Or a corporate event or party on the theme pirate adventures, it is better for guests to announce it in advance so that they come in elements of pirate costumes. This program really brings guests together and creates a fun and lively atmosphere for the whole evening.

To organize the program new scenario for a pirate New Year's party you will need: props for competitions, medallions or badges with pirate names for each guest, as well as cards with the same names, gold and black doubloons for counting points, jars where doubloons and musical arrangement holiday.

Pirate party scenario.

Presenter: Greetings, friends! It’s nice to see you on this New Year’s Eve so beautiful and lively, it shouldn’t be otherwise, because we are preparing to celebrate the New Year, and are full of anticipation from the new sensations and impressions that it prepares for us all together and for each individual. Let's quickly fill our glasses and congratulate each other on the upcoming 20... year!

First toast

The last minutes of the passing year are counting down,

Let them be bright, like fireworks!

May this meeting bring us joy and fun!

And the holiday will spin us all around with its carousel!

Today, in the new year and life, everyone leads routes.

Let love await everyone there and everyone be comfortable!

And let it be loud: “Hurray!” under the Christmas tree

It will sound to the clink of glasses, lifting our spirits!

(All guests clink glasses and shout: “Hurray!”)

(Small break).

Presenter: Probably each of you noticed that New Year's holidays There is always a special atmosphere, we all involuntarily fall under the magic of this miracle - welcoming the New Year. And since all the horoscopes vying with each other offer us to spend this night actively and passionately, with positivity and drive, I propose to spend it in a pirate style. Pirate party with full decoration and props we didn’t meet our budget, but we will still try to catch the mood and immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of excitement and carefree fun! So let's get started!

The thirst for adventure and exploits is already contained in the word “pirate”; translated from Greek it means “to put to the test”, which today we will do with pleasure, my dear future pirates and pirates! Now each of you will choose a pirate name for the whole evening, for using secular name- black mark and punishment!

(Each guest pulls out a medallion or badge with a pirate name, preferably male and female names lay separately)

The song “Chance” from “Treasure Island” is playing

Presenter: I see that many are shocked by their name. Yes, pirate names are not very euphonious, treat this with humor, especially since respect for your nickname is one of the first commandments of a pirate, so I ask you to love and favor yourself with a new name.

And now, so that you get used to it a little, and others get to know you again, we will conduct a comic forecast - a roll call. I read out the text, the one whose new name will be named, even if he does not suspect what he hears, raises his hand or rises himself so that everyone can admire him and get to know him. Go.

(this forecast is designed for 35 guests: 17 women and 18 men; if the composition and quantity are different, then it is better to make appropriate changes to the text of the forecast)

Comic forecast - dating at a pirate party

Where is Indomitable Bonnie, who will amaze everyone with her vocals today?

Ben Long will dance the most.

Today the Vile Miggy will shine and star the most.

Freaky Maggie will be happier and louder than others to shout: “Happy New Year!”

But she will constantly be shouted down by Blind Pew, who will demand: “Pour more!”

In an hour, Katie Kortik will say that she is the coolest.

And Daniela More will giggle and say: “We’ve seen such cool ones.”

In 1.5 hours, Jim Plukh will say that he, in general, sneezed on everyone.

And Little Davey, alas, will fall asleep in 2 hours and won’t say anything to anyone.

He will constantly demand to bring tomato juice to go with the Bloody Mary vodka.

“And more napkins,” Patchkulya Betty will soon shout.

Today Richard Zhelezny will give Tricky Xiao $100.

And Zhanna Blade will happily give Bald Michael her beloved self.

John Cox, having taken a dose of ... intoxicating, will give everything to everyone for free, and will immediately forget about it forever.

Only today, Leaky Hands will invite Catherine Black Mark to relax in Haiti all evening.

And Shorty Dark will tell Horrible Mur-r that he is tired of Haiti and will invite her to Lapland to see Santa Claus.

And Hook the Iron Hand will affectionately stroke Viper Party on the knee, and she will pretend that she likes it.

Fiery Grace and Ruffnut Frances will have a showdown about who Devil Jones loves more.

By the end of the evening, angry, Ruthless Ann will say: “Yes, you are all bastards!” and gets drunk out of grief

And only Skinny Annie, standing on a chair, will shout with enthusiasm: “People, I wish you happiness!”

Velcro Skye will pester everyone with the question: “Santa Claus is a red nose, did you bring me anything?”

On her own, practically without staggering, Sonya Black Bones will sing about the fact that she is drunk and will not get home on her own and they will call her a taxi.

And Sam the Bloodthirsty and Bootstrap Bill will hardly take Terrible Leela away from the party, who will shout: “I’m about to melt from love, I’m the Snow Maiden, I know it!”

Gloomy Shpas will invite everyone to his place for a hangover tomorrow

And John the Mad, waking up in the morning in someone else’s bed, will ask in bewilderment: “Where was I yesterday?”

And finally, let me introduce Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong, who are tired of listening to all this nonsense and are eager to say a toast that it’s time to toast the acquaintance.

So, here's to getting to know each other!!! By the way, today you can call me Veselushka Nadine, and DJ Loud Alex.

(you can beat the acquaintance using any other game, you can choose

(small break)

Presenter: And now I’ll ask Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong to come to me. These are two captains, let's salute them! Your first task is to come up with a name for your schooner. Remember, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. And the second, but no less important, is to recruit a loyal and united team. So, the name? (they are called, they need to be written on the banks where prize or penalty doubloons will be added based on the results of competitions). And now everyone gets an equal share of (...) pirates and (..) pirates (the number depends on the composition of the guests).

The captains draw cards with pirate names - they type commands

Presenter: Did you dial it? Tests will show how successful it is. I read out the list of commands.

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of Captain Black Dog, they set off on a voyage for New Year's gifts...

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of the Elusive Madame Wong are sent...

(the cards collected by the captains are read out)

You can divide into teams without drawing lots: according to tables or represented teams.

Presenter: Sit down, dear captains. By the way, the names of our captains once belonged to very famous pirates - cunning, elusive and cruel. And our Captains , I hope they live up to the authority of their nickname. Behind the captains the last word, I think they will be fair and we won’t have to throw them overboard and start a riot. Before starting the main program, I suggest you take a break and note this matter.

(small break)

Presenter: To undergo the rite of passage as a pirate, you must first become acquainted, at least briefly, with the Pirate Code of Honor.

Pirate Code of Honor .

