Unfortunately, not all people who purchased residential premises under this scheme know that they can return 13% from the mortgage. We will tell you in this article how to return the required interest, what conditions for the return of funds exist and what restrictions there are.

What is a tax refund for purchased housing?

Any citizen Russian Federation or a citizen of another state who legally carries out labor activity in Russia and paying income tax legal entity, has the right to receive a so-called tax deduction. Tax deduction is sum of money, by which the tax base for personal income tax is reduced.

The amount of such a deduction for the acquired residential premises is equal to the amount of expenses for its acquisition, but cannot be more than 2 million rubles. As a result of using a tax deduction, the tax base for personal income tax (the amount on which the tax is calculated) either decreases or becomes equal to zero. Consequently, the amount of tax payable is reduced. The tax authority returns the amount of overpaid personal income tax at the request of the payer.

Simply put, a person who officially works and pays income tax on his earnings when purchasing residential real estate under a contract mortgage lending has the right to receive back the amount of income tax paid in the amount of 13% of the cost of housing.

It is important to note that the legislator limited the cost of housing that can be taken into account to 2 million rubles. This means that when purchasing living space worth, say, 3 million rubles, 13% will be calculated only from 2 million. If housing costs less than 2 million rubles, 13% will be calculated based on its actual cost. You can receive the rest of your allowable income tax on your next residential purchase. For example, if you bought an apartment whose cost is 1 million rubles, then you, accordingly, can receive 130 thousand rubles. But since the maximum allowable amount for calculation is 2 million, you can still get a deduction from the remaining million - when purchasing another residential property.

It should, however, be noted that the annual payment cannot exceed the amount paid for last year income tax. That is, if, as a result of using a tax deduction, you are subject to a refund of 260 thousand rubles, but last year you paid only 60 thousand in income tax, then this year you will only be able to receive these 60 thousand. The remaining amount will be paid in subsequent years - also in an amount not exceeding the amount of tax paid.

How much is the mortgage interest paid back?

In addition to the tax deduction for the purchase of housing, you can also receive tax deduction on interest on the loan spent on its acquisition. At the same time, the legislator determined the maximum amount for calculating the tax deduction for interest on a loan - 3 million rubles. This means that, regardless of the actual amount of interest on the mortgage, you will be able to return no more than 390 thousand rubles. (3 million * 13%). If the amount of interest on the loan is less than 3 million, then the balance on it is burned. That is, in the future, if you take out another loan to purchase real estate, you will be able to deduct the difference between the amount of the previously declared interest deduction and its limit value will be impossible.

You can receive a refund of your mortgage interest as you pay the interest. Even if the loan is fully repaid and the tax deduction for interest is not received in full (for example, in a situation where income is less than the amount of deductions), the remaining deduction can be received next year. There are no restrictions on the number of years for which the balance of the deduction can be carried forward.

If residential real estate purchased with a mortgage is registered as a general shared ownership(that is, housing is registered for all family members in equal shares), all working and income tax-paying adult citizens (for example, both spouses) can receive a tax deduction. It should also be said that parents, when purchasing housing for their minor children, retain the right to receive a tax deduction, even if they themselves do not acquire the rights to this premises.

To receive a tax deduction, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen,
  • certificate in form 2-NDFL (issued at the place of work),
  • Declaration 3-NDFL (filled out independently by the applicant),
  • documents confirming the actual expenses incurred (see How to fill out a declaration (NDFL3) when buying an apartment?): agreement, act of acceptance and transfer of residential premises, checks, payment orders, receipts, etc.

In addition, you will need to confirm the existence of a mortgage (submit a mortgage agreement), as well as calculate the amount of interest paid under the concluded mortgage agreement (for this you need a certificate obtained from the bank). You will also have to prove that the apartment was actually purchased as a property (certificate of ownership). If you apply for a tax deduction for an apartment purchased for children, you will need to confirm the degree of relationship (show birth certificates).

You can receive a tax deduction not only with a lump sum payment from the tax office, but also through your employer. In this case, in any case, you will need to contact the tax office at your place of residence with a complete set of documents. After which, if you want to receive the total amount, you will need to wait from 2 to 4 months while the documents are reviewed.

