Anime, like any other movie, is designed to teach life. With him, understanding the world is much easier. But unlike traditional cartoons, anime makes you think. Anime quotes are almost always a non-standard puzzle with a lot to think about.

Quotes about anime

Quotes about anime are designed to instill interest in this relatively new genre. And he is certainly worthy of attention. Japanese cartoons are aimed at teenagers and adults. Their heroes have complex characters and they can teach you a lot. Therefore, meaningful quotes from anime are a kind of puzzle for scholars.

The heroes of Japanese films grow up along with their viewers. The intricacies of their destinies teach them how to behave in different situations. Unexpected plot twists provide invaluable experience for all occasions. Quotes from anime characters help preserve this knowledge for a long time.

The benefits and harms of anime

The non-trivial plots of Japanese cartoons often make adults worry about the benefits of such films for the unstable teenage psyche. If in Russian fairy tales the evil witch is ugly and old, then the Japanese evil witch is very attractive. She looks like the evil heroine from real life. It's instructive, but dark anime quotes scare the older generation.

Parents are often unprepared for realism anime character quotes. They have doubts that children or adolescents will be able to correctly understand the material. It’s just that parents, raised on the black and white values ​​of the USSR, are not ready for such a presentation. But that doesn't mean that great anime quotes may not appeal to members of the older generation.

Japanese cartoons are so diverse, complex and interesting that they can captivate adults and even older people. Offer to grandma or mom quotes about anime with meaning, and they will most likely want to watch the entire movie.

Best Anime Quotes for Leisure Time

Cute anime quotes - good way spend your leisure time fun and usefully. Fascinating reading will improve your mood and make you think about important things. recite funny quotes from anime can be for family or friends. If you prepare well, both will definitely enjoy the program. The main thing is to guess the mood of the company and choose quotes from the anime to match.

The relative complexity of anime quotes will turn recitation into communication. Many listeners will certainly want to discuss the statements of the heroes, which means interesting discussion secured. Even if not all participants have watched a particular film, there will be something to talk about.

You can guess with short anime quotes. It’s enough to think of a desire and point your finger at the first quote you come across. Dropped answer when correct decoding will certainly help you navigate the circumstances of your own life. The main thing is to think carefully about the missing quote.

Sad anime quotes

Sad and wise quotes from anime can become true friends for long autumn evenings, when there are reasons for Have a good mood not at all. Reflecting on quotes will help you understand yourself.

You can always find the right quote for your circumstances. If you think about it for a long time, you can find a way out of a difficult situation. Even if there is no solution, and nothing can be fixed, quotes from anime will provide an opportunity to relieve tension. They will support Hard time. They will become a support in a stressful situation.

Anime quotes short

Short quotes from anime are sharp phrases for all occasions. They will be useful for those who like to juggle phrases in a company. Who always strives to be the center of attention.

It doesn’t matter whether the audience is familiar with the anime characters whose quotes are heard, everyone will certainly like the witticisms. And in order not to repeat them often, you need to go to a site with quotes from anime to replenish your collection.

We present to your attention a selection beautiful quotes from anime for children, teenagers and adults. Thanks to them, you can remember your favorite characters, refresh your memory of important thoughts or find out Which anime is your favorite quote from?. Happy reading.

This is not all that the world of Japanese culture can be proud of. The creators of anime and manga know how to make sure that every letter of every phrase is literally imbued with madness and at the same time with a deep philosophy of life.

And translations from Japanese add even more mysterious flair to the situation. Therefore, we will not even comment on anything. Find out for yourself.

1. Toriko

Nothing unusual - just a world in which people recognized the most important thing is the food, and not any nonsense. And specially trained gourmet hunters moving around the planet in search of new tastes and structures of edible flora and fauna. Or senior representatives life.

2. Black Butler

In Victorian England, a good butler was worth his weight in gold. It's not a sin for this sell your soul to the devil. Literally.

3. Samurai Champloo

A young waitress in a company of ronins is looking for a mysterious samurai with the smell of sunflowers in feudal Japan, filled with tons of anachronisms and references to modern culture. For example, on the streets it is quite possible to meet a yakuza with a punk mohawk or a peasant jogging in the morning. By the way, " " - honorary participant our selection from .

