Good stories make us better people

Three weeks ago I donated clothes to the homeless, and today, while walking in the park, I saw a woman wearing my shirt. I smiled at her and said: “Great shirt!”, and she smiled back and agreed: “Yes, I like it too!”

Sadie, a Shetland Sheepdog, always accompanied her adored owner Melvin. One fateful day in 2003, when he decided to start cutting down damaged trees around his house, the dog was also nearby. One old tree, falling, caught Melvin and crushed him. The shepherd ran into the house and called the owner's wife for help. While the rescuers were driving, the dog warmed the owner with its body and licked his face so that he would not lose consciousness.

My dad - best dad, which one can only dream of. He's perfect for mom loving husband, for me, a caring father who has not missed a single one of my football matches, plus he is an excellent master of the house. This morning I went into my dad's toolbox for some pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary.

The post was made exactly one month before I was born, and it said, “I am an alcoholic with a criminal record who dropped out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it.

My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would never see him again. About a day passed after I posted missing notices and a man called me and said that he had my cat. It turned out that he was a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a pay phone. He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.

During Olympic Games 1928 in Amsterdam, Australian rower Bobby Pierce, who was leading in the quarter-finals, suddenly slowed down his boat in front of a passing duck with ducklings. This allowed his opponent to overtake him by five lengths.

Nevertheless, Pierce was still able to win this swim and set an Olympic record.

Today I watched in horror from the kitchen window as my two year old son slipped while playing next to the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the collar.

I was riding in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had carried me to the department in his arms. Moreover, he violated many rules in order to quickly deliver me to the doctors, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

Today a little girl was brought to our hospital after being involved in an accident. She needed a rare blood type. IN Her parents and twin brother, who had the same rare group as her, came to the hospital. I explained to him that his sister needed blood and that it was a matter of life and death.

He thought about something for a second, and then, saying goodbye to his parents, he went with me to the ward. When we finished with him and I told him that he could rest, he suddenly asked me: “How? Am I not going to die?

That is, at the moment when he agreed to sacrifice his blood, he was sure that it would kill him. But for the sake of his sister, he was ready to give his life.

Today I caught a taxi, but when I got there I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and had nothing to pay with. Then the man who ran up to the taxi to take my place paid for me. I asked him how I could pay him back and he gave me an addressed card saying, “You can leave them here.” When I arrived at this address in the evening, I saw that this building charitable foundation.

My father, in order to pay off his mortgage, decided to sell his 1969 Camaro, which he had always loved. A wealthy collector came in response to an advertisement. He examined the car and asked his father why he was selling it. He explained that he had nothing to pay his debts with. The collector paid the money for the car, and then said that he needed to get something from his trunk, got out, got behind the wheel and drove away, leaving the Camaro with his father.

I was on the subway and I saw him coming in a little boy, about five years old, and lies down on the empty couch, just lies down, there are no more places.

Then the rest of the people come in and swear: “Well, boy. How can this be!? He lay down here, there’s no room for anyone else!” But he lies there and doesn’t listen to them. Then his mother comes in with heavy bags, the boy gets up and says: Sit down, mommy, I was guarding your seat!

Today my son hugged me and said: “You are the most best mom in the world!" Then I asked him: “Why did you decide this? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world to me!”

Four months ago I was diagnosed with baldness. A month later I lost my hair. I was scared to go to school, I thought everyone would stare at me.

The next morning I heard a knock on the door and ten of my friends were standing on the porch with their heads completely shaved. Two of them are girls...

Toby, a golden retriever, surprised even experienced rescuers. Toby's mistress choked on a piece of apple and tried to get rid of suffocation in the well-known way, hitting herself on the chest and back. When the woman began to lose consciousness, Toby jumped on her chest and hit her with his paws with all his might. The unfortunate piece of apple jumped out, and the woman was able to breathe.

Today I saw this: mother and daughter got on the bus. The girl looks at her mother and loudly says to the whole bus: “What a pity there are no empty seats.” A young guy gives way to her. She again told the whole bus: “What a pity that there is no place for mom.”