If you want to receive it through your employer, then you will need to receive a notification from the tax office confirming your right to receive property deductions and hand it over to your place of work. Based on your application, which must be accompanied by the notification received from the tax office, the employer will not withhold income tax from you until your income exceeds the amount of tax deductions, the amount of which is indicated in the notification. If by the end of the year the employer is not able to provide you with tax deductions in full, then the balance can be obtained next year both from the tax office and from the employer. To receive the remaining tax deduction from your employer, you will have to re-submit an application and notification of confirmation of your right to receive property deductions to the employer every year.

A tax deduction when purchasing an apartment consists of returning to the buyer from the state budget part of the income tax he paid.

This deduction is called property.

If you are officially employed and receive a salary, then from this salary your employer withholds income tax (personal income tax) in the amount of 13% in favor of the state.

If you buy an apartment, the state allows you to reduce your taxable income. As a result, the tax base is reduced and you have the right not to pay income taxes for some time or to return previously paid ones.

When we're talking about Regarding deductions, there are two concepts: the amount of deduction and the amount of tax to be refunded. Tax deduction amount- this is the amount by which you can reduce your income when buying an apartment. Amount of tax to be refunded- how much money can actually be returned from the budget. In other words, the refund amount is 13% of the deduction amount.

Deduction amount

The amount of the deduction is the amount of your expenses associated with the purchase of an apartment. However, it cannot be more than the established maximum threshold of 2,000,000 rubles. In other words, the maximum deduction when purchasing an apartment is 2,000,000 rubles, which means the maximum amount of taxes that can be refunded:

Max. Personal income tax to be refunded = (RUB 2,000,000 × 13%) = RUB 260,000.

A few examples:

Apartment cost The amount of the deduction Personal income tax for refund
RUB 1,200,000 RUB 1,200,000 156,000 rub.
2,000,000 rub. 2,000,000 rub. 260,000 rub.
5,000,000 rub. 2,000,000 rub. 260,000 rub.

For what period can personal income tax be returned?

The right to receive a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment occurs:

  • From the moment of signing the acceptance certificate of the apartment from the builder when buying an apartment in a new building.
  • Since state registration property when buying an apartment in a secondary market.

You can return personal income tax from this moment and for all subsequent years. That is, you can use the deduction for as long as you like until the state returns the entire due amount.

However, you can apply for a personal income tax refund only for the previous 3 years. When purchasing an apartment in 2018, you can only return personal income tax for 2017, 2016 and 2015. And for all the subsequent ones. An application for deduction for the year is submitted next year. For example, to receive a deduction for 2018, the application must be submitted in 2019.

For pensioners There is an exception: they can receive a deduction for the previous three years, even if the apartment was purchased later.

The statute of limitations for receiving a tax deduction under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has not been established.

Can a deduction be used multiple times?

Before 2014, the deduction could only be received once, that is, for one apartment.

Starting from 2014, one person can use the deduction several times, but the general limit is RUB 2,000,000. per person is still preserved. If you bought one apartment for less than 2 million rubles, then you can use the rest of the deduction when buying another apartment.

You can return a maximum of 260,000 rubles over your entire life. regardless of the number of apartments purchased.

If you used your deduction before 2014, the new balance carryover rules do not apply to you.

If there are several owners

Starting from 2014, all owners of the same apartment can receive a tax deduction. Previously, only one owner had such a right.

For example, if a husband and wife bought an apartment and both are owners, they both have the right to a deduction, that is, each can return 260 thousand rubles.

When does the right to deduction arise?

The right to a deduction when purchasing an apartment arises if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. You must be a tax resident of the Russian Federation (live in Russia for at least 183 days during the year)
  2. It is necessary to confirm with documents the expenses for purchasing an apartment.
  3. It is necessary to have title documents. For a new building this is an apartment acceptance certificate, for secondary housing - a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate
  4. The seller is not your close relative.
  5. The apartment is located in Russia.
  6. The apartment was purchased without using maternal capital.

Tax deduction for individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs are not entitled to the deduction because they do not pay income tax. They have a different tax - it doesn't apply.

Documents for registration of deduction for an apartment

  • Declaration in form 3-NDFL (application for deduction).
  • Certificate 2-NDFL from the accounting department at the place of work for each year (if you receive a deduction for several past years at once).
  • Certificate of ownership (not issued since 2016) or extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  • Apartment purchase and sale agreement (only if the apartment was purchased on the secondary market)
  • An agreement on shared participation in construction or an agreement on the assignment of rights of claim (only if the apartment was purchased on the primary market).
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the apartment from the developer (only if the apartment was purchased on the primary market).
  • Payment documents confirming the transfer of money to the seller (bank statements, receipts, etc.).