1. A pirate is proud of his pirate name, no matter how it sounds.

2. The pirate code of honor is the only law that a pirate respects.

3. Pirate brotherhood is only family for a pirate.

4. A pirate ship is the only house for a pirate.

5. Cowardice and betrayal are the most shameful crimes for a pirate.

6. On a ship, pirates can only swear in approved jargon.

7. Only a determined, brave and resilient woman can be allowed to become a pirate.

8. Fighting on a ship is strictly prohibited.

9. Pirate rank allows a pirate to increase his rank after participating in battles and demonstrating his new skills and abilities.

10. For failure to comply with the rules of the Pirate Code, a pirate receives a mark on his reputation and a sign of punishment - a Black Mark.

Presenter: Here I have golden doubloons and black marks - based on the results of the tests, we will calculate which team will win. The winning team comes up with a punishment for the losing team; in case of non-compliance, it is deprived of New Year's gifts. Now we will distribute responsibilities according to Pirate rank. We will select the ship's doctors first; this is especially important at such an event. By the way, pirate doctors are like pianists in the Old World - respected and untouchable persons. They were the only ones who had the right not to obey the Pirate Code and to help the enemy. Although, between you and me, the medicine that they really mastered very well was one or another dose of rum.

The schooner's ship's doctor is appointed ………………………(pulls out a card with a name)

I’ll ask the doctors to come to me, choosing an assistant along the way.

Game moment at the New Year's party "Pirate medical examination"

(Participants receive small props from a children's first aid kit or a joke store: a thermometer, a hammer, a stethoscope - for the surroundings and for the "medicine" test: trays with bottles with the word "Rum" written on them: disposable glasses - will be worn by assistants)

Presenter: Dear doctors of pirate schooners, with the help of the received tool, and most importantly, medical intuition, you need, after examining the guests, to identify among them those to whom you can give the diagnoses indicated on the card. And with the help of different doses of medicine, cure them immediately.


1. chronic dancelit; under-hangover; love fever of the first degree.

2. mild holiday mania; severe under-drinking; spicy ditty.

(“Doctors” walk around the hall, examine guests, make diagnoses and treat different amounts glass)

Presenter: It can be admitted that both doctors passed the test, and most sure medicine For us this evening there will be: love, fun and a bottle of rum. And now to everyone who did not receive the medicine or to whom the therapeutic dose seemed insufficient, I suggest you drink “To your health!”

(banquet break)

Presenter: Thanks to the care of the doctors, everyone got their pirate throat wet, which means it’s time to scream. Do you agree? In the meantime, I suggest you shout a little.

(small break)

Presenter: An equally important person on a pirate ship is Cook or Ship's Cook. From good nutrition The combat effectiveness of the crew depends. We appoint cooks.
Ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed
Ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed (pulling out) - …………………………………………..(name)

Game moment with ship's cooks

Presenter: Your test is as follows: from available material, i.e. from what is on the table, come up with a new dish and give it a pirate name like noodles " Knot"with sauce "The last salvo of the Barracuda. But remember that the dish must be edible, because it will be your captain who will try it, and not the enemy captain. Let's start.

Groovy music sounds - participants create a dish

Presenter: It is clear that with such cooks not a schooner’s crew will be lost (Name), nor the crew of the schooner (Name) Tell me, dear pirates, what else is valuable in sailing? (addresses guests).

The guests answer, the presenter comments on their answers, when something like fun or a joke is heard, she continues the program.

Presenter: Indeed, on a long voyage it can be very boring, so they really love and value representatives of the pirate fraternity who can tell funny story, make you laugh, or even lie about something. The next test is the ability to tell a New Year's tale.
From a schooner (Name) are invited (pulls out 7 cards with the names of pirates of one team)

The participants come out, the presenter gives them headbands or character caps and lines. It’s best to rehearse with the “artists” before starting so that they remember their lines well and understand when pronounce them, then they will play more expressively, without looking at the cards with words.

Musical composition plays

They come out, the presenter hands them beads and skirts and quickly explains that they must shout together: “Oh!” and how to move, and that in the finale they must drag everyone onto the dance floor, organizing a lambada train.

Costume act "Natives at the New Year's party"


Among the Yumba-Tumba tribe

The flowers in the flower beds don't bloom,

But bananas and coconuts grow,

And they don’t know cold and frost!

They won't talk much

But they will give us love!

Let's give them a standing ovation,

Yumba-thumba tribe! Let's meet!

The drums sound -

- the “natives” come out dancing

They won't say their wishes -

They will show you a fiery dance.

Seize every moment in life,

Sing, dance, joke, love!

Natives: Oh!

Let there be a lot of delicious food,

And there will be no illnesses, no troubles,

Your children and grandchildren will be healthy,

And so that they don’t know sadness and boredom!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

So that your leaders would be smart,

We did everything for the prosperity of the country,

So that everyone definitely gets rich,

They would have everything they wanted!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

They wish you a holiday every day,

And so that even a stump blooms in the garden.

But in order for everyone to experience all this

We all need to dance the dance of love!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone gets on the train and goes to the hall to gather guests)

It sounds like "Lambada". Then a dance break

New Year's toast

Presenter: And we continue our tests. Now we will choose Quartermaster and boatswain (pulls out names). Their task is technical and material support teams, let's see how they can do it.

Outdoor game "Come on, bring it"

(4 chairs are placed, whoever brings it faster)

1. Alcohol

4. A shoe from a pirate of the opposite sex

(as a result, doubloons are thrown into the jars)

Presenter: Who haven't we tested yet? The pilot and mate, those on whom the correct course of the ship depends.

Team competition "Guess the course"

Ekaterina Gornovaya
New Year's scenario "How pirates looked for the New Year"


Pirate 1

Pirate 2



Father Frost

Snow Maiden


Progress of the event:

Decor: The hall is festively decorated, sounds New Year's music

Music sounds - the sound of the sea, they appear pirates

Pirate 1: What should we do? What should we do? Where can we get the treasure?

Pirate 2: I heard that there is such a holiday on earth (remembers). New Year . There is a grandfather there - he is very rich, he has gifts in store for all the children on Earth.

Pirate1: And where does grandfather live?

Pirate2: Yes, somewhere in the north, under the polar star.

Pirate1:Wow! What's this grandfather's name?


Far to the north

It's cold where it's winter,

Where the cold is fierce,

With icicles at home

Good Grandfather Frost lives there,

Long beard, staff, red nose.

He brings gifts

Fun, jokes, laughter.

Everyone in the world knows that he is the best

Pirate1: Father Frost? Pirate? Robber?

