And autumn will explode with yellow leaves, birds will soon turn into drops, those who were far away will become close to gather near the sky again.

In autumn you need only three things - Indian summer perfume with the smell of rotten leaves, mulled wine and... love.

An unprecedented autumn built a high dome, there was an order for the clouds not to darken this dome...

Autumn is the dreams of falling leaves...

The forecast for tomorrow promises showers, more things to do, work, being late. But in the fall it’s so easy to be happy: Charlotte, a sweater... And two cups of tea.

It's autumn outside... There's sadness in my heart. I love you so much! Don't believe me?... It's a pity...

Autumn. September. Tired smile. Gray day and sad morning, tea and chocolate in the evenings, and warm memories for dessert...

...autumn throws golden leaves at us, and when we meet, you and I are like strangers...

IN at different ages September is perceived differently. It’s terrifying at school, but after it, like colorful leaves and feelings of something terribly familiar...

October. Cold. It's windy. Slush. The weather is perfect for hot tea, jam, melodramas and fascinating books.

November. Cold. It's windy. Snow. The weather is perfect for hot tea, chocolate, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Autumn, autumn, we still won’t stop drinking!

Autumn is a time of sad thoughts... in autumn it’s always a little sad...

Autumn is a time of memories...

Autumn is music. Yellow trees sound of a violin. And the falling leaves are a piano...

Warm, tender buns with vanilla, coffee with cinnamon, and autumn remind me of you. Our autumn with you.

In autumn you feel especially lonely...

Autumn..Cold..rain.. And I really want... for him to come up from behind and hug him with his hot arms...

I love you, autumn!!! - And I love you!

Autumn... everyone has pictures of fallen leaves...

Soft wind. Warm sun. Bright foliage. Light smell of smoke. Red fragrant apples. I love this autumn.

I want beautiful autumn to leaves, sun and wind. And I really want to meet love this fall!

- autumn has come... - Did you just notice?.. =) - no, you don’t understand.. Autumn is not according to the calendar.. Autumn is in the soul.

And again autumn smells like her perfume...

Autumn wanders along the strings of happiness.

Autumn is a transitional state of nature and the same state for the soul.

Girls! Look for guys in the fall so you don't freeze in winter =)

In my purse there is perfume with the aroma of joy, a shine of the color of the rainbow and orbits with the taste of happiness! And autumn is in my soul...

Autumn... everyone wears black, everything is gray and dirty on the street, I’ll go and buy a bright green jacket and paint this world.

I wander alone through October, I don’t dare crush the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget.

This is such a strange autumn. You left me, I left you. And so eight times.

Beautiful statuses about autumn

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Trees do not cry for fallen leaves... Spring will give them new leaves... To be able not to regret is truly happiness... Not to cry about what is gone forever...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

For some it’s just autumn, but for others it’s warm and eternal. Some people see eight as eight, while others see an infinity sign.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I wish you autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Someday I will return to you with rain. The autumn rain, noisy in memory... You will tell me: “It was all a dream!” And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, do not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just need to wait a little...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

We forgot each other, abandoned each other... I'm leaving barefoot in the fall...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Such sadness is only at this time of year... The Lord chooses moments for a reason. This is how nature dies in the fall, but how beautifully it dies...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My dream is to warm my feet next to a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings and read interesting novel and slowly sip tea with you...

Cool statuses about autumn

Look at the rainy one autumn weather through the eyes of his umbrella - he really wants to go out into the world and parade among his colorful relatives!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Poem about autumn. Tragic. “How quickly, damn it, the leaves fell...”

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Rain, slush. The streets are empty. Well, where are you, lovers of rain, “In which you can hide your tears”? Why don't we go for a walk?!?!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

If you lubricate the roof of your house with condensed milk in the fall, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to suck on the icicles!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Fall is the time to swap out your piles of light and dark socks.

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone except YOU)))

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Autumn-autumn! Give me an Audi A8!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Indian summer is the last chance to decide who you will spend the winter with!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Neither coffee, nor a jacket, nor a blanket keeps you warm... Summer is ending... Well, hello Autumn!!!

Sad statuses about autumn

Autumn is that time of year when you begin to feel sad, miss someone for some reason, but with the first snow you again understand that life is wonderful.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

It's autumn outside. There is sadness in my heart. I love you so much! Do not believe? It's a pity...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Rain in your face, slush under your feet, the rain speaks to you, it whispers: “Don’t cry.” You will answer: “It hurts.” The rain will say: “Don’t be sad, tell me what’s wrong with you?” You turn your face to the rain, quietly say: “He’s on the other one.”.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves. I lie to myself that I don't love you. I lie to myself that I forget...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

Statuses about autumn are sad

The best sad statuses about autumn

Autumn - It's time to check on your friends, because it is in the fall that most often a person needs a vest in which to cry.

