Tibetan exercises include the famous Eye and Yoga complex for rejuvenation without any harm to health.

Tibetan exercises have long been used to rejuvenate the body are considered one of the most powerful physical and psychological trainings own body and willpower. It is believed that they have an effect on the nineteen vortices of the human body, as well as individual parts of the human body.

Using Tibetan medicine courses everyone can at least partially (in some cases even completely) restore the body's functioning , its energy and tone.

Human energy is known to be destroyed for two reasons: as a result of physical exhaustion and old age.

And according to Tibetan monks, a set of Tibetan exercises help strengthen most of the vortexes of the human body and have a beneficial effect not only on the aura, but also on the general state of health.

The advantages of Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body come down to the fact that they are quite simple (do not require special skills) and effective.

Tibetan medicine explains the occurrence of a number of diseases in humans by several main reasons:

  • A nerve impulse that travels to all cells of the body
  • Blood, bile and other forms of secretion
  • Phlegm and mucus

Tibetan exercises in a short time restore energy balance in the body, unlike Western and Soviet medicine. This is its main advantage.

The exercises themselves for rejuvenation are not particularly difficult; the main thing is to give yourself an initial and firm attitude towards being ready to perform them and to show some kind of moral effort. Without them, performing none of the available exercises will be beneficial.

These exercises were developed by the ancient monks of Tibet, carefully preparing not only a harmless, but also the most useful technique. Their descendants practice the exercises to this day.

Exercise rituals can be performed daily anywhere and at any convenient time - they so technically simple , which do not require the use of heavy sports elements and any special attributes.

One of the main and first types of exercises is considered to be the gymnastics of the five Tibetans, which will take only fifteen minutes of time, but after an effective and long course it will quickly bring the body back to normal.

It is based on breathing exercises and meditation which absolutely everyone can learn.

But nevertheless, if you are new to using Tibetan exercises, then it is better to get involved in the process gradually, since otherwise you can harm the body and not get the desired benefits.

This type of gymnastics should be performed on a mat. designed for yoga.

The exercises must be repeated daily, gradually increasing the speed up to twenty-one times.

If for some reason this turns out to be difficult for you, then it is recommended to perform the exercises up to seven times at first, increasing them towards the middle of the course.

The entire set of Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body consists of four exercises , after the implementation of which it is necessary to complete them energetically, so as not to leave unnecessary and negative energy, getting rid of further consequences of its influence.

Courses on these exercises can be found at any yoga center , in which you can sign up for sessions and classes or even just on the Internet, but before doing them yourself, it is recommended to carefully study and understand the essence of each of them. They are able to strengthen the general condition of the body and its individual parts, such as muscles and the spine, where the circulatory system and its stable operation are concentrated.

At the end of all four exercises you should drink coffee, which will give the desired effect of future rejuvenation. It will be considered the result of youth. In addition to coffee, it is important to have at least half an hour of time to relax the body after regaining energy.

Tibetan exercises developed by monks are the best, safe and powerful way to rejuvenate the body in just a few courses!

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It is no coincidence that they say that movement is life. Physical activity not only strengthens muscles, but also rejuvenates the body. Don't be lazy, doing daily exercises will keep you young and healthy.

A set of exercises to rejuvenate the body

    Start your gymnastics with stretching.

    Then do 12 gentle jumping jacks to stretch your lower body. If your physical fitness allows, do 12 somersaults on the floor to awaken the upper half of your body. If not, lie on your back and elevate your arms and legs. And shake your limbs, while they should be completely relaxed. Do this for about 10 seconds. Next, stand up and begin doing exercises that will stimulate the major lymph nodes of the body.

  1. Tilt your head: forward - backward, left - right, 10 times in each direction.
  2. The next movement is to slowly raise and lower your arms 12 times. Then raise your arms out to your sides, also 12 times.
  3. To stimulate the groin lymph nodes, swing your legs back and forth. The leg should not be straight, it can bend. But the one you are standing on should be kept straight. Repeat with each leg 12 times. Next, do lateral leg swings, also 12 for each. To do this, place your arms to the side, stretch your knee towards the corresponding hand.

    For the next exercise, sit on the floor, clasp your knees with your hands, and round your back. Perform back rolls 12 times.

    Stand up and begin patting your body with your palms, passing over its entire surface. When finished, take a deep breath and exhale.

    Squat down, clasp your knees with your hands. Take 12 deep breaths in and out, actively engaging your diaphragm.

    Next exercise: lie on your back, lift your arms and legs up. Do a bicycle with all limbs for 20 seconds.

