Anastasia Soltan, daughter of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident. The tragedy occurred on the evening of November 24 - where her parents’ apartment is located. A few hours before her death, she posted a link to an article entitled “I’m offended by my parents for not teaching me how to live without them.” On the day of her death, the girl turned 22 years old. Back in August, she was involved in an accident, where her parents died and she received serious injuries. Then then setroy.

Marina Parfenova, a close friend of the family, told Metro how relationships developed in the Soltan family and what happened immediately before the girl’s death.

According to Marina, she was friends with the Soltan family for 30 years.
- They were rather closed people, but we were very close with Pavel and Svetlana. Nastya was very domestic, absolutely her mother’s child. Despite her age - 22 years old - she could not take a step without her mother.

As Marina Parfenova says, when her parents passed away, Nastya’s sister Veronica remained close to her. The deceased fell under her influence. According to a family friend, Alexey - ex-spouse Anastasia Soltan - simply interfered with Veronica and her husband.

You see, Veronica is not own daughter Pavel. And Nastya had a share in the apartment where they once lived as a family. And now Nastya’s entire share belongs to Veronica. As Pavel told me, she and her husband have a lot of loans, but the debts must be repaid.

Marina Parfenova witnessed what happened immediately after the death of the parents of two girls.

The state Nastya was in was all the work of Veronica and her husband - from the first minute. On the second day after the death of her parents, Veronica runs and cuts the locks into the apartment. She and her husband were all afraid that Lesha would take something, they kicked him out of the apartment. Nastya didn’t even regain consciousness, but this was already happening there.

As Marina says, later, when Nastya was in the hospital because of nervous breakdown, Veronica came there and said: “You don’t need Alexey. We will find you another.”

Marina Parfenova tried to talk to Nastya and told her: “Stay with Lesha, he is your salvation.” But Nastya did not listen, she was deeply depressed.

Alexey did not leave Nastya, he came to see her in the hospital, but she began to have hysterics, she began to drive him away. He was simply covered in mud. And if Veronica had not interfered, had not pushed him away, had not discredited him, everything would have been fine.

Marina says that the young people themselves were not ready for family life- they dated for about six months, and then lived in marriage for no more than two months.

Nastya had depressive states and before, she worked with a psychologist. Then this tragedy with her parents, which Nastya saw with her own eyes, because she was conscious. Three doctors looked at Nastya after her first suicide attempt and said: “Everything is fine, she’s just a spoiled girl.” She was released and was not given any pills or other treatment. Veronica grabbed it for herself. We wanted to find good specialist, and Nastya was taken to a hospital where there were 15 people in a ward.

Marina Parfenova also remembered how the parents of the future spouses received their daughters. The meeting with Alexey, Nastya’s future husband, went well, Pavel and Svetlana were very happy. But Veronica’s husband was not to his liking.

Veronica is all under her husband. Svetlana told me that he beats her, and she was in the hospital for safekeeping - he beat her,” says Marina.

According to media reports, Anastasia Soltan will presumably be buried at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery in the Leningrad region, where her parents are buried.

The farewell ceremony for the Soltanov couple took place yesterday in the main hall of the city parliament. Carry out in last way Members of the same party, colleagues, relatives and friends came to the deputy from A Just Russia and his wife.

Those wishing to honor the memory of Pavel and Svetlana, who crashed on August 14 in a car accident near St. Petersburg, began to approach the Legislative Assembly long before the start of the funeral ceremony. Coffins with bodies stood in the Raphael Hall of the palace near snow-white columns, entwined with black ribbons as a sign of mourning. By ten in the morning the hall could barely accommodate those who came. People were standing in line.

"We say goodbye to a man with capital letters. He did a lot - not for show and posters, but for the people. In politics, rarely does anyone manage to maintain purity and sincerity, but he did it. Svetlana Valentinovna long years worked at ZakS. She was not only his assistant and friend, but also felt enormous responsibility for everything that happens here,” Vyacheslav Makarov, speaker of the Legislative Assembly, opened the farewell ceremony.

Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, leader of A Just Russia Sergei Mironov, deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Marina Shishkina, speaker of the Leningrad Region parliament Sergei Bebenin thanked the victims for their kindness, responsiveness and sincere empathy for the pain of others. State Duma deputy, "Spravoross" Oleg Nilov remembered that their comrade liked to say goodbye: "Well, I ran... Well, I flew..."

A series of official speeches and telegrams from State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin and Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko were steadfastly listened to by the relatives of the victims. Pavel’s older brother Alexander was in the hall. Eldest daughter Svetlana Veronica was supported at the funeral service by her husband, who was nursing their third girl, who was born in May. Younger, Nastya - common daughter Soltanov was in the car with her parents and is now in the hospital with serious injuries.

Having gathered her strength, Veronica spoke to those who came. Briefly, quietly, but clearly, the girl, who was suddenly left without a mother and without a stepfather, said that before her death, Svetlana regained consciousness and asked what was wrong with Nastya. Hearing that her daughter was alive, she left with her husband. Veronica asked to help her sister and preserve everything that her father managed to do over the years. Finally, Veronica confidently and loudly said that she knew: her father was not guilty of that accident.

Close friends of the Soltanov family - Rimma Lebedeva and Boris Khasky - knew Pavel since the early 1990s. “I met him while working at Russian Gems. Nastya had not yet been born to them. It was a difficult time. Our leader, knowing that Pavel lived without arms and legs, asked me from Torez to go to his home on Grazhdanka and find out if he needs any help. Since then, we have been friends as families. He is the most worthy and strongest person I have ever known. He endured so many difficulties,” recalled Boris Husky.

“He always lived for someone. And he was unlike many grabber politicians. They didn’t even have a dacha. The only thing they did for themselves was to exchange a three-room apartment for a four-room one,” added Rimma Lebedeva.

Boris Husky said: “Pavlik loved poetry very much. One of his favorites was Alexander Dolsky’s “A star fell on my palms.” But Pavlik had no palms... Or here’s another one, by Gennady Shpalikov, “Oh, I’ll drown in Western Dvina, or I’ll die some other way...", - at this point Boris Khasky could not stand it and began to cry.

According to friends and fellow party members, he never emphasized that at the age of 20 he was left without arms and legs, but on the contrary, he lived a full life. “When I met Pavel, I always wanted to instinctively offer him a chair. But he said: “Sergey, you’re a paratrooper!” What do they say there? Nobody except us! Well!”, Sergei Mironov also recalled.

Athletes from the Wheelchair Dance Sports Federation also came to say goodbye to their friend. “He never missed a single one of our competitions. Despite his busy schedule, he and his wife followed the performances from beginning to end,” noted coach Konstantin Vasiliev.

The founder of the Baski basketball club for disabled people, Vladimir Dyachkov, said that Pavel Soltan supported their organization even before he became a deputy. He helped the guys with the purchase wheelchairs, sportswear for competitions.

The Soltanovs' youngest daughter, Nastya, does not yet know that her parents are no longer there... In June, after celebrating her father's 55th birthday, the girl got married.

“Nastya is a very sensitive and reverent girl, I don’t know how she will bear this news. She had a very trusting and affectionate relationship with her parents,” said Tatyana Shchur, director of the St. Petersburg Alma Mater gymnasium, where Nastya once studied.

After the funeral service in the Church of the Presentation of the Lord, the Soltanov couple was buried at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery.

Marina Kostyukevich

Journalists accuse deputy of the St. Petersburg legislative assembly Alexei Plotnikov of leaving his wife a few months after the wedding, immediately after her father, an influential deputy, died and she herself was hospitalized for a long time.

On June 5, a young municipal deputy from the A Just Russia party, Alexey Plotnikov, married Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of the vice-speaker of the legislative assembly Pavel Soltan. On August 14, on the Scandinavia highway, the Soltan family’s car collided head-on with a Mercedes that had jumped into the oncoming lane. Pavel Soltan and his wife died on the spot, and Anastasia, who was in the back seat, was bedridden for a long time with multiple fractures. On November 21, Plotnikov divorced Anastasia, and on November 24, her 22nd birthday, the girl lost her life.