A week ago I stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. At that moment, a drunk man with a puppy on a leash was crossing the road. He walked very quickly, almost dragging the puppy along the ground. He whined, but did not stop wagging his tail and keeping up with his owner. The man went to the store and tied the puppy at the entrance, when he wanted to follow him, the man kicked him hard: (This made me angry, I untied the puppy, put it in my backpack and ran home. Mom has dreamed of a puppy all her life, now the plush miracle lives with us, we won’t allow anyone to raise a hand against him! And tomorrow we are moving to another city, so no one will find us!

Today I wore new shoes for the first time. It rubbed terribly, and I came back from school barely dragging my feet. And opposite my house there is an ambulance building, when they have lunch, they often hang out in my yard, because... there is a grocery store there. I’m walking through the yard limping, and one guy (a doctor or an orderly, I don’t know) asks: “Girl, what’s wrong with your leg?”, I said, so and so, he: “Let me help you,” and not only did he carry He carried me in his arms across the entire yard and lifted me to the 5th floor! When I thanked him, I heard in response: “Our job is to help people.” P.S. crazy eyes, you should have seen the grannies sitting in the yard!

Mom asked for a white kitten for her birthday. I found it in the first advertisement in a group with “lost ones” - someone threw away a box in which there were 16 newborn kittens, including a white one. Caring guys took the box home to accommodate everyone over time. The announcement was 4.5 hours old. When I called to find out where I could pick up the cat, they told me that they were all sold out in 2 hours! 16 kittens sorted out in 2 hours! People, thank you for being there, you give me hope!

Every morning a dog gets on the minibus at my stop and drives clearly to the market, where he gets up and runs about his business. All passengers are touched by her. A fluffy ray of goodness on the morning minibus!

Once, when I was in 4th grade, I was riding a minibus to training. I hand the money to the driver, and instead of taking it, he asks: “How are you studying?” At first I was taken aback, then I replied that I was an excellent student (and it was true). The driver said: “Well then, keep the money for yourself.” I remembered this driver for a long time.

It happened in St. Petersburg. I was crossing the road and overheard a dialogue between my mother and small child. The child did not want to take his mother's hand. And then she told him that HE should take her across the road so that nothing would happen to her. This was a very useful observation of mine, because I will soon become a mother myself.

When I asked my grandmother, which person was the most significant in her life, I hoped that she would say - grandfather or one of the children, but she said that this person was German soldier, who found her alone, six years old, in ruins, did not give her up, sometimes came to her and shared sugar and bread. He was scary, pimply, thin and without eyebrows. She didn’t understand him and was scared when he suddenly took her somewhere, but he simply handed her over in the village good people. If it weren't for him, our family wouldn't exist.

Today I'm taking a minibus. Another boring day. As usual, out of stupid habit, I move my lips, repeating the words after the singer in my headphones. And then I see: he’s just sitting extraordinary beauty boy! I look at him, I can’t take my eyes off him and intuitively I silently sing along “I think, I love you baby,” and he, apparently, noticed me and, also silently, seems to answer with a slight smile, “I think, I love you too.” Smile from ear to ear all day long.

I was 10 years old when I was trying to earn my first money. I crocheted napkins and sewed potholders. Then I handed them over to the house of creativity. And when they were sold there, they gave me my pennies. I was incredibly proud! And only when I was more than 30 years old did I find out that it turned out that it was my grandmother who went and bought all my “handicrafts” and kept them at her place.

Morning. A four-year-old son enters the room, holding his falling pants with his hands, and says: “Mom, I have bad news for you: I’ve lost weight,” but in fact the elastic band in my panties has burst.

Every day in the morning an old grandfather comes to our yard, always holds a package in his hands. With his appearance, the yard comes alive, local cats and their kittens run towards him from all sides, fawn over him, rub against his legs. He tries to pay attention to each one, strokes them, talks. Then he goes to the cups standing under the trees, cleans them, lays out the food, pours milk and fresh water. And the whole cat company goes to have breakfast. All this time, his wife is watching him from the window, preparing these breakfasts. They are both already over 70, but from each pension they allocate money for cat food, canned food and other food for cats. Every day, in any weather, he comes to feed them. When you meet him, you always want to thank him from the bottom of your heart, because he not only helps animals who have no home, he changed the attitude of the residents of the yard towards cats. Many began to feed them and try to give them a home. There is good!

