Chapter 20. Alexander Fadeev. Fatal shot motivated by jealousy

A friend from student life, People’s Artist of the RSFSR Tatyana Bestaeva recognized the “gift of falling in love” characteristic of Lyusya:

– As soon as I heard from Lucy about someone: “Oh, this is such a talent!” – as I understood: she fell in love again. And again he idealizes his lover. That's probably why she had so many husbands. And I told her every time: “Lucy, how fast you are! It takes time to check a person. And for you, the word “forever” sometimes sounds already on the third day of acquaintance... Lucy took falling in love for something lasting, serious... But the main strange thing: it seemed that she was always looking for talent in a man, but for some reason she noticed beauty first of all! I remember sitting with her in a restaurant, an actor from the Mossovet Theater, Gena Bortnikov, came in. And Lucy touched me on the elbow: “Oh, this is my size! Let me introduce you!” But she doesn’t know anything about him yet, but he’s handsome, and she’s ready to fall in love...

Having parted with Kvasha, Lyudmila Markovna is already fascinated by her new hero-lover. Became the chosen one of a single mother Foster-son the famous Soviet writer A. Fadeev and actress A. Stepanova. The young rake Alexander Fadeev was also an actor; he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, but with roles and acting career he was unlucky. And no wonder. He was expelled from the Theater of the Soviet Army after he... refused to stay a few minutes for a rehearsal. Such a devil-may-care attitude and inflated self-esteem were his characteristic features.

The Fadeev couple. Angelina Stepanova and writer Alexander Fadeev with their adopted sons Mikhail and Alexander.

This is how Alexander Nilin, who knew him closely, characterized this man: “Fadeev was not in the least interested in literature or art. The advantages that were undoubtedly inherent in him lay in a completely different area. However, the most amazing thing is that he showed himself in full brilliance precisely in the circle of artists and other figures of the artistic world.”

Noted biographer domestic stars Fedor Razzakov reports:

“The arena of self-affirmation that cost him nothing turned out to be the WTO restaurant, and in the 60s, when the author of The Young Guard was no longer in the world, the name Fadeev sounded almost every day, not drowned out by the volume of other surnames that were on everyone’s lips at that time ...

While other celebrity children were arguing, he was ordering. And his order was not limited to just drinks and snacks - he ordered, as it were, the music of life swirling around the restaurant table he occupied... I loved going to the WTO with him... For the waitresses, he was unconditionally the number one client. Not a single person in the art world knew how to spend money in a restaurant with such breadth as Shura. This completely compensated for his absolute inability to earn them. By the age of thirty, he was left without any means of subsistence. And he never went to the WTO again: he never drank for free..."

Many creative people can tell about the popularity of the WTO. Here, for example, are the memories of Gurchenko’s friend, actress Tatyana Bestaeva:

– Since childhood, Lucy’s idol, back when trophy films were shown in Kharkov cinemas, has been Marlene Dietrich. Gurchenko rehearsed the same look in front of the mirror, turning her head... All these feathers, lace, this Lucian “ha!” – I’m from there! I was a fashionista myself and learned a lot from Lucy. She sewed beautifully and skillfully disguised domestic outfits as foreign ones. Like no one knew how, in the language of Ilf and Petrov, to paint a Mexican jerboa! It used to be that Lucy would buy two identical dresses in a store and turn them into one, luxurious one. She had some kind of craving for luxury - these outfits, fur coats (also, however, sewn on her own - from some junk bought at a thrift store), restaurants... Most often we went to the WTO restaurant. A theatrical, intelligent audience gathered there, all the news was discussed there, novels were born...

It was in this place that Gurchenko fell in love (it’s interesting that she would also meet her husband who followed Fadeev in this restaurant!). But her marriage to Fadeev Jr. did not last long. The man turned out to be a spendthrift, a carouser, and also a pathological jealous person. Their family life could have ended in tragedy when Fadeev, in a drunken stupor, shot at Gurchenko with a hunting rifle. This was the point in every sense, and first of all, in their life together.

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s friend, actress Inna Vykhodtseva (in one of her interviews she once admitted that Lyusya tried to take her husband Lev Polyakov away from her) spoke about the scene of a quarrel with Fadeev as follows:

– Sasha was terribly jealous of Lyusya. As soon as Gurchenko looked at someone affectionately, her husband began throwing chairs at her. And once he even shot at her! It’s good that Sasha was too drunk and missed without hitting Lucy. I remember how she showed me a hole in the wall: “Look what he’s doing, you bastard!”

