Platax pipistrelle (Platax pinnatus) is a very interesting and unusual marine fish that has gained popularity among aquarists all over the world. Has very unusual shape body, somewhat reminiscent bat with spread wings. The color of the laterally flattened round body is predominantly black with a white vertical stripe.

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Platax bat (Red-fin bat, Red-rimmed bat, Red-Pinnatus bat) is an amazingly beautiful sea fish that lives in the western part of Pacific Ocean. It must be said right away that it is very rare to see these fish in an aquarium and this is primarily due to the extreme difficulty of keeping them in captivity. Most fish caught and placed in an aquarium die of hunger, despite the abundance of food in it. In addition, if the issue with food is resolved, nevertheless, so that the fish do not die, maintenance is required ideal parameters water. Considering all of the above, only professional aquarists can keep these fish.

Platax pinnatus is a large fish. IN aquarium conditions its size can reach 45 cm, and in nature it reaches 70 cm. By and large, the Platax pipistrelle is one of the most beautiful and graceful fish, whose beauty can be observed for hours. The anal and dorsal plumage of Plataxes is high and wide, and when you look at the fish it seems that these fins are not there at all, but that’s all flexible body, But actually it is not. Due to its plumage, the body of the fish has a triangular shape. The entire perimeter of the body and fins has a bright orange edging; in juveniles this edging is wider and brighter. Pectoral fins colorless. The whole body is painted matte black.

The most interesting feature which is associated with this fish is its change appearance as you grow older. It is very interesting that the rounded platax in its youth is so different from its adult counterparts that it was previously even described as two various types. Juvenile round platyx are orange or yellow with three black stripes; the color darkens with age. In adult pipistrelle fish, a yellowish stripe appears below on the overall dark, slightly silvery background of the body. The color becomes almost monotonous, blurred black stripes are slightly noticeable. Also, one of the main differences between young and adult rounded Plataxes are the fins.

Great age and individual variability of these fish for a long time made their classification difficult: the genus included many species, but upon careful study it turned out that all species names refer to the same species. Plataxes are widespread in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. These are flat, tall-bodied fish with a small mouth armed with three-pointed teeth. The spines of their dorsal fin are very short, almost fused and tightly adjacent to the soft part of the fin. Plataxes change greatly as they grow.

Their juveniles are yellow or Orange color, against which three black stripes clearly stand out, and has very long dorsal and anal fins, giving the fish itself a sickle shape. With age, the fins become shorter, the black stripes gradually blur and the fish acquires an almost uniform dark color. Platax fry live among algae, along with which they can be carried out to the open sea. Their behavior is very interesting: being frightened, the fish fold their fins and sink to the bottom, where they lie completely motionless, reminiscent of fallen mangrove leaves

Platax pipistrelle is a very shy and peaceful fish that will hardly cause trouble to anyone in the aquarium. When frightened, fish go into a trance, turning over on their side. Possible content in community aquarium with other peaceful fish, such as wrasses, which clean the sides of the Platax. The only exceptions are corals and anemones, to which fish cause significant damage, so a reef aquarium is not suitable for keeping them. Platax bats must be kept in large aquariums; 1 individual should have at least 500 liters of water, and the aquarium should have a height of at least 70 cm. The fish spend most of their time in the middle layer of water.

When placing a newly acquired platax bat in an aquarium, you must keep in mind that this fish grows very quickly and increases in size by 15 cm per year. Therefore, you must immediately select an aquarium of a size in which the fish will not be crowded. At the bottom of the aquarium you need to place live rocks and spacious shelters into which the plataxes can swim freely.

There are increased requirements for water parameters: temperature 24-27°C, acidity pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025, and the salinity level should not go beyond these limits. Powerful filtration, aeration, and a skimmer are required.

Despite the fact that fish eat almost any food: bloodworms, artemia, scallops, earthworms, shrimp meat, squid and sea ​​fish, as well as Wolffia and Spirulina, nevertheless, accustom wild fish Eating food in captivity is very difficult and requires a lot of patience. At first, you will have to bring the food directly to the fish’s mouth with tweezers. It must be said that it is not always possible to force fish to eat and they die of hunger. The fish must be fed at least 3 times a day.

Platax pipistrelle does not reproduce in aquarium conditions. All fish that occasionally appear in trading network, imported from their places natural habitat. In the Alushta Aquarium, Plataxes live together with the Cleaner Wrasse. The problems are: instability to diseases, and plataxes do not tolerate transportation well. In some countries, round Plataxes are also an object of fishing. Their meat is edible and quite nutritious, although not very tasty.


