September 25th, 2015 , 02:03 am

Silouan of Athos is an amazing Saint. This is a Russian man in the world Semyon Ivanovich Antonov, born in 1866 in Tambov province. Since his youth, Semyon Antonov has dreamed of joining the Kyiv Lavra and becoming a monk, but he does not receive his parents’ blessing for this and goes into the Army as a soldier. He serves in St. Petersburg, where he writes a letter to St. John of Kronstadt asking for prayer so that he can become a monk. God saw the desire of Semyon Antonov, who became a monk on Mount Athos at the age of 26, and later a holy elder.

He died on Mount Athos at the age of 72 in 1938. Even before the conanization, people coming to Athos revered Elder Silouan as a saint. He was canonized in 1988 by the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and in 1991 his holiness was recognized by the Moscow Patriarchate.

Today people turn to Elder Silouan in prayer for severe headaches in order to cope with insurance, in a variety of life circumstances and needs. The book about him is a treasure trove of soulful reading. The icon of Silouan of Athos with a particle of relics is located in Moscow, in the Athos Compound, st. Goncharnaya, 6. Taganskaya metro station (circular).

They also pray to him:
*At a loss what to do
* On the enlightenment of the peoples of the earth
* In case of divisions between believers
* In insolence and disobedience
* For vainglorious thoughts
* With unforgiveness of insults and remembrance of evil
* In grief over insubordination and the gift of humility
* About deliverance from pride and humility of heart
* In sorrow for God
* In desperation
* When love for neighbors cools
* On correcting the infirmities of others:
o About the proud and the obstinate
o About the envious
*About the peace of the whole world
* On the reconciliation of warring parties

The Monk Silouan of Athos has now become one of the most revered in Orthodox Church Russian saints, as evidenced in particular by the inclusion in various Orthodox calendars Memorial Day of St. Silouan ( September 24) among the most important Orthodox holidays. Many Russian believers turn their prayers to St. Silouan and receive support and help in their needs.

In particular, there is numerous evidence that the Lord, through the prayers of St. Silouan of Athos, provides believers with special help in increasing love, reconciling and pacifying those at war, calming hostility, liberating from unbelief, and converting the lost and unbelievers.

And during his life in this world, St. Silouan especially prayed for humble love (especially towards enemies), considering such love “the last and most reliable criterion of truth in the Church”

Through prayers for the softening of evil hearts and for the pacification of warring ones, St. Silouan provides assistance, first of all, in softening one’s own evil heart, which very often helps the actual pacification of the warring parties.

Rev. Silouan also has the special grace to provide assistance in liberation from unbelief that troubles the soul. Even during his life in this world, he devoted a lot of time to prayer for the whole world, for the salvation of the world. He said, in particular:

“The Lord wants to save everyone, and by His goodness calls the whole world. The Lord does not take away the will from the soul, but with His grace pushes it towards goodness and draws it to His love. And when the Lord wants to have mercy on someone, He inspires others with the desire to pray for him , and helps in this prayer. Therefore, you should know that when the desire comes to pray for someone, it means that the Lord Himself wants to have mercy on that soul and mercifully listens to your prayers."

“The Lord wants everyone to be saved and to be with Him forever, and therefore listens to the prayers of a sinful person, for the benefit of others, or the one who prays.”


Book " Elder Silouan"helped many people come to faith, both in Soviet time , and in our days, about which there is also numerous evidence.

Being with the Lord in heaven, the Monk Silouan effectively helps everyone who turns to him in prayer in various needs and infirmities.

Interview with the antiprosop of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery at the Holy Cinema of Athos, Hieromonk Kirion (Olkhovik), one of the two Holy Mountain residents accompanying the relics of St. Silouan of Athos.

Father Kirion agreed to talk, noting before that he never gives interviews, but now he takes it as obedience. All his composure and taciturnity reveal the spirit of the Holy Mountain. His movement through the streets during the days when the relics are in Russia is complicated by numerous questions, requests for prayerful help and requests for spiritual advice. Father Kirion answers very quietly, with his eyes downcast.

— It is significant that in the year of the 100th anniversary of the presence of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos and the days of celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. Silouan of Mount Athos, his relics arrived in our country for the first time. What significance does the bringing of the relics of this saint have for Russia?

