Ricardo Mollo, husband of Natalia Oreiro, is a talented composer and performer of Argentine rock. In addition, his creative practice includes production projects. Ricardo also has several roles in domestic films.

Mollo: musician's career

Ricardo Mollo started his professional career musician as part of the group “MAM”, in which his brother also played. But since the group was not destined to become popular in wide circles, the first public recognition future husband He received Natalia Oreiro when he became a member of the rock group Sumo, popular in the 1980s.

Ricardo gave his best both during rehearsals and during concerts. He didn't want to remain a typical guitarist, so he worked own style playing the guitar. Although it’s difficult to call his game that way. What is its peculiarity, you ask? The thing is that Mollo learned to perform compositions on the guitar with the help of teeth or any other objects that the audience threw onto the stage, expecting a virtuoso demonstration of his talent in advance. Among the most memorable objects that Ricardo Mollo played on the guitar are a carrot, a child's slipper, a tennis ball and a cane for the blind.

From 1982 to 1987, the Sumo group, which included Ricardo Mollo, released 4 studio albums. But in 1987, after the death of lead singer Luka Prodan, the group broke up. And since Mollo couldn’t imagine his life without music, he quickly created his own new project with the symbolic name Divididos, which means “Divided”, in which some members of the former group took part.

In parallel with musical career Ricardo was involved in producing activities. He promoted some talented musicians such as Charlie Alberto Spinetta and other lesser known ones on this moment performers.


At a certain period of his life, he starred in several films. And even though his film practice cannot be called successful, but as he stated in one of the interviews: “It was an attempt to try himself as an actor, not a singer.”

Films in which Mollo can be seen in the episodes: “Murder” and “Bad Timing.” There are also two series with his participation, where Ricardo plays himself: “What Happened in Your Life” and “Anyone Can Fall.”

The real husband of Natalia Oreiro: biography before the fateful meeting

During his formative years, Mollo refused even a few interviews, since he did not like to flaunt his life, so about his childhood and early years practically nothing is known.

What is known is that after the collapse of the Sumo group, the musician began to get involved in drug and alcohol use. This period lasted quite a long time, but Mollo still found the strength in himself and took the right path. Ricardo gave up drugs and alcohol, became a vegetarian and became interested in yoga. In addition, he lost 30 kg in weight.

In 1989, the guitarist entered into a relationship with little-known rock vocalist Erica Garcia. IN civil marriage the couple has two daughters. In 1999, Ricardo and Erica end their relationship.

Life goes on

In the summer of 2001, Ricardo Mollo accidentally met Natalia Oreiro. Their meeting did not take place on film set, and it is not related to either of their musical careers. Everything turned out differently; Natalia Oreiro's future husband met his fate at a yoga center. Very little time passed, and Ricardo proposed to Nati. This is what he calls his beloved to this day. As a result, on December 31, 2001, exactly six months after they met, the couple secretly had a modest wedding on a yacht, drifting off the coast of Brazil.

The celebration was mainly attended by relatives and close friends of Oreiro; there were only a few people from the groom’s side. It is also known that the official witnesses to the wedding were members of the yacht’s crew.

Natalia Oreiro's husband still does not comment on this situation. The couple officially announced their marriage two years later. Perhaps this decision was based on the fact that most of Ricardo's friends did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings, explaining this big difference aged between lovers.

Present time: friends' predictions did not come true

More than 10 years have passed since the wedding of Ricardo and Natalia, and the couple is still happy. Moreover, tenderness and tenderness of feelings have not been lost in their relationship, confirmation of this can be seen in numerous photos. Above is one of the examples where it is captured happy couple- Natalia Oreiro with her husband. Photo 2016 - shining example true love, timeless. Only one event darkened their lives - the lack of offspring. There were rumors in close circles that Oreiro could be infertile.

Family of Natalia Oreiro: husband, children

In 2012, Oreiro is born long-awaited child, boy. From the very beginning of the relationship, Natalya dreamed of giving her beloved a son, and their joint dream came true. Now the whole life of parents is built around their beloved baby.