However, journalists come up with new versions of this ill-fated divorce story. For example, yellow newspaper journalist Artem Stotsky seriously assured readers that Alexander Fadeev divorced Lyudmila Gurchenko after... he did not recognize his wife without makeup. And at the same time, the author refers to very famous people who allegedly told him this “funny” story.

“First, I’ll tell you one cautionary tale. I myself heard it in my deep youth, at the dacha of Nadezhda Vasilyevna Stalin, the granddaughter of you know who.

She wasn’t exactly friends, but she somehow communicated very warmly with my grandmother, especially after her husband, actor Alexander Fadeev Jr., died in the mid-90s. Sometimes I was invited to these old lady gatherings in a creaky house in Zhukovka.

Nadezhda Vasilyevna was very worried about the death of her husband and constantly recalled various stories related to him. Before her, Alexander Alexandrovich was married to Lyudmila Gurchenko. Then, and even now, they say that the marriage of the two actors broke up due to Fadeev’s drunkenness. Like, he was a regular at the WTO restaurant, he annoyed her with his sprees, and once he got so drunk that he shot the beautiful Lyudmila with a hunting rifle. Nadezhda Vasilievna assured with a laugh that it was not a shot that put an end to that short-term marriage, but something completely different.

One day Alexander Alexandrovich returned home really tipsy. Pressing the bell button, he saw that the door was completely opened for him. unknown woman.

“Sorry, I got to the wrong place,” thinking that he was on the wrong floor, the actor apologized and turned back to the elevator.

- Sasha, what are you doing?! – Lyudmila Markovna’s voice swept through the entrance like a hurricane.

- Lyuska?! It's you?!

Fadeev's surprise knew no bounds. He must have seen his wife without makeup for the first time.

Finishing the story, Nadezhda Vasilyevna named Gurchenko a real woman and a heroine who would rather die than leave the house without makeup and hairstyle, on which she spends an hour and a half every day.

“From the outside I look like such a cheerful, eternal lucky girl and always in good mood. I understand that this is exactly what people expect from me. But I don’t remember even three weeks in my life when I could relax.” (Lyudmila Gurchenko)

So that's what I'm getting at. A woman without makeup is like candy without a candy wrapper. She has less chance. Because the wrappers compete first, and then the fillings.”

A stupid story about natural beauty men don't need it; most likely invented by the wife of this same A. Fadeev in revenge for his relationship with another - famous, more beautiful, more successful... ordinary female revenge. And the journalist himself makes a completely stupid conclusion, imposing a false opinion about the “wrappers”, which are more important than the “filling”. This can only be a priority for narrow-minded, empty and selfish men.

Refuting these speculations, the last spouse great Gurchenko S. Senin recognized the immutable - these are the words that only a person who has known true love To his woman:

“ the mornings I loved her even more.” Lucy had an amazing acting face, in the sense that, in her own words, you could “write” anything on it. But I loved her without makeup, in the morning. I’m not a fool, so I understood everything about age, but I never thought about it. Because I saw on this face only everything childish, in in the best sense this word. When she is so fresh, cozy, so at home, well, the one that no one but me knows... A simple robe, slippers... And we always slept, until the last day, only together. Well, we couldn’t sleep in different rooms, that was simply out of the question.

A short biography of this mediocre actor, who allegedly did not recognize his wife without makeup, is as follows.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (1936-1993) – Soviet actor, adopted son of the writer A.A. Fadeeva and his full namesake. Born on July 25, 1936, mother is actress Angelina Stepanova. Born shortly before his mother’s wedding to the writer A.A. Fadeev, who adopted him and gave him his last name. Worked initially at the Theater Soviet army, then at the Moscow Art Theater (1983-1987) and the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky (1987-1989). He also acted in films, often in episodes.

He was married to People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko, his second marriage was to Bolshoi Theater artist Natella Kandelaki, and his third was to Nadezhda Stalina, the daughter of Vasily Iosifovich Stalin and Galina Aleksandrovna Burdonskaya. The daughter of the actor and his wife Nadezhda, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Stalina, was born in 1974 (according to other sources, in 1977). A.A. died Fadeev in 1993, buried in Moscow at Vagankovskoe cemetery together with his last wife.

