Yegor Khalyavin was going to do 15 plastic surgery contract

The first Russian Ken Yegor Khalyavin in order to become an exact copy dolls, will go under the knife at least 15 more times in a row.

The young man, one of the former participants in the “House 2” project, has already undergone more than a dozen operations, but is not going to stop there. Over the next three months, Yegor will go under the knife to insert implants into his chest, pump up his buttocks, reshape his oblique muscles to make his waist narrower and his shoulders wider, and also to mold abs from the subcutaneous fat remaining after the last liposuction.

Publication from E G O R KH O L Y V I N (@egor_holyavin) Apr 21, 2017 at 10:15 PDT

According to Russian Ken, he resorts to the help of surgeons in such matters not because he is lazy and does not want to work out his abs, but because he does not have time for this. He must fully correspond to the puppet ideal by September.

Publication from E G O R H O L Y V I N (@egor_holyavin) Mar 13 2017 at 9:52 PDT

Yegor decided on such an experiment because he wanted to change his life. According to the terms of the contract with a production center from the USA, Egor must completely transform into Ken by September. If all operations are successful, the Russian will compete for the title of best Ken at a competition in New York.

Publication from E G O R KH O L Y V I N (@egor_holyavin) Dec 27, 2016 at 4:53 PST

Egor's reincarnation is being paid for by American sponsors. “They have already made Ken out of men in France and Norway. True, in Norway that man died right on the operating table. I hope everything will be okay with me,” Yegor told

In this article we will look at what plastic surgeries Yegor Khalyavin performed, and also find out why he decided to carry them out, who is sponsoring it, and what the participant in the TV show “Dom-2” wants to achieve with this.

Participation in the project

Egor has just started his special long haul to improve his face and body, but as the media say, he becomes like a doll.

Back in 2014, Khalyavin came to the Dom-2 project, which was one of the most popular at that time. He was a very gallant man, smiling and kind, with his own unique sense of humor and sharp mind. Almost half of the project participants (mostly women) did not accept Khalyavin because of his plumpness.

Khalyavin spent almost six months on the project, but nothing worked out for him. He never found a life partner. The organizers of “Dom-2” always helped the participants in transforming their appearance.

Khalyavin was offered a sports complex of exercises and a diet, to which he agreed. Egor lost almost twenty kilograms in a very short period of time.

After this diet, Yegor met one beauty on the project, they even discovered the so-called Love Island for the first time. However, he ultimately had to leave the project.

Changes after "Dom-2"

Immediately after Khalyavin left the project, photographs with a new appearance began to appear on the network.

Besides slim figure, he decided to change it. As experts say, and according to Egor himself, he cleaned the cheek area. The face became more like a doll and thin!

Face correction (oval). acid in the lips and eyebrows with clear outlines - all this was done for the sake of beauty, and Khalyavin confirmed all these procedures. Yegor told his fans that he decided to go to the surgeon again in order to get his body in order.

He's going to turn his face into a doll's. As it became known by latest photos, Egor was at plastic surgeon, who was marking his face for an upcoming operation.

The surgeon marked the oblique abdominal muscles, back relief, chest and abs with a marker, all of which should appear after plastic surgery.

Egor also did, in addition to all of the above, tightened his eyelids, enlarged his buttocks, removed the mucous membrane, carried out surgery, and much more.

Egor Khalyavin after plastic surgery

Khalyavin himself says that with everyone surgical intervention he feels much more comfortable and better. In total, according to information, about eleven operations out of thirty planned took place.

With the help of plastic surgeons, he removed fat deposits from the area of ​​his face, and also used the service of lifting his face using threads.

Khalyavin every time posts photos of the transformation of his appearance and body. He believes that with the help plastic surgery he will make himself perfect.

Yegor Kholyavin is a participant in the country’s most famous TV show “Dom-2”, famous for his determination and perseverance in changing his own appearance. Now fans call the guy “Russian Ken,” because the once plump, good-natured man has turned into Barbie’s fatal friend.

Participation in "House 2"

He was solemnly dressed in a suit with a bow tie, and in his hands he held a bouquet of flowers for his beloved Tanya Kirilyuk. The single participants, experienced in matters of male beauty, immediately pointed out to the newcomer his unathletic figure and excess weight.

This is not surprising, because at the time of his arrival he weighed about 130 kilograms. The newcomer tried not to accept all the harsh criticism, but relied on the gallantry and beauty of the courtship. Tanya, however, rejected young man, choosing the more beautiful and slender Ilya Grigorenko. Egor turned his attention to , but also with new passion failure awaited him. Bogdan Lenchuk stood in the way of his attempts.