4. Cafe "At the Polar Bear"

This anime is great on its own. Just imagine: Canadian expat polar bear is picking up a trendy craft coffee shop in Japan. He has a hot panda waitress working for him. beautiful name Sasako, and they come to visit citizen of the world Penguin, young representative of the Chinese diaspora Panda, authoritative Lama from Ecuador and other valued clients. And there is also giant turtle with completely human desires.

5. Toradora!

Everything happens at school again, but now the plot focuses on attempts bad high school kids improve your image in the eyes of the crowd and, through common efforts, win the hearts of your lovers. And, apparently, find out everything necessary achievements these goals.

6. Big jackpot

Story about young man with excellent stretching and an appetite that dreams of becoming. Or a representative of the gastropod class in extreme cases.

7. Hayate, the combat butler

When your parents are lazy ass, you run the risk of not only not getting any gifts for the holidays, but also waking up in the morning to... all alone and with a lot of debt. And they have already come to knock them out of you. If you increase the level of bad luck a little more, then the girl you decide to kidnap for ransom will think that you are secretly in love with her.

8. Isn’t this a zombie?

Little kawaii cute necromancer turns a dead young man into a zombie and moves in with him to see how he will live with it. Then something similar to “Bleach” begins, but not in highly moral dark clothes, but surrounded by a harem of undead for every taste.

9. Mobile Warrior Zeta Gundam

Continuation of one of the most brutal anime in history - " Gundam". Huge combat robots , battles for the fate of humanity, rivers of blood. So if someone, for example, explodes with a bunch of special effects, those around him don’t even think that there might be something wrong with him.

10. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

A sci-fi manga about an emperor who tries to increase his power by forcibly shaved off the hair of his subordinates. Brave rebel Bobobobo Bobobo decides to fight the regime. But the most unexpected interfering factors can get in the way.

11. Yuru Yuri

Japanese schoolgirls occupy the tea ceremony room and organize entertainment club. (Yes, yes, it sounds like an anime where your dirty dreams come true...) Spontaneity - great power, breaking the boundaries of logic.

12. Cutie Honey

It's very good to be a professor. You can make yourself a sexy android girl, and not tell her that she is artificial. Moreover, over time, she herself will discover superpowers and begin to consider herself a sorceress. Despite the fact that the series is considered the progenitor of the image of sexual alternative magically gifted girls in animation, the creators clearly didn’t have much imagination when it came to names.

A space opera about the confrontation between two powers, one of which is practically the Kaiser’s Germany. The series' music was composed based on masterpieces of classical European works. And dialogues, apparently, are based on sensations normal person, experiencing not better times after yesterday.

14. Samurai Champloo

And again feudal Japan of the Edo era. But, apparently, it is supplemented not only with anachronisms and punk crime bosses.

15. The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird

"Brave Warrior" is not the most famous anime about wrestling in Russia dark energy scientists. Judging by the quote, the guys don’t have much chance. But note that even such a question, asked by a person with glasses (+30 to intelligence), sounds solid and balanced.

Do you want to organize your pastime with or without benefit and watch anime online? You are on the right path, friends! With a low bow and open arms, we welcome you to our cozy world anime. The AniOnline project is positioned as a universal site that can please all its visitors, young and old. The most sophisticated connoisseurs of anime culture in all its manifestations await unforgettable journey on the pages of the AniOnline website. Watch anime online, AMV, hot hentai, sensual dramas, sing along in unison with your favorite soundtracks flowing from anime radio. At your service are the most relevant and recent news and new anime releases, a ubiquitous forum, and for the most impatient and greedy for communication and human warmth, there is a mini-chat. Our site allows people who want to get directly involved in the community to post their work or videos. This is not the entire list of delicious anime content from the AniOnline resource. With our anime archive, any group of friends will have a fun time. For the purpose of convenient and accessible navigation on the site, AniOnline offers its users an alphabetical search, from A to Z. Under the control of an impartial and very kawaii jury, various creative competitions and anime-themed quizzes. Registration on our AniOnline website will give you access to the world of new blood friends and other goodies!

