Proven and instant conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are a very popular topic. A love spell for everyone, in order to remove this gap, opened a separate topic of answers and the most common questions, answering them and telling the most powerful conspiracies on the waning moon that you need to read yourself - these are time-tested and people-tested rites and rituals with reading conspiracies on the waning moon.

Let's start with the most popular and interesting questions:

The waning moon has arrived - this is the time when certain conspiracies are endowed with the greatest power and act instantly.

  • waning moon spells for weight loss this is a proven way to quickly lose weight and remove fat in problem areas using the magic of the moon aimed at losing weight;
  • love spells for the waning moon are usually aimed at a rival for separation and cooling of her love feelings, as well as reconciliation and the return of her beloved to herself;
  • money spell for the waning moon read independently from poverty for good luck and financial well-being, will send the one who read it a lot of money and wealth. You can read this plot but trade for good luck and success in any trade affairs when trading a wide variety of goods;
  • a spell for melancholy can be read on the waning moon if you want to attract the attention of someone you like, but does not reciprocate your feelings, so that he called or wrote;
  • Rejuvenation spells are best read on the waning moon which will help you quickly rejuvenate your appearance and look more attractive in the eyes of others beautiful and attractive;
  • waning moon spells against illness and alcoholism are such powerful and instantly effective rituals, that you can read a lot of reviews about them from those who read them and to whom they really helped, and believe me, there are a lot of such reviews.

Use right now and absolutely free of charge the most powerful and instantly active conspiracies on the waning moon, all the following rituals and conspiracies at the moment when the moon is waning do not require special preparation. Wait for the calendar phase of the waning moon and, having chosen a conspiracy or several, begin to read the conspiracies in solitude while the moon is waning in the sky.

A strong conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon, read on the water

An instant spell on water for weight loss should be read on the waning moon and to carry it out you need 200 milligrams of holy water. All existing conspiracies for weight loss should be read either in the evening after sunset or in the morning before sunrise while the waning moon is visible in the sky. Important: after you have read the weight loss plot, its effect cannot be stopped - it will stop on its own after the moon changes. Calculate your weight based on the amount you lose each day. How many grams of water you drink is how much weight you will lose per day (200 water = 200 grams of weight loss daily and that’s the maximum!). If you need to lose weight quickly, then a weight loss plot will help you with this, but for greater weight loss you will have to “sweat” by playing sports and limiting yourself in food.

As you understand the conspiracy to lose weight on water, you need to read it on the waning moon. Place a glass of water in front of you and quietly say the words of the conspiracy :

Luna sister, dear girl,

Controlling water from the sky, go away,

Take my excess weight with you.


The plot needs to be read once in a glass of water, which you need to drink after reading. Overnight you will lose as many grams of weight as you poured into the glass. A ritual aimed at losing weight can be performed daily until the lunar cycle changes and can be continued during the next waning moon.

Weight loss conspiracies for Stepanova's waning moon

Every second girl on Earth is looking for a way to lose weight and how to remove belly fat without surgery or dieting. There is one little-known but very good old magic way after the ritual, the correction of the figure will go much faster. In the old days, girls were knowledgeable witches magical rituals, managers physical body were beautiful and slim and these are facts. If you are tired effective diets, A physical exercise take a lot of effort and time, try to remove your tummy in this proven way, especially since it will take much less time than visiting a fitness club.

For the magical ritual we need the most ordinary potato. I want to warn you right away that this is Voodoo magic, but don’t be scared. Even Stepanova’s weight loss conspiracies, which have the power, are not as effective and fast as Voodoo magic. A ritual that helps you lose weight and shape your stomach and figure in problem areas is done only on the waning moon.

Everything that contains water is ruled by the Moon and has protective properties. Many magicians of the world use fruits and vegetables in their rituals; in Rus' it is customary to use ordinary potatoes to lose weight and get rid of fat in problem areas.

The ritual for losing weight begins on the waning moon with the fact that the largest potato in the house should be peeled with a new knife. Then use the same knife with the words of a weight loss conspiracy:

The moon takes up water.
Potatoes dry out and lose weight.

Cut out a number on a potato for how many kilograms you need to lose. Place the potato in dark place for a day so that it begins to dry out, after which it needs to be thrown away. Immediately the next morning, the weight loss plot will begin to work and you will see the first results of weight loss on the scale.

Love spells for the waning moon

When the moon wanes, it’s time to think about restoring love feelings and read a love spell to separate a loved one from his mistress and cool their love feelings, as well as to reconcile and return the love of a man’s husband or boyfriend to himself. This is a very simple love spell that does not require skills or preparation, and you need to read it at home, the only condition for everything to work out is the waning moon. The text of the plot for love and longing for love should be read only on the waning moon every evening until it returns:

The moon is waning, the love of God’s servants (names) subsides,
Let the heart of God's servant (name) begin to ache with melancholy.
May you love to be with me forever,

In dreams and in reality, only see me and love me deeply.
In your dreams you will see me as an obsession.
I take your thoughts for myself and conjure you to dream about me.

Spell for money on the waning moon is a powerful ritual

If you want to always have money and have enough for everything, a “conspiracy of the rich” read for small money during the waning moon will help correct your lack of money and make you rich. Take all the small coins from your wallet into the fist of your right hand and, looking at the waning moon, say a spell for money :

Small change, a copper and a nickel.

Go to the beggar, b Take my unity with you.