Pirate 2:

No, he's not at all pirate.

Even Small child I'm glad to meet this grandfather!

Pirate 1: What a joy it is to meet your grandfather? The people have gone completely wild.

Pirate 2:

He gives gifts to children

He gives them New Year!

Pirate 1: All! I want this holiday, I want it too New Year!

Pirate2: Then let's go north, to the polar star, to Santa Claus!

Open your doors wider!

Come quickly!

We invite everyone to our holiday,

Adults, small children!

To make it more interesting,

Let's have fun together!

Hey guys, don't get lost

Everyone get ready for a round dance.

We will sing, play, dance,

Friendly Celebrate New Year!

Cheerful music sounds stage The Cockerel and the Monkey run out.


I am the magic Cockerel

New Year's scallop.

fire head,

Red beard.

I get up very early.

For kids I give New Year!

Cuckoo, co-co-co

New Year is not far away!

Red sun, get up!

Decorate the Christmas tree for the kids!


We'll sing and dance

Joking, laughing and playing.

And Santa Claus is already coming,

So hello, holiday New Year!

I've been with you for a whole year,

And I’m very sorry to say goodbye,

But I won't be sad

Let's dance!

Mass dance “Everyone in this room is friends.”


Well, everything is fine!

There is a Christmas tree

The children are here

So it's possible celebrate the new year!


Are you a Cockerel?

Which one New A year without Father Frost and Snow Maiden


So what should we do now?

Monkey: You wait for me here, and I’ll go meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! And, so that I don’t feel sad on the way, I’ll ask the guys to sing me a song on the way!

New Year's song

Signal "Attention".

The sound of the sea sounds.

Exit pirates: one pirate in hand phone, the other is dragging a chest.

Pirate 1(speaks in a whisper): Hello, captain? How do you hear? I'm reporting. We arrived ashore. There is a snowstorm everywhere, cold and damp.

Oh, captain, I see people, or rather children. How are you dressed? Smart! Say hello to them? Yes, sir! Bongiorno!

Pirate 2: What a "Bongiorno", Hey, hey, hey! Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Pirates shake hands with the guys.

Pirate 1: So, let's get to work, otherwise the captain will make a cutlet out of us.

Pirate 2: Well, why are you in a hurry? We need to relax at least a little, rest after such a long flight. In general, I really like this island. So many bunnies, squirrels, parsleys, princesses - one thing to see.

Pirate 1: Thousand devils!

Pirate 2: You're swearing again! Come on, we better turn all the guys into pirates and teach you how to dance for real pirate dance. Jack, stand in a circle, let's stretch your old bones!

Pirate 1: Come on! But first, let's teach the children to dance!

Dance pirates"Cucarella"

We stand in a circle and dance. Then on command we execute orders:

Left hand drive! – we all turn left and continue dancing;

Right steering wheel! – we all turn to the right and continue dancing;

Nose! – the circle of dancers narrows (converge to the center);

Stern! – the circle, on the contrary, expands;

Raise the sails! – we all raise our hands up, continuing to dance;

Scrub the deck! – we all begin to pretend that we are wielding a mop

Cannonball! - we all squat;

The captain is on board! – we all stand at attention and give

Pirate 2: Hurray, the guys have become real pirates!

Pirate 1: Real pirates love gold! And here on the island there is a lot of it. Will you help us collect it?

A game "Treasure pirates»

Pirate 1: Thunder strike me! We completely forgot! We need to complete the task. Steal and bring to the captain New Year!

Pirate 2: Well, I understand, I understand. Why is it so loud? There is fulfillment!

Delov - find, catch, deliver.

Pirate 1: Maybe you New Year? Or maybe you? (they search with music)

(The cockerel stands in a circle with the guys)

Cockerel (indignantly): What's going on here? Young people, who are you?

Pirates: We are funny bunnies (put on rabbit ears)

Pirate: And who are you?

Cockerel: I am a symbol New Year's Cockerel!

Pirate 2: So that's what you are like New Year!

Pirate 1: Can't be!

Pirate 2: So we found you!

Pirate 1: Hooray! Thousand devils! You are the best a pirate from our crew!

Pirate 2: Otherwise! You see how simple it is, all you have to do is catch and deliver.

Pirate: Catch and deliver!

Pirate 1: Get the bag. Hurry up, otherwise I’ll make a cutlet out of you myself.

Pirate takes out a bag.

The sound of a snowstorm

Pirate 2: Listen, don’t you think it’s become somehow cool?

Pirate 2: Oh oh! I am freezing.

Pirate 1: Let's warm up a little!

"Game warmer".

The noise of the snowstorm is even louder (phonogram)

Pirate 2: It got even colder...

Pirate 1: Let's work, otherwise I'll definitely make a cutlet out of you. A thousand humpback clams, someone is coming here, let's get away!

They begin to catch the cockerel. They catch the cockerel, put it in a bag and take it away. The pirates get down to business. The sound of a snowstorm is heard.

The phonogram sounds for the entrance of the Snow Maiden, Father Frost and the monkey.

Father Frost:

Here I am! WITH Happy New Year to you, Friends!

I love someone who is cheerful

I'm Grandfather Frost,

If someone hangs his nose,

Let him raise his nose higher.

Let him see how wonderful he is

How beautiful New Year,

Snow Maiden:

Hello, dear Christmas tree,

You are our guest again.

The lights run, sparkling,

On your thick branches.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

How many jokes, how many songs,

Join the round dance!

Let's dance with you together,

Have fun people!

Dance « New Year»

Monkey: Gone! Gone!

Snow Maiden: Who's missing? What's missing?

Monkey: I didn’t notice! Missed it!

Father Frost: What's happened? Calm down, tell me everything is in order!

Monkey: I left Cockerel with the guys, and I went to you search! But he’s not there! What to do? How to be? Now New the year will definitely not come!

Father Frost: Wait, calm down! Don't be sad in vain, friends! After all, that’s why I’m Santa Claus, because we can’t live without a miracle! I have a chest, it’s a miracle!

(Takes a chest out of the bag)

Tell us, little chest,

Chest help us!

Show us what happened!

Tell me what happened!

(Santa Claus opens the chest)


I see what happened!

I know, I know what happened!

Cockerel pirates took,

They tied it tightly in the bag!

In the ocean Cockerel,

Golden comb!

Father Frost: Chest, what should we do?

How can we swim into the ocean?

Who can help, tell me

Tell us what to do!

