When considering sexual compatibility according to a horoscope in a synastric chart, the analysis must be carried out by considering three levels - the lowest (sex), middle (eros) and highest (spirituality).

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Pluto and Moon

The lower level is sex, which is determined by the pair Pluto and the Moon. It is desirable that Pluto belongs to a man, and the Moon to a woman. In matters of sex, it is important to consider the position of these planets, and not just the traditionally considered aspects between Mars and Venus. Pluto is the open expression of our instincts, our subconscious or, more precisely, the unconscious libido. The Moon is a direct expression of emotional nature, unaccountable feelings.

To analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, first of all, let’s analyze each of the partners to the question - how does each of them individually relate to sex? Let's look at what prevails in the cosmogram - Yang or Yin, or perhaps Dan.

Yang: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Yin: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

With a YIN cosmogram, you will have a very, very negative attitude towards sex. For the YAN cosmogram, sex will be a thrill. DAN - the attitude will be indifferent.

Let's assume that in your man's chart there is a square between the Moon and Pluto. Quadrature is a YAN aspect, which means he will have a very, very positive attitude towards sex.

If a man’s Pluto is quite strong and positive in karmic status, the Moon is average and weakly negative in status, then between them there is a Yang aspect and the cosmogram is also Yang. Then we can say with confidence that he has a moderately positive attitude towards sex, that is, “with coolness.” We cuddled - good, no - also good, I'll sleep. But still, during certain transits of the Moon to the natal Moon, a spermatosaurus may awaken within it for a while. And then in contact he will be frantic and tireless.

Some negativity of the Moon in a man’s cosmogram with an intelligent woman will only contribute to the development of self-confidence in him. Self-confidence not only in the field of sex, but also in many other equally important areas of his activity. If he feels sexy enough normal person, his self-esteem rises, and this is always good

If a man has a YIN cosmogram with his data described above, then he will not persistently seek sexual contact. He will not seek contact in an annoying and boring manner, explaining its necessity, but will simply wait for the partner to “fall on his head.”

Suppose a man has a weakly evil Pluto, the Moon is strong and kind. The aspect between them is YAN and the cosmogram is YAN. Such a man treats all women well, he is kind and courteous, and even a knight somewhere, but having “broken off” with one or two partners, he will come into contact with a woman for the third time only in two cases: the YAN aspect of transit Mars to natal Pluto or under the strong lunar influence of a woman - this usually leads to very long-term sexual relationships in which the man is not quite a man, and the woman is not quite a woman. There is no struggle for leadership here, everyone takes their place, everything is good here, everything is smart here.

And the last option: the same man, but with a YIN cosmogram. This is already clearly impotent. Pluto is weak, the Moon is strong and kind. He has no concept of the psychological and physical difference between men and women and treats both sexes almost equally. This is a truly kind, cultured person, ready to help everyone and in everything, except the issue of sex, of course...

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Mars and Venus

The second level of sexual compatibility is a pair of Mars and Venus. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is necessary to mention two types of love: passion and spiritual love. We consider male Mars and female Venus. Again, the same question - am I capable of earthly love, of passion? Let's see, if there is no aspect between the planets, then it means he is not capable.

Analyze your cosmogram and start comparing it with your partner’s cosmogram. If Mars and Venus interact in the cosmograms of partners, then a connection of an emotional nature arises, i.e. satisfaction or dissatisfaction, harmony or disharmony of relationships.

Mars carries within itself the active principle, Venus, naturally, the perceiving principle. Let's assume that the cosmograms of the partners have the same beginning, let's say - YANG, Mars and Venus are also connected by the YANG aspect, let's say by opposition. Great, in the normal version this is a mutual complement. Venus has no mind, Mars has no mind, what is marriage based on?

If Mars is “lower”, then this is instinct, the passion of possession, and in this case love will be a frantic passion. Venus is ready to accept everything, like a YIN planet, and Mars is ready to give all its instincts, all its strength, all its rage. If Mars is so “low”, animalistic, instinctive, then this marriage will be based on the fact that Mars gives, and Venus takes, saves.

If only there is an imbalance in level, i.e. Venus is not only perception, but also the beginnings of love, and love is always bestowal, and Mars will remain at the same level. There will be an imbalance.

Or vice versa: Mars rose “up” - controlled will, Venus sits and waits, and he sits, draws a cosmogram. She will wait and wait and go to bed. That's it, the alliance is over, the levels have diverged.

But the following option is also very possible: a man’s Mars is in a YAN aspect to a woman’s Venus, and a man’s Venus is in a YIN or creative aspect to a lady’s Mars, and in this case, love is not quite love. Unusual Love. Elements appear that are not characteristic of it. For example, slavery, dependence, despotism and more. Love doesn't allow this. Well, how are love and slavery compatible??

To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is important to look at the nature of the planets: it’s bad for Mars in Taurus, because Mars is a violent planet, and in Taurus it is in exile, i.e. inside. And in this case, a person always has to control himself.

Mars fallen is the same problem, but multiplied N times, it's all inside. Fallen Venus in Scorpio is somewhat different - this is also internal love, but in Scorpio it is aggressive love, subjugating love, love that does not disdain any means to enslave that same Mars.

Sexual compatibility according to horoscope: Sun, Moon and Neptune

The next level of sexual compatibility is the highest, which involves the Sun of a man and Neptune of a woman, the Moon of a woman - Neptune of a man, and this is one of the highest forms of love, ideal love. Highest form love has no real object and refers to some transcendental levels of feelings for which Neptune is responsible. Here, in general, the object is not so important, but what is important is what a person thinks about the object.

Drawing a line before the above-described levels of sexual compatibility, it should be noted that we must first analyze how a person perceives sex in general, and then consider sexual compatibility.

Full analysis will be able to help every couple understand each other, avoid disappointments and betrayals in the future. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is important to add that mutual arrangement Lunar nodes, Lilith and Selene also play a huge role. And these points can radically change both the quality of compatibility and its direction.

Elena Isaeva, astrologer

People meet, sympathy arises between them, and later - a feeling of passion and love. Not everyone thinks about how much the zodiac signs of their lovers will influence the further development of the relationship.

The impact on the sexual and love aspect of life of people of the planet Venus is especially strong. There is even such a concept as Venus compatibility; you will learn about what it is and what it is like from the material below.

Venus has a very powerful effect on the state of the sensory sphere human life, as well as compatibility in love and sexual aspects between different constellations.