“You see, in the spiritual world nothing happens by chance. And in this moment, when a Russian Orthodox person and Russia as a whole require spiritual help, the Lord determined that his saint - the Monk Silouan, a native of Russia, from deep Russia (Tambov province) should come to help and strengthen the people, because the situation now is truly turbulent, this can also be felt on Athos.

— Is the spiritual heritage of St. Silouan relevant today? To modern man Is it clear what he is talking about?

- Very relevant! First of all, the teachings of Saint Silouan are valuable for us, the Holy Mountain inhabitants who reside on Mount Athos, and for monks in general, because he is the patron saint of monastics. It is even more relevant than the legacy of many other elders, because he is our contemporary, our compatriot. He very deeply, but at the same time simply examines all the issues that modern monasticism faces. However, in simple and accessible language he responds to the needs of modern secular society.

— You were in the homeland of the Monk Silouan in the village of Shovskoye...

- Yes, they reconstructed it there parents' house. By this day, a large restoration work, was bought from a private person and put in order land plot on which the house stands. This was done by Mother Juliania (Kaleda), abbess Conception Monastery. In the house where the monk grew up, we were shown a hook on the ceiling; apparently, a cradle was attached to it, in which the mother rocked the venerable Silouan as a baby. The house has low ceilings and a Russian stove. It is interesting to see the nature in which he was brought up, to feel the atmosphere in which the saint grew physically and spiritually. We met with his relatives. They say there are still about twenty relatives left, but everyone lives in different places.

- Moscow is last point your journey...

- Yes it last city. The relics will remain here for a few more days, and on the 24th, the day of memory of St. Silouan of Athos, we fly home to Athos. On this day the brethren will wait for the monk to worship him.

— What was your impression of the trip? How did people greet you? Interested to know which one you found? modern Russia, because a person who has lived on Mount Athos for many years sees everything differently.

- Here's what caught my eye: western culture penetrates into Russia. The trends that we see in Greece penetrate here too. This is the spirit of the times, and there is little that can be done against it. I found Russia back in old times, and the current picture is very different from the Russia I left.

I was also impressed by the piety and reverence of the believers. They come with their own spiritual problems, which everyone has always had and still has. And the Monk Silouan, as a healer and helper in bringing people to God, accepts everyone - he has such a mission. Well, for us monks, such long departures from the monastery are very difficult. But seeing what spiritual benefit the Monk Silouan brings to those who come to him, we are strengthened, this inspires us.

Together with the relics, she left the monastery walls for the first time miraculous icon Savior. The Monk Silouan prayed before her, and one day, during such prayer, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared to him. Now everyone can venerate this icon.

- A lot of people are coming to the relics?

— At the moment, the figure is 200-220 thousand people.

— Can you tell us a little about the technical side of such a large-scale event as the bringing of relics? How is organization and transportation carried out?

- Well, firstly, you need to go through documentary procedures. You need to obtain permission from the Council of Elders of the monastery, then permission from the Holy Kinot of Holy Mount Athos (the central executive council governing body of Holy Mount Athos - ed.) and permission from the Ecumenical Patriarch. All this is documented, certified, and obligations are given from the Russian side that order, security and transportation will be ensured.

— Are the relics themselves placed in some kind of special armored ark?

- No, there is nothing like that, the relics are in their usual ark, but it is accompanied by monks from the Holy Mountain and representatives of the security services, they monitor everything that happens near the relics.

— During the bringing of the honest Belt to Russia Holy Mother of God, there were people who did not approve of this. However, during the period of the shrine’s stay and after a long time, the Lord performed obvious miracles through it, and many changed their views. Have similar cases been noticed at the relics of St. Silouan?

— With such miracles the Lord shows the Triumph of Orthodoxy. But the fact is that visible healings are not decisive and important factor, because the most important thing is the healing of a person from sin, spiritual healing. What I observed were the screams of the possessed. When spirits torment a soul, this manifests itself very intensely at the relics. The spirits are afraid of the grace of God, which is present at the relics, they are indignant and begin to demonstrate it.

I saw people's peace, inspiration, enlightenment. Maybe some things that happen to people are simply not advertised or are discovered later. When the relics of the healer Panteleimon were brought to Russia, many healings were revealed, but people wrote to us about them only after a lapse of time.

— Now we are celebrating the millennium of the presence of Russian monasticism on Holy Mount Athos. Why is this presence so important and valuable?