While snorkeling near Omega Bay in Sevastopol, out of the corner of my eye I noticed some bright movement in a gap between the rocks overgrown with algae. I had to freeze and swim very slowly to the stone so as not to scare the animal. Yes, my vision did not deceive me, a bright beautiful fish with red body and black head. I didn’t have enough air, I had to come up and again carefully watch with the camera near the stone, hoping that the fish would crawl back out of its hiding place. And the wait was rewarded! Already at home, using reference books, I determined that this is not a common occurrence. black-headed tripeller(lat. Tripterygion tripteronotus), listed in the Red Book. By the way, it's a male. Females look a little paler.

This is the most bright fish Black Sea, local firebird. When you see it for the first time, you may not believe your eyes - its color seems so bright compared to others. But not everyone manages to see the tripeller, it is very rare, and therefore few people know about it. As you might guess, the triple fin owes its name to its dorsal fin, which consists of three parts.

The male is dark red in color with golden stripes appearing and disappearing on his elongated body; if he swims out into the sun, he becomes soft scarlet, almost transparent. His head is sometimes red, sometimes black and purple. At the same time, the female is completely inconspicuous - an olive-green fish, sometimes completely merging with the surrounding algae.

Scientific description:

The body is elongated, low, laterally compressed. The head, gill covers, base of paired fins, and the ventral part to the anus are bare. There are 3 dorsal fins, the anal fin is very long. The head is small and convex. Above big eyes are short, unbranched thread-like tentacles, and short cilia along the upper edge of the eyes. Maximum length body 6.7 cm, usually 5.2 cm in females, 6.7 cm in males, weight 2-3 g, life expectancy about 5 years. In males, the head, belly, base of the pectoral and ventral fins are usually black, the pectoral, dorsal and anal fins are red. Females have a brownish-pink head and body, a yellowish-white throat, belly, pectoral rays and ventral fins. The anterior dorsal fin is red, the middle and posterior fins are pinkish.

Troepers prefer underwater vertical stone walls, densely overgrown with algae at depths of 5 to 10 meters, and always strictly adhere to their territory. So, if you are lucky enough to meet a handsome triplet somewhere, then rest assured that in a few days you will see him there.

And what do serious reference books say about this fish:

Sea bottom, sedentary fish of the narrow coastal zone with depths from 0-3 to 6 m. They usually live in pairs among large stones and rocks, where it finds refuge in burrows and caves, protected from bright light and surf, however, young and adult fish 3.4-6.4 cm long are often observed in thickets of Cystoseira. Adults approach the shores in May and migrate to deeper places in October. Reaches sexual maturity at 2 years, perhaps partially already at the end of the first year of life. Fertility up to 19.2 thousand eggs. Spawning is multi-part (60-180 eggs are laid at a time), bottom eggs are deposited on rocky soil and are guarded by the male. The larvae are pelagic and live in algal biocenoses. Adults feed on small benthic animals, mainly crustaceans and amphipods, and also consume eggs and fry of small fish.

Another name for the species is the Mediterranean tripeller. It lives in the Black and Marmara Seas, the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent part of the Atlantic Ocean from north coast Iberian Peninsula to Morocco and Madeira. It is rare in the Black Sea and is found mainly off the coast of Crimea. Moreover, it is becoming less and less common, mainly due to the disruption of typical coastal biotopes as a result chemical pollution water, hydraulic engineering construction, excessive recreational load.

Firebird Fish or Platax Pipistrelle December 26th, 2017

Platax pipistrelle (Platax pinnatus) is a very interesting and unusual marine fish that has gained popularity among aquarists all over the world. It has a very unusual body shape, somewhat reminiscent of a bat with spread wings. The color of the laterally flattened round body is predominantly black with a white vertical stripe.

Here's more...

Platax bat (Red-fin bat, Red-rimmed bat, Red-Pinnatus bat) is an amazingly beautiful sea fish that lives in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It must be said right away that it is very rare to see these fish in an aquarium and this is primarily due to the extreme difficulty of keeping them in captivity. Most fish caught and placed in an aquarium die of hunger, despite the abundance of food in it. In addition, if the issue with food is resolved, nevertheless, in order for the fish not to die, it is necessary to maintain ideal water parameters. Considering all of the above, only professional aquarists can keep these fish.