At the same time, the planet shows its influence equally on representatives of both sexes. But its influence on each zodiac constellation will be different. It is by these indicators that one can determine a person’s sexual temperament, his propensity for casual relationships, or, on the contrary, loyalty and decency.

After reading the material below, you will better understand yourself and your partner, which will help you understand your relationship. As a rule, it is customary to say that Venus resides in one or another sign of the Zodiac (for example, Virgo, Leo, and so on).

Location of Venus in different zodiac signs

Venus in Aries

When Venus is located in Aries, we can talk about its very weak influence. Of course, this does not mean that this zodiac sign is incapable of experiencing feelings of love or is characterized by reduced sensuality. It’s just that love energy is present in a person’s life in not very strong form. But this indicator will increase if a person meets his soul mate, whose sexual temperament is higher.

In the variant of the location of Venus in Aries, unfortunately, in some cases a person may not experience serious feelings all his life. It is extremely important that he meets a partner who will love him without any “buts”. This will help a person discover and express his sexual potential.

Venus in Taurus

In this position, the sensory component of the personality is normal. Taurus has powerful sexual energy and is capable of experiencing feelings of love. Such individuals generously share their energy with representatives of other constellations and are able to ignite fiery passion in other signs.

It is very important that such a person finds a suitable partner who will not only “pump” energy out of him, but will be able to harmoniously supplement it with his own.

Venus in Gemini

Geminis are distinguished by great curiosity in matters of love and sex. They often do not know how to draw boundaries of what is permissible and what is forbidden. Such individuals strive to try everything in life, even if “everything” is quite strange. Geminis easily find sexual partners, but it is extremely difficult for them to start long-term relationships. It is difficult for them to find suitable people with whom there will be harmonious interaction.

Leos are ideal for Gemini for a stormy and passionate romance.

Venus in the sign of Cancer

In almost all situations, Venus in the constellation Cancer has a negative influence. The problem is that Cancers lack the sexuality and sensuality that most partners need. They are able to love with more maternal than passionate love. They consider sex a necessity for marriage, but do not look for a source of pleasure in it.

If there is a connection with energetically similar signs, for example, Aries or Libra, then there may be no attraction at all in the union. Venus in Cancer is an unfortunate option for marriage, but ideal for friendship.

Venus in Leo

Capable of doing real magic. Leos are naturally strong, proud, and do not admit defeat. Their tolerance is greatly reduced in matters of love and sex. Weaker signs will be wary of Leo and will not dare to build relationships with them. And for those of similar strength, all the ardor of Leo will be a pleasant surprise.

Very good compatibility is established between Leo and Gemini, who need constant experimentation. But you need to be careful, because Venus in Leo will make such a person a womanizer.

Venus in Virgo

This position of Venus is disappointing. These people are unfamiliar with the feeling of love. They evaluate their partners more on personal qualities and strength. Virgo needs to be loved - then she will blossom before our eyes.

Venus in the sign of Virgo has a weak influence on intimate life. Being impressed by her partner, Virgo will be active for some time, but later will let go of the situation.

Venus in Libra

Libra speaking strong sign. They can often give the impression of being cold and devoid of passion, but in reality this is not true. Representatives of this sign know how to amaze a loved one with the help of their charms. Having passed the Libra test, you can be sure that in such a couple there will be joy, love and beautiful courtship.

Venus in the sign of Scorpio

This is a fairly harmonious position of Venus. Scorpios have a feeling of sincere and pure love. They pay enough attention to the desires of their partner. Plus, Scorpios are interested in sincere relationships, they court for a very long time and beautifully. At the same time, Scorpios sense deception very well.

Sexually, Scorpios like active partners who are ready to experiment. They cannot stand passivity.

Venus in Sagittarius

The presence of Venus in Sagittarius is very similar to the situation with Aries. The only difference is that Sagittarius is often inclined to manipulate his love and intimacy. But this does not mean that these people do not know the feeling of love and pleasure; it is simply important for them to find the ideal partner. They need beautiful courtship.

Venus in Capricorn

This position of the planet will add to Capricorn an increased sense of the importance of a loved one. These people are not characterized by a frivolous attitude; they always think through all the pros and cons in possible relationships very well. Shows openness and honesty and is not prone to betrayal.

Capricorns are gentle and passionate. They are also very wise and often predict their lover’s behavior in advance.

Venus in Aquarius

Aquarians have a rather difficult time moving through life, as they often encounter misunderstandings from others. They have a rather weak temperament and do not like to talk much.

Sexually, Aquarians can be proactive until they get bored with this initiative (and this happens quite quickly).

Venus in Pisces

Pisces are distinguished by jealousy in the love sphere. A partner is quite valuable for such people; they are very afraid of separation. Therefore, they often agree to very bold experiments.

Pisces are distinguished by liberation in terms of sex; they tolerate betrayal very hard. Such people cannot be called cold, because they have quite harmonious and balanced love and sexual spheres. Pisces often dream of such passionate and faithful partners as Leo, taking his activity personally. But this is not true in all cases. Indeed, Leos and Pisces are distinguished by very good compatibility, but the unbridled ardor of the first partner can destroy everything.

Pisces are distinguished by their romanticism; they readily accept almost any people. And this is precisely what makes them often defenseless in front of the world around them, which is very cruel.

To complete the topic, watch this interesting video:

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Chapter from the book “Astrology of Relationships” by Sergei Shestopalov. It presents the results of many years of research - the author’s methodology for determining compatibility in marriage and other types of partnerships. Eight types of psychological interactions have been identified.

The main method for determining the compatibility of subjects. Interaction blocks

Belonging to a sun sign in matters of compatibility determines mutual understanding between people. Lack of mutual understanding can be overcome. Over the course of long-term interaction, spouses learn to understand each other. This is evidenced by the divorce numbers - even in the worst cases (Taurus man and Cancer woman), half of the marriages are stable. The influences of other planets can tip the scales in one direction or another: conflicting planets can make understanding difficult, while good planets can improve it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, being a sexual planet female horoscope if the partner is well aspected by the sexual planets, he receives significant reinforcement, which to some extent improves the situation.

The main contribution to the interaction of horoscopes is made by major aspects. The energy of minor aspects is insufficient to ensure the proper level of activity, both in sexual and in psychological relationships. The minor aspects are too weak for this.

To predict relationships in marriage, one should take into account those blocks of interactions that ensure the stability and duration of the union, and are not significant for other types of relationships between people.