    Stand up, place your hands on your waist and slowly bend back. Stand for 10 seconds, then bend down to your feet and clasp them with your hands, rest a little. Repeat 5-6 more times.

    Next exercise: lie on the floor and make a “bridge”, hold for 10 seconds. Then lower yourself to the floor and pull your knees to your chest, “group.” Lie like this for 10 seconds too. Alternate these positions 8 times.

Rejuvenating breathing exercise

  1. Stand up, take a deep breath, sticking out your abdominal muscles as much as possible. As you exhale, sharply squeeze your stomach. Repeat 12 times.

Rejuvenating exercises for the spine

    Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Place your hands on your knees. As you inhale, bend your back, and as you exhale, round your back. The head doesn't move. This movement can be done actively. Continue doing 1-5 minutes. By the end of the exercise, the body warms up.

    Stop, make 3 deep entries, hold your breath for 4 seconds for 10 seconds, trying not to strain your muscles.

  1. Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest. As you inhale, extend your legs straight at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, gather back into a “group.” The movements are active, the neck does not bend. Do 1 min.
  2. Calm your breathing.
  3. Sit with your legs crossed and your hands on your shoulders. Stretch your left elbow towards your right knee, and at this time move your right hand back, touching the floor. Repeat with the other hand. Exercise time: 1 minute.
  4. Remain sitting cross-legged, raise your arms and stretch for a minute.

That's all. Rejuvenating gymnastics is over. Be healthy and young!

Tatiana Gromakovskaya | 10/14/2014 | 2006

Tatyana Gromakovskaya 10/14/2014 2006

Tibetan rejuvenating gymnastics consists of only five simple exercises, but it can work real miracles! How to cope with illnesses and return to a state of youth with the help of ritual actions - Tibetan pearls?

Restoring energy balance

According to Tibetan teachings, in the body of every person there are 19 energy centers in which energy rotates in a certain direction. 7 of them, located in the projection of the spine and head at different levels, are the main ones. The remaining 12 are secondary and are located in the area of ​​the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle joints.

The main energy centers are known as chakras (“chakra” means wheel). Normally, these energy vortexes rotate in a certain direction, at high speed, evenly distributing energy throughout the body. Violation of this process, according to Tibetan teaching, leads to the occurrence of diseases and rapid aging.

In yoga, it is believed that one can cope with illnesses and return to a state of youth by restoring the correct characteristics of energy centers. This is why there are 5 Tibetan pearls, or, more correctly, 5 ritual actions.

Initial position: standing, with arms spread to the sides. We rotate around our axis clockwise (from left to right). During the pause, we place our hands on our waists, observe our condition, and monitor the uniformity of our breathing.

Initial position: lying on the floor, hands with fingers tightly clenched along the body. With an inhalation, we slowly raise our head, pressing our chin to our chest, and our legs. We try not to bend our knees and not lift our pelvis off the floor. Breathing control is mandatory; each movement corresponds to its own phase of the respiratory cycle. Exhale and slowly lower your head and legs. The effect of practice depends on the depth of breathing.

Initial position: kneeling, toes resting on the floor, knees hip-width apart, hands under the buttocks, chin pressed to the chest. Inhaling, we move our head back and up, opening our chest and arching our spine. Exhaling, we return to the original state, pressing our chin to our chest.

Initial position: emphasis with support on the palms and toes, bending over. With an exhalation, we strengthen the deflection, pull the head back and up, while opening the chest. With an inhalation, we lift the pelvis up (downward-facing dog position), we try to keep our legs straight, straight arms and torso are in the same plane.

Initial position: sitting on the floor with legs extended forward, legs slightly apart (shoulder width apart), spine straight, hands on the floor near the buttocks, fingers closed, chin pressed to the chest. With an inhalation, we throw back our head, raise our torso to a horizontal position, our arms and shins are positioned vertically (as in the first photo). We strongly strain the whole body for a few seconds, and exhale, returning to the starting position.

What to consider when practicing Tibetan gymnastics?

  • Perform the exercises strictly in the given order.
  • Breathing should be rhythmic; take pauses between ritual actions, while maintaining the rhythm of breathing.
  • Exercise on an empty stomach.
  • After doing the exercises, do not take cold water procedures for at least an hour, as this will disrupt the movement of energy in the body and may lead to the opposite effect.
  • The total number of repetitions of each exercise is 21 times, but it is better to start with 3 repetitions, increasing the frequency of ritual actions by 2 per week.
  • It is advisable to do this gymnastics in the morning, after waking up, you can add a second time at sunset.
  • To achieve the effect, you need to do the exercises daily, skipping maybe once a week.