Platax pinnatus is a large fish. In aquarium conditions, its size can reach 45 cm, and in nature it reaches 70 cm. By and large, the Platax pipistrelle is one of the most beautiful and graceful fish, whose beauty can be observed for hours. The anal and dorsal plumage of Plataxes is high and wide, and when you look at the fish it seems that these fins are not there at all, and this is all such a flexible body, but in fact this is not so. Due to its plumage, the body of the fish has a triangular shape. The entire perimeter of the body and fins has a bright orange edging; in juveniles this edging is wider and brighter. The pectoral fins are colorless. The whole body is painted matte black.

The most interesting feature associated with this fish is its change in appearance as it grows older. It is very interesting that the round platax in its youth is so different from its adult counterparts that it was previously even described as two different species. Juvenile round platyx are orange or yellow with three black stripes; the color darkens with age. In adult pipistrelle fish, a yellowish stripe appears below on the overall dark, slightly silvery background of the body. The color becomes almost monotonous, blurred black stripes are slightly noticeable. Also, one of the main differences between young and adult rounded Plataxes are the fins.

The great age and individual variability of these fish for a long time made their classification difficult: the genus included many species, but upon careful study it turned out that all species names refer to the same species. Plataxes are widespread in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. These are flat, tall-bodied fish with a small mouth armed with three-pointed teeth. The spines of their dorsal fin are very short, almost fused and tightly adjacent to the soft part of the fin. Plataxes change greatly as they grow.

Their juveniles are colored yellow or orange, against which three black stripes clearly stand out, and have very long dorsal and anal fins, giving the fish a sickle-shaped shape. With age, the fins become shorter, the black stripes gradually blur and the fish acquires an almost uniform dark color. Platax fry live among algae, along with which they can be carried out to the open sea. Their behavior is very interesting: being frightened, the fish fold their fins and sink to the bottom, where they lie completely motionless, reminiscent of fallen mangrove leaves

Platax pipistrelle is a very shy and peaceful fish that will hardly cause trouble to anyone in the aquarium. When frightened, fish go into a trance, turning over on their side. It is possible to keep it in a community aquarium with other peace-loving fish, such as wrasses, which clean the sides of Platax. The only exceptions are corals and anemones, to which fish cause significant damage, so a reef aquarium is not suitable for keeping them. Platax bats must be kept in large aquariums; 1 individual should have at least 500 liters of water, and the aquarium should have a height of at least 70 cm. The fish spend most of their time in the middle layer of water.

When placing a newly acquired platax bat in an aquarium, you must keep in mind that this fish grows very quickly and increases in size by 15 cm per year. Therefore, you must immediately select an aquarium of a size in which the fish will not be crowded. At the bottom of the aquarium you need to place live rocks and spacious shelters into which the plataxes can swim freely.

There are increased requirements for water parameters: temperature 24-27°C, acidity pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025, and the salinity level should not go beyond these limits. Powerful filtration, aeration, and a skimmer are required.

Despite the fact that fish eat almost any food: bloodworms, brine shrimp, scallops, earthworms, the meat of shrimp, squid and sea fish, as well as wolfberry and spirulina, nevertheless, it is very difficult to accustom wild fish to eat food in captivity and requires great patience. At first, you will have to bring the food directly to the fish’s mouth with tweezers. It must be said that it is not always possible to force fish to eat and they die of hunger. The fish must be fed at least 3 times a day.

Platax pipistrelle does not reproduce in aquarium conditions. All fish that occasionally appear on the market are imported from their natural habitats. In the Alushta Aquarium, Plataxes live together with the Cleaner Wrasse. The problems are: instability to diseases, and plataxes do not tolerate transportation well. In some countries, round Plataxes are also an object of fishing. Their meat is edible and quite nutritious, although not very tasty.


Since there is a firebird, there must be a firefish! Many have tried fish with a traditional marinade, but here there is only one new ingredient and such a difference in taste. Young beets give the fish a sweetish taste and a fabulous appearance.


Fish fillet – 1 kg
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrots-2 pcs.
Beetroot-2 pcs.
Vegetable oil
Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
White pepper
bell pepper
Provencal herbs

Cooking method

Fry the onion, cut into half rings, for a very short time, add coarsely chopped beets, carrots and bell pepper(1). All vegetables should become more flexible at the end of frying. The main thing is that they should be, as they say about pasta, “el dente,” that is, not quite ready. Add rosemary, nutmeg, herbes de Provence, and lightly sprinkle the roast with lemon juice (2). Cut the fillet into large pieces (3). Lightly salt, sprinkle with lemon and fry for a very short time in vegetable oil (4). Place chopped tomatoes, garlic cloves and prepared vegetables (5) on parchment paper placed on the bottom of the pan. Place fish pieces (6) on top. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. The dish can be served either hot or cold. Bon appetit!