— According to historical data, our monasticism has been on the Mountain since the time of Prince Vladimir. Even the Byzantine emperors were interested in this; this can be traced from some documents; this fact is recorded by historians, including Greek ones. The 1000th anniversary is still a conditional date. We take the year 1016 as our starting point, because in the act of the Great Lavra for February of that year, among the twenty-two signatures of the abbots of the Athos monasteries, there is the signature “Gerasim the monk, by the grace of God presbyter and abbot of the monastery of Ros.” But probably, Russian monasticism originated on Athos even earlier. And from that time on, a whole galaxy of Russian Holy Mountain residents appeared, who brought Russian experience into the general Athos spiritual treasury. Among the Russian monks there was a whole host of people who became famous for their holiness, including the Monk Silouan of Athos.

Russian monasticism has brought a lot of benefits to the cause of spiritual growth.

— Tell us a little about the Panteleimon Monastery itself on Mount Athos. What is he like now? When you arrived there in 1987, it was in a difficult situation.

— A lot has changed. Firstly, over the 20th century our monastery has undergone great severe trials both in terms of material and human resources. The monastery, one might say, was deserted. In those years of hard times, we suffered from fires, from floods, from the fact that the routes to us were cut off, the authorities Soviet Russia They forbade people to come to our monastery; Greece also had its own problems. Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, our Russian monasticism, which numbered about five thousand people throughout the Holy Mountain, began to die out, the elders left, and almost no young monks came. And when we arrived, there was great desolation there. Now everything has changed, since the mid-90s the revival of the monastery began, the monastery has been landscaped both from the inside and from the outside. Of course, all this is pleasing to the eye. His Holiness Patriarch during his visit to us on the occasion of the celebration, he noted changes in better side. He came to us when he was still an archimandrite, and found the monastery in those difficult times.

— Continuity and traditions have been preserved in the monastery, although in many monasteries this thread was severed due to persecution and execution of the clergy. Not so long ago, your abbot, Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah, passed away to the Lord...

- Yes, we are orphans. Our father passed away at an old age, at the 101st year of his life, he passed away unexpectedly, we hoped that he would overcome all his human infirmities and stay with us for a while longer, but he left us. Now the election of a new rector is coming, and we ask all the saints to help us in this. The abbot must be not just a manager, but a mentor of his spiritual family.

- Certainly! He always encouraged that there should be peace, cooperation and love among each other. Only in an atmosphere of peace and love can the younger generation grow spiritually. After all, the Lord said, where two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of you.

— And finally, tell us what they pray to St. Silouan of Athos. This will be useful for those who are going to come and venerate his relics.

— What a person will ask for depends on his spiritual level. If a person is of an infant spiritual age, he will ask for something worldly, and the Lord will condescend to this. A person who is stronger spiritually will ask for help in spiritual life. And the Monk Silouan will hear the requests of everyone who, with sincere faith in God, asks for his intercession.

Today, August 31, the relics of St. Silouan of Athos, which will go to Bryansk. Archpriest Vladimir Bashkirov, Doctor of Theology, Professor of the Minsk Theological Academy, spoke about the theological teachings of St. Silouan of Athos and how his works can be useful to Christians living in the world.

Father Vladimir, let's take a closer look at the personality of St. Silouan of Athos. What can a modern person learn from the life of the saint?

Venerable Silouan of Athos is a saint of the 20th century. He died in 1938 and spent almost his entire adult life on Mount Athos. This is not even a life in the classical sense, it is a biography that was left by Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov). He was a student of the Monk Silouan for approximately 13 years, heard him, saw him and diligently wrote down his words. The biography consists of these notes. In it, Archimandrite Sophrony, as a person truly gifted with writing talent, highlighted a number of elements that are instructive for everyone. He described some episodes, simple in themselves, but in which the wisdom of the Monk Silouan of Athos was manifested. He wrote that the Monk Silouan was an illiterate man, from a peasant background, but possessed of a beautiful and insightful mind.

Everything that Silouan said looked like aphorisms, for example, praying for people means shedding blood. Or, for example, a Christian cannot have enemies; for him there are only people who have known God and those who have not known God. Or here’s another episode cited by Sophrony (Sakharov) in the biography of Silouan of Athos, who spoke about the sacrifice that Christ made, and cited as an example the story of a monk who once recalled that as a child he fell ill and through delirium heard a conversation between his mother and father. The mother said: “I feel so sorry for our boy, my heart is breaking, I’m ready to give my life for him, if only our boy gets well.” Silouan of Athos said that the Lord gave His life in the same way, with the same pity, with such compassion, with the depth of penetration into human sorrow, so that you and I, through sharing in His suffering, would inherit salvation.