Psychological interaction

The next information block of personal interaction is psychological. It is expressed by mutual understanding, sincerity, a feeling of sympathy and mutual kindness, care, tenderness and affection. This type of interaction between people is determined by the participation of the following pairs of planets: Venus or the Moon of one person’s horoscope with Venus or the Moon of another, the Sun in one person’s horoscope with the Sun in the horoscope of another. In relationships, Venus will determine sympathy, tenderness, affection and sympathy. Moon – kindness, spiritual gravity, care and attention. The sun is mutual understanding, a common view of the world, a similar philosophy. This type of interaction - psychological - does not have a decisive influence on the stability of the union, but if there are harmonious aspects, it indicates a good friendly disposition of people towards each other. The presence of disharmonious aspects between these planets does not lead to serious contradictions and breakdowns in relationships, although it can somewhat darken the psychological atmosphere between partners.

Sexual interaction

As mentioned above, the sensual, emotional basis of sexual relations is provided by the sexual planets, and Venus in the horoscope of men, the Sun and Mars in the horoscope of women. When assessing sexual relationships in a couple, we must first consider the interaction of these particular planets in their horoscopes.

Amateur astrologers often passionately insist: male potency is Mars!

Why did Ptolemy think differently? Undoubtedly, he possessed information from the field of medicine and physiology. Let's turn to these sources too. When talking about potency, physiologists and doctors mean the ability to have an erection. The male genital organ, as is known, is not a muscle, but is a collection of cavernous bodies belonging to the venous system. Filling the cavernous bodies with blood and providing an erection. The muscles are ruled by Mars, while Venus is responsible for the venous system. The Moon controls the circulation of fluids in the body, their inflow and outflow to a specific organ. If the penis were a muscle, there would be no problem of impotence, since a person can contract any muscle in his body voluntarily. Potency is a consequence of the health of the vascular system. Consequently, male potency is provided not by Mars, but by the participation of Venus and the Moon. Therefore, when considering sexual interaction, we will look at the positions of Ptolemy.

Naturally, harmonious aspects will determine the harmony of sexual relationships and emotional-sensual interaction. Disharmonious aspects create tension in the sexual sphere and intensely intense sensual relationships, which are called passion. Passionate relationships cannot be long-term. Intense interactions of sexual planets in horoscopes lead either to psychophysical exhaustion or to a discrepancy between the sensual desires of two people. Simultaneous implementation of these states is also possible. Therefore, for long-term unions, including marriages, the presence of disharmonious aspects will be an unfavorable factor. With regard to such an aspect as a conjunction, it is necessary to take into account which planets create it. A conjunction with the Sun can most definitely be attributed to harmonious interactions, while a conjunction with Mars will be positive in assessing sexual relationships, but negative for psychological interactions. Particularly evil is the conjunction of Mars with the Moon. Mars can hurt the Moon and bring her to tears.

Analysis of cases of disharmonious interactions of sexual planets allows us to clarify ideas about squares and oppositions when assessing sexual relationships. The opposition does not look uniquely negative; the partners will sexually satisfy each other. A completely different result will be determined by the influence of quadrature: partners will not be sexually satisfied with each other.

We will reveal these provisions based on our own research. There is an important astrological basis for the above statistical generalizations. It is known that the highest sexual need is conveyed to their owners by female signs belonging to the elements of Earth and Water. The most sensual signs are those related to the element of Water. The earth, having a high sexual need combined with restraint, easily responds to the calls of the water element, but is characterized by the slow development of arousal.

Sexual need refers to the ability to have frequent sexual relations and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Male signs of the elements of Fire and Air do not have such a high sexual need. Air signs are the least sexual. At the same time, the most unsexual signs are Gemini and Aquarius. However, Fire, not inclined to private sexual contacts, has a high temperament and is able to ignite Air. Therefore, sexual relations between representatives of the elements of Fire and Air are harmonious. We emphasize that sexuality is assessed not by the sun sign, but by the position of the sexual planets in the signs of the elements.

From this it becomes clear that the conjunction of sexual planets will provide the same sexual need, due to the location of the planet in the same sign. An exception is a conjunction separated by a sign boundary, in which one planet is at the end of one sign and the other at the beginning of the next. In this case, sexual interaction will be characterized by different sexual needs, since the planets will fall into the signs of unfriendly elements. But this connection option is quite rare.

Trine also provides a similar sexual need, which follows from their belonging to the same element of the sexual planets of the partners.

Sextile determines the interaction of friendly elements with equal sexual need: Water with Earth, Fire with Air.

The same applies to opposition, although this is a tense aspect. This is a tense interaction of signs with equal sexual need, so opposition can be considered as an aspect acceptable for marriage.

And finally, the square creates a tense interaction of unfriendly elements with different sexual needs: Fire and Air with Water or Earth. Such a sexual union is definitely disharmonious.

A significant non-astrological factor that leaves an imprint on sexual relationships is the health of partners and age. If one of the spouses is much older than the other or is sick and the illness affects potency, then intimate relationships may not exist, despite the good interaction of the sexual planets. In this case, favorable aspects of the sexual planets will produce sexual emotions that create a sensual basis for relationships without real sex, which can cement a marriage.

Analysis shows that no matter how unsuccessful the interactions of sexual planets may be, this is not the reason why unions are destroyed. There are many examples of sexually disharmonious couples who maintain a family for decades without receiving proper sexual satisfaction, but do not think about separating. They may have connections on the side in secret from their partner, and sometimes they don’t even hide it. However, the union does not break up. What is the reason for such a relationship? Why don’t crashes and dramas happen in such marriages? The answer is given by a painstaking astrological analysis of the horoscopes of such couples. The fact is that relationships in marriage are not limited to sex alone. Only in unsuccessful movies do they try to impose on us a simplified model that demonstrates the destruction of the family due to sexual dissatisfaction and adultery. IN real life this reason occupies one of the last positions in long list reasons for divorce.

Gender interaction

The next integral block that forms the foundation of this technique is the astrological accounting of behavioral interactions associated with gender. This type of interaction can be expressed in one term, which has received active use in the last 2 years, due to the interest of psychology in behavioral differences at the sex level - gender. In addition to sexual interaction is the gender compatibility of a man and a woman, which is determined by the external manifestation of sexuality.

This compatibility block allows you to assess how much the interaction between a man and a woman, taking into account their gender characteristics, but minus the sexual component, reveals the potential determined by gender, namely, female femininity and male masculinity.

Male planets in a male horoscope characterize masculinity, male behavior, and male behavioral reactions. Female planets in the female horoscope - femininity, feminine behavior, female behavioral reactions. Femininity and taste, the external attractiveness of the weaker sex depend on the Moon and Venus in a woman’s horoscope, and external masculine qualities and masculinity are determined by the Sun and Mars in a man’s horoscope.