The scandal did not take place

One of the gossips that recently swept the media is the presence of the actress. The whole point is that in the mass media there are photos in which Oreiro in his youth holds a little girl in his arms. The rumors reached the point of absurdity: it was said that Natalia Oreiro, her husband and children, did not want to reveal the dark moments of her past life.

But Oreiro dispelled the rumors by speaking in an interview. She refuted the lie, confirming her words with facts from her personal biography. For now The only son Oreiro is growing up. And perhaps soon we will see on television a new rising star, the fruit of the love of legendary parents.

Readers will be interested to know:

  • Ricardo Mollo is the leader of the Divididos group to this day.
  • At a certain period in his life, Ricardo Mollo had heavy weight, so he was given the mocking nickname “Fat Moglio” - that’s what he was called not only by his friends, but also by fans of his work.
  • Ricardo doesn't have wedding ring, basically, like Oreiro. The lovers decided to exchange tattoos, which, in their opinion, confirm their feelings and desire to be with each other until the end of their days.
  • The names of all Ricardo Mollo's children are double and begin with the letters M and A. First daughter: Martina Aldabel. Second daughter: Maria Azul. Son from Natalia Oreiro: Merlin Atahulpa.
  • This feature in children's names is not without reason. As members of the MAM group, Ricardo and his brother agreed, in memory of old times, to give their children names starting with letters from the name of the group.

Argentine actress and singer Natalia Oreiro fell in love with many in the 90s thanks to the series “Wild Angel”. Only at thirty-five years old did she give birth to her first child. Significant event happened in her life in January of this year. Therefore, Natalya is still little involved in her career and rarely goes out in public.

Will a young mother not be tolerated on the red carpet?

IN Lately Natalya gradually began to appear: either a press conference about the new series, or a shoot for a magazine, or the Cannes Film Festival. And “gossip-well-wishers” and the media reproach the artist for the fact that she has grown shamelessly plump and aged beyond her years!

She really looks now, and this is natural, no longer the same as in “Wild Angel”. Some call it turning into a real woman with round shapes, some are terribly obese. And even though all people have bad shots, her face really looks a little older than age even in comparison with mere mortals, who have no access to expensive personal care products.

And no matter how much you make eyes at the camera, no matter how much you blow kisses, you can see the shine of fatigue in the eyes, and a scattering of wrinkles, and the swollen contour of the face...

The mystery of the name of Natalia Oreiro's firstborn

Natalia Oreiro's firstborn saw the world in an elite clinic in Buenos Aires through caesarean section. The child's father is Ricardo Mollo, a rock musician. They have been married for about ten years. Neither the twenty-year age difference nor Ricardo’s two daughters from his previous marriage could hinder their happiness.

It was the shocking rocker who came up with a symbolic name for his son: Merlin-Atahualpa. The first part of it is borrowed from Celtic mythology - this is how the wizard-sage is called there. The second is the rocker’s own creation, which is an abbreviation of concepts associated with his work and life principles: soul, mind and matter.

Elite parents - elite child?

Meanwhile, the still pretty Oreiro hardly corresponds to the definition of “angel”, if we talk about her character.

The fact is that weird name her firstborn seems to be not only in Ukraine, but also in Argentina. The artist often had to answer questions about this.

So, in one interview, she contemptuously justified this by the fact that he has difficult parents. Like, dad is “not a salesman in a vegetable shop, and mom is not a housewife at all.” Therefore, he cannot be some kind of Jose. These words were published by Antenna magazine. And the public literally exploded with outrage. It turns out that from the first days of life, the mother cultivates arrogance and arrogance in the baby? Natalya had to give up ostentatious exclusivity, including in raising a child.

Natalia Oreiro is an incredibly charming and attractive actress and singer originally from Uruguay. In the 90s, Natalia became the star of television series and the idol of many girls.


Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias was born in the Uruguayan city of Monetvideo. Her date of birth is May 19, 1977.

Natalya was born into an ordinary family. Father Carlos Oreiro worked as a salesman, and mother Mabel Iglesias was a hairdresser in a local beauty salon.

Natalia also has elder sister Adrianna, who older than the star for 4 years. Currently, Adrianna is the owner of her own clothing store.

