Often new car services operate at a loss for a long time, without recouping even part of the money spent on their opening for months. Unfortunately, many owners simply close the business or resell it, or continue to work at minus or zero, gradually giving up. To prevent this situation from happening, you need to know how to advertise a car service, because proper promotion is one of the keys to success. This article describes the most and least effective methods advertising - it is this information that can help entrepreneurs create the correct and most thoughtful marketing plan.

Point design


Outdoor advertising



It is also worth ordering a bright pillar and placing it in a clearly visible place near the road. Make sure that the text is easy and quick to read - it is unlikely that the motorist will slow down to study it in more detail.

Advertising in elevators

If you work near a residential area with many potential customers, you can advertise in elevators. Order a large ad, because your task is to ensure that a potential client sees it against the backdrop of many other offers.


Order signs, they will help motorists find their way to you. You can use the standard sign used to identify a car service center, or use brighter and more noticeable options.

Inflatable, volumetric figures

Car service centers often install inflatable figures. Their main advantage is that they can be seen from afar, they attract the attention of all passers-by and drivers without exception, which means they can increase the influx of customers.

Internet advertising


Nowadays, having your own website is a must-have for almost any enterprise. Car services are no exception, and to promote them you need to have a page on the World Wide Web. However, you should not think that you can create a website, place basic information there and forget about it, having invested very little. a large number of money. It will need to be promoted and optimized for search queries. To do this, it is better to hire a team of professionals; without knowledge of the specifics, you are unlikely to cope with the task on your own, plus it will take up a lot of your time. You should also not expect instant results - it takes time to promote a resource.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

No one can guarantee you that posting ads on specialized sites will bring you hundreds of clients. However, the main advantage of this method is that it does not require any material costs (as a rule, such sites post ads for free), but may well give you visitors who will subsequently recommend you to their friends and acquaintances.

Sending emails

If you have your own website, you can find out email addresses your clients by offering, for example, a discount for registering on your resource. Once you have the addresses, you will be able to notify visitors about discounts, promotions, and special offers, and this, in turn, will be a huge plus for your business.

Printable advertisement


Bright and informative leaflets can be distributed in nearby parking lots and other places where cars accumulate. Order the material and hire a person who will attach the leaflet to the windshields of cars - even if you don’t attract hundreds of customers using this method, the visitors who still respond to the booklet can become your regular guests in your service.

Business cards

Hand out business cards to each of your clients - there is a chance that they will give them to a friend or acquaintance, moreover, the visitor himself will be able to call you or visit your website at any time convenient for him.

Print advertisements

Print tear-off advertisements (when the phone number comes off) and arrange for them to be posted at the entrances settlement. The text should be concise and informative; if you have attractive prices, be sure to indicate them too.

Advertising in newspapers and printed catalogs

Be sure to place advertisements in all newspapers that have a special section for various services and catalogs in the city. It is better if you post them as a private individual, describing your most popular services.

TV ads

Ticker or TV newspaper

Place your ad on local channels - this can significantly help increase the number of customers. However, remember that such advertising is expensive, which means that it should not be given every day, but, for example, only on weekends.

Radio advertising

Audio clip

Record an engaging audio clip and pay for it to be broadcast on local radio. Such advertising will also not cost you cheap, but the main advantage this method is that it directly affects motorists, who are known to frequently listen to the radio while on the road.


Discount cards

In addition to discounts when presenting leaflets or when registering on the site, you can also introduce so-called “club” cards, which will serve the client cheaper. This will increase visitor loyalty and help retain them in the future.

Carrying out price promotions

Conduct seasonal promotions, offer free diagnostics, give clients small gifts - all this will attract visitors.

Word of mouth

As in many other areas, word of mouth plays a huge role in this business. Carefully monitor the quality of your services and the work of your employees, because the success of your enterprise largely depends on this.

Examples of slogans for advertising a car service

  1. Forward to price and quality!
  2. Everything for your car.
  3. Auto service with an impeccable reputation.
  4. One problem, many solutions!
  5. Modern car repair technologies.
  6. Instrumental approach. Successful result.
  7. Fix your iron horse!
  8. Quality comes from the little things!
  9. Axiom of safety.
  10. With respect to you, with love for the car!
  11. We work to keep your cars alive!
  12. Your reliable partner.
  13. Get the most out of your car.
  14. We love motors! It will be as good as new!
  15. Movement is joy. We have enough for everyone.
  16. We greet you like family - we treat you like yourself.
  17. We will do what others cannot do.