Therefore, the interaction of the male planets - the Sun and Mars - male horoscope with female planets - the Moon and Venus - the female horoscope is characterized by external behavioral, or gender, compatibility. The study of gender compatibility in horoscopes allows us to determine how much a particular woman allows her partner to reveal his best masculine qualities, whether in her presence he becomes not a boy, but a husband, whether he feels like a man with this woman.

It is also possible to assess to what extent a particular partner reveals a woman. Does it allow this man show a woman his truly feminine traits, express his femininity to the fullest, realize his ideas about taste and beauty and whether he will help her achieve perfection in this.

When Venus and the Moon of a woman interact with the Sun and Mars of a man, one or another type of behavioral compatibility arises. This interaction primarily determines the harmony of mutual behavior, which includes complementarity in appearance and behavior, consistency in movements, external manifestations of care and attention towards each other without mutual physical attraction. With good gender interaction, a man and a woman are perceived by others as harmonious couple, constituting a single whole. When there is a disharmonious interaction between them appearance may contradict each other. They can dress, ignoring the joint result; it has been noticed that such couples never walk holding hands or arm in arm. In companies they behave independently of each other and are so successful in this that strangers perceive them as strangers and are extremely surprised to find spouses in these people. People around them do not see them as a married couple.

The same man, regardless of his external characteristics, in the presence of one woman can feel like a macho, because she arouses these qualities in him. And in the presence of another, look feminine, infantile and sexless. In the same way, a woman, even if she is not the personification of beauty, in the presence of one man blossoms like a flower and looks like the embodiment of femininity, and in the presence of another she can feel like a being of the middle sex.

Love Formula

Another important type The relationship between a man and a woman is associated with the presence or absence of a love formula in the interaction of their horoscopes. In this case we are talking about the elements of the 5th house of one horoscope and the elements of the 7th house of another horoscope. The lords and planets of these houses are considered as elements of houses, and sexual planets also take part, which act both as elements of the 5th house and as elements of the 7th house.

The analysis is carried out based on the study natal charts partners. In the case of a predominance of disharmonious interactions of the above elements, the union, as a rule, does not become a marriage. This picture is observed in the case of so-called civil marriages - long-term relationships without registering the union. If there are harmonious interactions between these houses, unions become stronger, and civil marriages get a chance to be registered.

It should be noted that the formula of love, the interaction of the V and VII fields of the horoscopes of a man and a woman, can be created by non-sexual planets, which speaks in favor of the fact that love is not limited to sex. If the latter were the defining moment, then all men would marry exclusively representatives of the most ancient profession.

Conflict interaction

As we said above, sex is one of several components of a union, and not the most important one. Research results have shown that most often marriages are destroyed due to conflicts. The latter is determined by the interaction of conflicting planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. These same conflicting planets destroy relationships not only between lovers and spouses, but also partnerships, allies, and business relationships. Conflict planets burden any type of relationship.

The type of conflict depends on the planets causing it.

Thus, the intense interaction of Mars between two subjects leads to conflicts in which a desire arises to cause pain or physical harm to the partner. This type of conflict requires close physical contact.

The intense interaction of Mars and Jupiter produces an explosive type of interaction with a very loud, noisy manifestation. By breaking dishes, slamming doors, shouting and blaming, and, if possible, using firearms. At the same time, if Mars tries to cause pain and cause physical damage, then Jupiter strives for menacing sound and light effects, organizing maximum noise and scandalous manifestations.

The disharmonious interaction between Mars of one subject and Saturn of another can be quite dramatic. It creates extreme hatred and malice. Mars, as in all other interactions, tends to physical contact, and Saturn burns with hidden hatred and silent contempt with clenched teeth.

The tense aspect of Mars of one subject with Pluto of the other gives the danger of violent actions towards each other. Mars strives for physical harm or pain, and Pluto must give a worthy rebuff to the aggressor.

The disharmonious interaction of Jupiters speaks of accusations against each other and furious slamming of doors and rattling of chairs.

The intense interaction of Jupiter with Saturn gives rise to cruel and unfair accusations of the most terrible sins.

The Jupiter of one, damaging the Pluto of the other, gives rise to conflicts, accompanied by violent indignation and unfair accusations.

The intense aspect of Saturn with Pluto gives rise to a type of conflict in which neither is inferior to the other. Pluto does this demonstratively and publicly, challenging his partner to his face. Saturn is silent, tough and irreconcilable, he resists, not giving in even in small things.

Two Plutos occur in conjunction between cosmograms of the same age. Among other tense aspects, a quadrature is possible, which assumes a difference in age between subjects of 40-45 years. This type of conflict will manifest itself as dictatorship; everyone will strive to insist on their own, dictate and assert their will.

Seal of happiness - misfortune

The presence of a stamp of happiness or unhappiness in the interaction of subjects’ horoscopes, in contrast to psychological compatibility, can significantly affect the entire sphere of relationships. In terms of its significance, this block of interaction is comparable to the block responsible for conflict.

We are talking about the aspects of Saturn and Jupiter in the horoscope of one subject to the Sun and Moon of the partner’s horoscope.

In ancient astrology, Jupiter was called “great happiness.” Hence, the harmonious aspects of Jupiter to the Sun or Moon of a partner make this person happy, giving him a feeling of fullness of life. We called these aspects “the seal of happiness”; they give happy unions.

Saturn was associated with dark influences, evil fate, and was considered a “great misfortune.” The damage that Saturn inflicts on the Sun or Moon in a partner’s horoscope brings misfortune to the latter and has received the intriguing name “the seal of Satan.” This aspect brings disharmonious, unhappy relationships. We called it the “seal of misfortune.”

In accordance with the essential nature of the luminaries, a conjunction with Jupiter in astropsychology is always good, and a conjunction with Saturn is evil. In this case, the tense aspects of Jupiter to the partner’s Sun or Moon are not considered and do not have significant significance, as well as the harmonious aspects of Saturn.

According to our observations, Jupiter, through harmonious aspects, gives the partner’s Sun and Moon energy, a charge of vigor and optimism, as a result the person feels happy. The influence of Jupiter is especially strong in harmonious aspects to the Moon. When performing this aspect, one person has a healing effect on the state of mind of another. And, conversely, Saturn, through aspects to the partner’s Sun or Moon, has a depressing, overwhelming effect, as a result of which the partner feels unhappy.