The beggar will drink and walk, and wither in poverty.

I give you change from the master's purse,

I bring wealth back to my house.

From now on I don’t know poverty and live in wealth.

My word is strong and sticks to me.

The key is the tongue lock, a line under the side.


Be sure to go to church the next morning and give all the charmed money to the beggars you see there (you need to give it with your right hand). If you read a spell for money on the waning moon, it will begin to work as soon as the moon in the sky renews itself and begins to grow along with your money.

Read the spell for melancholy on the waning moon

To reconcile with your loved one, it is best to make him sad - sad, so that he misses you and only remembers you. This spell for melancholy, read through the window while looking at the waning moon, has the greatest magical power and is able to instantly make you sad for an object of passion that is located at any distance from you. Conspiracy text:

Seven winds are violent, with strong wings.

Fly and comfort widows and little orphans,

Take away all earthly sorrow from them.

Place it in the obstinate body, in the zealous heart of the slave (name).

Chop his heart with a steel ax, whip his soul,

Weary and exhaust his body, bring sadness and love melancholy to (name).

So that he would not know peace day or night,

Not at home, not on the road, not at any hour, not now, not a single moment!

Let his whole body burn, let his heart hurt, let it be tormented,

For me, slave (name) is filled with love and ignited with passion.


© Copyright: Magician


Many people treat the Moon with respect, calling her an assistant in life situations. Many different conspiracies and rituals are associated with a certain phase of the moon. Here we will talk about the waning Moon, when the dark part of its disk begins to increase and the light part decreases.

What are the features of the waning moon?

Waning is the process when the Moon passes from the full lunar state to the dark phase. This process takes a couple of weeks; sorcerers, magicians and esotericists are waiting for it in order to use it for certain conspiracies and rituals. On these days, rituals are held, the purpose of which is to get rid of something; letting go of something forever that burdened and burdened me and did not allow me to live in peace.

Perhaps the relationship with someone has exhausted itself and should be ended? Perhaps it's time to quit smoking or get rid of other bad habits? I want him to leave excess weight or has the disease stopped tormenting you? Trouble at work? You just need to wait until the Moon begins to wane, perform some rituals and life will gradually improve.

If you choose the right ritual, then during this lunar period you can even cleanse your life of enemies and envious people, gossipers and ill-wishers, and simply from those who are too intrusive and curious about interfering with someone else’s personal life.

Misfortune is out, trouble is out...

There is a moment in life when they say that it has arrived black line. Everything is not going well, everything is falling out of hand, from morning to evening there are continuous failures. But you don’t have to get upset or depressed right away. A ritual that is performed on the waning moon will save you from failure and will help you forget about problems and troubles in life forever. You need to take a broom and start sweeping the floor in the apartment, moving from distant rooms to front door. While sweeping, you need to say the following words:

“Garbage is out, misfortune is out, trouble is out...”

And so list everything that you need to cleanse your life of, that you need to drive away from yourself. The garbage is swept beyond the threshold of the apartment, collected on a shovel and taken away from your home.

The moon is waning - extra pounds are gone

It is very good during such a lunar period to begin the fight against extra pounds. When neither physical education nor dietary food they don’t help, I have to turn to the Moon. Since ancient times, it was believed that charmed water, which must be charged with lunar energy, will help you lose weight. Need to take glass bottle so that it is clean inside and out, without labels and stickers; pour water into it from a spring or well.

As soon as the full moon arrives, the bottle should be placed on the window so that it is all illuminated by the light of the Moon. When the third night comes, take a glass, pour water from a bottle into it and read the following words over it:

“Mother Moon, you are beautiful, give me the strength to get rid of fat. Give me beauty like a queen's; slender, like a white swan. My word is strong."

Next, over a glass of water, you need to voice your wish, what exactly you want - for your legs to become slimmer, or your chest to lose weight, or to remove excess fat on the sides, or the stomach to shrink. The glass remains on the windowsill until the morning. In the morning, just getting out of bed, before breakfast and water procedures, you need to drink all the water from the glass to the bottom.

To improve your vision

Nowadays, people very often suffer from poor vision. This affects both working in offices from morning to evening, and night sitting in front of a computer monitor or reading. interesting book. But good vision will return if such a ritual with a conspiracy is performed on the waning moon.

As soon as the sun begins to set, you need to go to the forest or planting, square or park. A woman needs to find a “male” tree (maple, walnut, chestnut), and a man needs to find a “female” tree (acacia, pine, willow, aspen). Find a small knot on a tree, fold the big one and index fingers in the letter “O”, grab this twig and say the following words:

“Your roots are below, your head is above. The disease was in my pupil, let it remain on your bitch now. I take it off myself and drive it into you. Let it be so".

Then take a small nail and drive it into this knot. When three days have passed, you need to come to this place again, pull the carnation out of the branch and bury it below under the tree. From now on, vision should improve.

Conspiracy to get rid of a rival

Oh, how often two women cannot share one man. And there is no need to divide, let someone else get it. For this there is good plot, helping to get rid of a mistress who is trying to take a man away from the family.
As soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to retire and read the following plot many times:

“Go away, damned rival. Your love will be crucified. Mother Moon, give me back what is mine, send what is alien into existence. I will not give my soul mate to anyone - not to the devils, not to my worst enemies.”