There is a very interesting legend about an ancient monastery, lost somewhere in Tibet, whose monks knew the secret of eternal youth and longevity. Despite the fairytale aura around this story, it is not without some authenticity. In fact, there are 5 exercises of Tibetan monks who supposedly lived in this monastery, and they have already managed to collect a huge number of the most positive and grateful reviews. According to them, this unique gymnastics, which is called the “eye of rebirth,” improves health, treats a wide variety of diseases, and most importantly, prolongs life and rejuvenates the body. What is the basis for the healing power of these Tibetan exercises on the human body?

“Whirlwinds” and “chakras” of Tibetan gymnastics

For all those who doubt the magical rejuvenating power that the “eye of rebirth” gymnastics possesses, there is a completely logical explanation for this miracle. Moreover, it comes from the same Tibet. Local lamas stated the following postulates about the human body, which form the basis of rejuvenating exercises.

1. Each person has 7 energy centers within himself, which are called either “vortexes” or “chakras”. They are powerful energy fields invisible to the eye.

2. Each of the 7 chakras concentrates on a specific endocrine gland and promotes the production of hormones that regulate body functions, including aging.

3. The 1st chakra (lower) is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive glands.

4. The 2nd is concentrated on the work of the pancreas, in the abdominal cavity.

5. 3rd controls the functioning of the adrenal gland in the solar plexus area.

6. The 4th ensures the smooth functioning of the thymus gland (thymus) in the chest and in the area of ​​the heart.

7. The 5th is focused on the thyroid gland in the cervical region.

8. 6th - on the pineal gland in the posterior parts of the brain.

9. The 7th (highest chakra) is centered on the pituitary gland at the front of the brain.

10. In a healthy body, as the Tibetan “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics states, each of these chakras rotates at high speed, thereby allowing vital energy to be carried upward through the endocrine system.

11. As soon as one or several chakras at once fade, their speed decreases, the flow of vital energy weakens, which provokes rapid aging and deterioration of health.

12. Accordingly, the surest and fastest way to restore health, youth, and vitality is to make the vortices rotate again at maximum speed. To achieve this goal, the gymnastics of Tibetan lamas offers 5 exercises, which the monks themselves call rituals or ceremonies.

Even a single exercise from this unique complex is very useful for healing and rejuvenating the body. If you do them all together regularly, their effectiveness will increase several times. If you want to understand more deeply the effect of this unique gymnastics on the human body, you can find the book “The Ancient Fountain of Youth”, authored by Peter Kelder: “the eye of rebirth” owes its popularity to this literary and scientific masterpiece. What kind of exercises are recommended to perform in order to always remain young and beautiful?

Tibetan exercises: technique of execution

Study the rituals that the “eye of rebirth” gymnastics offers for daily performance: the exercises are quite simple, so anyone can master them.

First exercise

1. Stand up straight, extend your arms horizontally.

2. Rotate from left to right (in the direction of movement of the clock hands) until you feel dizzy. For the first time, 3-4 rotations are enough. When performing this exercise regularly, the number of revolutions around its axis should be increased to 21.

3. If, when dizziness sets in, you want to sit down or lie down, be sure to do so.

4. To prevent your head from spinning for as long as possible, before performing this exercise, focus your gaze on a specific point in front of you. As soon as you start spinning, try to keep your gaze on her for as long as possible. If you lost it, immediately turn your head and try to find it again.

5. Tibetan lamas believed that this exercise should not be carried out to the point of fanaticism: the maximum number of rotations that can be done is 21, but even then only if you are physically well prepared. For an ordinary person, 12-15 rotations will be enough to activate the chakras.

Second exercise

1. Lie on your back, face up. This exercise is best performed on a thick mat or some kind of padded bedding.

2. Lying straight on your back, extend your arms along your body, placing your palms on the floor with your fingers closed.

3. Raise your head off the floor, pressing your chin to your chest.

4. Having done this, raise your legs, without bending, to a vertical position.

5. If physical fitness allows, raise your legs to your head above your body, but continue not to bend them at the knees. If it is not possible to keep your legs in a strictly straight vertical position, you can bend them as much as necessary. However, the next time you perform the exercise, you should try to straighten them as much as possible.

6. Slowly lower your head.

7. Also slowly lower your legs, without bending your knees, to the floor.

8. Relax all muscles.

9. Repeat the exercise.

10. Monitor your breathing rhythm each time: inhale deeply when raising your legs and head, exhale completely when lowering your legs and head. Between repetitions, while relaxing the muscles, monitor your breathing without losing the rhythm. The deeper the breath, the better.