We already have a little to spare, so we shouldn’t waste time on tears and sadness. Chrno Crusade ( Crusade Chrono)

I think the anime craze needs to end. In my opinion, the slug fighter is, in its own way, overkill. Just imagine, he has a talking butt instead of a mouth.

Girls who constantly complain about the lack of outfits, having a full wardrobe, are akin to anime guys. They have a lot of anime, but when it comes to watching it, it turns out that there is nothing to watch.

We need to stage Hamlet, but here is some kind of anime with seaweed, an Indian deity and a couple of princesses!!! (Black Butler)

Everything is like in an animated film: relationships that bring nothing but torment and obstacles need to be put to rest.

Born a pawn? – Know your place, serve someone who has a higher status. You will achieve success and live longer. (Black Butler)

Who knows better than a mouse where its holes are? (Black Butler)

Anime law: if someone inflicts a wound on you, someone will definitely appear who will be able to get you out. Fruit basket

People, remember already: not all hand-drawn cartoons are intended for children's viewing. Anime is an adult genre.

Continuation famous aphorisms and quotes from anime read on the pages:

Anime teaches goodness! When a schoolgirl kills monsters in a bloody fight, it will teach you something good, and the shorter the schoolgirl’s skirt, the kinder the anime)))

Who loves me so much that he is ready to give up his own life for me... Is it you? (c) Portrait of little Cosette

No matter how elusive our hope is. And even if we no longer have anything to believe in... I will never give up!

Fight while you can! (Vampire Knight)

Since people believe in almost everything, then there is no difference between the original and the fake. (Black Butler)

We defeated boredom. (Death Note)

I`ll also show you a sweet dream next night…(Vampire Knight)

L, do you know shinigami only eat apples? (Death Note)

Otaku... Living otaku!!!

Pain is a great spice, blood is a great sauce. (Black Butler)

Farit, well, it’s impossible to live in a world where you exist...It’s impossible to live in a world where I’m not,” he said after a short silence. “Although it’s difficult to come to terms with me, I understand...(Vita Nostra)

When you're having a hard time, think positive thoughts and you'll feel better.

People are susceptible to temptation. When they stand on the edge of the hellish pit of despair, they are ready to take any path that opens before them, no matter what network they fall into, or who they are. (Black Butler)

I'm just a devilishly good butler. (Black Butler)

What do you think snow turns into when it melts?

Of course you think we are crazy. But I would like to know... What makes you think that your God is sane? Hellsing

It means you really are a Clown if you scream about love in the middle of a battle.

If you think about it a little, how many people would the world be a better place without? Death Note

Laugh if you're having fun. Be sad if you are sad. And cry if you want to cry. Sometimes, in order to laugh again, you first have to cry. And in general, laughter sounds better when you are funny, and not when you are trying to hide your pain behind it... Chrono's Crusade

Whatever happens, you need to move forward, otherwise the past will consume you, depriving you of the future... Chrno Crusade (Chrono Crusade)

Since when were the Japanese allowed to carry guns like this? (Death Note)

There are those who kill and those who are killed. IN this moment you belong to the second category. Manga Goth

Not knowing anything is bad. Because of my ignorance, I hurt you. If I had known, I would never have hurt you. True tears

The game must be fair, otherwise there is no point in it. (Black Butler)

And life without a goal is tragic and meaningless. (Black Butler)

I'll take the gun. I'll charge it. I'll take the safety off and pull the trigger. But... your order will kill them. (Hellsing)

No genius can change the world alone. But that's the beauty of it. (Death Note)

A person who tries to imitate someone still does it in his own way! No one can hide their nature and habits! (Death Note)

This world and everything in it is a butterfly's dream. (Black Butler)

Before they die, all people think about their past, as if they are looking for evidence that they lived (c) Cowboy Bebop

When you're doing business, you need to move forward, and if you make a mistake, just apologize. (Death Note)

The night cannot last forever... No matter how endless it may seem, no matter how dark it may be, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day. Chrno Crusade

Experience comes through suffering. (Black Butler)

I don't consider my women accessible. They just don't think about it too much. Because they are lonely. Nana

There are things that cannot be returned if you lose them. (Black Butler)

Does the Black God of Death see dreams that are darker than black? (c) Darker than black

Forgetting is very sad... And remembering is eternal pain (Trigun Maximum)

The only joy in life is to be with the person you love. (Black Butler)

It’s easy enough to abandon your past and just live... Although only the lonely are granted this form of emptiness called “freedom”.