At the scene of the accident on the Scandinavia highway

Journalists have been following the story, which ended in divorce and then the death of a woman, for a long time. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote in September, and Life wrote in October that Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov are in a quarrel. According to Anastasia and her relatives, after the accident Plotnikov actually did not care about his wife, who had lost both parents and could not move independently, chained to hospital bed. Moreover, when the matter was already heading towards divorce, he began to manage their common and her personal money, depriving his wife of her livelihood.

We were supposed to go to the sea in the fall for our honeymoon. It was a wedding gift from my parents. 200 thousand rubles were in the travel agency’s account. But after the accident, I am not able to go anywhere, and we decided to postpone the trip for six months or a year. The other day I went to a travel agency, and it turned out that Alexey came there alone and wrote an application for a refund.

In addition, according to Anastasia, the ex-husband took the money given for the wedding - 250 thousand rubles. Alexey did not deny that he had returned his parents’ advance payment for the trip, but he explained it in his own way.

Nastya asked to go to a travel agency - I went there. Well, the travel agency employees, since we are husband and wife, transferred the money to my account. Nastya asked to return everything. I wrote her an SMS: “No problem, get yourself debit card" Unfortunately, due to the scandalousness of what is happening, everything has to be formulated exactly like this.

Even before this, Anastasia Soltan wrote in detail about the quarrel on her page on VKontakte. According to her, she needed support and care, but her husband left her, nurses looked after her in the hospital, and Plotnikov almost never visited her. Gradually she came to the conclusion that her husband never loved her, and the marriage was of convenience.

People are known both in sorrow and in joy. Our family could not survive the grief. My husband has elections now, and this is the most important thing.

According to Soltan, Plotnikov needed her father to get a deputy seat in the legislative assembly, moving up a step in career ladder. When the father died, Alexei no longer needed his daughter. Plotnikov himself presents the situation somewhat differently, but in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda he confirmed the main thing: the election campaign really was in the first place for him.

The tragedy is that our misfortune occurred during the election campaign. IN this moment I, of course, need to maintain composure for the sake of my wife and take care of the future. I am responsible for her and for the people who depend on my work.

Alexey Plotnikov came to St. Petersburg to study from Saratov and graduated from St. Petersburg State University. He became an active member of the youth organization A Just Russia, quickly stood out and tried to participate in elections in the Okhta municipal district. It didn’t work out the first time, but in the 2014 elections he became a municipal deputy.

Plotnikov was active in the public sphere: in January 2015, he changed his contractor to publish a municipal newspaper. Instead of the Polax company, which is associated with the former head of the Okhta municipal organization Dmitry Monakhov, the Avtoperspektiva company received a contract for 1.8 million rubles. The St. Petersburg media connected her with Plotnikov himself, and it was he who invited her to participate in the competition. Prior to this, Avtoperspektiva provided transportation to the State Monitoring Center organization, having won competitions for this several times. The owner of Avtoperspektiva, Artyom Savostin, judging by social networks, is in close relations with United Russia Gleb Kryukov, who, in turn, was actively involved in the election campaign of Alexei Plotnikov, despite the fact that they are members of different parties.

Alexey Plotnikov, “A Just Russia”, (left) and Gleb Kryukov, “ United Russia", (on right)

As the regional publication “News of Spirituality” wrote, the little-known Plotnikov got a real chance to become a deputy at a higher, regional level after meeting the daughter of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Pavel Soltan, one of the two main “Socialist Revolutionaries” of St. Petersburg along with Oleg Nilov, and soon by marrying her.

In the summer, even before the wedding, Plotnikov began an active election campaign, for whom he willingly took photographs with his wife: the last such photo was taken on July 9.

He traveled to the territory of the self-proclaimed DPR (there are many photographs from there), and even received unofficial awards from this entity.

Most of the posts on Anastasia Soltan’s VKontakte page are about their family drama Already deleted, but screenshots remain.