When your legs really hurt, the Moon will help

Oh, how many people know the pain in the feet from convex side bones. Sore calluses, heaviness in the legs, swollen veins. All this brings little joy, since walking becomes harder every day. Painful sensations can be reduced by performing a certain ritual on the waning moon. You will need 39 church candles and holy water. At home before going to bed, you need to light 13 candles, soak gauze generously in holy water, wipe your feet with it and read the following plot:

“I relieve severe pain with water and let my bones drink. Let the heaviness of your legs go away, the pain and swelling go away. Let me walk briskly, the skin on my heels will not peel off. I’ll wipe my feet with water and hit the thresholds a hundred times. I will go around a hundred roads. May God help me with this."

Then wrap your feet with a damp towel overnight. This ritual must be done for three days. If the recovery is incomplete, then you need to wait for the next waning of the Moon and repeat everything.

I am free (liberation ritual)

It is better to carry out such a ritual alone with yourself, when there are no other people at home. You need to light a candle, take a blank piece of paper and write on it everything that you would like to get rid of, that you want to erase from your life forever. Then set fire to this paper and, while it burns, carefully watch how all problems, troubles and adversities turn into ashes. It is better to take out the ashes and throw them away from the house.

People have been using proven conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon for hundreds of years. This helps them solve many problems, attract good luck or get rid of something. Many rituals are performed taking into account the lunar cycle. This has some significance.

What can you do on the waning moon?

During the period when the moon is waning, conspiracies are read if you want to get rid of diseases, bad habits, failures, exclude from social circle certain people. The words and actions spoken should not be aimed at harming other people; this may also have consequences for the person performing the ritual.

After the full moon, when the moon goes down for two weeks, conspiracies against warts, for getting rid of smoking, drunkenness, obsessive and unpleasant habits will be effective. They will help against unhappy love, against a rival, overweight.

They also perform rituals aimed at getting rid of poverty.. Here, conspiracies are important specifically against lack of money, and not for making a profit, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Thus, the moon gives us the opportunity to get rid of problems in our lives.

It is important to know that if you decide to make a certain conspiracy, you are responsible for your actions, that is, each person must understand what consequences he may receive. How effective conspiracies and rituals are depends on the correct wording, day of the week, lunar day and the desires of the person himself. When you do something, you should cast aside any doubts, because our thoughts directly affect the result.

First day after the full moon

On the first day, when the moon begins to wane, the effect of the full moon is still strong. The energy is at its maximum, the moon is in the third quarter, so the conspiracies turn out to be quite strong and effective.

The first days during the waning cycle are good for general cleaning of the house along with energetic cleansing of the space. This time is well spent getting rid of everything unnecessary that interferes with your life, brings failures and illnesses. If you want to escape poverty, it’s time to read a conspiracy or perform a ritual. During this period, it is good to cleanse the space of foreign entities that for some reason have settled in the house.

In addition to clearing the physical space around you, Spells to cleanse the body also work. They also help get rid of bad habits. Cold spells and protective rituals work well.

Here are 10 conspiracies that can be effectively read on the first day of the waning moon.

From poverty and lack of money

The ritual should be done in the dark. It is necessary to install a mirror. The night light will be reflected in it. Next, you should turn away from this mirror and say the words to the reflection three times.

“As the moon wanes, so does money come to me. I dare poverty - I bring generosity, from people - an increase, from the boss - an allowance. Let it be so."

A week before the ceremony, you need to start collecting coins. On the waning moon, stand at the crossroads and throw coins into each of the four cardinal directions in turn, reading the words:

“I don’t throw away change, but lack of money. It went into the deep abyss, away from me and my house. To the far-distance, they will not return to her from where. Let it be so."

Then you have to go home and don't look back. Improvements occur within a month.

For warts

In addition to folk medicinal products The spells that our ancestors used successfully are also effective against this illness.

For the plot, take an apple and divide it into three parts.. Each part of the fruit should touch the wart. The fruit is then thrown away or buried.

“Just as apples in the ground wither and dry up, so do warts dry up and then disappear forever, the fruits cleanse my skin. Let it be so."

First, water is poured into a carafe and left for 11 days. When the waning moon comes, you should find a birch tree. Standing under a tree, water your hands while saying words.

“I wash my hands with clean water and wash away bad warts with it. They leave me, leave my body. In the ground with water, there is their place. Amen."

Another powerful spell that works:

“Just as in a bathhouse the water disappears in the cracks, so my illness (or the person’s name) goes away, leaves. Amen."

The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced in the bathhouse while washing.

From fullness

Along with carrying out special procedures for improving the body, they also make conspiracies.

“The moon is waning - I’m going to lose weight. The moon has beautiful horns, I have a slender body.”

Read within 9 days.

For the next spell you will need a photograph, a candle and an envelope. The words are read over the photograph, which is placed in an envelope and sealed with wax.

“As the moon wanes, so does my fullness go with it. I am getting slimmer, prettier, and healthier. I lock fat with seven locks, with seven shackles, I don’t need to be fat, but I need to be slim. Let it be so."

From diseases

The waning moon is the time to get rid of ailments. At this time, conspiracies and rituals are most successful. When pronouncing any words, you must believe in the power of healing and sincerely desire this so that the effect is most successful.

To perform the ritual, a basin of water is taken. They wash her face, saying words. After which this water must be poured into the sink or outside. The ritual is carried out every day until the new moon comes.

“I give dirt and disease to water, and I invite health to me. The whole night is given to the moon, and the energy comes to me.”