Or, for example, an episode about smoking. The Monk Silouan was once traveling on a train, a merchant was sitting next to him, he took out a cigarette case, silver, beautiful, opened it and invited the Monk Silouan to smoke. The monk replied: “I don’t smoke.” The merchant reasoned: “Well, father, it’s very good to smoke, it helps to concentrate, helps a person relax. It’s good for a person.” The Monk Silouan replied: “And you try to read the Our Father, for example, before you smoke. The merchant says: “Well, father, how can you read a prayer before smoking?” The Monk Silouan says to him: “You see how, This means that any task in which prayer does not occur should not be started." Such are the episodes associated with his life. They help a person look at his life differently. If you read his biography, and it is written in simple language, then the person will understand how to behave in different situations. The Monk Silouan had many visitors who found themselves in trouble, in poverty, and did not know what to do. He found words for them, wise decisions, and provided spiritual assistance. They left him inspired.

Not everyone knows the biography of St. Silouan of Athos. What can you say about the personality of the reverend?

The Monk Silouan of Athos is one of the most famous saints of the 20th century. His relics are kept in the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Athos; he labored there all his life, worked at the mill, and his cell remains there to this day. This man became famous for his amazing ascetic feat, which he performed in simplicity and without any aplomb. He simply did his job, worked at the mill, carried sacks, ground flour and was in a state of continuous prayer. This feat of his led to the fact that he was enlightened by Divine light and acquired some inner spiritual vision of Divine truths. Hence the wisdom he possessed. Being an illiterate person, he spoke such amazing words, expressed such thoughts that, sometimes, it took your breath away. This amazing phenomenon- the phenomenon of holiness. When a person does nothing but fulfill the commandments of God. He lives according to his conscience, and this life leads to the fact that a person enters into close communication with God, cognizes the Divine reality, it becomes a reality for him. A person's inner vision opens.

Silouan of Athos was canonized 50 years after his death, in the 80s. He was glorified by the Greek Church. Silouan of Athos is a saint who is revered throughout the Orthodox world.

Father Vladimir, please comment on the words of St. Silouan of Athos: “Keep your mind in hell and do not despair.” How should this phrase be understood?

This is one of his aphorisms. With these words, he simply confirms the well-known old truth that we must remember death. There are two moments that depend on each other and are important in spiritual life - the memory of death and the memory of God. With this Silouan of Athos speaks about sinfulness, about what a person can expect after death if he does not try to free himself from sins, which will contribute to his approach to God, communication with God, which is prayer. Although this phrase “keep your mind in hell and do not despair” sounds paradoxical. Because the main quality that will distinguish those who will be in hell is despair, and despair is the absence of hope. When a person has no hope, this is a state of spiritual despair. In this case, the Monk Silouan of Athos means something completely different. That if you keep your mind in hell, you will always remember death and you will gain hope in God, you will have a memory of God. This is the same as what is said in the parables: “Remember the last day and you will never sin.”

On Athos there is a tradition when, after death, a monk is lowered into a grave, and he remains there for 3 years, after which the remains are removed. If they are freed from the flesh, then everything is fine with the person, he has been accepted into the Heavenly abodes. If flesh still remains on the remains, then they are buried again. The head of St. Silouan of Athos is in a special chapel on Athos, where the relics of other saints are located. The main thing is that when turning to the saint, touching his head, miracles happen, people receive consolation, spiritual food, people feel that they are not touching dead bones, but through this touch there is a meeting with the saint, who communicates with them through the part left after him his body.

- In your opinion, why go to venerate the relics of a saint if you can call on his name in prayer?

You can pray to the saint, it’s your will. You cannot force a person to go to the relics. If he walks, it means he has an internal attraction to it. He may not understand why he is doing this, but he intuitively goes, understanding that there will be a meeting with a saint. I will tell you an episode from my life. When I was in Jerusalem, it was a long time ago, we were brought to the monastery of Sava the Sanctified, where a meeting with the abbot was supposed to take place. The abbot was late and we were asked to go to the cathedral to pray at the relics. I was then the youngest member of this delegation. It was my turn. I approached the relics, they were opened to us. I had my own problems, which I began to express before the relics. I had the feeling that I was being listened to carefully. That the saint not only listens to me, but also understands what I say and what I want. I walked out in amazement. I felt as if I was talking to a living person. This is what probably motivates people when they come to the relics and try to touch the shrine.