In an interview, Plotnikov himself explained his wife’s posts by the fact that she was depressed after the accident, as well as the intrigues of her sister, who allegedly laid claim to her parents’ apartment. However, Anastasia explained everything differently. As a result, she filed for divorce herself.

On November 21, the marriage was dissolved. On November 24, Soltan gave her last interview to LIFE78 and even thanked the TV channel on her page, and when the report came out, she committed suicide.

I am now confused in this world, for me there has been a big reassessment.

Anastasia Soltan reported that relations with other relatives also deteriorated: they allegedly took away her gadgets so that she would not look at photographs of her parents and would not be upset in vain. The girl said that she needs further rehabilitation, but she does not have enough strength without support.

If I had an understanding person next to me or had the opportunity to watch films, communicate with people in virtual space, I would be able to return to treatment.

Shortly before the last step, Anastasia Soltan published the following message on her VKontakte page.

In September 2015, after breaking up with actor Jim Carrey, his girlfriend Catriona White. One year later trial between Kerry and relatives dead woman continues, . White's relatives accuse the actor of giving her the drugs that killed her from an overdose, and also of driving her to suicide. Jim Carrey countersued for defamation.

Anastasia Soltan, daughter deceased deputy speaker The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan was driven to suicide by a mental crisis, problems in the family, as well as high pressure the public, which is always interested in such dramas. This is the opinion of the girl’s close friends who discuss the tragedy on social networks. In addition, relatives claim that a few days before the tragedy, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

““Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me.” with me!” I have to protect myself and my children,” Veronica Soltan recently wrote on social networks.

According to the Metro newspaper, the suicide attempt took place on November 16, after which the girl was taken to mental asylum. According to Anastasia herself, the doctor, after a conversation, concluded that she did not have schizophrenia, and that she was simply experiencing great grief.

Let us remind you that Anastasia fell out of the window of her parents’ apartment on her 22nd birthday, November 24, late in the evening. The last entry on her VKontakte page was made at 21:14 - she published a link to an interview that Life had done the day before. During a conversation with journalists, the girl often cries and admits that she is “confused in this world.” At the same time, standing in front of the camera with crutches, she claims that she intends to undergo rehabilitation and make a full recovery. Anastasia wanted to live in her parents’ apartment alone with her mother’s favorite dog, Lunka.

The girl’s latest posts on social networks suggest a deep mental crisis. It is noticeable how hard the death of her parents was for Anastasia. Things got worse when her husband, municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov, left her. They met thanks to Anastasia’s father, with whom Plotnikov, also from A Just Russia, collaborated on work. A month before the car accident, the couple played gorgeous wedding and planned Honeymoon. Everything changed after the accident that claimed the lives of Pavel Soltan and his wife. According to Anastasia, her husband practically did not visit her in the hospital, and in response to her requests to come and support, he replied that he was busy with work. In September they filed for divorce.

Numerous media outlets that turned to Anastasia’s social networks to clarify the tragedy noted that many of her latest entries speak of the girl’s emotional instability: her texts are long, confusing, with many errors and repetitions. The girl splashed out facts from her personal life for everyone to see and constantly changed her mood.

She actively participated in the life of Anastasia Soltan. elder sister Veronica. Despite her categorical statement in the entry given at the beginning of the material, she tried to help her sister to the last. But Anastasia did not accept these attempts, complaining that Veronica took all her personal belongings from her when she went to rehabilitation - gadgets, personal hygiene items, money and keys to her parents’ apartment.

To stop the flow of indignation from Anastasia’s friends, Veronica made an entry on her page:

« Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. It might be worth contacting common sense and return her back to rehabilitation? (bad Veronica and Slava).”

Let us note that when it became known about Anastasia’s death, Veronica wrote about it on her page, and then deleted her account.

From Anastasia’s notes and her stories in various interviews, it is noticeable how the girl’s mood and attitude towards her loved ones changes. She either blamed Veronica or admitted that she loved her and wanted to get rid of depression and undergo rehabilitation. The same applies to Veronica’s husband Slavik, whom Anastasia first accused of taking a large sum of money from her for her business, then talked about his care and thanked him for his help.