The ritual is widely known egg rolling. On the waning moon, you can also carry it out by saying these words:

“Healing comes, illnesses and illnesses quickly go away from me.”

While pronouncing the words, roll an egg over the sore spot. At the same time, one must vividly imagine that illnesses go away, the body is freed from everything bad. The egg should then be buried in the ground as far as possible from the house.

From envious people

The following words are necessary say seven times, holding a lit candle in your hands:

“The candle burns out, but other people’s envy smolders. My defense grows, other people's anger will go away. I am always in health, prosperity and good luck, and other people’s envy passes me by.”

The waning moon will take all the negativity with it.

Vanga's conspiracy to lose weight

Vanga was considered a successful healer and soothsayer. Therefore, its rituals are still used today.

To read the plot, take a glass of water and hold it in your hand. You need to sit in front of the window. It is important that there are no clouds in the sky at this time, and that the night light is clearly visible. You need to focus your thoughts on the desire to lose excess weight. During the ritual, it is necessary to exclude distractions and it is advisable that there are no other people nearby. Looking at the moon they say:

“The moon is waning, I (name) am going to lose weight. Let the night star be round and full, and let me be thin and slender. Let the moon waning, and I grow thin and fit. All my fat will go away by the moon, but it will add beauty to her. The will is strong, the words are strong, as it is said, so it will be.”

You should drink water from a glass and go straight to bed.

For melancholy

Sometimes it happens that your loved one forgets about you, but magic comes to the rescue. For this there are spells for melancholy, they are easier than a love spell and do not carry serious consequences.

To carry out the plot you will need a candle, preferably a black one, paper, a pen or pencil, and dishes for burning. At midnight, a candle is lit, and the name and date of birth of the person for whom the plot is intended is written on paper. Now you should concentrate on your desire. Then burn the paper while saying the words.

“I read the word and make (name) sad. He can’t see his life without me, he’s tormented, sad and bored. Walk next to me, make me happy alone, see happiness only in me. Let it be so."

Doing a ritual it's important to know that you really want this person around and you won't change your mind.

From enemies

You can get rid of enemies by casting various spells.

“Water, water, let me wash, don’t let others use my power. Deliver me from my enemy, drive away the one who wishes me harm. Amen."

Words slander a bottle of clean water, better than a well, then they wash themselves with it, and also spray the house and other property.

For the love of a man

In the next love plot we ask you to take away loneliness and failures in your personal life. During the waning moon before going to bed, say the words while looking at the night star:

“Luna, please send me happiness, save me from celibacy and failures, save me. Give me your power, give me beauty, may I find happiness forever.”

This plot is read if you need to destroy love between people. Say the words while looking at the photo of your loved one:

“The moon is waning, the love of God’s servants is subsiding. Let (name)’s heart begin to ache with melancholy. May you, my love, be with me forever. In dreams and in reality, you can only see and love me. In your dreams you will see me as an obsession. I take your thoughts for myself and conjure you to dream about me. Let it be so."

From failures

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can also get rid of failures in life. To do this, you can use even the simplest conspiracies, you just need to be sure that the bad will certainly go away.

To do this, take a mirror. It should not be new, but stand and be used in your home for a long time. You should go with him to the crossroads. The mirror should be broken and the spell cast:

“Go back, failures, to where you came from. This is no place for you. You cannot stay in this house, you cannot linger. You can’t bring bad things to black people.”

After that you should leave, you can’t look back, otherwise everything will come back.

What conspiracies are they reading?

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can do a lot of conspiracies and rituals. This period begins after the full moon and ends when the satellite is no longer visible in the sky.

For beauty

At this time, women perform rituals to get rid of unwanted, ugly features of appearance. The following conspiracy is simple, it is used to get rid of shortcomings:

“Water, pure sister, take all the problems from my face. Give me youth and beauty. Let it be so."

Wash your face every day with water, reciting this spell until the problems disappear.

For money

It must be remembered that on the waning moon, conspiracies are made not to receive, but to get rid of the problem.

“As a candle burns out and melts, so my money troubles go away. The wax melts and the fortune increases.”

To perform it you will need three church candles. They are intertwined so that the wicks are side by side. This triple candle must be lit and the words read three times. Cross yourself and place the candle on the window to burn out. Repeat in a month.

Rituals and conspiracies that are done to improve one’s own well-being done alone.

From debts

To complete this plot you will need open the tap with cold water . Read three times.

“A drop goes to a drop, a stream tends to a stream. Just as water flows quickly, debts float past me and melt away. Clean water washed, hidden from debts.”

Another conspiracy is being carried out over a river or stream with fast current . In this case, you need to throw a coin into the water.

“My payment for the debt is quick, my life is cleared of debts. Debts go into the water, and from the water they go into the ground. I cry with silver, I cry from myself. I'm closing my debts forever. I lock it with a coin, I close it with a word.”

For trade

If the goods are stale and not for sale, you can say the following words to the items:

“As many ants are in the house, so many buyers come to me, bring their money, and leave with the goods they bought.”

And if the seller needs to lower the price, during the auction they say to themselves:

“Break off your piece, seller, and half is enough for you.”

For good luck

This plot is read after sunset, when the night star becomes visible in the sky. L It’s better to go outside or at least open the window. Before pronouncing the plot, they tell the moon about all their failures, then say the words:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver. The night star is waning, taking away all my difficulties. As the moon dissolves in the night, new luck will be born in me.”

