Megan Fox is credited online with a height of 162 to 167 centimeters. The actress herself in one of her interviews said the following phrase:

I"m way shorter than people think I am. Everybody thinks I"m like 5-10 and I"m only 5-4.

That is, Megan Fox said that she is about 5 feet 4 inches tall, which in centimeters would be 162.56. Let's check this information.

First, let's look at a photo where we compare Megan Fox with Jimmy Kimmel, whose height is 181 centimeters (in the photo 183-184 because of shoes). As we can see, the actress appeared on the show in shoes with a heel no more than 9 centimeters high, which means minus it, her height will stop at around 161-162 centimeters.

The next few photos compare Megan Fox with Jon Hamm (184 cm). In the photo we’ll put his height at 186 because of his shoes. In both cases, the actress appeared at events in heels 8-9 centimeters high. By subtracting this value, its growth will stop at around 160-161.

Hugh Jackman's height reaches a maximum of 184 centimeters (186 in the photo due to shoes). As can be seen from the first photo, the height of the actress’s heel is 10-11 centimeters, which means minus it, her height will not exceed 161.

Let's look at the next few photos, where we compare Megan Fox's height with Shia LaBeouf's height (174 cm, in the photo 176 because of shoes). In both cases, taking into account the height of the actress’s heel, her height will not exceed 160 centimeters.

Josh Brolin's height is 176 centimeters (178 in the photo because of his shoes). As you can see, the difference between them reaches only 6 centimeters. Let's add to this value the height of the actress's 11-12 centimeter heel and we get real difference 17-18 centimeters. Therefore, here Megan Fox’s height again will not rise above 161.

Mickey Rourke's real height is approximately 180 centimeters (182 in the photo because of his shoes). Here Megan Fox in heels is 10-11 centimeters, and her height without shoes will stop at around 159-160 centimeters (there may be an error due to posture).

And finally, let's look at the photo where the actress is standing next to Dave Bautista, whose height is 190 centimeters (192 in the photo because of the shoes). The difference between them is exactly 20 centimeters. Add to this value the height of the actress’s 11-12 centimeter heel and we get a real difference of about 31-32 centimeters. Therefore, here Megan Fox’s height again stopped at 160-161 centimeters.
After analyzing several photos, we came to the conclusion that Megan Fox’s real height is 161 centimeters.

Megan Fox(23 years old) is considered the sexiest, but she would rather gain weight than go on a diet.

The actress does not play Hollywood games - this is what allowed her to achieve success.

Ideal figure at the star- from nature...

You are periodically recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world. Do you yourself feel superior?

Megan Fox

Of course, this flatters me. But I am aware that every year they place on this throne new girl. Imagine if the same beauty tops such lists - who would be interested?

That's why I don't attach much importance to it. Although, to be honest, it’s nice.

Megan Fox parameters:

Height 168 cm

You are often compared to Angelina Jolie. Many people dream of taking her place, what about you?

Megan Fox

But not me. I try to do everything to be different from her. For example, I often refuse some projects so that I am not later reproached for copying her. Therefore, these comparisons do more harm to me than good. But so be it, your compliment counts.

Have you ever met her?

Megan Fox

No. There was no reason. Although, if such a meeting was planned, I would do everything to avoid it. I'm afraid of this woman.

Why is she so scary for you?

Megan Fox

Don't know. I think Angelina is so strong. I think she would eat me alive, she scares me.

Why do you have a Marilyn Monroe tattoo? Is she your idol?

Megan Fox

She was one of the first actresses I saw on TV. Even in childhood. I remember first watching Blue Hawaii with Elvis Presley, and later I saw Marilyn on the screen. Every time I heard her voice, I started crying. In general, I have a special relationship with her.

Do you follow fashion closely?

Megan Fox

No! Every day I wear the same clothes: jeans, a T-shirt and flip-flops. When I have to go to a social event, I call the stylist. Here's Shia (Meghan's co-star in Transformers) dressing at Urban Outfitters. I recently walked into this store and saw cut-off denim shorts a la the 70s. If he put this on himself, I would be very upset.

Do you meet him often?

Megan Fox

No, we hardly see each other. But he is so funny, he constantly makes me laugh to tears. That's why I love him. Shia, hear me, I love you! (Laughs.) And he’s so attractive! Very beautiful.

So there were others on the set of Transformers handsome men. Who else did you like?

Megan Fox

Once on the set, Shia and Tyrese Gibson began to argue which of them was cooler. It was necessary to squeeze the barbell in a lying position. Strong, pumped-up Tyrese bench pressed 70 kg, and skinny Shia – 95 kg, eight times! Gibson almost fell into the ground there. He thought he was cool, but Shia just made him. Here's your answer.

Some complain that their appearance only hinders their career. Do you agree with this?