The presence of the “seal of happiness” and the “seal of misfortune” has several refractions in the horoscopes of two interacting people. A variety of combinations of relationships are possible, when one feels happy and the other does not, when one is unhappy and the other does not feel any oppression. Sometimes there are unions in which Saturn of one horoscope damages the Sun or Moon of another, and Jupiter of the second creates harmonious aspects to the Sun or Moon of the first. In this case, the first one feels happy with the second one, and the second one feels unhappy with the first one. There are also mixed influences of one person on another, when Saturn damages the Sun or Moon in the partner’s horoscope, and Jupiter creates harmonious aspects to them. In this variant, one subject brings both happiness and unhappiness to his partner.

It seems logical to develop this technique, supplementing it with the introduction of the concept of “small happiness,” as the influence of Venus was called in ancient times. But this type of interaction falls either into the block of sexual relations, or gender, or into the block of psychological correspondence (Venus-Moon). Similarly, interpreting the Sun as a good planet to describe happy unions leads us to the already described blocks of relationships. Using aspects of another evil planet- Mars - to the Sun and Moon of the partner does not carry a large destructive charge, similar to Saturn.

From our point of view, based on painstaking analysis, the contribution of the influence of Mars is not significant enough in the formation of unhappy unions and does not deserve such consideration.

Naturally, not all unions are endowed with the stamp of happiness. In real life, there are a large number of marriages marked with unhappiness. Can unhappy unions last?

From our observations, everyone comes to terms with suppression differently. It depends on whether the subject belongs to zodiac sign, and on gender. In the vast majority of cases, a woman is capable of remaining married in conditions of suppression. In other words, if women have greater flexibility, which makes life easier in conditions of subordination, an alliance in which the husband’s Saturn strikes the wife’s Sun can be long-lasting. However, sooner or later the malefic influence of this planet becomes clear. Most often, in such a union, a woman energetically strives for social realization, does not work, her husband is hindering her professional movement. It has been noticed that over time, oppression transforms into neglect, the “oppressor husband” loses interest in the subject of suppression and, in the end, leaves the family.

Men, as a rule, are less inclined to submit, so marriages in which the wife’s Saturn affects the husband’s Sun or Moon are much less common. In such a marriage, the wife is the head of the family, publicly demonstrates her own superiority over her husband, raises him like a child, manages him over trifles and, as a result, completely suppresses her husband. As a result of this type of relationship, it is the woman who becomes the main culprit for her husband’s failed career, drunkenness, alcoholism, and all other options for social decline.

In such pairs, as a rule, some special configurations in the horoscope of the “oppressed” make the situation easier: the Moon or Sun in Capricorn, as well as the Moon or Sun aspected by Saturn. The presence of Saturnian influence in the horoscope makes such relationships familiar to its owner. If the Sun or Moon are in harmonious aspect with Saturn, they are resistant to disharmonious influence from the partner Saturn. If it is tense, then the subject becomes accustomed to the feeling of unhappiness or a state of depression, because he did not know anything else in his life. Sometimes, the choice of such a partner is influenced by relationships with parents. In particular, if the son’s luminaries were damaged by the mother’s Saturn, then due to the realization of the Oedipus complex, he can choose a wife with the same influence on his horoscope. But the end of such unions, according to our observations, is the same: “Saturn leaves.” That is, the one of the spouses whose Saturn affects the partner’s luminary leaves the family. It is he who suppresses, disrespects and neglects his companion and loses interest in him.

Causing physical harm

And finally, the last type of interaction is the infliction of physical harm from one subject to another. This block of relationships carries within itself the Formula for causing physical harm, when abscissors - “life interrupters” of one subject affect hylegs - “life indicators” - of another.

Abscissars, acting as elements of the VIII field of the horoscope of one subject, must interact with the hylegs - elements of the I or X fields of the horoscope of another. This interaction between abscissars and hylegs suggests that the first subject can cause physical harm or cause the death of the second.

This type includes not only the relationship between the killer and the victim, but all cases of harm by one person to another. This includes the serious consequences of careless, imprudent or inaccurate actions committed without malicious intent. In this type of relationship, subjects can harm their loved ones not intentionally, but completely by accident - a husband to his wife, a wife to her husband, a parent to a child, a child to his parent, etc. This can happen in a happy union against the backdrop of the best harmonious relationships. It is significant that against such a benign background, the victim will still feel happy with his partner and will not endow the situation with excessive drama.

Adding up all the compatibility blocks can give a complex and contradictory picture of the relationship between two subjects. But let’s not simplify the task, because in most cases this is what relationships between people actually are. Very conflictual unions, marked with the stamp of happiness, can exist for decades, happy marriages without sex, passionate love relationships with a tragic ending and many other options for personal interactions.

Revealing deeply hidden dramas, unraveling tangles of contradictions and exposing the truth, an astrologer must observe ethics and professional secrecy.

"Do no harm!" - this is the main ethical commandment that an astrologer must follow. However, the picture obtained after the analysis must be described fully and truthfully. You should not reassure a person with prepackaged slogans “everything will be fine” if the union is doomed. Based on verified astrological data, it is necessary to highlight to the client all the negative aspects of the relationship and their prospects with the utmost care. An unhappy union, which has outlived its usefulness and is bursting at all the seams, should not be preserved at the cost of the mental and sometimes physical health of the spouses. The shock of negative information does not traumatize a person as much as a real critical situation. Preserving the family for reasons of children’s well-being is not correct, because conflictual relationships between parents traumatize and change the child’s psyche, causing severe psychological trauma. Our extensive archives contain a sufficient amount of information about conflicting alliances that ended tragically. We have good reason to recommend that doubting conflict spouses not to tempt fate indefinitely and to promptly end the debilitating relationship.

In a bad union, there is no need to look for someone to blame: two people can be wonderful individually, but completely incompatible with each other. Awareness of this fact is often decisive. Spouses stop quarreling and divorce without mutual negativity, which is especially important if a child grows up in the family. Each of them has the prospect of a new relationship in which they can be happier if they listen to professional advice based on reliable astrological techniques.