Natalia in childhood and now

Natalia spent only a couple of years of her life in Montevideo, then her family began to move from city to city in search of a better life.

Natalya was an incredibly artistic child; from childhood, the little girl ran around the house with her mother’s comb, which Natya had as a microphone, and gave concerts to relatives.

The parents realized that they needed to realize their daughter’s talent. When Natalia was 8 years old, Mabel Iglesias enrolled her in a theater club.

Modeling career

Oreiro appeared on television at a very young age: at the age of 12, the girl first appeared in advertising.

When Natalya grew up, it became clear that she had a direct path to model business. The charming girl had excellent parameters and, with a height of 174 cm, weighed 54 kg.

Natalya was able to prove herself in 1991. Then a serious casting was carried out: of all the beauties of Latin America, it was Oreiro who was chosen to accompany the TV star Shushi on tour.

The girl often appeared in the star’s television programs and thanks to this she gained her first fans. After the contract with Shushi came to an end, the famous MTV channel offered Oreiro cooperation.

But Natalya refused the offer, wanting to devote herself exclusively to filmmaking. The girl often flew to Buenos Aires, where she attended all the castings, including auditions for film roles.


In 1993, Natalia received her first film role. Then in the television series “High Comedy” she got a cameo role. However, the series was never released: due to lack of budget, it was closed.

When the girl was 16 years old, Natalya was offered a cameo role in the film “The Unruly Heart.” This role became the debut in Oreiro’s career.

This was followed by the series “Tender Ana”, in which Oreiro again got a cameo role. But in the next television series called “Models 90-60-90” Natalya got the main role.

After the release of the series, the aspiring actress did not gain much popularity, but it was followed by other more promising offers.

The 1997 television series “Rich and Famous”, in which the girl received the main role, became a real success for the actress.

The following year, Natalya consolidated her success by playing the main role in the series “Wild Angel”. This series became a real hit, it was broadcast all over the world and brought incredible popularity to the actress.

A crowd of millions of fans from all over the world, incredible success and celebrity - all the dreams of the young beauty came true.

Also in 1998, Oreiro starred in a feature film for the first time. Painting "Argentine in New York" with Natalia in leading role became a real hit, attracting more than one and a half million viewers in the first week.

In 2002, the series “Kachorra” was released, in 2003 – the film “Cleopatra”, the series “Town of Desires” appeared on screens in 2004.

In 2005, Oreiro starred in the Russian-Argentine series “In the Rhythm of Tango.” Her colleagues on the set were Olga Pogodina, Valery Nikolaev and Andrei Smolyakov.

In 2006, viewers saw the star duet they already loved - Facundo Arana and Natalia Oreiro. Together the actors played in the series “You are my life.”

Then the actress switched to filming films, only occasionally appearing in TV series. In 2007, the films “Filmets” and “Possible Lives” were released.

From 2008 to 2009, the television series “Amanda O” with Natalya in the title role was released, and in 2009 the films “Music in Waiting” and “France” also premiered.

In 2011, the actress’s filmography was replenished with the films “My First Wedding”, “Underground Childhood”, “Miss Tacuarembo” and “Bad”.

In the following years, the actress starred in the TV series “Dark Angel”, “Among the Cannibals” and “Only You”, as well as in the films “Angel”, “Red Pepper” and “Vakolda”.

Singing career

In development musical career Natalia was helped by director and producer Gustavo Yankelevich. With his help, the girl recorded her first album entitled “Natalia Oreiro”.

In 1999, the album began to be sold in Argentina, and later an international version of the record appeared.

Already at the end of the same year, Oreiro began work on her second album. The disc “Your Poison” was released in 2000 and became incredibly popular: in total, more than 2 million copies of the album were sold.

In the winter of 2001, Natalya went on a tour around the world. As part of the tour, the star performed in the USA, Greece, Spain, Colombia and Russia.

Already in 2002, the third album of the celebrity was released, Natalya called it “Tourmalina”. In total, more than 1.5 million copies were sold.

The following year, Oreiro went on a world tour again, and once again visited Russia with a concert.

Due to constant filming, Natalya postponed the release of her fourth album from 2005 to 2010. But soon the singer completely abandoned this idea.