Megan Fox

No. Of course, I also heard from producers: “You are too beautiful for this role.”
But this is nonsense. If I weren't so attractive, I would be out of work altogether. So appearance is not a problem. On the contrary, it allowed me to get into cinema, to develop a talent that I hope will be appreciated.

What films would you like to star in?

Megan Fox

I have no idea. I just want character roles where I can show off my acting skills. But I also like action films - they are very dynamic, exciting films. This is not boring to watch.

You seem quite simple. Where is your stardom?

Megan Fox

I like being like this. I don't want to be part of this Hollywood madness. I have no friends, that's all free time I spend it at home. In this way, I distanced myself from things that could ruin my mood and create trouble. Of course, when you have problems, you can go to a club, have a drink and forget yourself. But this is not my method. I don't run away from problems, but solve them.

In Hollywood, it is believed that being thin is great. Are you trying to conform to the “norms”?

Megan Fox

My weight is constantly fluctuating. I don’t care - I don’t care how many kilograms I gained. I don't want to go crazy from this and then go to a therapist. I don’t indulge myself in sweets, I don’t go on diets. I live by the principle: come what may.

And you look like you never left the gym!

Megan Fox

Thank you. I have a trainer, but I don't stress. I work out without fanaticism - once a week.

Today you are one of the most popular young actresses. Do you like being a role model?

Megan Fox

It depends on what you put into this concept.

If "an example to follow" In your opinion, I have to explain to teenagers that sex before marriage is bad, that you can’t swear, then I won’t come. But if you want to look up to a strong, smart person who has his own opinion on everything and is not afraid to defend it, then I would be a good fit. It gives me great pleasure to be such a role model.

Megan Fox has one of the most enviable figures among modern stars. The girl is slim and graceful. She exudes femininity and self-confidence. That is why, from the very beginning of her career, the actress became a role model for many. Another reason for the popularity of Megan Fox's appearance is that she has repeatedly demonstrated her ideal, toned figure without Photoshop. Despite the fact that the actress belongs to the category of secretive and mysterious stars, Megan often appeared on the beach in a swimsuit. Comparing photos of her at leisure with professional photos in lingerie, you are delighted with the lack of difference. Considering the fact that Megan gave birth to two sons with a small age difference and the actress herself is approaching the 30-year mark, thoughts about possible magic really come to mind.

Megan Fox's figure parameters are quite enviable, because her height is 162 centimeters and her weight is only 52 kilograms. Despite short stature, the actress's body is thin. Its proportions are 87-61-87. Although, as Megan herself claims, at the waist she reaches just over 50 centimeters. And this seriously casts doubt on the veracity of the sources providing data on Megan Fox’s figure parameters. After all, recently for a new role the actress was able to fit into a corset up to 46 centimeters.

Megan Fox body type

Megan Fox's figure can be easily defined as. This is evidenced by the narrow shoulders, elongated waist, short hem and rounded hips of the actress. Many people may be confused by this statement. After all, Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian also have a pear figure. But Megan is nowhere near such delicious-looking celebrities.

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However, we must also take into account that Fox treats his body very carefully and reverently. Her diet is very balanced, and her workouts and exercise stressbest friends actresses.

All the most beautiful Hollywood actresses always have some kind of personal diet at their disposal, and sometimes more than one. For example, main character"Transformers" Megan Fox has a couple of techniques that help the girl lose excess weight.

Megan Fox's diet has been discussed more than once in tabloids of various levels. The Hollywood diva was not always so slender; at the beginning of her career she was a girl with curves, but now she can easily wear clothes even of size zero, the actress has become very thin, graceful and sophisticated, and some envious people call her “bony.” And this is 163 cm tall! Her weight became 51 kg, which is less than ideal (163-110=53).

Other parameters of her figure for those interested:

chest circumference - 86cm
waist - 62cm
hips - 86cm

Thanks to the impressive metamorphoses that occurred with her body, at one time she was subjected to real “harassment.” Only, probably, the laziest journalist did not write about the actress’s unhealthy craving for liposuction and alleged anorexia. The actress was criticized for being too thin, most likely secretly wanting to be like her.

Megan, of course, denies all this; the girl insists that she is just on a certain diet and doing a series of special exercises that the famous trainer Harley Pasternak developed for her. I will look at two Fox diets, strict and rational.

Megan Fox's strict diet

There is information on the Internet that this diet famous actress has a rather weak relation to balanced healthy eating. It is said that the girl is madly in love with sushi, various seafood and seaweed, and these are the ingredients that make up her daily menu. Megan is often credited with the following diet:

Breakfast: eat the seaweed salad and drink green tea no added sugar.
Dinner: buy or prepare cucumber rolls or any other vegetarian version yourself, drink a glass of aromatic green tea.
Dinner: prepare sashimi from red fish, but eat no more than one hundred and fifty grams, wash down this delicacy with green tea.