Marina didn’t really like it physical form boyfriend. Despite this, the couple even went to the Seychelles, but even there all attempts to build love failed. A relationship has developed between Egor and Bogdan as competitors for the “princess of the project” Marina. A special scandal erupted when a photo posted by Bogdan went viral. It shows Bogdan’s bare bottom next to the face of Yegor, who is peacefully snoring. Despite all the obstacles passed, the new participant did not stay with Afrikantova, and after leaving the project he began to work closely on transforming his own appearance.

Plastic surgery by Yegor Kholyavin

Excess weight did not bother Kholyavin as much as the heroes around him on the site. It was the tactful remarks of Afrikantova’s chosen one that forced the cute fat man to lose more than 50 kilograms in 10 months. But these were only the first steps in a series of changes for the reality show hero.

  • Abdominoplasty. After a dramatic weight loss, the young man had to undergo surgery to reduce his abdomen. Surgeons removed sagging skin, which noticeably changed the figure of the young man in better side. Kholyavin himself speaks without hesitation about the procedure performed, and the hero of House 2 willingly talks about all other plastic procedures on Instagram, where he also posts photos and videos about his beloved self.

  • . The future Russian Ken decided to start working with his face by correcting its shape. The removal of the lumps was successful, the face became noticeably thinner, the oval lengthened, and the “bulldog” cheeks disappeared. “Don’t worry about me, I feel just fine without these lumps,” says Kholyavin.

  • Lip augmentation. Many subscribers to the page of the hero of House 2 believe that Yegor Kholyavin after the operation began to look like a girl. He is literally preoccupied with his own lips, pumping everything inside large quantity fillers.

As a result of the procedures, the mouth began to grow, blowing out into a disgusting “duck face”. I took in a lot especially upper lip guy. It was raised and swollen, which is typical for those who overdid the number of injections.

  • Correction of cheekbones. If we consider what Yegor Kholyavin looks like before and after surgery, we can note a significant change in him. Oval face is a contender for honorary title Russian Ken was corrected by inserting mesothreads under the skin. The product visually tightened the cheekbones, the guy began to look younger and slimmer. “It’s so good that thanks to modern technologies I can maintain my youth and attractiveness for a long time,” says the young man.

  • Chin plastic surgery. The doctor completely removed excess fat and skin. This made my face even slimmer. According to the young man, the future Ken was looking forward to this procedure more than any other, as he was always embarrassed by his drooping double chin.

  • Blepharoplasty. Previously carried out manipulations captured the former burglar with his head. Operations rained down like from a cornucopia. Eye surgery was combined with rhinoplasty. The TV star definitely set his sights on the image of Ken, so the doctors thinned his nose, giving it a tip correct form. WITH upper eyelid folds of skin were removed, which gave the face a slightly tired expression.

  • Implants in the chest, abdomen and back. Work on Ken's body continues. Surgeons are working on artificially drawing muscles. The victim of plastic surgery can no longer imagine later life without a surgical scalpel.
He suffered the same fate as his puppet colleagues in the puppet workshop and.

Detractors chuckle that such changes will lead to photos appearing in which Yegor Kholyavin will appear before and after his gender change, because the guy is suspected of having a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Cosmetology by Egor Kholyavin

Every day the hero visits a cosmetologist’s office, where the following procedures are performed on his face: skin cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing masks.

He has already performed correction of nasolacrimal grooves, skin lifting, facial rejuvenating injections with his own blood and much more.

Social life of a former member of House-2

Returning from the project, Kholyavin began to promote given name. The situation was favorable, since radical weight loss attracted attention to his person and gave rise to a lot of speculation and rumors. As in the transformation situation, Ken's story has been used more than once by scammers advertising weight loss products.

This fact made the guy nervous, which he wrote about on his mega-popular Instagram and in Ken’s diary. In addition to their active Internet life, Ekaterina Bakh and Yegor Kholyavin organized several projects, the purpose of which is to hold weddings, birthdays and other holidays.

The services of a top presenter and ex-participant in a reality show will cost customers a tidy sum. In addition, the guy travels and continues to transform into Ken. And the past birthday of the former participant in the TV show showed that the guy was literally obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming Barbie’s friend, because he appeared at the party in a pink doll box.

The story of a former burglar shows how contagious an example can be. Almost all the heroes of the TV series have been under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon, but Kholyavin’s transformation is manic.

The plastic surgery on the way to the cherished Ken is not over yet; no one knows what the ex-burglar’s ​​next step will be.

