Russian musician Vladimir Kuzmin has been married to Ekaterina Trofimova for 16 years now. By show business standards, their marriage can be called very strong, but Lately and a crack appeared in their family unit.

27 years younger than her husband, Ekaterina complains that Vladimir does not pay enough attention to her and denies her intimacy. Close couples believe that the Kuzmin-Trofimova marriage has long exhausted itself. And every news is another reason for divorce.

Ekaterina always gives her last interviews to journalists with tears in her eyes.

“We've been vacationing separately lately. Recently, Vladimir himself traveled to Miami. I visited Bob Marley's mansion there. He couldn’t even think about the fact that I also wanted to go with him. We’re also unlikely to go out anywhere this summer. We see each other less and less,” said Ekaterina. “And we haven’t had any intimacy at all for a long time. I’m already tired of going on tour with him. I’m letting one go.”

Ekaterina Trofimova, wife of Kuzmin: her husband is no longer interested in intimacy

Friends and acquaintances of Vladimir Kuzmin suggest that the musician’s decrease in sex drive is associated with the lifestyle he leads. The rocker believed in reincarnation. I started studying mantras, cleansing karma. I completely gave up meat. He eats only vegetables and fruits, and sometimes treats himself to dairy products.

But Vladimir’s fans believe that intimacy is no longer so interesting for the artist because of his age. After all, the musician will soon celebrate his 63rd birthday.

Ekaterina Trofimova, wife of Kuzmin: the third chosen one of the rock musician

Ekaterina Trofimova was born in 1982 in Tatarstan. She's always been beautiful girl. They gave her best roles in school plays, and there was no end to the fans. Ekaterina studied foreign languages and dreamed of becoming an economist. The girl’s dream came true, and she entered the Moscow University of Economics. Ekaterina was always precocious and did not like to communicate with her peers. She simply wasn't interested in them.

Before Catherine, Vladimir Kuzmin was already married twice. The musician met his first wife Tatyana in his youth and married her for Moscow living space. The second wife was American model. Marriage to her gave Kuzmin the opportunity to live for some period in America.

The artist visited civil marriages. Kuzmin lived with actress Vera Sotnikova for about seven years. But they decided to break up due to conflicting schedules. Their relationship simply fizzled out over time. Vera packed her things and left.

Kuzmin and the Diva herself were considered ladies of the heart Russian stage Alla Pugacheva.

Vladimir met his third wife Ekaterina Trofimova on vacation, the 1rre website reports. At that time, he was 45 years old, and she was 18. The girl approached the artist for an autograph. Vladimir really liked Ekaterina, and he immediately offered to join her, but the girl refused and left.

After a while he saw her again. Katya posed for the artist who painted her portrait. Afterwards, the artist plucked up the courage to approach the girl again and ask her for her phone number. Soon they began an affair, which developed into an official relationship.

Vladimir Kuzmin is a famous Russian rock musician, National artist Russia. He was born in Moscow, in the family of an officer. My musical career Vladimir started in 1977 and became a guitarist for VIA Nadezhda. And in 1979 he created the group “Carnival”, which later became very popular.

Vladimir Kuzmin

In 1982 he joined the group "Dynamic", in which he played until 1985. Later, the singer began collaborating with Alla Pugacheva, writing songs for her and performing in her Recital theater. At that time, Vladimir gained real fame.

In 18987, he assembled a new line-up of the group “Dynamic”, and in 1991 they left for America, where they began playing in clubs. Kuzmin lived there for a whole year. After returning home, he continues to play in the group.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Alla Pugacheva

Vladimir was married 3 times. His first wife was Tatyana Artemyeva. She was a poetess and even wrote songs for her husband. In 9 years family life, Tanya gave her husband three children - Lisa, Stepan and Sophia.

The musician's second wife was model Kelly Curzon. Later, he lived with actress Vera Sotnikova for 8 years, but unfortunately this relationship never led to a wedding.

By the way, in 1986, the singer had an illegitimate daughter, Martha, and in 1987, Nicole. Also in 1988, he adopted a boy, Nikita.