It is enough to provide copies of all the above documents, except for the 3-NDFL application.

Refund of mortgage interest

In addition to part of the money spent on housing, you can also return part of the money spent on paying interest on the mortgage with which this property was purchased. Return of interest also applies to property deduction.

In order to return 13% of the paid loan interest, you must fill out the relevant data in the same application (3-NDFL declaration). Namely, you need to indicate the amount of interest on the mortgage for the entire term.

Additional documents will be required loan agreement And certificate from the bank about interest paid.

There are also limits here. Maximum size deduction when paying off interest - 3,000,000 rubles, which means you can return it 390,000 rubles. But this restriction appeared only in 2014. Before this, there were no restrictions on the amount of refund.

In Russia, compensation for part of the expenses incurred due to the acquisition of real estate is provided. You need to know how to return 13 percent for an apartment - use the property deduction (Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). How to receive an income tax refund when purchasing an apartment is regulated and established in detail by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation. So, how to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment in 2019?

Conditions for applying the right to deduction

The deduction is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation who regularly pay income tax. The percentage of deduction for the purchase of real estate is determined in accordance with the coefficient of 0.13 applied to the cost of the transaction, but within the limit allocated by the state. Mandatory conditions for a 13 percent return:

  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of permanent taxable income;
  • use of personal funds;
  • The parties to the contract are independent of each other.

The right to receive a deduction can be applied regardless of the property, that is, each of the share owners, if there are several of them, has the opportunity to own their part. This norm is innovative, since previously – until 2014 – the provision was tied to the owner. However, compensation cannot be provided if the money was transferred from other persons.

Additional conditions for return are ownership of the object or representatives. It can be:

  • owners;
  • the owner's spouse;
  • parents of the owner, if he has not reached the age of majority.

The number of times the deduction is applied depends on the time of the transaction. If the date of the transaction is before 01/01/2014, then the deduction can be applied once, and if the transaction was carried out after the beginning of 2014, then the number of applications is not numerically limited.

Calculation and determination of the amount

How to calculate a tax deduction when buying an apartment is enshrined in the provisions and algorithms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The payment and calculation of “income” is mainly carried out by the employer’s accountant. In specific life situations The legislator provided for the right of a citizen to receive a refund of part of the previously paid tax.

The final deduction amount is calculated based on the transaction value. However, the maximum is limited by the basis for the calculation. The base is applied depending on whether the property is purchased outright or through a mortgage. For ordinary transactions, the base is a maximum of 2 million rubles; for a mortgage, an additional 3 million rubles are provided for loan repayment (for 2019).

Calculation when purchasing real estate with a mortgage occurs separately to cover the cost of housing and the mortgage. Compensation for the cost is provided one-time, and for interest - annually until the limit is exhausted. Using the example, the amount of income tax refund when one person purchases an apartment worth 180,000 rubles will look like this: HF = 1,800,000 x 0.13 = 234,000

It is worth considering that the amount accepted for calculation - the base - may include not only the direct price of the housing itself. The 13 percent tax refund when purchasing an apartment also applies to additional expenses- Finishing work. Of course, these expenses can be used to calculate the amount due for reimbursement only if there is a limit. Despite the presence of a price limit, there is an option to return 13 percent if you bought an apartment at a higher price. This is available, for example, to spouses who register for shared ownership. After which they both have legal grounds for a benefit. The limit for both spouses will be independent.

Preparatory stage – collection of documents

The procedure for returning 13 percent includes several steps:

  1. Analysis of the right to provision.
  2. Studying the list of documents for tax refund when buying an apartment.
  3. Making a request.
  4. Waiting for approval from the Federal Tax Service.
  5. Receiving monetary compensation.

Having analyzed the situation and realized that you are entitled to a tax deduction, you need to start collecting papers. Preparation of documents for a refund of 13% tax on the purchase of an apartment differs somewhat depending on the conditions.

List of required documents

The required paperwork, regardless of the method of acquiring real estate, is as follows:

  • passport;
  • petition();
  • contract;
  • evidence of transfer of personal funds;
  • certificate of registration of the object (copy).

The forms required for a tax refund when purchasing an apartment can be downloaded by clicking on the links above.

Special cases

For spouses

If the object is acquired as the shared property of the spouses, then the required papers are supplemented with a marriage certificate and confirmation of everyone’s expenses.

