Summer Solstice 2016

Summer solstice in 2016 falls on June 21, 2016 in 1. 34 m. Moscow time.

Summer Solstice Day - a special time in astronomy, astrology and magic.

In astronomy, this is the beginning of an astronomical summer; The longest day day and the shortest night a year.

Summer Solstice Day is celebrated in different countries and cultures; In many ways, the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Summer Solstice is similar and differ only by the title itself. So, for example, in Norway, the day of the summer solstice is named after John the Baptist, - "Ivanovo night". Celtic peoples - Lita, in the Old Slavonic traditions - Ivan Kupala, Yarilin Day, Soncecres.

With summer solstice, a lot of believes are connected, which are still worthy of our attention, because on the day of the summer solstice there is a powerful splash of the energy of good, love and well-being. It is believed that on the day of the summer solstice, all magical rituals, rites and conspiracies are of particular strength, and this is true. Therefore, it is very important to tune in to a positive wave on this day - the more love and good you emit, the more well-being attracts in your life.

Summer solstice is a time when all thinking can be realized in the material world; On the day of the summer solstice, it is impossible to think about the bad, feeling the feelings of anger, resentment, fear, hatred, otherwise you can get a big trouble on yourself and your loved ones.

Summer solstice in astrology

On the day of the summer solstice, the sun passes from twins in cancer. From this point on, emotional and intuitive susceptibility in many people are activated. Summer solstice is a time when emotions can reach their peak if it does not bring order in your soul on time. Therefore, astrologists recommend prepare for this period in advance - you need to rest more, spend time with close relatives, children. Cancer is the sign of the zodiac for which the house and family are very important. The sun in cancer on the day of the summer solstice calls us to return to the traditions of our kind, family, search the roots of problems in the past.

Summer solstice I.

Summer Solstice Day is the perfect time to improve your lifestyle. During this period, it is very good to carry out various procedures that improve the work of the digestive system. These can be special diets, but in no case is fast fasting. Food should act in sufficient quantity, but it must be mainly liquid. Clean water plays an important role; Water procedures are especially useful on the day of summer solstice. You can swim on the day of summer solstice, and even needed, - in rivers, lakes, ponds. This will help recharge the energy for the whole year and even get rid of health care.

Ivan Kupala and the day of John the Baptist - not random names for the summer solstice. The thing is that water on the day of summer solstice really has a powerful healing energy, capable of cleaning and soul, and body.

Very helpful on the day of the summer solstice to collect herbs, from which you can cook healing braids for all occasions. Herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice (on Ivan Kupala, John the Baptist) possess a special magical force, can significantly improve health and get rid of diseases.

Summer Solstice B.

With the day of summer solstice, many magical rites and rituals are connected.

Summer Solstice Day is a time when nature forces are united to help a person come to harmony and well-being. At this time, the elements of water, fire and land are equally strong, which is favorable for making magical rites using these elements. The magic of the day of the summer solstice is especially effective, so if you have any unresolved problems, use this period for magical rites, rituals, conspiracy and spells. Magic rituals using herbs and colors, for example, can be used for these purposes. .

You can make overalls that will have a special force, for example - .

Summer solstice I.

On the day of summer solstice, you can guess questions about love, family, health, future and fate. Fortune telling on the night before the day of summer solstice is considered the most accurate; At this time, it is very good to guess for the future, "so you can get a fairly accurate prediction for any reasonable time (usually guess for a year).

Our site provides a special division for divination for summer solstice - .

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In 2016, the winter solstice drops on December 21, 10:44 minutes by universal time, informs

Winter solstice in the Slavic tradition is one of the main holidays, which is called a solvent or a wheelchade. Solvice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

Astronomical meaning of solstice

In total, there are two equinox - autumn and spring. There are also two solstice - winter and summer. In our northern hemisphere, the winter solstice drops almost every time on December 21, but due to the fact that the calendar has a leap year, this date is sometimes shifted for one day. In 2015, for example, the solstice was just December 22.

On December 21, 2016, the Earth will take a special point of the orbit when the Sun will substitute the southern hemisphere, and the North will be even more converted by sunny "attention." This point is called the beginning of an astronomical winter. In fact, winter on December 21 comes to his climax, just the higher we are to the North Pole, the winter is more pronounced and tightened. In theory, from December 21 should be all warmer and warmer, and in reality it is still cold at least two or a half months.

Winter solstice - the beginning of an astronomical winter. Happy Winter Solstice is associated with many accepts and believes, this day is considered special in astrology and magic. In the cultures and traditions of many nations of the world on the winter solstice, rites associated with the Sun were performed.