Autumn is the longest season of the year. The days drag on as if to the rhythm of falling leaves. I really want to put a smile on my face, but it’s sad. There is no time for smiles - spring is far away. The sky is overcast, the sun is so high - its rays do not caress. The whole day is like a dull evening.

Everyone who likes to mope, dream about the impossible, be sad, cry, tear their wrists, are probably glad: the time has come for melancholics - rainy, stupid autumn.

The leaves are burning, and hardly anyone will notice how autumn, asleep by the fire, is burning.

It’s so cold and indifferent, autumn has embraced us.

With every downpour comes hope that one day everything will be clean again and the oldest stains will disappear. So we wait for the rain to come, hoping for the best. Even if we know that some stains are imprinted on our hearts forever and nothing will wash them away.

Time flies day after day, autumn has already arrived, and only endless rain pours in a tired soul.

But autumn blows my warm heart with a cold wind, and summer flies into the distance, taking my happiness with it...

Autumn - This is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

I don't like autumn. I don't like to watch them wither full of life leaves, having lost the battle with nature, higher power which they cannot overcome.

Autumn - This is the time when people become disappointed in each other, break up... They try to find a new life partner, another soul mate. But too late they realize that they made a mistake and it cannot be corrected... And the person whom he loved very much cannot be returned...

When autumn cries, it always rains...

Autumn... brings only sadness. At first we are pleased with the colors, then everything is washed away by the rain...

It will be cold autumn. Warm autumn no longer. Only I will know this gray hair– about me. And he won't forget me.

In the fall, on the day of our first meeting... I will quietly cry on your shoulders... well, look, I love you... I- rain...

The salt of white ink from the eyes on the cold, tear-stained glass. Forget that we were together - because now we are alone, burn our dreams, autumn!

The autumn depression came earlier than autumn itself.

New autumn enters the heart like a dark bird.

My soul is in the mood for autumn, there is sadness in my heart. The clock shows eight again– a short moment of a burning day.

In autumn the dust settled, in autumn the ardor faded, the heat of the sun dimmed, in autumn the whole world is sorry.

I want to become a part of this autumn, to climb into my ravine.

Dumb autumn... It will come again and won’t ask for anything... Again there will be heaps of leaves underfoot, the trees will throw them off... It quickly changes all events, breaks the fates of many people... Autumn will not awaken sincere feelings...

Autumn leaves are flying around, the air is clean and piercingly empty. I count the minutes and numbers, letting all the sadness go to the wind.

Autumn drags its gray days into the fog. And I hide my thoughts in the smoke of cigarettes. My feelings go on their way with autumn, leaving me with only tears and sadness in my memory.

We need to leave, of course, in the fall. When the sky roars over you, when exhausted leaves fall over you, when birds fly away. Saying goodbye, of course, is also unnecessary. Simply because you won’t be able to leave in the fall after this.

Autumn in the soul, emptiness in the heart... And you can’t escape, you can’t get anywhere... Fallen leaves, a strange feeling. Summer has passed– a little sad...

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight.

Gloomy autumn, rains are replaced by falling leaves, everything in my soul is somehow mixed up at once– a dream with sadness, and sadness with a smile, and all three months are like pure torture...

There will be umbrellas, dirt and rain everywhere again. I will have to finally grow older. Autumn, maybe you can still wait? I'm already very scared.

Autumn is the time for love, it's time to fall in love!

Autumn is the most romantic time of the year, but it is in autumn that you feel like the loneliest creature on the planet!!!

Autumn drags its gray days into the fog. And I hide my thoughts in the smoke of cigarettes. My feelings go on their way with autumn, leaving me with only tears and sadness in my memory.

Autumn feels happy! She's simply the most beautiful. She's just real and can't breathe without rain. How I love you, Autumn!

Autumn. November. Tired smile. Gray day and sad morning, tea and chocolate in the evenings, and warm memories for dessert...

Autumn... It's raining outside, a lot of yellow leaves and unfulfilled dreams...

Autumn... You are so beautiful, but so lonely... Yes, we have too much in common.

Autumn...for some it smells of unfulfilled dreams, but for me it smells of happiness and the freshness of cool morning rain...

Autumn: it makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But she makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love... love does not depend on the season.

Autumn is beautiful, everything is in your power. I pray for one thing: give me happiness...

It's easy to be happy in autumn. Warm blanket, hot green tea and favorite music...

In autumn you need only three things - Indian summer perfume with the smell of rotten leaves, mulled wine and... love.

The air in autumn is special, it usually smells of unfulfilled dreams...