Vladimir Kuzmin with Vera Sotnikova

Unfortunately, two of Vladimir’s children suffered a terrible fate. In 2002, his daughter Elizaveta was killed in Moscow, and in 2009 his son Stepan died in a fire. By the way, Foster-son musician - Nikita, is now accused of financial fraud, fraud and laundering Money. He was charged with up to 97 years of maximum security imprisonment.

Vladimir with his daughter Sonya and wife Katya

Now the rock singer is married to Ekaterina Trofimova. She younger than husband for 27 years. With this woman, the musician found happiness and peace in his soul. The musician continues to sing today; music will never disappear from his life. And rock and roll will always live in our hearts.

Vladimir with his wife Ekaterina

On the eve of Vladimir KUZMIN's 63rd birthday on our email address [email protected] a letter arrived from his concerned neighbors at the dacha in the village of Novaya, 80 km from Moscow. The PECHENKINS family and the GOLUBETS spouses are worried about the deplorable state of the rocker’s house: the fence is collapsing, the tiles on the roof are falling off, the plot is neglected, and the musician himself has practically stopped appearing at his estate. Didn't something happen?

Our correspondent Kristina BEZBORODOVA, without reaching Kuzmin on the phone, dialed the number of his wife Ekaterina.

He now has many concerts: Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk... House in Novaya last years really fell apart. My parents live there. And we have another house, and we don’t come here often. Dad is now actively engaged in repairs. Both the roof and the fence will be put in order,” she said Ekaterina Trofimova, with whom Kuzmin has been married for 16 years. - My father hired a couple of builders and supervises them as a foreman. Just the other day I was in the village - my mother showed me tomato seedlings. All the seeds have sprouted - good harvest will be this year.

The rocker's house is inhabited by his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

If so, then there is no need to worry about the home of the Russian rock legend - it is in good hands. The same cannot be said about Kuzmin’s well-being and his relationship with his wife. Six years ago, the musician’s first wife was a poetess Tatyana Artemyeva- EG.RU was stunned by the confession: Vladimir and Ekaterina separated. They say that the musician became interested in a younger lady (although much younger: Kuzmin is 27 years older than Trofimova), having learned that Katya was cheating on him. There was no confirmation of all this information. Well, someone saw Katya in an embrace with an unknown balding man in some restaurant, so what? Maybe it’s a business partner or a parent’s friend...

But now...

After 16 years of marriage, the couple had a crisis. Still from the “Tonight” program
- As far as I understand, he will release a new album at the end of May “ Eternal stories" Recorded it in a month great amount songs. Everyone is filled with mysticism, because he became interested in studying the ancient scriptures Hinduism in Sanskrit, - Catherine said enthusiastically. And then “Ostap got carried away” - Volodya believed in reincarnation. He believes that he has lived many lives and in some of them we met. Having studied the mantras, I began cleaning karma. For this reason, I completely gave up meat. Eats only dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

Katya and Vladimir's wedding was luxurious
And I sincerely believe in psychological constellations ( group classes where a person comes with a personal problem and talks about it; The leader of the lesson gives the audience roles from this story, and together they find a solution to the problem. - K.B.). For example, I had an extremely unpleasant situation with a man for three years. With the help of constellations, I realized that I behaved very unfairly with him. Then I prayed and asked for forgiveness. And literally within a month the situation was resolved. I’m also trying to drag Volodya into these formations. But he is more interested in mantras. And communication with a spiritual mentor, who he recently acquired, is quite enough.

Katya and Vladimir

- Probably, in the summer you will go to some sacred magical place? - I ask, smiling to myself.

But for some reason my interlocutor shuts down from this question again and says dryly:

We have time to rest, but separately. He recently went to Miami. I visited the house there Bob Marley. It’s unlikely that we’ll go somewhere together in the summer. In general, we don’t see him very often. We haven't been close at all for a long time. I'm tired of going on tour with him. That's why I'm letting one go. On May 31, he will celebrate his 63rd birthday, as usual, at work - he will give a big concert in Moscow. Of course, friends and relatives will come to see it. I haven’t decided about myself...