And touching the holy of holies Soviet history and Soviet culture, it is worth adding about the fate of his father, famous throughout the vast USSR.

A. Fadeev, whom many considered to be involved in the repressions among Soviet writers, voluntarily died on May 13, 1956, shooting himself with a revolver at his dacha in Peredelkino. His father's body was discovered by his 11-year-old son Misha.

In the obituary, the official reason for Alexander Fadeev’s suicide was alcoholism. And only in 1990, the writer’s suicide letter addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU was published, where he wrote: “I don’t see the opportunity to continue living, since the art to which I gave my life was ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party... The best personnel of literature were physically exterminated... Life mine as a writer loses all meaning, and with great joy, as a deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fall upon you, I am leaving this life. The last hope was to at least say this to the people who rule the state, but for the past three years, despite my requests, they cannot even accept me.”

The “Minister of Writers” Fadeev led a far from ascetic life; biographers talk about his partying and drinking, about his love stories and illegitimate children. His adopted son also behaved uncontrollably. So, as they say: an apple from an apple tree... and perhaps not only genetics matters here, but also environment and upbringing...

The daughter of songwriter Robert Rozhdestvensky, Ekaterina, who knew the actress well, reasoned:

“Apparently, her life was ruined.” I was expecting a trick from everyone. I've probably encountered this more than once. She was very suspicious. More precisely, on guard all the time. I caught nuances in communication, changes in tone in voice, mood, so that if anything happened, I would be the first to break the connection, not wait for them to betray me. There was, there was something very painful in her life... But she couldn’t stand it when people pitied her. She was taller than that, stronger.

Her life was “broken” after her divorce from A. Fadeev and in a short marriage to the Soviet pop star I. Kobzon.

However, the divorce from the writer’s son turned out to be very useful in financial terms - his mother Angelina Iosifovna bought ex-daughter-in-law a two-room apartment, into which she immediately moved.

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// Photo: still from the film “Twenty Days Without War”

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was married six times and only one of her long-term relationships was not registered. The actress lived with her fifth husband, musician Konstantin Kuperweiss. civil marriage 18 years. When they met, he was 18 and she was 38 years old.

Konstantin Kuperweis in the new Channel One documentary “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life" shared his memories.

It was during the period of her relationship with Cooperweiss that Gurchenko triumphantly returned to films, acted a lot and successfully... Konstantin did not become her last husband.

However, the actress’s ex-husband categorically rejected all rumors and gossip that he, like some of his predecessors, cheated on Lyudmila Markovna. The musician gave a completely different reason for the separation; according to the musician, he did not leave for another woman. In addition, after so many years of marriage, during which Cooperweiss literally served the actress faithfully (he was her confidant, conducted work negotiations, supported her on set, took care of the house, looked after her mother and daughter), Konstantin left everything acquired by Luce together. And after the divorce, he moved to his parents in Khrushchev.

“Apparently, we have exhausted communication with each other. We didn't share anything, everything that Lucy had was left. I went to my parents’ family, to the Khrushchevka. I'm not complaining at all. And I didn’t leave for another woman or anything like that. All this talk in the press is not true,” said Lyudmila Gurchenko’s fifth husband.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

The character of People's Artist Gurchenko, according to many who communicated closely with her, was not easy. Lyudmila Markovna was extremely consistent and principled; she did not forgive two things - unprofessionalism and betrayal. Infidelity was the first and main reason, according to which Gurchenko parted with the men she loved and loved her. Because of infidelity, she left her first husband, director Vasily Ordynsky, and divorced her second, her father only daughter, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, kicked out the third - actor Alexander Fadeev, who somehow came home in the morning.

Gurchenko lived with the fourth, Joseph Kobzon, for three years. Life with him was fun and interesting, but it was not happy for the actress. Then Gurchenko was not filmed; she was having a hard time with creative stagnation. Lyudmila Markovna hoped that famous artist Kobzon will help her career. But the husband, despite his popularity, could not so easily call Mosfilm and demand: “Give Lucy main role! Kobzon was occupied with his own career. And the brighter the singer’s star shone, the more of a failure Gurchenko felt. The result is divorce. Gurchenko cut off their common past in one fell swoop. And after the separation, Kobzon and Gurchenko did not communicate for 40 years, until her departure.