This year Orthodox believers celebrate significant date– a millennium of Russian monasticism on Holy Mount Athos. Why is this anniversary so important for us?

The 1000-year presence of Russian monasticism on Athos organically fits into the monastic feat, the monastic tradition of Athos. But, on the other hand, through the Russian monks who visited the Holy Mountain, the experience of Athos monasticism spread throughout Rus'. The first of the Russians who came to Athos, according to historical information, was Reverend Anthony Kiev-Pechersk, founder of Russian monasticism. He received a blessing on Mount Athos to establish monastic traditions in Rus'.

Russian monks brought books and literary works from Athos, which were not known in Rus' even then. Books such as, for example, the works of the fathers of the Russian Church, the works of ascetic writers who were translated into Slavic language. These books were distributed throughout Rus', thus, Russian literacy is directly connected with Athos and with the Athos book tradition. In addition, Russian monks who visited Mount Athos acquired the ability to live as Christians there and became an example not only for monks, but for all people. Greek monks also came from Athos, for example, Maxim the Greek, he graduated from the university in Venice, knew several languages, ancient languages, Italian, French. He was invited to edit books, but the works that he left in Rus', having endured a painful and miserable life, since he was not understood here, still amaze with their depth and completeness. These works have recently been republished.

IN Lately the decline of Russian monasticism on Athos is recorded, but, nevertheless, we also record the presence there amazing people. Such as, for example, the Monk Silouan of Athos, Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), Archbishop Vasily (Krivoshein) - these are all ascetics, but ascetics of a different kind. If, say, the Monk Silouan of Athos is, indeed, an ascetic and ascetic, then these others are learned men. Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) is an ascetic in the field of asceticism and spiritual life, and Archbishop Vasily (Krivoshein) is in the field of research. He left behind significant works on the analysis of the legacy of Gregory Palamas, a church writer of the 15th century, and Semeon the Theologian, and he deeply penetrated their methodology for understanding Divine Revelation. These are significant works. Therefore, we say that the 1000-year history of Athos is not so much the history of the Russian presence on Athos, but the presence of Athos on Russian soil. And we state how much this presence of Athos on the Russian land and the Russians on Athos mutually enriched each other and how fruitful and blessed it was for Russian Christianity.

The Monk Silouan of Athos has now become one of the most revered Russian saints in the Orthodox Church, as evidenced in particular by the inclusion in various Orthodox calendars of the day of remembrance of the Monk Silouan (September 11/24) among the most important Orthodox holidays. Many Russian believers turn their prayers to St. Silouan and receive support and help in their needs.

In particular, there is numerous evidence that the Lord, through the prayers of St. Silouan of Athos, provides believers with special help in increasing love, reconciling and pacifying those at war, calming hostility, liberating from unbelief, and converting the lost and unbelievers.

And during his life in this world, St. Silouan especially prayed for humble love (especially towards enemies), considering such love “the last and most reliable criterion of truth in the Church.”

Through prayers for the softening of evil hearts and for the pacification of warring ones, St. Silouan provides assistance, first of all, in softening his own evil heart, which very often greatly helps to truly pacify the warring parties.

Rev. Silouan also has the special grace to provide assistance in liberation from unbelief that troubles the soul. Even during his life in this world, he devoted a lot of time to prayer for the whole world, for the salvation of the world. He said, in particular:

The Lord wants to save everyone, and in His goodness calls the whole world. The Lord does not take away the will from the soul, but with His grace pushes it towards goodness and draws it towards His love. And when the Lord wants to have mercy on someone, he inspires others with the desire to pray for him, and helps in this prayer. Therefore, you should know that when the desire to pray for someone comes, it means that the Lord Himself wants to have mercy on that soul and mercifully listens to your prayers.

The Lord wants everyone to be saved and to be with Him forever, and therefore listens to the prayers of a sinful person, for the benefit of others, or the one who prays.