Chest: Don't be sad, don't be sad!

I'll help you now!

I'll send you an assistant,

And I won’t leave you in trouble!

(Lights flash, music plays)

SpongeBob comes out

SpongeBob: Hey, hi! You called me, I heard and swam! I know what happened to you, I heard what happened to me! Don't be sad, I will help! Let's leave quickly! To the bottom of the ocean sea, together we can do everything faster! –

But in order to hit the road,

We need a little refreshment!

Hosts the game

Hey - gay, let's all shout together!

-Let's shout together: WOW!

in unison: OHO - HO!

Close your eyes tightly!

The dive has begun!

Phonogram of Barbarika "Ocean"

Marine music sounds, blackout

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and monkey leave)

They appear to cheerful music pirates.

GZK: Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ocean...

Music sounds, 2 people appear in the hall pirate, They sing:

People trembled

The animals ran away

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

And, walking in step,

Out on the road

Pirates of the sea-

Bosom friends.

This is life, this is happiness,

Break, crush and tear into pieces -

This is life, this is happiness.

Pirate 1: Well done! We pirates daredevils!

Pirate 2: We captured the cockerel and dragged it to the bottom of the sea!

Pirate 1: We will also have a holiday! Will be too New Year!

Pirate 2: Cockerel, give gifts, join us in a round dance!


(The sound of a blizzard and blizzard sounds)

Pirate 1: Stop it quickly!

Pirate 2: Sing about something else! Sing about the holiday New Year!

Cockerel: Kukareku KO - KO - KO! Santa Claus is not far away!

(The sound of a blizzard and blizzard is even louder)

Pirates: It's getting colder again! Blizzard and blizzard again!

Cockerel: Kukareku KO - KO - KO! Santa Claus is not far away!

Pirates hide behind children.

(The sound of a blizzard and blizzard is even louder. Blackout. Flashing light)

Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Monkey, SpongeBob appear.

GZK: Attention! Next stop. The deepest bottom of the ocean.

SpongeBob: Here is the bottom of the sea! But your friend is Cockerel!

Monkey: My dear (hugs the cockerel). Found! Found! Alive, beautiful

Now New Year is definitely coming!

Snow Maiden: Well, now we can go back!

(Pirates to the music, all the heroes are surrounded and tied with a rope).

Pirate 1: Yeah, gotcha!

Pirate 2:Now you will definitely stay with us, the captain will be pleased!

Pirate 1:AND New Year, and holiday, and gifts now we will have everything!

Together: Ha-Ha-Ha! It will be the year of the rooster at the bottom of the sea!

Ha ha ha! It will be the year of the rooster at the bottom of the sea!

Father Frost: Well, robbers, hold on!

Chest, help us!

Create a miracle in an instant!

Music sounds, blackout, pirates they begin to untie the heroes,

tie themselves up and fall

Father Frost: Then too, you’ll know how to ruin the kids’ holiday.

Snow Maiden: Ah, it's time for us to go back!

Pirates: (creeping) Forgive us, we won't do this again! Take us to your holiday!

Your holiday is simply top class,

We want to stay with you!

Father Frost: Well, we’ll ask the guys! Guys, let's do it pirates stay with us for the holiday? (children's answers)

SpongeBob: Oh, how fun you are. The legs themselves are eager to dance!

Dance "Light"

Father Frost: Well, then let's go back.


Hey hey! Let's all shout together!

- Let's shout together: WOW!

And, to make it more fun, let's say in unison: HOHO-HO!

Let's close our eyes tightly!

Let's go back to earth!

Dance "Steam Locomotive Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Why aren’t the lights on your Christmas tree?

Repeat after me the magic words:

Come on, Christmas tree, perk up.

Come on, Christmas tree, smile.

Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three.

Shine with the light of joy!

Monkey: We shouted to no avail.

Our tree did not wake up.

Apparently someone didn't scream

Someone apparently remained silent.

Snow Maiden:

Let's shout together again:

One two Three -

Shine with the light of joy!


- Well, come on together, kids,

To our Christmas tree - "Hooray!"

Father Frost:

WITH Happy New Year!

And I wish you with all my heart.

So that you grow and become wiser,

We had fun and sang songs.

Well, my granddaughter, Snow Maiden, is it time for us to hit the road?

Father Frost: - Yes, no, I think... or I forgot. Granddaughter, remind your grandfather...

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, we haven’t given the kids gifts yet!

Father Frost: - Oh, gifts, here I am old...

Let any firecrackers explode,

Let thousands of thunderstorms fall.

No one will be left without a gift.

This is what I say, Santa Claus!

(Giving gifts)

Father Frost:

We gave you gifts

And we give you an order,

May you all be healthy

Getting better every day!

Cockerel - Let the parting be warm -

We will simply say - "Goodbye!"

Monkey - There are no words in the world more beautiful:

All together - C New Year! WITH New happiness!

Snow Maiden:

To have in your life

Fun and laughter.

They talk together:

WITH New Year, With New Year!

Congratulations to everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Cockerel: The evening is over

The meeting ended.

The hour of parting has come.

Father Frost: It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Let New Celebrate the year together

Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden:

I'm in new I wish you success this year.

More cheerful, loud laughter.

More good friends and girlfriends.

Excellent marks and knowledge chest.


We will remember you with love.

And you guys don't forget us.

Solemn music sounds, the heroes leave

I am a brave pirate
I can easily board ships
And now for the holiday
I'm yours.

I know Santa Claus, I met him,
On ringing deer
My ship overtook
But I managed to follow him - I’m interested,
Where are these gifts given to children?

I'm a naughty pirate
I'm not afraid of sea waves.
For a long time I sailed across the seas,
To come to your holiday.

I am a pirate girl -
Almost real!
I hold a saber in my hands
Beautiful, shiny!

Astafieva Tatyana

I'm a pirate with Caribbean Sea
I love the sound of the surf
And a treasure of metals,
Sharp sword and sea corals.

Limonova Natalya

Don't be afraid of me -
I can't be angry
Come on guys
Better have fun!
I'm a pirate only for sharks
And I will defy the storms.
Don't shout "guard"
If I meet you.

Polyakov B.

I am a brave pirate.
I don't know any barriers.
I'm not afraid of storms
Don't be scared by the wave.
I sink ships
I keep the treasure in a cave.

Here for your Christmas tree
I came for a reason.
They say Santa Claus
I brought you gifts.
So I'm getting ready to go
Look at the gifts.

