With reference to a statement from law enforcement agencies.
It is noted that in last time he was seen in the shower room of the prison block. A preliminary investigation showed that he went under the protection of Mexico's largest drug cartel, Sinaloa. - Insert K.ru]

An event occurred in Mexico big amount definitions of "most". The most dangerous criminal, who controls the entire worst business in America - drug trafficking in the USA, has escaped from the most secure prison.

The name Joaquin Guzman Loera is not known to many in Russia, but in South America Just the mention of it makes people shiver. Guzman is so terrible that after the death of Osama bin Laden, the US authorities consider him the most dangerous criminal in the world and “public enemy number one.” Before Guzman, only 1920s mafia leader Al Capone had received such a title. Since 2009, Guzman has consistently been included in Forbes magazine's list of the 60 most powerful people on the planet, and his fortune was estimated at $1 billion. The Sinaloa drug cartel, led by Guzman, is considered the largest and most powerful of the cocaine, heroin and marijuana smuggling organizations. The cartel delivers drugs not only to the United States, but also to 50 countries in Europe and Asia. The cartel plays a central role in Mexico's ongoing war between rival drug gangs, in which... last years tens of thousands of people died.

The escape

from prison is reminiscent of the plot of Frank Darabont's legendary film "The Shawshank Redemption", but, unlike the hero of the film, the drug lord did not dig a tunnel for 20 years. He only had a year to do this. Laz into the cell “El Chapo” (“Shorty”, as Guzman was nicknamed for short stature) accomplices dug from an abandoned house one and a half kilometers from the Altiplano prison. The tunnel had everything for the boss’s convenience: a motorcycle, lighting and even fans. The accomplices took care of the convenient dimensions of the underground passage: the height of the tunnel was 1.7 meters and the width was 70–80 centimeters. A hole measuring 50 by 50 cm was found in Guzman's cell, and under it was a ladder and a descent 10 meters down. According to experts, to complete such a task it was necessary to extract about 3.25 thousand tons of earth, while underground work using noisy equipment had to be carried out in three shifts for six to seven months. Removing such a volume of land would require at least 380 trips of seven-ton trucks. At first glance, such an escape seems fantastic. However, it should be noted that it was the tunnels that became the basis for the success of El Chapo’s drug business, which is why it is especially surprising that the prison authorities did not take this into account.

The American press has released a video of the daring escape from a Mexican prison of drug lord Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed El Chapo (Shorty). The crime was committed almost in front of the guards of the Altiplano prison. A surveillance camera recorded the inmate walking up to the shower screen and “disappearing.”

Footage released by KTLA shows Guzman pacing back and forth in his cell. At 20:52 on July 11, he went to the far corner, where an individual shower was equipped behind a fence shorter than a man’s height.

The drug lord bent down and disappeared behind the partition, as if he had been sucked into a drain pipe. [...]

Shorty’s escape was not prevented even by the fact that he was under round-the-clock surveillance, and video surveillance was carried out even in his cell. However, there were two “dead zones” in the room, one of which was located in the shower, said Mexico’s Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.

In addition, Guzman was wearing a special electronic bracelet that revealed his location. However, before escaping, the criminal managed to take off this device and leave it in the cell.

Shorty was last seen during a medical examination at 8:00 p.m. And an hour later he left prison. [...]

US authorities are demanding the extradition of Joaquin Guzman from Mexico. Former head perhaps the world's largest drug trafficking network, known under the nickname "El Chapo", was arrested a few days ago in his home Mexican state of Sinaloa- also the name of the drug cartel headed by Guzman.

Several years ago, the authoritative financial magazine Forbes named El Chapo one of the two most influential people Mexico on par with billionaire tycoon Carlos Slim. Many Mexicans believe drug trafficker and killer Guzman has too much influence in the country to end his days behind bars.

Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, nicknamed El Chapo, or "Shorty", with early years decided that, as the song says, " good deeds you can't become famous." Back in adolescence he became involved in the drug business and by the age of 30 had already become the head of a drug cartel, earning a reputation as a desperate and ruthless bandit. Many believe that in terms of influence and wealth, “Shorty” even sadly surpassed famous drug lord Pablo Escobar.