Naturally, energy value such a diet is quite minimal to carry out a long period time. The calorie content of the daily diet fluctuates around 800 kcal.

Most nutritionists believe that such strict restrictions will lead to negative results, for example, exhaustion, brittle hair and nails, chronic fatigue, and so on. It is better to forget about playing sports while you are using this technique, as you may simply faint from hunger.

Therefore, this diet option is suitable for a couple of days of use, but no more than that, otherwise you may end up with some health problems, and this arrangement will probably not suit anyone. Therefore, as fasting day The presented menu is quite suitable.

Megan Fox's rational diet

Experienced Fox trainer Harley Pasternak constantly repeats that the actress is naturally endowed with a fast metabolism, and therefore it is quite problematic for her to maintain weight above the minimum level. Consequently, it is simply difficult for her to gain excess weight.

The actress is engaged in gym five times a week. She prefers to work out with dumbbells and does cardio exercises, such as working out on a treadmill or elliptical machine.

One such regular training session takes no more than 45 minutes; of course, before filming it lasts more than one hour. Her professional trainer revealed what he developed for Megan universal complex to strengthen lower limbs.

And the girl’s favorite exercise is lunges. She eats five times a day, with a time interval of three and a half hours between meals. Megan has an experienced personal chef who creates her menu using the “Five Factors” system.

This means that every meal should include proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, various vitamins and minerals. The artist is not a vegetarian, so she enjoys eating fish, eggs, chicken breasts and seafood.

Typical dishes in her diet do not differ in anything fundamental from the Hollywood standard. The star simply loves salads with seaweed, shrimp, green salad, rice cakes and chicken breasts.

She tries to eat five different fruits and vegetables every day, which include important vitamins and fiber, as well as valuable microelements.

So, if you believe the sources, Megan uses the “Five Factors” program, which includes a diet and a system of special exercises. But many people who want to lose weight have a question: is it really possible to achieve thinness using such a simple and non-starvation technique?

Most likely, you can only lose some weight, but not much, such a diet will help a person burn excess fat deposits and provide an opportunity to gain a harmonious figure with slender contours.

Megan's slimness is most likely due to the too microscopic portions she eats. As you know, a person’s weight depends not only on how much he adheres to the chosen nutritional system, but also on the amount of food he eats during the day.


If you suddenly want to experiment with these methods, you should not stick to them for a long time, otherwise you may end up with health problems. And will be the right decision on your part, consult a doctor, preferably a nutritionist.

Many people believe that the secret to the success of movie stars largely depends on their appearance and figure, and they try in every way to meet Hollywood beauty standards. This is partly true, but each star has its own rules and secrets that allow you to always stay in shape.

In this article we will talk about Megan Fox - her height, weight, body measurements, and also talk about the beauty secrets of the Hollywood diva.

Megan Fox style

Megan Fox is famous for her sexy cat image, which directors so readily offer her. Plump lips big eyes and a beautiful figure really predispose you to this. However, in Everyday life the girl prefers a calmer, more relaxed style. Sneakers, high boots, sweatpants, a cap, loose shirts and T-shirts are the most common items in Megan's everyday look.

Of course, Megan dresses differently for red carpets and celebrations - luxurious dresses with high slits, sexy minis and tight-fitting outfits suit her perfectly. High heels add height and make the shape of her legs even more attractive.

Megan Fox - beauty secrets

Many girls are very surprised to learn that Megan Fox does not have model parameters height - only 162 cm, because on the screen she looks much taller thanks to various cinematic tricks (from the right clothes and shoes to frame composition and shooting angle).

However, nature has endowed Megan Fox with a beautiful figure, thanks to which even with small in stature they look absolutely stunning. The star herself admits that she is good physical form and the beautiful silhouette is only partially due to genes. To maintain her attractiveness, the girl trains daily with a personal trainer. Workouts include at least half an hour of cardio, after which Megan devotes about another hour to strength training(most often with a ball or dumbbells). But that's not all! After this, the star pedals on an exercise bike for another 40-45 minutes and exercises. During pregnancy, the actress continued to exercise under the guidance of a trainer, performing exercises specifically designed for pregnant women.

Active sports are not a reason for permissiveness in nutrition, says Megan Fox. The girl carefully monitors her diet, trying to consume only healthy and healthy foods. Of course, sometimes she allows herself to eat unhealthy foods, but such violations of the regime cannot be called frequent. Eating a hearty breakfast helps her stay energized and avoid overeating in the evening. Eggs, almonds, lean meat, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits are the basis of the star’s diet. At the same time, the amount of fat in Megan’s diet is strictly limited.