Promoting a car service on the Internet is not a tribute to fashion: on the Internet it is easier for its owners to achieve target audience. This is the reality of most thematic sites, according to Demis Group experts.

Moreover, automobile resources, in theory, can receive an audience on the Internet that is almost larger than other topics: according to Autostat, per 1,000 Russians today there are 340 vehicles, of which 284 are passenger cars, and about 50% Russian families own at least one car.

The main audience of car services is men and women from 18 to 55 years old, who actively use the Internet and have an average income (or above average). Among other things, they constitute the target audience of auto-related websites, ranging from giants like auto.ru to the pages of the nearest service stations.

Why does a car service need a website?

It is a common belief that a website is a very expensive investment for a local business. Necessary, but not a priority: the website indicates information about services, opening hours, contacts, but in order for potential clients to find them, you need to invest a lot of time and money for advertising and promotion. However, with reasonable planning of marketing policy, profits will quickly exceed investments.

According to Google, already in 2014 up to 85% of users mobile Internet regularly turned to search engines with queries about local business, i.e. they were interested in data about companies located nearby. Based on the results of such a search, up to 81% of users made a decision to purchase or order services: 46% called the numbers found, and 35% went to the selected company if opening hours were indicated. And finally, some more statistics from the automotive industry: about 85% of consumers of auto repair center services start searching for spare parts and car service on the Internet, even if they are looking for them near home or work (according to AutoMarketolog.ru).

So, the site is an advertising and information platform, available around the clock. You can post almost any information on the site: not just a dry list of services and contacts, but also videos, photographs, illustrations and feature articles demonstrating the professionalism of employees. It can also be other materials: all kinds of service calculators, technical inspection calendars and much more that can be useful to clients and will make the resource stand out from others.

Car services that do not have a website use thematic forums, review services, geolocation services such as 2GIS, Yandex.Maps, Google Maps and specialized groups on social networks, attracting customers from the Internet. However, the flow of their clients is a drop in the bucket compared to the opportunities that open up for a business if it has a website with proper promotion and advertising on the Internet.

Promoting a car service on the Internet

So, the car service has its own website, and it was decided to promote it. Where to begin? The best option- fit the promotion of the project into the overall marketing plan of the business, based on data about the clientele, potential clients and target audience. Having data about the audience, it is easier for specialists to position the campaign, that is, to wisely choose the direction of work.

The main directions in the promotion of auto repair services:

  1. Promotion in search engines ah (SEO).
  2. Advertising (primarily contextual, but also banner advertising should not be neglected).
  3. Promotion in social networks (SMM) - management thematic groups, participation in large communities, teaser advertising in social media.
  4. Registration in geolocation services (2GIS, Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, etc.).
  5. Participation in discussions on thematic forums, review services, registration in thematic catalogs and directories (PR on the Internet).

Promotion of a car service using search engine optimization of the site

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most common method of promotion, aimed at achieving leading positions for the site in search engine results for thematic queries. The key to success is proper selection semantic core, that is, those queries by which real customers will search for a car service and its services.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. It would be a waste of time and money to promote using expensive keywords (for example, “car service center,” “auto repair center,” “maintenance,” “car repair,” etc.). Knowing your audience, you can easily select targeted thematic queries:

  • by car brand (“Lada auto repair service”, “Ford auto repair service”, etc.);
  • taking into account model range auto (“spare parts for VAZ 2112”, “hyundai solaris car service”, etc.);
  • with geo-dependence (“car service Lyubertsy”, etc.);
  • with mention of specific services (“oil change”, “tire service”, etc.);
  • by the name of spare parts, installation or replacement of which - business card organizations (“VAZ injectors”, “Toyota injectors”, etc.);
  • taking into account the salon’s pricing policy (do not write “cheap” if in reality it is not so, and vice versa).

Thus, to successfully promote a car service website, focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. When searching for a car dealership, the user will probably specify the request in order to receive offers that are suitable both in terms of geography and service. Additional bonuses: the cost of promotion for specific requests is lower, and the ratio of orders to views is higher.

And one more thing: since the attention in website promotion today is focused on quality content, do not skimp on the description of all the services offered. This is not only good for search engines: it will also make the site a good source of information for customers. For example, now a visitor does not need an engine overhaul, but he will be interested in washing and polishing services. But, having become a regular customer, on occasion he can turn to you for a specialized service or recommend you to friends. Describe the services in detail, illustrate them with photographs and useful tips for car enthusiasts - the fact that the auto repair shop employs specialists who know all the intricacies and are able to talk about them will add potential client trust.