In 1993, Guzman was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking and murder. After serving eight years, he managed to escape. Authorities have announced a $5 million reward for help in the capture of El Chapo.

Shorty ended up behind bars again only in 2014, as a result of a special services operation. But in July last year, the drug lord escaped again: a one and a half kilometer long tunnel was discovered under his cell.

Authorities recently tracked Guzman in his home state of Sinaloa. Mexican commandos finally managed to capture him on January 8th.

“When I saw a lot of soldiers and then heard machine gun fire, I realized that something serious was happening,” he says local. “First there was a shootout, and then the soldiers, shining their lanterns, burst into the house. The whole neighborhood woke up, but no one was allowed to come close.”

The third arrest of El Chapo was another, but not the last chapter in this detective story.

Recently, Rolling Stone magazine published an interview with Joaquin Guzman. Hollywood actor Sean Penn. The interview produced the effect of a bomb exploding in society. As it turned out, in October, after the drug lord escaped, the actor met him in the wilds of the Mexican jungle. According to Penn, Mexican film star Kate del Castillo helped him organize an interview with Guzman. As it turned out, Shorty agreed to del Castillo's mediation, hoping for her contacts with film producers. Shortly before this, Guzman sent representatives of film studios a request about possible filming feature film based on his biography.

While drinking tequila, Guzman proudly told that his organization has a whole arsenal of all kinds of equipment for delivering drugs: trucks, boats, planes and even submarines. In general, as Sean Penn noted, “Shorty” did not at all give the impression of a wanted killer. Many observers were quick to call Penn's move "naive" and "risky."

“I don’t think Kate del Castillo is personally responsible for this, but I don’t think there was any need to do it,” said Mexico City resident Francisco Luz.

Perhaps Guzman's reputation as a rebel anti-establishment activist endeared him to Penn. But now the movie star may face two dangers at once: reprisals from Guzman’s accomplices and a potential lawsuit from the authorities of Mexico or the United States. Although on this moment Criminal law experts do not believe that the actor broke the law in any way by speaking with El Chapo. First of all, because he did not provide any assistance to the criminal.

Now Joaquin Guzman is placed in the same maximum security prison from which he previously managed to escape. US authorities are seeking the extradition of "Shorty". In America, the former drug lord could be charged with at least seven articles, providing for the most severe penalties.

Present Tense

TV presenter Yuli Guzman commented on his connection with the world's most wanted criminal Joaquin Guzman Loera

Western media were alarmed by the news: the world's most famous drug lord, Joaquin Guzman Loera, had escaped from prison. The 60-year-old Mexican did not want to serve his sentence and fled. A one and a half kilometer long tunnel was discovered under his cell. The story of “El Chapo”, the so-called Shorty, as the drug dealer is called for his small stature (by Russian standards, the height of the average person is 1.68 cm) amazes with the abundance of bloody scenes, romance and money.

Joaquin Guzman Loera. Photo: U.S State Department - whowhatwhy.org/de.wikipedia.org.

Joaquin was born into a peasant family in complete poverty. In the third grade he dropped out of school and helped adults grow questionable plants. In the 80s, despite illiteracy and lack of even secondary education, he became a student godfather Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. After his arrest, he did not lose his head and split the Sinaloa Cartel in no time, becoming the head of one of the organizations.

They tried to catch Loera so many times! In 1993, he was sent to the Puente Grande high-security prison for 20 years, but as soon as Shorty learned that the Mexican authorities intended to hand him over to the United States, he escaped.

In 2001, he escaped into a laundry car, hiding in a laundry cart. It was a carefully prepared plan - it seems that if he had simply walked out of the main gate of the surveillance facility, no one would have stopped him, everything was so captured.

The drug lord looked little like an ordinary prisoner; he led luxurious life: ran his cartel with the help mobile phone, invited prostitutes to his cell, hosted dinner parties at which guests were served lobster soup and steaks, and could leave the prison walls on weekends. To organize the escape, he bribed more than 70 people.

In 2004, an operation was being prepared to capture a drug dealer, everything was planned carefully, he simply could not leave. But Loera, apparently warned by a “mole” in the police, disappeared at the last moment. In 2005, his family was arrested, and again the Mexican managed to escape.