As soon as the conspiracy has been pronounced, you should return home, go to bed, imagining that all the bad things will go away, and in the morning good luck will come to the house.

To reduce appetite

Place harmful foods in front of you and say:

“As you, Moon, decrease, so does the desire for these products, and my weight melts. I don’t want you, neither my will nor my body need you. I will live well without you, I will gain harmony. So it will be.”

After this, the food should be taken out and left somewhere for the animals to eat. Then go to bed.

From drunkenness

To cure your husband's drunkenness, you will need his ring. It is thrown into a glass of water, and then the plot is read:

“You, water, heal my husband (name) from drunkenness, drive away the infection, healthy life return. The disease will go away, it will never come to him. As long as he has the enchanted ring, he is not afraid of binges. So be it."

The ring must be taken out and returned to the husband for him to wear.

Another conspiracy with water. You will need it clean, preferably spring water. The following words are read on the vessel with water:

“As this water gets inside (name)’s body, his drunkenness goes away, his addiction disappears, disappears and never returns. Drunkenness is gone, health is back. May it always be so."

The spoken water is gradually dripped into the food or drinks of the person who needs to be rid of the habit..

For my husband

Sometimes it happens that your husband leaves, and you want him back. In this case, conspiracies are assistants, a way to redirect a person’s energy and thoughts so that he wants to come back and start all over again.

You need to light a candle, take a photo of a person and say:

“Just as the night loves the moon, so you (name) loved only me (name), you love me, you don’t go to anyone else. Let it be so."

You need to seal the photo with candle wax and put it in a secret place, additionally saying: “I lock it, I take the key for myself.”

The following words can be said over sweets:

“Just as food is rich and sweet, so will my (name) be sweet from me (name). If he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. I close the conspiracy, I protect love.”

Desserts should be given to the husband to eat.

For a mistress

A homewrecker often causes the destruction of a family, but you can get rid of it too safe methods. There is absolutely no need to make strong conspiracies so that they do not harm you and your husband.

Words are spoken while looking at the moon, preferably near an open window.

“Go away, rival, this place is not yours, love is not yours, but yours beyond the threshold of our house. Luna, please give me back what is mine, and give her yours. I won’t give up my half, what’s mine is not hers.”

For the boss

An angry and picky boss can seriously poison your life or interfere with your career. To change his attitude, there are also effective conspiracies.

“I’m on one side, and you’re standing on the other. You should not shout in front of me, but remain silent and respect me. Your lips are closed, your thoughts are left with you, not directed at me. Now it’s always like this.”

Read before going to see your boss. You can do this before going to work.

When performing any conspiracies, you need to know that you definitely want this desire to come true. Any words can change our reality, so you should think before using them. Conspiracies and rituals are only assistants; you should not rely on them alone, because life also consists of many little things that should be taken into account.

Conspiracies for the waning moon are very diverse and help to attract money, bring back a loved one or resist ill-wishers. This time is favorable for performing rituals aimed at getting rid of the negative and bad - everything that does not allow a person to live happily.


When does the moon begin to wane?

The moon begins to wane in the third and fourth quarters lunar month, which lasts 28 days. It is very simple to understand that this is happening: the horns of her sickle point to the right. You can learn more precisely about the beginning of this phase from a special lunar calendar.

Which rituals are suitable and which ones should be abandoned?

During the waning moon, proven rituals are suitable for getting rid of:

  • debts and financial difficulties;
  • diseases of body and soul;
  • harmful addictions;
  • ill-wishers;
  • bad luck;
  • longing.

During the phase of the flawed moon, it is better to abandon magical rituals for:

  • attracting the ideal partner;
  • health;
  • beauty;
  • marriage;
  • pregnancy.

Rules for reading conspiracies and performing rituals

Rules for reading and conducting conspiracies effective rituals on the waning moon:

  • the text must be read in good mood, but you can’t laugh at the same time;
  • pronounce magic words usually at a time when the moon has already appeared in the sky;
  • when reading, you need to face east;
  • there must be a belief that everything readable conspiracies working and efficient;
  • if the magical text is short, it is advisable to pronounce it in one breath;
  • It is better to perform any rituals on an empty stomach.

The most effective conspiracies and rituals

The most effective conspiracies and rituals are:

  • for weight loss;
  • for love;
  • for money;
  • from illness;
  • from enemies;
  • from a rival;
  • for trade;
  • from drunkenness;
  • for good luck;
  • to free yourself from negativity.

For weight loss

As a result of application, body volumes begin to decrease every day until the weight returns to normal. To lose weight, you just need to chant water and wash your face with it before going to bed.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a bed on the sea, on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, and on that bed there is a feather bed. There's a pig lying on that feather bed, guarding my fat. That pig has two heads, three heads, four heads, five heads, six heads, seven heads, eight heads, nine heads, nine mouths. Eat my fat with the first head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head, eat my fat with the fourth head, eat my fat with the fifth head, eat my fat with the sixth head, eat my fat with the seventh head, eat my fat with the eighth head, and the ninth It will eat up all my fat and take over my fat. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

By watching this video you can learn about strong conspiracies for weight loss. Filmed by the channel “How to Lose Weight Easily.”