At this time Oreiro for a long time did not engage in music, only occasionally releasing singles. In 2016, the Uruguayan beauty delighted fans with a new collection of songs, “Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.”

In the fall of 2014, Natalya visited Russia again. Then the famous TV presenter invited her to his TV show “Evening Urgant”.

At the same time, Oreiro delighted her Russian fans by performing the song “Me Muero De Amor” in Russian, in which she starred in the video with her colleague Facundo Arana.

Personal life

The personal life of the Uruguayan beauty was not always happy. In 1994, the television series “For Couples Only” was broadcast on Uruguayan television.

Seeing actor Pablo Echarri on the screen, the girl exclaimed, “This dark-haired one will be mine!” Soon the young actress went to auditions in Buenos Aires.

Sixteen-year-old Natalia was cast in the television series “Unruly Love,” and on the set of this film she met Pablo.

With Pablo Echarri

Soon the lovers began dating, and the press closely followed the relationship between the Uruguayan beauty and the Argentine actor.

Pablo helped Oreiro get comfortable in Buenos Aires, and after several months of dating, Natalia moved in with Echarri.

But six years later, one of the most beautiful couples in Argentina broke up. Echarri did not like the rapid success of his beloved, and when Oreiro's ratings exceeded his own, he began to constantly quarrel with the actress.

In 1997, Echarri urgently wanted a family and a child, but Natalya was not ready for such a serious step.

Then the first major scandal between Oreiro and Echarri happened. After some time, they got back together, but with the release of the series “Wild Angel” and Natalia’s decision to become a singer, Echarri left Oreiro again.

Natalia’s erotic photo shoot for Playboy magazine put an end to the relationship. Echarri accused his lover of cheating and announced that he was leaving forever.

For a long time after the breakup, the girl was depressed. After the separation of Natalia and Pablo, articles about the star’s new romances began to appear frequently in the press, which the girl constantly denied.

In the fall of 2001, Natalya met the lead singer of the Dividios group, Ricardo Mollo. According to the actress, Ricardo brought her out of depression and made her enjoy life again.

With Ricardo Mollo

For a long time now, domestic high-quality TV series have supplanted foreign ones. But even today, at the mere mention of Latin America an association arises with the unrestrained and beautiful “wild angel”. Of course, this is the energetic and fiery Natalia Oreiro, whose biography began in Uruguay, far from cinema, in the city of Montevideo.

Childhood of a little tomboy

An ordinary family - dad, mom and two wonderful daughters - Adriana and Natalya. Parents didn't have high income, moved often, lived in Spain for some time. This undoubtedly influenced Natalia, who most spends time traveling today. His father was engaged in trade, his mother was in hairdressing, and the future star sang in front of the mirror with a comb or a bottle of hairspray.

The smiling girl grew up watching Marilyn Monroe films and, as a favorite actress, also became the idol of millions. Natalia's artistic talents showed up as early as early age, and with the permission of her parents (the condition was diligent study at school), she began to attend theater studios.

By the age of twelve, the girl had become an advertising star not only thanks to her doll-like appearance and charming smile, but also to her hard work.

Argentine tango

Natalia Oreiro, whose biography resembles the life of a soaring bright butterfly, was burned more than once. She visited hundreds of casting agencies. One day luck smiled at her: while still a teenager, she began to travel around the world with famous TV presenter Shushi.

Imagining her programs, I dreamed of my own finest hour Natalia Oreiro. The biography and personal life of the future actress are closely connected with Buenos Aires, the center of Latin American film production. In the hot capital, being completely alone and without funds, she did not stop on the path to success and recognition.

The beginning of her serial career was the film “High Comedy,” where the sixteen-year-old Uruguayan made her debut in a cameo role. But this picture was not destined to ignite new star due to financial problems. Victoria’s significant role was in “The Unruly Heart” in 1994.

First love

Natalia Oreiro, a biography whose personal life is quite vivid, fell in love with the impressive Pablo Echarri. In addition to their stunning appearance and acting talent, this couple was united by professional ambitions. Both were just starting their careers. They found common ground not only in seething passion, but also in the desire to reach heights on stage.