Video: Birthday of Russian Ken-Egor Kholyavin

The first “Russian Ken” Yegor Kholyavin celebrated his 30th birthday on a grand scale and told Woman’s Day that new operations await him that will help him look completely plastic.

Yegor Kholyavin became famous after participating in the reality show “Dom-2”; before that he was a store manager, and after the show he decided to become the first human Ken in the history of the country. To look like the iconic American doll, Yegor has already undergone a dozen plastic surgeries. But the final results are still very far away.

11 operations in a row in three months is a wild strain on the body, and now I have 15 more to go,” Russian Ken shares his plans for the near future with a Woman’s Day correspondent. - This is the minimum if everything goes well the first time. Because, for example, they couldn’t do my chin the way it needed to be done on the first try—I had to go under the knife again. During June I need to have a good rest, come to my senses and gain strength: there is a lot of work to do.

Egor before and after operations

Yegor already has plans for his vacation. The other day he celebrated his 30th birthday on a grand scale; friends, aware of Kholyavin’s problems and the need to regain strength, overwhelmed the man with trips to resorts.

At first I thought of modestly sitting at home with a couple of close friends, but I was convinced that the first Russian Ken should have a holiday on such a date,” he admitted to Woman’s Day. - My team took care of all the most basic things in terms of organization; I just made adjustments.

The holiday, of course, was held in puppet style. Well, how? According to Ken's idea, the restaurant was divided into several thematic zones, each of which was based on some scene from the life of Barbie. We entrusted the task to three designers at once, so that an adult holiday, God forbid, would not turn into a matinee in a kindergarten.

The invited Barbie bride created a special sensation. She was dressed in the dress that Anna Kalashnikova was supposed to wear when she got married. Anya's wedding was upset, but the dress remained. Don't let him disappear.

This dress has become almost the most discussed outfit of the year in our community,” the hero of the day shared. - This is what I ordered for my birthday. It was created by designer Galia Akhmatova and costs more than 500 thousand rubles. The dress created an incredible stir; I didn’t expect such an effect! Everyone wanted to take a photo with him or at least touch him.

The same dress of Anna Kalashnikova

Kholyavin himself made exactly the same impression on his guests: everyone, according to his observations, wanted to take a photo with him or at least touch him. I had to go with security.

Otherwise they would have simply torn me apart! - Egor confesses. - About 240 people gathered, I don’t know how I stood it all.

The reality TV star was consoled by the fact that everyone who came generously gave him gifts.

I took home four full cars of bouquets alone,” Egor lists. “There was so much money in the envelopes that I didn’t have time to print it all out and see who gave how much.”

But those who know Yegor closely gave only what was necessary. For example, a friend, the owner of the clinic, very opportunely presented Ken with a certificate for 200 thousand rubles - he was just about to get veneers for himself. Among the gifts are two trips to Sochi to a five-star hotel on different dates, trip to Hungary.

So Kholyavin’s vacation is already planned. But then the main work will begin. Already at the beginning of autumn, Yegor plans to participate in the men's beauty contest in Russia, and immediately after - the best Ken in New York, for which everything was started.

Serious changes are coming, says Yegor. - Implants need to be placed in the chest, volume should be given to the buttocks, and by reshaping the oblique muscles, the waist should be narrower and the shoulders wider.

Also, in addition to narrowing his waist, the young man wants abs to appear on his waist.

During the last liposuction, not all the fat was specifically pumped out, but a little was left so that I could form cubes out of it. Just don’t think that I’m so lazy: I don’t have time. According to the terms of my contract, I must completely transform into Ken by September; there is no time to pump up my abs.

His Kholyavin born in Moscow. His mother is a chef by profession, his father is a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yegor has a sister who is three years younger than him.

Until the age of 13, Egor and his family lived in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, then moved to Yuzhnoye Butovo. During my studies I changed five schools. From 7th to 10th grade he studied in the naval cadet corps.

After school, he served in the army - at the center of high-risk rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. When His Kholyavin came from the army, he entered the Moscow State University of Technology and University at the Faculty of Economics (finance and credit). At the same time, I got a job in retail. Passed all the steps career ladder- from seller to hypermarket manager.

Behind the project, Yegor, in his own words, had a relationship, the most serious of which lasted two and a half years, and it even came to a wedding. The day of celebration was appointed, purchased wedding rings, but Yegor and his chosen one realized in time that they were not suitable for each other.

Egor Kholyavin: “I throw noisy parties in a variety of genres - this is my hobby. I’m also a charismatic young man who likes to joke around and fool around.”