  • A 13-minute drive from Kuzmin’s dacha is Pugacheva’s mansion, where her grandson Nikita and his wife Alena live after the wedding. Rumor has it that ex-lovers It was no accident that they found themselves so close to each other. It was probably not for nothing that Tatyana Artemyeva considered Alla Borisovna her main rival and once even allowed herself to say that because of the Prima Donna, there was a curse on her family that was killing her and Vladimir’s children (with strange circumstances their 25-year-old daughter Lisa and 26-year-old son Stepan died).

PUGACHYOVA and KUZMIN sang and caroused together. Photo: Archive “Secrets of the Stars”


KUZMIN has said more than once that when he met Katya, he fell in love for the first time. At the dawn of this marriage, the rocker quit smoking and replaced his favorite cognac with yogurt. During the same period, he wrote the song “You are the fairy tale of my life,” dedicating it to his young wife.

And Vladimir told the story of how they met, wrapping it like delicious candy in a beautiful romantic wrapper: 2001, Anapa, sea, moon, stars... And Vladimir’s assistant, Alina MAVROMATIS, told us the “truth” that “the whole musical crowd knows” :

After the concert, the guys hung out at the Manhattan club, which was located on the embankment in the Rossiya Hotel. In the midst of fun Kuzmin asked our director to bring him girls - he wanted to have fun. They brought me. One of them was Katya Trofimova, who at that time, it seems to me, was not even 18. She had just arrived in Moscow and dreamed of settling down here. She powdered our 45-year-old Volodya's head and assured him that she fell in love at first sight, or rather from the first night, that she would be with him always and everywhere. Kuzmin has always had a weakness for cute “young men”. So I got caught.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

For several days now, the press has been discussing the news that Vladimir Kuzmin is divorcing his wife Ekaterina, with whom he has been married since 2001. Kuzmin himself noted that he did not want to comment on this story. It so happened that the St. Petersburg correspondent of StarHit talked with the artist in the spring, and he spoke contradictorily about his wife.

After your 60th birthday, which was celebrated noisily, you somehow disappeared...

Since my anniversary, so much has already happened, we played 200 concerts, no less! In winter there was an anniversary of the group “Dynamic” in the Kremlin, where I invited all the members! The show lasted three hours! So “can’t be seen or heard” - you’ve gone too far. I'm just not a fan of television, media mass media, I try to do without them. When I celebrated my 60th birthday, they persuaded me to meet and talk, although I refused until the last moment. One TV channel told me: “We will still make a film about you, why not feel it?” I had to agree. Last year I was famous on various programs (Kuzmin became the hero of the programs “Alone with Everyone,” “My Hero,” “Tonight”), but I realized: this gives nothing at all except a headache! IN soon I don’t plan to do this again, because my audience goes to the concert and goes – not a single one has increased after these programs. And those people who watch TV don’t go to my concerts.

There were rumors that you crashed the concert due to drunkenness...

This has nothing to do with me, why they write this. I don’t even read this anymore! Then it’s all not true. In general, some people believe that if a person plays psychedelic rock, it means he is already drunk. They just don’t get it, many simply don’t have a musical education! I even have this aphorism on Twitter: “If you haven’t fallen off a motorcycle, you’re not a biker. If you haven't fallen on stage, you're not a rocker."

But there was one time that you disrupted a concert in St. Petersburg several years ago.

I didn’t lose it, I felt bad on stage, but I finished it. By the way, it was a great concert, I liked it. I drank non-alcoholic beer and the next day I went by car on business, and they stopped me. And it used to be like this: they slow you down, you give them an autographed record, they salute you and wish you Bon Voyage. Now everything is different, they are doing PR for themselves: they caught famous person, let's “work” with him. They take me to test me, that is, to blow into a tube that shows alcohol. They start to put pressure on me, they say, now we’ll go to the department, we’ll call television, the press. In the end, everything worked out fine, but I realized that non-alcoholic beer also has a minimum percentage of alcohol!

A few years ago they wrote that you were going to end your career...