Fedorenko Natalia

I'm a pirate with a sea soul
I have a big knife
I fight smartly
Come, don't be afraid.

It's stupid that girl
It's not good on a frigate.
I am a sea Amazon
Whatever I like, I take it!
Saber, knife and two muskets -
At least now for boarding.
Hey buddy, throw some coins
Otherwise you will give your life!
I've got a shark grip
I am a cruel pirate!

Emelyanova Olesya

Nobody is happy for me at sea,
Because I am a Pirate!
I'm in this black suit,
I'm in a bandana, with a gun,
Always ready to grab
Lots of sea vessels!

Ivanova Natalya

How many seas have come,
How many ships I met!
I took them on board...
Suddenly, I found out about your holiday!
The earth is dearer to me now,
That's what I wanted for the Christmas tree!

Sukhanova Tatyana

Roger is watching from his cocked hat.
Cheerful. But as always.
In a round dance near the Christmas tree
I am like in my childhood years.

My camisole is frayed at the elbows
Served me for many years
But brand new culottes,
There is a sword and a pistol.

There are boots on my feet,
The left eye is covered with a bandage.
I left the port yesterday,
To dance here now.

Belted with a sash,
I came to you for a masquerade
Bloodthirsty and dangerous
The sea wolf is a dashing pirate.

Mila Dobrovan

All paternal inheritance:
Title, money, land, house
I got lost in early childhood
Became a slave in a foreign land.
Despising the wrong court,
The Lord himself gave me power,
To inflict reprisals on the seas -
I'll live to steal from thieves.
Retribution awaits the scoundrels -
Death at the hands of a pirate.

Emelyanova Olesya

Through the raging storms
I arrived by ship.
I'll drink my keg of rum
And again - hello to the earth!
Battles await me at sea -
The ringing and clinking of coins began.
I'm an adventurer
There is no point in living without them!
The frigate raised the black flag!
Be afraid! A pirate is sailing towards you!

Emelyanova Olesya

I'm a dashing sea pirate
The devil himself is no longer my brother.
I am an enemy to anyone at sea,
Above me is a black flag.
My shelter in the sea,
There I rob ships.
And sometimes I drown
And I am hoarding treasures.
This landscape is lovely to the eye:
Waves, fight, boarding.
I love to live by robbery
And be friends with sharks.
Things will get better,
If I get the treasure.
A lot of me, getting excited,
Studied ancient maps
But not on distant shores,
Not on the wild islands
Not in caves among the rocks
Didn't find what I was looking for.
Here I am again on the road
I hope to find a treasure here.
They say that Santa Claus
I brought it to you in a bag.

Zagrebina Galina

I'm on a distant island
Many years ago
In a hole dark and deep
Buried a priceless treasure.
A couple of friends were killed with him.
Here is the cross on the old map!
Tradition tells me
To do this, because I am a pirate!

Emelyanova Olesya

I'm a seasoned herring
I don't care about all the storms!
The pads are waiting for me in prison
And a rope with a hangman.
My life is spent in fights,
Robberies and divisions.
I'm a reveler and a bully
With every person you meet at knifepoint.
I was born with a gun in the barrel,
I can tear a shark's mouth!
The devil himself is not my brother!
I am the terror of ships - a pirate!

Emelyanova Olesya

We are poor, we are poor
We are poor pirates
There are very, very many of us
It's a shame
We rob corvettes and frigates
And why? And therefore
That morals were not instilled in us.

Pirates don't need science
And it's clear why:
We have legs and arms
But we don't need a head.

Sef R.

Pirate Jack Sparrow

I am Captain Jack Sparrow.
You've heard of me, right?
Everyone says I'm a villain
And I have a bad character.
But what can I do, I'm a pirate
And I’m leaving the shore soon.
I am very glad to see you all...
But don't let me fall into the sea!

Holiday script " New Year's trip pirates"

Target: creating a festive New Year's mood for children and parents.


  • involving children and adolescents in active creative activities;
  • development of the creative potential of searching for new forms and means of expression;
  • uniting the children's team.

Age of participants: 5-10 years


  • "Attention" signal.
  • The sound of the sea sounds.
  • Pirates exit: one pirate has a phone in his hand, the other is dragging a chest.

PIRATE 1 (speaks in a whisper):Hello, captain? How do you hear? I report that we have arrived ashore. We go to the green object. There is a snowstorm everywhere, cold and damp.

Oh, captain, I see people, or rather children. How are you dressed? Smart! Say hello to them? Yes, sir! Bongiorno!

PIRATE 2: What a "Bongiorno", Hey, hey, hey! Hello, kids, girls and boys!

  • The pirates shake hands with the guys.

PIRATE 1: Speak more quietly! I obey the captain. Pass unnoticed, but captain?! Do you hear me, reception?! I understand you.

Hey Mary? Where are you? Where did you go? Mary??? Strike me with thunder!

PIRATE 2: Well, why are you angry, Jack? I'm here.

PIRATE 1: So, let's get to work, otherwise the captain will make a cutlet out of us.

PIRATE 2: Well, why are you in a hurry? We need to relax at least a little, rest after such a long flight. In general, I really like this island. So many bunnies, squirrels, parsleys, princesses - one thing to see.

PIRATE 1: A thousand stupid sharks!

PIRATE 2: Are you swearing again?! Let's turn all the kids into pirates and teach them how to dance a real pirate dance. Jack, stand in a circle, let’s stretch your old bones!

PIRATE 1: Come on! But first, let's teach the children to dance!

  • Game "Pirate Dance".

We stand in a circle and dance. And then, on command, we carry out the orders:

Left hand drive! – we all turn left and continue dancing;
Right steering wheel! – we all turn to the right and continue dancing;
Nose! – the circle of dancers narrows (converge to the center);
Stern! – the circle, on the contrary, expands;

Raise the sails! – we all raise our hands up, continuing to dance;
Scrub the deck! – we all begin to pretend that we are wielding a mop
Cannonball! - we all squat;

The captain is on board! – we all stand at attention and give

PIRATE 2: Jack, the guys have become real pirates!

PIRATE 1: Real pirates love gold! And here on the island there is a lot of it. Thousand devils! Will you help us collect it?

  • Children's answer.
  • Game "Pirate Treasure".

PIRATE 1: Mary, strike me with thunder! We completely forgot! We need to complete the task. Find a green object, cut it down, package it and deliver it to the captain. Complete the task!

PIRATE 2: Well, I understand, I understand. Why is it so loud? There is fulfillment. Find something, cut it down, deliver it.