The constant pursuit of Shorty would have continued for a very long time, but in February 2014, the elusive “El Chapo” was detained at a hotel in the resort town of Mazatlan in western Mexico. Loer was handed over by his own - two trusted subordinates who ended up in the hands of the police. The entire operation to detain the drug lord lasted only three minutes; his wife was next to him at that moment, and Guzman himself looked confused and surprised.

The police were rubbing their hands with satisfaction - now the drug dealer will answer for everything. Loera stated that he did not understand what was happening, he was an ordinary farmer and was not a member of any criminal organization. However, a fingerprint check and a DNA test confirmed that he was the head of the Sinaloa drug cartel.

And this weekend, a drug lord escaped from prison. According to eyewitnesses, he was last seen in the shower room of the prison block. A one and a half kilometer long tunnel was discovered under his cell. Moreover, the underground manhole was equipped with fans, lighting and even a staircase. Who helped Loera escape remains a mystery. However, this is not the first time he has used tunnels - the drug cartel has built about 90 similar structures through which drugs are delivered from to...

Prison staff were brought to the prosecutor's office to testify. But the investigation has no leads yet. Law enforcement Mexico is on alert. Alerts on “El Chapo” have been sent to all police departments in the country. In the state of Mexico, aircraft departures from Toluca Airport are limited. A massive car check is underway near the capital.

And yet, Guzman Loera is free again. The world's most wanted criminal since the death of Osama bin Laden. Billionaire, ranked 24th in the ranking of the most influential people in the world. For his capture, a reward of $5 million was announced in the United States. So much money has never been given for the heads of the most notorious murderers.

Alas, in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, 62% of the economy is associated with the Guzman clan. Let us recall that the war of drug cartels in Mexico has claimed the lives of thousands of people: terrorist attacks, executions, beheadings, entire regions that are virtually beyond the control of the authorities...

“Work” in the cartel does not interfere with Shorty’s personal life: he was married three times and has nine children, only one of his sons is not associated with the drug trade. For the first time, Guzman tied the knot with the beauty Alejandrina Maria Salazar Hernandez, but they later separated. They had three children. The second wife of the drug dealer was Griselda Lopez Perez, who bore him four more children.

Loera has always been distinguished by his love for beautiful women and I didn’t intend to stop at two marriages. At 50, he married 18-year-old Emma Coronel Eispuro, winner of a local beauty pageant and daughter of the late drug lord Ignacio Coronel, one of the main suppliers of crystal methamphetamine to the American market. Emma gave birth to twin girls for Guzman. By the way, their wedding ceremony guarded by the Mexican army. And no one even tried to grab Loera then.

“Shorty” was never faithful to his wives; he had many mistresses. Almost every day he used the services of prostitutes, eating Viagra tablets like candy and painting over his gray hair, writes The Village.

“Egocentric, narcissistic, but also insightful, persistent and meticulous,” such psychological picture compiled about Loer in prison. He is very cautious and careful. For example, before visiting restaurants, his people persistently asked visitors to give them their mobile phones. After dinner, the drug dealer apologized, paid the bills of all clients, returned the gadgets and went home.

The local population composes the song narco corrido about Shorty - this is a kind of chanson. The following lines are dedicated to Guzman:

He sometimes sleeps in houses,

But often in tents.

Radio and rifles at the foot of the bed.

Sometimes a cave serves as its roof.

Guzman seems to be everywhere.

Moreover, videos for these songs are played on local YouTube, and CDs with songs sell in huge quantities.

An unexpected call to Yuli Gusman

As soon as it became known that the Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed “Shorty,” had escaped from a maximum security prison, we called our famous TV presenter, director, and founding father of the Nika film award, Yuli Solomonovich Gusman. And they asked (jokingly, of course) if he had a family connection with such an extraordinary gentleman.

My brother Mikhail and I often joke about this topic. Joaquin Guzman is not the first drug lord with our last name. A few years ago there was another one - Entoban. The fact is that the surname Guzman or Guzman is very popular in the Spanish-speaking world. She is like Ivanov, Petrov or Sidorov with us.

Once we traveled with Grigory Gorin across America with representatives of Russian radio. We received $150 between us and were happy. We were allowed to stay in Miami for a swim and a rest.