You can order a compatibility horoscope

Love union Taurus with Libra is rarely successful, because they are too different and very often simply cannot get along together. Despite the fact that both Taurus and Libra strive to create reliable, calm and peaceful relationships, they do this in different ways. Practical and a little down-to-earth, Taurus pays special attention in relationships to the time spent together, the partner’s willingness to help in a difficult situation, as well as commonality of views and interests. Libra, on the contrary, values ​​in love relationships, first of all, the elusive sensations of harmony and peace of mind, as well as the possibility of highly intelligent communication. How is it so different people Can they even begin any romantic communication with each other? The thing is that at the stage of acquaintance, the obvious character traits of both Taurus and Libra are slightly smoothed out, since both of them strive to make the most favorable impression on each other. As a result of this behavior, Taurus and Libra think that they have found their soulmate and plunge headlong into a love relationship. However, very soon Taurus begins to accuse Libra of insincerity and implausibility of feelings due to Libra’s tendency to “hover in the clouds” and their detachment from everyday problems and worries. Libra, in turn, extremely negatively perceives Taurus’ attempts to talk with them on everyday topics and make any plans about their future together. Taurus should clearly understand that Libra behaves this way because they simply cannot fully express their feelings in everyday settings. Now, if Taurus arranges a romantic evening for his partner with all the traditional attributes in the form of candles, rose petals and similar little things, then Libra will open up to the maximum and be able to express the full depth of their feelings. However, Taurus is not inclined to such “feats”, so the tension in this couple is growing every day. In order to avoid a breakup, partners should learn to talk to each other, and also understand and accept at least a little the way of thinking of their other half. Oddly enough, it is Libra who is more inclined to compromise in such a couple, since, due to their romanticism, they always hope to save even the most difficult relationships. Taurus, due to its natural tendency to stubbornness, stubbornly wants to impose its own rules on Libra, but is very reluctant to compromise. Thus, the future of such relationships depends mainly on Libra, who must show patience and gentle persistence in the process of grinding the partners together. However, this does not mean at all that Taurus should relax and always act as he sees fit. If Taurus has an ambiguous reaction to all his partner’s attempts to improve the relationship, Libra will eventually consider their efforts unjustified, and will simply interrupt communication with their partner, and even remember him for the rest of their lives as a callous and uncommunicative person, unable to change himself even a little for the sake of preserving relationship with your partner. IN intimate life Taurus and Libra are also not all smooth sailing, since Taurus treats intimate relationships quite simply and never demands any special delights from their partner, but Libra, on the contrary, loves various romantic things and wants to be conquered anew every time. Taurus, as a rule, turns out to be completely unprepared for such a turn of events, and Libra is certainly offended by their partner’s excessive balance and lack of ingenuity. As a rule, very few couples manage to balance such incompatibility. The union of Taurus with Libra is one of the most complex and contradictory among all possible combinations of zodiac signs. Short-term romances between Taurus and Libra can be very bright and interesting, but serious long-term relationships can only be built by very persistent couples in which partners, in order to preserve the relationship, are ready to adapt to each other in every possible way and forgive their significant other the most different features character. In addition, in such an alliance, the partners’ respect for each other plays a huge role, without which a love relationship between Taurus and Libra is simply impossible.

Love union Taurus with Scorpio can be called paradoxical, since both representatives of these zodiac signs are so different that it is difficult to even imagine them together not only as lovers, but also as ordinary good acquaintances. But, despite such differences between partners, the union of Taurus with Scorpio quite often becomes successful. This is largely due to the incredible strength of character of both partners, which, however, is directed in completely different directions. Taurus conquers Scorpio with his incredible reliability and unshakable confidence in the success of a love relationship with his partner, and Scorpio attracts Taurus with his powerful energy, intellectual emotionality and a penchant for interesting intrigues. At the very beginning of a relationship, Taurus and Scorpio, as a rule, experience a very strong feeling of attraction towards each other, in which love is only one of the components. However, over time, Scorpio may consider many of the manifestations of their partner’s feelings too primitive and predictable, while Taurus, on the contrary, believes that Scorpio is an incredibly complex person with whom he cannot cope. True, such thoughts do not at all interfere with building relationships between partners, because deep down they value each other very much, despite any contradictions. As a rule, for the sake of their partner, both Taurus and Scorpio are ready to commit any kind of madness, although in alliances with other signs of the zodiac, Taurus would never forgive themselves for rash actions. It is difficult to say who is the leader in such an alliance, since leadership skills Taurus and Scorpio manifest themselves in completely different life situations. However, at the most crucial moments, as well as in the usual Everyday life, most often decisions are made by Scorpio, who, thanks to his natural resourcefulness, can find a way out of any, even the most unpredictable situations. It is precisely the sophistication of the mind that makes Scorpio a rather dangerous love partner, with whom you always need to keep your eyes open. Scorpio always sees insincerity in his soulmate and on a subconscious level can even guess some of his thoughts. From the outside, such qualities of Scorpio are not so easy to notice, so Taurus, as a rule, is completely unaware of the fact that Scorpio knows almost every step of his life and every thought that flashes through his head. IN intimate relationships Taurus and Scorpio experience an incredibly strong attraction to each other, which allows them to fully enjoy their intimate life. However, Scorpio is quite capable of managing his feelings and, if necessary, even blackmailing Taurus by refusing intimate relationships, without experiencing the slightest discomfort. The simple-minded and straightforward Taurus, as a rule, is easily “led” to such tricks by Scorpio and fulfills all his demands, which are presented in a very veiled version. Such manipulation does not in any way harm the intimate relationship between Taurus and Scorpio, and even gives it a certain piquancy. The love union between Taurus and Scorpio can become one of the most durable if both partners are sincerely interested in it. In this case, the peace and stability of Taurus will be harmoniously balanced by the emotionality of Scorpio, as well as his penchant for life changes, which can bring a lot of interesting things into such an alliance. Taurus, for his part, can make his relationship with Scorpio as comfortable as possible in everyday life if he fulfills all the wishes of his partner, on which the “weather in the house” largely depends, since Scorpio pays enough attention to everyday details great importance. In addition, Scorpio has no equal in the art of conversation, so Taurus will never be bored with him, and in any company, Scorpio is guaranteed to attract attention thanks to his elegant, intellectual speeches.