Platax pipistrelle (Platax pinnatus) is a very interesting and unusual marine fish that has gained popularity among aquarists all over the world. It has a very unusual body shape, somewhat reminiscent of a bat with spread wings. The color of the laterally flattened round body is predominantly black with a white vertical stripe.

Here's more...

Platax bat (Red-fin bat, Red-rimmed bat, Red-Pinnatus bat) is an amazingly beautiful sea fish that lives in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It must be said right away that it is very rare to see these fish in an aquarium and this is primarily due to the extreme difficulty of keeping them in captivity. Most fish caught and placed in an aquarium die of hunger, despite the abundance of food in it. In addition, if the issue with food is resolved, nevertheless, in order for the fish not to die, it is necessary to maintain ideal water parameters. Considering all of the above, only professional aquarists can keep these fish.

Platax pinnatus is a large fish. In aquarium conditions, its size can reach 45 cm, and in nature it reaches 70 cm. By and large, the Platax pipistrelle is one of the most beautiful and graceful fish, whose beauty can be observed for hours. The anal and dorsal plumage of Plataxes is high and wide, and when you look at the fish it seems that these fins are not there at all, and this is all such a flexible body, but in fact this is not so. Due to its plumage, the body of the fish has a triangular shape. The entire perimeter of the body and fins has a bright orange edging; in juveniles this edging is wider and brighter. The pectoral fins are colorless. The whole body is painted matte black.

The most interesting feature associated with this fish is its change in appearance as it grows older. It is very interesting that the round platax in its youth is so different from its adult counterparts that it was previously even described as two different species. Juvenile round platyx are orange or yellow with three black stripes; the color darkens with age. In adult pipistrelle fish, a yellowish stripe appears below on the overall dark, slightly silvery background of the body. The color becomes almost monotonous, blurred black stripes are slightly noticeable. Also, one of the main differences between young and adult rounded Plataxes are the fins.

The great age and individual variability of these fish for a long time made their classification difficult: the genus included many species, but upon careful study it turned out that all species names refer to the same species. Plataxes are widespread in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. These are flat, tall-bodied fish with a small mouth armed with three-pointed teeth. The spines of their dorsal fin are very short, almost fused and tightly adjacent to the soft part of the fin. Plataxes change greatly as they grow.

Their juveniles are colored yellow or orange, against which three black stripes clearly stand out, and have very long dorsal and anal fins, giving the fish a sickle-shaped shape. With age, the fins become shorter, the black stripes gradually blur and the fish acquires an almost uniform dark color. Platax fry live among algae, along with which they can be carried out to the open sea. Their behavior is very interesting: being frightened, the fish fold their fins and sink to the bottom, where they lie completely motionless, reminiscent of fallen mangrove leaves

Platax pipistrelle is a very shy and peaceful fish that will hardly cause trouble to anyone in the aquarium. When frightened, fish go into a trance, turning over on their side. It is possible to keep it in a community aquarium with other peace-loving fish, such as wrasses, which clean the sides of Platax. The only exceptions are corals and anemones, to which fish cause significant damage, so a reef aquarium is not suitable for keeping them. Platax bats must be kept in large aquariums; 1 individual should have at least 500 liters of water, and the aquarium should have a height of at least 70 cm. The fish spend most of their time in the middle layer of water.

When placing a newly acquired platax bat in an aquarium, you must keep in mind that this fish grows very quickly and increases in size by 15 cm per year. Therefore, you must immediately select an aquarium of a size in which the fish will not be crowded. At the bottom of the aquarium you need to place live rocks and spacious shelters into which the plataxes can swim freely.

There are increased requirements for water parameters: temperature 24-27°C, acidity pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025, and the salinity level should not go beyond these limits. Powerful filtration, aeration, and a skimmer are required.

Despite the fact that fish eat almost any food: bloodworms, brine shrimp, scallops, earthworms, the meat of shrimp, squid and sea fish, as well as wolfberry and spirulina, nevertheless, it is very difficult to accustom wild fish to eat food in captivity and requires great patience. At first, you will have to bring the food directly to the fish’s mouth with tweezers. It must be said that it is not always possible to force fish to eat and they die of hunger. The fish must be fed at least 3 times a day.

Platax pipistrelle does not reproduce in aquarium conditions. All fish that occasionally appear on the market are imported from their natural habitats. In the Alushta Aquarium, Plataxes live together with the Cleaner Wrasse. The problems are: instability to diseases, and plataxes do not tolerate transportation well. In some countries, round Plataxes are also an object of fishing. Their meat is edible and quite nutritious, although not very tasty.