience and talk about how to do this magical artifact at home.

That's why I don't say goodbye

The older people become, the less they believe in magic and... And if you tell them in all seriousness that magic and various magical things actually exist, they will tell you that it’s time to stop believing in fairy tales. But if you still have a drop of such faith in the miraculous, read how to make a real magic wand.

However, we warn you right away that such a wand, made by a newcomer to the world of magic, is unlikely to be able to perform serious, great miracles. For example, you definitely won’t be able to turn your enemy into a toad by waving your magic wand. 🙂 But what is a magic wand really capable of in the hands of someone who doesn’t even know?

You will be able to perform miracles that concern you personally. Helping other people may not always work out, especially if they are not members of your family. By waving your wand and saying your intention or desire, you can, for example:

  • improve health,
  • successfully pass the exams,
  • make others suddenly see your beauty and intelligence, if they didn’t want to notice this in you before,
  • attract one or another desired event into your life (for example, traveling, receiving a long-desired gift),
  • increase your financial wealth.

Of course, this is not the entire list, but only an approximate direction for using the magic of a magic wand.

Where to find a real magic wand

They say that you can make a magic wand from any material: wood, plastic, stone. But for beginners, we still recommend using wood, since the power of trees is truly enormous.

In order to find a suitable branch, you need to go to the forest or grove. You cannot take branches from trees that grow in the city in courtyards or along roads. Such trees most often lack magical powers. The same applies to fruit trees, growing in your garden. Branches of birch, willow, oak, alder, maple, and chestnut are best suited. You should not take branches from aspen, pine or spruce - these trees are distinguished by the fact that they draw energy from the surrounding space.

While wandering through a forest or grove, listen to yourself: if suddenly your heart skips a beat near a tree, this is a sign! Don't pass by, your search is over. Mentally ask the tree for a part of it, saying:

Mighty tree, give me one of your branches to perform good magic, for the benefit of me and all people. Put your strength into it!

Carefully cut a straight, beautiful branch, without signs of dryness. Now you definitely need to give the tree something in return, you can’t just take it! For example, you can tie a beautiful ribbon on the branches, pour a little water on the tree, or put your palm on the tree and mentally give it a little of your energy in return.

Dedication of a magic wand

Now, in order to complete the spell and make the magic wand active, you need to wait until the full moon. When it appears in the sky full moon, come to open window and looking at her, say:

Tree and Moon, fill my magic wand with yours magical power! May my wishes come true for the benefit of everyone living on Earth!

Now leave the stick lying on the window in the moonlight all night. In the morning, when you wake up and take the wand in your hands, you will feel that it has changed and as if it has become alive. It may even become a little heavier.

If you want, you can peel the bark off the stick, decorate it, draw something on it, or wrap it with ribbons. It’s just advisable not to varnish it, it should breathe. You remember that she is alive, right? Now guess your cherished wish, fill yourself with light and joy, wave your magic wand and say your wish out loud. Now all that remains is to wait a little and after some time everything will come true.

The question of the existence, manufacture and use of magic wands interests not only children, but also adults.

If you know a few secrets, you can create a “magic” attribute that will serve different purposes.

Is there a real magic wand with magic that makes wishes come true?

A magic wand with magic can be obtained as a result of using Simoron magic.

Simoron does not limit the options that involve the choice of material for the future product. It is worth showing a little imagination when working on a magical attribute.

To get a wand like Harry Potter's, you should use a tree branch. Basically, the choice falls on elderberry and oak. These are the trees that are endowed great power nature.

To make a wand that makes wishes come true, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. The branch must be cut from the forest. Here there will be less external influence on the tree, which means there will be more positive energy.
  2. The day should be clear and sunny. It is better to choose a day when the Moon is in its waxing phase.
  3. The mood should be good, you need to distance yourself as much as possible from the problems and worries that are present in life.
  4. Make 4 circles around the tree, blow on it, spit under it and cut off the branch that you like best.
  5. Thank the tree by touching the trunk. When leaving, ask for forgiveness for the damage caused.
  6. The future magical attribute must be cleared of bark, dried and lubricated with essential oils.
  7. Decorate the amulet in a way that suits you. You can use any finishing elements and materials.

A real magic wand must be used in a special way, using magical rituals.

You can set the tip of the stick on fire and write a wish in the dark, and then extinguish it for later use. It is better to work with magic of white origin.

How to make a paper magic wand at home: kanzashi technique

If you need to make a magic wand for a child for a party, it is better to use simple materials.

Magic wands made from paper turn out to be interesting and beautiful, since there are many techniques for making the product.

Make a magic wand using the kanzashi technique:

  1. You need to cut colored paper into strips 4 centimeters wide. Cut these strips into squares with a side length of 4 centimeters. It is worth taking a second color of paper, preferably golden or silver. Cut the silver into smaller squares.
  2. Fold the large square in half diagonally, and then again in the same manner. The corners of each fold should be sealed. There should be six such elements.
  3. The same procedure should be carried out with squares of silver or gold.
  4. Place the smaller element into the larger one and glue the corners. Then all 6 elements are connected to each other, forming a flower.
  5. To hide the junction, you need to glue a stone or bead to the center.
  6. Additionally, you can glue strips of twisted serpentine between the petals.
  7. The stick is made from a long skewer and satin ribbon. Wrap the base with a strip of textile.
  8. A magic flower is fixed on top. The product is ready.

At home, a more impressive paper product is made if you use additional finishing materials.

Attention! It is necessary to carefully fix all the elements so that the stick does not break during active use.