The apartment was purchased before 2014

And for real estate purchased before 2014, you must provide confirmation of the distribution of shares. It could be:

  • the court's decision;
  • agreement between spouses;

Child deduction

Additional documents when receiving a deduction in the name of a minor child:

  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of ownership in the child's name.

Finishing work

If finishing work was carried out, then you need to provide actual proof of the costs. Everyone decides individually which documents need to be submitted for a 13% refund. If the required document is not submitted, the Federal Tax Service may refuse.

Documents for tax refund when purchasing on credit are supplemented by a loan agreement and calculation of monthly payments. There are legal and procedural nuances of how to get 13% of the purchase of an apartment on a mortgage, at the same time bank commission. Since interest is calculated from the amount of money spent on payment for the year, you cannot receive compensation for all interest at once.

Registration procedure

There are two algorithms for how to return 13 percent if you purchased an apartment:

  • one-time payment of the entire amount through the Federal Tax Service;
  • use of future benefits through the employer.

One-time payment of 13% through the tax office

In the first option, the person who requested compensation receives the entire amount due to him in his current account. However, there is a condition - the amount of compensation cannot be more than the “income” for the previous 3 years, transferred by the citizen to the budget. If the amount of compensation is exceeded, only a portion will be paid, and the remaining funds will be transferred to the next year. The procedure for returning income tax according to the first method is based on the principle “Pay first - then receive compensation.”

Algorithm of actions if the route to the Federal Tax Service is chosen:

  1. Preparation of documents at the beginning of the year following the year of acquisition:
    • filling out the 3-NDFL declaration;
    • request from the accounting department for a 2-NDFL certificate;
    • collection of transaction papers and payment receipts;
    • writing a statement.
  2. Innings collected documents to the local department of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Waiting for the request to be considered.
  4. Receiving funds.

There is only one downside to this procedure: the wait is quite long. To verify the applicant’s documents, 3 months are given (in special cases may extend the period), and for transferring funds after confirmation of eligibility - a month. In total, 4 months or more may pass from the moment the papers are submitted until the funds are received.

Through the employer

In the second algorithm, the applicant is given a benefit for future payments. The essence of the benefit is exemption from paying income taxes. This tax refund procedure when purchasing an apartment does not oblige you to first transfer funds to the budget. This option is convenient if the amount paid is less than the required compensation.

An alternative option for applying for a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment is through the employer, using the method of providing benefits. The procedure will be like this:

  1. Prepare an application to the Federal Tax Service to verify and confirm eligibility.
  2. Wait for the verification period.
  3. Receive confirmation.
  4. Send to employer:
    • confirmation from the Federal Tax Service;
    • contract;
    • confirmation of the amount spent.
  5. Receive benefits on your next salary.

This requires a month of waiting for the tax office to consider the application-request. After which, in the next billing period - a month - the citizen already benefits from compensation.

The downside is that if the amount of compensation is significant, you may not have time to take advantage of the entire deduction before the end of the year. And for the next period it is necessary to repeat the procedure for submitting a request and confirming rights. Payments are not automatically transferred to the next period.

A distinctive feature of the option to implement the deduction through the employer is that there is no need to prepare and submit a 3-NDFL declaration.

Control dates

The period for applying the tax deduction in the period after 2014 is not limited, that is, you can take advantage of the opportunity during any year after the property was purchased. There are no restrictions on the number of requests, but within the limit.

The income tax refund period consists of the period required to conduct the audit and the time required to transfer funds to the applicant’s bank account. The beginning of the calculation of periods according to the return algorithm through the tax office is January of the next year.

For example, the reimbursement period for purchasing an apartment in 2017 is summer - autumn 2019. When using a future benefit - the next month after confirmation. That is, if you request payments through your employer, then you do not need to wait for the end of the period - the year when the real estate was registered.

Not everyone who has ever bought an apartment knows that Russian legislation provides for the right to receive a property tax deduction - a certain part of the personal income tax paid to the state (the so-called refund 13 from the purchase of an apartment). How to properly apply for such a benefit and what is needed for this is the topic of today’s article.

How can I return personal income tax?

A 13 percent refund on a purchase can be made in two ways:

  • receive a deduction from the enterprise, from the employer; in this case, you will simply receive a monthly salary without personal income tax withholding until the tax amount is collected in full;
  • withdraw the entire amount for the year at once;

Regardless of which method you prefer, paperwork still takes place at the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the taxpayer.