For love

The ritual for love is carried out like this:

  1. Add dried wild chamomile flowers, rose petals and thyme to a small amount of orange zest. Mix until you get one handful.
  2. Take a clay cup and brew the resulting handful in it. Leave to cool and infuse.
  3. Add a spoonful of honey to the broth and leave it on the windowsill until the moon appears in the sky.
  4. As evening approaches, take three sips, with each of which you must say the name of your loved one to yourself.

For money

The money ritual is considered an excellent method that helps fulfill dreams of wealth and saves a person from debt and lack of money.

To carry it out you will need:

  • fireproof vessel;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • matches;
  • black candle.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Use matches to light the candle.
  2. Crumple the paper and, putting it in the prepared vessel, show it to the moon. Think that money difficulties are behind you.
  3. When the light of the moon falls on the crumpled paper, you need to pronounce the words of the spell.

“The silver moon is melting, and my debts are melting. The silver moon is melting, but the creditors are not bothering me.”

Now all that remains is to drip the wax that melted from the candle onto the paper with the following words:

“The silver month is melting, but my silver is increasing! Key, lock, tongue, so be it!”

All that remains is to set fire to the paper, wait until it burns out and scatter the ashes to the wind. You need to keep the candle in a secluded place for the entire time until your dreams come true. financial well-being. Afterwards, the cinder must be allowed to burn out completely.

From illness

In order for a person to be able to recover from an illness at home, there is such a effective method like rolling out an egg.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Left at home alone with yourself, you need to undress and lie on the floor. The egg (preferably a village one) should be in the right hand.
  2. Now you need to calm down, throw away all thoughts and start rolling out counterclockwise from head to toe. Particular attention is paid to areas where there is pain or discomfort.
  3. At the end of the “procedure” the egg is thrown away from the house into a ravine or river. It is important that it remains intact while it is near the person healing from the disease.

From enemies

They read it when they want to receive powerful protection from ill-wishers, even at a great distance. It must be recited three times at sunset. You can perform the ritual on the waning moon or on the full moon.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, forces of earth and water, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I lead the Guardian Angel into battle; all his power will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly army, with unpleasant person cope. Stop anyone who thinks evil, and warn anyone who gets rid of me. Evil force will be defeated. Amen".

From a rival

The ritual from a rival will help when a woman needs to get rid of a homewrecker, but there is not a single photograph of her. And with all this, there is no opportunity to give her and her husband something to drink or feed. The ritual is most effective 6 days after the full moon.

To carry it out you should prepare:

  • ritual (new) knife;
  • egg;
  • a cup filled with water;
  • red paint;
  • candle;
  • thin brush.


  1. On one side of the egg you need to write the man's name, on the other - the name of your rival.
  2. Wait until sunset, light a candle, put a knife and an egg on the table, and put a bowl of water.
  3. Break the egg with a knife so that the names are on separate halves of the shell.
  4. Pour the contents into a cup, set the shell aside and read the spell.
  5. What remains in the container needs to be poured into the toilet, and the shell halves should be buried in the ground in different places. All this must be done before the sun rises.

Text of the conspiracy for the waning moon:

“The shell can’t be overgrown, mine can’t be with someone else, just like a chicken can’t be born, so he can’t love her with her, between two sharp knife, (husband’s name) is no longer allowed to (mistress’s name). It split, broke, spread, spilled. The slaves (name of husband and mistress) are separated from now on.”

For trade

To carry out a project that will help you succeed in business, you need to prepare in advance an unnecessary key and an old rag. First, wipe the dust on the desktop with a dry cloth, and then wrap the key in it.

Having done this, read the spell:

“The dashing non-trading, the dashing beggar, the dashing loss, don’t touch me, the servant of God (name), swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Holding the crayfish, the clawed crayfish, lie under a snag. So that I don’t wear rags, so that I don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell goods and don’t hoard rags. I send poverty away, I close the word to the key. The key is in the water, but the lock is in the mouth!”

All that remains is to throw the package into the river or lake and wait for your wishes to come true.

From drunkenness

To carry out a ritual against drunkenness, capable of as soon as possible to get rid of addiction, you need a new towel (preferably white).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. You should hang the towel at night in such a way that the moonlight illuminates it, and read the words of the conspiracy three times.
  2. In the morning, this towel should be given to a person with alcoholism. He must use it alone for seven days. Do not allow anyone else to dry themselves with this towel.
  3. On the eighth day you simply need to burn it.

Conspiracy words:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. It takes seven days to get rid of it, but each time it is freed from hardship. The week will pass and you will be as healthy as holy water. Amen!"

It is advisable to do a ritual against drunkenness in the first week of the waning moon.

For good luck

This powerful ritual for good luck belongs to the instant category, since dreams of success will come true in the near future.

To attract fortune you need:

  1. Prepare fresh spring water in advance.
  2. Fill a small container with this water and place it on the windowsill after sunset. The window must be open.
  3. Take a sip and use the remaining water to wash your face, neck and shoulders.
  4. At the end of the ritual, a conspiracy is read.

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are precious. Just as water washes mountains and spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, the servant of God (name). It will wash away impurities from a clean body, with white body, from all a hundred joints, from the malice of those who meet and cross, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from an old white man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Great Beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you protected your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas and oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring good things into the life of God’s servant (name). Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Liberation from negativity

An effective ritual of liberation from negativity will help a person who is constantly envied or deliberately harmed.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Seclude yourself in a room. No one should distract you during the process of witchcraft.
  2. Light a candle and write down on paper all the negative events and troubles that need to be eliminated.
  3. Re-read everything and burn it with a candle. At the same time, imagine that all the problems that bothered you before are gradually turning into ashes.
  4. It is best to take the ashes away from the house, but flushing them down the toilet is also acceptable.