Every person needs to be told good and bad things from time to time. good stories. And now just such a moment has come for you.

IN mall I accidentally overheard an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The man looked at the woman and said: “Olya, but we did it. We grew old together."

My brother is thirteen, and he has blood cancer. Dad took a year off so as not to leave his brother alone in the clinic. But he was paid a salary for a whole year! The New Zealand Police have wonderful people.

I was riding in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had carried me to the department in his arms. Moreover, he broke many rules in order to get me to the doctors faster, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

This summer, one warm evening, I went onto the balcony to water the flowers. And I accidentally touched the pot with my elbow and it flew down. A flower pot landed right in front of a passer-by, just a little more and... I was very scared and hid so that no one would see me. 10-15 minutes passed and the doorbell rang, my heart started pounding and I froze. Footsteps were heard outside the door... Everything became quiet.

I calmed down, decided to walk a little and check if maybe the flower could still be brought back to life. Opening the door, I saw... a new pot with my flower. This unusual human act became very dear to me as a manifestation of kindness and sympathy.

I live ten kilometers from the city, after ten in the evening there are no buses and I have to catch a ride for 200 rubles. So, I’m standing there along with about 15 other people, a car pulls up, a driver of Caucasian nationality, and takes with him a full cabin (4 people), including me, and takes me to Lesnaya Polyana, and when we gave him the money, he refused and said: “ Not a taxi driver and I didn’t care on the way))) And later I found out that he takes people home for free every day!!! It’s very nice to realize that people have humanity and kindness)))

My grandparents have been together since first grade. They are now 69 years old. I pray that I will have the same love someday. They walk holding hands, and grandfather wakes up grandmother every day with the words: “Larissa, today I love you even more than yesterday.”

Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans over and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.

My mother is over 50 years old and despite her painful joints, she works as a masseuse at school, because... there is a wellness center there. I'm on my feet all day, I do a massage for about 25 minutes, there are a lot of children during the day, so by the evening I have no strength and my arms seem to fall off from fatigue. One day to her initial appointment a boy from junior school comes in.

At the beginning of the massage, he was silent, thinking about something, but after 7 minutes he suddenly asked her the following question: “Do your hands get very tired and sore at the end of the day?", Mom replied: “Yes, very much...”. A minute later the boy suddenly gets up, starts getting dressed and tells her: “rest a little, I won’t tell anyone” and left. Mom was so amazed that she stood silently in the office for some time and did not even notice how tears of emotion ran down her cheeks. This is how well-mannered children are :)

My story is this: when I was in school, I stole food from the cafeteria every day. Everyone called me a beggar and insulted me. In fact, we did not live very richly and I every once I brought food for my little brother. Now that I’ve matured and gotten back on my feet, when I see old grandparents, seemingly lonely, putting money into their account through the terminal, 10-20 rubles each, I remember the number and give them another 100 rubles. Do it, guys. good!!! It will come back to you a hundredfold!!!

Friends, we offer you another selection of touching stories from the lives of people that can touch the strings of our souls and evoke warm feelings, and perhaps motivate someone to do good deeds just like that, for no reason!

* * * I recently went to a used bookstore and bought a copy of the book that was stolen from me as a child. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and saw that this was my stolen book. On the first page was my name and the signature of the grandfather who gave it to me. He wrote: “I really hope that in many years this book will fall into your hands again and you will re-read it.”

* * * Three weeks ago I donated clothes to the homeless, and today, while walking in the park, I saw a woman wearing my shirt. I smiled at her and said: “Great shirt!”, and she smiled back and agreed: “Yes, I like it too!”

* * * I have diabetes. Two years ago, my mother died and I took in her cat, Keith. Recently at three o'clock in the morning I woke up to Keith sitting at my feet and meowing. I had never heard him do it so loudly and insistently before. I got up to see what happened and suddenly I felt severe weakness. I grabbed a glucometer to check my blood glucose levels. It dropped to 53 while the doctor told me that normal level– this is 70-120. Later at the hospital they told me that if Keith had not woken me up, I might not have woken up.