Anastasia’s followers both before and after the tragedy were divided into two camps. The first, the most numerous, actively supported the girl, wished her physical and moral health and urged her not to harm herself. But there were also those who found the girl’s behavior unworthy: they say that the 21-year-old daughter of the vice-speaker was simply not accustomed to living on her own, she was easily vulnerable and did not want to get rid of problems in order to continue living at the expense of her compassionate environment.

Barack Obama began his final foreign tour as US President with a visit to Athens. The Greek government calls the two-day visit historic. This is the first visit to Greece by a US president in 17 years and the fourth in history. On the first day, Barack Obama will meet with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and hold talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. According to some reports main theme negotiations will include the problem of the Greek national debt. Wednesday will be dedicated cultural program, the first point of which is a visit to the Acropolis. Greek trade unions and a number political organizations are planning protests against the US President. For security reasons, the police have prohibited any mass actions on the road from Athens airport, and in the city center. After Greece, Barack Obama will visit Germany and Peru.

On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heir to the deputy chairman Legislative Assembly St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She had difficulty recovering from terrible accident. The girl shared her thoughts on social networks.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She had difficulty recovering from a terrible accident. The girl shared her thoughts on social networks. In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited her mother and father’s apartment.

A terrible incident occurred at Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left her newborn baby in the toilet so she wouldn't miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in an insane state and still missed the plane. A terrible incident occurred at Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left her newborn baby in the toilet so she wouldn't miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in an insane state and still missed the plane, reports the Independent.

In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited her mother and father’s apartment. On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Her death shocked everyone around her.

On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heir to the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, committed suicide. Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what. New details have recently emerged that shed light on the unexpected decision of the victim of the tragedy. In one of their social networks she actively shared everything that happened to her. This helped Anastasia move on and take her mind off the terrible accident, at least for a while.

- The daughter of Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan has died

As it turned out, Anastasia was greatly damaged by her divorce from her husband, whose marriage lasted only a few months. The girl claimed that Alexey Plotnikov turned away from her. “Many people ask me if my husband is interested in how I feel. After all, they were not strangers, they write. I answer: “No! Nothing for 2 months.” As they say, hobble along slowly, and forget me, your little legs will heal, you’ll live somehow,” Soltan wrote.

The letter an angry John Lennon wrote to Paul McCartney and his wife Linda after the breakup The Beatles, sold at auction for approximately $30,000. In the letter, Lennon expresses dissatisfaction with the couple's attitude towards him and his wife Yoko Ono. It is believed that Lennon wrote the letter in 1971 in response to a letter from Linda McCartney, who was unhappy that the musician had not publicly announced his departure from the group. In the opening paragraphs, Lennon writes that upon receiving Linda's letter, he believed that it had been written by someone "a crazy, middle-aged Beatles fan."

Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left Farewell letter. “It’s a pity that there were people next to Anastasia who, in my opinion, gave her no best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband

Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what. A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and resisted with all her might the decision of her sister and her husband.

The girls she knew tried to support her as best they could. They wrote encouraging comments to Anastasia, advising her to move on with her life and try not to concentrate on negative thoughts. Those close to Soltan believed that everything would definitely work out for such a young and pretty girl. But latest publications the heirs of the deceased deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg were worried about her entourage. It seemed that Anastasia was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. “You drive yourself into a hopeless state, walking in a circle of your experiences and unanswered questions. Stop! Enough! Understand that you are not equal to your parents,” writes one of the friends of the tragedy victim.

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A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and resisted with all her might the decision of her sister and her husband. She stated that she was hospitalized without everything she needed - without personal belongings, toiletries and towels. Anastasia suffered while within the walls medical institution alone. “At night, of course, I don’t sleep, I can’t watch the series, I can’t listen to music, I can’t communicate with people on the Internet,” Soltan shared.