Winter solstice in the Slavic tradition is one of the main holidays, which is called Solvor or a wheelchade. Solvice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

Slavs considered this holiday time sun updates and birth, together with him, and all the living, the time of spiritual transformation, time, which contributes to both good material changes and spiritual. The night, which precedes the Day of the Winter Solstice, consider the patroness of all nights, because that night, the Goddess is born a young sunny baby - Dazhbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, Slavs celebrated a pagan new year, which personified with the Deity of the Collad. The main object of the festival was a big bonfire, calling and depicting the sun, which, after one of the longest nights in a year, should be climed into heavenly. Also necessarily baked ritual New Year cakes rounded shape, resembling heavenly shining.

On the day of winter solstice, various magical rituals are carried out, conspires aimed at attracting love, wealth, health. For the magical rites to the winter solstice, the energies of four main elements are used - fire, air, water and land.

Winter Solstice Day is a magical time to use to attract positive energies in your life.

To do this, it is enough to think about the good, dream, to fantasize even about what, in your opinion, it is impossible to realize in reality - all thoughts on the day of the winter solstice are materialized. However, on this day it is impossible to think about the bad, - in no way enter into a dispute with anyone, do not conflict, and if it happened for any reason, ask for forgiveness. The fact is that in the winter solstice, which in the ancient Slavs equated to our new year, we lay the foundation for the entire next year; If on this day you are happy, you get pleasure from communicating with loved ones and favorite people, be sure - you are waiting for a year of joy and fun. However, if you taite in your heart anger, insult, think of unresolved problems, Avral at work, etc., then risks the entire future year in a state of tension and stress.

On December 21, 2016, the Sun leaves the Sign of the Sagittarius and goes into the Capricorn sign. The sun in Capricorn is a symbol of practicality, discipline, self-control and caution.

Winter solstice is the beginning of a new life cycle for everything alive on earth. This is the time when it feels the need to rethink your actions and actions over the past year, summarize and make the right conclusions.

21.12.2016 16:01

December 21 - Day of the Winter Solstice. Today is the shortest day and the longest night.

The moment of solstice is shifted annually, since the duration of the solar year does not coincide with the calendar time.

In 2016, the winter solstice begins on December 21. The sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach the most remote position from the heavenly equator towards the southern pole of the world. In the northern hemisphere of the planet, astronomical winter will come, and in South - summer. In these December days, the polar circle (66.5 degrees of northern latitude) comes a polar night, which does not necessarily mean complete darkness during all day. Her main feature is that the sun does not rise above the horizon.

In the North Pole of the Earth, not only the sun, but also twilight, and the location of the lap can only be recognized on constellations. A completely different picture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Pole of the Earth: in Antarctica at this time the day lasts the clock. On December 21, the Sun crosses 18 hours of meridian and begins to rise up by ecliptic, starting the way to spring equinox when it cross the heavenly equator.

Different cultures in different ways were interpreted by the winter solstice, but most of the nations perceived it as a revival setting the beginning of a new one. At this time, the holidays were satisfied, meetings, the corresponding rituals were performed, the walks with songs and dances were satisfied.

The solstice and the equinox were among the most revered days from the ancient Slavs, because they personally had the hypostasis of the dazhbog. Slavs considered this holiday by the time of renewal and the birth of the Sun, and with him and all the living, the time of spiritual transformation, the time, contributing to both good material changes and spiritual. The night, which precedes the Day of the Winter Solstice, considered the patronage of all nights.

During the winter solstice, Slavs celebrated a pagan new year, which personified with the Deity of the Collad. The main object of the festival was a big bonfire, calling and depicting the sun, which, after one of the longest nights in a year, should be climed into heavenly. Also necessarily baked ritual New Year cakes rounded shape, resembling heavenly shining.

In Europe, the pagan festivals gave the 12-day cycle of lush festivities that marked the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

In Scotland, there was a tradition to launch a burning wheel, symbolizing the sun. The barrel was abundantly fooled by the resin, set fire and rolled out of a slide, rotating movements reminding the fiery shining.

In China, the Day of the Winter Solstice was a worthy festival, because he was considered a happy day. Residents of the country conducted rites and rituals to protect themselves from diseases and evil spirits. The Day of Winter Solstice is still one of the Chinese traditional holidays.

Winter solstice

13:44 Moscow.

From ancient times, almost in all cultures of the world The first twelve days following the winter solstice was given a special sacred value.

The priests were very carefully watched by nature phenomena and events taking place in these sacral days. Since it is believed that the first of these 12 days shows and, most importantly, it forms those events that will occur with a person during the first month after the winter solstice. Those. The events that happened to us on December 22, as in the time mirror, show us what the next 30 days, etc. will be for us.

Each of these 12 sacral days corresponds to a certain month.