Who is entitled to a personal income tax refund?

You need to know that if such a joyful event as buying an apartment happens in your life, a refund of 13 percent of its cost cannot always be issued. Property deductions are issued in several cases:

  • equity participation in the construction of new housing or purchasing an apartment on the secondary market;
  • repayment of interest on a mortgage or other targeted loans for the purchase of residential real estate;
  • construction or purchase of a residential building, as well as land for private construction;
  • repayment of interest on a loan received as a refinancing/on-lending of targeted loans or mortgage loans issued earlier;

It also matters whose property the newly acquired housing is considered to be, however, we will talk about this below.

Who cannot claim a tax refund

There are situations when you won’t be able to get a “return 13” from buying an apartment. This deduction is not allowed:

  • housewives, the unemployed and other citizens who do not have an official place of work and, therefore, do not pay income tax;
  • IP - individual entrepreneurs working on a taxation system where payment of a 13% tax is not provided; it does not matter whether the individual entrepreneur pays other types of taxes and fees;
  • pensioners who retired more than 3 years ago and during the three-year period received only a pension, because income tax is also not withheld from it;
  • children who are homeowners, until they reach working age, that is, until they start working and paying personal income tax; however, there is a small caveat here - if the property was purchased no earlier than 2014, then their parents can receive a tax refund for such owners;
  • citizens who previously received a 13% refund from the purchase of an apartment;
  • citizens who purchased housing from close relatives - parents, children, brothers, sisters, and so on; the degree of relationship is determined by Article 105.1 of the Russian Tax Code;
  • persons for whom the purchase of housing was fully or partially paid for by the employer or the apartment was purchased at the expense of the regional budget.

Now it’s worth talking about what documents you will need to get a 13% tax refund.


It’s worth mentioning right away that you will need almost all the papers in the form of copies, but when contacting the tax service, be sure to take the originals with you - the inspector may ask for them for review. So, the list of documents for returning the 13% tax deduction:

  • passport;
  • an application for a personal income tax deduction indicating the payment details of the recipient;
  • individual tax number (TIN);
  • 2-NDFL - practically the only exception to the rule - is always needed in the original; You can obtain such a document from the accounting department of your enterprise; if you work two or three jobs, then such a certificate must be ordered from each employer;
  • home purchase/sale agreement;
  • certificate of registration of property rights, if you bought a finished home;
  • act of acceptance and transfer of housing or share in it;
  • receipts and checks for payment of housing; a notarized receipt of money may also be required;
  • income declaration - form 3-NDFL.

That's all you need to provide for a 13% refund. Documents for the return of mortgage deductions additionally contain:

  • the mortgage agreement itself;
  • certificate from banking institution about the interest paid by you under the agreement.

If you decide to register housing for your minor child, you will additionally need to provide his birth certificate.

Where and how to issue a return

So, how exactly should you apply for a 13 percent refund? The documents have already been collected, but what to do next? The next action should be to contact the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration. There are no specific deadlines for this issue, but from practice we can say that you should not apply there in March-April. The fact is that at this time the Federal Tax Service inspectors are too busy with inspections annual reports various enterprises and your arrival will not be too happy.

According to the new rules that came into force in 2014, you don’t have to visit the Federal Tax Service to get a partial tax refund. To do this, you should register on the official website of the tax service and use your “ Personal account taxpayer." There you need to fill out specially designed forms, put your digital signature, and if necessary, attach scans necessary documents and send it all to the tax office online. There, in your “office”, you can further track the consideration of the application and the status of the declaration verification.

Remember! Tax officials have four whole months to check documents, so everything is not going as quickly as you would like - be patient.

The amount of the deduction

Of course, the main question that worries everyone is how much money can be returned. Here, of course, everything depends on the cost of housing and how exactly it was acquired.

If the cost of your apartment is not more than 2 million rubles, then you can hope for a return of 13% of the total amount.


A citizen purchased an apartment worth 1 million 354 thousand rubles. This means that the total tax deduction that he can count on is:

1,354,000 x 13% = 176,020 rub.

If the cost of residential premises is equal to or exceeds two million Russian rubles, then the deduction amount becomes fixed and amounts to 260 thousand rubles, which is 13% of 2 million rubles.

However, there are some circumstances that can increase or decrease the amount of the property tax benefit.