* * * My dad is the best dad you can ever dream of. For my mother he is a wonderful loving husband, for me he is a caring father who has not missed a single football match of mine, plus he is an excellent master of the house. This morning I went into my dad's toolbox for some pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary. The post was made exactly one month before I was born, and it said, “I am an alcoholic with a criminal record who dropped out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it.

* * * My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would never see him again. About a day passed after I posted missing notices and a man called me and said that he had my cat. It turned out that he was a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a pay phone. He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.

* * * Today I watched in horror from the kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing next to the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the collar.

* * * I was riding in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had carried me to the department in his arms. Moreover, he violated many rules in order to quickly deliver me to the doctors, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

* * * Today a little girl was brought to our hospital after being in an accident. She needed a rare blood type. Her parents and twin brother, who had the same rare group as her, came to the hospital. I explained to him that his sister needed blood and that it was a matter of life and death. He thought about something for a second, and then, saying goodbye to his parents, he went with me to the ward. When we finished with him and I told him that he could rest, he suddenly asked me: “How? Am I not going to die? That is, at the moment when he agreed to sacrifice his blood, he was sure that it would kill him. But for the sake of his sister, he was ready to give his life.

* * * Today I caught a taxi, but when I got there I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and had nothing to pay with. Then the man who ran up to the taxi to take my place paid for me. I asked him how I could pay him back and he gave me an addressed card saying, “You can leave them here.” When I arrived at this address in the evening, I saw that this was the building of a charitable foundation.

* * * A large stray dog ​​followed me from the metro almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy appeared from somewhere with a knife in his hands and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog pounced on him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I'm home, safe and all thanks to that dog.

* * * Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans over and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.

* * * I always wear a seat belt while driving. But today I had to get the cards out of the glove compartment and I unbuckled my seat belt. As I bent over, a long aluminum pipe fell out of the back of the truck that was parked at the traffic light in front of me. She broke the windshield and crashed straight into the driver's seat, right into the place where my head had been a second ago. The policeman who arrived at the scene was amazed for a long time at how lucky I was.

* * * Today, when I was sitting on a bench in the park, I saw an elderly couple. They stopped their car under an old oak tree, turned on jazz music and began to dance a slow dance. They held hands and did not take their eyes off each other. They then got back into the car and drove away.

* * * Today I saw in the supermarket young guy. He had two gift cards and used them to buy several video games. As he was about to leave, the cashier told him that he still had $12 left on his card. Then he returned to the store, took a bouquet for 10 dollars and, having paid for it with a card at the checkout, gave it to the cashier. For a long time she could not wipe the smile from her face even after he had already left.

* * * Today my son hugged me and said: “You are the best mom in the world!” Then I asked him: “Why did you decide this? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world to me!”

The more we get to know the world and treat it and everyone living on our planet with Kindness and understanding, the happier we ourselves become because good returns to the giver.

I work in a bank and that day I was behind the cash register...

At exactly eight o'clock, as soon as they opened, an elderly man approached. I started asking about my partner who worked yesterday. I explained who it was and he handed over the money, a little more than two hundred rubles, and said that my partner had counted his change incorrectly yesterday, and he couldn’t sleep because of this, since she would have to pay the shortfall from her own pocket, he decided to give them return immediately. These are the kind of good regular clients we have. It was so nice that I smiled at everyone all day. Thank you!!! We have sooo many such stories in our bank. And I noticed: that if I do good to someone, someone will definitely help me in some way, or vice versa. Help each other!!!

She clearly has no legs at all, because her skirt is above her knee and it’s clear that there’s nothing there. And she comes in beautiful skirt and a blouse, well-groomed, with makeup and smiling from ear to ear. I was so surprised, this is strength... and here we have become so gloomy with our problems.

I live ten kilometers from the city, after ten in the evening the buses don’t go and I have to hitch a ride for 200 rubles...