Third exercise

1. Get on your knees and straighten your body.

2. Place your hands on your hips.

3. Bend your head and neck forward, pressing your chin to your chest.

4. Throw your head back as much as possible, while at the same time leaning back, bending your spine. In this case, you need to lean on your hands on your hips.

5. Return to the original position and start the exercise again.

6. Monitor the rhythm of breathing: arching your back, take a deep breath. When returning to a straight position, exhale. Deep breathing is the most beneficial, so you need to take in as much air as possible into your lungs.

Fourth exercise

1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, spreading them 30.5 cm.

2. The torso should be straight, place your hands with your palms on the floor along your body.

3. Press your chin to your chest.

4. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

5. Raise your body so that your knees are bent and your arms remain straight; your torso should be in a straight line with your hips, horizontal to the floor.

6. Arms and legs below the knees are lowered perpendicular to the floor.

8. When returning to the starting position while sitting, relax the muscles.

9. Rest before repeating the exercise.

10. Monitor your breathing: when lifting your torso, take a deep breath. When muscles tense, hold your breath. As you lower, exhale completely. During rest, continue breathing at the same rhythm.

Fifth exercise

1. Turn your face down towards the floor.

2. The torso is supported by the arms, palms resting on the floor, fingertips bent.

3. Arms and legs are straight, at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

4. The back is lowered so that the torso is in a bent position.

5. Tilt your head back as far as possible.

6. Arching your lower back, place your body in the opposite position of the letter “V”.

7. Press your chin to your chest.

8. Return to starting position.

9. You should try to lower yourself from the top position to a point almost touching the floor. Tighten your muscles both in the extreme upper and extreme lower positions.

10. Follow the same deep breathing as in the previous exercises. Raising your torso, take a deep breath, lowering it, exhale completely.

These are the 5 exercises the gymnastics of Tibetan monks offers: with a certain complexity and specificity, they are designed to heal and rejuvenate the body. If the technique seems incomprehensible to someone, you can watch a special video “Eye of Revival 5 exercises video”, in which trained people clearly demonstrate their implementation. Conquers a large number of positive reviews about this unique system. Having become familiar with it in theoretical terms, many want to implement it in practice. For it to be as effective as possible, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.

It must be borne in mind that the gymnastics of Tibetan lamas requires endurance, endurance and regularity. If you approach its implementation with full responsibility, the results will not take long to arrive.

1. At first, each exercise should be repeated only three times. Each subsequent week the number doubles and eventually reaches 21.

2. Exercises can be performed in the morning or evening, at any convenient time. The load can be varied. For example, in the morning do the full number of repetitions (21 times), in the evening - 3-6, gradually increasing the norm until the number 21 is reached in the evening. Morning gymnastics of Tibetan lamas after waking up, literally at dawn, gives especially good results.

3. The five exercises work in concert with each other. They are all equally important. However, under no circumstances should you overexert yourself. You need to gain strength gradually.

4. Does the “eye of rebirth” work only in combination: 5 exercises are so strong that even if one of them is excluded, then with regular performance of the full number of the other 4 exercises, excellent results will be achieved.

Those women who aim to live a long and happy life, remaining young and beautiful until old age, should definitely try this wonderful Tibetan gymnastics, which opens the chakras of the body. To resolve controversial issues and gain more confidence, be sure to watch the “Eye of Revival” video, which details the history and basic principles of gymnastics that came down to us from Tibet.

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Hello, dear ones. Do you want to live long and stay in good health, and do you want to know the secrets of active longevity? But without effort, just like that, a long, healthy life is not given. Then exercises for longevity and health will be just right for you. In this article you will find not one, but three long-lived gymnastics - Chinese, Tibetan and Taoist.

Chinese breathing exercises

The first secret of longevity from Chinese centenarians is breathing exercises - simple and easy to perform. You will now see this for yourself. An important component of Chinese life is breathing exercises.

Do 3 exercises to feel energized and energized. It is also useful for weight loss.

1. "Wave"

Removes the feeling of hunger. Can be performed sitting or lying down.

Execution: when inhaling, pull in your stomach, raise your chest, hold your breath for five seconds. As you exhale, stick your stomach out and lower your chest. Take 50 breaths in one approach.

2. "Lotus"

Eliminates fatigue, normalizes metabolism. Take the “sitting Buddha” pose or sitting on a chair without leaning on its back.

Breathe slowly for the first 5 minutes. Then breathe for 5 minutes as you always do. Then, for 10 minutes, breathe as always, clear your thoughts of negativity. Can be done three times a day.