The same thing happened with the fifth husband. Konstantin Kuperweis admitted in the documentary that he himself was afraid of meeting with Gurchenko after the breakup.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

“I avoided even those rare concerts where we could meet by chance. I didn’t want to see Lyusya, I was afraid... I don’t even know what. These meetings could bring back some memories, including good ones,” said Konstantin Kuperweis.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

Friends, acquaintances and creators documentary film We are convinced that the relationship with Kuperweis was very happy for Gurchenko. Unlike others, he gave her what she wanted most - fatherly care. Even though he was younger, she called him daddy. Although Cooperweiss never truly became a father in this marriage, Gurchenko did not want any more children.

“It wasn’t even an ultimatum, it was a condition. She said: "I've been married many times before and I don't need an extra stamp." And I also immediately decided on the issue of having children together: “I don’t want any more children.” Well... I accepted it,” said Gurchenko’s fifth husband.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gruchenko lived together for 20 years. Despite big difference aged (the artist was 25 years older than her husband), all decisions in the house were made by Sergei. About how the relationship between Gurchenko and her developed last spouse- in our material

Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gruchenko lived together for 20 years. Despite the large age difference (the artist was 25 years older than her husband), all decisions in the house were made by Sergei. Read about how the relationship between Gurchenko and her last husband developed in our material.

Before meeting each other, Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived their entire lives. He managed to get married, raise a daughter, get divorced, live in Odessa, Israel, and return. She was married five times. They met in Vilnius in 1990 at film set film "Sex Tale" based on Nabokov. Margarita Terekhova, who was supposed to play the main role in the film, unexpectedly refused. She was replaced by Lyudmila Gurchenko, who at that time was divorcing her next husband and, in order to distract herself, agreed to any job. On the set, Senin turned white when he saw the actress, but a close acquaintance did not take place then. Later, when the picture was released, he called ex-wife Galina (at that time the divorce papers had not been completed, but in fact the spouses had not lived together for a long time) and asked him to organize Gurchenko’s tour to Israel (this would have brought her good dividends). Sergei at first refused - he was not so familiar with the artist to ask her for such a favor. But later I decided to help ex-wife- and called Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. And she, being depressed, looked for any opportunity to leave home. And she agreed to tour in Israel.
The relationship was purely business-like: he filled out all the documents, took the artist to the airport, and then met her. And so their relationship began: first - work, then - friendly, and, finally, love.

Lyudmila Markovna was embarrassed by Sergei’s age. At that time he was thirty-two, she was fifty-seven. But he reminded her so much of her father, whom she had extolled all her life, that she could not refuse Senin.
“Believe it or not, we didn’t get tired of each other. Of course, they argued, they could quarrel to the point of breaking plates, but in exactly three minutes everything was over,” Sergei Senin told the correspondent of “Caravan of Stories.”
Quarrels, of course, happened, but over trifles. Sergei was the first to reconcile, since the artist, he notes, did not know how to admit her mistakes. True, he explains, he does not consider this a disadvantage. Senin always notes that Lyudmila Markovna taught him a lot. “The main thing that Lucy taught me is to be attentive to people. Be more tolerant. Lucy herself was an extremely trusting person. But over the years I have cultivated a certain caution in myself. I think what I valued most in me was easygoingness,”
Senin and Gurchenko got married only after six years of living together. Sergei was a citizen of Ukraine and in this regard many difficulties arose.
Sergei Senin was with Lyudmila Markovna before last minute her life. He doesn’t remember well the first year after she left. He says friends helped. Despite everything he did for her and for her sake, Senin blames that he did not have time to give much. “Still, I was often very dry with Lyusya, tired of her suspicion towards people, sometimes out of stubbornness I argued, realizing that she was almost always right. And it infuriated me. I regret a lot. But death is such a thing, it happened, and you understand: “Oh, boy, you were late, you didn’t give enough love, attention, you didn’t stroke your broken leg once again...”, Senin said in the same interview with Caravan of Stories.

Judging by the fact that Lyudmila Gurchenko fell in love more than once, love for her is the main source of inspiration.

Lyudmila Gurchenko died at the age of 76 /

Yesterday, March 30, Lyudmila Gurchenko died at the age of 76. Now the names of the six men whom the actress let into her heart will forever go down in the history of show business as the beloved husbands of the icon of Soviet cinema.