  • Pirates are looking for a Christmas tree.

PIRATE 2: Jack, I found it!

PIRATE 1: It can't be?!

PIRATE 2: Maybe!!!

PIRATE 1: Hooray! Thousand devils!!! Mary, you are the best pirate from our team!

PIRATE 2: Otherwise! You see how simple it is, all you have to do is cut it down and deliver it.

PIRATE 1: Get the tool. Hurry up, otherwise I’ll make a cutlet out of you myself.

  • Mary takes out a saw.
  • The sound of a snowstorm is heard.

PIRATE 2: Jack, Don’t you think it’s become somehow cool?

PIRATE 1: No, I don’t think so, give me a saw buddy, now we’re green right up to the spine.

  • The pirates get down to business. The sound of a snowstorm and an intensifying blizzard can be heard.

PIRATE 2: Jack, I'm freezing.

PIRATE 1: Let's work, otherwise I'll definitely make a cutlet out of you. A thousand humpback clams, someone is coming here, let's get away!

  • The pirates hide behind the guys, leaving the saw behind.
  • The soundtrack plays for the Snow Maiden's entrance.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello guys,

Girls and boys.

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are very nice.

It took me a long time to get to you,

I tried to make it in time for the holiday,

So that today without worries

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

I see that our Christmas tree is standing sadly, the lights on it are not burning, and without the help of Grandfather Frost we will not light it. Grandfather Frost is late as always. In the meantime, we are waiting for Santa Claus, we will play with you.

  • Game "We will hang the balloons."

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, what is this? Saw? I wonder what she’s doing here, or rather, who forgot her here?

  • The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree and notices the pirates.

SNOW MAIDEN: Whoever is hiding here, come out one by one!

  • The pirates are coming out.

PIRATE 1: Oh senora, you are beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off you, you look like five!

  • The pirates are slowly backing towards the exit.

SNOW MAIDEN: Stand. Where are you going and who are you anyway!?

PIRATE 1: Oh sir, we're a little lost here.

SNOW MAIDEN: So tell me, what do you need? And isn't this your saw by any chance? Did you want to cut down our Christmas tree?

PIRATES (together): Let's run!

SNOW MAIDEN: “Wind, blizzard and blizzard, stop them quickly!”

  • The pirates freeze in place.

PIRATE 2: Jack, what's wrong with me, I can't move.

PIRATE 1: Strike me with thunder! That's enough, we're cold and scared, we give up! We'll tell you everything.

PIRATE 2: Dear senora, you were right - this is our saw. The fact is that we had to carry out a secret special mission. Find a green object, that is, a Christmas tree, cut it down, pack it and deliver it to the captain. If we don’t do this, he’ll definitely make a cutlet out of us.


SNOW MAIDEN: Why does your captain need our Christmas tree?

PIRATE 1: After all, New Year is coming soon, but in the south we don’t have Christmas trees.

SNOW MAIDEN: But since you are from the south, it means there are beautiful, green palm trees there and you can celebrate the New Year in a southern way! Just take and decorate a palm tree with garlands, toys, firecrackers.

PIRATE 1: Thunder and lightning! This is incredible!

  • Magic music sounds.

SNOW MAIDEN: “Wind, blizzard and blizzard, disenchant them quickly!” Pirates, there’s no need to offend the kids or deprive them of their Christmas tree. Better let's play together.

  • The pirates stay at the party.
  • Game "Winter Fun".

SNOW MAIDEN: It's time to call Grandfather Frost! Guys, let’s all call him together: “Santa Claus, hurry up and light the lights on the Christmas tree!”

  • The children call Santa Claus.
  • The voice of Santa Claus is heard: “I’m coming, I’m coming! I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry!”
  • Music sounds for the entrance of Santa Claus.

FATHER FROST: Hello, dear guys, hello, granddaughter Snegurochka.

I was in a hurry to get to you.

I almost fell into a ravine on the way,

But it seems that he came to visit on time.

I visited you a year ago, I’m very glad to see everyone.
May this New Year bring you a lot of happiness!

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, grandpa, we've been waiting for you. We’ve already had fun, danced, made friends with the pirates, but you’re still not there. Look, Grandfather Frost, our sad Christmas tree is standing and doesn’t sparkle with lights!

FATHER FROST: We will definitely decorate the Christmas tree with lights,

May she dress up and have fun with us!

Guys, repeat after us magic words: "Let the lights fly up - Christmas tree, Christmas tree, light up!"

  • Everyone repeats the magic words together several times.
  • The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello, New Year's holiday!

Hello, our Christmas tree!

We are around you today

And let's sing and dance!

  • Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
  • Relay game "Monkeys"(Two teams of 10 people gather, the captains put hats with monkeys on their heads, cones are placed at the end of the hall. The task is to run to the cone and come back, passing the cap to another team member. The team that reaches the finish line faster wins).
  • Game "Collect bananas"(2 participants are selected, each is given a barrel, bananas are scattered on the floor. The participant who collects the most bananas wins.)

PIRATE 1: Eh, it’s cold here, you need to start dancing urgently.

  • Game "Christmas trees and stumps"(musical flash mob).

PIRATE 2: I'm amazed! These kids are as fast as a thousand seahorses!

PIRATE 1 : And now we will tell you sea riddles:

The blue sea is beautiful.
It's just dangerous to swim in it!
No matter how you are “grabbed”

Swims there, floats here.
She's clear like water
What if you leave it in the sun?
It will melt away without a trace. (Jellyfish)

I'm not a centipede at all!
Where can I get so many boots for my feet?
Eight is enough for me! So a little...
Tell me who am I?...(Octopus)

Across the sea-ocean
A miracle giant is swimming.
There is a tap on his back:
A fountain runs out of it. (Whale)

What a wonderful horse?
Very strange habits:
The horse neither sows nor plows,
Dancing underwater with a fish.
Call him, my friend, friend of fish... (Seahorse)

  • Children solve riddles.

PIRATE 2: Father Frost! These kids are as smart as a thousand old crabs!

SNOW MAIDEN: Guys, let's show the pirates that we are still very dexterous and skillful? And for this we will depict the symbol of the year on the easels.

  • Game "Draw the symbol of the year"(Two easels, blindfolds, a monkey figurine in parts (head, two arms, tail, two legs, torso). A team is recruited according to the number of elements. Task: with eyes closed collect the symbol of the year on the easels).

SNOW MAIDEN: May this cheerful monkey, a symbol of the coming New Year, bring you happiness and good luck.