You didn't lose anything because you didn't own anything. Black Butler

They are looking for each other, not knowing their names or faces. And the one who is found first will die. (Death Note)

Passion is one of man’s sins, which he calls love. Chrno Crusade

Gentlemen, I like war. Hellsing

Instead of regretting what we didn't do, it's better to do everything we can. Even if what we do does not help us achieve our desired goal, we are still gradually getting closer to it. (c) xxxHolic

Appearance is not the most important thing in a person, but it also matters. Paprika (Paprika)

That's enough, Grimmjow. You lose. I don't care if you're a king or not, but killing everyone you don't like and becoming king when there's no one left to rule is just stupid. If you hate me that much, I'll fight you anytime. So stop now, Grimmjow.

Hatred and sadness are all yours. Turn your feelings into strength and keep moving forward. (Black Butler)

The ringing of bells... Yes, the bells are ringing especially loudly today... They are ringing especially clearly today: continuous ringing, as if a wedding... or... (Death Note)

War is a game of chance! They bet everything they had on the wrong card! That's all! I had to kill them! (Hellsing)

Because as long as you have enemies, you will live... (Vampire Knight)

You should not change, you should forever remain the same as in these portraits (c) Portrait of little Cosette

Are you not going to kill people? How boring you are... (Death Note)

If you pass by, pass by. Black Butler

When people lose something very important to them, their heart goes with it. Wolf rain

Faith is the ability to accept with the heart what cannot be seen or comprehended with the mind. Chrno Crusade

I'll give you a strawberry if you don't tell anyone (Death Note)

Oops, I stepped on something! And it also moves! (Black Butler)

Why do people envy each other instead of realizing how beautiful they themselves are? (c) Fruits Basket

They say that a fool can handle scissors, but a fool with scissors is even worse... (Black Butler)

There are no hopeless situations... You just need to die before they kill you. (Death Note)

When you're lost in your thoughts, you have to trust your instincts (c) Darker than Black

The one who returns the blow becomes stronger! (Hellsing)

Blood is the money of the soul, the coin of life. She is just a way to sell life... (c) Hellsing

Dogs can't kill me. Only people can kill the monster. (Hellsing)

They all wanted it, you know eternal life. They had to die for her. (Hellsing)

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. It is so fundamental, self-love is a natural drug. (Devil's Advocate)

Even if there are dead pawns at the throne, the game will only end when the king (Black Butler) falls.

These handcuffs bound us with bonds of friendship. (Death Note)

Anyone can learn to judge things by the truths they hear from others. For example, a sunny day will cheer you up, a rainy day will make you sad... When they tell you this, you take these words on faith... But you can rejoice on a rainy day, you can easily change your truth, since people’s truth is fickle. (Evangelion)

People live only because they can forget the past, but there are things that must always be remembered. (Evangelion)

People have to adapt to public morality. (Death Note)

If you like someone, you want to be closer to this person... Closer... as close as possible... But if that doesn’t work out, you want to get closer to the person who is next to him. True tears

Of course you think we are crazy. But I would like to know... What makes you think that your God is sane? (c) Hellsing

Your destiny is to live and not give up! (Vampire Knight)

Light..destroying..all the beauty of the night of vampires..(Vampire Knight)

The best way to know pain is to feel it spreading through your body. (Black Butler)

“Pulpit... dad” (Vampire Knight)

Another purebred...fucked... (Vampire Knight)

People die when they give up. Only if you never give up do you gain the right to walk the path of a true person. Hellsing

To fill the space in our rotten hearts... all we do is fill our empty souls with sawdust... and pretend that we are alive... (Stigma)

The world of secrets is a dream, like the truth of night memories. (c) Yuko, xxxHolic