We screwed up the summer, it doesn’t matter! Let's talk about autumn too, yes, yes, yes!

I drink coffee, watch autumn, listen to the rain and no longer believe in love!

The hand on the mouse is freezing... autumn has come...

Old lady autumn, the leaves crunch underfoot, reminding us of what happened between us.

Your fate, my dear, will be like a potato. - How is that? - You will either be imprisoned in the spring or removed in the fall!

Such sadness is only at this time of year... The Lord chooses moments for a reason. This is how nature dies in the fall, but how beautifully it dies...

Is it autumn for you all?! It's spring for me! I love all! Even you, you, you and you...yes, yes, exactly you!!!

It's autumn for everyone, but my house is a mess.

In the morning warm October I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then sail away on a soggy paper boat to a new life...

We need to leave, of course, in the fall. When the sky roars over you, when exhausted leaves fall over you, when birds fly away. Saying goodbye, of course, is also unnecessary. Simply because you won’t be able to leave in the fall after this.

Cold autumn! Rains, falling leaves... You are somewhere here, somewhere nearby, I know...

I kissed the rain, hugged the wind, I guess I just fell in love with autumn...

In 2 days we expect an influx of sad statuses about love, autumn and the passing summer...

It was the most unforgettable summer...the saddest autumn...I hope it will be the happiest winter...

I'm crazier than autumn. Perhaps, for the first time in my life I do as I want, without thinking about the consequences.

I love autumn, I like walking in the rain... it's cool and so natural... you might think I'm crazy... well, yes.. but only a little bit.

I like autumn. Because you don’t have to come up with excuses if you’re sad. You can wear your favorite boots and raincoat. Jump through puddles like a child. Hiding from the rain under the trees.

I want a beautiful autumn with leaves, sun and wind. And I really want to meet love this fall!

  • Forward >

To the quote about female legs#537966. I’m proud of your legs, I carefully take off my tights, I’m not afraid of my friends and husband. They’re harvesting potatoes. Poets of our yard. The poem is over thirty years old.

Feeling of freedom Autumn is the time of balance of nature. Life is pleased with ripened fruits. Death covers the leaves with fallen leaves. The path to emptiness. Feeling of freedom...

Life doesn’t just fly by, life quickly flies, Years quickly disappear, summer follows winter, flies, Who can count the seconds, who can count the decades? We don't have enough time, autumn is coming soon.

Autumn has peeked into my garden again, scarlet leaves are the year's sunset.

A yellow background of fallen leaves Brighter than a fairy tale, On the dozing trees All the colors. Green, gold, crimson Like spots... Their game, like a wild dance, Incomprehensible.

The southern wind, gentle to the point of indecentness, scattered leaves at my feet, Maybe it was someone in his guise that stroked my cheeks and fluttered my hair? I started about nature, got personal...

Spring only wants when autumn prophesies something...

Autumn Along the streets of the city With a reflection of the cold Golden autumn Leaves are scattered A crumpled heap A reddening flash A bright conflagration of Burning Love

Autumn has character real woman: sometimes quiet and gentle, sometimes windy, cold and stern.

Autumn - the mood is like that of a toad... It's either summer or the women who are to blame...

Something strange happens, summer is energized by vitamins, sun, vacation... here comes autumn, right on time. It's time to fade... and the people are like children. “Dipresnyak” has completely disappeared... we, captives, have lost our melancholy... and nature freezes... why is everything like this... who knows...

In the original autumn there is a short but wonderful time. The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, But the first winter storms are still far away, And clear and warm azure is pouring onto the resting field...

I haven’t had time to warm my soul yet, And summer has already flown by... More and more often I want to drink not coffee, but tea... Dial your number and say: “I miss you...

What a wonderful weather today... Gentle gusts of wind gently sway the reinforcement... And the pigeons generally fly ass first!!!

For the first time in my life I watched Cranes flying in warmer climes. Their jamb was a strictly regular angle. I could barely see this phenomenon in the sky. They performed it just like our Russian “Swifts” (Migi). They screamed so loudly that I almost burst into tears.

Indian summer - the beginning of autumn. not scary, like a woman's sorrows. albeit a little, but they are warmed with warmth, just like the woman who warms with wondrous light. Autumn is truly a WOMAN... it even begins in Indian summer.

Autumn is roaming around the world... First it shows off its outfits, And then it prepares a surprise... We don't care about this striptease!

I don’t want to get out of bed, I don’t want to go anywhere,” he hugged her even tighter. - Why so? - Here is my favorite autumn, there is winter...

No, I’m not waiting for my HUSBAND from work... Not the GARRISON infantry... Not a tram and not a salary... HEATING SEASON...