First husband Lyudmila Gurchenko was Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of the writer and cousin Georgian directors Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya. They had a daughter, Maria, who gave Lyudmila Gurchenko a granddaughter, Elena. The actress herself recalled her first love with tenderness: “Boris was a beauty. When I saw him in the dining room, the tray fell out of my hands.” But their love passed.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's first husband was Boris Andronikashvili

Second husband Gurchenko became Alexander Fadeev, the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. But, apparently, it was difficult for the actress to get along with the actor. "Two bright temperaments are nuclear bomb"Lyudmila Gurchenko later recalled.

Alexander Fadeev became the second husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Third husband was Joseph Kobzon. The singer did not like to comment on his marriage with Lyudmila Gurchenko. In all interviews, he spoke only about his last wife, Nele. Gurchenko also preferred not to talk about Kobzon, apparently so as not to compromise her popular ex-husband.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's third husband was Joseph Kobzon

Fourth husband became Konstantin Kuperweis. For 18 years, the musician was not only the accompanist of the actress, but also faithful husband. In one of her interviews, Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted: “Konstantin showered me with compliments - that’s what won me over.” But still, their love also ended one day.

The fifth and last husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko was producer Sergei Senin

Fifth and last husband The actress was producer Sergei Senin, whom she met during the filming of the film Sex Fairy Tale based on the book by Vladimir Nabokov. It was this husband who loved Lyudmila Gurchenko before last days her life, she died in his arms

// Photo: Andrey Bashlakov/

Conscious ordinary people she was and remains a people's artist. Yes, bohemia did not favor her, citing the difficult nature of the great prima, her quarrelsomeness and straightforwardness of judgment. Lyudmila Gurchenko responded in kind: she did not know how to live in the middle and her attacks, devoid of any diplomacy, were distinguished by harshness, the ability to wound her opponent at the very vulnerable spot. At times it seemed that her famous “five minutes” would go on forever: the star of Soviet and Russian cinema was always in great shape.

Of course, this circumstance greatly influenced the men who fell into the orbit of her charm. An intelligent, seductive star woman loved without reserve, which sometimes could not be said about those whom she chose with her heart. Today we will talk about the men who played different roles in her fate and, to some extent, determined the course of the life of the brilliant actress.

Relationship with Vasily Ordynsky, one might say, not the first official husband Lyudmila Gurchenko is still shrouded in secrecy. He first saw her at a course at VGIK. And the “freaky” girl from Kharkov fell so deeply into his heart that the already famous director fell madly in love with the young student. The age difference did not bother Vasily Ordynsky at all; it was as if he was experiencing a second youth. His close relationship with Lyusya Gurchenko became known to his circle. And when Ordynsky proposed her for the main role in his film “A Man is Born,” the artistic council “rose to the death” to defend Soviet morality and almost unanimously rejected Gurchenko’s candidacy.

They were together a little more than a year. And which of them was the first to decide to separate has not been clarified. According to rumors that circulated in abundance behind the scenes of the artistic world, Vasily Ordynsky did this, reluctantly and suffering. Perhaps he secretly continued to love Lyudmila Gurchenko and secretly help her in her career.

As soon as the excitement and passions around the young artist had subsided and they began to forget about her affair with Ordynsky, Lyudmila Gurchenko presented the respectable public with a new surprise. She unexpectedly marries a screenwriting student Boris Andronikashvili, whom I met on the course and began a whirlwind romance. Her study friends enviously bit their elbows and never ceased to wonder: how did such a little scruff from Kharkov get a handsome man? And this “little girl” was noticed by Eldar Ryazanov himself and invited her to play the role of Lenochka Krylova in the famous film “Carnival Night”.

Marriage to Andronikashvili did not bring Lyudmila the expected family happiness. Even the born daughter Maria did not hold it together; it collapsed literally before Gurchenko’s eyes. Boris often disappeared from home, his infidelities were reported " best friends» Lyudmila. Figuratively speaking, in the space of her feelings he became foreign body: beautiful – and alien. However, that’s how it was. Having become like Narcissus, Boris reveled in his appearance and love successes, until he suddenly discovered that the unexpected national fame of his wife, the on-screen Lenochka Krylova, greatly hurt his male pride. And so he tried to make up for his missed career chances with petty quibbles, almost insults. The divorce was difficult and was not easy for Lyudmila Gurchenko. For the first time in her life, she realized that sacrificial love in most cases brings only misfortune and suffering.