Love union Taurus with Sagittarius quite unusual due to the fact that they treat the same things completely differently. Taurus strives to make relationships as stable, comfortable and predictable as possible, while Sagittarius, on the contrary, tries in every possible way to diversify their relationship with their loved one. At the dating stage, Sagittarius attracts Taurus with their almost childlike spontaneity and optimistic outlook on the world, and Sagittarius, in turn, is very attracted to their partner only thanks to the aura of calm love and security that surrounds Taurus. However, from the very moment when the relationship moves into a calmer phase, Taurus begins to notice his partner’s tendency to be too adventurous and inconsistent in his hobbies, which, of course, begins to worry Taurus very much. At this time, Sagittarius begins to understand that his partner is in the majority life situations is a rather boring and predictable interlocutor, and there is no question of just having a lot of fun with Taurus. As a result, the life-loving Sagittarius begins to “encourage” Taurus to commit little madness, but, as a rule, nothing comes of it, which upsets Sagittarius even more. Taurus, for its part, tries to set Sagittarius on the right path, that is, force him to become more balanced and constant in his judgments, to which Sagittarius reacts extremely negatively and may even begin to think about ending a relationship in which the partner is constantly trying to impose his vision of the world. To ensure that the alliance between Taurus and Sagittarius does not collapse at this stage, partners need to learn, first of all, to respect the opinion of their significant other and not try to change each other. Taurus should give their partner more freedom and personal time, and Sagittarius should at least consult with their partner and support him in the most crucial moments. If both partners manage to change themselves in this way, then their union may well last for quite a long time. The intimate life of such a couple, thanks to Sagittarius, who is prone to various experiments, is rich and varied. However, the simplest manifestations of sensual desires would be enough for Taurus, however, in this case, Sagittarius would very quickly become desperately bored, so Taurus tries to give in to him, fortunately, for him this is not at all difficult. The only danger that awaits such a couple in their intimate life is Sagittarius’s tendency to cheat, which can manifest itself if Taurus does not fully satisfy his desires or begins to behave too predictably. So Taurus still shouldn’t relax in intimate relationships, since the slightest inattention to his partner can result in very unpleasant consequences. Despite such different temperaments, Taurus and Sagittarius are quite capable of building a successful love union, if they themselves want it. However, if only Taurus is determined to maintain relationships while seriously working on himself, then such a union will most likely fall apart, because Sagittarius’s too flighty nature will not allow him to be content with a relationship with one partner, and he will definitely begin to look for that , who will be at least a little better than his current lover. Only Sagittarius himself can cope with such frivolity, for which he will need to do serious work on himself. Not every person born under the sign of Sagittarius is ready to make such efforts to preserve a love relationship, and therefore we can say that the success of such a union depends 90% on how Sagittarius behaves. However, Taurus’s mood also plays a big role in building such relationships, because it will determine what exactly Sagittarius decides to do - maintain the alliance or stop any communication with their partner.

Love union Taurus with Capricorn is extremely stable and long-lasting, since the basic life principles of these two zodiac signs are very similar. Balanced Taurus, like the slightly phlegmatic Capricorn, value in relationships, first of all, a sense of security, as well as the opportunity to feel comfortable next to their soulmate. Both of these fundamental principles The relationship between Taurus and Capricorn can give each other in full. True, due to the fact that both Taurus and Capricorn carefully choose their life partner, their relationship can develop very slowly, which, however, does not bother them at all. As a rule, Taurus and Capricorn first begin to be friends, and after some time their strengthened friendships develop into a real love union, based on almost complete mutual understanding and respect for each other. The feelings of Taurus and Capricorn are distinguished by their depth and awareness, so that no troubles in life can shake their confidence in their soulmate. Such an idyll seems unrealistic, but in the union of Taurus with Capricorn, there really are practically no disagreements. The only thing that can cause slight irritation in the good-natured Capricorn is some self-satisfaction of Taurus, which he shows rarely, but accurately. However, Taurus himself is well aware of this peculiarity of his and tries not to unnecessarily irritate his partner. Both in everyday life and in the financial sphere, such a couple can easily find general solutions that would satisfy both partners. In addition, Taurus and Capricorn very skillfully support each other in any professional endeavors, thanks to which both partners from this pair quite often achieve career heights or are fully realized in creativity. In addition, among such couples, most of them are freelancers who work from home and experience real pleasure from the fact that they can constantly be close to their other half. Taurus and Capricorn generally belong to those rare people who do not experience any irritation if they have to be near each other for a long time, but on the contrary, are in every possible way happy about this turn of events, since they will always find something to do with themselves and something to talk about with their soulmate. In intimate relationships, both Taurus and Capricorn value proven and sufficient simple ways receiving pleasure, which, on the one hand, creates a certain harmony in their intimate life, and on the other hand, after some time it can provoke a cooling of partners towards each other. To prevent this from happening, Taurus and Capricorn should at least sometimes overpower their natural balance and be sure to diversify their intimate life with the help of some new sensual techniques and techniques. If partners in such a couple learn to surprise each other, then intimate relationships throughout their lives will bring them only joy and pleasure. In a love union between Taurus and Capricorn, both partners know that they can count on each other in any situation. It is the awareness that the partner is at the same time the closest person to whom you can entrust absolutely everything, without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood, that makes the relationship of this couple so harmonious that they themselves sometimes do not even believe in their luck. However, among strangers there will always be envious people who will prophesy a quick breakup for such a couple or try to quarrel between them all possible ways, so Taurus and Capricorn should always be on guard and under no circumstances succumb to provocations. However, these two zodiac signs may well create a so-called protective energy barrier around themselves, through which no negative emotions other people directed in their direction.

If they enter into a love union Taurus with Aquarius , then they will have a very, very difficult time, since both of these zodiac signs are distinguished by rare stubbornness, which they show in different ways. Despite the fact that both Taurus and Aquarius believe that love relationships should be permanent, long-lasting and reliable, in life these principles are implemented in completely different ways for both partners. Taurus prefers to build calm and stable relationships in the full sense of the word, paying special attention to the depth of feelings and a sense of personal security. Aquarius, although he attaches great importance to peace and comfort in relationships, still prefers that at least sometimes his partner surprises him with something or at least reacts joyfully to his proposals, which are sometimes very extravagant. Taurus, simple-minded by nature, cannot understand how such different life values ​​can coexist in his partner, although at the very beginning of the relationship it is precisely this feature of Aquarius that attracts Taurus, who, deep in his soul, still sometimes craves some kind of diversity. However, over time, Taurus no longer pays attention to his intuition and gets irritated every time Aquarius tries to “stir up” him. However, Aquarius is the only zodiac sign that, when great desire and boundless patience will be able to “pull” out of Taurus his hidden need for diversity. If Aquarius cannot “stir up” Taurus, then conflicts will inevitably begin to arise between partners. To prevent this from happening, Taurus should moderate his stubbornness a little and meet Aquarius halfway, who really simply cannot exist normally in a love relationship in which there is no room for diversity and further development. If partners in such an alliance learn to find a compromise, then their relationship will sparkle with new colors that can maintain reciprocal feelings for each other at the proper level for many years. For this, it is very important for Taurus to understand that he will not be able to change his partner under any circumstances, and Aquarius should become a little softer towards his partner and not demand from him daily innovations that can add variety to their love relationship. However, if Aquarius every day by example will clearly show Taurus what he wants from the relationship, then over time Taurus will begin to perceive these ideas as his own, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on their relationship. In intimate relationships between Taurus and Aquarius, there are also problems associated with differences in temperaments. Taurus has enough of a stable and predictable intimate life, which brings him true pleasure, but Aquarius, on the contrary, is always waiting for some unusual proposals and original surprises from Taurus. Due to the fact that Taurus cannot give his partner what he wants, conflicts on this basis are quite possible in such a couple. To prevent disagreements from destroying the relationship between Taurus and Aquarius, they should learn to listen to each other’s desires, and also openly discuss all misunderstandings that arise. Then both partners should try to make each other’s wishes come true as often as possible, and Taurus needs to loosen up a little and try to at least sometimes surprise their partner, who so craves variety in their intimate life. The tandem of Taurus and Aquarius is quite unusual and complex, however, despite all the contradictions that arise between partners in such a pair, their union may well last for a long time. To do this, both partners will have to talk a lot with each other and learn to accept their soulmate with all her characteristics, no matter how terrible they may seem. One of the prerequisites for achieving a certain harmony in such relationships is the “taming” of stubbornness, which is inherent in both Taurus and Aquarius to one degree or another. If partners manage to avoid confrontation among themselves and find a compromise, then the relationship will bring them only peace, joy and one hundred percent confidence in the future next to their soulmate.