Increasing property deduction

The 13% return on the purchase of an apartment may be greater if the property was purchased with a mortgage. In this case, you should expect to receive a refund of part of the tax not only from the cost of the premises, but also from the interest paid to the bank. Starting from January 1, 2014, a limit of 3 million rubles was imposed on the reimbursement of 13% of mortgage interest, that is, no matter how much you overpaid for the apartment in the end, you can return no more than 390 thousand rubles, this is 13% of 3 million .


A citizen took out a mortgage for an apartment worth 3,220,000 for 10 years. The bank gave him a payment repayment schedule, which shows that the amount of overpayment for the entire period will be 4,146,000 rubles. If he registered ownership in 2013, he will be able to return:

(RUB 2,000,000 + RUB 4,146,000) x 13% = RUB 798,980

But if the housing is issued in 2014 or 15, then you will be able to return a much smaller amount:

(2 million rubles + 3 million rubles) x 13% = 650,000 rubles.

As you can see, the difference is quite noticeable:

RUB 798,980 - RUB 650,000 = 148,980 rub.

You can also increase the return of 13% in the case when you are building a new home. Then you can add finishing costs to the cost of the apartment itself, design and estimate documentation, purchasing building materials and connecting communications. But in that case total amount, declared for settlement still cannot exceed two million rubles.

Reducing the amount

Sometimes the amount of property can be reduced. For example, in the case when housing is purchased by participants in shared ownership. Then the deduction is divided among all owners in proportion to the shares received.

There is also another option when the tax refund can be reduced. This happens when, within one year, you sell one home that you have owned for less than 3 years for more than 1 million rubles and buy new apartment. In this case, you will have to pay income tax to the state on the sale of the first apartment.


You have decided to sell an apartment that you have owned for 2 years and 5 months for 1 million 355 thousand rubles. After the sale, you are required to pay income tax in the amount of:

(1,355,000 - 1,000,000) x 13% = 46,150 rub.

Now you are buying a house worth 2 million 740 thousand rubles. According to the law, you can count on compensation in the amount of 260 thousand rubles. After completing both transactions, you will be left with:

260,000 rub. - 46,150 rub. = 213,850 rub. - this is the maximum tax deduction that you can receive in this case.

Features of receiving

Most often, taxpayers cannot receive the full amount of the deduction immediately, since the lump sum payment cannot be greater than the annual one personal income tax amount, listed for you in the budget. So the tax property deduction is paid to citizens for several years until the entire amount due is repaid.

It is also worth knowing that starting from 2014, you can use the right to return 13 percent multiple times, the main thing is that the total amount of compensation does not exceed the limit of 2 million rubles (for mortgage interest + 3 million). This means that if you purchased one residential property worth 1 million 300 thousand rubles and exercised your right to make a property deduction, then you can get the remaining 700 thousand with your next home purchase.

One of the most effective and easily accessible ways to save on purchasing a personal home is to figure out how to return 13 percent of total cost real estate, in case of purchasing an apartment with a mortgage. This saving option is available to all citizens who receive official income with mandatory deduction of income tax to the state.


The economic system of the state is based on the financial relations of the state with citizens and foreigners who temporarily or permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation. In particular, this applies to tax deductions for making profits while staying in the country. So, this year, the tax amount was 13% for all types of income. These are the so-called personal income tax deductions. If a citizen has made regular contributions to the treasury for a long time, then he has a chance to save on the purchase of personal real estate.

But this method has a number of significant features, therefore, before you begin to initiate a refund, you need to figure out how to apply for a tax deduction when buying an apartment with a mortgage.

So, in order to get a chance to return the money spent on purchasing housing through the tax office, you need official employment. In particular, the categories of persons who can count on consideration of the application include:

  • citizens who are officially employed on the territory of the state (including both citizens and residents);
  • persons who have reached retirement age, but continue to work;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • guardians and parents of minor children who make contributions for their children.

It is also necessary to include in a separate category of applicants those who cannot count on receiving the service:

  • persons who do not have any taxable income;
  • those entrepreneurs who, due to their activities, are subject to a different taxation procedure.

It is also not allowed to receive tax compensation for housing that was purchased from close relative. Regardless of whether you took a targeted loan or a consumer one.

The basic rule for how you can get your mortgage interest back is that you can only get a tax refund for the people who bought the home. Other types of lending cannot be compensated in this way, so it is important to indicate when applying for a loan that the funds are intended to be used for the purchase of real estate. A tax refund is possible in the following situations:

  • to buy an apartment or a private house;
  • acquisition land plot for development;
  • preparation of documents necessary for the construction of a residential building;
  • carrying out overhaul in an existing home.