FATHER FROST: You sang and played,

And they didn’t read poetry to me.

Are you all ready, friends?

Then I want to listen.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, guys, you will pass the “snowball” around in a circle, and we will repeat the magic words. Whoever ends up with the words will delight Grandfather Frost with a poem, song or dance.

We're all rolling a snowball,

We all count to five -

One two three four five -

You have something to perform.

  • Game "Snowball".
  • The phone rings.

FATHER FROST: Oh, what's that ringing?

PIRATE 2: The phone rings! This is the captain.

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, what are you afraid of? Pick up the phone quickly and explain everything.

PI RAT 1: Hello! Yes, it's me Jack. The captain is like that here. Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka say hello to you and inform you that they are waiting for you to visit, and you can celebrate the New Year in a southern way, decorating a palm tree with firecrackers and toys! Yes, captain!

PIRATE 2: Jack, what did the captain say?

PIRATE 1: Thousand devils! Do not touch the green object, do not offend the children, wish them health and happiness.

FATHER FROST: And friends, we can’t celebrate the New Year without dancing! I announce a New Year's disco!

  • Flash mob "Helper", "I draw the sun", "Chicken Pi".
  • Magic music sounds.
  • Children come up to the Christmas tree and make a wish.

FATHER FROST: The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,
But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.
All the games are behind us, your laughter has faded away.
Happy New Year, children, congratulations to everyone!

PIRATE 1: Don't forget us either!
We will come to visit you again!

PIRATE 2: You are very cool guys!
We will bring you gifts!

SNOW MAIDEN: We wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful, loud laughter!
More perky friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together!

TOGETHER: Happy New Year! See you again!

« New Year's adventures pirates." Scenario New Year's party For preparatory group



Pirate Jack – Raven Bay,

Pirate Bill,

Father Frost.

Snow Maiden.


Boys and girls - pirates, Snowman – adult, sea beauties: fish, jellyfish, mermaids.

Progress of the holiday.

Children under New Year's music, they enter the hall and stand in front of their parents.


A dense forest, a blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us,

So let's say it together:

All children: Hello, hello, New Year!

It's snowing outside the window,

The snow is fluffy, New Year,

There is music and laughter in the hall -

We have a children's ball today!

Gathered friends, girlfriends

Wonderful Christmas tree

How her outfit shines,

Snow sparkles on needles!

The one who wants to be cheerful

It was always our New Year,

May you be with us today

And he dances and sings!

Song: Holiday New Year

Presenter: Guys, look, the lights aren’t burning on our Christmas tree!

Light up different lights - green and red,

Shine in honor of the year past and the year to come!

One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat the words, the Christmas tree lights up


Our Christmas tree is a surprise to everyone, it is both slender and tall!

Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar!

The children take their seats. Behind stage the sound of a bell is heard.


Oh guys, I hear a ringing -

Bell, where is he?

A Snowman runs into the hall with a package.


I'm a postman Snowman, I'm used to delivering mail!

I delivered a parcel to you, from whom - find out for yourself!

Who always gives out gifts to everyone on New Year's Eve?

Children: Father Frost!

Snowman: Right! Get it!

Presenter: Look, the package is from Santa Claus. What did he send us?

Text of the letter: “I’m on the road, I’ll be there soon, I’m sending you miracle:

You will receive a snowflake and watch a fairy tale with it!

I’ll come – no question, your faithful friend – Santa Claus!”

Presenter (takes out a snowflake) Oh, guys, look how wonderful the snowflake is! It’s not simple – it’s magical! Well, are you ready to watch a fairy tale? Then repeat the magic words:

Spin the snowflake

Show the children a fairy tale!

The presenter blows on a snowflake, it spins, the lights turn off, magical music sounds, then the sounds of the sea are heard. On two pirates enter the stage.

Jack Raven - Bey: Hey Bill! How's our catch? It's been a long time since we robbed gold! Green melancholy!

Bill: Yes, after a storm, a chest washed up on the island, maybe it’s a treasure?

Jack: Just a treasure, burst my spleen! If I weren't the most famous pirate – Jack Raven Bay! Drag it here, and make sure you don’t open it without me!

Bill pulls out the chest grunts: Heavy! Probably gold or diamonds!

They begin, pushing each other aside, trying to open the chest. Then they open and take out old things - trousers, a hat, a cap, etc.

Jack: What is this, your treasure!

Bill: Uh-uh... You can take it for yourself...

Jack: A hundred anchors down your throat! Where's the gold?

Bill: But where can I get it? We have already dug up and squandered all the treasures on our island. They have forgotten how to rob ships. So the sea just throws out all sorts of nonsense. It's time for us to set sail and stretch our old bones. And then about Everyone has already forgotten about pirates.

"Song pirates»

(music from the film about Charlie Chaplin)

1. We are poor pirates, we robbed once

Corvettes and frigates - those were the days!

But nowadays there’s something wrong with work,

We have long since pulled the treasures from the bottom!

2. It's time to remind the light - stronger there are no pirates,

The ship will spread its sails on its voyage around the world.

And let our Jolly Roger soar above the waves,

And from pirate songs blacken the skies!

Jack: Where should we sail to be sure to get the treasure?

Bill: Yes, I heard that there is such a holiday - New Year, there is a grandfather there - very rich, he has gifts for all the children on Earth.

Jack: And where does this grandfather live?

Bill: Yes, somewhere in the north under the polar star.

Jack: Caramba! What's this grandfather's name?


There under the northern lights

There are no maples or birches.

There he collects gifts

For kids Santa Claus.

Jack: Father Frost? Pirate? Robber?


No, he's not at all pirate.

Even a small child is happy to meet this grandfather!

Jack: What a joy it is to meet your grandfather? The people have gone completely wild.


He gives gifts to children

He gives them New Year!

Jack: All! I want for the holiday, for the New Year, we’ll steal all the gifts from grandfather, if we don’t steal, we’ll take it away, if we don’t take it away, we’ll lure it out with cunning!

All hands on deck! Pirates, to me! Raise the anchor, spread the sails! Full speed ahead!

Bill: To the north, to the polar star, to Santa Claus!

Children run out - pirates, dancing

"dance pirates»

After the song, the children sit down and the adults pirates"float away" behind stage.

Presenter: This is a fairy tale, it’s time for us to call Santa Claus, otherwise pirates They will arrive faster than us, and they will take away more gifts from Santa Claus! (picks up a snowflake). Repeat with me words:

You, snowflake, spin around,

Come back to our kindergarten again!