The girl was undergoing rehabilitation after an accident that claimed the lives of her parents. According to media reports, the girl fell out of the apartment window. IN investigation department The Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg confirmed that they are conducting an investigation into the death of a 22-year-old local resident, whose body was found near one of the houses on Butlerova Street.

Show business news » Society » Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left a farewell letter. On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, committed suicide

Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived, but ended up in jail. More than three months have passed since the death of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan. Daughter of Legislative Assembly vice-speaker Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident: “My husband left me after his death

In another publication, Anastasia said that she loves her sister Veronica, but not her husband Vyacheslav. The girl claimed that he was a despot and domestic tyrant. In the same way, Soltan stated, their dead mother thought.

The victim of the tragedy begged her relative to give her the keys to her parents’ apartment and money to start an independent life. Anastasia dreamed of being back in an environment familiar from childhood. Apparently, Veronica was afraid that the visit of the victim of the tragedy to this place could have an extremely negative impact on her well-being, so she was in no hurry to fulfill her sister’s wishes.

However, on November 23, one day before sad incident, Anastasia still ended up in her parents’ house. Then the girl wrote a post in which she outlined her plans for the future. Soltan claimed that she never received the money that her father’s acquaintances gave her. Anastasia was forced to live from hand to mouth, she did not even have normal winter shoes. The victim of the tragedy openly admitted that it was not easy for her to be in her father and mother’s apartment.

The ballerina made another scandalous statement. Anastasia Volochkova rather sharply commented on the news that the administration of the Bolshoi Theater had decided not to allow children under ten years of age to attend evening performances. Earlier, one of the visitors to the Bolshoi Theater said that she and her children were not allowed to attend the original performance of “Swan Lake,” which raised questions and public outrage. Anastasia also did not remain silent and in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel she said that the performances of the Bolshoi Theater are especially popular among certain “elite comrades.”

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. Nastya was the initiator of the divorce. After the escape, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the legislative assembly. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the employees

The channel's employees left the girl alone in the apartment - despite the warning that she Anastasia Soltan's parents died in a car accident on August 15, 2016. Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana were killed. Anastasia - them youngest daughter- survived, although she received

“At first it was hard, I was waiting for my parents, but now it’s good, with Lunka (the family’s dog - Ed.) we are sitting in their room. It smells like mom and dad... Veronica used to ask what I wanted as a gift, and I answered that it was nothing. And now I want a gold chain with the letter C. This will be my amulet. I would like to go to a cafe in a dress and sit with good people, but I was isolated... A million rubles were given to me at the funeral service for treatment and for life, everyone saw it, from my father’s friends (I won’t list who), this money never reached me. It's not a shame anymore because of the money. It’s a shame that the parents are horrified by what’s happening now, how they left their kittens,” Anastasia wrote.

Apparently, Soltan did not stay in prison for long. good mood. After some time, the heavy thoughts returned to her again. Perhaps the situation in her parents’ apartment really had a negative impact on her, as her sister feared. It is also known that in mid-November Anastasia already tried to commit suicide.

“On November 16, Nastya made a demonstrative suicide attempt. And she was taken to a psychiatric hospital. We spent several days working with her. Then she was released for rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it turned out that Nastya was mentally ill. She needs help. And it's not just about grief. But Nastya has a chance to successfully adapt, firstly, by physically recovering and, secondly, by setting healthy boundaries for Nastya, which she greatly violates. This is what Veronica and Slava were guilty of. And here’s the reaction... But even this does not give the right to behave like this, Nastya, stop,” wrote a friend of the girl a few hours before her death.

With dad ❤

A photo posted by Anastasia Plotnikova (Soltan) (@anastasiia_solt) on Aug 2, 2016 at 7:40am PDT

The ex-husband of Anastasia Soltan explained why he left her before his death.
Several days have passed since the death of the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident. Journalists contacted ex-husband Anastasia by Alexey Plotnikov, politician and member of the A Just Russia party. The man revealed the reasons why he decided to break up with his lover. 1 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov 2 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 3 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 4 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC After the accident Anastasia Soltan restarted