“...He somehow talentedly knew how to live nearby, being only on his own shore. With incredible willpower, we had to learn to live alone together...,” she later recalled in her book “Lucy, Stop!” Lyudmila Gurchenko.

About the second official husband - Alexandra Fadeev Jr. only one thing could be said: as a spouse, he accidentally “stuck” on life path Lyudmila Gurchenko. And they met rather strangely: in the WTO restaurant - favorite place Moscow bohemia. A short acquaintance was enough for Lyudmila Gurchenko to soon marry him. New chosen one There weren’t enough stars in the sky for an actress (also an actor), the laurels of his father’s glory were enough for him to exist in this world freely and comfortably. And the adopted son of a famous Soviet writer made good use of this. He was a regular at restaurants, and young waitresses adored him for his generous tips. The celebration of life for Alexander lasted from morning to night. And so the question arose: could such a “busy” person become a support in the family, lend a strong man’s shoulder in case of trouble. Gurchenko soon realized her mistake and got divorced. Two years of marriage could be considered an annoying blip in one’s destiny...

Marriage between Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko, by existing Soviet standards, could be considered ideal. Two stars at the peak of their popularity were quite capable of creating an exemplary family with high cultural demands. And it all started romantically for them: a fleeting meeting in the corridor of the All-Union Theater Society predetermined their future relationship. Joseph knew how to care for women, and he found the “key” to the heart star woman. And many fans of the talent of Kobzon and Gurchenko thought that this family marriage would be long and happy. True, they did not suspect that sometimes life under the same roof of two remarkable people results in a war of characters. This happened this time too. Three incomplete years joint marriage went through a painful and constant struggle to be the winner. As a result, Lyudmila Gurchenko showed amazing integrity for a woman and was the first to file for divorce. Apparently, she did not find in Joseph Kobzon the character traits of a man that would fit into the framework of her requests. And the two stars broke up, never to have a close relationship in the future. Lyudmila Gurchenko talks about this marriage in her book “Lucy, stop!” wrote the following lines:

“He so needed a director of his appearance and repertoire nearby. Great opportunities cannot replace taste and style. Those few days in less than three years brought such a puzzle.”

Once in an interview " Rossiyskaya newspaper“Lyudmila Gurchenko sadly admits: “Somehow I haven’t seen very many talented, “special” people who would be in in perfect order. What is happiness in everyday understanding? In the morning you go to your favorite job, and in the evening you return to your beloved family, where they are waiting for you. But I’ve almost never seen anything like this.”

The fourth official husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko was Konstantin Kuperweis- a talented young pianist. They met at a concert during the Moscow Film Festival. And somehow it turned out that they got along quite quickly, despite the difference in character and age difference (Konstantin was 14 years younger than Gurchenko). Moonlit walks through night Moscow, an unforgettable honeymoon in Sevastopol - Lyudmila began her life as if anew, but with the same romantic confidence that she had finally met her destiny. Family marriage lasted about nineteen years. Some said that he was almost a slave to her habits, almost a servant in the family home. However, no one could deny the fact that he was under the spell of this woman, at the mercy of her indomitable will. Everywhere and everywhere Lyudmila Markovna felt his tender care. She could rely on her husband in any matter, because she was completely confident in his love and affection. And for her, it was like a bolt from the blue when Konstantin admitted that he had another woman to whom he wanted to go. For the recognized star, this divorce was a heavy blow. She wrote bitterly in the book “Lucy, Stop!”: “I left marriages. That’s why I especially take my hat off to Kostya. This is an artist. Fine artist. So great to play!”

Sergey Senin– Lyudmila Markovna’s last, fifth husband, whom she met on the set of the film “Sex Tale,” was somewhat similar to her father.

In an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories”, he admitted that, despite the age difference of 25 years, he always called Lyudmila Markovna “daughter”. Sergei Senin noted in this amazing woman the fact that she never searched for men - all her life she was looking only for her father. AND last years she constantly thought about him. For Lyudmila Markovna, her father was the only beloved person on whom she could always rely. Hard time, pour out my sick soul. That’s why she probably reached out with her heart to Sergei Senin, recognizing familiar features in him. He will be with Lyudmila Gurchenko until his last breath, and she will literally die in his arms.

With the passing of life great actress we have lost a symbol of the era, a star who shone with incredible talent. And without her sparkling image, without the famous “five minutes,” many no longer see the world of art.