One day we were lying near a motel, near a puddle that replaced a swimming pool, and we saw Dmitry Krylov, the host of the “Bad Notes” program, coming out of a neighboring building with a camera on his shoulder. He says: “Come on, I’ll interview you, tell you how you live in Miami.”

Time has passed. His program was released. I look - Miami on the screen. Krylov tells how he met Grisha and me. And then he comments that nothing special happened with Gorin, but a lot happened with Guzman. And it shows how Guzman developed in the USA: a house with the name “Guzman”, an entire street, a yacht and even a theater in Miami that bears my name. I sit in front of the TV, pale with horror. This is the beginning of the 90s. Then the bandits came to fight. I called Krylov and made a scene. But fortunately, nowhere except in Azerbaijan - in my homeland - did anyone believe in my American “achievements”.

It's a shame, but I haven't even been to the Miami theater that bears my name.

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Mexican drug lord nicknamed "Shorty" escaped from the Altiplano maximum security prison.

Has everyone already heard about this on the news? The heroes of the famous TV series “Escape” would be jealous of this plan. On July 11, 2015, Shorty escaped from the Altiplano in the state of Mexico through an underground tunnel 1.5 kilometers long.

Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka drug lord and billionaire for a long time was the head of one of the most powerful Mexican drug cartels, Sinaloa, which supplied drugs to the United States. In 2011, he ranked 24th in the ranking of the most influential people in the world.

Previously, it was believed that escaping from this place was impossible. Let's see how he managed to escape?

Video: Who is “Shorty”

Drug lord's first escape

He has already escaped from prison once. In 1993, he was detained once and sentenced to 20 years in prison, but in January 2001 he managed to escape from prison.

From then until his capture, he was on the international wanted list of Interpol. In February 2014, he was caught by fighters Marine Corps Mexico in one of the hotels in Mazatlan. He was placed in a maximum security prison. But, as it turned out, not for long.

How the little guy ran away the second time

Prison perimeter and guard towers.

Video from El Chapo's cell before escaping from prison

This time he escaped from the highly guarded Altiplano in the state of Mexico through a 1.5 kilometer long tunnel. His escape has already cost the head of the intelligence service of the Mexican Federal Police his job, and 22 Altiplano employees suspected of possible involvement remain in custody.

(googlemaps)https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d4463.431190423161!2d-99.75111088468083!3d19.4208295460884!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024 ! 2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x85d27a3ef46dba8f%3A0xb691dcf6ab9c445e!2sCentro+Federal+de+Readaptaci%C3%B3n+Social+no.+1+Almoloya!5e1!3m2!1sru!2s!4v14727250 39853(/googlemaps)

"Altiplano" on the map from which "Shorty" escaped

This is what the shower and toilet look like in the cell from which Onko escaped.

Let's take a closer look at the soul.

In the floor of the shower “cabin” there is a hole into the underground corridor.

According to investigators, someone inside the cell provided El Chapo's accomplices with a detailed plan of the Altiplano so that they could accurately calculate the construction of a tunnel from a separate building in the field directly to the shower stall.

The tunnel is not simple, but with an air conditioning system. Inside is a trolley with a converted motorcycle for quick movement to the final point, after all, its length is 1.5 kilometers.

The builders knew their way inside very well. In order to accurately dig a tunnel under the shower, they could be guided using special GPS tags, as is done when building underground siphons and tunnels in the mountains. And only prison staff could do this.

In the famous "Shawshank Redemption", based on the story by Stephen King, Andy Dufresne dug an underground passage for 20 years and was not noticed in this matter. But this only happens in movies. IN real life It was impossible not to notice El Chapo’s preparations to escape, much less the very fact of his disappearance.

Video surveillance in the chamber.

This tunnel leads from the shower stall to an abandoned building, from where he managed to escape.

Oxygen cylinders in the tunnel.

Abandoned tools of the workers who dug this passage to freedom.

After 1.5 km the tunnel ends. The stairs lead up to an abandoned house.

Inside an abandoned house.

This is the exit from a tunnel in an abandoned house.

Aerial photograph of the house where the underground passage ended . The prison is 1.5 km away. Just a month ago it was believed that it was impossible to escape from it.