Sometimes you want to finish everything. Yes, I always want to finish it, for about 20 years now! And then I think: how can I offend people? Well, I’ll play for myself at home, so at least people will enjoy it! Therefore, I call the director: take all the concerts, but no more than four per trip. We are not doing big tours now, but mini-tours of four concerts, then home for a couple of days. At one time, I sat and played at home, all the time looking for my sound and all the time buying guitars. It got to the point that there were 160 of them at home, taking up half the room, and you still had to take care of them all. Now there are sixty left: I gave away some, and sold some to fans. Then I never found my sound, but I found a great master Dima Yakomolsky, he and I began to think about what kind of guitar I wanted: some part from Gibson, some from Fender. And in 2006 we made the first model, then the second, which turned out to be successful, since it is lighter than any regular guitar, more comfortable, and more powerful. Since then we have made twenty of these guitars, and now I only play them. Previously it was called samopal, but now it is called cast. I try to play my guitars more, but I also pick up Gibsons to keep up to date, because all the rockers play them. I work out with them for three hours, and then I understand that mine is better.

You look good. Is this all a gym?

Now I rarely go there, I do passive sports. Electrical sensors are connected to you, and you lie for 30 minutes while your muscles work. I also have to walk at least 5 kilometers every day, no matter where I am. But when there is a concert, I put my phone in my pocket and during the concert it turns out that I walk 2-3 kilometers, although it would seem that you are standing still! I used to play football, but most of all, if I don’t play the guitar, I ride a motorcycle.

The 55-year-old singer replaced his 28-year-old wife after ten years life together for a younger partner

The story of the romance between Vladimir KUZMIN and a simple student Katya TROFIMOVA is like a fairy tale. Seeing the 18-year-old blond beauty, the singer called her “his main and last love" For ten years the couple practically never separated, appearing everywhere together. Periodically there were rumors that young Katerina was pregnant, but, alas, common child they never got it. Now Vladimir is increasingly seen alone, and often drunk... What is going on in the family of a popular musician?

Volodya and Katya are no longer together,” the singer’s first wife, a poetess, stunned Express Newspaper. Tatyana Artemyeva.
After tragic death common with Kuzmin children - Liza and Stepan Tatyana Borisovna lives only with memories of her past big family and passionate love with Volodya, which, according to Artemyeva, destroyed Alla Pugacheva.
- I think that Kuzmin will finally break up with Katya and will soon marry again. He’s no longer satisfied with Katya, he’s found himself younger,” Tatyana is sure.
These are the times! But what about “love to the grave” and songs dedicated to a young beautiful wife, for example “A Fairy Tale in My Life”?!

The singer’s team told us that Katya and Vladimir have been living apart for six months and the singer behaves like a real bachelor. For example, recently at a concert in Kyiv, Vladimir openly flirted with fans. One of them gave him a note. Volodya passionately kissed the girl, inviting her to the dressing room after the performance.
“That girl’s name is Masha,” a longtime fan of the rocker told us. Marina Glushko, part of the star's company. - She is from Odessa, one of the fans. Volodya has known her for a long time and often invites her on tour. He had close relationships with fans before.
- Does his wife really allow this?
- They have Katya Trofimova Things are not going well right now, as far as I know. He found out that Katya was cheating on him with another man. Volodya was shown photographs of Trofimova kissing some guy in a Moscow cafe - they were taken there by paparazzi. He was shocked!
- Katya married him to herself with cunning! - says one of Vladimir’s assistants Alina Mavromatis. - Ten years ago I witnessed their acquaintance. Then, after one of the concerts at a club in Moscow, Kuzmin asked our director to bring him girls - he wanted to have some fun. The girl was a certain Katya Trofimova. It turned out that the 18-year-old young lady had just arrived in the capital and dreamed of settling down here. She powdered Volodya's head and assured him that she had fallen in love at first sight, or rather from the first night, that she would be with him always and everywhere. Kuzmin has always had a weakness for cute “young men”. So I got hooked... But time passes, he is now 55, Katya is only 28. Besides, Volodya drinks - this is no secret to anyone. Katya gave him ultimatums - it didn’t help. In the end, she realized that she would not have a normal family with Kuzmin; she could not possibly give birth to him. In general, she got everything she could from him. And got someone else. I don’t think they will make peace with Volodya - he himself told me more than once that he would get a divorce.