We know how to increase the number of car service customers! Cases, experience, own methods and know-how

Contextual advertising for promoting a car service

  • For contextual advertising, georeferencing is important: not only mentioning places in the text, but also setting up ad impressions to the necessary addresses, cutting off unnecessary ones;
  • You should configure the display of ads only to the target audience, and prohibit everything unnecessary in the settings (include it in the list of negative keywords), since unnecessary impressions reduce the click-through rate of advertising (CTR) and increase the cost of a click;
  • announcements must be extremely specific so as not to waste budget on unproductive calls.

The fact is that contextual advertising is shown above and below the main search engine results for users who have asked the query you need. That is, ads are shown to already interested users, which reduces the cost of attracting customers to a car service center. In addition, contextual advertising is suitable for special promotions, since its preparation and launch takes several hours, and payment is made for each click to the site.

Car service promotion on social networks (SMM)

Social networks are effective as a channel for introducing the target audience to a car service center. Here, interaction with the user is built not at the moment the need arises (when he goes to the search engine and looks for the nearest car service center), but before that.

At the same time, even more targeted impact settings are available on social networks than in all other sources. At your service is information about gender, age, place of residence and work (down to the exact address), make of car, main routes - a lot of data can be obtained about the user simply based on his activity on social networks. You can use not only thematic communities of car enthusiasts, but also create your own group, of course, if you feel the strength to regularly pay attention to it: publish posts that are interesting and useful to users, respond to questions, reviews, etc.

There is another way to influence the audience social networks- targeted advertising. You can set it to display both to all users of a particular area and, for example, to users of competing car services.

How does Internet PR help promote a car service?

In this case, we will understand by Internet PR the active participation in the online activity of the target audience around the topic of car services. In other words, this is presence on thematic forums, in discussions in review services, registration in specialized catalogs and directories. The essence of the method is communication with potential clients under the guise of a competent specialist who can advise the services of your service, answer questions and even smooth out possible negative reviews. Essentially, this is the launch and maintenance of the desired interest - an analogue of offline word of mouth.

Also, do not forget about advertising a car service using banners (graphic advertising) placed on thematic websites and forums. Such advertising has more of an image effect rather than attracting customers. That’s why this method should be considered as an additional one when working on business promotion. Payment in this case is charged for a certain number of banner impressions.

Promoting a car service using geolocation services

In fact, this point is taken into account in all other cases - registration in the same Yandex.Maps with the placement of their widget on the site has a beneficial effect on the process of its promotion. At the same time, geolocation services, especially those not related to search engines (for example, 2GIS), can bring additional visitors. It's about about those who simply did not look for a website or advertisement for a service and turned to maps to find the nearest service point for their car. This will allow a potential client to immediately see the car services closest to their location with the exact address, opening hours, telephone numbers, and only then the website and other contacts.

Promotion of a car service in the Demis Group company

It’s tempting to consider it a savings that the owner of a car service or his managers, in their free time from their main work, deal with the website, promotion, advertising and other issues. Another thing is that the result in this case may be far from expected: a lack of experience, time, and necessary developments slows down the work and can radically affect the quality of business promotion. The Demis Group company is professionally engaged in website promotion. That is why there are so many automotive and other thematic sites in our portfolio: we are professionally engaged in ensuring that professionals have enough basic work!

Over 12 years of activity, we have created a name for ourselves, recognized by many leading SEO ratings on the Runet, awarded several awards, and also developed an impressive portfolio and portfolio of reviews. You can clarify the details of cooperation when ordering online or by contacting us in any other convenient way!

The main goal facing car service owners is to attract new customers. Some people think marketing creative activity. In fact, everything is extremely simple. This is an applied task consisting of dry calculations and independently compiled diagrams. We will talk in this article about how to attract customers to a car service center to promote your business.

Internet advertising

Previously, Internet platforms were used extremely rarely to attract customers to auto repair shops. Nowadays, the situation has changed radically. The Internet has become the most popular advertising tool, so many entrepreneurs choose this method to promote their business. If you want to promote your business and increase its profitability using the Internet, seek help from specialists.

The work begins with search engine optimization. To do this, it is necessary to adapt the site to the most popular queries so that it gets into the TOP 10 of search engine results. Specialists correct internal errors, place external links and optimize content on the resource. In addition, you need to register your site in special directories.