In this way, December 22-23-24 Vladyka Time Kalachakra, with the help of various images and signs reflects for us in its mirror what will happen to us winter.

The following three days: December 25-26-27- Show us the events of the future spring.

December 28-29-30- There will be situations that expect us in summer.

BUT, December 31, January 1 and 2 We will be able to give a forecast for what the following will be for us. fall.

Knowing this formula that the 12th sacral days are equal to 12 months of the year, we can not only predict future events, but also to form them.

We literally create or change your future time these days.

Therefore, traditionally, the 12 sacral days after the winter solstice were dedicated to carry out various ritual actions. "What goes around comes around". Good action will form good time for us. Not good actions will create not good time, not good periods and events in our lives. The law of karma guarantees absolute justice in this matter.

This is what is said in the Tibetan astrological text "Jade Box" about specs that accompany the Winter Solstice Day:

  • ... "If a western wind blows is bad, there will be many thieves and robbers;
  • if a lot of snow falls on this day, there will be many obstacles and unfavorable conditions for life;
  • if on the day of the winter solstice, there will be clear and frosty weather, it is very good - next year it will turn a good blessing for people and bring a good harvest;
  • if you rush the eastern wind, then it will bring people a lot of diseases and deaths;
  • the southern wind will bring a bad harvest with him, and the north wind will bring a good harvest;
  • blue clouds on the day of the winter solstice also promise a good harvest next year;
  • red clouds - a sign of a future drought;
  • black clouds - a large amount of precipitation in the coming year;
  • white clouds will bring people to people;
  • yellow clouds - a year will be favorable for construction work "...

Why in all astrological traditions is important

did the Day of Winter Solstice?

What happens over time on this day?

From an astronomical point of view, this is the period when the sunrise point on the horizon gradually begins to shift towards the North and then, the daytime begins to increase, and the duration of the night begins to shrink. Therefore, in Tibetan astrology it is believed that on the day of the winter solstice heavenly and earthly gates swap.And then, the Savdak-owner of the year, together with all his retinue, turns his back to the Sun and goes into the past, west. And he comes to replace the new owner of the year, together with his retinue of the Sovetak managers of certain time periods and spatial directions. So, begins The day of the gods that will last within six months of our temporary measurement.

Then, on the day of the summer solstice, the night of the gods will begin,which will also last during our six months and so on. Thus, one day and one night of the gods on the top of the Mountain Sumera are equal to six months of the first half of the year and six months of the second half of the year on Earth, respectively.

Alexander Hosmo

Winter Solstice is a day when the sun falls as much as possible in the southern hemisphere of the sky, moving along the ecliptic, to reach her smallest decline and the astronomical winter will come. This year it will happen 21-12 at 13:44

Very soon, the winter solstice is "Karachun" or winter sun, as well as the ingression of the sun in the sign of Capricorn.

Winter Solstice is a day when the sun falls as much as possible in the southern hemisphere of the sky, moving along the ecliptic, to reach her smallest decline and the astronomical winter will come. This year it will happen on December 21st at 13:44 Moscow time. This is the turning point of the year in which you can twist your destiny. The birth of the new requires purification from the old and taught. In the days before the solstice and after it it will be useful to keep thoughts and feelings clean, putting order and giving a place new.

1) give away debts, remembering even the smallest three kopecks, which we once forgot to put the saleswoman

2) Thank the people who have become support for you and support this year. If you also thank the gift - it will be especially good.

3) Make general cleaning in the dwelling, in the car, in places where you spend a lot of time, for example, on the desktop. You can disassemble things and pay unnecessary to those who can be useful or simply discard on the garbage.

4) Cleaning must be done and at the information level - to take a computer déctet, as well as clean the pages in social networks.

6) During the week before the solstice, it is very productive to sum up the results of the year: that you have it happened that left the next year, where there was a breakthrough, and where - problems.

The holiday itself is better to celebrate the company of people with whom common ideas, interests and endeavors are associated. Favorable forest and live fire, fire - not only on the festival, but also in the form of candles burning at home, within a week before the holiday. The table should be modest, almost ascetic. You can loud, not hesitate to dream about what I would like in 2017, attracting a fairy tale in my life!

For the length of many winters

I remember the days of solvent

And everyone was unique

And repeated again without an account.

And a whole series of them

Massed little-lounge -

The days of the only one when

It seems to us that time has become.

I remember them will in line:

Winter comes to the middle,

Roads swung, with roofs flowing

And the sun is heated on the ice.

And loving, as in a dream,

To each other stretch hasty,

And on the trees in the embroidery

Sweet from the heat of the squaw.

And half the arrow laziness

Swing on the dial

And longer last day,

And does not end the arms.

© Boris Pasternak, 1959