Love union Taurus with Pisces , despite some differences in their characters, as a rule, is very successful and quite harmonious. At the dating stage, Taurus admires Pisces' intelligence, their creative thinking, and their ability to present everyday things in a new light, and Pisces, in turn, is attracted to Taurus's reliability and incredible depth the feelings he has towards his partner. When the relationship between Taurus and Pisces enters a calmer phase, their admiration for each other somewhat dulls as the more real characteristics of the other half come to the fore. From this point on, Pisces notice that Taurus may sometimes not understand them due to his tendency to be excessively peaceful, and Taurus has attacks of acute dissatisfaction with the daydreaming, indecisiveness and variability inherent in most Pisces. In order not to create far-fetched problems for themselves and not to provoke the emergence of conflict situations, Taurus should devote time to a deep study of their partner, as a result of which he will definitely notice that the dreaminess of Pisces is often expressed in incredible tenderness, indecisiveness - in sweet modesty, and variability - in the desire to please to your partner the most different ways. Thanks to such an analysis, for which Taurus will need to put a considerable amount of effort and time, he will be able to understand his partner and accept all his shortcomings, interpreting them as advantages. Pisces, as a rule, after some time they themselves come to the understanding that the reliability and predictability of Taurus is more of a plus than a minus for them, since it allows Pisces to feel completely safe next to their loved one and not worry about what will happen tomorrow . Such a revaluation of each other by partners in the union of Taurus and Pisces allows them to literally begin to build relationships anew, relying on completely different qualities of their partner. Thus, we can say that such a couple has two main phases of relationships, which are radically different from each other in the intensity of passions and the perception of their partner as an individual with certain characteristics peculiar only to him. Many partners in the alliance of Taurus and Pisces cannot withstand the rather difficult transition from one phase of the relationship to another, which requires serious internal work above oneself. The intimate life of Taurus and Pisces cannot be called ideal, but it has its own advantages, inherent only to such a tandem of zodiac signs. Such advantages, first of all, include the fact that both partners in this fairly calm union fully satisfy each other’s needs, and also try to make their loved one always feel most comfortable. In addition, Taurus and Pisces get used to each other so much that even in their thoughts they cannot admit betrayal of their soulmate. The negative aspects of the intimate life of such a couple include excessive calm and lack of spontaneity, which, in principle, does not really bother the partners. The union of Taurus with Pisces is one of the calmest among all possible combinations of zodiac signs, but “calm” in this case is not at all synonymous with the word “boring”. Despite the apparent regularity of relations between partners in such an alliance, they truly feel for each other strong feelings, based not only on mutual sympathy and attraction, but also on a certain intellectual level. Both Taurus and Pisces pay a lot of attention in their lives to creative and mental development, which, of course, brings them even closer together. As a rule, partners in such a pair are distinguished by an analytical mind, which allows them to easily make a career in science and other fields of activity that require such knowledge. Taurus and Pisces very often help each other develop professionally, effectively combining their knowledge and using this to form any new concepts. Even if the partners in such an alliance are completely carried away different things, they will still find a common topic for conversation and will definitely support their significant other in any endeavors. Taurus and Pisces complement each other very organically, which allows them to form a truly strong and reliable union.

You can find out whether people are suitable for each other not only through compatibility by zodiac sign, but also by planets. Venus is the second planet in the solar system and is often considered a twin of the Earth, since many of the parameters of these planets are similar.

Venus Compatibility

Venus and Neptune. Relationships in such a union are based on some kind of magnetic attraction. Such people will understand each other perfectly. Neptune helps Venus express her self correctly.

Venus and Moon. This union is considered one of the most successful. There is almost perfect mutual understanding between such people and they complement each other perfectly. Moon and Venus compatibility is based on a huge emotional connection. This combination is ideal not only in the personal, but also in the business and financial spheres. In such a union mutual understanding, peace and harmony will reign.

Venus and the Sun. At the heart of this relationship is romance and physical attraction. This is why the sex compatibility of the Sun and Venus is almost perfect. People in such a union strive to create a strong family. Both partners enjoy each other, and most importantly, they see their future together. Such people will also be able to build excellent business relationships. The Sun and Venus complement each other, helping to express oneself.

Venus and Jupiter. Relations between such people are based on common interests, as well as on intellectual and psychological aspects. They are an excellent incentive for each other, and first of all this concerns social sphere. The union is harmonious for creating a family, the relationships in which will not be devoid of romanticism.

Venus and Uranus. Compatibility in the Venus horoscope in such a union is based on some kind of magnetism, but this does not ensure their duration. Often, spontaneously arising passion quickly ends. Such a union is undesirable for matters related to finance.

Venus and Saturn. Mutual interest allows you to build good business and financial relations. As for the compatibility in love between Venus and Saturn, it is small. If desired, such people can build strong friendships.

Venus and Pluto. There is an attraction between such people on a physical level. Such a union has good prospects in the financial and business spheres. Venus helps Pluto become a more sensual nature.

Venus and Mercury. This tandem allows people to learn to express themselves. Compatibility between Mercury and Venus is based on sexual attraction. Passion helps smooth corners and solve problems that arise.