You will not get an immediate effect from this method of promotion. If a website on the Internet has been created recently, the optimization process can take 5–6 months, and sometimes even a year. It is also important to constantly maintain your positions, otherwise your competitors will overtake you. To establish an influx of clients for a long period of time, you will have to invest a lot of money in the site.

  • Territorial sign. This is a very important criterion by which clients usually look for a car repair shop. It is unlikely that any car owner will drive his car for several hundred kilometers, that’s why geographical position service is a determining factor when choosing a workshop;
  • Price policy. If you do not plan to attract customers with low prices, then there is no point in promoting a car service for requests like “inexpensive”. Users who land on the site using these words immediately look at the prices. If they are high, no one will be interested in your services.

Advertising in the press

Many novice entrepreneurs are interested in how to quickly promote a car service and attract customers? One of the most effective ways is advertising in the press. These can be small advertisements, the main emphasis of which is on the name of the car service. Below you should place a text containing contact information. Don’t forget that the most important thing is a bright and attractive company name. The effectiveness of such advertising depends on the print brand, circulation of the publication and place of publication.

The only problem this method– this is the cost of advertising. In popular publications the price will be quite high, so this option is not suitable for people with limited financial resources.

Non-standard methods

Before you start a car service center from scratch, you need to answer many questions and take everything into account important details. The most important thing in any business is service. You must do everything to ensure that visitors in your car service feel cozy and comfortable. It is advisable to open a small cafe at the auto repair shop so that customers can have a cup of coffee and a snack. Speed ​​of service, affordable prices, the possibility of “on-site repairs” - all this is additional advertising for your company.

You can also periodically offer visitors a “free diagnostic day” or hold a joint promotion with suppliers of spare parts and automotive accessories.

Also, don’t forget about image advertising:

  • Sponsorship;
  • Souvenir products;
  • Specialized exhibitions.

All these non-standard methods will help make your business recognizable and increase its profitability.

Printable advertisement

Its advantages include:

  • Ease of perception;
  • Short production times;
  • Affordable prices;
  • High efficiency.

Such advertising must be accurate and concise. Vague phrases will not make the right impression on consumers. Try not to overload your ads with any unnecessary information, but it is advisable to use illustrations that correspond to the text of the ad. Don't forget to focus readers' attention on the possibility feedback with the advertiser (address, fax, telephone).

External advertising

If you don’t know how to promote a car service that is not going through the best better times, it's time to reconsider your marketing policy and come up with more effective method which will help attract customers. For example, this could be outdoor advertising for a car service center. IN large companies Special marketing departments deal with this matter.

In addition to regular advertising posters, they now use:

  • Light boxes;
  • Huge billboards;
  • Wall panels;
  • Signs.

The most best advertising for car service centers these are billboards. Such marketing assemblies are installed along busy highways. It is advisable that the shield be located near the car service center. This will significantly increase its effectiveness.

Modern businessmen have realized that they cannot save on advertising, since an unprofessional approach can have the opposite effect. That's why they spare no expense and collaborate with the best marketing agencies.

Advertising on cars

Each company has its own vehicles. This could be several employee cars or a whole fleet of vehicles. different cars. Many entrepreneurs do not know that advertising a car service center on a car is an accessible and cheapest way to promote a business. You can even use your own car for these purposes by placing removable magnetic stickers on it.

Form style

Many customers rate car service by external signs– business cards, letterheads, etc. Corporate identity is an integral part of any business, so before that, it is necessary to hire specialists who will implement the corporate culture.

Corporate identity is not only business cards and logos. It includes office furnishings, employee uniforms, and corporate charter. This system plays important role in developing the image of the enterprise, therefore special attention should be paid to it.

Video on the topic

Word of mouth

Internet users often ask the question, ? The first thing that comes to mind is your own auto repair shop. For an enterprise to make a good profit, you need to hire good specialists and purchase professional equipment.

The most important task facing a novice entrepreneur is how to attract customers to a garage car service? In this case, word of mouth radio works most effectively. If you do your work efficiently and provide clients with truly high-quality service, they will recommend your workshop to their friends and acquaintances. Thanks to this, you can quickly develop a base of regular customers and occupy your niche in the automotive services market.

Many businessmen use word of mouth as a source of new clients. This is a fairly effective way of promotion that you won’t spend a penny on. At the same time, you can distribute various promotional products (keychains, pens and other useful souvenirs). Regular customers can be given discounts on services or offered services out of turn.