So, I’m standing there along with about 15 other people, a car pulls up, a driver of Caucasian nationality, and takes with him a full cabin (4 people), including me, and takes me to Lesnaya Polyana, and when we gave him the money, he refused and said: “ Not a taxi driver and I didn’t care on the way))) And later I found out that he takes people home for free every day!!! It’s very nice to realize that people have humanity and kindness)))

I want to tell a story after which our whole family believed that good people still exist...

The fact is that about 5 years ago my parents were driving from Yakutsk to Rostov-on-Don by car. We were moving then, and they decided to travel one last time, to see Russian nature. It was autumn. At night, mom and dad slept, and at dawn they rode again. And as you know, there are no roads in our country, especially where the government does not drive. So, on some off-road section, some kind of belt breaks (I don’t know much about cars). Dad decides to hitch a ride and go to a car service center to get the belt. And no one stops, as if out of spite, and it’s already getting a little dark on the street and there’s no point in walking, since dad would only get there in the morning.

Then, as dad says, he understood why people were passing by; he was dressed in work clothes and, of course, with an overgrown beard. In general, according to my dad, he “looks like a homeless person.” And yet, luck smiled at him; an elderly man stopped. They agreed that they would take dad to a car service center and he would catch another ride there. Meanwhile, my mother was sitting alone in the car, praying and waiting for a miracle. But then the man suggested, what if the belt doesn’t fit? And he said that he would take him to the car and until dad started the car, he would not leave.

And as if his words were a prophecy, the belt turned out to be short. So these golden people took mom and dad to their house, fed them and put them to bed. And in the morning, the man and dad went to a car service center and bought a suitable belt. The parents did not know how to thank their saviors. They flatly refused money, and dad noticed that the side mirror on their old car was torn off and bought it as a gift. I don’t know what would have happened if it weren’t for these golden people! I really want there to be as many caring people as possible who are not afraid to do good deeds. I believe in us people and in our kindness.

My story is this: when I was at school, I stole food from the cafeteria every day...

Everyone called me a beggar and insulted me. In fact, we did not live very richly and I brought food to my little brother every time. Now that I’ve matured and gotten back on my feet, when I see old grandparents, seemingly lonely, putting money into their account through the terminal, 10-20 rubles each, I remember the number and give them another 100 rubles. Do it, guys. good!!! It will come back to you a hundredfold!!!

Today my daughter and I entered a subway car, there were almost no empty seats, and the last empty seat closest to us was occupied by a boy of 8-9 years old, who entered with his dad in front of us...

Dad saw us and nodded his head in our direction to the boy and signaled to his son. The boy stood up, walked up to my daughter and said: “Sit down!” It was so nice!))) When I saw another free seat, I went up to them and said that it was free, dad said: “It’s okay, we’re already adults, we’ll stand” and winked at his son, to which he smiled so sincerely as a child and happily. These are the kind of men we need to raise, parents!))

For my 16th birthday, I was given a lot of balloons, and we also decorated the apartment...

In general, the birthday passed, and there were a lot of balloons left, but my friend and I found a use for them - we collected everything in an armful and went to give it to the children on the street =) What a joy it was! Many did not believe that it was just like that, someone was shy until we ourselves approached, but the happy faces of the children inspired us so much :) And on the way back we walked and saw all “ours” walking with balloons, it’s a wonderful feeling to bring joy to someone.

My mother is over 50 years old and despite her painful joints, she works as a masseuse at school, because... there is a wellness center...

I'm on my feet all day, I do a massage for about 25 minutes, there are a lot of children during the day, so by the evening I have no strength and my arms seem to fall off from fatigue. One day, a boy from elementary school comes to her for his initial appointment. At the beginning of the massage, he was silent, thinking about something, but after 7 minutes he suddenly asked her the following question: “Do your hands get very tired and hurt at the end of the day?”, Mom answered: “yes, very much...”. A minute later the boy suddenly gets up, starts getting dressed and tells her: “rest a little, I won’t tell anyone” and left. Mom was so amazed that she stood silently in the office for some time and did not even notice how tears of emotion ran down her cheeks. This is how well-mannered children are :)

I was on the subway, I saw a little boy, about five years old, come in and lie down on an empty couch, he just lay down, there were no more seats...