3. "Frog"

Sit on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your elbows on your knees. The left hand is clenched into a fist, the right hand clasps it, the head rests on the fist.

Relax, close your eyes, clear your mind. As you inhale, tighten your abs, and as you exhale, relax your abs. Do it for 15 minutes, maybe three times a day.

Contraindications: , period after surgery, internal bleeding.


  • there is a massage of internal organs,
  • blood circulation improves,
  • metabolism improves,
  • excellent complexion appears,
  • vigor comes, a surge of strength.

Tibetan monks charging

Amazing transformations happen to a person when he performs Tibetan gymnastics for just 5 minutes every day. It is also called hormonal, as it helps to keep our endocrine glands in a young state, at about 25-30 years of age. It is best to do it early, at 5 or 6 am.

  1. Rubbing hands. When you wake up, rub your hands for 10 seconds to get them hot. Please note - if the palms become hot and dry, then the body has good energy. If your palms are warm, then your biofield is reduced. If the palms are wet and cold, then the body suffers serious problems. This complex will help you “escape” from many ailments.
  2. Ear work. Press your palms on your ears, fingers on the back of your head, make 30 massaging movements. Don't stop the massage even if you feel pain. Prolonged ear inflammations will go away and your hearing will improve. In 6 months of practice you will get rid of all ear diseases.
  3. Forehead massage. Place your left palm on your right palm, then place both on your forehead, start rubbing your forehead from temple to temple 30 times too. This technique will improve the health of the nasal sinuses and improve the functioning of the pituitary gland.
  4. Palming. Place hot palms on your eyes, press on the “apples”: 1 second - one movement, but you need to do 30 pressures. Then hold your palms for another 30 seconds, and if your vision is poor, then 2 minutes. You will see your vision begin to improve.
  5. Facelift. Make a fist, place your thumb behind your ear, and forcefully move your fists 30 times from your chin to your ears.
  6. Crown massage. We put a cushion under the neck, make a ring from our hands so that the right hand is below, the left is above. Without touching the head, we make 30 movements with an arch from our hands: from the forehead to the back of the head, “hover” over the crown of the head, “flutter” 30 times from ear to ear. This exercise will normalize the pressure, make the shoulder joints mobile, and relieve shoulder pain.
  7. Thyroid massage. The right hand is placed on the thyroid gland, the left hand on it. Without touching the gland, we draw from it to the navel thirty times, at a distance of 5 cm from the body. For the 30th time we place both hands on the stomach.
  8. Abdominal massage. We make 30 circular movements across the abdomen. With the help of massage, intestinal activity is normalized and chronic constipation disappears.
  9. Shaking. Raise your arms and legs up, palms and feet parallel to the floor. We rotate our hands at the wrists and our legs at the feet, then shake so that the blood flows better through the capillaries. We count to 30, or more.
  10. Foot rubbing. We rub one foot first, then the other. If you find a painful point on your feet, massage it longer. Pay special attention to the center of the foot.

By doing this health-improving exercise, you will add 20 years to your life. After the complex, drink a glass of warm water to wash the intestinal walls. It can be called exercise for the lazy, because there is no special voltage here.

Thank the Higher Powers for the Grace that came to you in the form of this complex!

Taoist gymnastics for regaining youth

Do you want to be active and young? Then start doing exercises for active people who have noticed a weakening of sexual desire - and this can happen in the prime of life, that is, at 35-40 years old. If you notice fading, then Taoist gymnastics, developed by the masters of the East, will help you.

One of its creators claims that even after 2 weeks of regular exercise, sexual disorders, heart disease, joints, and spine will go away.

1. Exercise “return of spring”

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take your mind off all thoughts.

Start inhaling through your nose, while rising on your heels and straightening your chest. In the future, you can breathe through both your nose and mouth.

When you inhale, the lower abdomen begins to protrude to allow more air to be inhaled. As you exhale, pull your stomach in, bend your knees, and lower yourself onto your heels. Must be done 16 times.

2. Shaking

If you can, hold your breath for one minute. Then shake your whole body.

Relax, keeping your knees slightly bent. Then start shaking your whole body, increasing the amplitude of vibrations (all parts of the body should shake, even the teeth).

When shaking, bend your fingers slightly and stretch them until you feel slightly exhausted. Shaking is carried out for 1 minute. During this time, a person makes approximately 146 vibrations.

3. Shoulder rotation

Bend your knees slightly, relax your muscles, open your mouth slightly. The arms are freely lowered. Next, make circular movements with your left shoulder: first forward, then up, back and down, and with your right shoulder you do the same, only in the other direction: first back, down, then forward and up, your arms are also involved in rotation.