Running up the career ladder

The following years became eventful for Natalia Oreiro. “Dear Anna” and “Models 90-60-90” came out one after another. At the same time, a whirlwind romance developed, filled with both love and jealousy.

Her embodiment of Valeria from “The Rich and Famous” was recognized as a real breakthrough. Natalia’s partner was Diego Ramos, already popular at that time, whose presence ensured the film’s stunning success.

In 1998, director Gustavo Yankelevich invited the actress to his new project, “An Argentine in New York.” It was a full-length work - an unknown field for Natalia. The actress involved in Casablanca initially refused the offer from Te Le Fe. But filming on the series stopped, and Natalya did not like to rest. She agreed to participate in the film. Veronica de Ricci, performed by Oreiro, revealed her wonderful vocal abilities to the world. The on-screen character repeats the fate of Natalya, who also left to realize her talent in the big city.

Sweet-voiced Uruguayan

Natalia Oreiro, whose biography has become of interest to many thanks to her acting talent, also has vocal abilities. In the wake of the success of the film, the newly minted singer releases (with the support of Gustavo Yankelevich) her first album. It goes double platinum, and the army of fans grows exponentially.

1999 was a landmark year with the filming of “Wild Angel,” which brought worldwide fame and recognition. Milagros was loved by everyone, regardless of age and gender. Natalia Oreiro cemented the sensation by performing all the soundtracks for the series. History contains only a few Latin American actresses who were able to conquer Europe, Russia and Israel. And the leader among them, of course, is Natalia Oreiro.

You have to pay for everything

A dizzying career destroyed the relationship with Pablo Echarri. Many reasons became the basis for the separation, for example, Natalia’s demand and actor’s envy. Rumors about her affair with Facundo Arana added fuel to the fire. Viewers could not believe that such a passionate relationship was connected only by the heroes of the series. Natalya could not quit her favorite job, music, to become an ordinary housewife. She already regretted that at one time she refused the tempting offer of MTV for the sake of Pablo.

Although Natalia Oreiro took the breakup calmly, her biography was filled with another tragic page. Prolonged depression caused the expression internal state through external changes. This is no longer a sweet, cheerful girl, but an uninhibited, sexy brunette in revealing outfits, looking at her fans from the pages of men's magazines. In the difficult year 2000 for the Uruguayan star, the second album with the iconic title “Your Poison” was released. He repeated the success of the previous musical brainchild and again conquered the world.

Millennium - new life

At the beginning of the 2000s, popularity was mixed with loneliness for an actress named Natalia Oreiro. Biography, husband, children - all this was of interest to millions of fans.

One day, at a party with friends, Oreiro met Ricardo Mollo, a successful musician. He managed to warm the actress’s heart and make her happy. Knowing the price of popularity and fame, having experience of marriage behind him, the future husband was calm about the star’s numerous filming and tours. The musician also stayed in great relationship With ex-wife and participates in raising children.

The onslaught of paparazzi that accompanied any appearance of Natalia and Ricardo together did not break the couple either. The decision to get married came in 2001. At a secret ceremony in Brazil, a union was formed between the two loving hearts. On life path actress named Natalia Oreiro biography, husband and career united in harmony. The actress once again radiated light and energy.

In 2002, producers resumed filming the sequel to “Wild Angel,” where the impressive Pablo Rago became Oreiro’s partner. At the same time another one came out music album"Tourmaline". His material is close to rock - the influence of his beloved Ricardo affected.

In what direction did the biography of an actress named Natalia Oreiro turn next? Children - that's what she dreamed of. In 2012, a wonderful boy was born, named Merlin. Mom and dad have already started preparing the baby for the stage, he actively takes part in his mother’s concerts. Due to the birth of her child, Natalya temporarily stopped active work. But her tour soon resumed, where the singer was met with undying love from fans.

Despite constant rumors about affairs with Ivan Noble and Facundo Arana, Ricardo Mollo and Natalia Oreiro continue to remain happy. Now the actress’s biography is filled with new serious film works. First of all, these are the films “Vakolda” and “Underground Childhood”. But the actress and singer considers her most important achievement wonderful family. At home, Natalia is always waiting for the two most important men in her life - Merlin and Ricardo.