O wonderful servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you by God, tearfully pray for the entire universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not remain silent for us to the Lord, who diligently fall to you and touchingly ask for your intercession ( names). Move, O all-blessed one, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Most Blessed Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, who miraculously called you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly city, where God’s chosen one beseeches God for our sins, merciful and long-suffering, so as not to remember our untruths and iniquities , but according to the ineffable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to spare and save us according to His great mercy.

She, servant of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the World - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and Her holy ascetics, ask the saints for the Most Holy Word of the Holy Mount Athos and its God-loving desert inhabitants from all the troubles and slander of the enemy in the world. Yes, the Angels deliver the saints from evil and strengthen them in faith and brotherly love with the Holy Spirit, until the end of the century they pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and show everyone the saving path, and the Earthly and Heavenly Church constantly glorifies the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God.

Ask the people of the whole earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, a spirit of humility and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, a spirit of fear of God. Let it not be malice and lawlessness that harden the hearts of men, which can destroy the love of God in men and cast them into godless enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and truth, as in heaven and on earth, hallowed be the name of God, may His holy will be done in men , and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth.

So also for your earthly Fatherland - the Land of Russia, ask, servant of God, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, covered by the omnipotent omophorion of the Mother of God, to get rid of famine, destruction, cowardice, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and from all enemies visible and invisible, and thus in the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God, until the end of the century, he will remain in the power of the Life-Giving Cross and be established in the inexhaustible love of God.

For all of us, who are immersed in the darkness of sins and warmth of repentance, who have no lower fear of God and who constantly insult the Lord who loves us immeasurably, ask, O all-blessed one, from our All-Bountiful God, so that with His Almighty divine grace He will visit and revive our souls, and all May he abolish the malice and pride of life, despondency and negligence in our hearts.

We also pray that we, strengthened by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, in philanthropy and brotherly love, in humble crucification for each other and for everyone, may be confirmed in the truth of God and well-behaved in the gracious love of God, and will draw closer to Him who is filial. Yes, so, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporary life, let us walk the path unashamedly and with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom and His Lamb we will be honored.

To him from all earthly and heavenly be glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father, His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 2

Seraphim's love for the Lord, ardent zealot and Jeremiah, for the people weeping, zealous imitator, all-blessed Father Silouan, you, I call to the Mother of the Lord of strength, heed the sinful serpent with wisdom and you wisely vomited out the sinful serpent and you withdrew to Mount Athos from the vanity of the world, where in labors and prayers with tears the grace of the Holy Spirit is abundantly acquired. With it, ignite our hearts and strengthen us with a tender cry: My Lord, my Life and Holy Joy, save the world and us from all evil ones.

Kontakion, voice of the same

Proud confessor of humility and love for mankind, kindness warmed by the Holy Spirit, beloved Silouan of God, the Russian Church rejoices in your struggle, but the monks of Mount Athos and all Christian people, rejoicing, rush to God with filial love. Pray for us, equal to the angel of God, so that we may be saved, imitating you in the burning of love.

Personal petitions

Servant of God, Father Silouan, remember us in your favorable prayers before Christ God, may He protect us from temptations, illnesses and sorrows, may He grant us humility, love, reasoning and meekness, and may He vouchsafe us, unworthy, His Kingdom. Amen.

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Silouan! Look upon us (names), humble and weak, and burdened with many sins, for your help and consolation of those asking: approach us with your mercy and help us (content of the petition). We now place our hope in you, merciful father: lead us to the unevening light of eternal life by your favorable intercession at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Servant of God, Reverend Silouan! I pray to you, your servant (name), seek mercy from God and our Savior Jesus Christ, so that through your prayers he will grant me (the content of the petition) forgiveness of all my sins. Amen.

O holy and blessed one, Reverend Father Silouan! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners (names), intercede, so that through your prayers we will be worthy (the content of the petition), and together with you we glorify and glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Monk Silouan of Athos, (in the world Semyon Ivanovich Antonov) was famous for his miraculous gift of healing. After death, his spirit helps people with severe and fatal cancer recover. Prayers to Silouan of Athos heal people.

Prayer will be given to the one who prays, as it is written in Holy Scripture, but prayers, rather out of habit, without heartfelt contrition are not pleasing to the Lord. Therefore, prayer must come from the whole heart. Only from the heart does the deep prayer of a petitioner come.

Saint Silouan helps warriors not to lose their strength and improve their health. On the contrary, he protects peaceful people from wars and all sorts of enemy machinations.