IN Lately I have a passionate desire to stick my feet in tea. AND THE NOSE. AND A BLANKET. LIVE IN A CUP OF TEA...

And another century is already upon us, but men still have the same thoughts. “I want freedom and money. I would like to sit on the deck, crack wine and talk about literature, and in the evening the ladies... Would you like to go south in September?

Cocktail for autumn depression: ... a warm blanket, a cup of coffee, a bar of chocolate, add carefully measured doses of strong kisses... passion... tenderness and affection... Stir everything with love... Bon appetit!!!

Everything seems to be fine. But when autumn comes, it somehow unobtrusively becomes sad.

Every day it rains outside the window, and someone is spreading rumors about winter, but it doesn’t matter when there is a warm house, hedgehogs, cats and flies have gathered together in it.

The weather is great, I wish it could stay like this until the New Year. Well done September this year! Specifically, he apologized for the summer!

The applique is colorful, autumn glues a wet leaf. The horizon is thinning again, Soon it will be completely clear. Large puddles will crunch under the children’s feet, but in the meantime, my whole city has a cold these days.

I wish everyone a wonderful, fruitful, active autumn! Do not forget that Home weather- this is the one... that is in the soul, and not outside the window!

So autumn has come... She didn’t ask us about it, She eclipsed us with her beauty, She inspired all the poets. She opened the doors to the cold, turned on the heating, put the bear to sleep, and dressed us up in jackets.

Everyone says spring is the time of love. Who decided this? After all, it is in the fall that there is an urgent need to warm each other in your arms! Warmth and love to everyone.

Tearful autumn, Tearful everyday life, Tearful sky, Tearful soul. But the rain does not last forever, And the whiny autumn will soon leave the yard As always. And, that means, don’t panic, So, let’s be patient, Keeping particles of warmth in your soul

Previously, on my shelf there was a small bottle of cognac and a Zippo lighter, and now nitroglycerin and drops for the common cold))

And then autumn comes, the wind at your back and the rain at the window. Loneliness. Well, by the way, It's sad, but so funny. Smiling, you send away all unfulfilled dreams. Realizing that the older you are, the more beautiful the bridges burn.

Spring, summer, autumn this year... Everything indicates that the end of the world will happen in winter...

Summer is dead, the forest is peeling, we desperately need money: for a coat, galoshes, an umbrella and... for Electrophoresis.

To quote #938228 atatkf Once again (we won’t specify), autumn is passing, Let the road spread like a good riddance to it. True to yourself autumn time, having promised, but not fulfilled, She managed to charm us, then upset us, That’s her repertoire... You can’t ask her. Gvlina Bobyleva

Autumn is a strange time - in the morning you want coffee with croissants... And in the evening, whiskey... with the boys!!!

Life flashes like a cheerful carousel... It seemed that March had recently brought joy with a drop, But again September left its autograph for the slender Birches... in yellow watercolor.

Autumn Golden autumn rustled, Fallen leaves underfoot... Covering the whole sky with clouds, It poured down on the ground like torrential rain. Trees began to cry with drops of rain, Seeing off the summer on its long journey. And winter is already preparing the sleigh, So that you can come and visit us...

Late autumn... This is the time of year when a cat can allow itself to be offended and proudly retire to sleep on the radiator.

The walk was a success as never before... I looked at autumn differently... I thank the one who suggested - Any time of the year can be beautiful. Any season can enchant us. Galina Bobyleva

Autumn visited us for just three days. She came to reconnaissance: how do we live here, do we miss her, are we ready for her arrival? Naive... She thinks that we are waiting for her here. And we wish we had summer again... Galina Bobyleva

Autumn. Begins with drops, Rain. Then a continuous stream. Along the cheeks. I know. You won't come today.

Oh autumn. Oh autumn, you are so different. At the beginning you are still completely green, Then you grow, you change different colors And you leave us as a completely gray-haired lady...

Autumn waves its leaves at my back With a sad look, seeing off into winter, It’s okay, she’ll still dance! I’ll break firewood even in winter!

in the fall dress code no neckline in the trend pantaloons all styles polt

I’m too windy in the fall... In bad weather I’m also gusty...

I don’t think that sometimes the nights in autumn are very long, The rumor has been going on for a long time, That the nights are shorter in autumn too, When your beloved is with you!

The weather is rubbish, and somewhere it’s summer. I looked out the window. The weather could have been better. She could. But she didn't want to.

Oh, this period in September, when the heat has already gone, but the heating in the houses has not yet been turned on! It's time for us, girls, to take our great-grandmother's brushed trousers out of our chests!

So another summer has sunk into oblivion, And I really want to wrap myself in the warm blanket of August again...