It is better to use paper with luminous effects that will add color and brightness to the product.

Fairy wand or snowflakes made from pencil and rain

In anticipation New Year's holidays, mothers have many problems related to making equipment for carnival costumes.

Note! The most popular options for girls are fairy and snowflake characters.

Neither a fairy nor a snowflake casts a spell, so the product should turn out cute and light.

The base can be easily made from a pencil, New Year's tinsel, satin ribbon and decorative snowflakes. Auxiliary materials will be rubber glue, glitter, beads, rhinestones.

DIY wand for different characters:

Other ideas for a matinee

For children, you can make other options for additions to the carnival costume if a different character is used.

These ideas can just as easily be realized from the rain. It's easy to make equipment at home.

In addition to snowflakes, other universal characters are also used for the matinee. In this case, the set of materials and tools may be the same for all options. Often the basics are the same.

The most popular options for making sticks:

  • Butterfly. The figure of a butterfly is fixed on a pencil. Additionally decorate with brocade and ribbons.
  • Superstar. A star is formed, which comes off shiny and bright decorative elements and materials.
  • Magician's wand. The focus can have any design. More often than not, these are ordinary black paraphernalia with a bright accent on top.
  • Attributes to complement the image in the style of an alien guest. It is worth using interesting interpretations of everyday shapes and colors.

To make the product design more attractive and practical, it is worth watching training videos. In photos in magazines and on the Internet, it is easy to choose the appropriate design for an interesting product.

Useful video

Everyone has it strong magician there must be a magic wand, at least that’s what it says in fairy tales. One has only to remember the story about Harry Potter, where the significance of this attribute is described in the best possible way. In fact, magic wands exist and you just need to know how to make them at home. There are several rules and secrets that are important to consider in order to achieve the desired result.

I would like to say right away that the wand does not contain magical power, but can only guide correctly given by man message and concentrate its energy.

How can you make a magic wand?

First you need to find suitable material, that is, the wand itself. You can follow it to any place where there are trees, for example, to a forest, park, etc. You need to select a branch from those that are on the ground, but tearing it off the tree is prohibited. When choosing a suitable stick, you need to rely solely on your own feelings and, it is important to hear the so-called “call”. The feelings when a correctly selected wand is in your hands can be completely different, for example, some people feel intense heat in their hands, while others feel trembling in their knees. You can make a magic wand to make wishes come true after some manipulations, since if, for example, you don’t thank a tree for a twig, its energy may eventually disappear, or work against a person. Be sure to say hello to your future magical assistant. If you want, you can say anything to the wand, the main thing is to do it with a good message.

Instructions on how to make a magic wand with your own hands:

We figured out how to make a real one at home, all that remains is to carry out the initiation process, which will allow you to saturate it with energy. It should be held on a full moon exactly at midnight, when the Moon is shining clearly in the sky. Go outside and hold the wand out in front of you on your open palms. Then you need to make a speech from the heart, in which you should ask nature for strength, promise not to use the wand to harm others, etc. The fact that the initiation is completed will be indicated by some sign of nature, for example, the cry of a bird or the rustling of a tree. After this, the magic wand is considered ready.

A magic wand is a very important item for any young magician who sincerely believes in goodness and dreams of defeating all his enemies. And, of course, answering the question of how to make a real magic wand, you must immediately say that you will have to put in a lot of effort and effort. Don't think that this is very simple.

Material for creating a magic wand

To create a magic wand, first of all, you will need wood, but not the most ordinary one. Take a walk through the park, forest and try to find a special branch for yourself. It is important not to cut it from a living tree, because you will hurt it. A wand like that can't help you. Doesn't have of great importance and type of wood. The main thing is that the future wand “calls” you, so that you feel its power. Only in this way will you understand how to make a real magic wand.

Trees unsuitable for its creation simply do not exist. Everyone’s feelings when meeting a wand are completely different, but we can certainly say that you will never miss the one that is destined for you by fate.

It is also impossible to give advice on what to say or do when meeting your magical assistant. All people, like all magic wands, have their own individuality. It is important that the appeal comes from the heart. It is worth thanking the tree that gave you the wand and greeting your new friend and helper.


Don't know how to make a magic wand? When you get home, immediately put it in salt water for a day. To prevent the stick from floating, it should be pressed down with a stone or other heavy natural object. This will help the branch to free itself from extraneous information. After this, it should be dried in air so that it is saturated with solar energy.

Making a magic wand

Are you interested in how to make a real magic wand with your own hands? After the twig dries, examine it carefully. An image of a future magical object will form in your head. It is not at all necessary for a magic wand to have a classic look, be long and thin. Your wand may well be uneven, knotty, and curved. The most important thing is that she is yours. To sharpen the twig, you can also use sandpaper. After finishing polishing, you need to wipe the stick well and coat it with varnish. Another important point in the guide on how to make a real magic wand is to replace the core. If you feel an urgent need, then you need to drill a small hole in the center of the stick and insert a feather, hair, stone, plant root or other substance into it.

It is important to note that the use of artificial materials should be avoided when creating. Chemical glue, plastic, glitter and rhinestones can only be used in the handle. The tip and body of the stick should be made only from natural materials.

To fill the wand with power, you must say magic spells exactly at midnight on a full moon. Ask nature for magical powers, promise not to cause harm, not to disrupt the natural order of things.

In fact, as you can see, creating your own magic wand is not as difficult as it seems. But it is very important that the magical object brings only good to people. Therefore, think again before asking magic for help.