The performance of this ritual must be kept secret.

Everyone knows that the Moon is closest to our planet heavenly body, has a huge impact on everything earth processes and phenomena. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that magicians and sorcerers actively use lunar energy in their magical rituals. Let's look at what rituals there are for the waning moon, and how the magic of the waning moon works.

The magic of the waning moon

As you know, there are four lunar phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Each of the designated periods has a different impact on human life. If we talk about the lunar waning phase, it makes people passive and apathetic. At this time period human body“feeds” on reserves accumulated during lunar growth. The period of the “aging Month” is given to us to find peace, relaxation and rethinking of our lives; these are moments of loneliness, repentance and “search for oneself”.

In magical practices during the phase of the aging Moon, it is customary to get rid of everything unnecessary, breaking old connections and letting go of obsessive thoughts. In this regard, there are some rituals that are recommended to be carried out precisely during the phase of the waning Month:

  1. Lapel rituals, quarrels.
  2. Influences aimed at getting rid of diseases.
  3. Rituals to help get rid of failure, poverty, debt and financial troubles.
  4. Impacts to restore beauty, especially spells to help you lose weight.

Love magic spells

Considering love rituals and rituals for the waning moon, it should be noted that they are all destructive in nature. During the aging Month, love spell rituals work poorly, but influences aimed at destroying relationships work just fine. With the help of magic in the phase of the waning moon, you can get rid of your rival or opponent by having a quarrel or turning away. If you don’t know how to break off a boring relationship or get rid of annoying courtship, find an appropriate ritual and perform it during the lunar waning period.

Poppy quarrel

If your loved one has “found someone else”, and you are unable to endure all this and want to get him back in any way, one time-tested ritual called a quarrel will help you. He is able to quarrel lovers so much that their time together becomes simply impossible. This ritual must be done during the waning moon phase. To perform it you will need a black candle and a handful of poppy seeds.

You need to buy poppy seeds in advance, and a representative of the fair half of humanity must sell them to you. When buying, you shouldn’t haggle with her and you shouldn’t take change either. Wait until the month begins to wane and begin the sacrament of the ritual at night. There should be no strangers in the room where it will take place. In addition, all windows must be curtained and doors must be closed.

Light a black candle and place it in the center of the table. Then pour poppy seeds into your hand and say magic spell:

“I will gather grain by grain, I will speak the right word to them. May the poppy seeds serve me faithfully, may the peace between the Servant of God (man's name) and the Servant of God (woman's name) be broken forever. Let my seeds sow enmity, quarrels, and discord over trifles among them. They will know no more peace, let them always fight among themselves. Just as my grains cannot be gathered together, my conspiracy cannot be lifted by anyone.”

After reciting, pour the poppy seeds into a small bag and place it on the table near a burning black candle. This completes the first part of the ritual, and you can go and rest.

When the next day comes, take all the melted wax from the black candle and take it away from the house. It would be better to bury it in the forest under a rotten tree. Now you need to pour the charmed poppy into a place where the people you want to quarrel with could step on it. This could be the threshold of a lover's house or a place where the couple often meets. Having quietly scattered the poppy seeds, quickly go home without talking or looking back.


Sometimes it can be quite difficult to get rid of a boring boyfriend or a disgusted “admirer”. If there is a person in your life who follows you around, depriving you of peace and the opportunity to build relationships with others, turn away from him. love feelings towards you. To carry out this simple but quite powerful ritual you will need a black or white candle and sour green apple. At night on the aging Moon, light a candle and place it in the center of the table. Place a saucer nearby and place the prepared sour apple on it.

Tune in to the ceremony and think about the person whose annoying attention you want to achieve. Then think about a sour apple, imagine how tasteless and disgusting it is. Next, take a bite from it and say:

“As this apple is sour and disgusting, so let me (your name) be unloved and unwanted for the Servant of God (name of the man). As this apple rots, let the Servant of God (man’s name) stop loving me (your name) forever and ever. Let him forget about me (your name), but if he meets me, he won’t know. The word is said, the deed is done."

After the recitation, extinguish the candle and, together with the enchanted sour apple, take it to the trash.

Money rituals

Among fans of white and black magic, the so-called “money” rituals are especially popular, with the help of which you can get rid of financial problems and debts. Depending on the goal you set for yourself, the lunar phase in which this or that ritual for money is carried out is determined. So, during the period of the waxing Moon, it is customary to perform rituals aimed at growth Money and business income, increasing trade turnover, attracting new clients and concluding lucrative contracts. Lunar waning phase - good time in order to reduce your debts and get rid of lack of money and business failures.

Conspiracy from lack of money

To get rid of poverty forever, do the following: magical ritual for money on the waning moon. To do this, at midnight take banknote, bring it to the moonlight and read the following plot:

“I bow low to Mother Moon, I ask you to help me get rid of poverty. As Mother Moon descends from the sky, she will take my poverty with her. As Mother Moon is renewed in the sky, my lack of money will cease forever. With the spoiled money I will buy myself out of poverty, for church candle I'll pray. As my candle burns out, wealth will pour in to me. Let it happen my way."