Read also Documents required for obtaining a mortgage

A tax deduction when purchasing an apartment in 2019 can be obtained several times, that is, multiple applications by the taxpayer are allowed to cover the loan from the purchase of an apartment. But, the total amount of the contribution made from all real estate properties cannot exceed 2 million rubles. The maximum deduction from bank mortgage interest is also set separately. It is also possible to receive only 13% of the total overpayment amount, but the interest should not exceed 3 million rubles.


In addition to the fact that multiple applications to the Federal Tax Service are possible, reimbursement of loan funds is allowed in one of the following ways:

  • one-time (if the purpose of the tax deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage is to repay part of the main loan);
  • when you receive regular, reusable compensation until the established limit is exhausted (this is how a tax deduction on interest is collected).

Important! The mechanism for a borrower to receive a tax deduction for a mortgage on an apartment does not provide for the transfer of funds in favor of the bank from the state treasury. To return income tax, the tax office sends a corresponding order to the borrower’s employer, who begins to transfer the necessary benefits automatically in favor of the banking institution, so the recipient of the loan funds must be officially employed.

There is an exception to the above rule, which applies only to those persons who have stopped official work involuntarily. These are pensioners and disabled people. For these categories of citizens, there are separate principles on how to obtain a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment. Namely, three are taken into account last year, which preceded the submission of a request, whether it is possible to return part of the payments towards the 13% tax.


The sequence of actions to obtain a deduction for interest, or for the principal amount of a loan from a mortgage, involves first contacting the bank. Employees of a financial institution must prepare the remaining payments for interest on an apartment mortgage, as well as calculate the amount of overpayments at the interest rate, which affects the limit amount of returned funds.

Afterwards, you need to collect the basic papers that will be required to submit your application. The list of documents includes:

  • civil passport of the borrower;
  • original loan agreement;
  • calculation of the interest payment or the remaining principal amount (depending on which group of financial obligations the tax compensation is directed to);
  • income certificate;
  • income declaration, which is filled out annually by all tax payers;
  • a document confirming ownership of the apartment that is the subject of the loan.

In addition, if, in addition to mortgage payments, there were additional costs associated with repairing, improving or registering the home, then the debtor can provide receipts for their expenses, on the basis of which compensation can also be obtained.

Read also About the possibility of changing an apartment with a mortgage to another

All of the above documents are sent to the local tax office and supported by the citizen’s personal application for a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment. The petition must be written in hand established by law sample and in two copies, one of which remains with the applicant.

Registration of the required order for the return of 13 percent of the purchase of an apartment on a mortgage takes about three calendar months, which are allotted to ensure that there is enough time to check all the data displayed in the papers. After specified period the completed order is sent to the employer, and he, in turn, will gradually return the funds to the bank.


As stated above, you can return 13 percent of the required payment on the mortgage loan, but maximum limits are set:

  • 2 million regarding the total price of real estate (that is, no more than 260 thousand);
  • 3 million regarding interest rate(does not exceed 390 thousand).

For a mortgage in 2019, based on the specified restrictions, each citizen buying an apartment can return no more than 650 thousand rubles. But, if the applicant buys a second property, the refund will depend on whether tax compensation was previously issued and, if so, in what amount.

The limit amount of payments also depends on the citizen’s earnings, that is, when the amount of required compensation for a mortgage is 100 thousand rubles, and the citizen paid only 50 thousand in taxes this year, then only these 50,000 will be transferred to pay back the mortgage for the purchase real estate. But next year, when another 50 thousand tax deductions accumulate, they will also be returned to the taxpayer. That is, the entire amount is necessarily returned, but as the able-bodied citizen pays personal income tax.

A special category of acquisitions should include the registration of a joint mortgage between official spouses. Thus, an agreement is concluded between two persons who undertake to pay the loan in equal shares, and who will subsequently become the owners of equal parts of the purchased property. In this case, a logical question arises: is it possible to receive a tax refund for both spouses at the same time on one property. Of course you can.

The registration procedure involves submitting an application to the tax service from a husband and wife, and the state can return money to each of them, but not in full size, but in relation to the rights of shared ownership. That is, if the wife owns 30% of the property, then when calculating compensation, the price of these 30% will be taken as the basis. The facts of early registration of deductions by each of the spouses are also taken into account.