People who are tormented by envy, people who have addiction, pain or passion also pray to this saint. For severe headaches, for various drug or alcohol addictions. With sinful passion. Therefore, not only the person himself can pray, but also for him.

Whoever loves the Lord God will never forget Him, and the memory of our Lord gives birth to prayer. If you remember the Lord, then you will not stop praying, and if there is no prayer, then the soul will remain without the love of God, because only through prayer will the goodness of the Holy Spirit come. Prayer protects a person from sins, because the thoughts of the person praying are occupied with God and in all humility the soul of the person stands before the face of the Lord God, Whom the soul of the person praying knows.

This is what St. Silouan says.

They pray to Silouan of Athos if a person is at a crossroads and does not know what to do.

  • In case of disobedience and insolence for yourself and for your loved ones.
  • When there is a great offense and there is no way to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
  • With strong vanity.
  • When pacifying pride.
  • In great despair.
  • In grief.
  • If it is not possible to forgive the offense.
  • In sorrow for God.
  • With the weakness of your neighbors.
  • When love cools.
  • About world peace.

The prayer will be stronger if you venerate the relics, which, like the icon of St. Silouan of Athos, are located in the Athos courtyard of the St. Panteleimon Monastery in Moscow.
After the publication of Sophrony Sakharov’s book about Elder Silouan of Athos, many pilgrims, including from abroad, began to come to venerate the relics and read a prayer to St. Silouan.

Troparion to St. Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Seraphim's love for the Lord, ardent zealot and Jeremiah, for the people weeping, zealous imitator, all-blessed Father Silouan, for you, I call to the Mother of the Lord of Powers, heed, you wisely vomited out the sinful serpent and you withdrew to Mount Athos from the vanity of the world, where in labors and prayers with Having abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit through tears, it inflames our hearts and strengthens us tenderly with you: My Lord, my Life and Holy Joy, save the world and us from all evil ones.

Kontakion to St. Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Humility of wisdom, admirable confessor and kindness warmed by the Holy Spirit, O beloved Silouan of God, the Russian Church rejoices in your struggle, but the monks of Mount Athos and all Christian people, rejoicing, rush to God with filial love. Pray for us, equal to the angel of God, so that we may be saved, imitating you in the burning of love.

Prayer to St. Silouan of Athos

O wonderful servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you by God, tearfully pray for the entire universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not remain silent for us to the Lord, who diligently fall to you and touchingly ask for your intercession (names). Move, O all-blessed one, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Most Blessed Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, who miraculously called you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly city, where the chosen one of God begs God for our sins, merciful and long-suffering, so that our untruths and iniquities are not remembered , but according to the ineffable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to spare and save us according to His great mercy. To her, servant of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the world - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and Her holy ascetics, ask the saints for the most holy Word for their earthly lot holy mount Athos and its God-loving desert dwellers will be preserved in the world from all the troubles and slander of the enemy. Yes, the Angels deliver the saints from evil and strengthen them in faith and brotherly love with the Holy Spirit, until the end of the century they pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and show everyone the saving path, and the Earthly and Heavenly Church constantly glorifies the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God. Ask the people of the entire earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, a spirit of humility and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, a spirit of fear of God. Let it not be malice and lawlessness that harden the hearts of men, which can destroy the love of God in men and cast them into godless enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and truth, as in heaven and on earth, hallowed be the name of God, may His holy will be done in men , and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth. Likewise, for your earthly Fatherland - the Russian lands, ask, servant of God, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, covered by the omnipotent omophorion of the Mother of God, to get rid of famine, destruction, cowardice, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and from all visible enemies and invisible, and thus remain the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the age, the Life-giving Cross by the power, and be established in the inexhaustible love of God. For all of us, who are immersed in the darkness of sins and warmth of repentance, who have no lower fear of God and who constantly insult the Lord who loves us immeasurably, ask, O all-blessed one, from our All-Bountiful God, so that with His All-powerful divine grace He will visit and revive our souls and all evil and may he abolish worldly pride, despondency and negligence in our hearts. We also pray that we, strengthened by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, in philanthropy and brotherly love, in humble crucification for one another and for everyone, may be established in the truth of God and well strengthened in the gracious love of God, and will draw closer to the filial One. Yes, thus, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporary life, let us walk the path unashamedly and with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom and His Lamb we will be honored. To Him from all earthly and heavenly be glory, honor and worship, with His Beginningless Father, His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.