Interpol posted on Wednesday information about the search for Joaquin Guzman Loera, nicknamed Shorty, on its official website. Now more than 190 countries that are members of Interpol are searching for him.

After Guzman escaped, the entire Mexico City police force was put on enhanced duty, roads were blocked, buses and cars were inspected, and train and plane flights were suspended. All to no avail. Management suspected 18 prison employees of colluding with the criminal. They were immediately interrogated, but this also did not help. Police fear that if El Chapo sneaks into his mountain hideout in his home state of Sinaloa, he will never be caught.

Let your guard down

In 2014, the US government announced a $5 million reward for information about Shorty's whereabouts.

Video from the tunnel through which "Shorty" escaped

That same year, the drug lord went to jail. Then several hundred Mexican marines were sent to detain him. The mafioso believed so much in his elusiveness that he completely let down his guard.

He was detained without a single shot being fired. resort town Mazatlan on the coast Pacific Ocean. Then the operation to capture El Chapo also involved American management Drug Enforcement Administration and the US Marshals Service. For Washington he was and is of no less interest than for Mexico City, since his drug cartel is considered the main supplier of cocaine to the United States. The police tracked El Chapo for a very long time, gradually removing people from his circle. The work was complicated by the fact that “Shorty” is a very secretive person and organized a rather intricate communication system. It was almost impossible to track his phone. In the end, using a mobile phone signal, the police identified one of his closest associates, and then caught his personal courier. Thanks to the information received, it became clear where El Chapo was hiding.

According to experts, Guzman made one fatal mistake - he stopped hiding in the mountains, as he had done before, deciding that he could just as successfully hide in the city.

Top Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman Loera, nicknamed "El Chapo" (Shorty), has threatened to crack down on ISIS.

ISIS terrorists have clashed with the mafia again. Let us recall that during the terrorist attacks in Paris, terrorists ran into Colombian mafiosi who were on the international wanted list in one of the cafes.

And now terrorists have destroyed a large shipment of goods in the Middle East belonging to Mexican drug cartel "Sinaloa".

The leader of the drug cartel, the famous Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman Loera, nicknamed "El Chapo" (Shorty) now threatens terrorists" Islamic State"retribution.

This was reported by the Cartel Blog portal.

According to the publication, the head of the Sinaloa cartel was furious after learning about the destruction of a drug shipment belonging to the Mexican community by ISIS. Shorty recorded a message to ISIS terrorists and called such a move a serious mistake to interfere in the business of the Sinaloa cartel.

In addition, the drug lord's message states that his people will "require" the terrorists if they "continue to touch his business."

According to the portal, in recent years, large cartels from Latin America started doing business in the Middle East.

Joaquin Guzman "Shorty" Loera

Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, known as "El Chapo" ("El Chapo" - Shorty) (Spanish: Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera). Born December 25, 1954 or April 4, 1957 in La Tuna, Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Mexico. Mexican drug lord, head of the Sinaloa drug cartel.

From 2009 to 2011, Guzmán was ranked 41st, 55th and 60th, respectively, on Forbes magazine's list of the most powerful people in the world, making him the second most powerful person in Mexico after Carlos Slim.

After the death of Osama bin Laden, Guzman became the world's most wanted criminal.

In 2011 Forbes version Joaquin took first place on the list of the world's most wanted criminals.

Guzman Loera was the leader of the largest drug cartel in Sinaloa.

US authorities have announced a $5 million reward for the capture of Guzman Loera. This is one of the largest awards in history international struggle with the drug mafia. Joaquin began his drug trafficking career as a student of the famous Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo.

In 2011, Guzman was also included in the list of the richest people in the world according to Forbes at number 1,140. The magazine estimated the drug lord's fortune at $1 billion. Forbes called Joaquín Guzmán Loera “the largest drug trafficker in history,” and the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believes that Guzmán surpassed Pablo Escobar in terms of influence and wealth.

We add that Joaquin Guzman Loera escaped from the Altiplano prison in Mexico underground tunnel 1.5 kilometers long on the night of July 12, 2015. Since then he has been wanted. During the police operation to capture him, Shorty suffered injuries to his leg and face, but managed to escape.