Singer, actress and simply beautiful Natalia Oreiro was born in Uruguay, and was able to achieve serious creative success in neighboring Argentina. How far these countries are from Russia, yet it is here that Natalia has an incredible number of fans. Some young girls claim that they grew up watching the TV series and songs of the Uruguayan star. How is this possible if the artist is very young and does not give the impression of being an idol of the generation? Considering how old Natalia Oreiro became successful, you might think that this actress has always been with us.

At what age did Natalia Oreiro become famous?

Natalia Oreiro, like any woman, does not focus on her age. However famous actress and the singer is happy to share with journalists and fans the details of her biography. Of course, talent admirers are most interested in the year and date of birth of Natalia Oreiro. So, well known factNatalia Marisa Oreiro was born on May 19, 1977. It’s easy to calculate that in 2014 the soap opera star turns 37 years old - a wonderful time for a woman! By this age, the actress had achieved a lot: she made a career, started a family and gave birth to a long-awaited son - for so many years Natalia Oreiro dreamed of this joyful event!

The Uruguayan actress began her path to fame at the age of eight, when she came to study at a theater studio. After 4 years, the girl achieved some popularity in hometown Montevideo – Natalia starred in a commercial for local television. Real success came to Oreiro at the age of 14 - she became an assistant and co-host in the show Brazilian singer Shushi. This project taught me a lot young star, and, as Natalia Oreiro herself claims, age played into her hands - already at the age of 16, the actress felt like an adult and independent.

Before reaching adulthood, Natalya calmly traveled around Latin America and attended all the castings she managed to get to. Luck smiled on the girl in Argentina - here she played her first (albeit tiny) roles, and after a series of bright projects she became the darling of the Argentine public.

Peak of popularity

On Natalia Oreiro’s birthday, all Argentine radio stations play the famous song Cambio dolor, which became the soundtrack to the equally famous TV series “Wild Angel”. Multi-episode soap opera was created almost 16 years ago - at the time of participation in the filming, Oreiro was barely 20 years old, but even after so many years, the catchy motive of the song cannot be forgotten by viewers on several continents.

Simultaneously with the release of her most successful series, Natalya is recording her debut album. Million sales of the disc in Argentina, Europe, and the Middle East elevated Natalia to the level of a megastar. The tour that took place in 2001 strengthened the audience's love for the Latin American artist - Russia, Israel, Portugal, Spain and many other countries fell under Natalia's beauty and charm.

At the age of 25, a girl from a simple Uruguayan family achieved incredible popularity. All the series in which Natalia Oreiro starred became very successful - “Kachorra”, “In the rhythm of tango”, “You are my life”, “Amanda O”; and the third solo album even surpassed the success of the first.

Family life

Natalia Oreiro cannot boast of an extensive list of husbands or lovers - her strict Catholic upbringing takes its toll. For six years, Natalia was in a relationship with actor Pablo Echarri, the dream of all Argentine women, who was never able to forgive Natalia for her wild popularity. The breakup between Oreiro and Echarri was difficult for both partners, the girl even fell into depression.

Rock musician Ricardo Mollo, who was 20 years older than the actress, was able to pull Natalia Oreiro out of the abyss of tears and disappointments. The result of their passionate, stormy romance was an ambulance and quiet wedding in 2001. In the Argentine press, Ricardo Mollo and Natalia Oreiro immediately received the title of the most beautiful couple countries, but their union could not be called cloudless...

For a long time, the marriage of Ricardo and Natalia was childless - for 11 years the couple’s attempts to have a child were in vain. And only in 2012, when Natalia was already 34 years old, Merlin Atahualpa was born - long-awaited son in a family of artists. For six months, the young mother enjoyed motherhood. When Natalia Oreiro's parameters returned to prenatal levels, she returned to the stage again. In order not to be separated from her son, the singer decided to take Merlin with her on tour.

For the singer’s devoted fans, it doesn’t matter how old Natalia Oreiro is – 2014 is a busy year for the actress, which means it’s too early to say goodbye to her youth! New roles, concerts, family support and the love of the audience - this is the elixir of life for Natalia Oreiro.