Fairytale music sounds, the lights go out, then come back on.

Presenter: Here we are again in our hall. Let's call Father Frost and Snow Maiden as soon as possible!

The children are calling, music is playing, and Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost:

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Happy holiday for you

I brought it at a happy hour.

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and joy.

Snow Maiden:

Hello, dear Christmas tree,

You are our guest again.

The lights run, sparkling,

On your thick branches.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing, sound under the tree

New Year's round dance.

Dance: "icy palms"

(The Snow Maiden dances with Santa Claus, and the children are in pairs)

Father Frost: And now I want to play with you and ask riddles. Listen to me carefully. And answer question: “What grows on the Christmas tree?”. If you agree with me, raise your hands up and answer: "Yes!", and if you don’t agree, keep quiet and don’t raise your hands.

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cotton wool bunnies?

Chocolate bars?

Candies, marmalades?

Baby cots?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Bright toys?

Loud firecrackers?

White snowflakes?

Torn boots?

Well, well done, guys! You guessed it right! Attentive!

Presenter: And we, Grandfather Frost, know a wonderful song about you! Do you want to listen?

Father Frost: But of course! With pleasure! Stand here in front of the Christmas tree and sing a song about me.

Song "Father Frost"

Father Frost: A beautiful song! And now my legs are bursting to dance with joy!

Snow Maiden:

We walk around each other,

Well, guys, don't yawn!

What will grandfather show us?

Then we will dance!

Dance showing Santa Claus.

"We'll hang the balloons"

(Grandfather shows the movements, the children and the Snow Maiden repeat.)

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.

Presenter: Take a seat, Father Frost and Snow Maiden,

Child: It’s so good that in this room

We met you again.

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time

And he came in the cold winter!

Child: Well, the tree is simply marvelous,

How elegant, how beautiful.

Child: The branches rustle faintly,

The beads are bright!

After the poems, two people enter the hall pirate with a net trying to catch Santa Claus.

Jack: Half-hearted! Grandfather is in the hall! And his granddaughter is with him! Come in on the starboard side, catch Santa Claus, and I'll catch the girl!

Bill: No, it’s better you go on the right, and I on the left! You grab the grandfather, and I'll grab the girl!

They begin to argue, get confused, and then become entangled in their own web.

Jack: Bill, what have you done? Why did you catch me, you spineless jellyfish!

Bill: So you caught me! Now we are trapped, help!

Father Frost: What a disgrace this is! Who here wants to ruin our holiday?

Jack: Grandfather, what’s his name – Frost! We were catching fish, but we got caught in the net!

Father Frost: Fish, you say? And it seemed to me that you wanted to catch me and the Snow Maiden! Now I’ll turn you into an icicle and sink you to the bottom of the sea! That's where you catch fish!

Bill: Have mercy, Santa Claus! We are not out of malice! We wanted you to come to us pirate island invite, throw a party, feed them bananas!

Jack: We haven’t celebrated the New Year in ages!

Father Frost: Somehow I don’t believe you, pirates. I see lies from afar, you can’t deceive me!

Jack: It’s against the rules to offend the defenseless! We're lost in the net! Let's better competition we'll arrange it, let's go through pirate trials, and the most dexterous and strong - honor and respect, and a large chest of gifts. And for the losers - shame and not a single gift!

Father Frost: Well, guys, maybe it’s true, let’s organize a competition and show pirates who is the strongest and most dexterous here! And according to your merits, there will be a reward!

Santa Claus, presenter and Snow Maiden unravel pirates.

Jack: So, I announce the beginning pirate competitions!

First competition –

On the ship everything must be done ship captain's orders, otherwise the ship will sink. Let's hold a competition "Listen to my command!"

Jack: No, I don’t understand, who is our captain here?

Bill: Well, yes, you, of course, are the famous captain - the storm of the seas - Jack - Beat the Raven!

Jack: That's the same! So, let's hold a competition "Listen to MY command!" I will give commands, and you must carry them out!

Jack commands, Bill demonstrates, the children repeat.

1 team: "Right steering wheel!"- needs to be raised right hand up.

2. “Left hand drive!”- raise left hand up.

3. "Raise the sails!"- both hands up and stand on your toes.

4. "Raise anchors!"- sit down and get up.

5. “All around!”- turn around yourself.

Jack: Now stand in a circle around us, to the music (music from the film « Pirates of the Caribbean» ) we walk in a circle and follow my commands.

Santa Claus and the presenter help to carry out commands correctly.

Bill: Well, okay, you coped with this competition. And now here is our very pirate competition –"Tug of War".

Pirates compete with children, Santa Claus judges the competition. Children win pirates.

Jack: Yes, I see that you won again! I invite you to join our team pirates. We will rob ships, sing songs on our pirate island, and do nothing more! Who's with us?

Father Frost: Well, here's another one! Why are you offering this to children? Children should study, play sports, obey their parents and teachers, but robbing and idleness is very bad!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! It's time to give our kids gifts!

Father Frost: Of course, granddaughter, I didn’t forget! Where is my magic staff? Come on, knock on the staff and show us the gifts!

Santa Claus knocks, gifts do not appear.

Father Frost: What's happened! I don't understand!

(Girls run out pirates and dance a funny dance)

Pirates at this moment they rub their hands and rejoice behind Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I think I understand whose tricks these are! Come on, pirates, confess, where did you hide the gifts?

Pirates: We didn't take it! No, no, no, we have nothing to do with this!

Father Frost: Oh, that's how it is! Well, pirates, at this very hour, you will dance for us! (knocks with staff)

Pirates they begin to dance the apple, groan, not understanding what is wrong with them, then ask Santa Claus to disenchant them.

Dance: apple.

Father Frost: Confess, where did you hide the gifts?

Jack: My friend and I hid them at the very bottom of the sea.

Father Frost: Well, then, get it now!

Bill: Now we’ll only invite the sea beauties!

The music of the sea sounds, mermaid girls run out and dance their dance.

"Sea Dance of Mermaids"

After the dance pirates they pull out a net with a bag of gifts.

Presentation of gifts.

Pirates: Okay, we had a lot of fun! It's time for us to go to the island! Well, you guys, if anything happens, come and visit us.

Father Frost: My friends, thank you for the laughter, poetry and dancing!

I forgot to count my years, I ended up not in a garden, but in a fairy tale!

And now it’s time for us to leave, but in a year, I guarantee,

We promise to be here again, and with that I say goodbye!