After reading the spell, go to rest, but leave the charmed bill on the windowsill. The next day, go to the temple and buy candles with all the enchanted “money” without taking change. To complete the ritual against lack of money on the waning moon, light candles in the church and pray for the success of your business.

Ritual for the waning moon against poverty and lack of money.

A. Sheps on periscope. Ritual for the waning moon


Conspiracy to get rid of debts

Many people are familiar with the situation when overwhelming financial problems force a person to “go deeply into debt.” If you are “stuck in this abyss” and don’t know “where to escape” from creditors to whom you cannot repay loans, turn to magic. A special conspiracy to get rid of debts will help solve money problems and will direct you to Right way. This money ritual is performed on the waning moon at dawn. To make your wish come true, go to the river in the morning and take with you coins of any denomination.

When you go out to the river bank, stand facing the direction of its flow and take a right hand prepared coins. Then focus, think about your debt obligations and imagine how good and easy it will be for you when you get rid of them. Next, start reading the words of the conspiracy to get rid of debts and attract money:

“Mother River, you are powerful and fast. Take my debts and take them away from me with water. I pay off my debts, I will bathe in your waters. I will thank you for your service and give you gold and silver. Be it my way."

After casting the spell, take a swim in the river and throw the prepared coins into it. Then get out of the water and leave the river bank as quickly as possible.

Rituals for health and beauty

“Aging” of the Moon – good point to carry out interventions aimed at getting rid of diseases and problems associated with appearance. Since magical rituals for the waning moon help a person get rid of everything unnecessary, it is good to start losing weight at this lunar phase. Also during this period you can treat your teeth and visit a cosmetologist. As for the various surgical interventions, then they can be resorted to only in the first half of the lunar waning phase.

Conspiracy against diseases

Among the strong and proven conspiracies for the waning moon, there is a ritual with which you can get rid of a protracted illness. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to go to the river at dawn. At the same time, before the ritual you cannot eat, drink, or comb your hair. Arriving at the river, go into the water up to your ankles and loudly pronounce the following magic spell:

“I drive out illnesses and infirmities from my body, I drive them into deep waters. River waters Let my ailments be taken away, and health restored to my sick body. The river roots will entangle the disease, and forever envelop it in viscous silt. In a whirlpool of infirmity they will disappear, illnesses will leave me forever. Let it be so".

Then get out of the water and quickly go home, without looking back and remaining silent.

Conspiracy to gain slimness

Almost every woman dreams of a beautiful slim figure, but not everyone manages to “get it”. If you are tired of endless diets that do not produce results, but your desire to lose weight is very strong, turn to magic for help. So, to become slim, here's what you need to do: on the waning moon at night, stay in the room alone and light a black candle. Then place in front of you a container with spring or church-blessed water. The amount of water, in this case, can be any.

"Beyond the distant seas, beyond high mountains the monster sits, my fat guards. With the right word, and with a strong desire, I will speak to that monster, I will command him to eat my fat. There will be no rest for him either day or night until my fat disappears from me. And as the monster eats my fat, my body will gain harmony. Let it be so".

Next, leave the charmed water on the table, but do not extinguish the candle. In the morning, take the candle out of the house and bury it in a secluded place. Drink the charmed water every morning on an empty stomach, not forgetting to make every effort to gain harmony.

Rituals for good luck

There is a “dark streak” in every person’s life, when it seems that luck has “turned away” and will never return. But, mired in the “abyss of misfortune,” you should not “fold your paws” and “think and guess” about the injustice of life. Fight, and magic will help you with this, in the “arsenal” of which there are suitable methods. Before you “get down to business,” you should understand for yourself what ritual and in what time. lunar phase you can do it.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the fact that rituals for good luck cannot be performed on the waning moon. The period of lunar growth is more suitable for such influences. On the waning moon, rituals are performed against bad luck. This is enough strong impacts, which are aimed not at attracting good luck, but at “expelling” bad luck.

Ritual with moon water

To carry out a strong ritual against failure on the waning Moon, you need to stock up on spring water or water consecrated in the temple. Pour it into a beautiful vessel and place it on the windowsill overnight. It is desirable that at this moment the sky is clear and the Moon is clearly visible. Leaving the container of water on the windowsill, go to bed and try to fall asleep. In the morning, wash your face with charged water, saying:

“I will get up in the morning at dawn and wash my face with holy water. How you, Mother Voditsa, are glorious in your strength and red in your purity. Just as you wash away the mountains and spill over into wide open spaces, so wash me, the Servant of God (your name), wash away all the misfortunes from me. As soon as the water touches my body, good luck will come to my business. As the water wipes away all the impurities from me, happiness will flow to me like a river. Protect me, Mother Water, from all harm, from an evil witch, from human rumor, from an unkind eye and from a fatal hour. Let only good things happen to me, and let bad things never happen to me again. Amen"

Coin spell

To get rid of misfortunes and attract good luck into your life, take a few coins of any denomination and go at night on the waning moon to the crossroads of four roads. This must be done after the clock strikes twelve. Having arrived at the appointed place, take the coins in your hand and, without taking your eyes off the night star, say:

“As the moon wanes, it takes my troubles with it. As soon as the Moon leaves the sky, good luck will come to my house. I redeem myself from troubles and misfortunes with gold, I will say goodbye to them forever. Let it be so".

Then throw the coins over your left shoulder, say "Paid" and quickly go home. Throughout the entire journey you cannot look back or talk.